The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 16, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Building a new house?
Then you ought to
know abot this differ
ent wallboard. Bet
builders are using it in
residences stores
shops. It's fireproof,
and it won't warp,
shrink cr buckle. The
carpenter puts it up.
the fireproof
Ask your lumber
tieaL r for ti sc::!i'
The Popularity of this
famous Hosiery contin
ues to hold top place.
The Plattsmouth women who
have learned there is no bet
ter wearing hose made are
buying the new shades of
Indian Tan
Jack Rabbit
Gun Metal
Genuine Full Fashioned
5 1.65 aad 32.G0
Heading Up
Going Strong!
That's Nebraska today, too, for when the farmers
prosper, all the State is better off!
Returns from grain, livestock and dairying this
year will total more than three quarters of a billion
dollars a gain of more than $250,000,000 over 1923
returns, reports indicate.
Wheat, corn, hay, cattle, hogs, sheep these all
show big advances for 1924.
We congratulate the farmers of the State
upon the rewards they have earned earn
ed in every sense of the word.
We are proud to have the friendship and confi
dence of many of the farmers of this community.
Real co-operation and helpfulness, such as won and
holds their business, is our offer to you, also.
Farmers State Bank
T. H. POLLOCK, President
Plattsmouth -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
"Complete banking service, and closest co-operation! '
Former Senator Burkett and R. H.
Thorpe Wind Up Campaign
Here With Rally.
From Wednesday's Daily
Last evening the tour of Cass
rmnitv made bv Former Senator El
mer J, Burkett of Lincoln and R. II.
Thorpe, candidate on the republican
tr!;t for congress, was closed in
thi- city Mi;!, a meeting at the dis
trict court room which was attended
!v a very pleasing- number o the
voters to enjoy the occasion.
Tho meeting was presided over by
Attorney C. A. Bawls who intro
duced the speakers of the evening in
his usual pleasing manner.
Ti ;s is t!ie first isit here of Mr.
Burk, tt in a number of years and be
nj yed meeting a number his old.
friends while here and wincn was a
pleasant reminder of the time when
he served, as the congressman from
this district.
Mr. Burkett in bis address spoke
at some lensth of bis recent trip to
Europe and compared the cond'tions
tin re with those in the United
States and which were most favor
able to our count ry as to general
conditions and especially to the la
boring and farm classes. He also
touched on the tariff at some length
and defended the protective tariff
sy.-tem. which is one of the cardinal
principals of the republican party
and the continuance of which he
urged as necessary for the welfare
of the country.
The speaker also touched on the
attsiekn made on the courts by the
candidates of the htird party in the
present campaign and deplored the
movement that would attack the
safeguards of the ccurt and its pro
tection to the people of the country,
lie also showed the large number of
cases passed upon by the supreme
court and the laws which had been
sustained by the court.
II. 'II. Thorpe, candidate for con
gress, was present but gave only a
short address as hv was worn out
with the trip and the large number
of speeches that he had made in the
course of the day orer the county.
The trip had been arranged and
managed by J. A. Gardner of the
Eagle Ilea eon. the chairman of the
republican congress:onal committee,
who came on to this city with the
members of the party.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Manners of
University Place, parents of Charles
Manners, and Mr. and Mrs. George
Darlington, of Lincoln, the latter a
sister of Mr. Manners were here this
week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Manners and G. H. Manners and
enjoyed very much the opportunity
of visiting here with the relatives
and old time friends and acquaint
ances. The guests have returned to
their home in the capital city.
From Wf(!n( ilav's Pilly
The residents of the Fairview
school district in Eight Mile Grove
precinct, are feeling r;uite well pleas
ed over the excellent manner in
which their school has been conduct
ed in the past few years and they are
amply justified in this feeling as
the school is one of the best in the
rural districts and the pupils show
their training .
This year at the county fair the
Fairview school had a float, showing !
the country school, the backbone and j
hope of the nation, and their show
ing was a model school that was j
educating the men and women of !
tomorrow and attracted the atten
tion of all of the visitors to the fair,
The float was awarded the first prize
of $10, and it was well deserved as
the work showed real effort and was
an inspiration to the school work
This school Is presided over by
Miss Myrtle Fleischman of Louis
ville, as the teacher, and the teacher
in her work has the support of a fine
school board composed of P. A.
Horn, John Itohrdanz, and Ray May
field. The pride of the community
in their educational institutions is
one thing that is to be commended
and the residents of this district are
constantly boosting for the success
of the school.
From Wednesday's Dally
Late yesterday afternoon the mem
bers of the Christian Endeavor so
ciety of the Presbyterian church en
joyed a most delightful picnic and
outing in the vicinity of the Burling
ton bridge and which was attended
by some forty-five members of the
The jolly party was conveyed to
the festivities in cars and for several
hours enjoyed the glorious autumn
afternoon and early evening. The
wenies were roasted over the glow
ing coals of the open campfire and
toasted marshmallows were also a
part of the menu of the members of
the party and with the other dainties
provided made the menu a most
toothsome picnic supper.
The points of interest in the vicin
ity were visited and served to help
pass the time while the indoor base
ball games were staged also to make
a deversion for the members of the
society and their friends.
Come In!
See the
the Date!
Cass Chapter Will Hold Class Initia
tion on Roosevelt Day,
October 27.
From Wednesday's Daily
Last evening Cass Chapter, Order
of DeMolay, held a very interesting
meeting at their lodge rooms in the
Masonic temple which was quite
largely attended and at which plans
were made for the class initiation on
Roosevelt day, October 27th.
The chapter also installed officers
for the ensuing term, the following
being those who were selected:
Master Councilor Glen Henry.
Senior Councilor Fred Trilety.
Junior Councilor Roy Olson.
Senior Deacon Thomas Greene.
Junior Deacon Herbert Johnson.
Senior Steward Joe Buttery.
Junior Steward Kenneth Rhodes.
Marshal Fred Howland.
Sentinel Guy Streight.
Standard Bearer Glenn Kruger.
Chaplain Edward Matschullat.
Preceptors Leonard Born, Norris
Cummins, Elmer Johnson, - James
Jean, Forrest Shrader, Carl Graves,
Earl Hoenshell.
Get your Hallowe'en novelties (for
the grown-ups and kiddies as well)
at the Bates Book and Gift Shop.
will be held at
October 27th
And you are invited to attend to see the most remarkable demonstration ever held in our cily. An expert
from the Copper-Clad Malleable Range Factory will show you how the Asbestos lining of the range Sweats every
time a fire is made. Come - see for yourself. See the Sweat roll up in beads on the iion body. See the Sweat
il i7.- , ,7.;
The ange Beautiful
The strikingly beautiful design of the Copper-Clad
Range immediately appeals to eveiyone. It is as pretty as
a picture and so easy to clean.
Now made in four beautiful finishes: Gun Metal Blue,
White, Blue or Gray Porcelain Enamel.
A few days ago some of the demo
cratic friends of Searl S. Davis, who
has in the past been a strong up
holder of the republican faith, aye
even of the present administration,
decided that they would try and cap
ture the goat of the president of the
chamber of commerce and accord
ingly while he was absent from his
office they entered his car parked
near the office and placed on the
rear window of the sedan a Davis
and Bryan sticker and which Mr.
Davis left there for several hours or
until his attention was called to it,
when as a true follower of "Silent
Cal" he hastily removed the flaming
beacon of democracy.
This morning Mr. Davis was ap
proached by a representative of the
Journal and asked as to whether this
was a joke or a real conversion to
the teachings of the great democratic
party which had come to Searl as a
beam of great white light. Mr. Davis
stated that it was partly true, he is
for Davis but, Troy L. Davis of
Weeping Water, bis brother, who is
running for representative, and not
John W. Davis, the candidate for
The old time friends in Platts
mouth of the C. W. Green family
will be pleased to learn that Mr. and
Mrs. Green, who are both far along
the pathway of life's journey cele
brated their sixty-third wedding an
niversary on Mnoday afternoon at
their home at 1425 Q street, Lin
coln. C. W. Green and Miss Rachael M.
peciai Demonstration
World's Greatest Range"
our store for one week beginning
that causes Sweat-Rust, a disease that eats up and ru3ts out range bodies
from the inside.
Then see how and why Copper-Clad Ranges are lined with Pure
Copper where other ranges rust out. See the domes on the sheet of cop
per. See the air spaces formed by the domes.
See the thermos bottle principle actually applied to
what it means in fuel saving.
rTTi 7T
Wilcox were married October 13,
1861, at Allensville, Ohio, and have
for forty-six years of their wedded
life been residents of Nebraska, the
greater part of the time being spent
in Piattsmouth where Mr. Green was
for many years an employe of the
Burlington in the shops here.
Mr. Green has now reached the
ripe old age of ninety-two years and
Mrs. Green is now eighty-five. The
birthday anniversary of Mr. Green
will be celebrated on October 24th.
During their residence here, Mr.
and Mrs. Green were strong workers
in the Methodist church and have
served well and faithfully the tasks
allotted them in carrying the mes
sage of the Master to their fellow
man. This estimable couple have their
four children to assist them in the
celebration of the happy anniversary
they being, Mrs. Jessie Prentice,
University Place; Miss Clara Belle
Green at home; Frank E. Green of
the Lincoln Daily Star, and Harry E.
The extreme popularity of Dr. R.
P. Westover in the race for sheriff
of Roarin' Gulch, which swept all
opponents off their feet, has been ex
plained and shows a political move
that surpasses any of Mark Hanna
or the late Harry Daugherly in their
palmiest days. The new sheriff,
who practices medicine as well as
plays golf, has in the windows of his
ofTic's on North Fifth street a dis
play of the pictures of the various
presidential candidates which em
braces all of the notables, Bryan and
Davis, Coolidge and Dawes, La Fol
lctte and Wheeler and Andy Gump
The CopperClad is the only range in
that has four falls and an air space. Come
your friends, too.
Fl. TU:
KEL Exhibit Only!
This Beautiful All Pure Irish Linen Damask Set con
sisting of one large, pattern table cloth and six large, pattern
napkins to match or a Substantial Set of Pure Aluminum
Cooking Ware, if preferred will be given absolutely FREE
to every Copper-Clad buyer during the sale.
SpA ri'lf Week of
-80th Sories!-
We are now issueing
shares in the 80 th series.
Those of you who have
been paying $10.00 per
month in the 58th series
will be entitled to the
$1,320.00 which you
have paid in and $680.00
profit This series will
be declared due October
19th, 1924.
The P!al!s:r.oulii
Loan and Building
who is running alone and wears no
man's collar.
One way to relieve habitual con
stipation is to take regularly a mild
laxative. Doan's Regulets are recom
mended for this purpose. 30c a box
at all drug stores.
Blanis: books at Journal offic.
tion for
One Week
October 27th
the world
and bring