The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 27, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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ut. cnas. .Farri3hj veterinarian,
Elmwood, ffebfaska. Call day phone,
? Sbtj 68, tf-x; I
Babe' Adamson of North Dakota ;
ta w Tis!tn5 at tne home of Mr. i
ana Mrs. Dran Kuehn for the past
MiM Era Bprlck, of Lincoln, has,
pernT? the home of her Bis-'
ter; Mrs IL H. Lawtoh for the past
t X. 1 e parage man,
T A J , . . . 1
us;. aiier some Business
. iaivjo i li rium uua an last l nurs
tiay afternoon.
The result of fee bail game last
Sunday between the .Murdoek and
Louisville teams was Murdoek 4, to
Louisville l.
RUssell Rogers was a visitor with
friens in Murdoek last week; being a
guest at the home of John Scheel
during his stay.
Free, a large, best made Scooter,
or a large, beautiful talking and
walking doll, or a Kodak, doll car
riage or apron. Absolutely free. See
thera at O. J: Hathaway's, Union,
Unlimited amount of money to
loan on eastern Nebraska fam land.
Lowest rates. Applications taken
now for fnture loans. See 0. J. Pot
hast at Farmers' & Merchants' Bank,
Murdoek, Nebr.
When Ycu Bury
Your Dead
insist on your undertaker usiDg
v. n u
I'uun-uiuuci ctuiuuiiiii'. tun-;
crete sealing vanlt. It protects
. , . . r
tne remains ot the loved ones
Manufactured by
f,li!!er & Gruber,
Nehawka, Nebsraka
P Uk E
Saturday Nite, Nov. 1st
The Prisoner!
Tool Bros. Show
Yotrr Pleasure is Our Business
Boy Stewarfi
in I
Get AS! the Cream!
We are handling the KcCormick and John Deere line of
cream separators and they are absolutely guaranteed to do the
test work.
See ns fcr what yon are needing in machinery, for the best
work in the line of acto repairs and for auto supplies and acces
sories for same.
We have the agency for the celebrated feed grinders which
will save much in feeding as all the ccm can be used.
See Us for a Demonstration
W. Thkngan Garage
-:- -:- -:- Nebraska
Buying Radio
Yes, it is confusing trying to choose from among
thirty or forty different makes of radio.
Certainly you can't pick satisfaction just on looks
though it is delightful to have one's friends say, "My,
what c bsaalifd radio set" -which, incidentally, is a fre
quent exclamation, at one's first sight of the ZEiNITH
in the home.
But you are right. Mere beauty is not enough. Be
fore you buy, you should thoroughly satisfy yourself
either by personal test or by the evidence of cut-:
ing achievement upon seven definite points. 1
1 Range
2 Selectivity
3 Volame
4 Clearness
5 Case ef Operation
Freedom from Troullz
7 Consistently Gccd Performance
Upon any one of these points ZENITH is con
tent to base its title to your preference.
When all of them are taken into consideration,
ZENITH offers you in evidence a record not dupli
cated throughout the field of radio.
Tool-Nauman Lumber Office
M 1
i -1- .
Emil Kuehn has been during the
past -week installing a new furnace
in his barber shop, which will keep
the builing warm.
Martin Bornemeier and the family
v. ere looking: after some business and
I visiting with friends and relatives In
Elmwood on last Thursday.
Henry Heineman has been
structing a chicken house for Emil
Lau and which Mr. Lau expects to
. .
use for raising fine chickens. i
u. u. morgan. L L: Beal ana A. H.
Duxbury, all CI FlattSmOUth; were
looking after their political fences in
Murdoek daring the past week. jan(j which will kind of handicap him
Mesdames C It. Kupke and Louis for vigorous work in this line.
Bornemeier were enjoying a shop- M and Mrg prank Me,vl
ping tour in Linroln last Thursday, pttendill a birthday gathering at
they making the trip In their car )lhe home of a brotner of Mrs, Mcl.
O. E. McDonald was looking after .in Mr Earl Eniott who was ce,e.
some business matters in Lincoln en,,,.,,,.,, f ja llirt(,,,,v
last Thursday driving over to the
capital city in his auto.
Miss Viola Everett was a visitor j
s . i j i I
in ouiuiict i:ne nay a, uci e , ; . . . t , . , . . . ,
she was lookine a'ter some business into the Picking of his corn, finds Banded together m service, ready
maS m Sll as TlsHlnr wlthithe quality excellent and the yield to do anything at any time for others,
frteid 8 jabout forty bushels to the acre. Mr.S3.5!8 school children in Nebraska,
a c-in- rth t,ni Wn nrra n irnrf i Ruge is an excellent farmer and can i 607 schools.- were enrolled in the
in the Murdoch schools and much is
UU llii. IUC V A i-i-i 1U ,
the improvements of the members of
the class.
The Kleiaer Brothers began the
picking of their corn crop last week
and are having a very pood quality,
considering the general qualuy .'
the crop this year.
Miss Gladys Auchten:.!. '
making her home at C
hoffs, spent last Sunday v
and relatives at Avo:o
a verj- enjoyable tin:--
Albert Thielc i.r-.C
Martha. Mrs. J. F. C :
J. E. Mcilugh
" , . '
loouing alter some 9i. ;
WOO(1 last Thursday a:
Homer H. La v.-ten h:
some wori: at Mar.!;.', re-.
and rapericg the interior : : t'i
homp of Joseph Wolpcrt &i-r his lis
ters. Mioses Maggie and KdIic.
Jfscph "W'utchinek. who has been
working at Champaign. III. returned
home a week ago and ha3 be n in
Omaha for the past week, returning
to Murdoek last Thursday evening.
E. W. Thimpan. the implement
dealer and garage man, was called
i to Lincoln to look after some busi
ness matters for a short time last
Thursday, making the trip in his
A C. Klnpr. of near Alvo. was a
visitor in Murdoek last Thursday
evening looking after some business
and said he had ju?t b'gun the pick
ing of his corn, -.vhich he says is
very good.
Matt and Victor Thimgan. who
have been building a crib for Chas.
Long completed the same last week
and with the beginning tbis we?k
are beginning on the barn of Henry
Mrs. E. W. Tool is having the
house painted in which Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Kuehn are making their home.
This i? adding much to the appear
ance of the home and also preserving
the building.
For a higher quality, more nu
tritious and finer flavored bread, we
recommend "Lincoln Maid" brand
bread. O. J. Hathaway, Union,
Oliver Harvey and family, of
Plattsmouth, were guests last Sun
day for a short time with Mr. Don
Banta, who is the barber at the Emil
Kuehn shop, they all enjoying
visit very much.
Albert Theile. who is one of the
expert corn pickers of mis vicinitj
t,a misfnrtiiTtP tn snrafn iie
wrist at the beginning of the season,
The faiy all participated in a g00ci
, I
(!ust Rucp. whn has cat ton well l
liiifcf luiu v Lit li it 13 fcruwii anj-
. : . -1. . : I
in attendance at the state bankers
a;sociaticn t-onvt-ntion hell in Oin
::ha last week, and while tN.-y wcrt
:: way the a f 'airs
-r ? lc:okt.d :
i : rtt
ci f..
t.f er
:!; 1
vh' tl
.i,. :.d
of i . : v.-o'ul
:-hor? . i r in ,
. . .. . j . nursdrir v. ni:.g,
v ); n l.;;i way frrt . .'r:.-.!ia f
l.i 'cr:.e in Elmwor:!. he h?ving bet n
; to tn::-.b . t . look after tone
V.".-iness mutt-- , r
Mr. and . Carl !:::: id or. of j
t'Ti. - iia. wore isiting .:i ..'uriocJ;
lo: a few (!,:y last week and on return, were rcc-ompr
I.Ir. Schneider's mother, Mrs.
:an. 5
Lcnneiaer, wzio win muse ner !onre
v.'ith the. son f. r the present.
Last Thursday evening. Mr. J. P.
Cobb of the Elmwood State Hank
vus a visitor in Murdoek, coming to
meet and take home with him. Idr.
and Mrs. C. fcj. Alcirich, of the bank,
who had been at Omaha in attend
ance at the state bankers' conven
tion. Louis Ilornbeck, who has been
ing his home in Lincoln, where he is
with the Rock Island, has moved the
tamily there during the past week
rnd will make their home there for
the present, and he will be better
satisfied when he has the family with
The Murdoch band i3 getting into
g-jod conditi'-r by their practice- and
are ready to. dispense muric which
Fhall compare well with bands of
muoh longer organisation and more
work. They however are not throueh
and will continue to grow in their
Mr;. A. J. Patterson, who ha3 been
in the hospital at Lincoln, where she
remained for" eight weeks following
an operation, returned home again
last week and is feeling much im
proved. Mr. Tatterson went to Lin
coln and brought the wife home in
their auto.
Carl Schlaphoff, the up-to-date
farmer and general mechanic, living
east of town, now has the last word
in motor vehicles. He has purchased
an eight pasrenger limousine of the
Universal variety and kas an import
ed chauffeur to drive it. However.
Carl is taking driving lessnns and
hopes to soon be able to master the
L. Nitzel and wife and M!s3 Cath
erine Ncitzl and Master Maurice
Haynes. who are making their homes
at the Neitzel residence, were spend
ing last Sunday at the state fisheries
near South Bend and were joined
there by Dr. McDermid and wife and
Miss Stacey of Omaha. A most pleas
ant and enjoyable time was had by
all those present.
A letter from S. P. Leis. who is at
the hunting grounds in Washington,
srys he is enjoying the outing very
much and that he has been having
very good luck fishing and hunting
ducks, and that while nothing of the
species of large game
has tackled
him as yet. but should they, he will
can. even if it is a moose or a bear,
Workmen are busy changing the
lines of the Murdoek Telephone com -
ipany, and also building new lines
s t r '.
wr '
will in
a short tim b. gin the
ef.". e cabl" iu ordrr to
, ii 'ul "l:c:i th'
' . "! "'lil ; V' t'ieir
' ' '.-ii:!: i:
nging of
better .c:
1. is c-r.
-; in A-l
- '.rntoa
- : -? it.- . i r-r-'-.
I'-t-arl 1 ichurd
;k forwr"d i.i this
rleasurr : Ilallo-
! Wi
f .: eh year usually nads them
; t':cse iadip, vit in the grove
ting wcinerr, resting potatoes.
and otiiefwi--themselves.
thoroughly enjoying
.icrrr A. '"''Ol ami r ife vrpr-f ir.
Iineolii Thursday, Mr. Tori attend-
lrg tn; interests and Mij.
Tool attending a state mreting of
Red Crc?s workers. Mrs. Tool has
charge of the roll call this fall for
the Red Cros in Cass county and if
there are any volunteers in the coun- ;
ty who ean assist With this in the
community in which they live she
w ill be glad to have their names. It
is not always money that helps hu-
inanity so much -'as the services of a '
conscientious worker. A day of or. s 1
time i little to give to assist in the
relief Of suffering and distress tn nur
." feilowmen.
Education in Politics
The Committee for the League of
Women Voters have planned to meet
each Friday afternoon in one of the
rooms of the Murdoek high school to
study questions that are before the
people; learn more about candidates
seeking office, so that they will be
informed for voting November 4th
visitnrs arp wMfnine. Manv tonics
!of interest will be discussed at these
weekly meetings. Two changes are
made in the committee. Mrs. W. O.
' 3fViovo is in chnrpp of the Rva n sreli
cal ladies. Mrs. Henry Gakemeier
is in charge of the Lutheran ladies.
Mrs. Guy Lake has been added to the
committee and has charge of Wa
bash and the southeastern corner of
the precinct. Plans are being made
for a speaker to address these several
organizations in a mass meeting in
the near future
Enroll in Junior Eed Cross
I T'T,-ii ) e rt I r f ft? tinymrr V, Tin c-1
" - v. n. .-.- uu.iuf, i"i
;f. End year. i liat tne value 01 tras
) 1.-11
I prec-iated by teachers all over the
istiitf. is shown by the fact that the
membership is eors-tantly increasing.
One of the la.est additions is
Murdoek Consolidated schools.
These children have a record of
a tivity hack of them of which the
rtate of Nebraska may be justly
proud. Practically every county in
1 " t-tate has ii ti active Junior Red
Cross organiza'ion. At the begin
ning at t a- n year their first effort 5.-
ire; ted toward packing Christmas
1 - f!r lit'Ie children overseas who
'. ior the ihoughifulness of Junior?
..'iir! I r. t have any Christmas at all.
Nearly 7"0 boxes have been sent
it I'm This ;-itatc- rince September. Let
ters cf thanks from their little i( r
i ig: hivthers and sisters arc reeeiv-
ii I-ruational sch-jol correppon-r-
is a popular project of Juniors
this .-.tate. Good will and unde-r-mding
iz thus beini; promoted be-
j i -.veen children of many lands. Teach-
i crs
j t:.e
have a appreciation of
tl.e educational a:ai social values of
lie Junior Ked Cross movement, li
i-s fast I.t-oming world-wide, nearly
o.0lK.tJ0U school children being en
rolled. School Bonds Carry
At the recent election for the
voting of an additional 510.000 in
T;cnds fcr the completion and equip
p.'ng of the Murdoch consolidated
ri.'kool, the bond3 carried by a vote
cf 103 for them to 4 6 against them.
This sum wiil pay for the comple
tion of the entire building and its
equipment and gives Murdoek one
of the best and most up-to-date
school systems cf any town of this
size in the state.
Eer. Peters and Wife in Accident
Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Peters, who
have been visiting at Sidney for some
h.;!ne of their son. Rev. Peters ofjt
that place, who has a charge there. ?k
uunng last weeK wnen tney e&uidediH
wnn the re-suit that both of the carsjjS,
v. ere aiuiusi ucuiout.iieci ana jir. anu
Mrs. Peters were badly injured and !
were taken to a hospital in Lexing
ton, where tbej' are being treated.
Just how severely they are injured
is not accurately known here as yet.
Change in Knrdock Firm
During the past week Gordon
Bloc k, who has been conducting the
Murdoch meat market, disposed ofi&J
his holdings to FranK Bourke. form -
erlj- of Sioux City, who has taken
charge of the business, and evinces !
a knowledge and disposition to give!
the besf of service ir this line tn the'EAO
people of Murdoch tnd vicinity.
Vote for A. H. Ftebnry for county
judge. He is worthy cf your sup
Frr.m .t:attjriaT''s Inl'v
A very delightful Hallowe'en
nnrtv wnu r-ivrTl nc- vrcn in o- nt tto
i Presbyterian church, the Mie3
Catherine McCluskv and T.nnm SV - r.l -
i bers of their Snndav school class of
' which Miss Hartley 13 the teacher. i
' The invitations to the r.lensant '
event did not disclose the i-'et-
ity of tbe hos'eyscs and there .
was much guessing as to who :
the entertainers were to Tie as the
young people arrive-! nt the church.
Tbe members of the class were met
by two ghostly garbed figures and
afior the first greetings the robes
were removed and for the first time
the guests were aware of the two
hostesses who were tendering them
the party.
Py the usj of screens a section of
tl.e church parlor was made very
attractive with tbe use of the
autumn leaves and Mack and orange
festoons used in the- decorative plan.
Gi mes of all kinds and the telling
of fortunes was en joyed by the young
pec-le and a class session was also
i held at which the e: cticn cf officers
mnfii: the folio Tins- hffrisr rns-
r choi-
en: President, Irma Mayfield; Vice
president. Catherine McClusky; Sec-
retary and treasurer, Ethel Quinton.
The members of the class were
then invited to see a cozy room, the
hostesses had arranged for their use
in the future. All were 'delighted
that they could bold their class
sessions in a room all by themselves.
The class will be known in the
future as the "True Blues" as this
name has been adopted by the class.
At a suitable hour appropriate re-
frehments were served with Hallow-
a'pti tvanrs that addeH tn the pninv.
ment of the occasion, and in serving
tViQ hiulocm. ot-co Vt w Ull!:!nni ITinll If I 1 1 C 1 fl f V. t T P T O t !
S lvi7 Skalak and lura McClusky!
At an early hour the girls depart
ed for their homes, feeling they had
a very happy time.
Open to Inspection in One Division,
But Denied in Another News
papers Not to Print Them.
Washington, Oct. 21. After a
nieht and day of conferences, during
which they withstood an avalanche
V1 T1" " vs X - , !'rdU"a
for definite advice, W ashington offi-
cials tonight found themselves al
most where they started on the
puzzle of whether or not newspapers
misht safely publish facts pertaining
to income tax payments of the Amer
ican people.
The only statement of a definite
character forthcoming during the
day was a warning by Acting At- j
any newspaper publishing the facts
obtained from official lists opened
,i,ii, .i l.,,.
do so on its own responsibility."
There was open disagreement every
where pmong officials of the depart
ment cf justice and the treasury.
Persistent inquiries, seeking some j
speciiic construction ot tne two sec
tions of law involved, usually met
with a grin and the reply: "There
arc two sections; what can we do
about it?"
Meanwhile confusion permeated
the offices of the several collec
tors of internal revenue, who had
different ideas as to the meaning
of the law stipulating that the re
turns must be made available to
public inspect ion.
In some offices, according to re
ports reaching the treasury, any
body might take a lock at the offi
cir.l records, examine as many as
they desired and take note of what
fi-nres they wished; in others, the
privilege was restrained and the
collector himself was passing on the
reasonableness of the request to see
the tax records.
Deluged by requests for some ex
rrcR5ion. Mr. Jlcllon. early today
roll inquiders that it was not the
treasury's job to enforce the prohib
itory section of the law; that its
duty ended with the collection of the
es tested under the statute's pro
C. D. Cummins and Attorney Clyde
Drew of Omaha, were here today for
a lew hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
Mrs. Emma Nims of Kansas City,
is here enjoying a visit et the home
or her brother. Julius A. Pitz
family for n few davs.
ivaaren fcochor was a passenger
this morning for Omaha where he
win spend a short time.
The AnnuaS Foot Ball
is How Duel
I g;
' H 3
An excellent all-leather
ball for
- m
the kind that will x V
make ths boy happy.
Corner 5th and Main St.
For Sheriff.
George F. Wilson, democratic can
didate for Eheriff. Clean government
fair and Impartial enforcement of myself as the nominee of the IU pub
law. ! lican party for election at the coming
; 1 election on November 4th. You can
For Cctnty Assessor.
My name will appear on the ballot
as the democratic candidate ror
county assessor and to my friends
over the county I wish to present my i
claims to this office. I was born
and reared in Cass county, hare been
a real dirt farmer for years and at
Served in the F-nte leglsla-
! ture trom uass cr.
S, 1Q11 ..mil1 -
made a proeressive record. Have
. 1. , ,.,,..,..? , ,.i r.f
farm and city property and will give i
the best possible services in the ,
cilice of county assessor.
w. ii. tuls. .
For Ccunty Assessor I
I takethis means of refreshing tbe J
minds of the voters of Cass county (
of those I have seen and of inform-;
i those I have been unable to meet
1 Z ll;1u.n i1
partv trieiids I was
rat;e ot my
nominated for
County Assessor
on the republican
I was born and raised on a farm.
'engaged in mercantile business ior
a number of years in the city, and
think that quallTis tne to judge the
value of both larni and town prop
erty. I will appreciate your assistance
and support at the polls November
W. G. Eieck
Candidat- for county attorney onr.v rcmnties. I served in this pofi
tl.e republican ticket. Rom in Nc-jton the last biennium and you all
br;.ska: graduate oi University of-j,now my record. I am In a position
Nebravka and Croightor. university. , to do you the best work and you cr.n
Es-service man, fourtee-n months in j v-now " just what I have done and
France Member Nebraska constitu-; there is no guessing as to policie s,
tionai convention. i;Ui)-li20. i.r.w-jj shall appreciate your support and
Iyer, praetiMng at IMattsmouth. i our
support appreciated.
Joseph A. Capwell
Present county attorney ard
ocratic candidate for re-elect i
ueui -
, i
,- for'
fill vacai c;.
las i ractice
.1 la-
the pa: t twedve vears. A c f.i'.'jatp of
Nebraska universitv. Served two
vears in armv iu world war. Had
J Irit-l to en fore a law fairly and
; partially and w ith justice to all.
Will appreciate your vote at the elec
, tion, November 4th.
Troy L. Davis
I am a candidate on th republi
can t ic ket for 'eoti-n fo- I he po
sition of state representative. I in
vite the el-rest scrutiny of my rec-
andiod during tbe last session of the
jbtute legislature. I have been en
i gaged in farming and business in
county practically all of my , port will be appreciated at the elee
My motto has always been, "A , tion on November 4th.
square deal for everybody.
I think
And the average "kiddie" is in his glory if he can have a
a dandy Foot Ball. At the Bates Book and Gift Shop you
will find them from
$ 25
up to the Professional Ball at $6.00;
Come and See Them Now!
I Wk
Dook and Kwc
I know the needs and wishes of the
people of Cass eoun'y. I will ap
preciate your support on No. 4th.
E. P. Stewart For Sheriff
At the present time serving as
Sheriff of Cass County, I announce
watch my record and should it meet
with your approval we would be
j pleased with your co-operation.
Nominee for Sheriff.
Charles D. Spangler
My name will appear on the hul
as a candidate f:ir the office of
! ; V' "' ' " ' !' 7, X i
'1 urmui.iui.1. j-inj
be appreciative the support of my
friends over the courty regardless of
political aHMation. If elected I will
strive to give the taxpayers a busi
ness administration of the office and
devote my best interests to the wel
fare of Cass county.
D. C. Morgan.
IV'iug a candidate for office of tbe
clerk of the district court I respect
fully solicit your support at the
election on November 4th. I offer
my record for efficiency in the past
as one of the reasons for asking your
support and will strive to give the
same consideration to the office I
am seeking that I have in the past to
other duties I have performed for the
i .
W. B. Banning
I announce myself as a candidate
' for re-election for the position of
istate senator on the democratic tick-
'ct for the second senatorial district,
ivhich embraces Otoe, Cass and Sar-
; Co-cpc rntion for you have, as a voter.
a portion in this state and country's
I rosperily.
i m t Tl
UlttlCIlCC Xl. xctu
I am candidate for the office .'of
ciei ic or tne district court on tun
I republican ticket at the coming
election and will appreciate the sup
port and votes or my irieneis oer
Cass county. If elected I will servo
the interests of the taxpayers regard
less of politiee.
Earl Towle
Democratic candidate for elate
representative. Born and reared in
Crss county, practical business man
an 1 farmer and alive to the needs of
the great masses of people. Will fa
vor progressive legislation for the
relief of the taxpayer&. Your eup-
Plattsmouth, Neb.