The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 05, 1925, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Nehawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for th Journal Readers.
and is some twenty-five per cent
above that of the corresponding
George Trotter Avas a visitor in to return to her home in the north
flmnhn Inst Tuesday taklne with him west earlv this week.
two fme head of cattle for James Last Monday William onernane montn m rcmareea jranit.r.
Chappell. departed for Wabash where he will i Sheldon, proprietor of the Frank V.
John O. Yeiser of Omaha and the visit for a short time and them go j Sheldon stores of Nehawka, when in
familv were visiting in Nehawka for to Omaha where he will spend a conversation with the representative
over "the week end are Mrs. Yeiser short time looking after some busi- of this paper this week. Mr. Sheldon
and the son remained for a longer ness matters as well as visiting with has the forces which operated this
visit. friends., Following this he will go mercantile enterprise organized for
George Tate was a business visitor ' to Sioux City where he will vi?it efficiency in service and as he handles
in Omaha last Monday making the with relatives for a short time and but the best of goods and with the
trip via the Missouri Pacific train then proceed on to to Duluth where increases on the prices of farm pro
und was after some business matters he will spend a few days visiting ducts there should be a better and
while there. I with relatives and from there will more healthy feeling in commercial
I... J. Austin who is working with '
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, accord
ing to the publishedtand record
ed plat thereof -
i The same being - levied upon and
Paul taken as the property of Jacob P.
Falter, Mary Falter, Philip Fornoff,
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Henry Ofe, Plaintiff, vs.
Nuckolls et al, Defendants.
To the Defendants, Paul NucRolls; Merchants National Eank of Omaha,
Mrs. Taul Nuckolls, real name un- Nebraska, a corporation, Isabel
known; Rupert Nuckclls; Mrs. Ru- wiles, Teresa Ilempel, Rosina Tim
pert Nuckolls, real name unknown; ! mis ct al, Defendants, to satisfy a
Bruce Johnson Nuckoll3; Mrs. Bruce Decree and Judgment of said Court
John Nuckoll, real name unknown; recovered by The Plattsmouth Loan
William Ezra Nuckolls; Mrs. William and Building Association, Plaintiff
Ezra Nuckoll3, real name unknown; against said Defendants.
Joseph T. Griffith; Mrs. Joseph T. , plattsmouth, Nebraska, January
Griffith, real name unknown; Josepii 31st, A. D. 1925.
H. Brown; Mrs. Joseph H. Brown,. B. P. STEWART,
real name unknown; Adam Cook; Mra j Sheriff Cass County,
Adam Cook( real inme unknown;! Nebraska.
Philip Seidenstrieker; Mrs. Philip JOHN M. LEY DA,
Thoznas Fulton in the blacksmith
shop had the misfortune to take hold
of a hot wagon tire and burned his
hand very badly.
Bert Willis was a visitor nt the
home of his parents, Robert Willis
and wife, at the farm southwest of
Union last Sunday where he enjoyed
the visit very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Lemon
were enjoying a very delightful time
last Sunday at the home of their
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln
Creamer, where they also took of-r
an excellent dinner.
M. R. Richardson of the Lincoln
Telephone and Telegraph company
was in Nehawka last Monday after
noon looking after some charges in
the lines of the company and some
work also about the office.
C. G. McCarthy shipped a car load
of cattle to the South Omaha market
last Monday and Mr. J. M. Palmer
also shipped a car load of hogs to
the some market making1' two cars
of stock from Nehawka in one day.
John O. Yeiser sold during the
prrt week a number of fine r::dios
to parties about Nehawka. William
O-t received an excellent machine
which will reach out and get them
all and toll the world besides, while
Fred Nutzman and Carl Bnlfour each
took a super heterdyne and all are
pleased with the work which their
machines are doing.
Mrs. Edgar Glaze, who has been
so sick at the hospital at Nebraska
City, for some time, and who has
been attended by her mother, Mrs.
Ed Sheehan. of Crawford, was able
to be removed to her home in Nebras
ka City last week and is so much
improved that the mother was able
return home and will expect to be circles. The year snouiu snow muta
away from ten days to two weeks. ; more health in business and this will
i uo doubt be reflected in every branch
of industry, the farm included.
Played at Otoe Friday
The two teams
players of the Nehaw
to Otoe in Otce cou
evening where the yencountered the
teams of that school in which they
were most spirited in their playing.
The game wss watched with the
greatest of interest by those who
went from Nehawka as well as the
natives of the Otoe county vuiage.
While 'the girls of Nehawka have
held an enviable record, of not be
ing defeated this season they went
Tnwn before the onslaught of the
girls from the Indian town,
results of the games were:
teams. Nehawka. 19, Otoe 22;
teams, Otoe 14 Nehawka 11.
of basketball)
ka schools went HE $711 PIT CHPO
nty last Friday btAii! U! rlMMlM
Seidenstricker.'real name unknown; :
the heirs, devisees, legatees, person-j
al representatives and all other per-,
sons interested in the estates of Paul
Nuckolls: Mrs. Taul Nuckolls, real
Solicitor for Plaintiff.
name unknown; Rupert Nuckolls; t an(j white Wyandotte cockerals.
Mrs. Rupert Nuckolls, real name un-j 50 eacu ,
known; William Ezra Nuckolls; ' B.'nd
Julius Reinke,
Bring in Your Re
pair W ork
J, will give- i ibe-rro?t -careful
attention, the bst of materials
and careful auto repairing.
"The Best of Service'
Oar Motto
Bert Willis
Nehawka -:- Nebraska
We Are Hoping for Oil.
That is a fact and it is looking
quite favorable at that, as Mr.
O'Hara has the matter in hand at
this time and is untrammeled by
other companies and is putting every
effort forward to make the proper
arrangements for the sinking of a
hole for the purpose. He was a
passenger to Lincoln last Monday
afternoon where he had some busi
ness matters to look after pertaining
to the arranging of matters for the
final eonsumation of the desire of
both himself and every citizen of
Nehawka and vicinity that they may
get oil.
Mrs. Fred Paap Dies.
Mrs. Fred Paap. of Oklahoma City,
where she has lived but for a few
years, and who formerly resided at
Otoe, where they made their home
for many years died a few days since
in the south and the remains were
shinned to Otoe for Interment, the
funeral being held on Thursday of
this week. Many from Nehawka and
vicinity were in attendance at the
funeral. Mrs. Paap, who was former
ly Miss Carolina Sturm, came to Ne
hawka or the vicinity where later
.the tovtn was established in 1S5S,
vhile living here she was united in
iir.rringe with . Fredrich Paap. the
jusband proceeding the wife to the
tvUier world about nine years. Mrs.
P;tap leaves, a sister in Nehawka.
MrY Henry Behrnes, and a niece,
MrsS, J. G. Wunderlich, two nephews,
Henry and A. F. Sturm, all of whom
were in (.attendance at the funeral.
His. Fred Faap Dies at Oklahcr.ia
City Saturday Faneral at
Otoe This xlfternoon.
Year 0pen3 Well.
With trie beginnig of the new
year business has shown a very de
cided increase and a good healthy
growth over that of former years
( x
"to o of WtA
The news was received in Ne
hawka Sunday of the death of Mrs.
Fred Paap, an old time resident of
the vicrnity of Nehawka and also of
Ou)0, after an illness of some dura
tion. Mrs. Paap was formerly Miss Car
oline Sturm and came to Nehawka
with her parents in the year 1S5S
and the family resided in that local
ity for a great many years. After
her marriage to Mr. Paap, the de
ceased removed to Otoe where for a
number cf years they engaged ia
farming in that locality. Three
years ago they departed for Okla
homa City where the family h.s
r.ince resided.
The body of Mrs. Paap was brot
back to Otoe yesterday and the fu
neral cervices held there this after
noon amid the scenes that the de
parted lady had known so well in her
Woman loves a clear, rosy com
plexion. Burdock Blood Bitters is
splendid for purifying the blood,
elenring the skin, restoring sound
digestion. All druggists sell it. Price,
a moo
For those chilly days that appear unexpectedly after
Spring is well advanced cr perhaps it is a separate
skirt you want to wear with that new sweater or
"Siicot55 ApparsS Fabrics
they are called, because they are a combination cf
silk and cotton. Dainty serviceable frocks may be
made of this material, which comes in all the new
shades and designs. Children's clothes are particu
larly well chosen cf.this fabric, which has "silk fcr
lustre and cottcn for wear."
In the district court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska. r
..August Wendt,--plair-tiff,. vs. Her
man C. F. Kupke, George J. E. Kup
ke, Christian W. A. Kupke, Louise
E. M. Kupke, "Emilia ' A. K. Kupke,
a minor over the age of fourteen
years; August J. H. Kupke, a minor
over the age of fourteen years; Wal
ter L. C. Kupke, a minor over the
age of fourteen years, defendants.
To Herman C. F. Kupke, adminis
trator of the estate of Fred A. Kupke
and the heirs-at-law in said estate,
namely Herman C. F. Kupke, George
J. E. Kupke, Christian W. A. Kupke.
Louise E. M. Kupke, Emilia A. K.
Kupke, a minor over the age of four
teen years; August J. H. Kupke, a
minor over the age of fourteen
years; Walter L. C. Kupke, a minor
over the age of fourteen years:
You are hereby notified that, on
the 2nd day of February. 1925,
August Wendt filed bis petition in
the district court of Cass county, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of
which is to obtain a decree authoriz
ing and directing Herman C. F.
Kupke, administrator of said estate,
to execute and deliver to him a deed
containing full covenants of war
ranty, to the followed described real
estate, to-wit:
The west one-half (Wife) of
the southwest Quarter (SW'4)
of Section thirteen (121 In
Township eleven (11), Icansre
ten (10), east of the sixth prin
. cipal meridian, Cass county,
in exchange for other land and a
money consideration in pr.rsuance to
the terms of a certain written con
tract between the said Fred A. Kup
ke and August Wendt.
The said petition will be heard at
chambers at the court house in the
city of Plattsmouth in said countv
on the 9th day of March, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m.
It is further ordered that notice of
pendency of this petition of the time
end place fixed for the hearing
thereon, be given by publication for
three successive weeks in tlie Platts
mouth Semi-Weekly Journal, a news
paper published in thi state, dated
this 3rd day of Februarv. 1925.
District Judge.
Mrs. J. D. Ilawksworth and little
daughter, Betty Jo, of Osmond, Ne-t.rfici-!i
win were here visiting at
Mrs. William Ezra Nuckolls, real
nrme unknown; Bruce Johnson Nuc
kolls; Mrs. Bruce Johnon Nuckolls,
real name unknown; Joseph T. Grif
fith; Mrs. Joseph T. Orinitn, real , i,or,1P. nf Mr -and Mrs. Allen J.
name unknown; Aaam uook, iur. fiflv-rted Monday for Los
dam Cook, real name unknown; j . " tpL Cailfoimia. where they will
Stephen F. Nuckolls; Philip Seiden- vigit yt th(J homc of Mr an;1 Mrs.
struker, and Mrs. Philip Seiden-.-. Wavbrisht and with Mis3
lie oujfii iiim yiay-
obtain a Decree of
le title in him, in
king described real
Strieker, real name unknown, each
deceased, real names unknown, and j
all persons having or claiming any
interest in the south half (SMs) or
Lots one ( 1 ) and tw
thirteen (13), in the
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, real
names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the plaintiff Henry Ofe,
died his petition in the District Court
of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 6th
day of October, 1924, against you
and each of you, the object and pray
er of which is to
Court quieting the
nnd to the following
estate, to-wit:
The south half (S) of Lots
one (1) and two (2), in Block
thirteen (13), in the City of
Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Ne
braska against you and each of you, and for
such other and further relief as may
be just and equitable.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 16th day of March, 1925,
or the allegations of plaintiff's peti
tion will be taken as true and a de
cree will be rendered in favor of
plaintiff and against you and each of
you according to the prayer of said
Dated this 29th day of January,
Virginia Beeson.
By A. L. TIDD,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale issu
ed by Clarence L. Beal, Clerk of the
District Court, within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 7th day of March,
A. D. 1925, at ten o'clock a. m., of
said day, at the south front door of
the court house in the City of Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate,
Lots five (5) and six (6), in
Block nine (9), in Young &
Hays' Addition to the City of
Where Customers Feil at Home
Phone No. 14
Nehawka, Nebr.
i'T'H"m';l-'J '-L-gI
Established 1888
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the county conrt.
In the matter of the estate"
Henry HilbcTtr deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that t
jwill sit at the county ccurt room in
(Plattsmouth in said county, on
v and June 10th,
19-5, at 9 o'clock a. m. of each day
to receive and examine all claims
against , said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
tiv.-e limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 9th dav of March
A. D. 1925, and the time limited for
payment 6f debts is one vear from
said 9th day of March, 1925 :
Witness my hand ami the seal of
said County Court, this 2nd day of
February, 1925. Y
' . A. II. DUXBURY. .
iTTaJ,U County Judge.-
'Atty. for Estate. r -,
The undersignued will sell at Pub
lic Auction . at the C. E. Metzger
farm, a quarter mile east of Cedar
Creek, on
Friday, Febr. 13th
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., with
lunch served at noon, the following
described property:
Sixty Head cf Cattle
including eight good milk cows.
Sixteen Head of Ecrses
One team sorrel geldings, S years
old, weight 3,000; one team black
mares, S years old, wt. 2,500; one
team black mares, 9 years old, wt.
2,800; one team black mares, 9 years
old, wt. 2,550; one team blacks, 6
years old, wt. 2,900; one team dap
ple gray mares, 5 years old, wt. 2,200;
one team bay geldings, 8 years old,
wt. 2.S00; one mule, 4 years old, wt.
1,0 00; one bay saddle horse, weight
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Two box wagons; two truck wag
ons; one 3-row staiK cutter; tnree
discs; one gang plow; one walking
plow; one I & O wide tread lister;
one walking lister comDine; one v
& O 2-row machine; one 2-row Bay
ler cultivator with go-devil attach
ment; one John Deere 2-row mach-
inoe; one 3-section harrow; one fan
ning mill; three walking cultivators;
one McCormick binder, 8-foot; one
McCormick binder, 7-foot; one Mc
Cormick. corn binder; two McCormick
mowers; one McCormick hay rake;
one bay rack; one King & Hamilton
all-stel corn elevator, 32-ft. ; one
sweep' grinder; one small power
grinder; one buggy; six sets of har
ness; two steel water tanks; one 4
h. p. Cushman engine; one I-H-C 3
h. p. gas engine; six dozen chickens
and a great many other articles too
numerous to mention.
Terms of- Sale
All sums under ?10, casn. ' On
sums over 510 a credit of six months
will be given, purchaser, giving bank
able note bearing eight per cent in
terest from date. Property must be
settled for before taken from the
premises. .
C. E. Metzger end -I.
C. Likewise,
REX YOUNG. Auctioneer.
Having sold my farm, I will eell
at public auction, 2 miles north and
li mile east of Wabash, 1 mile south
and 1 U miles east of Murdock and
4 miles west of Manley on
Wednesday. Feb. 11
the following described property:
126 Head of Live Stock
One team sorrels, smooth mouth,
weight 2,53 0 pounds; one bay mare,
5 years old, with foal, weight 1,470
pounds; one bay gelding, 4 years old,
weight 1,250 pounds; one black
mare, coming 3 years old, weight
1,125 pounds; one bay mare coming
3 years old, weight 1,140 pounds;
one bay mare, smooth mouth, weight
1,475 pounds; ono bay mule coming
4 years old, weight 900 pounds; one
black mule coming 3 years old,
weight 300 pounds; two riding po
nies, smooth mouth; one bay gelding
coming 2 years old; one bay gelding
coming 2 years old; one bay mare
coming 2 years old; two yearling
colts; seven head of milk cows giv
ing milk; eight steers coming 2 years
old; eight yearling steers; six year
ling heifere; three heifers will be
fresh soon; one black Galloway bull
coming 3 years old; one Red Poll
bull coming 2 years old; one Holetein
cow; eight calves; ten thoroughbred
Spotted Poland China brood sows:
5C thoroughbred Spotted Poland
China shoats; one thoroughbred
Spotted Poland China boar.
Farm Machinery, Etc.
One 7-foot John Deere binder, good
as new; one New Century riding
cultivator; one 14-inch LaCrosse
gang plow; ono 12-tnch John Deere
gang plow; one 12-inch LaCrosse
gang plow; one Janesville 2-row ma
chine; one Advance grass mower;
one McCormick grass mower; one F.
G. Mandt wagon; one old wagon with
box; one automobile wagon; one
Hayes planter and SO rods of wire;
fifteen cedar posts; one 2-hole shell
er; one corn stalk cutter; one Ster
ling hay loader; one Emerson side
delivery rake; onq self-feeder for
cattle; one chicken self-feeder; two
feed grinders; one fanning mill; one
top buggy, one carriage; one set of
hay slings; one dump rake; one cut
ter; two feed funks; one hay rack
and truck; one hay rack; one steel
tank; one pump Jack; one 1-horse
corn drill; one Metz engine; one
2-h. p. Rock Island gas engine;
one Meadow 40-foot corn elevator;
two 3-section harrows; one Litch
feld manure spreader, good as new;
one Bud Long disc; two Avery culti
vators; one dipping tank; one Gallo
way cream separator; one hog oiler;
one cider press; one Sandwich hay
loader; one 34 0-egg Queen incubat
or; one cream and milk tester; two
50-gallcr. oil barrels; one 30-gal!on
oil barrel; three hog troughs: oak
doubletrees, 3. 4, 6, and S feet long;
oaic wagon tongues; oak wagon
reaches; pome barbed wire: 100
hedge poets; 27 oak posts; one cook
stove; one base burner; one bellows;
one vise; one power grindstone; one
l-noie nand corn sheller: three sets
of work harness.- with hrppchine--
one l'2 harness; five steel chicken
coops; one Bradley lister; one mov
able hog chute. Some household
goods and other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Sale starts at 10 oV
Free lunch at noon. Bring your tin
Terms of Sale
All sums" under $10. cah. On
sums over $10 a credit of six months
win ua given, purchaser sriviner bank
able note bearing eight per cent in
terest from date. Prcnrrtv must h
settled for before tn
. P. Defining & Sons,
and GUTHRIE. Auctioneers.
HENRY TOOL and SON, Clerks.
Tiie Gasoline Tax!
How It will Affect Your Pocketbook
Out of 300,000 cars in Nebraska, it is reas
onable to expect that one-third of them will
travel ten miles per day.
100,000 cars travel 10 miles each in one day, total 1,000,000 miles
Average miles traveled per gallon iq
Total gallons gasoline :equired for one day 62.500
Average cost of gaoline, per gallon. 14.4c
Total cost of gas for 1,000,000 miles 9000.00
Tax at 2c per gallon l',25o!oO
Total per day $10,250.00
Equip These 100,000 Cars with
5tS S0
"."rrvr- i
Average miles per gallon is increased to 20
Total gallons gasoline required is reduced to 50,000
Total cost of gasoline is reduced to . $ 7,200.00
Tax at 2c per gallon is reduced to 1.000.00
Total per day $ 8,200.00
Saving of gasoline cost per day $ 2,050.00
In 365 Days Saving is $743,250.00
The saving on oil and carbon cleaning will
easily amount to as much more.
Let Us Equip Yosr Car with this Marvelous
Unit cf Efficiency,
' c io err p ', tan
337 Main Street
Service Station
PHONE 168 PlattMnonth, Neb.
From Monday's aJly
Word has reached this city of the
death on January 27th ( at Los An
geles, of Benjamin Elsou, Ions a fa
miliar figure in Plattsmouth, where
he resided for some twenty-four
years. The message did not give any
of the particulars of the death of the
aged man and former citizen here.
Mrs. Elsbn preceded her husband in
death some two years ago.
The deceased came from Hicksville,
Ohio, in the early eighties and he
engaged in the clothing business here
up to the time of the removal of the
family 1q the .west coast some eigh
teen1 vents go. He is survived by
one son rnd one daughter.
The old friends, will . rfgrct very
much to learn of the death of this
old time citizen and tender to the
bereaved family their sympathy.
Eczema tpret.ds rapidly; itching
almost drives you mad. For quick
relief, Doan's Ointment is well recom
mended. 60c at all stores.
fl ia
8 m i El (t$i
r 9 . Eg f 1 U
I iM i
.it i c b
Joe J. Stibal, DCBC
Phone No. 3 Schmidtmann Bldg.
I will sell at farm 5 miles north and one and
one-half miles east of Weeping Water, on
Thursday, February 1 2th
Sale to start at 11 o'clock a. m.
Nine Head Hcrses and Mules ,
One bay mare, 9 years old. vt.- 1200; one gelding, 9 years old, wt.
1,200; one bay mare 10 years old, wt. 1,300; one roan mare, 9 years
old, wt. 1,300; one team, 9 years old, wt. 2,900; one team, wt.
2.S00; one yearling mare mule.
Eight Head of Cattle
One milk cow, with calf soon; one milk cow, calf at side; one 2-year-old
heifer, fresh soon; one white cow, with calf at eide; one
Polled Durham registered bull; thre3 roan bull calves.
Farm Machinery, Etc.
One McCormick corn husker; one Mitchell lumber wagon; one New
Century riding cultivator one New Sterling hay loader; one 7
foot McCormick binder; one Sandwich corn sheller; one 16-inch
sulky Slow; one 12-inch gang plow; one broadcast seeder, grass
attachment; one Western Bell lister; one Sterling stalk cutter; one
1- horse Hoosier drill; one New Deere 2-row machine; one Emerson
2- row machine: one 50-g-allou steel gas tank; one 50-gallon galva
nized gas tank; one cable hay stacker and fork; one .New De
Darture cultivator: one 3-section harrow; one sod plow; one Stand
ard mower; one Budlong disc; one Janesville lister;, one fanning
mill; fifteen tons of prairie hay; one refrigerator; one tank heater;
one oak bed and stand; one spring wagon; one garden plow; one
road drag; one horse power; one Janesville walking cultivator;
one Stem-Winder riding cultivator.
One washing machine; one Edison phonograph.
Chiropractic Deals with the
end does not Treat Effects
Terms of Sale
Locating: the canse and adjusting
it is the most modern and more! n
permanent way to health.
Sums of $10 and under, cash. Sums Over that amount will be given
a credit of six months with note bearing $ per cent interest from
date.- All property must" be settled for before removal from the
place. ,
Thomas W. Akesbh
Col. Wm. Dunn, Auctioneer : ' l F. J. Domingo, Clerk