FLATTSYOUTH SEMI- WEEKLY JOURNAL TWO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1924. Nehawka Department! , M W ! U II M gHBpsWgMMmMVMMWWM Prepared in iha Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR ROADS. IN PH0FOSE0 BILL J; ; r;i r. li .. i a y , (i t Schwartz was a guest. ;it th'- home of Mr. ar.i! t n jo yed the Wolf. All visit very mueji. Frank A. !b dekcr was a visitor ::I his home for the wt-e!t e.ul. and mi Moaaay ;:"4-tiii departed for his Work :!It i:i tilt KUU'. "William tt of Omaha, '.vas a -r.-ii!!ir down to look lifter sorn bus IK -s itii'lu ami al-o to attend tlx- .-.;! wV. ii was h -Id hy J. J. Poiia t. V. : I'M it i ia t 4 ' a n : .nap on tn .day the Farmer's d m ;. iar load of ..' h ol had t be i 1 tin. . V.". iv .. t mar- i-l. name was not given, but evidently a good and a sjiiare shooter, for they were able to hi cure just :7 cotton, tails in the two hours. In round numbers one in every three minuies. Anl then shooting was not very good either, but the shooters were. A 'Agriculture Appropriation Measure ; Reported Out by I Committee. Visiting Here From the West. DEMO CHIEF, ; w, i OV of SomCWb.r'V W.J-- svi. if r in Xclwwa'; -t M!.. ,.!!,! w: - w i t h s re the :iev.-i:r. pcOph A. E. Marshall and wife of Fort I,u;to:i. Colo., accompanied hy their little son, Frank Sheldon M: rshalh arrived in Nehawka for a visit with oi'i Ti n" iritrntlo. .Mrs. .,i-miuii. k: numeer ol years, iuaoe i: . i ;.o:o,. i.ith the Sheldons. hut has been in ' h" west for a couple of years. Tnt-y ! we re nu-t at l.'nion. Sunday niorr.ii-g. Marion Tinker, with the ear. for j Tie y expect to visit for some t : tji ' Nebraska's Fcrmer Senator Cor.' sideied Excellently Qualified for Place. -hingtou, Dec. S. The agricul tural appropriation hill carrying ap propriations aggregating $124,637,- 1.. ; n increase of ? .jS.H ,Z i !, was .ported to the house today. The bill carries $SO.(ot.K'0 for md (instruction, an increase of over the 192u appro- The Hew TUDEBA Special Six Sedan $2150 K E R ! ?S1.V ' priut r;i. !1. vulrr par tin. of the; 'v tor t i;n". , r. l. l'.aV uiv. t hi a;o : e.l at i: Sunday. f Sac City. rh iiom; of n.i:n in Xr- a m;nii)tr 01 ; -hc-rt ms vi i'i;r at li,-.. A. . S: it SuimUv ar.e , i i k. Wolf and t'i.niily entertain :r lio:ne ia Nilvv ka en his Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Mj c. ti. v. : e. ;n- II and children, and all eaj -yed ,1 I j. ' . 1 if' ph-i:.--ai;tly rev of W vi n : t a e v, a ; ' las' r M in .')",ei ; ei- hi: ' i 1 ; to 1 for aequ ilas. P in ;a !;: r i:er. ni e ibor; tiri? : :a ! ce ;. 'i!bs of near s visitor i:i Ne or)i."t' over to It'.!'" I . Ii O : vir eoiid'.'.i ti .1 UscauI Cliristir.as Gifts Ju'-t as wee 11 ninke your Christ mas this year covnt double; give heautiful, plasinj and useful gift. l?-o what we have to offer: Cedar chests, eary rockers, kitchen cahi r.t t , alur.iir.um ware, di thers, crast rr wagons and sleds p. nil other arM cb s which will make pyeelUnt eifts. JOE BANNING. Senator Ciliiert M. Hitch hraitka is heinyr sur.s;est (-.. 'ci-aiie lea-ler-! in Washi'r;:...; ipt ?i -fi'inal tl:airman of ii-'-t.'. party. democrats, senators and i t -lives, di'iinjr the p-ist we; b. :: ted iiiat t'ae Nehi a-k a.r. is :.'Kfe fsr th" past. i-a; a r-1 i :. .z oxcellentlv eualified to reor- :d to prepare l ;i Mcs Ost I. bar a : Tiiey All Visited Lincoln. t Thursday, c. I). 1.1 n ;t r . John a v. .' Carl Balfour, ami William i their auto b.u l":-" y d to v. here they all vi. ited the nvt tliig. and where ih' ; i : - h v, v 1 . . . la' :er I'.l'.l ! , .M'.di' i'.t fact that. r, ad to an. ."lo-n fl bard w o:-e. to - cross th a ht.l di.i-; tl ' anJ t: were f. reel: ol X !) ftfm as i he l denn ):; res'ata 1 a ,-e their ci him as ga iize the party the national campaign in li2S. A majority of the lUmocrats ia congress appear to agre" that th time has ce-n'e for their party to a.ih pt a now course of action and !,rijak all allianci-s form.-d during the lust (!. ion wi:li repnhlb-an "m ;a:r gents" in bt.-th the senate ai d. heave. the new n ant a ! : : Ufider- 1 nd ab- i.T.: They v.-;:r, t litv to ilevi i yp' : i f l tleb. i. fo.-. Of Ac $1.1 ; .? ! l? ! ' p nil add it er ad i ifisc; an . t, . .. .. . w.. " . i-nt wi re reduced . .2. :);. : o co-..:ti:;c e extibiined th? total , id it tire of roiid construction i.$ ; :arcd at ?0'.).Oit,O0O and a do-' rpptopriation may l.c aked cv itims in the bill in rh eltural experiment e.tuoj ,oa : ction. ional i:pie ea-apirai: $'bJ".ti";) : luded: stat ion Mississippi refuge. aei'l'.li -tio;' t ol cor they . cr.it vi a.ti a: : 1 na 1. re required Sm.'.s. but ti'K'V r.a.i aa t i ra o n o; w i i h f I a th-.- r,ar.d were ho 1 in.ra iar. coin rondirian. h-ttr still ju ing and p rob. ably a Bit p :a.t. ; lie tian ai;d solidly unite t !: that it wiil be prepared fective f.ghi in l'J2S. Cb:v!"-i Mieheis-ui. c.i Jim: Ml ilem- own ter- nal view v. ho :. : oi g . ii i z . - part y lor Ml 1 .1 1! I vi- ; . i 111:! .vcr.' in Ni b ir.g a ad lo-k; matters, t; 1- at J. J. I !t'l ! Entertained the Entire Vicinity. cor - Wo ' '.nr. II:. ; of 4 in a.: (ion. n: ..i.i a : t a; :r g i n '; litr ears t If i, is p ires t) to be .v Ye; ,-al -r. ! forest lands. $1. ( '!!). 00 ) ; at ion of the foot and mourh j e and other contagious disease : :nals. -jl0,rS0. ! j The committee r port".! that the; ; eradication of tuberculosis in cattle, I by the department is co-operation: I with various states war, "progressing ." ! rapid'!'." Itiereascd a ppr jpriations ! iii:tde by states far this work "nrrla . :i necessary" for the federal govern-! ; mom to ke p pnee wiih co-operative' : funds. j i ; u r.y.pvopriation cf $2,077.07:;, or i 1 more titan th.e If. 23 figure, i .vas recommended for the forest : oorvi: c. ; For the invest :g::f ion aai'thig southern held j co'iinii; i ce i !-cor:in)"nded ! pri--:i:on of $255.4ei. an I M-" :e:a. i A ppr ;pi iai; ns re. ommendrd : r::'i. at'r-: rad new investigation of insects ere )s. t lie an appro increase of or of ! 1 1T na- t ir:v- '.' I s 1 1 : : iSt. tl: .: r :r.!-i-:a ii- :a v pK'n: :n h? will vi-ir tor a t; o.' bis daughter ;:!.d tl Omaha for a sli'-rt li iti. mother daui:h' r i Harry Van tine, who is a radio fa; land one who understands the art an ' appro iatcs a good ni:i-hine. on h;s: ! ?';'u.'!ay. i-;ave liis many fi b nils : ;ao-t plea-ant entertainment as ! p!ai ed the Itnid speaker of hi; radi ; i whit i: was an exceptionally good, on: i a ; he was ah'e to get from three tub?; ; wl at is ordinarily received frerr ii iht. in front of the telephone tran- w. :H i- incii'Illl' ! .r l :-t Monday. Walter Wuu 1 some tin1." keeping the the sale, a., the c Id was it made tho fingers j reify siting. We a Is,' vv.iai- red ! ; i re it was on Col Ilnx't e.dd air. t 1-h-g. a ad II. M. O'Del! v t!i a'not her party whose i iiiitti r i the a; : coin : t:r. : a l :d thus broadcasted. issi-tanee of the central, rt anil other entei taining over the lines radiating wit th frr.t-! from ! litest - i;;e , u l.:- ( ingress. Other sea..- mod Wa'-v ?:'g::i jioli.iva! vr iters have . 'pressed The ae opal inn alter tab, ling with, d ; aiocra! ic senators a:. ; rcpre st-: tat i ve.s. The deniocratir leaders intt rv' '. i today admit they are favorable : ; 5-cnator liitchcoik. but state they d I not via'i tn be i;i:oted until lb i national committee meets and adopt la couis-o of aetion. Tlmy da n; j believe it is pedicy to comment p. si ilicly on the selection of a success a v.- I i it lor tl; in;: insects of the -.elude v e:- tern ' l ve c.jntrol -?171,2 .0 for investiga : corp insects; JTl.oOO 1 i r p: vt rti;ui of spread of moths; i .x.'b,"b; to click th.e spread of the an e ;rn bare; C2SO.O0O for the , a.r.d :..ir: prevention of the spread' the Japanese' l ectio. , the present chai; anroitnced his i. Nehaw k.i. Gold Seal Congolcntn lteniii liful patterns ju-it n eeived and of bath large and tmrll sizeo at Joe Banning's btore. Just what I want lor tne winter. nrop iu e then. you and in Your Re ir Work JLEVEAL HARVESTER FISH GOT HUGE TAX REFUND Yashington, I will give it the most careful attention, the best of materials careful auto repairing. 77; 2 Cesi of Service' antl (5 3. PlGltO GARAGE IIS Bee. S. Examina tion of the list of tax retinitis ap- j proved by the internal revenue ba j n an f iring the last fiscal year dis ielo.d today a number of additional ' iit ins of more than 100 thousand dol lars. The largest item in today's J list was ?Sltb5s9i 'for the Interna : tionai Harvester Co.. of Chicago. ; The list was sent to congress Sat ) unb-y, comprising in the neighbor ' !;ood of 200 thousand name--. The claims were for taxes illegally col beted and refund cf 23 per cent of amounts collected this year, as pro vided in the new revenue law. lxchavvk?. The t?g line cf Gift Goods at the I Bales Book and Gift Sr.cn. Now I ready for your selection. SuitrJble Nebracka r ifts for every meincer of the family. - Jlf. p. C $3 .y n a w w . i g mm h v.m -n ( Kin s'lavtr man. lias nui yet tent ion to resign. Shaver has not yet annonn.'d when he will call a meeting cf the rational committee. When thi com mittee inlets ii generally ixpcii ed Shaver will offer his resignati r f.eorge WhiTe of Ohio did this at ta. first mec tint; of the national comm;t te afier the election of i'J20. Cordell Hull was tiiei chosen i f acceed White, artd commissioned t a build up the organization for l!2-t. The leaders of the party in Wash ington, are of the opinion that Shaver will continue in ofiiee until the d i.-it of approximately 2u0 thoilsas.d dellais is paid otT. They believe that when the m-v chairman assume-, hi duties there should be no debts arid obligations confronting him that might interfere with the carrying out of his program. World-Hera hi. it p 4 NEWS; STANDARD SIX 113-in. tf'.a 50H.P. 5-Pas. Dtifles-Phaetoa . $1145 3-Pass. DapIex'Roadster 1 125 3Put. Country CUibCoope 13? 5 5-Fass. Coop . i . . . 1495 5-Pass. Sedan ..... 1595 5 -Pass. Bcrline 1650 4-M-hrcI brake, 4 disc wheels, S60 extra SPECIAL SIX 120-in.W.B. 65 H P. 5-Pa. rhiplex-Phaeton . $1495 3- Pass. rhipleX'Roadster . 1450 4- Vas. Victoria . . . . 2050 5 - Pass. Sedan ...2.2 ISO 5-Pas. Bcrline ..... 2225 4vhecl brakes, S disc mheeU, $75 extra BIG SIX 127-ln.W.B. 75 UP. 7-Pas. Duplex-Phaeton .$1875 5-Paw. Coupe ...... 2650 7-Pass. Sedan ..... 2785 7-Pass. Berlin 2860 vheel brakes, S disc v&ecls, $75 extra (AH prices f. o. h. factories and object l change uuiomt notice) '"INHERE is no finer five-passenger closed JL car than the Studebaker Special Six Sedan. GJ It's a brand new car not only in body lines, beauty and mechanical excellence, but it also represents entirely new standards by which closed cars will now be judged J Don't buy in the dark. In fairness to yourself, see the Special Six Sedan before you decide. LlJLL-sized balloon tires, for which steering mechanism, body lines, and even the fenders were specially designed. Natural wood wheels. Lights controlled from switch on steering wheel. Automatic spark control eliminates 6par!t lever. Dome and rear corner lights. Upholstered in genuine mohair. One-piece windshielJ, glare-proof visor, automatic windshield cleaner, rear-view mi rror. Inspection lamp. Moto meter, heater, vanity case, smoking set. Instruments, including clock and gasoline gauge, in single grouping. Step pads and kick plates. Dr. Hcinaman, Dentist, Main BUI3., Jhone 527. Hotel! "r'im Mi'ii'lav's tuiny Lcc Cutncr departed this morning j . ioux City viifi- he was called 011 1 same busineos matters, going on the early Iburlington train for Omaha' and thence to the Iowa City. PJattsmouth, v . Nebraska :n.- l5:-.f bel Rainey. who is teach- POSTPONED RATE DATE TWO MONTH! Government Net Abls to Get TarLTs Pierj2red in Time for Them Effective First cf Year Ilakinir Pi5'!SlMi I sf-aeuci Visit our store and see the many wonderful values we are offering to the Christmas shopper. r 1 1 v V4 John 11. Iitnton. representative at Washington of the association of state railway commissioners, wire-.1. th state railway commission Monday that the effective date of the nevv neiinie or express rates nad ieen ged from January 1 to alarcn t. of inability to get the tarifis H'in sliape by that time. This postpoi.es j I for two months the reduction of 11 p r cent in iates that the state com- i 1 mission and ether bodies had secured jfor this section of the country, which S is known as Zone Three. I It is not certain that the new i rates will go into effect on that date :for the reason that the western and. 1 southern carriers, which will have I their revenues reduced, have gone into the federal court at St. Paul and ' asked for an injunction em the ground tint the class rates should not bo reduced as provided in the larder. A 1 The west won a victory in th or der as secured, but it is a question whether it can hold it. The eastern part of the country has been :.o favored in the matter cf rates that t'o? west bars been carrying a part of the burden, and the new order rmg end and yes- THIS 1 S A STUDEBAKER YEAR irg in the public schools at Sp ib id, was here over j.he week vbiting with her parents, Mr. .".Irs. w. H. Rainey, returning erday afternoon to her duties Henry Ileebner, who has of the grain elevator at Cedar Creek was in the city for a short time today enroute from his home at Mur- enjoying ray, where he spent Sunday, and was delayed somewhat by the "lateness of the train. W. Ii. Patrick, well known Omaha attorney, and who 'was the special prosecutor here lat winter in the trial of the grand jury cases in the district court, was here today for a lew hours attending to some maters in court. J. T. Liston. formerly Missouri Pacific agent at this place, was here Saturday for a few hours looking ;;fier some business matters. Mr. Listen stales that he and his wife are planning now to spend the winter in Omaha wher their daughter. Miss O-ladys, ia located instead of at Lin eoin, as the yhad first planned. C. V.'. Coolman and wife motored iu this morning from their country home and deputed on the parly Bur lington train tor Omaha where they will he guests at the home of Mr. and ?.Irs. S. J,. Tyler, the former a brother ot Mrs. woodman, and will also bid farewell to their friends, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Ihnson of Roseville, California, who iire returning home. -. - . 1 , - ,. . . 1 'vis:u;ig w iiu 111s 1 1 leiius iiu aui iii. ling to some matters in connection 1 with his work as representative of charge 1 t. Marshal nurserv comrany. Mrs. C. II. Parme-le, who has been a visit here at the home of her granddaughter, .urs. I.. O. JJovey, for the past ten days, departed this morning for Lincoln, where she is now making he home with her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Agnew. Ib A. Horn came in today from his home in Eight Mile Grove, and de parted on the early Burlington train for Omaha where he will spend the day. Mr. Horn is planning to move into the city after the first of the year and make his heme in Platts mouth in the future. SAYS DEMOCRATS 0FFEE NO ALIBIS FOR DEFEAT From Tuesday s Iiaily-- Ilans Steber of near Louisville, was here today attending to some matters of business for a short time. Dr. J. A. Griffin was in Omaha for a short time today and was ac ci.mpanicd by hi friend, D. P. Clif ford of Sheyen-ae. Wvominjr. who has been here visiting for a few days. .Mrs. James Jones departed this morning for Omaha where she was tailed by the illness of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Marshall, who is quite poorly there, and she will renmiii there t ! time. .Mrs. Frank Lnvney of Lincoln, woo was ire-re v siting her parents. iking care of her for some 0 SSL uliii uj-it: for Gift Giving! sought to equalize them. The in junction suit covers only the rates I -"-- !imI -irs- Chris Wohlfarth. de iu the zone from two to five, which ! parte;! jthis morning for her home and covers the west and south. ! with Mr. Downey will leave in a Washington. Dec. 9. The demo cratic party is defeated but. not de jected, Representative Connelly, dem ocrat, Texas, told the house today in an address devotee! in part to com ment on a recent house speech of Representative Burton, republican, Ohio, Cleveland convention keynoter. The president and Mr. Burton, said Mr. Connelly ,were in disagree ment over the election, the former having said victory was due to provi dence, while the latter, he asserted, attributed the victory to expenditure of 4 million dollars to enlighten the voters and get them to the polls. T" li n I rm rt-ro tio t o ft a Tirf 11 O T'O -m. 11 1 vi v. ju' 'V 1 i i v, i'ii ; c j. -' no v i v i v. to apologize or offer alibis." Mr. Con nelly said. "When the time comes and -some great crisis faces the re public the people will turn to it and find it ready to serve, because it loves to serve more than it loves oflice." PLATE SOCIAL Program and plate social Friday, S p. 111., Dec. 13. 1921. Cedar Creek school. Evervone cordially invited. INEZ MUNDELL, BERNESE AULT, dll&lSw Teachei rs. PLATE SUPPER BE CONVINCED Tor Journal want ads pay. yourseif that There will be a plate supper and program at Rock Creek school, dis trict No. Ci, Friday, Dee. 19. Every one invited. PEARL dll-2tw, 4td SPANGLER, Teacher. BAZAAR AND SUPPER The Cedar Creek Aid society will have a bazaar and supper December 13th at the church. Everyone is in vited to participate. dS-2sw A'Jtomabils Paln-ii First-Class Work Guaranteed! Prices Reasonable - Mirror Replating and Sign Work! A. F. KHOFLIGEK, Phone 592-W, PJattsmouth 22233 2E If i,Liwagni tl PLYMOUTH ROCK ROOSTER IS CHAMPION OF N IB. Columbus.' Neb., Dec. 7. A white Plymouth Rock rooster, owned by ite Lips, secietary cf the PbiUel A ahcy Poultry and Pel Stock as:oi 1 t:on. has beeii awarded the Cham.r of Commerce sjlver cup as the grand -Mr. B re n ton thinks that the state : short time for San Diego. California, champion bird of the ninth annual M commission saould promntlv in 1 i where they will spend Christmas show, which closed here Saturday ve ne in the lawsuit, and make a , 'itli u illiam Bell and family. tight taere to retain the fruits of the victory won before the inter state commerce commission. The very newest Hose are included in this special Chriitmas Gift display and at price? which prove the economy of buying here. Josepn uagie, uichianu, la., an nounced the following other cup awards: Mrs. Henry Sissle, Colum- Krom Wednesday's Daily Ralph Meisinger, Wife and family lms Nebraska farmers silver cup for PLATTSMOUTIi BUGS !of near Cedar Creek, were here today grand champion pen of Buff Orping- SHOULD BEWARE r7"" r f- f L' 0 Li E Phone No. 14 (UPfi m m ljl klj uj ESTABLISHED 1SG8 Nehawka, Nebr. Losi Angeles, Dec. S. Fatigued after hours of futile study oer an intricate cross v ord puzzle, W. E. Caruthers strttcned his mouth iii etieh a prodigious yawn that he dis located his jaw. Receiving hospital surgeons wbo attended him today sab! it was the city's first cross word puzzle casualty. to lock after the shouDintr for the week end and attending tire bargain day sales. Rev. II. O. Rhode and family of VS.''-!' o" c"." rS". -j- r V- '? ' JK.':'-, A A- I'hIUM ? taA i 0 We have many appropriate XMAS Suggestions! A suitable line of beau- tiful gifts for the entire family. Select Your Gifts How! Genuine Pyralin Ivory! That Ring for Him That Ring for Her We Have Them! Ei, John Bauer was where he spent a few hours ing to some matters of businc tons; Israel s Rhode island Red farm Osceola. Neb.. Nebraska Farm Jour nal's silver cup for the best disnlav of birds; the association's silver cupjfc lor tne Dest exniuits or American i birds goes to George. Gollinehorst. I ? Madison, Neb., for Dark Barred Rocks; a silver cup for the best tx-j nibits or Ji,ngusii biras gees to Mrs. fj Henry Sissle, Columbus, fcr a penjjjil rt f TXii f?" Orni r hrn q rhj 1 1 .,-r,iir' .I. .1.-. , ( I . ' 1.- T. V. ........ I I..... . ' . aiier some mailers or Dusiness, gemg ut-r toc to vxw.ir -n-hr, r.-,im ln l,hat city on the early morning buS for single Comb White Leg- n -jaiana lOUaV nuillUClUl. toil". lmrns- i hr.vt f'linki! fr., is -K--i. t llll A-J. ,3 111 iri. i k X. L L. A . 1 V - V 1 - 1 I'll ttend- Andrew Stohlman of Louisville wins the silver cup for the champion s. was here yesterday for a short time utility birds, White Rock pullets. eio BESS B3BY EEH5 "A -to ;ht Mile Grove, were here today to look over the Bargain day ofler ings cf the merchants and visit with their many friends. Henry Gie. the local representa tive of the Texaco Oil Co., was in , jji!-s; I . ? Fs hT7 & ifS y Jeweler. LL, Main Hotel Building 0