LESS RISK IN TRAVEL ING THROUGH THE AIR Army Chief Thinks Time Coming When Life Companies Will Insure the Pliers. N'ew York. Dec. 12. Major Gen eral Mason M. Patrick, chief of the air service of the I'nited States army, believes than aircraft transportation s stems for passengers, mail and (foods can. under proper conditions, Hmpctc for safety and reliability, with th fciandards of railway service or even Furpa:s them. lie made that .-tatment Ti i- afternoon to the igh tnth annual eonvent ion of the as s'Kiation of life insuranre presidents in urging the life insurance com painies to give consideration to the granting f ii..-ur.im-e at regular piemiums on liven of travellers by air and the operators of aircraft, de- taring also that such insurance would greatly air the development of air tr:tnporiation. Ceneral Patrick. who learned tt tiy when about sixty GIVES PERTINENT FACTS REGARDING SCHOOL MATTERS President Searl S. Davis of Board of Education Speaks Before the Parent-Teachers' Ass'n. ASKS FOR SEPEEATION From Friday's Daily Last evening the members of the Parent-Teachers association of the Central building of the city schools enjoyed a most interesting and pleas ant Meeting at the auditorium of the high school and which was t;iiite largely attended by the parents of tho little folks attending the school and the result of the meeting was the greatest satisfaction to all who attended and gave some very worth while results in the way of better understanding of the schools and their needs. President Seail S. Davis of the vears old. often us.? the airship to ooarti 01 euucawou was cuneu upon have time in the transaction of his for a few remarks and gave a mast otficial duties. interesting statement of the costs of "When invited to address thH puunv uuuit, tue wui ui meeting I mu-t confess that I was From Saturday's Dally This morning action was filed in the district court by Attorney C.E. Martin in behalf of Mrs. Bessie Flockhart. asking that a decree of, divorce be granted the plaintiff from Harold Flockhart. The petition states that the parties were married in Plattsmouth in August, 1922, and that on November 7. 1922. the de fendant abandoned the plaintiff and has since remained away from home. The custody of the minor child, Harold, is also requested in the petition. WILL ESTABLISH AGENCY IN THIS CITY AT THE 0. K. New Agency Will Be at the 0. K. Garage With John B. Living ston as Representative. LOCAL NEWS Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Main Bldg., Phone 527. From Thursday's Dally O. V. Zaar of South Bend -was in the city today for a few hours at tending to 6omp matters of business and visiting with his many friends in the county seat. Fred Patterson and wife departed From Saturday's Daily The well known make of automo bile turned out by the Buick com pany will in the future have a rep resentative" in this city, as the con tract was closed this morning where by the agency is established at the O. K. caratre and with John B. Liv- Hotel ingston as the representative of the company in this territory. The new agency will give the company a very efficient representative a Mr. Liv ingston has had a great deal of ex perience in the handling of automo biles and has a very large acquaint ance oyer the county that will be most valuable to the Buick company. The Buick agency will arrange at once to handle the newest models of somewhat chet-red and elated by the knowldg that an association of in revenue and the vast amount of bus iness that is involved In the hand ling of the affairs and which the Miranee men was at last wining m . .. . take son..- kind of a chance on an The city school system has ten build- aviator. For my part 1 am going to venture the bold statement thnt b fore lorn? air traffic, air transpor ter umana morninB J "'! thfa popular priced car and will be Patterson will enter the Lniversity , ,..., . , .... .,, , ., cPhilip dhion Gloves! hospital in that city for treatment as she has not been in the best of health for some time. llenrv Zuckweiler and wife of Miller, South Dakota, who have been here visiting with the relatives and many friends in this section of Cass county, departed yesterday afternoon via the Missouri Pacific for Omaha and from where they will leave for their home in the north. From Friday's Dally Mrs. Guy Miller of Winner, South Dakota, who has been here visiting ings and equipment valued at $225,- 000 and employes 47 persons in the management of the school as well as tation. will be on a par witn omer 'ul'' uualu l -um.i- tran-portation insurance risks; oth- tion who guide the affairs of the erwi.e histoi v will have reversed educational system. There are 1.000 itIf children receiving their education in -Aircraft as weapons of warfare the schools, Mr. Davis stated, and vearlv become more swift, more he also explained in detail the re- "powerf-il. more destructive; but it ceipta and expenditures as taken is n a.r- ran as gents oi commerre, V'. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuns . ' ... .. .i. .i ..s.,,T. t.iaVe nn the fncnme nf thu or'hnn.K mann, for tne past seerai uajs. re- !;L;,e lies'. 1 1 " that there was some $70,000 re- turned this morning to her home in "In-vitablv the time will come ceived. divided as follows: State and . tne nortn- v.hen the li"f insurance companies Povcrnment. $5,000; tuition. $5,000; I John L. Tidball Sr., is visiting at will bo willing to grant insurance at fines and penalties, $1,200; taxes. Holdrege with relatives and friends regular premiums on the lives of $58,000. The expenditures of the and also attending the funeral of travelers by air and the operators hoard to maintain the school was one of his old business associates of aircraft This would greatly aid shown to be $50,000 for salaries; Mr. Johnson, a well known resident the development of air transporta- $2,000 for fuel; $300 for water; of that city. tion and I hope that this association $350 for light; $5,500 for books and : Ed Hamilton, wife and baby of will give careful consideration to supplies; $2,000 on repairs and up- Windsor, Missouri, are here enjoying Mieh an important matter." (keep; $1,000 on insurance; $300 on a visit with his uncle, B. B. War- J special improvement taxes. Mr. Da- then and family. This is the first WONT BUY POULTRY THIS WEEK vis a,BO explained that there was time that the uncle and nephew u,vvv in uu uun uianiiig ue per nave met ior seventeen jeais uu me cent interest that were to run for a occasion has proven a most pleasant Nebraska poultrv by the state of r" . oue lu " maintained by taxation, the money in the sinking fund that accumu- Owing to the embargo placed on New York, the V. E. Keeney com pany ill purchase no poultry in this city the coming week. From Saturday's Daily L. O. Bennett, wife and little child DECORATE Y0UE TREES iaieu was re-investeu Dy tne ooara Anar-toA tti mnmine for fma.b:i in city warrants drawing 6 and 7 . where the little babe will receive per cent and which netted some- .,,(m0r,t d,cf. rr cr.ociaii si it Artificial Christmas trees, the fund and would materially lessen time. xina mat win last ior years, ana ai- J," "v VL i Miss Theodoehia Kroehler. who is ways stay green; dressings of all . Via. o. nn.u;fc col b..llc Mlss Frances Field, supervisor of ann eiec-ic lignt se:s. a-so canaies. talk on her work and the members ; ".rr ' Z,i;J In fret Er.ythinJ- that vill he needed oi' the party were then invited to en- ' ton train " to nake your trues 7rfcct may Le ' J" the social meeting that had been! voune who ha? been in th . ... !!,.. '.i. n;t arranged and this feature of the "nf ' w ?f .has, bep" inl hJ music of the school, gave a short now teaching at La Platte, enjoyed the week end vacation today in Oma ha and was a passenger for that city glad to handle all calls for demon strations or information as the new 1925 models of the car that may be requested. PRISONER IS PAROLED From Saturday's Dally This morning a complaint was filed by County Attorney W. G. Kieck before County Judge Allen J. Beeson. charging Charles Shraner of York with having Issued a worth less check to the ShefTer & Jardine garage at Greenwood in payment for a car secured of the firm. The young man who was brought back here yes terday by Sheriff E. P. Stewart, "en tered a plea of guilty to the charge preferred against him and was bound over to the district court. He was then arraigned and paroled by the court to Mr. Jardine on his good be havior and refraining from any fur ther action of this kind. , County Attorney Kieck has a larere number of these bad check cases in his office and they are constantlv coming in on complaints of various residents over the county and he feels that several others should he hauled up to answer for the infrac tion or this part of the law and in Right now is glove time both for individual wear and for ideal gifts. For dress, work or play, ve have the glove or mitt; Capes, mocha, silk lined, sheep, cotton or wool lined. Hayes-Hansen and Adler makes. If you do not know his size and wish to surprise him with a pair, we will exchange after Xmas for his correct size. $1.75 to $5.00 SUGGESTIONS- Interwoven Sox Silk Shirts Knit Ties Caps House Coats Bath Robes Ladies' Hose Suit Cases and Bags As to see the Fabric Glove best imitation of leather, yet warm and not costly $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 1 .. , p I ENTERTAINS AT MASONIC HOME From Saturday's Daily last evening. Miss Marie Kauf mann. who has just recently re turned from Europe, was at the Ne braska Masonic Home to give a short entertainment that would show the beauties of the mountain republic. A series of moving pictures was pre sented that showed the nature of the formation of the Swiss republic, the fertile valleys that are found everywhere and with its population of hard working men and women. w en way. The pictures also show some of the great engineering feats that have been performed in building the railways through the mountains of the Swiss republic and which, con- sion of the general conditions in the republic that lies in the Alps and di vides with . the United States the honor of being one of the oldest of republics. At a later date Miss Kauf- F0R SALE OR TRADE One thoroughbred Spotted Poland China male hog, seven months old, renrlv fnr survirn U'm.M mann will visit the home and give I for ;mother m:llri or ,,, her own personal experiences m!i.iPh..r ai ...,. .v.... c .,.: . -.1 .i .. .... i . " r- - . - ' ' . ' urn?- ill!'! .Tiiii.niaiiu a wen as an exiuuilion ; of the slides made from pictures that she took while in the old world. RECEIVES A FINE nected them with the outside world tends to see that they are unles the aml particularly of the St. Gothard casses are settled un between thn tunnel that leads from Switzerland From Saturday's Daily This morning, Louis Kuhney was ,-ho'lead simple, peaceful lives and j a visitor at the judicial chamber or njov their hapiness in their own Judge William Weber to answer to me euaige ui Having neeii imuer wie baneful effects of intoxicating liquor and to which he entered a plea of guilty. Mr. Kuhney was taken in custody last evening by Officers Joe Libershal and Clyde Jackson and this morni case parties interested. FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring car for $2; to Italy and makes the connection that unites the two nations that for hundreds of years were without di rect rail communication. The pic tures were real treats to the resi- oughbred gilts for sale or trail.-. Ben Parker, Plattsmouth, phone So 19". dl.l-i-tw Between Phone 9ft. AUTO TOP SHOP Cth and 7th on Vine, daw Ben Hankinson dl5-2tv dents and gave a very fine impres- i Diamond Ring's ing on hearing the facts in the, Newest designs in and the plea of the defendant V the court in pursuance with the pen- V White (jOld alty of the law assessed a fine of $10 ! and costs amounting to $13.50 on f f. A. McELWAIN t the defendant and he was remanded v i to the custody of Chief of Police r JEWELER Hinrichstn until the amount was . settie.i. ' :H-!-KHMH44-4- i und at the Entes Bock f.nd Gift hrp. at the comer Fifth and Main streets. Bny tliem now, when you can get just what yon want. PLATE SOCIAL Pmgram and plate social Friday, S p. m.. Dec. 19. 192-1. Cedir Creek school. Kvervone cordi:!iv invited. INKZ M I'.NDELL, BKltNESi: AULT, dllAilSw Teachers. American & Swiss "'rve1 to the member" of the p"1- amencan oc owiss Thp niembers of the aB30CiaUon ; VVatches for Men. V White and Green Gold B. A. McELWAIN 1 JEWELER the , ovening was in charge of the teach- ,VHl v , . 101 1 e ,p lers of the school and was most de- f?w days looking after some work in 'lightful to the large number that auctioneer line, returned home were present. There were a number '""" nfi u mai tun. of ititeresting contests arranged uaa . rmi acHl VL SIK,V iU Uliil that brought out a great deal of part of lhe stale- Dleasure for all of the members of; James Hunter, who is the Burling the party. i ton storeketper at LaCrosse. Wiscon- The male quartet composed of Ray-' sin- was here terday for a few mond Cook. L. O. Minor. Frank hour3 en route to Omaha where he Cloidt and Dr. It. P. Westover gave attended a meeting of the storekeep several verv pleasing selections. !ers of tne Burlington which was .'. . . ! meeting in that citv. At a suitable hour the members ' . , nf the nartv w-er invited tn th Robert Hunter, who has been home economics department where making his home at Hitchcock, ; verv dainty refreshments were South Dakota, for the past few ; uiuuiiiH, arriveu uerc msi evei-iut iu . visit with his sisters here for a time, i Mr. Hunter is well pleased with his new home in the north and reports crops there very fine this year. 337'- S! felt delighted with the splendid sue cees of the gathering and hope for many future meetings that will bring closer together the parents and the teachers which will be most .2, beneficial to them all. HAS HAND INJURED 9 BE CONVINCED for yourself that I Ij I Journal want ads pay. Ohrisfmas Oifls Watches - Rings Gold Mounted Foun tain Pens VValdemar Chains Cuff Links Emblem Goods iS?iMilj iiii ! KEYSTONE WATCHES Diamond Rings Pearls Wrist Watches Newest Patterns in SILVERWARE MESH BAGS NOVELTIES CLOCKS VICTROL AS Victor Records 16 k. White Gold Ring Mountings J. Vlf. CRAB1LL, Jeweler. Main Hotel Building From Saturday's Daily James Henderson, employed in the store department of the Bur lington here at the local shops, is wearing his right hand in a sling as the result of an accident received -1. II 1 n ..oa 11 f i-i iU n t in Htno. 4 casting into one of the cars at the ehops. The casting, which was a very heavy one, fell on the little finger and damaged the end of the finger so severely that it was nec essary to amputate a part of the first Joint. YOUNG PEOPLE WEDDED From Friday's Dally j Two of the well known and popu-! lar young people of this portion of, Cass county, Mrs. Ella Nolting and J Mr. Fred G. Nolting, were united in ' marriage at Council Bluffs on Wed nesday afternoon, the ceremony be-1 ing a very Bimple one and but few 1 of the friends were aware of the in- tentlon of the young people to enter j into matrimony as they quietly pro-' ceeded to the Iowa city where the ceremony waa performed. Mr. and Mrs. Nolting returned to the farm home of the groom weft of this city where they were tendered a recep tion on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. August Nolting. moth er of the groom, and where they were showered with the well wishes of their host of friends in that sec tion of the county. The bride was formerly Miss Ella Tschirren, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tschirren and the groom is a son of the late August Nolting and wife, and both were born and brought up in this community where they have a very large circle of warmn friends who are wishing them many years of happiness and joy as they take up life's Journey together. They will reside in the future on the farm west of Plattsmouth. The finest of gift goods for Christ mas for every member of the family can be found at the Bates Book and Gift Shop. Toys for children, books and all of the finest novelties and rt goods that can be desired are) ready for your inspection. Hake this How much do you care to spend? z Sounds a little personal, perhaps, but after all that's the best way to "organize" your Christmas buying. Decide on your budget, then select from these price groups: 50c $1.50 10c One-piece Collar Bat ton. Hem-Stitched 'Kerchief in sealed pgk. Batchelor Buttons Dress Sox (black) rib bed top. Men's Fine Knit Ties in new style Holiday packing. Men's Suspenders. Keytainers A fine leather case for his keys. Striking New Patterns in wide Silk Garters, Christmas packing. Eoys' Leather Mitts. Boys' Silk Ties. Eoys' Fine Bib Stockings, long wearing. 1 25c Pure Linen 'Kerchief for men, hemst'ehed. Men's Fine Lisle Hose, all colors. Paris Garters in Xmas packing. New Webbing Collars Initial 'Kerchiefs. Kaynee Waists. Men's De Luxe Ties. White Knit Toques. Two -pair Silk Sox. Silk and Wool Ties, new patterns Eagle Caps. Plattsmouth Pennants. Darnproof Sox. six pairs in Christ mas box. Guaranteed. Men's Kid Gloves. Men's Dress Shirts, one of the most acceptable of gifts. Men's Union Suits. Men's Mufflers. Boys' Knickers, latest styles. Boys' Pajamas. Men's Gowns, full cut, big and roomy. $8 Bath Tvobes designs. -Newest Boys' Suits. Stetson Hat. Convertible Fur Collar to fit any coat. Pure Silk Shirts. 8 $5 Leather Bag. Smoking Jackets. Boys' 2-pant Knicker Suits. Plaid Blouses. Plaid Flannel Shirts. Beauties. All Wool Sweaters. Folding Style Umbrellas. $10 Leather Jacket for the cold days ahead. White Wool Sweater Fitted Suit Case. Warm Fur Caps of best quality. Boys' Overcoat, nobby new models. A FEW ODD PRICES Biding Breeches .$3.95 President Suspenders$ .65 New leather belts $ .75 Boys' Flannel Shirts 1.35 Wescott hose box 2 pr. 1.25 Silk Lined Gloves 2.50 College pants, wide leg 5.95 Silk and Wool Scarfs. 2.75 Boys' Coat Sweaters. 2.95 All articles wrapped in special Christmas packages if de sired. We will also wrap and mail your parcels for you. Open Evenings till Christmas C. E. Wescott's Sons Shop More from 10 to 4 ON THE CORNER" xT:so your CSuiito.as kMufuuM. .'M 15 C