I i -rj7.aIAT. GC7G2I.2 13 1524. PAQS T7T0 PLATTSHOTTS - WEZZLY 7Qu722UZ HAD TQ TAKE IT ... Nehawka Department! Prepared ii tha Interest of tiie People of NelaAwka. and Snrrotnvdinjf Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader. TO fiPrflElllM II CoW lor til. De5irwt i ' .L fur:afc.-S by County Aat Mrs. McDonald Had ? : I m-s-m Heard Others Praise ; , I TanlaC Her iLXperi- The Ozoa Srwir.s club t. a . . - - . , l,-,lr "se.'',ar.s pr-.r.-i.i d-.- f. T'ri'i Ir.-kir.s'- week. He realize that wlater la G3":4 a 4ac:atr r.f Lester Stos asI tr.c-1 en.Ce CcllVertea tier. ,v. ri. c , tr io-ci! Ua'.b". Mrs lUt ; h'.-.' T w.-.-.e h i--;in'- rai't 7 Ir. Ne-' our tfi'.fc &r.d vir.hia a very fw . facrifiy ar ajoyft? a iracatioa ar.f J ' rr Arn?;:. Friday aftcru. iVtobctS t t;rr. :. M;7r.;-a C F. r. . -'.' att-r la P'-mv-vva-ta list T-Uy, Irl-.tn- or ir. hi-. tr. i::r. r Mf.-..-.gr hi? : i.l 't v.-. z Cr. '-: v. 1. - be ::.! r,' r. rr.akir.g ii''-r Far.'. r- on b'jy I'irJr. tr. - r..--t o. tr.e -week hi-.!::? r: r: it : r: the alitor; i.'-l .' f . . : 7. -'. f. r r! .7- r.. - 5.h look Jag a'.-'-r '.orae 1 :.'..: .'.-.-.!.. ii I'iitt.-77i vith oa a J. -" i . Ir'.rirrs ovr to the a ad that -l-iitin? hire tfarinsr ths tlra. th froty 2!-.-r-?. Miliar a.i G.-uh'-r, I r.a- a t ?; : -: ' in Mr. a 3i Mrs rhv -! :.-; at car-'l? at i .i .a Tuf.-vav ,--:.''.'zz. r i ; ti a 2 a c';r.rr-'.-: 1 a ' r. A it :. r:: .-; ! a 5rr--:a: ff'.al. I hs.rl no ifa -jzn rt-t:re meir.bor? .n I V. vy ?m- ( "A 'It J. I - I . . . ... , . .. .,.,,... .,11 r-o . . - ;. , .:-r j.':,--. t.rf Ui r. J.;-. r.. ... ; -.,-.. .'! fVft'p firiK.t3. v.-: '- n Vih'-.ia.J (j-.r.. fta? of: " o ari . w V (, A rriVit '.ijij'iI t : rr. - ha.!. -;; th :oa x-il! rr.ak"- a t" ! 7. V.. rf?: ra'ir was a rlniir.T in. -r-r c n cf wik tew iror.i tha. plao ir: rr.o jt!i i;r he srr.t to look town. . . . .. . . . ... 1. T . . : r sod? r.u.;." f -s.;t ciatir on i.-;. i praf.tK: icr xa j &u&i r.'!ay ar. l a!?.o to attend th r i, : I :-.v.a o.' ;h a r-hooL: ' t - r ro :--ho r. r-- :.!.7 or. the rts'iiHT .V. C T r". f.. iO. .-.. John ar. 1 tfr farr-lly '"r-i :-arrj4. a.-5 tr.-r- ar a, a ay thiri-' th-i. f , uent5. .Ve expect to har t':or- rio'n ; hi c!:ib another yo:.r. ?;tcU civt-j f-r ail o.er frcza ft fj d :-? -heir local K-adiT lor tr.o ! ir - :7i i-alpi-.a'ioa aa i ?.,or;ne33 ;3e start the ciris tutvo in ou:i , or-r.-i.n fos.o-"! mjr rai. ate 'or.-i --hat I f5-rf.-'! fro." a'-ada h':?, a ?-' :;vn;r-v-v r'jr:-'! ovrn II 1 1.1 ! iAJVH A..rl? Wife ! .- e: Charles fj h I"T.'.0' :-.'; ta a Jir F'ryan, -.-.o v. :; ' ar. i . ..'-r v.-r'- iri..i IC-'--rt Try p ia-t ; ,vi r J: th.-.r a ito. i:;.r: ? ' a a a? (,':. t; r r-.r rav r rT :r. aai r.-ar rx - o tr. f:j .-r;j--r!t tr. .ay a. Mr:''r-!. Charles ar.-I r r..j-; 'h'.r'; -a he a Stored Gr.iin Tfsts :ao5t 2 X7 v is lhj tiiro to I'c on t?io to si a. I ' r,v f r p.-t ia yov.r store. 1 sr.ii-i. y Ac.l i.in"ci;r-;;.-.OT;2 - '.vo.iril y fHiniti ilini. tr;e -Hi 7 f.a rh'-y r.'J-,2--ir. ; i - a t; I tr.i.-.kfai i. a-i r ar-i'aS'.es --.:n.t ". r. it. ... . . . a -1 . -. Or r: fa-- .rr Th-.a-.s.-! :t a ,. - ... r r !a !UV -ri-'t 11 -j -Kl.r hi-s , :tj t.-iT'.t f - rr. .r. ; Mrs. v.' ! -. -,- fa t!je -rv,--r.? at thr: . Vooar. of AIv. Ok: i noma, --.i '-.': r a.---! U. li- Y'j'ir.;".-. m '..-. -n;-.--. ihl tfrae --a.? hii sr.- ' -x l-o -.'. eorr.p.-.'. . y.-r ; r. "-- r-.atJT---"; e r..y v-r.-! re. urn-: 'I to her hvrae r;t. All y--i the o''a-l- .uta. T?. y.ona? were ai the ex at . r .t- r - h! 1 v t h eiof-:l--nt ?rork 1 Aur.t .?.r .-a c.oh-1 a a' --r-.':-!. ar 't .4'- r!i. My h-: ' f - . . I ) i . . . : o a ?; :.:'r: : : -.. O. v - - a;-- ill i roo ?. -:ek a.- 5 4 a -r t.-.'.ra. ; r"-itor ;a Ora-. I . r.' e w ; th. .-ee of while th t v. -, .'ii-i.j o:: ... :. i -i pa r" ' f' r f ' r.'. -it:, wr.o hi' a .'- a?. a I r.;i ry ehareia? outf.t aad h ite j -it;; re '...a.'-;- fcatt-'-r -. ha. :.:;.. r'T'-r-'i. the f-.'-t of thi s w- ' k leokit'r for i l f'.. :. t'-rt'iir. ''! ::. .r-. 'a?!e a.rj if they carz re . .- or. '.';.' -i;iy ..f thi-j r.o .- i ,. t riht he will j laoe raare on: ;.-. o: . t'-r. t " a i; tl" rr. 4( otu- ;:ml o '' ' b-t.-'h-;!? of cr.;:n. This NvMtlvl !.'! ev.-:or;.t-Hi ir: i sV.;.':ov or j -... ............ i . ....... i . . . aa 1 t . ' r r r!:-.V.Y : tl fl; : ' o ; tait v-t:. i cv.? 1 '. cry c.nv.il ;t !! t Vri:'.:.r.- roa.':v Ou.irtr vv; r::h 7 :. r ;rii':' tlio imll.-lt :o wir rer 'S-irtors : .! ry r:i! oih 3jr-.i:r. cotifrontC'.t v t!:o i: oi .- J r,..-f-- . ....,. 1' , . .. ...... . . 3 ,A : - - - - ' Vrv-VT. th - .. i rv hottsf ; ;.iv lo ir.t . r ri j .0 v., u:tsf.vT,.ry it :v.utst bo. Roof.y. ;i to j.t r.ro i of f . y all J crux-" :ut. cvri t Are Attend:: J. G V.-;-.-:--r:i CcaTfrrticn ho 11 vl--it.fr.i? h'rre ::-. Mr. Mr-. .'-I. ar:-l :oa ho he! :r ;:0-;4 if i ' j 'ti- li-t v a. e:r ' !--at i -..-:.-''. at the prions i ror h :r -i?;-!:- t- rt at iiastia - - - o a . " h o ' . ' . a r. --r-i-rit-.- tO . I ' r . ., r;,ortiar a very fk'-'a: "rr. -ise Parry reai-; i i ... 57 uv i'. r bir.i n,! it'v ?o:t:o- iroa the breea ..v. a the si.:o of v-'nt:l:-t-.v! PI'OV isioit of air - - 4 F.r r.t for brtn tb.o binls Thi? . p I i e 1: rsrely ?rr T.t of rqtvj-rt-nt. ora'c.tl CC' s t r t ion. h-oitre r-- l -irlt of frai io upon trjeir a vn liability. " r the 'a'- f. .......... r-..,i -Lt-.- - : Ci ' a , 'Al the j-jsir.e.-i-i at the in ta:i a-s ! . ;-.;r.- wi4 a vi-itor !a W'r'j- r ' - I ; ' r-' ir'iy. w.oere ae v.f Tit to take Geo rife rI. Yoin? ir.'! wife aff r a tv.o w-3tJ4' visit here of .ery aae oaf.ie ar.'. j aa'i a.i wre eaer tj -o.v.e of the a.-iitaai. A rr.o.-jt pleaaaat r..ceptioa was ?1t ri the teaoh'-rs of the ?eLavka the r.ew rain tl rhvr.h a, the ehtiroh : ril.iro'ay errain aa-i -, -. r a t : a a.e -i au , 1 7: ..-i hetfr ;y-.!-.in to 'I j the he?-. for .. h t.t r; hoo! aa'i the ...'rj r . i ' i an! fried, they o'e i :!i;.r- ..-'fa their tor their horae in i r k, :-a f.Jaers of the l.'e haka h'tfla ?.' hool ra t i-:. Ft '..- .' i- at. u.T!.-. of Mr. aii'l Mr. ! ' rrr.;i'i J.. Tf orr.:.s 'ir.'! -ere ' r.''-7- fla.-;e' rr;' t...-it'i t.y Hoti.n 'I iio.'.ir-. -,, .1. j ai-.o of V.'a-.air a a. '-a. of the la.3 ami ail enjoy 1 ; vrka r-hi '.-j-h.r; v ryrr.'jeh. , : at th- hoazen of U. fl. V.'e-.t. V.'i!- V.nTfn Monn was irettir.jr his f-r J. "Viiri'Ierlirh, fh V. nVttit atvd v.-',','j --jiiriif; outfit r'-ady for us- thl.H.'K. Ji. Stone and ftiaille. ilr.. Earle er. Mri. V. J. F--!e. si! a, D. arrived I.-i .e- WiSi Charge Batteries! As wcil looking after the repair work at the garage, which I give special care to each and every job which comes to my place of business, and guarantee the best cf work. I am at this time prepared to charge your batteries and to do uch repairs thereon a3 shall be required. I am thanking all for your liberal pat ronage and shall ever endeavor to merit what shall oome to me. Bert Willis Garage Phone No. 3 Nehawka, Nebraska -7 1J Limns and Household Goods! Every housewife will be interested in the un usual linens and household goods we are now offering. This merchandise has been selected with great care. Brides cf this season will find it woith while to see the&e displays. All linen tablecloths and napkins exquisitely woven and patterned. 13 G I? s: I.a, t s u a I ay a, the a o rr o f .M -. J Mr. II. IJ I--. fne, th're v.----f: j t-jth'-r"! a nuraher -f frier.o'-; a a : i fii'svr .ir.' all eaoy-I a ra r ''-- tfrre. Taere ';-e from l.'a-j ion a.-. ? vlr.Ir.ity. G-'.ri': V, . r.o -:. ' K .-r-ftSairty l ! f H ! I T l?f O ! hl.-h -v:-ooi f-.-her j - V- V i L. 5 1- W tf W : -a a;..:-o:.-te ! :a. - al! rrithrr-; at th--- ' i7 h 1- ra-r ir-: fr .-m -'e ..-..'. sa a r-.;p to tl..-. Thea:as py. Helaeman. Dentist. Hotel srret"! at the'--,--., t',j T)v m- ' a jj.ui .. a. i l; i. c .,.1. -S-iOi ..i..! i... ..... X i . . f -, ; . . Lit T-.1-. r.l i.oa.'-r. '.r:..- . ..;o.j . 7 , a;r---; rar.ee ne v a-? ver; h'-re were Mr. ar.4 Mrs. J. J. Kl f - r---Jfc.i Hiilw-i'io Troy ve: 'fr-. Theraan wh- oa-i-j't- i j Irrr.1iate!r ih. boy w, n; . ,rn. ,f,..,M ey. Jf:. Il:Ia I.if-r.. Mr.. Naa v a i- o. ?!--r-a Charle Garna an-! !!. -r.-i :i oae trer-.- to Vi'lrii . r . ..t.-r. L - r . T . ' . . ; W.4. VV ' .- n-t'i -j.. i .i u r j. ai.triia :tt his hoai'- eas cf Murrav. rai:. 1--' an-1 C'l'brarcd Taii? 3:rtr-.-'27 Her.ry r.Ve-Ii an I Frank l Sh' i--'oa both haarea Vi have the'.r bfrta Jsy fail on the .ir.ie r!ay, sn l whi'lo - at Ja.-.t Satara'ay. October 11th. a:?.-! 'n this o-r a-;ion they all partook of ''nr.er at the hame.f Mr. an"! Mr. I?nry Ve--jelI. They sl.-o v.ere sh ar ia y the eeiftbrat.lon with Mr. frl V,'e.n an! wife, aj well a?. M?s--.'.-saaea Frank HhfMoa and Henry 'Veell. n ar.'i f- were both - tiaie ?f,'r. t vile oren.; ; 3 V j n T ..fr. aal M-r?. Fre 1 G. Morgan rao- '!v.vn to Union jrrrtav i wh' 'r' f 7:ttv r. t '"no Httt r-1 tYm rarres an! in?1a?. Ail ardent sera- " ' - - ;-;; at tneitaat ta caraess ta - .-.! to enjoy ajfc-t "Wink ra. illink i-r-'--J- -r. aai Mrs. George Ever- 11 o'clock Ia: ali-h: :: -:a- 7,7- ra- ar.-i a r;e.it prt cf the t;a.eL:V -r hi", '- ar-1 iirs- M-rSan v.kia it rai hi r-taway i-:;r---.-.a-t-i it tv-ir' wav P"--fri..sT"ent-i 1 ' ,r,y cnol iriends cf the Ion? J the !?so as t.:' ..-:Trei. 5ari rl. ?. r .iur'Ti7 r r cii pi u Tit . t I -' I -' .' - - - .. - - - - - , rmtri Ml Mli How Much Do You Want to Pay? Tlint cNactly what we ask you when you come iu for a Goodyear Tire. No matter whether you want an out and out bargain or the finest quality tire a big new balloon tire or a regular size. We have a Goodyear for you, at the price you arc willing to pay. You see, the Goodyear line is complete and Goodyear prices are low. HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OP TJTE EAPQAIS3 WE ARE OFFERING IN QENL TNE QOODYEAR 77J1X3 30 x 3 2 Clincher Tire from X 1 213.15 32x4 Straight Sice Cni frrrm .V to 21 ,V 33 x 4 Straight Side Cord frcra 1;-T5 71,"5 32 x 4'2 Cord S24.S5 iZ x i O-jrtt 215 Plattsmouth Motor Co 6th &. Pearl HAS KJLE3TZSS STOI Coc a at.'.es vr- Crtik read, soratti - ast a: 5 that the caraess va u7 a: rn r city ii sif j.;t ; r:.. -i:I7. -kC.O.ia I ?.t i- c-ir Oa.kI.is-i v-psscen- o 13-It vi- oi iruit sala-i ana f-aKe cere served. All wish Roland the a'c-.t of su.-te;3 in Li3 nev.- school 'l hope he will not for-it Lii eia'-3 of Nehawka Hih. Kehawka School liotes From Tuesday's laity James T. Reynold, cf n.ar Union, was in the city last evenfna atten-i-insr the Eryan meeting at the court ho';se. Geor2-f Ofe. nf VnrfnTV -ar n h-t 3 D .rothy Iv. is f r.c-nt the week-end here viitinE h: ancle. Hcnrv Ofe Carl Wes'.tll Zntertains Sanday Ln.-.t .'trey at the heautiful coun-i- try horae of Carl V.--:;.e!! and wife were jvatrored a number of relative3 r. r;d frien-i v.-ho T.ade the v.-.-.ik:a tinir ;.r.'! V.' pt the Jioaae hres hurn iricr. There were prerc-nt C. E. Heeb ner and family, Henry Westell air! wife, Irvin Marfclrmd and wire, fvo ladie-a. from Lincoln and M-.-.r.i. a.a 1 M'-H'!.-frr!H T. V. Fleming and faraily of Weeping Water and M. L. Flera rr.inir and fa rally of Plattfraouth. Vit. nnd llrs. Stcce Entertain I.a.-:t Sunday there were gathered at the beatjtlftjl home of Mr. and '-Trn. f'arl V,'. Stone a harp crowd 'if r'Jativ" who m.de the ocraKl-ir; one of raiif.h pb-a-iire to all pre-ej;t. Mr. and Mrr:. Stotie -ao.!t p!--a.Han? ly en'ertala' d the f?w".lH to a rr.' 7. i:mptii-'n dinner, to whi'h all hear tily partook. There vere pr'H'T.t f'r th- oc ro-ion Grandfather J. M. fit. on", j ji. ji. :vone am rarrny, jj. i. vr. .-?n'l wi:-, Walter V.'uad'rlJ'h oril family and J. M. Stone, Jr., a 1 w i f -. Are in the Went Lfi-t. K'lnday a nurub'T of the hnat t r.-t of .WhawJ.a .o prt' d in an r;ut' 'r r.-i" w-;t, finviti .rfjiri J.'-.'ia v,7.i :viii i-arie r:app'.-i:e. All the High school boy3 taking Agrir ulture werts excused 'rem .ol Friday afternoon to attend ','j.rJ Stcne'3 sale. The Horae Maratreraent rooms have been ma !e a a'reat deal more homo .'hce by the ;' iition of thr(e frarneil J:p.)re print.? and Van Dyke's "liaby Stuart." .Mi-.-es I-:adore Stone and Esther .Sc. John v.-ited the school of Grace Linvii!'.- near Mynard Saturday. Julia Troop spent the week end in i'i 'f?t'-:mo';th. Ruth iP.-hrn- spent Saturday in Nebraska City. Maybelle Troop motored to Platts moutli Monday afternoon. i-'.adore Stone attended the bank-ei.-i' i oiiveation in Elaiv.cod Monday. K-th---r St. John motored to Ne braska City Monday afternoon. Haze Car;"r and Isadore Stone took dinner at the heme of Esther h... John Tuesday in honor of E3-!i.'-r':-i birthday. MIhh Vi.ijpif; Kpent the week end at h r home ja Ashland. Mi..M Ailert npent Sinday at her home in Linerin. Monday evi-ninpr Mi.-s Violet Mar ti, i er. t .-tali.. the Sixth and Se7--i:th ,','r.i'I'r; u t a party. It was in the nature- of a surprise p;irty f-r ( "lyenf. Thorua5. who is to move to o R.irwe!). wbe.-f; they mad- 'tiosj Vt. b-t-:e of th'ir ojjeratb.n, rtd from Tii e Home Economic: :Ii1h are r.nI family, departed this raornia? in rcmpany with Mr. Ofe for Oraaha, where they will spc-ad the day. C. II. Cobb nnd wife of Central Jity, parents of Mrs. E. P. Stewart, and Attorney S. Arie.a Lewis. Jr.. and wife of Omaha who hive been guests at the Stswart home over the week end have returned home. Front We3r?i-p-1:iy's Daily T.V. G. Boedeker of the Murray State bank, was in the city today for a few hours attending to some mat ters of business. George W. Snyder departed this n.ornin? for Omaha to look after t-ornc matters on the livestock mar ket for a few hours. Charles E. Noyes of Louisville, chairman of the republican county central committee was here last even ing to attend the speaking held here at the court house. Walter Cotner, wife and baby, who have been visiting with rela tives and friends for tiie past few days, dt parted this morninir for their home at DIaden, Nebraska. Mrs. H. N. Dovey departed this morning for Seward, Nebraska, where she will visit for the week with b'-r daughter. Mra. William Goebner and family and enjoy a Knort outing. Troy L. Davis, republican candi date for state representative :nxl horae t ,?- Wkias over ; tioa aai taking sie- to tr; i . - . . . - - . . . f-j Standard Bred Single Gomb Most d:sfurin.j skia eruptica?. serofula. ph-arlcs. rashes, etc.. ar? aa-3 to impure fc.oo-i. Eun-Ioek El:c-.i Dit-; ters as a cleaasiar hlood toai: : well recoraraeaied. at all stores. a Zailoxe'en rrvelries cf all kinl3. S place card?, decorations. Doaniscnl crepe paper and everytliing ycu will; neei fcr that party yon are plan-j niarr will be found at the Eates Bcokf and Gift Shop. I Mynard, Nebraska PUtlBS2!!i Fc.ne 3604 tb.-re vn.t ,-i into fjowii county, I ivj,!- . i-'-y ale at. the school- j f:j,arla Seeb-y, publisher of the where they enjoyed a few day bunt- i1 ::r.'' prob-uly yorre r.ftin ai w II. There v,re In tu'ir ' rrv.-J fb o. 1'oIIard, Jt.hn Jfairoo, Clyde nd Leo Sv.iteer. ihous'- i- rtt!:.y. The money l i to I.e. i: - d to '-11 r-- a ii w table-cover and ! i?:' t. r-.et. K!l-n lone :-p'nt Saturday In r.i u'-oi it. r -t ... 1-., . ..i .. ' r: in ifitrh school this week. The report, cards wei" given out in the ;;r.tdes j;,Kt TuesrJay. fiioi.-.e I'olf.- rrl entertained at her homo Sa'.urdcy cv ning at a dinner party th o- Ta Ta I'oc hen Camp Fire girl. i. Oh dyM Steele wan a guest cf honor and jrined the ranks of tho Camp Fire girls that evening. Elo- Attead the Eankers' Convention fa.-:t. Monday being n iiii'iay,' a i Columbus !ay was -e'-brat-d o-i that day, it falling on Sunday thin year, the Rank of Nehawka was dos ed at the noon hour and the bank er.', went to the convention at Kim wood, where they were entertained very pleasantly as well as attending j., Mary and Virginia Pollard erv ESTABLISHED 1883 P Phone No. 14 tf fi:., ' t a swat, .v. yjesazac rosa5d keeping Water Republican were h -re hist evening, driving over to attend the Lurkett-Thorpe meeting here. SOKE DnTvOVEMEIiT i-o iih! uir.rier ror nonorj towaru a "i'fre Maker." Firat grades are enjoying their new primers. Ruth liurby entertained the first I'rntfi Tii'hI;i v'h I'JHIy Mrs. 1 1. T. Patten, who has quite poorly for Home time past, is thb: morning reported as showing some alight improvement although her condition Is still quite Berioiis and causing the family and many old i time friends a great deal of ijppre- Illusion. Mr. nfid Mrs. Charles W. Grasman of Alliance, the latter a daughter of Mrs. Ratten, ?nd Dr. Frank Jensen and Oliver Olson of Newmsn Grove, arrived here last . ... n !tw. n .H1. U ......1 i. . and second grades at a birthday . , , n J ' " "feeU 1J'iy r. I'll l ItVI llill v ot, the business v.hi'h call'd tliem to gether. Mth. C. S. Aldrfch entertain ed the ladies of the delegation, thim in.XUrlna- thrm :i ni'iut er.1oi! ii! liirw. Hjns well as the men. There were from H Nchav, ka at the convtntion, I). C. r 1 i . " , . . , ... .i ar.'I WI.7, ..ir. ai;d .,lrK. . J. ' im it v Tueu.lnv TIw. .Iiit-t Wup.Itrlhh. Orviilu Gritfin and Mi,s.re enjoyed liuth'a cake decorated hsadore Stone. with six candb.a. , , " The primary room is decorated Delightful Luncheon Last Saturday Mrs. R. C. Pollard wa:; the charming hostess at a 1 un h eon including the following cucsts: Shela(n. Mrs: Walter Wunilerlich ' :. ! -uiii .,..,. . . . v. i..Kr.. ' ... ..... I fid. I I AMI I kW.- "I,. 1 . -Mrs. E. M. Pollard, Mr3. J. W. Thorn- -m much ni'.r- tlin wi.en they ar ln J task much easier if JOU Call at the as and thM lady teachers. After a To';.'' n Vrreay tfiS Book and Gift Shop and get : S .couf incl.eon very bySiS fiS? one of those Dennison "Boe Books." daintily Berved by the two daughters, Il.U.L'S CATAitrill MEDICINE con- n t . Virginia and Leoaa, the guests ad- f'",s-' ot an Ointment which Quickly ! i:cy are CaiOCK full 01 plans and journed to the large hitting room and ilV'S'':? Z,a1 .?LsfrtV.5",l-.tJl- ; decorations and jrive you a world of tijije.i themsetvi-s with t.ieir fancy m trnprovinB Gen-rai Health. new ideas for the party aranies. The (Continued on Page Four) Hairs Catarrh Medicine Itching piles provoke profanity but profanity won't remove them. Donn's Ointment is recommended for itching, bleeding or protruding piles. (Juc at any drug store. In ease you are contemplating a Hallowe'en party, you will find the C Hart Schailncr Sllarx ig I liing i tie about buying a suit of clothes is Quality. The price signifies nothing unless there's quality back of it. Hart Schaffner & Mark Quality is undoubted. Prices $40, $45 and $50 Our Feature Line $25, $30 and $35 Strictly Guaranteed. . .i i 1 .. li -,. . . J J. Cthenev Cn Tnlf.Hn Ohio. priCC IS OniV a 0121 e "ON THE CORNER" (T 17 ons Y ilfcr'Vrliiyt KCaaC3S3j aloud and all were guil Mlji Ut U IUUU " :