JUL i, I 1 t " ! ? e .; u it KOKEAY, KOTOEEEB 24, 1D24. FIATTSUOUTH SIXI-WEEKLY JOUSKAX paqe rm MURBQCK DEPMRTMEMT. PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Dr. Chas. Parrlsn, Veterinarian, Elaiwood, Nebraska. Call day phone, 7; night, 58. tf-x. Irvan Buskirk of near Ashland was a visitor in Murdock on last Thursday, coming down to look after For Sale: A leather davennort in Rome business matters for the day, excellent condition. Inquire of Mrs. I O. J. Pothast and wife were spend li. A. Gfithman, Murdock. tf-M ' ing last Wednesday in Lincoln, driv- MrsW". H. Tool was a visitor in ing over in their auto, while E- L. Omaha last week being a guest at Tothast was looking after the bank the home of Mrs. R. P. Eldridg' that place. at a point near Adams, a car load of hogs which he had shipped to Kan sas City and a car load of potatoes, which he brought to Murdock and will offer them for sale here. Messrs. Henry A, Guthman or the Will Visit the West Emil Kuehn will in a short time depart for Burlington, Colorado, at which place he has some interest and will see about teh land lie has there as well as look after some other bus iness matters there and will be gone John Amg- Bank of Murdock and Frances Neit- zel. of Boise, Idaho, who is visiting for a number of days of. Mr. Blum, of the Grammar room here, w m. Jviesey una neece nets- wert, the veteran oarDer, win ioo. of the Murdock school has been feel- tain of Louisville nave Deen spenaing after the work at the DarDer snop Harry Smith was a visitor last ing quite poorly for the past few days a rew days at me river nunu ui while Mr. Kuehn is away. alt. week at Emerson. Iowa, his old home, and was not able to teach for a few Murdock. where they were taking wert is an excellent workman and where he was looking after tome davs last week. an outing at Pawnee Ladge, and all around good fellow and can care business matters for the day. H W. Tool, who will be a member where they were hunting and there for the business of the place in the Vernon Hall, livintr just south of of the new Shriner saxophone Dana, -tnjoyea an exwiicui txxue iu. a. best of style. Wabash, who has been so seriously which is being organized in Lincoln days, ill with pneumonia is reported as was up Sunday (yesterday) to prac- Frances Neitzel, of Boise, Idaho, being some better at this time. Itice for the first time. is visiting for a short Una in Mur- Mrs. J. C. Weddell and Miss Mary J. E. McHugh was looking after dock, and a guest at the home of his Weddell, both of Ashland, were vis- some business matters in Omaha on uncle L. Neitzel and H. A. Guthmann - . . , i a iav rnAca efrTriTifr hern fnr iting for the day one day last week last Thursday, roaKing purcnases iui uu ..--o, ,tt,.o with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Weddell. ; the Murdock Mercantile company of a short time on his way home after Nt,braska ... t,v- which he is the manager. having visited at South Bend, Indi-. ulM 1Jla" 11 c - , , , it- rr-t n-ymT-a Yo vent tn hp TrMPTit at , , . I UUJ, V. -J MM., ' ' - " ' Choice White Oprington Boosters I have a few choice White Orping ton roosters for sale at $2 if taken by December 15th. Not related to old flock.Mrs. John C. Knaoe, isenawt-a, n24-lt was a visitor in MuraocK last - received their the football game which was played uay ana unaay. oemg guests at ine -yy- - --- -mti thpir am between Nebraska University and Dome oi t reu ueicKman an her friends the Misses Deickman ; at the soon as iney fuan nave icwn ... . " j .,t1 license again, will resume their ama- between Nebraska Lr nan iteur broadcasting, the call letters of Notre Dame lat week. their experimental station being L. Neitzel and wife Seme Good Cars T Trtr a 1 PiOfi VnrA in M-ceMent',, Tonin l.n?t Wednesday, where Mrs. O. J. Hitchcock. Hardock Wins Both Games. In the basketball games which were staged at Murdock last Friday fitv nnd the corresponding teams of between the two teams of this r.itv ar.it tin rnrresoondinsr teams of were visiting 1 T 1 1 V. 4 U. &EtiJ last &unaay &i navtuu-u., wat-ic iurj li. w. looi anu v. i. -:. "V , T; . nrfPn wnnri. were games ock. Mr. juicncucn . . . ' ., owdition and a 1924 tonrilie with thev went to look after some busi- is interested in tne nanK at ae omiuion ana a i.J4- xourmg wim . ht Tr.i in-i.- whirh wns robhed last week winter top, both at a very low price Better see them at once. E. W. Thimgan. When Ycu Bury Your Dcsd insist on your undertaker using the Miller-Gruber automatic con crete sealing vault. It protects the remains of the loved ones Manufactured by v Kiiler & Orubsr, Nehawka, Nebsraka . Saturday, Noyember 29th Uurdocd, nsbraslta -J. Warrsn Kerrigan- in- "Wo. 99" Also a comedy, "The Duck.' c mittpm and also where Mr. Tool lock which was was attending a Shrine meeting as and had some f 4 5,000 in securities well taken which he is hoping he will James Mills and father. George soon be able to realize on them as Mills have just concluded the pick- the people will be careful not to ex ing of their corn and considering the po.e themselves in trying to negoti season they are very well satisfied ate them. with the vield and the quality is v. l'. Meyer installed auring me r,vht past week radios at the homes of Mrs. Edward Hempke and son, Gust Stock and Dan Panska and row Harold, were visiting for a few days has them connected with the rest of last week at the home of the broth- the United States, for they had in er of Mrs. Hempke, A. J. Keplin. of stalled machines which will reach tear Bennett, thev driving over in over the entire country with the best their car for a visit of two clays. of satisfaction and service. Mr. Mey- Mrs. Emil Rosenow, of Elniwood, er knows a radio from "A" to "Iz was taken suddenly taken with ap- ard" if you know what that means. pendicitis on last Tuesday and was That is. he knows tne radio ana win taken to the hospital at Omaha, give the bet of service, where she underwent an operation "VY". O. Gillespie and wife were in and since is doing very nicely. Plattsmouth for a number of days Louis Bornemeier has completed last week. Mr. Gillespie being one of the picking of his corn and was all the regular panel on the jury fcr cleaned up last Thursday evening, the district court and were excused and has been busv as well moving Wednesday evening on account of the school house which he has had the case which was then being heard built over into a very fine chicken was ore not requiring a jury, tney hous ' returned nome on weunesnay eveii- . , , ine to report again on Saturday. The Pawnee school had a box so- 8 P rcturned to rial at the school house last ed- Usmouth on Satm!ay he was ac- nesday evening at which there was ,ed bv Mr. A. j. Bauer who a large crowd present and all en- c P bU5ine,s joyed the occasion as well a raising J the day there. some money for the use of the 1 - hool i John Scheel was at Omaha on last T,. ., . Wednesday ana visueu ms uauguitr, Herbert Firestine. the manager of .rin, frn-m the Farmers Elevator company was : - for appendicitis, and f VKlt "VIS hi in attend f('JDfl the daughter doing very nice last week, where he was in attend- .iT, th fnllowinrr lers- convention V J- .V" Oay lO aCTOUipiluy llic uuugiuri which ex- i.itfi si most animated attention for the basketball fans who were out. in great number to enjoy the occasion. The games were fuil of pep and action and all who attended were well pleased with the life and sririt of the game while the visitors played with an indomniable spirit they had to go down in defeat, the girls of the Murdock school won over the visitors by a co re of 51 to 14. while the Murdock boys won over the Greenwood boys at a ratio of 17 to 6. at Lutheran Church Services Services at Louisville church 9:2( a. m. ! l;ible school at both Louisville and M'.irdock churches at 10 a. m. Services in English. 11 to 11:30, and services in German. 11:30 to 12, 9t Murdock church. Young Peoples' meeting at 7 p. m. and evening preaching services at 7:30. tf RECEIVES A JOLT Tool Bros. Show Foot Pleasure is Csr Business jrom Maine h California All the important broadcasting Sta tions from Maine to California, from CeiMda to Cuba, are yours to choose from, if ycror receiving set is ZEKTTH tbe set chosen exclw btct by Dr. Donald B. MacMUlaa for Us Arctic expedition. during the ance at the grain dea which was held there past week. Herman R. Schmidt and wife and brother of Mrs. Schmidt and Mr. Eicfcoff. who is here from Oklahoma, were visiting in Lincoln last Thurs day, making the trip in their auto, and were lookine after some busi ness matters while there. .home. She is getting along very nicely and will be herself again in a short time it is hoped by" her many friends. Mr. Scheel while there fouijd his old time friend, Henry Ahl. there recovering from the ef fects of a broken leg, which cau?ed ;him to have to go there for treat- ' ment. W. O. Schewe was a business visi tor in Lincoln last uednesday, go ing to look after some business mat- wa i -r r vt-! 1 n tVi rn tfil i ATI O Cf Vlll "UKr " visiting for a short time In Murdoc purchaser coming after, the animal withjs rogin w T. Weddell. Th on iiiurKiiuy ui ism ntt Harry Smith, representing the Rir.r-lair Oil rnmnanv. with a. station - ve r at Ashland, was a business visitor J " A, in Murdock last Thursday, looking after some business matters for the company which he represents, and delivering some gas and oils. Gust and Harold Hempke were bupy for a dw days last week blast ing logs which were left when the power transmission line cut large trees alone the road where thev were building. They were blasting years- the logs to split them to use for wood. i Getting the line in Shape Victor Thimgan has been working The boys ar getting the lines of in Plattsmouth for the past week or the Murdock Telephone company in more and is liking his work with condition and are stringing some the crew of workers who are putting new wires for affording additional In the power transmission line from service and are getting the lines in Plattsmouth to Lincoln. Victor will good shape. They have had much be with the power company for some extra work on account of the build time yet. ing of the power transmission line Little Winfred Lawton. daughter causing a change in the lines of the Of Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Lawton, cele- company. Kenneth. Lacey, Harry, brated her ninth birthday annivers- Gust and Dick make a good team for ary with much eclat last Friday and the work and are keeping things on had besides her little girl friends .the move all the time. her teachers in the Murdock school Newton IIaz-ibert. of Pittsburg. Pa., who was v?;Iur.g in Lincoln ana looking after some business matters at Artland. where he was Murdock le cousin, who is in the banking busi ness now at Pittsburg, was for 4 9 and 8 months, within four months of being fifty years, and as his birthday came that much before he has worked the half hundred years, he was placed on the retired list as he passed his 70th birthday and the rule is with the Pennsyl vania railway to pension all employ . es when they arrive at seventy, who have served a sufficient number of From Friday's Pally '; Yesterday the mills of Justice op- erateu oy juuuc tinum v , . w re set to grinding and ns the ob-. ject of the grinding v- as a man giv- ;r.g the name oi is. i. rauiu his residence as near Weeping Wa- , t-r. The defendant was found on . Wednesday evening by Officer Clyde! Jackson in what was claimed to be a j ste of intoxication and was taken, to the ctiv bastile to rest for the : niht before he was sent rorui to face the law for his. shortcoming. Judge Weber aTter hearing the testimony in the case and the plea of the prisoner decided that a fine of Sin and costs would settle the. mat ter, which was accordingly placed j Herman, ciem. on the prisoner and on his sett'.inp; i -ai sli rP- he was sent on his way rejoicing. DID YOU GHAE YGUE SHARE OF THE C0LLAES? Washington. .ov. 16. Five col lars, approximately, for every man in the country were made last year. Census bureau's statistics of loday show 15.590.C62 dozen, or 1S7.0S7. 5GS men's collars were turned out by factories in 1923. That included starched and soft collars made prin cipally of cotton, and there also were some "of celluloid, pyralin and paper. Their total calue was $30,803,554. Mrs. J. D. Hawksworth. of Lin coln, is here enjoying a visit at the home of her parents, Judge and Mrs. A. J. Beeson. NEBRASKA VOTE SHOWN BY THE OFFICIAL COUNT Coolioge's Irorality S1.269, Spill- man's 119,410, Noms' 109. 277 Over Thomas. Official returns tabulated by Sec retary of State Pool give President Coolidge a plurality of 81,209 in Nebraska. Davis received I6,zby while the president received 21S.5S5. La Follette was third with 105,701. The total vote cast for president was 464.169. The constitutional amendment for the removal of the party circle was defeated bv a vote cf 22S.4S5 to 1C3.932. The total vote cast at the election was 471,534. Attorney General Spillman leads the rinnl.lican slate ticket with a mainritv of 119.410. He received 270.007 votes, while Senator' Norris Tv.irf:t 274.647 and a majority of ifti"77 over J. J. Thomas. Land Commissioner Swanson has a plural ity of S6.97C over two opponents iliiilwav Commissioner Taylor has a majority of 13.4S9 over t loyd l. l',ol!tn. Secretary cf State Pool, the only democratic state officer elected, has a plurality of 12,570. The returns thus far tabulated are: Total votes cast Nov. 4 471,534 On Eeferendtm ( 392,417) For removal of circle 1C3.932 Against removal of circle 22S.4S5 Majority against, 64,553. Tor President (464.169) Davis pnd Bryan, dem 137, 2 J-9 ; Coolidge and Dawes, rep 218.585 iFuiis arc! Brehm. pro 1.594 La Follette Wheeler, ind. 106.701 I Cooiidu-e's plurality, 81,296. For U. . Senator (440.017) Thomas, dem. and prog 165.370 Norris. rep. 274,647 Norris' majority, 109,277. For Governor (44S.360) I Norton, dem. i,uj ' McMuIlen. rep. 229,067 Butler, prog. 35,594 '; McMullen's plurality, 45,358. Lieutenant Governor (428, S44) i Mullin. dem. 167,018 WiilL'iiis. rep. 2 lit. 9 bo HuLiE'T, prog. 30,797 Webster, pro. 11,06 1 Williams' plurality, 52.947. Secretary of State (432.599) Pool, dem. and prog 216,813 Johnson, rep. 204,243 Gilbertj pro. 11,543 Pools plurality, 12,570. Auditor of Public Accounts (423.142) Harman, dem. 160,500 215,817 Anderson, prog. c. a . - ' ' Fawiett. pro. 8,590 Marsh's plurality, 55.317. Land Commissioner (421.754) Larson, dem. 151,769 Swanson, rep. 238,745 Wiggins, prog. 31,240 Swanson's plurality, 86,976. State Treasurer (420,343) Langhorst, dem. 153,708 Robinson, rep. 231.340 Stolley, prog. 35,295 Robinson s plurality, 77,632. Attorney General (420,604) Floharty, dem. 150,597 SpHlman, rep. and prog 270,007 Spillman's majority, 119,410. Bail way Commissioner (413,647) Bollen, dem. and prog 200,0 9; Taylor, rep. .213, abb, Taylor's majority, 13.4S9. j Congressman, 1st District (64,894) 'i Morehead, dem. and prog 33,S4 Thorpe, rep. 29,755 Barton, Tiro. l.biio Morehead's plurality, 3,829. Congressman, 2nd District (69,197) Jamison, dem. 24, .56 Sears, rep. 3s.3?z Harrep, prog. 6.0 59 Sears' plurality, 13,623. Congressman, 3rd District (81,172) Howard, dem. and prog 46,631 Houston, rep. 34,541 Howard's majority, 12,090. i Congressanm, 4th District (65,760) riaeck. dem. 2S.962 McLaughlin, rep. 2.235 Schmidt, prog. 4,5 63 McLaughlins plurality, 3,273. Congressman, 5th District (67,637) Shalknberger. dem., prog 37,766 Andrews, rp. 29,871 Shallenberirer's majority. 7,895. Ccrgressman, 0th District (91.323) Beal, dem. Simmons, rep. Candy, prog. Simmon's plurality. 23,411 University Eegents First District: Cline 32.215! Pin-, tv. li- i o r. . 1 re LJf ersc 1 Seccnd District: Wtlsier 32,53 MAYOR SATTLER IS GIVEN A REAL FARTY SATURDAY Fiicnds From Omaha Visit Here and Give City Executive Ee mindor of Kis Eirthday. Prom ?.!''nKiv's I'nily Snt'irdy evening. Mayor John f-rltUr v.-as g;ven a real surprise P. at 31.27 5 54.6h6 5.3C2 iif- home on North Lieventli tireet on the occasion of his sixtieth birth day nnniverppry and the vent will ;on- hp very pleasantly remembered v all nf the party and the host in ,t rticular. i The larger part of the members of the party came from Omaha and thir cr-U was wry unexpected to the rrr-n mayor, although the other m-.'-.r.ers f the family were "wis-i" to f:t that the "invasion" was iplanr.'d by the Omaha friends of the ; fa;:ii!y. j T' " riij'or, who has been one of 'the troniMient residents of the-city for the greater part of his lifetime, was trivet1 hearty well wishes by the , :vh iM-ers of the party and with the ! contents of the well filled baskets ;ihnt lind been brought by the visi 1 tors there was a feast fit for a king arnmsed and which was enjoyed by . all of the party. ; It was late in the evening when the iiif.nluTs of the party departed for th ir hon.es. wishing the mayor manv more years of success and hap- HAD TO GIVE UP SCHOOLS Maizen Tell Reasons Why Walt hill Teachers Were Relieved of Their Duties. Long -Distance Radio Ueenstd under Armsirtm U. S. Patent .o. JJiS.J49 Let ns demonstrate tasmg just an ordinary, inexpensive lond-peater the extraordiniry range end selec tivity of the new models. V. P. BEYER Tool-Nauman Lumber Office Murdock, Neb. as well. A most pleasant time was had by all present. Fred A. Stork completed the pick ing of his corn last Tuesday and was quite well satisfied with it, as J. J. Roberts Dies in Omaha J. J. Roberts, who it will be re membered suffered a very serious injury by being crushed by a tractor! with which he was workine:. and In reply to an article in the W.iit hill Times criticising him f-r cut iinv off two.teachtis in r-i-rl rtis- iricts State Superintendent Matzer. e'u in each case there is failure on the part of the teacher to come up to the requirements o law fo-- a rt'.ond grade coai: y certificate, n certificate issued by th-J county su perintendent. He explains tht Mrs. Harold Wist, formerly Miis Wihuu Wheeler, failed to come ap to the require ments when she came to .renewal of her second grade jounty certificate and there is no way by law wheeby a certificate can be grants J her. She has taught in Martin school c.istiU t. No. 9, south of Walthill two years. The state superintendent says the law does not permit the issu ance of emergency certificate ex cept where there is a scarcity of cjualified teachers. There is a sur plus at this time, he says. In the case of Agnes Stanek, tparhpr in district 35. known as the Summers school, the teacher revert had a certificate. On examination i her general average was lower than SO per cent, the legal minimum. j The Walthill paper complains thru ' the rulings of the state superintend- , ent under the law are autocratic. diversions of the evening were in cards and a general good r tir; ard with plenty of music to u I oh"' r on the musically inclined mem 1 berr of the' party. J TVose vho enjoyed the occasion !'.v'-": Mr. and Mrs. Hob Sat.on, Mr. Ch ren'e Lf!ieinore. Mrs. Mr'Tiwn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ,-Fsrrt rn;t nau enter, noroiny; iwr. riml "'rs. John Hatt. Mr. and Mrs. William I'loo'i.er, Mr. and Mrs. Karl A1-!. Mr. and Mrs. Kmil Hauth, Em ory Mi-Corkle. Mrs. Grace Doyle. Fred Tlcibster. P. T. Becker. Anna Loli ma nil, Lester Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lohinnnn and frun- I ilv. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Krecklow. ! Mr. and Mr::. .1. F. Warta, Mr. nnd i Mrs. Jern F. Warga. Mr. and Mrs. iW. IT. Maren, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Luniick, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence Pprecher. .. J NEW SON ARRIVES From TiiPFfla v's Daily Ther?" arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bart Ik, west of this city, yesterday a fine nine and a half pound son and heir, and lining the first child in the family the little one has broueht with it n crreaf deal of iov and hamdness. Th lli . lliei anil jaut um: ii- iiiiu, 1111 ' iy and the occasion has brought much joy to Frd and also to Grand pa Louis Horn. Mrs. Ilartik was forrn erlv Miss Edna Rom. Blank boom at Journal oSicm. he had expected mat it would be from which it was honed that he! some short on account of the dry mlsht recover, was taken to the weather. The corn made nim an average cf 2R bushels to the acre. He alo disposed of some 4 5 fine porkers to an Ashland dealer. Ferdinand Wendt, who is making Deean sinkin his home at lieimont, nrougnt three passed away hospital at Omaha and on last Wed-1 nesday underwent an operation for: the removal of one of his legs affect-1 ed from the injury, after wnicn ne t r and during the night j Mr. Roberts was an car loads of the products of his farm exempliary citizen and one of the to the east for sale, a car load of representative farmers of western; horses, wnicn ne win sen at auction cass county. 1 Get Alt the Cream We are handling the McCormick and John Deere line of cream separators and they are absolutely guaranteed to do the best work. See us for what you are needing in machinery, for the best work in the line of auta repairs and for auto supplies and acces sories for same. We have the agency for the celebrated feed grinders which will save niuch in feedirg as all the com can be used. See Us for a Demonstration E. Murdock V. Thimgan Garage -:- Nebraska Buys Harness for the West Last Wednesday Charles E. Cook, of Flattsmouth. and Will Splitt. of Imperial, were in Murdock. and while here, Mr. Splitt purchased a set of harness of A. J. Tool, one of those j excellent ones which Mr. Tool is j manufacturing, and said that he J would need a number of sets like it, as they were away better and less expensive thr.t the ones which it is ' possible to purchase in the western portion of the state. Celebrated Eirthday Thursday Last Thursday little Dorothy Goer thy celebrated the passing of her Bixth birthday anniversary at her home and with a fine dinner prepar ed by her mother, Mrs. L. B. Goer thy. There were present besides the family, the grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Vanderberg and Eon. Edward. Tha birthday was enjoyed very nicely by all present. Shiaffe INDEPENDENT PARTY C03OnTTEE P0W WOW. w 5. '-1 . r ..- J ,- 'JV' ..- : . -',-... Indianapolis. Ind.. Nov. 20. .Tohn ! Zahnd. chairman of the national independent party, today called a meeting of the party's national com mittee to be held here December 9. to reorganize and plan the party's activities for 1925. The party in dorsed the La Follette and Wheeler ticket in the last campaign, but an nouncement is made in the call that "from this time on the party will not mix with otheY groups." j The members of the national com-; mittee, listed in the call include: i Rot M. Harrop. Omaha, Neb; N. Neilson, Fort Worth, Texas; Gladys C. McGuire, Elsinore, Cal.; Silas N. j Bunn, Grand Junction, Cala.; H. G. j George. Farest Citl la.; I). R. Bald-' win. Roberts, Mont., ana i:rs. z,annu of Indianapolis. LOYAL SERVICE CLASS MEETS .-V. it 99 Lifetime the From Friday l.ily Thp T.rval Service class of Christian church last evening enter tained their husbands at the pleas ant home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Tschkert in honor of Mr. Tschkert. The evening was spent in playing games of all kinds and also in hear ing a number of very fine readings by Miss Hilt that proved most de lightful to all in attendance. At a suitable hour dainty refresh ments were served and much enjoy ed. Those attending the event were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stine, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark. Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Ranney, Mr. and Mrs. Stones. Mr. a.id Mrs. C. P. Sydebotham, Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Rhin, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hacken berg. Mrs. Jessie Woodward. Mrs. McClory and two sons, Miss Virginia Robb. Miss Hilt, Cleo Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Tschkert and daughter. M SH!. 'U.t mm mm 1 with its 8 pecially contoicSted Cap with Gold Band eliminates break age. Its lever of recognized su premacy assur ing Full Ink Sup ply, together with its Gold Trimmings make it the Ten Du tinctiVQ and the logical purchase. ENJOY FINE TI2IE The Delta Dek -club were very pleasantly entertained by the Misses; Gladys Lash and Eileen Ccder at ; their home at 1207 Main street last J evening. In the contests of the even- ing, MiEs Marion Walker received the first rize and Miss Alice Waters j 'the second prize. At an appropriate i . 1 2, 4. n - , . 1 n 'served by the hoBttsses. j i Priced $8.75 I Costs More Worth More "LIFETIME'S" Pen Point is un- tilf ;j conditionally wTfii guaranteed for- tj'&j ever against de- recta ana accidents. 'Eliis Is the engine cf a fountain pen. Se$ that 2,'oun tzars tht name, "LIFETIME." DATES BOOK STORE irjuar-J ML t-:i -:l I ... wiJ . I : "SKRIP uccesortx ;fTI Have ycu sscured your Thanks giving to ink AU colors. I. ti cards? The Bates Book ar.d Gift, us about it.L::i cnop nas a large variety iu bcicui . from. J 1 1 i