The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 24, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, NOVEM3ER 2i',' l&U
Ft. Chas. Parrish, Veterinarian,
rimw.ot, Nebraska. Call day phone,
7; night. 58. tf-x
Kr;,n!; Daimherty was in attenel
nnn at the K. P. district convention
a; Hiikman last vcc k.
I'.-Tt Kitzt-I .vas looking utter so mo
i:.-in'ss matter.-? i:i Linroln on Tues
" of i.-w t week, ('.riving over in his
an . o.
Carl Price of the Standard Oil Co..
i.f , was i vi;tiu- iu Alvo last
V. .,!;. v ';:-. dclivevng gas to the.
I :: .: - G:.aro.
L'n H. r.ry J. ?. I i 1 1 r was ns-ist-r
t :v in! .''..iri;' a car cf lumiiir
1 t Wdnerday for John W. Banning
:i Iruit.i r nan.
.dor.-n Johnson and wife were
i-ii;:g in Lino dn yat Wart nr u'.Ky,
they dtivir.g vi r in their oar to sc.
f : i i-. I - a;'l a!o to look after some
si.; ppir.g a1; we 11.
i. .- Mi':!. He own or of the o.-f-t
' ,:'r.r. was a visitor at !'. homo
ir. i,.n; otn la.-t Wedr.osd ty etoning
" . : ; i - i h i - a : i r o .
Mi-. Will : 'imp-on. v.-ifo of the
! i barber, with tho lilt?.' sun moved
iuHLMt.-l wh. . the-;- will make
i: . ir homo in the future.
;:ri 1 Is-.-rr.hvoy Wi s a v!:-if or in
Jaeoln a number ef times (luring
; , '.. he ha. U '. :." :T':o:lrt f'eon
there ;.!' .".!.. for the mere hunt s as
w 11 ; - i'.i.- hi:ri- ''t.
Ib-nry J. Miller and wife v. re
vi -1 ; mi i Li::e:i on Shir-day. driv
ii;:' ov r o s-o tk ir da tight r. )ir.
' : -. ;. nr. who war; i.'l ired s
time ao in an auto accident.
.... Mi! in 1 1j. mailt !. who h;-
I-, a t,i the toa rs of tho srhcod
at Alvo. has resigned ao.l tho plaeo
he he n siii piii'l hy tho hiring of
II. U. Tu'I. y. wh comes from I.iii-
C. E. Edwards, why was s.'-let t c '
; - . . .i .. j.i :. r tho prt.ont
. : :a r;f ' u; '. v a t xous-'d lor a ft-
i. - - 1... . -k o r. !'.;:: t r-i tiV. ro
- (it whi'-h require. I no
1 -Vop'o. v.h.. has hoe::
v. t:..i on ao.' th -- do ah of
; ;.-.... nd. n-t'M-vir-d to lier
.. .n day ho-t u.ok. v. 'u :;
vi-! niako her hTio f'T tho
I : - '"
Joe Armtronrr is one th-it is
r "- - d v. tho tr.dinu of tho war
M :: h: 5. eon o.:i in the jirioo of
lift . for toe di.Toicuee in pri- i.s
:: i n..t ro !;i io.t wort: a disadvau
t - to ;!! '" ah TH.
V;;" Ki v. A. Xorlin. pro-dor vi
f:?o .-..'..': dt -.t c-'ian !i of A!r-
J r r. a : tc at the revival n't t-!-.-;
v. ; j h art i:i irop:r s-j at tho
t h'-d r ;:'.''!'"'" ai fc roio'o, where
t :o P. v. .'in ro'fo forn r p.rortor v-Z
t A 1 -. i :,'ir; Ii n mini.sterinff this
. J V.".-.l. v.-ho va at th-.-
!;-? li.i I s--me ti'io: d: ce and or.rt--r-w
lit a :i t-i'i i-ition for appeitdicilis,
! ( n hum for several days and
j-. vi p-ir;o.l as ro.t l"oolii:K quite so
w !! doting the v.of!:. Ilor
a i w
r. :y ? e tii be well arain.
dam :i nd C-'ai- Ki:-1 iiclh! f d the pi .-king of tho ir o-rr.
1., t , k a- 1 wof'" nvll seti-di- d
v ith tho reif.rn -s for this you r when
re ; ... f-.oibl err i '. ;. verv lnr:re
r : in j. f r' he :r fairiir.g. lio w-o. . r.
Will s.tys hi- corn woul.1
avu - a! out 2." bushels tho a:-rr.
iae n !im- y-r v.-j; in
;.'".. :'- i I.--: Vf ilne-.-diy wi.i-io lie- was
in r !ar : at the C,r- 'n Deab-rs
r-.-r. v r.ii'-n v vo w: lo.-.hir.g oft-
r bu due f-'irrs a ; w, !'.
Y,d' ib !. ' was away l'-.- JiO; in ss w- -j
i.oiiog i.-oke.l j.fter by Will II. Warn-, r
v. b is a ro t di pejvljl,!-.. to n t !e ce n .
Art liar s h-..s ir.s'alicd. dur
iror tho p. : w-'-?:. radi- re.-civirg
r- is : t to-- h. m-s of E. M. Stone. W.
J. A'.' h n:ii W. h. Coppie. ti.-e-:
l.on s ;, ai! ,-.v 11 sat'stit.l with
t!' e it, v." acfod eil- i .a. and. why r.ot
as (V y re a bio to lo t a": ihii;:; and
nny-. -r-- in the ..ountry with tioir
n ' n v h ; '-is.
C Vi
i;i thr: n .-i-Ji'i.irh ) '.!. a id
v-:- hoi I"? tlo- honor and rcspe. t of
in this co:an ;niiy. h 's ":.o -n
c::r d hy ha -o I.'iU to menage tho
co vatr-n at Alvo. With two e o - li
er?! men runni'ig the elevators in
Mittenr, Gloves, Pegs and Hocps. Anything you
want in this line.
Heating Stove?, just what ycu want for winter.
Washing Machines to save the wife and mother.
.Radios for the whole family and the heat ma
chines, with service and prices right.
For Trucking and Hauling see us.
Ooafman Hardware o.
Alvo it looks like there would be
excellent treatment for everybody.
The Home Missionary society of
the Methodist church, on last Sun
day, had u speaker here, who spoke
in behalf of the work which this
society is doine;. and was listened to
hy a larpe number of tho members of
the church, l'ollowiai; tho exercises
a 'inner was served in the basement
for the members and their families
and a most enjoyable time was had.
.Mrs. Frank Cox. living a few miles
r.orihwcft of Xohawka, while in the
vard looking after her chickens riep
'pd on a cob. which rolled urdor her
fort, and caused her to sustain a
very severe fall, which spraintd her
wrist very severely and which Ivjs
kept her from itsinpr it since. She is.
however, setting along nicely at this
time, and hopes soon to be well
a -a in.
J: i:n Elliott and W. W. Coatman.
v.h.i are rtirriibors, both completed
thtir cornh'.iskins: the a?, me day,
last Wednesday, and are pretty iiad
that thov wore able to pet the grain
in the crib during: the lice weather.
Will says they make rood elevators
for farm use for he has used one for
s'-venroen year
d it is still goad.
and that he thinks it wnl lasc an
other seventeen years.
V. W. Coat m:' n and wi;e :-.n'I two
d:.'iE,htets. Missei Hful and Perle.
wire vi.;ting for a few day. last
v-vtik at the home f Mr. and Mrs.
Mdo Gollner. the wife being a sister
of Mr. Coatman. Thny c-njoyt .1 a
tn-it nlois:ir.t vhit wlule tilt re I'O-
iinit.g for a couple
v vs.
Coatman says Grand Is'.uu., wr.t-re
they visittd. is a ''wonderful place
and ovtry time he goes it gets big
ger and bigger.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to express to the kind
friends and neighbors our derpest
.,r.nv..,.iii!..n .if I i r?Ti:.v acts f i
kindio. -s shvx'.n in the rr-ent : del:
i.t-.-s of our belived hu'oand and
father, and for the words of sym
pathy at our great loss at his ri;.th.
Also." we wish to thank all those e
oo n w A . who sat tin and who
wore so y rcrous wdtii the beautiful j
fhiwers at the funeral. Mrs. JVary
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Toland
and familv; Mr. and Mrs. Snerman
W.dfe: Mr. and Mrs. Harlot; Wolfe:
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jatohson and other
re lati es.
Free Movie Thanksgiviag Day.
Tiio business men cf Alvo have
concluded in addition to the free
movi -s which they have h.een fur
nishing for some time on Saturday,
to po.t on an extra one for Thanks
giving evening, that is the evening
of Thanksgiving day. not the night
! ' Many Attended the Convention.
: Mrny of the members of the
Knights of Pithyas of Alvo were in
r tt ro.!.Ttce at the District mee ting of
; tho lodge of this portion of the state.
i which was held at Hickman last
, v. , ok. There were from Alvo these
who attended and a number more
H. E. Iiornerier, Arthur Dinge,
Elbert Taylor, Eyle Miller, ('. D.
Csuz. II. I). P.iehcrdsor.. A. 15. Strom-
, c Frank E. Cook, Edward Elliott.
Floyd Dhkerson. J. D. Foreman, P.
J. Linen. It. M. Coatman and others.
Tiio ei-ide:r.ic of hiccoughs wdiith
lies, visit -d several coinniunitie 3 over
th. western country seems to have
rtr:f-k this city as one or two cases
of too hiccoughs are reported here
in d -'T' rent part? rf the city. Th"
a - 'edy Pf-'.ns to last over peroral
d ye e'o.d fo-o." cps.s grow quite sori-.-,
es well as pnnoyiiig to the pa
t? ;.t. Tho c-r-'e hoo-o are not of
the ; li-i:; - t ype. however, but tlose
v ho have attack' of the ho roughs
i v i l out any afoit-nt ra'.s. h oi
' In t'v r yft under the protecting care
' rt c. phyr-ician a- toon as 7ossiblo.
Miss Mam'e Sperry was a visitor
In Omaha today whe re r.ho will spe nd
the day looking after some matters
' f business.
,-? S22 Art Dinger at the
- Alvo Garage. Ke will
"1 instail ortfl for you. Al
so look after your auto
Alvo Gsrsge,
Widow of the Late President Passed i
Away Friday l.Iominc: at Home
at Marion, Ohio.
Marion. O.. Nov. 21. Mrs. F!or-
i 1
once Kliug Harding. v.ilow of the ; iu,r;; .,ro mainstay of the
late President Warren ft. Harding, or(ier for which they are the aux
died today at S:3o u. m. at White ij;ary
0 'kos farm. i:-ics Love 11. who is gathering
Weakened by the shock of her hits- cnrn n2il- Mvnard was a visiter at
1 and's death and the ordeal of his tne 1;onj0 cf Herman Rauth as well
public funeral a year and a half ago, as was Mr auJ Mrs -aiter Mocken
:,!vs. Harding was unable to throw ,ut all L.njovjng the occasion very
off the rocurrence of t!ie malady mucn '
wiiich liad brought her to the very j yin Sheehnn and brother,
gates of death in 1022 at the White j T. r';5 kViv were visiting and
house. I
She became seriously
ill late in
Save for brief intervals of improve
ment, her strength ebbed gradually
until the end.
Went Into Coina.
With her when the on 1 came were
her brother, Clifford Idling oT Flor
ida: Mrs. Charles E. Sawyer, widov:
of Prt-ident Hardin-'rs personal phy
sician. Dr. Carl W. Suwyer., and
Gtr-roe II. Christian, former secre
tary to tne late presiueni. j
Dr. Sawyer, who hod be"n with;
Mrs. Harding almost constantly dur- !
drat!). His eyes wore filled with
tears as he sail simply:
"She has odd. She went peace
fully an:! quie'ly. i may have a for
mal statement later.
rs. Harding p:is d into ii
Toursday marnin
and early
che was urscious.
She was ill two weeks before
gravity tf her condition became
ke. iv.t. out ide White Ooks. tho- sani
.larinm and country estate cf the
TV-en (!ii me monnn? of November
n. Dr. Carl V. S.twye r, after a vor
rulla.tion w5th Dr. .1. C. Wood-. Clove -lan-l
:b,!omi!ia! specialist, issued
bulletin describing her condition as
Public Q'dick ta Express Sympathy.
Imm'-'diatedy rives-:;;, s of svmpa
thy and b'.p.- f;r a rapid recovery
began pouring in from all parts t.f
tho country.
T'10 nr.ti n. which so admired tho
f ; tirade with which Mrs. Hardino
l.o re up under the many dramaii
chapters in her career as first lady
of the land, was quick to f nil word
of good cheer to her bedside.
Pro' tbly no other woman in tee
histoiy of American national liio
ever held so s'-curtly the admiration
01 the eou.itry as d'd Mrs. Harding.
Reports of her la.-.t illness drew ai
riest tho same universal intervst as
shese during the attack -whoi she
suffered two pears ago in Washing
ton. Brave Eig-ht Against the llalady.
Behind the tre.gcdy of her death
is the story of a brave but losing
fight oorainst the mabiey. which. d.
spite tiio most skillful at'ontion, had
reappeared in virulent form it t criit-
eel litres jr.
life f-.
t!ie list tweo'.ty years.
Its f,rst anrearanre in serious for::;
interrupted for a ttm
bosino s piruu-r.-hip whieh the
Hardings had formed on the Marion
Ens ever.i-ig ft. C. Wescot. presi
dent of tie- Platesmouth AI) l:i'-.
was at Auburn.- where he was one e i
the speakers at the monthly mee-t'ng
of the elub of that sity.
The occasion vas the entertaining by
tho Auburn ciuh of the Hi-Y boys
of Auburn and tho your.g people
were very enthudustio especially rt
the re -.nil of tho fo- tbail game that piven th'ni- vi'-airy over th--Falls
City te em. The event was vc y
largely attoro'e d ai.d tho address e;f
Mr. Weseott v.-;n wvy much enpoy
by tho luji: uur.iher in attendance at
tiio eveo.t.
shoviitct improvement
The many frienels ef the family
cf Judge and Mrs. James T. IJogloy
will bo pli.-.tse-d to learn of the fact
that, their daughter. Miss Violet, is
now showing signs ef improvement
our lor recent attack ef appendi
citis and it is hoped that she is now
out of danger and that she wil bo
;iblo to recover without
Hy ff nu operaticn.
Has Its Share of the Proof that Kid
ney Sufferers Seek
P.ackache? IChlncys weak?
Distressed with urinary iils?
Want a reliable kidney remedy?
Don't have to look fur. Use what
Plattsmeuth people recommend. Ev
ery street in Plattsmouth has its
Here'.-' one Plattsmonth woman's
Mrs. S. I,. Cotner, Marble street,
gave the following statement Febru
ary 2:;, 1916: "I em glad to recom
mend Doan'H Pills for I know from
personal experience they are a kid
ney remedy of merit. I have taken
Doan's on several occasions for
backache and kidney trouble and
they have always done me good.
Doan's have been used in our fam
ily for a long time and the results
have been very satisfactory."
On May 13. 1020, Mrs. Cotner
said:: "The cure Doan's Pills made
for me has lasted."
Pr e 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Pills the same that Mrs.
Cotner had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
John Stander was a visitor for a
f?w days last week with friends in
Oiac h i and was aiso looking aiter
onto business matters as wen mi
The Royal Neighbors of America
are doing pome very good work in
.i,,iv i.-i? as well as other lodge
Ani-!nr after some business matters
i. . . rt - 1 .1.... . . f 1 . i f , I 1 C 1 0
i-.i ii 'iii-'i on iiiuisaav ui iiiisi.
they making the trip in the car of
Mr. Keliy.
W. J. Rati, the banker, and Rudy
Pergman. postmaster of Manley,
..ere looking after some ' business
e-atters in Omaha last- Thursday,
they making the trip via tho car of
Mr. Ihero n.oi n.
Charles Cerlieh and wife of Omaha
were visiting last Wednesday even
ine: mid T'torsdsy morning in Man
! y o.s wrl! as looking after some
irin'S-. driving down from Omaha
iii their auto. IVarson, the barber of
Mrnb'y aod Mrs. Jennie Jenkins
,-oro "looking after some business
letters in Lincoln last Wednesday
end ;dso stoprrd for a time in Havo
otk vhrro they all formerly lived
-nd visited for a time with their
.l ie n Is th r re.
Mbs Eowes who has been teaching
nt tho Manley rrh.ool was n visitor at
lev horn" in Lincoln last Sunday
.';i li- r fo'hs and whi'.e there was
do lined for a short time with some
I 't-iness matters and during her ab-Mv--,.
trover Iiwreiisen has
t e n tracldng in her place.
It. Pickard who is a rustler, has
j.isi; completed the painting of tho
homo end business building of Mr.
t'evid Hrann. which is adding much
to tho beauty of the village of Man
;v rrrt j-.s one of tho citizens said.
"It looks much better than the un-
i"!dh billboard bearing out of
1 1 w n advertisements.
Mrs. . J. Kan received a num-
1-7- o.f cords and a letter from her
1 rTier f kiuele Erockenf. Id who is
Vow I oate-M nt Silver 1 in.. COiO-
rado. lust on th" erc-t of the ran. "
went cf Denver and sends some ver
".its ft ful loour.toin scenes at well
rs paying that the weather is abso
i t oy p-.rfect, it being warm and
r;rht and that he is liking his po
iion th-re anet work as well.
Tho ladies of the Royal Neighbors
rn:l other friends one flay last week
hold a most, interesting meeting in
ii - hall at Manley in the natur" of
shower for one 01 their members,
Mr. Jam OS OLear'. who with her
i-usbrind wore blessed a few ' week n
.cince by the coming toe their homo
of a fin.- you'ig son. A most plear
"it time was h.nd at the meeting and
'my very beautiful and useful
things, needful for tho little one,
"cm civon.
Miss Teresa Rauth who with her
'rother. .In rp!i R"uth. -went to
foontep rore time n'uce to visit
with iheir ?:strr. Mrs. James Tighe
of near there, returned home iat
"O'l 1: vin the frnin, while Joseph
will rem in there for some time and
pick corn as there ?s much to c-atbrr
-:nd th" wc.-Vcrs are few. Miss
'"-resn reT.rits'a rio--t enjoyable visit
-hi'e th' -!-o as we)! -iS every one
p if'sperous.
?rr?. IT'-rlfi FtilT Sick
A. TI. TItir bl, i-or-civcd r card lret
y.'.-.r.y fT,-, fi-.r n;rvf is in at
t end -nr. on hi- mo her saying thnt
to-- I - (1 y was sfill rirk but has been
:'owinr- very s'tfibt improvement.
Mr. nnd Mrs. -Tr---ib went down on
'"' ,"r,!-iv ""tin", and soent Pnndav
-: h tho f.vk? ,-nd spent the dny
v-ili mother, cheering her bv
' h "-ir vis'f .
l' Pearson's
The Home of
Good Work
Manley - - Nebraska
Elmer Pearson, Prop.
I-. Tpor.TS U0RHIS'
Tl P-so. Tex.. Nov. 20. The Am-erl-an
Federation of Labor today re
afti;m"d its apn-oval of legislative
pi-rpov-nls to convene congress imme
diptelv H'f.r flu. peroral election
and to th.- short session for
"lame ducks."
The to'TVention unanimously ap-pre.s-ed
n report o-' the committee on
leat-hition -piedgint: support of the
pronosed constitutional amendment
of Senator Norn's of Nebraska, under
which newly ele-ted senators and
representatives would take their
sort! in January following the No
vember elections instead of in De
cember of the nextyear.
The Norris aioendmert already
has been approve! by the senate,
and. i? before the house in the-form
of a resolution by Representative
White of Kansas. Efforts will be
made by the federation to secure
house action on the proposal at the
short session next month.
Mrs. Oeorge Black and daughter,
MIj Cordelia, were visitors in Omaha
today goinr: to on. the early
morning Burlington train to look
after some matters of business.
a t
Recess Taken Until January to Per
mit Assembling of Data litla
tive to Agriculture.
Nov. lit. After d"
co-operative market-
cieling to give
intr and conditions in
tho cattle in-
dustrv priority in their study ef ag
ricultural problems with a view to
having definite conclusions as to
these ready for Jegi.-Iatn e action
durincr the session of congress which
convenes next mem
nth, the president's
11 i :;cion reeee-e-d rf-
agricultural commi
ter its third session today, probably
until January.
While the inquiry in other field.;
also may' have progressed sufficient
ly before March 4 when tlie present
congress expires to- permit iiirtnr
conclusions to be presented for pos
sible legislation. Chairman Carey of
the committee told President Cool
idge today that the body could not
hope to work out its entire program
by that time.
Tho recess taken tonight, Carey
explained, was neeese.iry to permit
the assembling of the comprehensive
data on all government aet-i-vitics re
lating to agriculture which the com
mission has requested as an essen
tial basis for its work.
The reports asked for, relating to
financial, statistical, and regulatory
activities having to do with agricul
ture as well as tariff, reclamation
and other problems will be made
available to members of the commis
sion as soon as possible, it wjis said.
The eommi'--ien, it was jxplained,
tan then proceed with the work of
gram of
with the
up a comprehensive pro
arrioi'lt ural rehabilitation
cattle in lustrv ami the eo-
first to be
reduced to
stti -Mr.-.
Meyer Examined
The action of the commission in
adopting a priority program as to
these two fields of inquiry is in ac
cordance with the expresseel wish ef
President Coolidge that emergency
problems be disposed of as quickly
as possible in order that the conven
ing shtrt session of congress might
hive the benefit of the commission's
on elusions.
Tiie eemmission took up today the
question of government financial aid
to agriculture in calling before it
Eugene Meyer, Jr., managing direc
tor of the war finance corporation.
The present freight rate structure
as affecting agrb nltural profits, one
of the major problems before the
commission. was eiiscused with
Chairman, Jlail, .. of .the. Interstate
Commerce commission and water 1
power policies of the government
were taken up with offhials of the
Federal Power commission. These
of.icials followed a number who ap
before the commission yes-
07 ft'1
V 8 -'1
Breadnaaght Washington, ITever
Completed, Withstands Attack
of Tons cf Shells.
i Norfolk, Va., Nov. 21. Showing
Ja list of about fifteen degrees, the
t hull -of the s-upcr droadnaught Wash
jingion. still was adoat tonight off
th'- Virginia Canes, despite two
heavy attacks by the battleship Tex
as -which today continued t-sts begin
yesterday to determine
tr.'irteen-ineh shell firo
type )f armor used in
of the ship.
Tons of big project 5 h
cd in tho morning nnd
afternoon. Particles o;
the effect of
e'l t;!- nt-w
s were :a:rl
:t:min in the
' armor pla e
were torn from the sides of the ship !
md hurled high into the air and in
two instances shells passed through j
the entire ship but theo generally
wore scored at points weakeneel by!
the bombardment of yesterday. j
Whether the lis; was caused by I
wrtcr taken ir'r the hull or was J
duo to loss of weight en the side as!
a result of the displaced armor could
not be learned here tonight.
Tho best hits were registered bv
the Texas this afternoon. Some of;
the shedis struck in places weaken- i
rd by. the terrific battering of the :
preceding day and it. was two of'
these tint-passed through the ship
leaving clear boles above the wrtcr :
lino. Experts who examined the)
target offer the shooting s-id had
the en-rines boon in place Ihey un
doubtedly would hove been wrecked.
Derpite this, proponents of tho
new type of ship lmhi that the result
of the four periods of bombardment
have demonstrale-d conclusively their
claims of the superiority of the I
armor used. i
A radio message today from the j
Texas asked that bom! hig plnnes be
sent out either tomorrow or Sunday
to comp'ete the work of e'-truction
nrtd thi3 was taken hero an indi
cation that the Texas would not con
duct further bombardment tests.
WANTED. A pood, steady, gent
lemanly salesman to handle a Ward's
Wagon in Cass count j-. No exper
ience needed. For full particulars
write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medi
cal Company. Winona, Minnesota.
Established in 1S5S.
Mrs. F
and Miss
TL' Munim and son, Ira.
Clara Wickman departed
this morning for Omaha to enjoy
the day in that city with friends and
liss Wickman will remain there !
over Sunday visiting with relatives, j this she is suffering with complicated
; j pneumonia. At the present time she
Edward H. Thrall was a visitor in j ls reported to be improving nicely
Omaha today for a few houre attend- ! which is indeed good news. Lim
ing to some matters of business. : wood Leader Echo.
n . . - - - f
A trip
1 7K7
via Denver, the Pikes Peak
rado, Salt Lake City, California;
then The American Wonderland
The Pacific Northwest Portland,
Tacoma, Seattle, the Cascades,
Northern Reckies, Spokane em
braces IGGSc of the possibilities of
a Pccinc Coast Tour.
I . -. :
View it all from the car window
cf stop off where you wish.
Lcnrr limit Excursion Tickets on
'.' j
1 J
I i
sale NOW.
I I f'k "E
From Saturday's Daily
The Parent-Teachers association of
tho Columbian pchool met on Friday
i;ftoinoon at 3:30 at the school
building and enjoyed a very fine time
with an afternoon of business and
rdso a fine program arranged by the
little folks of the school.
Some tlnr was spent in discussing
the community needs and created a
pror.t deal of interest. The associa
tion is growing and is proving very
In- cresting and beneficial to all those
v.-ho were in attendance. The pro
gram presented was as follows:
f-onc Woo Wil lio Winkie.
1 ..n;; r.r" the c- rla ,
c.i tne
Thanksgiving day is
Mary Kaherine Wiles.
A Turkey, by Richard
"Little Jack Pumpkin
Winston Holmes.
A song Dye Baby Bunting,
eh a Kdgerton.
"Tho Old Turkev."
bv Jean
Peng "Wee Little Man,
by Sec-
on 1 grade.
' Once there was a little Turkey,'
by Irio Allen.
Piano selections "Little Fairy
Polka," "Little Humming Bird," by
Mildred Murray.
P.eeitation The Children's Hour,
by Ceorcia Hopkins.
"Daisies," by Opal Haley.
"LiM'.e Brown Hands," by Mar
garet Snodgrais.
Pong Thanksgiving at Grand
pa's," by Third grade.
. Lincoln. Neb.. Nov. 2.1. The Ne
braska university footba.. squad
. headed by Conch Fred T. Dawson
I left Lincoln late last night for Man
: hptfan. Kansas, where the Oorn-
buskers will meet the Kansas Aggies
I tomorrow afternoon.
j Included in the Nebraska
; were Captain Ed Weir, J.
party i
; Illoodgood. Kamm, Bronson. Collins,
; Hiibka, Myers. Locke, A. Mandery,
l Rhodes, Wostoupal. Hutchinson,
j Robe rtson, Molzen, Seholz. Pospisil,
jllistine. Burnham, Gillan and Crow.
The Nebraska sejuad has been hard
at work this week battling against
the Kansas Aggie plays as demon
strated by the Freshmen. Before
leaving for Manhattan Dawson in
dicated he would probnl !v start the
same lineup which facetl Notre Dame
at Mutn i.enu last "satimiay.
" This will find Rhodes and A. Man
dory at halfback. Myers at fullback,
Bloodgood at quarter, Robertson and
Collins at ends.- Captain Ed Weir
and Molzen at Tackles. Hutchinson,
a Ed Pospisil at guards and Wostou
pal at center.
Bloodgood. Myers and R. Man
derv have been nursing injuries this
t week. R. Mandery is out for the
j season but Bloodgood and Myers are
I expected to be. able to start. Bron
I non has been calling signals at
quarter -luring Bloodgood s absence.
He is a product of the 1023 frosh
s.iuad, being a good ball-runner in
addition to his ability to general the
grid machine.
An auto caravan will leave Lincoln
early Saturday morning, headed for
(the Manhattan game. Nebrasna
students are traveling by auto for
this contest instead tf special train
s the distance between Manhattan
and Lincoln is about 150 miles." -
Miss Ruby Rhoden, daughter'bf
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhoden of this
place is in a hospital at Lincoln
having underwent an operation for
removal of mastoids. Aside from
Royal Gorge, Scenic Colo
T 2
Information Reservations Tickets
0. OLEiSsi
Ticket Agent
In tho District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
The Plattsmottth Loan and Build
ing Asioeie.tion, plaintiff, vs. John
W. Falter et ah, defendants. (App.
Dock. 2, Page 165.)
Notice of suit in foreclosure.
To the defendants: R. A. Reed,
real name unknown; Mrs. R. A.
Keed, real name unknown; A. R.
jRire, real name unknown, and Mrs.
j A. R. Rine, real name unknown, and
j all persons having or claiming any
j interest in or to Lot 5 in Block 33,
in the City of Plattsmouth, in Casa
I county, Nebraska, real name3 un
jitnowti: t.
j You are hereby notifie'l Ihaf'Tyft
'the 20th- day' of November, 1924,
The Plattsmouth Loan and Euildlng
Association, plaintiff in the forego
ing entitled cause, filed its petition
in the office of the Clerk of the Dis
trict court of Cass county. Nebraska,
npainst you and others, for the pur
pose of procuring a Decree in Fore
closure of two certain mortrcaces
given to plaintiff by the defend
ants, John W. Falter and Catherine
D. Falter, on Lot 5 in Block 33, In
the City of Plattsmouth. in Cass
county. Nebraska, aggregating the
sum of $7,000.00. cn one of which
the sum of $1,000.00 was paid on
October Gth, 192 "h and for the Mie
cf said premises, for the reason that
default has been made in the terms,
conditions and agreements contained
Plaintiff demands equitable relief
find that pending the sale of said
premises, that a receiver be appoint
ed to take charge of said premises
and to collect the rents, issues and
. profits thereof to be applied on the
amount adjudged to be clue to plain-
tiff in said cause, for the reason
i thnt srid property is now insufficient
j to discharge the mortgagor! debt due
i to plaintiff and the taxes and special
esscssments due thereon.
' You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 5th day cf
January, 1923, or such petition wi'I
bo taken as true and judgment ren
dered accordingly.
You are further'notlficd that on
the Gth day of January, 1925, at tho
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
or as soon thereafter as plaintiff can
be heard, at the chambers of Hon.
James T. Beglej in. the court house
in the City of Plattsmouth in
said county, the plaintiff will
make application to Hon. James
T. Beglev. Judsre of th- nistrict.
j Court
of Cass countv. Nebraska.
for the appointment of a receiver for
said mortgaged premises, to taku
charge of said property and to col
lect the rents. Issues; and profits to
be elorived therefrom, to be applied
under the order of the court on tho
amount adjudged to be duo tn nlnin-
tiff on
its said
murtsaged Indebted-
The plaintiff proposes the name of
J.TTrros K. rollcck' aa receiver and
P. Lntz and T. HV Pollock as strfeticS
for such receiver and also as-'surev
ties for the. applnoant therefore-- ',
Dite; November 22nd, 1924
By JOHN JiL LE"DA, , '
. Its Solicitor! and Attorney.'"'
Standard Drcd Single
PltttsmoBth Phcna 3ED4
Mynard, Nebraska
FSi" f323 'F f55 n