The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 25, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
car for the doctor and
If tnyof the readers of the
Journal knov of any sticial
event or Item of Interest Id
tfaU Tlclnity. and will mail
tme to this office. It will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news items Editob
Wishing You a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Christmas Gifts
A-h-a-a-a- BEAT YOU
Santa Claus comes once a
year to help us celebrate an
event that means more than
Robert Troop and Ed Leach held
their first community sale of the
winter at Union last Saturday.
Jace Meade has been quite sick
with an attack of the flu, but is get
ling some Detter at this time
A. D. Bakke installed a three
tube radio set for Robert Troop
wnicn was a Christmas gift to Mrs
l roop.
Earl Troop received his new corn
sheller and started in by shelling
lor John Herren the first of the
r rank Dill moved into the O. T.
I-eyda place last week, while Aubrey
Hopkins moved into the place vacat
ed by Mr. Dill.
James Earhart was looking after
some business matters in Platts-
mouthlast Saturday making some
Christmas purchases.
lt m
. u. i roop purcnaseu a new
Ford sedan sometime ago for the
lamily Christmas present to be en
joyed during the winter.
Henry C. Long who has been sick
at his borne for a number of weeks
is still not able to be down town but
is ieeung about the same for the
pas-t week.
r iiuv nuinii-iemeier received a
car load of lambs from the Omaha
market last Tuesday which he will
feed at his farm for returning to
ui market when ready.
nay Creamer and family are vi
pure thinking
We invite all patrons and all
friends with us in this think
ing, and thanking and this fair
exchange of sentiment, ex
pressed in the usual way, but
with unusual sincerity.
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
it i 1 1 1 ' - auu idLUliy are visit
cm material development Since mg at Murray and vicinity for the
the earth was LDns,mas time, having come in from
1 U- i j , . H'verton. where they are making
i-ci ins who uctres ueny it. ineir nome. ror a short visit.
As for us and ours we shall Jofph Green- Gold Kk-e and
i i j - , cnaries i.reen are working in the
uc giaa to De transported , harvest fields this week and are mak-
again to days of childhood and i much p- with the work.
0 . . . r they are making ice not bar
j "W. O. Troop was breaking in his
; new corn sheller last Tuesday bv
shelling a batch of torn at the home
of John liobbin which he was de
livering to the elevator in Murray.
I Kemper Frans and wife and moth
er were spending the Christmas sea
son at the home of Exa Frans near
Union, and there enjoyed an excel
lent dinner as well as a good visit.
Louis Ilallas and the family were
spending last Sunday at the home of
relatives in Plattsmouth, where they
enjoyed a very pleasant time. They
will also spend the Christmas there
as well.
Mrs. Belle Frans, who is making
her home in Murray with her son,
Kemper Frans and wife, has been at
Plattsmouth for the past two weeks
caring for Mrs. TVetenkamp, who has
been quite sick.
The Murray schools closed Wednes
day of this week and will have a
vacation until the first Monday of
the new year, which will give both
the teachers and scholars an oppor
tunity to bet a rest.
i J. V. Edmunds was a visitor at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm.
j bporrer for Christmas, where he
helped eat good on Christmas day
for dinner, and where all enjoyed
the occasion very much.
Fred Warner and the family were
spending Thursday of this week at
the home of C. H. Warner and wife
of Flattsmouth, his parents, where a
, family reunion was held and a most
. enjoyable time was had.
' The Rev. William Forrester Gra
ham, pastor of the Presbyterian
church of Murray, enjoyed the pass
ing of his 4th milestone on Christ-
1 mas day and was able to celebrate
both events at the same time.
Notwithstanding the snow which
was falling most all day on Tues
day there were as much as a half
dozen shelling corn and delivering
; the same to the elevators in Mur
' ray as well as some to feeders.
Lloyd Lewis has been havine a
There is No Substitute
for Safety
E. S. Tutt and wife were enjoying
a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Pitz. of Plattsmouth, on Christ
mas day.
J. A. Scottt-n was looking after
some business matters in Omaha last
Monday, driving over in his car. not
withstanding the very bad roads.
Ray Frans and wife of Union were
spending Christmas at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Oilmore, where
all enjoyed the occasion very much.
G. M. Minford and wife and Will
Minford and wife of Murray were
spending Christmas at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wiles near
Mrs. C. R. Corey, of Draper, South
Dakota, arrived in Murray last week
and is vi.-uticfr at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Burrows,
lor a few weeks.
W. G. Boedtker and wife with
their little daughter, Glora Jane,
were enjoying a Christmas party,
which was given by the Tangiers tussle with the errin for the Dast few
temple of the Shriners. days and it is reported he has put
To Those We Serve
and to Those Who
Serve Us
We extend to you the compliments of
the season and wish you a full measure
of lasting pleasure originating during
the Christmas season and lasting
through the days of the new year.
And let us thank you, too, for your
patronage of the past.
Phone No. 12
oenniohsen Co.
Murray, Nebraska
A mil') system of treatment ill at cures Piles. Fistula and
other Rectal Diseases in a short time without a severe sur
eical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other geseral an
aesthetic used. A cure fuaraaiesd in every ease accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid
until cured. Write for f re book oc Racial Diseases, with names and testimonials of thousands of
prominent people who have been permanently cured.
Peter Trust Bldg. Omaha. Nebr.
the old disease to rout and is get
ting along pretty well, thank you.
and hopes soon to be entirely well
Charles Mutz was shelling and
delivering corn to the elevators in
Muray, and is -well pleased with the
excellent prices which the corn is
bringing, and had the crop been as
heavy as it might he would be well
Word received from Grant, the
home of C. A. Vallery and wife is to
the effect that Mr. Vallery is sick
and unable to get back here to the
Christmas family gathering at the
home of his father, Mr. T. W. Val
lery and wife.
Roy Harking thinks he is a lucky
boy, as he got his corn shelled and
delivered last Monday before the
snow and now can laught at the
capers of old Boreus, when he comes
over the hill and dale with his clouds
of snow and wind.
O. T. Leyda and son, Llovd. of
Bethany, were visiting and looking
after some business matters and
visiting with friends in Murray last
Tuesday, having driven from their
home at Bethany and found the roads
the roads not the best.
Philip Heil has been getting the
people of Murray and vicinity ready
for the Christmas season and has
dressed hogs for many for that pur
pose during this week. He dressed
five hogs for Dr. J. F. Brendel and
three for Phillip Lambert.
The Christmas time was verv kind
to the household of Mr. and Mrs.
Grover Hopkins as on last Monday
the stork brought them one of the
finest of little baby girls which they ,
welcomed and happiness reigns su
preme there now.
Will L. Seybolt, out of the great
good feeling which he entertains for
Louis Hallas, gave this gentleman a
very fine cat. It is of the Thomas
kind and said to be very musical, and
it can outdistance any jazz orchestra
n the state of Nebraska.
Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Taylor were
visiting and looking after some busi-
nes in Omaha last Wednesday and
found the snow and the roads not
the most pleasant traveling, but
much better than it has been when
the roads were so rough.
Mrasek and Richter are bu?y boys
these days besides putting up ice
and doing trucking they have much
extra work with the Christmas sea
son, and hauled in a car load of hogs
for Edward Gansemer, who was ship
ping to South Omaha, last Tuesday.
Uncle D. J. Pitmas, who has been
quite sick for some time past, is
reported as being some betteu at
this time, and while he was able to
get out one day is keeping pretty
lose in during the very bad weather
which we have been having for some
A number of the finest singers of
Murray were out both last Monday
land Tuesday evening singing Christ
mas carols and which was enjoyed by
all who heard them, and they visited
every portion of the town bringing
cheer and a Christmas spirit to every i
Mrs. Lonnie Meade living on the
highway south of Murray has been
feeling quite ill on account of an
attack of the grip which has been
keeping this excellent lady to her
bed for a number of days. She is
some improved at this time, how
ever. Dr. J. F. Brendel was a visitor in
Avoca last Monday where he went
to see his brother. Dr. J. W. Bren
del and was accompanied by Bud
Nickles, the driver, they stopping on
their way home at Union to look
after some business matters for a
short time.
Edward Gansemer shipped a car
load of very fine hogs to the South
Omaha market on last Tuesday. The
weather was very bad and the roads
rough for getting them into town,
but he made it and they went for
ward on the market just ahead of
Eugene Graham, son of Rev. and
Mrs. W. F. Graham, who has been
attending school at Tarkio, Mo., ar
rived last week to spend the Christ
mas holidays and was accompanied
by his cousin. Miss Fay Graham of
Seattle, who is also a student at the
Tarkio college.
i W. H. Puis of Plattsmouth, was a
visitor in Murray last Thursday,
looking after some business for the
day. and returned home with Font
T. Wilson and wife who were looking
after some business matters in the
county seat, and doing some Christ
mas shopping.
i Last Tuesday A. D. Bakke, who
Is an expert on the radio, was m-1
stalling a radio at the home of Hen-'
ry G. Todd and on Monday installed
one at the home of Henry Kirscher,
and both of these gentlemen are now
in touch with the outside world and
can at any time listen in to the in- (
ternational affairs. ;
John Boetel has been looking af
ter the school and doing other work
about town and was taken with the
pneumonia and was taken to the St.
Catherine's hospital at Omaha sev
eral days since where he was careJ
for and is recovering from the at
tack but it will be some time before
he can return home and be well
Miss Rose Reed has been very
sick at her home east of Murray with
an attack of pneumonia, and the
case was so critical that a nurse was
required to care for this excellent
young lady. The patient is having
tne nest or care and nursing and it
is hoped she will soon be better, a3
her many friends are much concern
ed about her condition.
Dr. J. F. Brendel purchased himself
a new Ford sedan last Monday and
will use it the, coming summer and
during the present winter he will
make use of the coupe which he
naw has and will use the sedan only
when he shall want to take the
folks along. The new wagon is an
excellent one and will make a good
Trying the New Sheller
Philip Hild purchased a ' new
sheller with a job of shelling at the
home of L. H. Puis and the animal
worked fine. Joe Mrasek who is an
expert with shellers especially those
which the firm sells, was out to as
sist in getting it going right on its
initial job. Joe afterwards went to
Plattsmouth to look after some busi
ness matters.
(Continued on page 7.)
Nineteen Centuries
It Has Been the High and Holy Custom of
the Peoples of the Earth to Celebrate
And it is well that it is so. It brings in 1924
the same message that it brought cn that
glorious first night.
We trust that this Christmas will bring true
happiness and that 1925 will mean better
and happier days for you and your household.
Murray Garage
A. D. BAKKE, Proprietor
Let's All Smile
For Christmas is the season for good cheer
and good will for peace and for kindness.
We are happy because
We live in a good town;
We deal with good people;
1924 was good to us;
We look forward to 1925 with pleasure.
We trust you have had a good year and that
a better one is near at hand. That's just
the way we feel about it. We thank you!
Murray Drug Co.
Murray, Nebr.
Old Sant Nick
Will Unload a Big Bag
of Happiness at
Your Door
And that it will not only serve to
make you enjoy Christmas but will 1
last on through the days of the
New Year.
Nailor & Lancaster
Murray, Nebr.
In sincere appreciation of the very cordial
relations existing between us during 1924,
we wish to extend to you our sincere wishes
for a Merry Christmas and a successful and
happy New Year.
for not only your patronage but for your friendly in
terest you have shown in this business. We will strive
hard during 1 925 to merit a continuation of your favors.
Puis & Mrasek
Murray, Nebr.
Every day we feel appreciative of the favors
of our patrons and of all courtesies shown us
but it is especially at the Christmas season
we like to pause and think back over the
pleasures derived from our business deal
ings. So here's wishing you the best of health,
the most of wealth and greater happiness
than has been yours before.
May life's choicest blessings be yoars this Christmas
and Through the New Year!
Murray Mercantile Co.
Murray, Nebr.
Joyous Christmas
and a New Year Filled
with Happiness
To the many greetings which we know have come to
you let us add our's. Each person connected with this
business joins in the season s greetings to all who have
patronized us or spoke to a friend in the interest of
this business.
And we strive each day to show some mark of apprecia
tion of business entrusted to us. If given the opportun
ity we will try to make each day of 1 925 happy for you.
Banning & Nickles
Murray, Nebr.
tprtii vrtvi vnmn y75! vzzin vxst r-ws warn ifsa vy&a vi'M
Here s
That You Will Resolve for 1925
to Climb to the Top of the
Ladder of Success.
And may you not fail in keeping
the Resolution.
Blanche Scotton
Murray, Nebr.
gSffl-.-g? gOg? s-'i'g' Pg? PK? gA:y y -vi.'. v
eaawi esis sk&ji tvu hza sstji vn -.. .sii ivii .i
Merry Chr imas
At this season of joy we come to you in the
spirit of good will to express our good wishes
for your happiness and from the depths of
our heart to thank you for your loyalty to this
business during the 12 months now drawing
to a close.
Toward 1925 we look with pleasant an
ticipation in the hope that we may be afford
ed the opportunity of giving you full benefit
of our program of better service and greater
Farmers Elevator Co.
Murray, Nebrr