The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 19, 1925, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    i I i
LOTTERY. fJOTttSHf 19, 1925.
CTIfS 8T5TlleA triffllHFSnflY TIIIIR.QnAVf
Two Times Each Night 6:45 & 9:00
Two Times Each Night- 6:45 & 9:00
Come and See
To Oar Patrons:-
Adults 35c
Children 15c
Each year brings to the screen one,
or two grea motion pictures that
because of their magnificence,
their wonderful human appeal
their spectacular splendor, stand
out as gigantic and notable suc
cesses. Frank Lloyd hos produced jupt such
a success in "The Ssa Hawk."
Because of Rnfael Sabatini's unique
and powerful story
Because of its most marvelous love
Because of its irresistible appeal to
men and woman, young and old,
Because of its massiveness in pro
duction treatment
Because of the performance of Mil
ton Si'ls and an exceptional sup
porting cist
The Parmele feels that you will
agree that this picture is the ulti
mate in romance and amazing ad
venture, and we are proud to pre
sent it to our patrons.
CLOIDT & MOORE, Managers
as the Sheik of the Seas, supported
by Enid Bennett, Lloyd Hughes, Wal
lace Beery and a cast of 3,000 players
in the greatest artistic and dramatic
success of 1924.
' will protect
you against all
the world!"
SAe nestled close to The Sea Hawk, "
knowing she was safe at last.
JMDm4&mm mtlyim
v zLW V ,
'Presented by
Productions, Inc. and directed by Frank Lloyd from Rafae! Sabaiini's
great ncvel.
Don't Forget First Show Begins at 6:45; Second Show at 9:00
UUL? huHlid
Murray-Murdock state ail roatJs. the
highway from Iouisville south to the
(i strert road and the road from this!
city west to Louisville, connecting up
on tne
Jfi H f in Sarpy county
S P S : "!I1(J 'f-'P'-U'K Wat
t?S a 1 ! cling of the road
Cedar Creek a short distanct
j road to the nortii. j
Several meetings have been held
p.d at Louisville
ter to urge the grav-
south from the end I
j of the pavement on the I). L. D. near!
Millnril rifrn Sa rnv cc.'.intT tn ilm
e and from there on llie ius m ncrure Coming
r. . at , . it ; n T l m
UfiGZ THE GRAVELING OF ; Z,,' - V ' s w xiuie lumwrDw
The method of getting the gravel! Theatregoers are accustomed
placed is the thing being most dis- sceintr casts of all mtirn.-iiitin
TTur.T tut? rDT7rTmn . througn AVeenin
; Players from Half the Conntries on
:usseu, including the method of their screen fare thev see American.
HMF SFRTinhA HPT nnirjn ?ns f,U-nIls- There are several ways English, French and Japanese actors
president of Chile for five years and
her uncle for four years.
Two members of the cast hail from
Naples, Italy Hector V. Sarno and
Albert Prisco. London. England, is :
represented by Robert Bolder; Glas- '
sow. Scotland, by the director-pro-j
ducer, Frank Lloyd; Australia by i
Marc MacDermott, who was born in I
Sydney. Kathleen Key was born in '
With such a cosmopolitan tinge to
the cast of leading players it need
cause no surprise to learn that Mex
ico, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden.
i France, Spain. Algiers, India, British
fc-ast Africa, Madagascar, Greece and
numerous other countries are repre
sented among the extras and players
of ' bits" in "The Sea Hawk." More
than half the nations of the world
have a countryman iu the cast.
Proposition cf Voting Bonds in Cen
ter, Louisville, Weeping Water
and Avoca Precincts.
From 5aturday Daily
From all over Cass county is .com
ing the increasing demand that the
roads, especially the main traveled
highways be graveled and made so
that there will be possibility of trav
flliss Lena Hirz of This City Will Ee
Night Superintendent of the
liberty Hospital There.
Rev. McClusky not only stressed the
i beauty spots of our community, but
(called the attention of his audience
to the fact that they should know
our city laws and regulations, where
our city taxes go and whether our
public utilities are giving value re
ceived. We should know whether
our drinking water is pure and the
system regulated in a manner to pre
clude all possibility of contamina
tion. The speaker then pointed out that
while all these things should be of
great interest, the paramount inter
est should be to "Know Our Nigh-
! bor" and be interested in what our.
Supper Served to Members of the
Chapter and Mark Master De
gree Conferred on Class
"KAEE-UP" OF 700
Milton Sills, who plays the lead
ing role in "The Sea Hawk." that
in which money ran be secured for nbvin;- ciiio , .,
... . - J . w T .'HIV, UU L i tl 11
tliid work, but the one that has been mopolitisna none of them can equal
jmost suggested in the central part! Frank Lloyd's production of "The
of the county is to have the various. Sea Hawk," which opens its three
.precincts raise the money through: day enerasrement in thi ritv tnrr,.
i voting precinct bonds. This will row night.
I'll l"l 1171 ItlU I I ! T ..-, I . -
i road Improvement will lr u
directly or indirectly. t-Jrl"" r.'it"' wo? IS. ia.lVr
v. a. ii.iiiii i ii'ii iriu von n n rtm
rt-muner meinou u inat or creat- Moslem tdrate of iho Mpitorr.nn but "makinjr them ud" is an art
ing districts and assessing the prop- the iron-souled Sakr-el-Eahr of Ra- In the Production of Frank Lloyd's
""Jes on eacn siae of the fael Sabatini's most popular novel bl ,rst National spectacle, "The
i highway for the cost. is a native American. He was born Sea Hawk," which opens its three
In the case of the organized hieh- in Chicago and earlv in life adonted day engagement here tomorrow ni
eling them in bad weather as well ways the co?t is lightened by the fact a stage career. day run here tomorrow night, the
as in good, and It is a matter that that state and federal funds can be Lmd Bennett, who Dlavs the role transformation of hundreds of super-
certainly is demanding some atten- available for fifty p.-r cent of the of Rosamund, wa3 born in Western numeraries from modern civilians to
Prom Saturday's Daily
This afternoon. Miss Iin H1V7 rf
this city departed for St. Louis, Mis- community is doing for its citizens;
Miieuiei uui iiiiiuence auu mat 01
soun, where she will enter the Lib
erty hospital, one of the largest and
most modern in that city, as night
superintendent, a position that is of
the greatest responsibility and the
selection of Miss Hirz is a distinct
compliment to her ability in her
MOVIE MEN SOME JOB chosen profession.
Selection of types for a big mo
redoubtable l'on Picture play is a difficult task,
tion from every resident of the
The road problem is not one alone
for the residents of the districts ad
joining the highways, but reaches out
and affects. the merchants in the var
ious towns and those who travel for
pleasure as wen as those who are
compelled to use the highways in
getting to and from their home.
Other counties in this state have
awakened to the need of the hour
and provided good hard surfaced
roads that can be traveled at any
season of the year and there is cer
tainly no need for this, one of the
best counties in the state, to hang
back on the proposition.
The start of the graveling must
of course come on the main arteries
of travel over the county, but the
system should be extended as circum
stances will permit into the less
traveled roads so that every section
can bo reached In comfort and ease.
The main roads that have already
been projected as graveled roads are
the K. T. hiafeway, where federal aid
could b obtained, the O atreet and
cost of the roads and which will Australia, in the town nf VrrV h ancient Moors and English gentle-
make their cost u great deal less to has long been a popular leading men of the court was accomplished
me residents 01 me precincts or dis-j woman in the films. iwiin remarKame skiu
tncts as the case might be. Uallace Beery, who acts the role Under the direction of George and
The opening of gravel pits along f tne villainous English seaman, Ernest Westmore, twenty expert hair
me nignways proposed would also -tlBiK'r xeigu, was uorn in Kansas arcssers, wig-makers ana cosmetic
aid in cutting down the cost of th Clty Jo. specialists prepared more than 700
roads and make it possible to do a Lloyd Hughes, plajing the weak men for the penetrating scrutiny of
great deal more work in the present u.ncr or bir Oliver, Is a native of the camera each morning in two
season through furnishing cheaper ! 'sl,ee' Arizona. . . hours while costumers, seamstresses
material for use on the roads. This' rank Currier, old time stage fa- and quartermasters supplied hel
was effectively done in Otoe county I vor'te' was rn in Norwich, Conn, mets, berneuses, chain mail, spears,
Sydney, Nova Scotia, was the bows, sabers, scimitars and guns.
I birthplace of Wallace MacDonald, for the day's work. More than 2,700
into the band wagon and start the causes an tne trouble in "The ganons 01 rotiuisn Drown "mane-up
ball rolline here and loin with : Sea Hawk," by getting himself as known as "bollamania" were used in
- W " 1 . 1 " ' . 1 1 I I'll 1 1 . , . . t . I . . . . - J
tici uuumiiuiu, hi neu oy jionea me tusmeui; treatment ui luces auu
Tressilian. j bodies of the Moorish supernumerar-
William Collier, Jr., calls New iea during the filming of the produc
York City home. tion.
. Mme. Medea Radzina, the Fenzileh!
of the picture, was born in Nizni-j H. S. Barthold enjoyed the vaca
Novgorod, Russia, and was a member tion in the shops today by journey
of the Moscow Art theatre and a I ing up to Omaha and spending the
pupil of Stanislavski. day with friends.
Chile is represented by Christine '.
i7v VT TDVei1 V1 o . 6 ! Geore Larapnere was among the
. fu the Infanta of sPain- Her Omaha passengers this morning to
randiather vas for ten years pres- Bp6nd the day looking after some
last year.
Let this section of Cass county get'
friends and neighbors out in the
county in putting over a real good
roads program.
Mrs. C. E. Hartford was among
the visitors in Omaha today to enjoy
a few hours there looking after some
matters of business.
Mrs. Val Burkel and son, Robert,
were among the visitors in Omaha
today for a few hours looking after
com matteM of business.
Miss Hirz was graduated three
years ago from the A. S. O. hospital
at Kirksville, Missouri, and her rise
in her chosen profession has been
very rapid and shows that she has
accomplished a great stride in her
work since leaving the hospital.
Miss Hirz was in full charge of a
nospital operating room at Detroit!
and in this made a very fine record
that has served to open to her an
advancement in being called to the
St. Louis hospital for service.
Ident of that country. Wer father was matter of bus"
in 1
Prom Saturday's Daily
The Plattsmouth Woman's club
held their regular bi-monthly meet
ing last evening in the Library audi
torium. The response to roll call
was "Beautiful Spots in Our City."
The members present favorine the
river road seemed to be in the ma
jority. It is the intention of the
Vomans club later on to make an
effort to have this road made an as
set to our city instead of a white
elephant exhibition.
A motion was made and carried to
have iie membership dues reduced
from $2 to $1. All women wishirg
10 joia the club will now be admit
ted to membership for $1.
After adjournment of the business
meeting, Mrs. Goos had charge of the
program and introduced Rev. H. G.
McClusky, who addressed the club on
"Know Your Own Community."
This was a very interesting and
pleasing address and was an inspira
tion for better community spirit.
From Saturday's D;iily
Last evening the members of v.
our places of amusement is to up-: orasKa Chapter No. 3, Royal Arch
lift or lower the standard of citizen- I Masons held a very interesting gath
ship. Jering at their lodge rooms in the
It is to be regretted that more J Masonic temple and at which time
were not present to hear this splen-'tne Mark Master degree was confer
did address, an address that cannot re(1 on seven candidates
fail to promote a better community The members and candidate en
spirit among all those who hoard it. ( joyed a very delightful simnon o
the banquet hall of the order at 6
o'clock in the evening and which
was attended by a very large number
of the chapter and was fr.n,.i
1., . ..wicu i.jr
will depart ' WIt s""1 i me evening.
Tfc 1 1
.eoiasKa cnapter is one of the
d! Jest in '.lie state and has a very
large and active membership here at
the present time and in the
years has grown a great deal in its
Krora Saturday's Daily
Mrs. William Baird
where she goes to speak at a Moth
ers' and Daughters' banquet that will
be held there on the first of the
week. Mrs. Baird was speaker at
a similar gathering some time ago
at Columbus and received a request
to favor the ladies of Holdredge with
a similar address.
Mrs. Baird served as the state
president of the P. E. O. society two
years ago and her excellent work in
that office and her grasp of the pres
ent day problems has made
Krorn Friday's Daily
The message was rQi,,,i ,
her yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. wi.., "
much in demand as a speaker in the Hassler announcing the fact that a
state ifine little daughter nn :, f
f J?.' ther ion' Earl F. I la ss-
,,,! ' iiass-
n, ,""c ttl usceola, Nebrakn
CHANGE IN BUSINESS HOUSE i T"e little daughter and the moYhV;
(are both doing nicely and the occa-
Frank Blotzer, one of the well SI.on has brought a great deal of hap
known and experienced auto me-1 Piness to the grandparents.
cnanics or tne city, nas just
chased the interests of C. C. Tscha
kert in the garage and repair sta-
1 1 r n ri r Trif w r w- m T n n ti rw ft. ' 1 ' - a m .
vuiioiauic 10m NvnhAjl. i
street and now Mr. Blotzer is in full closing up his first , 18 Just
charge of the establishment and look- duty out of th om, t c?nstabla
ing after auto repairing of all kinds liam Weber and i- Justice Wil
and radiator work will be made a Countv Jud ni" 8rvtng under
specialty at the new place of busi- year Tom ha, m7l. tne Past
Tire service and a general pol- served 2ft s nZV. , i:lwo arrests,
icy of giving service and satisfaction In addition to the ronntVll ent ,lnds
in all lines of auto work will be the Svoboda has ; sSUS 1 abIe,work M
Mai of Mr. Blotzer. Those who have as truant IZ, RTeral months
anything in this line will find Mr. j dren to havTto VeiSWTrT? ,42 cnI1
Blotzer must accommodating. duties. eturn to their school
i V