THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1924. FULTT5XCUTH WEEKLY JOURNAL THRTT. Uniont Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. turned from a three months' visit in the east and while there attended the funeral of Dr. Sawyer, who was the family physician of President Harding and who was buried but a very short distance irum his lifetime friend. REPORT OF THE COXDITIOX OF THE FARMERS STATE BANK of Wabash, Nehr. CONGRESSMAN , F- V-i x w ac wm Free, a larpe, best made Scooter, or a larpre. beautiful talking and walking doll, or a Kodak, doll car riage or apron. Absolutely free. See them at O. J. Hathaway's, Union, Xebr. i Beauty Parlor Marcelling Bob Curls Hear Switching Mrs. C. D. Austin Union, Nebraska Fancy Groceries Always fresh and a complete line to select from and prices always right. Excellent cuts of fresh meats Beef and Pork and at the very best prices. A fine line of Ginghams, Per cales and Dress Prints. R. D. Stine Union -:- -:- Nebraska -Union Theatre!- Saturday Nite! "No Defence!" -STARING- William Duncan and Edith Johnson If you want to see Duncan at his best, if you want to see a picture of the open country life, if you like a picture of real thrilling adventure, see 'No Defence." Also a Larry Semon comedy "Wishes and Win dows." It's a side-splitter. Washers? Yes. the best electric, hand, bench and combination of any styles at lianninRS. Better see them; thfy do the work. On last Monday Flossie McCarthy of the McCarthy & Sturm elevator company, loaded out two cars of grain, one of corn and one of wheat. Thomas M. Patterson of Omaha was a visitor in Union last Friday and was looking after some business matters as well as visiting with his friends. J. C. McCarroll, who has just com pleted the seeding of his wheat was delivering the remainder of his wheat to the elevator of Mr. F. H. McCarthy. Ralph Davis was a visitor at Xe hawka last Monday where ho went over to see the miller, Mr. C. D. St. John and also was calling on his friend. Bert Willis. Miss Madee Cheney by an accident while walking over the rough ground turned her ankle and was compelled to remain away from school last Monday. J. T. Reynolds. L. G. Todd and W. B. Banning were in Plattsniouth last Monday evening where they went to attend the speaking there in behalf of the democratic national ticket. W. H. Marks who is one of the most accommodating of men. , last Monday took Mr. and Mrs. Jani&s F. Wilson to Murray where they were looking after some business matters. You need a stove for the winter. Better look over our stock in heat ers. Also that range which you are needing. See our Range Eternal, it will last a lifetime, and is the very best. Many were well pleased with the address which Mrs. ' Newman, who preached at the Baptist church and said it was filled with excellent thoughts, good common sense and was a most eloquent address. Will Cook and family of north of town were spending last Sunday in Union guests at the home of Mrs. Cook's mother. Mrs. Lucy Wolfe, and while here also attended Bible school and meeting at the Baptist church. Howard Graves of riattsmouth. one of the carriers of the rural route and by the way a rustler and a very careful handler of the mails, was a visitor in Union last Friday and a guest of his uncle. Attorney C. L. Graves. One of the citizens and business men of Uniion has recently taken unto himself a wife and is now very cosily escoused in their new home in Union and it is reported that anoth er of the bachelors of this thriving village, seeing the happy home of thope who have taken unto them selves a wife, will in a short time al so Join the ranks of the benedicts. Save the Surface AND YOU SAVE ALL! Now is the best time of year to paint. Insects are nearly all gone, we are not apt to have washing rains and your buildings are in better conditicn to take paint. Doll the Old Home and Barn up a little before win ter comes. We sell Sherwin-Williams Co. paint and varnishes. Also Carter's White Lead. We Appreciate Your Patronage! Frans Bros. Lumber Co. UNION NEBRASKA For a higher quality, more nu tritious and finer flavored bread, we recommend "Lincoln Maid" brand bread. O. J. Hathaway, Union, Xebr. Bud Fitch and family were enjoy jng a visit at Old Rock Bluffs last Sunday afternoon, the place where Mr. Fitch played when a loy, and found the places looking pretty nat ural afttr the flight of a couple of a score of years. Messrs. Walter, John and Claude Gochenour of Plattsniouth were vis iting last Sunday evening with Mr. Daniel Draper at the home of Mrs. Jennie Jenkins cf Murray. They all bting old time friends in the years that have gone by. Z. W. Shrader of Xehawka was looking after some business matters in Union last Monday afternoon and also was on his way to Plattsniouth where ho went to attend the politi cal meeting where he heard the next vice president speak. Mesdames L. G. Todd and Ivan Balfour were in attendance at the meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union at its county con vention which was held last week at Weeping Water. They represented the society of Union at the county meeting. Zola Eaton who has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Har old for the past week at Oma ha, returned home last Saturday evening and was also accompanied by her sister. Mrs. Shinn who came to visit with the parents. Albert Eaton and wife. W. A. Harding of the Farmers' Elevator company, was a visitor in Bethany for over Sunday and re mained for Monday and while he was away Joe Dare looked after the business at hte elevator and received corn from James Xiday which was of an excellent quality. Mr. and Mrs. Davis who have re cently moved into Union from their farm south of town, are getting things straightened up and ready for living. The people of Union are wel coming this excellent family as new residents and are well pleased that thfy have moved to town. Professor Hobbs tit Xebraska City who is a very able instructor in band practice and music, was a social visi tor at Union and the meeting of the Union band last week and by his sug gestions added much to their prac tice and was pleased to see the prog ress which the young men are mak ing in their organization and get ting to the real work of making an excellent band. Green Pigcott and Mrs. Jennie Jenkins of Murray were is Union last Monday afternoon, coming to bring Daniel Draper of Kansas City who has been visiting at Murray with relatives and Mrs. John Spor rer of Valparaiso, who is a sister of Mrs. Jfnkins and Mr. Draper and who accompanied Mr. Draper home, they coming to Union to catch the Missouri Pacific flyer. Uncle Wm. Wolfe, formerly of Un ion and well known by tho older cit izens of Union and vicinity and who left here in 1SS." and has since been making their home at Lush. Wyo.. passed away there on September "0. Mr. Wolfe and the family have been making their home there where they hve been engaged in farming. Mr. Wo If p. who was 9'A years of age. leaves his aged wife and two sons. They formerly lived on the farm where Herman C. Ross lives at this time. Ready for Your Work! I have established an auto repair shop in the Foster building next to the blacksmith shop and am prepared to care for all your work in the best manner. Any kind of a car or any work. Specialists on Fords. Henry H. UNION ecker NEBRASKA Give Friends Pound Shover The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Lidgett and whose friends are hosts, coming from the fact that they are amnn? the most excellent citizens, and having its incipienry in the Royal Xeighbors of America, got together r.nd consulted in the matter of giving their friends a sur prise and so last Monday afternoon went to the home, east of town and surprised them and spent a pleasant hour with them and also added to the stores of the I.idgett larder by a pound of gifts as an expression of their appreciation of the true worth of htis excellent couple. Methodist Church Notes Services for next Sundav, October 19th. Sunday school 10:00 o'clock. Epworth League C:4T. Evening services 7:o0. Were you in Sunday school last Sunday? Our school is doing very good wi-rk. Hvlp us keep growing. There will be a class held on Sat urday from nine until ten for the purpose of giving religious instruc tion to the children. This is some what difi'ertnt from the Sunday school les.-ons. Mr. Elliott will have charge cf the work. Parents, see to it that your diildrrn are enrolled for this course. Xtxt Saturday is the first meeting. The Epworth Lr.-r.ue has been having some very interesting topics for discussion each Sunday night. There should be more young folks fittend. The Epworth Leas lie had a wienie roast last Friday evening in the or chard near Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ev erett's home. A very fire time was enjoyed by all present and the pic nic lunch tasted extra good eaten J out in the open with a big bon fire near to give ample heat and light. Don't forget the f lection day din ner and supper and bazaar held at the M. W. A. hall. Ti e best of eats and also a nice display of home made articles which are always useful. Tell your friends not to miss this af fair. The ladies will appreciate your co-operation. Charter No. 112J. in the State of Ne lirasku at t !s- of business Ui't(i!T 7, l'.t.i. 2.Ssr..tni l.x Loans and discounts $ T.0.744.S7 iiiinkinir liom-c, funuiurf and fixtures I'.aTikers Conservation fund.. Cash itetn.s till. ( runi V:i I iim:tl iirnl State hanks. $ 11.401.S7 Currency ,oy..00 Silver, nickels arid ctnts ICS. 00 I.iherty loan held as cash re serve 2,000.00 14.H71.S7 TOTAL $ t;s.::27.i.s LIAIULITIKS BUYER OF FIELD SEEDS The Edward Bartling Seed Co., of Xebraska City. Xebr.. is a buyer of all kinds of field seeds, such as Red Clover. Alfalfa. Sweet Clover, Tim othy and other field seeds. Mail sample of the lot you have to sell and we will make you our best bid. If no trade is made you gain an idea of the value of your seed. Let's do more trading together. We offer Bartling's Tankage at ? pr lOO 113. Grain bags at Cijc each. FOE, SALE Euick touring car at a bargain for cash or live stock. T. H. Pollock. olC-2sw Democratic Ticket President John W. Davis Vice President Charles W. Eryan U. S. Senator J. J. Thomas Congressman John H. Morehead Governor John N. Norton State Treasurer Lou F. Langhorst State Senator Wei. B. Banning Representative Earl Towle Clerk District Court. D. C. Morgan Sheriff George F. Wilson County Attorney J. A. Capwell Co. Commissioner C. D. Spangler County Assessor W. H. Puis We Repair Autos! Any Make or Any Work and Gcarantes Absolute Satisfaction VERSON OARAGE Pearl Street. Roy Long. Election Day Dinner The Methodist Aid society of Union will serve dinner and supper and also have a bazaar at the M. W. A. j hall on election day. Anyone wishing to help either with the bazaar or dinner and sup per may leave articles with any of the ladies on or before that day. All help will be greatly appreciated. Visited in the North Last Sunday. Mrs. D. C. La Rue and son, Lucian. and daughter. Miss Dessie, who is teaching near Mur ray, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. j Wayne Farrett of Omaha, drove to Randolph and Magnet and other points in the north where they vis ited for the day with friends and re turned home the Sunday evening. t for Brick Work and Ce- ment Work of All Kinds r V Call 651-W t WILLIAM KIEF V 1 . ;; .". . . . . . ....... . Capital stock ai'l in $ io.OOO.oo Sun-iu fund r.. 'em. no l"i..iivi.le.l ?' refits (.Wl) ... 1..17". !'.". I mi '. viil i:al i tesits snti.iect to cheek. $ SO.r.l.S-l 1 u m.i ml c ! ti!icates of ilejM.sits L'.'KH'.Ou Time c-rt i!: -ates of deposit 2.1,Hi7.Ji Cashier'! checks outstanilinir 70.00 r.l.T'H.ot; I ue To National Stat" I a.nks none N'i'lt ami hills reiliscounteil neie Hills jviyahle pone 1 repositor s friiaranty funI.. .11M.17 TOTAL $ fi."7.1 State of Nebraska 1 y fs. Lancaster Counts' J I. Thf o. Miiler. cashier of the above named hark. io lien hy swear that the utx'Ve statement is a correct and true cony of the report made to the State Kureau of Uankintr. Til EO. MILLER. Cashier. Attest: O. r. THOMAS. Director. 1. M. THOMAS. Iiirector. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14 tli dav of October, lfl'4. W. A. MATfUESEN. (Sea!) Notary Public. (My commission expires May 14, l'S.) BANKRUPTCY NOTICE In the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, Lincoln division. In the matter of Charles C. Par mele, bankrupt, in bankruptcy No. D75. Notice to creditors of application for discharge and order to show cause. To the creditors of the above named bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the Sth day of October. 1924. the above named bankrupt filed his petition for discharge in bankruptcy, and It is ordered that the 21st day of November. 1924. be and the same is herebv fixed as the date on or before which all creditors of said bankrupt and all persons interested in, said estate and in the ma'tter of the dis charge in bankruptcy of the said bankrupt shall, if they desire to op pose the same, file in my office in Lincoln, Nebraska, in said district their appearance in writing in op position to the granting of said dis charge, and also -within ten days thereafter, file in my said office spec ifications of the grounds of said op position. Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 15th day of October. 1924. DANIEL H. M'CLENAHAN. Referee in Bankruptcy PIG LOST Black and red pig strayed off from Mrs. McNee. Right ear crop off, un dor bit in left ear. TOM McQUIN. RED CLOVER WA2JTED Wanted Red Clover, highest mar ket price, your track. Mail sample stating number of bushels'. New- seamless "A" bags. 55c. Johnson Bros., Nebraska City. FOR SALE Bargain in improved 145 acre farm close to Plattsmouth. T. H. POLLOCK ol6-2sw Republican Ticket (PebNuMg nina Fogs I have some very fine registered Poland-China Boars and Gilts These are for sale at good prices and extra good stock. JOHN LIDGETT UNION -:- -:- NEBRASKA Bulls For Sale I have two Holstein bulls for sale coming two years old. E. E. Leach. Union, Neb. Dr. H. C. Leopold Osteopathic Physician IA General practice. Also Eyes Li. Tested and Glasses Fitted. Office hours, 8:30 to 12; 2 .J. to 6. Sundays and after. .J. hours by appointment only. & PHONES Jt. Office, 20 S Res, 208-2R -J. 531 Man Street f Enjoyed Visit in Ohio William Hamilton Mark -was born at Springfield. Ohio, on November 20, I860, where he lived and farmed until he wes some twenty-three years of age and was engaged in working on a farm and in the dairying busi ness and there'learned to car for cat tle as well as a farm and became at that time a most efficient judge of cattle. In 1884 he came to Nebras ka to make his home and before for a short time lived at Jackson, Ohio. On December 28, three days after Christmas, Mr. Mark was united in marriage with Miss Mary Becker, they making their home on the farm and Mr. Mark farmed for some twenty-four years leaving the farm in 1912 and disposed of their farm and came to Union to make their home. For President Calvin Coolidge Vice President Charles G. Dawes U. S. Senator George W. Norris Congressman R. H. Thorpe Governor Adam McMullen State Senator A. L. Tidd State Representative Troy L. Davis Sheriff E. P. Stewart County Attorney W. G. Kieck County Commissioner.Geo. L. Farley Clerk Dist. Court Clarence L. Beal County Assessor Chet H. Smith County Judge It on-Partisan (Vote for One) A. II. Duxhury UL S. Briggs HAY FOR SALE Baled upland prairie hay. Phone 628-J. o-14,2tw,3td. STRAYED CHIROPRACTOR Large Spotted Poland sow 80 white, from Bengen farm. Due Sep tember farrow. Please notify Jim Monson, Mynard. Reward. ol3-6td, ltsw WINTER APPLES FOR SALE Ask L3y Patients! - "THEY GET WELL" Phone No. 3. Schmidtman Building Black Twig, Bendaves and Gayno, well sprayed.. Six miles northwest of Plattsmouth. W. H. Meisinger, phone 3720. oll-d&wtfd A real old fashioned Hallowe'en party would not be complete without the Dennison line of decorations. You will find a wonderful showing of the big line at the Bates Book and Gift Shop. Make your party preparations 'early, and you will find the line complete. cs & A VI WILL SPEAK AT THE Court tfouse Saturday, October S Oth EIGHT O'CLOCK Come and hear the man who has faithfully served the people cf this district. Vcfe for iorohc-sd and Be Safe! LOST "Whitefaee western steer, weight about 1.000 pounds. Anyone know ing of ananimal answering this de scription please notify Fred Stock. For earache, toothache, pains, burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid remedy for emergencies. Hallowe'en novelties for the child ren, pumpkin heads, faces and lan terns for the '"kiddies" will be found at the Bates Book and Gift Shop. MONEY TO LOAN $5. 00(1.00 private money to loan on irood Cass county farm. T. II. POLLOCK. olC-2sw. It's be easy to arrange your Hallo we'en party with the aid of one of those Denniscn '"Bogie Books" now on sale at the Bates Book and Gift Shop for only a dime. A most complete stock of Hallo we'en novelties at the Bates Bock and Gift Shop. Prices are right, too. New Barber Shop M. W. A. BUILDING Popular Prices! The Best Work Only Done! We Are Here for Your Service! W. P. COOK, Proprietor BSBE22EEBBI 3 tlmn The price of flour is going sky high Buy now and save money. These prices are for CASH only. We could not buy this flour at these prices on the market today if we were compelled to buy and you secure the benefit of the low prices due to our early buying! Sunkist flour, per 48-lb. sack $1.89 Liberty, same as Gooch's, per 48-lb. sack 1.95 Pride of Friend, one of best in stock, sack 1.85 All of these flours made from high grade wheat CANNED GOODS Van Camp's tomato soup, special at, per can. . . .$ .10 Carnation, Van Camp, Pet, Wilson or Value milk, special for Saturday only, per can 10 Extra standard corn, 2 cans, 25c; dozen 1.40 Tomatoes, 2 cans, 25c; dozen 1.40 Extra fancy June peas, 15c can; dozen 1.65 Van Camp's or Campbell's pork and beans, can. . .10 CANNED FRUITS Rosedale peaches in heavy syrup, per can $ .25 Silver Bar white Crawford peaches, 2z-h. cans. .25 Pineapple, 22-lb. cans, Saturday only 30 One dozen cans above pineapple,! $3.50 GALLON FRUITS Cherries, special, per gallon $ .85 Red raspberries, 85c or three for 2.45 Peaches, per gallon 65 Apricots, per gallon 65 DRIED FRUITS Seedless raisins, 2 pkgs. for $ .25 Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25 Peaches, per lb 15 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fancy Tokay grapes, per lb .10c Oranges, Lemons, Cauliflower, Lettuce and Celery All items in the above prices could not be bought on the market today at these prices. We wish to raise the money and must sell at cash prices. We do not give green trading stamps but we give prices that are right, so therefore you are saving money when you buy here. The Peoples Market North Side Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebr. 3 Air. and Mrs. Mark have just re-