The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 09, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, OCTOEEE 9, 1924.
Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Free, a large, best made Scooter,
or a large, beautiful talking and
walking doll, or a Kodak, doll car
riage or apron. Absolutely free. See
them at O. J. Hathaway'e, Union,
-Union Theatre!-
Saturday Night, Oct. 1 1
"Bring Him In!"
An exceptionally dramatic story
of mystery, love and adventure
in the great North woods. Al
so a good 2-reel Jimmy Au
bury comedy. "The Detective.'
Having lived among you all the time for the past
quarter of a century, and enjoying the friendship of
this community, whom I have served as a saleslady
in the business of others, I have decided to engage in
business for myself. I have therefore purchased the
Grocery Store, which was formerly owned and oper
ated by W. H. Sheeley & Co. I shall appreciate your
business, and will at all time endeavor to care for it
in the best manner. Will handle the best grades of
goods and pay the best prices for country produce.
Thanking you in advance for what courtesies may be
extended, I am your truly,
Mrs. Enable Reynolds
Becker's Old Stand
I have some very fine registered
Poland-China Boars and Gilts
These are for sale at good prices and extra good stock.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
Ready for Your Work!
I have established an auto repair shop in the
Foster building next to the blacksmith shop
and am prepared to care for all your work
in the best manner. Any kind of a car or any
work. Specialists on Fords.
Henry H.
Do you belisve in it?
Remember you are only about two jumps ahead
of winter, and there are always a number of repairs
to be made before that time arrives.
You may need more shed room for stock a place
to store corn or a feeding floor.
Look around and see if you are prepared for
stormy winter.
Are you going to hog-down some corn? Perhaps
you will need some fencing. We sell American.
We Appreciate Your Patronage!
Frans Bros. Lumber Co.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
B. G. "Watkins of near Nehawka
was a visitor in Union last Monday
afternoon looking after some busi
ness matters.
Herman L. Swanson. was a visitor
in Union last week and was meet
ing many of his friends here, for he
has a lot of them.
Eddie Towne and Jacob Morton
were visiting last Saturday evening
in Omaha, seeing their friends and
attending a show.
Tony Sudduth was a business vis
itor in Omaha on last Monday and
also had some eggs which he took
to market as well.
Joseph Fetzer. of Plattsmouth, was
a visitor in Union last Sunday and a
guest at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. J. M. Patterson, while here.
C. V. Walliek and wife, of Weep
ing Water were spending last Satur
day and Saturday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Larue.
J. D. Marcell of the Union schools
vas looking a'ter some busiuos'. mat
ters and also visiti-i;: with friends
in Plattsmouth last Sat-Jay own
ing. For a higher quality, more nu
tritious and finer flavored bread, we
recommend "Lincoln Maid" brand
bread. O. J. Hathaway, Union,
"On the Corner
Mrs. K. D. Clarke and son. Will
Clarke, of Weeping Water, were vis
iting in Union last Sunday, being
cruests at the home of Mrs. Vesta
There comes a rumor that B.
Sumner, who Ijas been the agent
Stena will be given the station
Union and will make the change
a short time.
John Farris of near Murray was
looking after some business matters
in Union last Monday and was also
visiting at the home of W. S. Copen-
haver while here.
T. M. Patterson, of Omaha, was a
visitor for a short time in Union
last Monday evening and went to
Weeping Water, where he was look
ing after some business matters.
W. II. Sheeley and wife will depart-
in a few days as soon as the
business matters are closed up here
for North Bend or Fremont, where
they will engage in some business
On last Sunday at their home north
of Union, J. D. Bramblet and daugh
ter, and Mr. Kay Bramblet enter
tained for the day and an excellent
dinner, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd and
children, J. C. Snaveley and family
and W. B. Banning and family.
A. L. Becker, who has been at Cen
tral City for some time, looking af
ter the seeding of some "U acres of
wheat on his farm there, returned
nome last Jiondav eveninsr ana was
well pleased with the condition of
the crop, which he has just got seed
Lonnie and Bert Crawford, of
Coleridge were visiting in Union for
a few days last week with relatives
and friends and on their return to
their home in the north last week,
were accompanied by their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford, who
will visit there for a while.
Mrs. E. II. Riggs, of Brewster,
where she is engaged in business
was a visitor for a short time last
week at the home of Mrs. Jennie
Frans, having driven here from her
home and then departed for St. Jo
seph, where she went to purchase
goods for the winter. She was driven
from here to St. Joseph by Mr. Omar
George Tyson of Los Angeles h
been visiting in Union for some time
and while here was a guest at the
home of R. D. Stine and mother, Mr.
Tyson being a brother of Grandma
Stine. He departed on last Monday
evening for Omaha, where he will
visit for a short time at the home of
R. M. Rathbun before going to his
home in the west.
J. D. Cross, Frank Owings and L.
W. Crawford have been making some
changes at the telephone office which
is the property of the telephone com
pany and which is making the office
the better. A new floor has been
laid while the entire front has been
changed considerably, a new door
installed and in all the building has
been made more comfortable and con
Sure Two Good Steers
Last week Edward Dowler: who is
a trader, purchased two steers from
J. H. Ruhman. as he was going to
ship them and they were included
with other stock that were sent to
market, and the two weighed 4,T00
pounds and brought seven and a half
cents per pound which brought him
$337.50 for the two animals. Do not
think but Mr. Dowler will buy your
stock at a good price whenever you
want to sell it, for he is there for
that purpose.
Is Killed in Elevator
Last week while David Dennis,
Jr., the young son of David Dennis
of Falls City, who is the grandson
of George I. Barton and wife, who
formerly lived in Union, while play
ing around an elevator where they
were unloading apples into a ware
house. Thr elevator ran up along
the outside ot a building and the
boys at their play were riding up
and down as the elevator made its
trips. The -vorkmen had cautioned
the lads to be careful and to keep
away from the elevator as they might
get hurt. Tne lad was looking down
over the platform of the elevator,
and as it went up, he extended Lis
Lead into the door way and his head
was caught between the elevator and
the top of the door, breaking his
neck and causing instant death.
Are Much Interested in Game
The people of Union, who are all
very much wrapped up in the nation
al game, have been taking much in
terest in the world series nowteing
played in the east. It would seem
that most of the people are in sym-
Beauty Parlor
Marcelling Bob Curls
Hair Switching
Mrs. C. D. Austin
Union, Nebraska
Fancy Groceries
Always fresh and a complete
line to select from and prices
always right.
Excellent cuts of fresh meats
Beef and Pork and at the
very best prices.
A fine line of Ginghams, Per
cales and Dress Prints.
R. D. Stine
Union -:- -:- Nebraska
pathy with Washington winning the
series. There have been large crowds
at the garage and other places where
there was opportunity of listening in
over the radio, and all were enjoy
ing the reports, although it was not
quite like the real game.
Enjoys Visit in the East
Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. A. II .
Marks, who have been visiting for
some time in the east, where they
spent many weeks with the friends
of their youth, returned home after
having had a most pleasant visit.
Election Day Dinner
The Methodist Aid society of Union
will serve dinner and supper and
also have a bazaar at the M. W. A.
hall on election day.
Anyone wishing to help either
with the bazaar or dinner and sup
per may leave articles with any of
the ladies on or before that day. All
help will be greatly appreciated.
At the Methodist Church
The attendance at the Methodist
Sunday school last Sunday was S9.
Make it 100 next Sunday. Everyone
is urged to attend if not attending
school elsewhere.
The school now has an honor roll
on which will be placed the names
of those having perfect attendance
records for a quarter. The children
with perfect attendance lust quarter
were Iola McQuinn. Marcella Mc
Quinn, Leora Fletcher and Irma
All the regular services next Sun
day. Business Changed Hands
Mrs. Mable Reynolds, who has
been identified with the business in
terests of Union for the past sixteen
years in a variety of ways, but al
ways a careful and painstaking
saleslady, having a host of friends,
last Friday purchased the business
interests of W. II. Sheeley, who has
conducted the corner store, and im
mediately took charge of the busi
ness and is conducting the same in
her most businesslike way.
All the friends of this vicinity, and
all are her friends, will be pleased
to karn of her embarking in busi
ness for herself. We are sure she
will make a success of her venture.
Celebrates Passing of Birth
The many friends of Mr. Charles
Hoback organized in favor of a good
time and put it over at the home of
Mr. Hoback. when they all went to
his home unbeknown to this gentle
man last Monday evening and with
the making had an oyster supper
with many good things to eat on the
side as well as a most enjoyable
evening. The coming of the friends
was a complete surprise to Mr. Ho
back. but he with the others en
joyed tha occasion very pleasantly.
Will Have Services
There will be services at the Bap
tist church on the coming Sunday
morning at the usual hour. Mrs.
Niman, wife of the pastor of the Ne
braska City Baptist church will
preach and conduct the services at
the church in Union on Sunday, Oc
tober 12th. All members are re
quested to be in attendance.
From Monday's Daily
The message was received yester
day morning announcing the death
of Dorothy Mason, the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mason,
which occurred Saturday evening at
the family home in Los Angeles, Cal
ifornia, following a short illness.
The messasre did not give the exact
cause of the death but a later mes
sage this morning from Carl Sattler
to his parents here stated that the
death followed a very severe attack
of quinsey from which Dorothy had
been suffering for the past ten days
and from which she had failed to
rally. Mrs. Ed Mason was taken
sick last Wednesday and is now con
fined to her bed and her sickness
badly affected by the death of the
youngest child.
The deceased leaves the parents
and one sister. Miss Alice, all of Los
Angeles, and severel uncles and
aunts. W. H. Mason. Mrs. C. C. Koke
and Mrs. R. II. Fitch of this city,
and Clarence of Nebraska City. The
grandmother of the little one, Mrs.
Paul Billion also resides at Nebras
ka City.
The funeral services will be held
on Wednesday at the late home in
California and the interment held
The news of the death comes as a
sad blow to the many friends of the
family here where they resided up
until a few months ago, and espe
cially will the little school friends of
Dorothy be shocked to learn of her
From "Wednesday's Daily
This morning in the county court
before Judge Allen J. Beeson, Ray
mond Lairson of Fremont was ar
raigned on the complaint charging
him with manslaughter in connec
tion with the death of Mrs. Lorissa
Dodge in an auto accident near Un
ion on September 18th.
To the charge preferred by Coun
ty Attorney J. A. Capwell, the pris
oner entered a plea of guilty and
waived the preliminary hearing in
the case and was bound over to the
district court. The amount of the
bond was fixed at $100 aid in failure
to supply this, the man was reman
ded to the custody of Deputy Sheriff
Rex Young.
The charge of manslaughter
charges Lairson with unintentional
ly causing the death of Mrs. Dodge
while he was driving his car while
in an intoxicated condition and la
the wrecking of the car in which
Mrs. Dodge received the injuries
from which she later died.
Constipation causes headache, in-
mild. ODenine medicine, use Doan's !
The republican speakers who will
tour Cass county will reach here on
Friday. October 10th and will consist
of PL G. Taylor, candidate for rail
road commissioner, G. A. Williams,
candidate for lieutenant governor,
and L. B. Johnson, candidate for
secretary of state. The schedule of
the party as announced will be as
Louisville 9:30 A. M.
Manlev 11 A. M.
Elm wood 2:10 P. M.
Weeping Water 3:20 P. M.
Plattsmouth 6 P. M.
Addresses will be given at the
various towns and the issues of the
day from the republican standpoint
When baby suffers with eczema or
some itching skin trouble, use Doan's
Ointment. A little of it goes a long
way and it is safe for children. 60c
a box at all stores.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Aug
ust W. Panska, deceased.
, On reading and filing the petition
of Daniel J. Panska praying that ad
ministration of said estate may be
granted to Daniel J. Panska and
Henry Guthmann, as Administrat
ors; Ordered, that October 22, A. D.
1924, at ten o'clock a. m. is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested In said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the Plattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print
ed In said county, for three success
ive weeks, prior to said day of hear
ing. Dated September 22, 1924.
(Seal) s25-3w County Judge.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Case coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Frederick A. Neumann, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Catherine Neumann praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to Mollie Neumann as Ad
ministratrix; Ordered, that October 22, A. D.
1924, at ten o'clock a. m. is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and tor said county, and ehow
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that
notice of the pendency of said peti
tion and the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dated September 30, 1924.
(Seal) o2-3w. County Judge.
araaiOD Wednesday
250 Regular
We will hare our entire line of Hallowe'n Novelties on display. This line this
year will be the largest that we have ever carried. Come prepared to make
your selection on Bargain Wednesday.
Complete Line of Goods!!
Such as Crepe Paper, Place Cards, Cut-Outs, Stickers and Seals
of every description!
Our Line of Decorations Will Make Your
Party Complete!
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Hen
ry Kuhnhenn, deceased.
To the creditors of eaid estate:
You are hereby notified that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on Octo
ber 14, 1924. and January 14, 1925,
at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 14th day of of October, A.
D. 1924, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 14th day of October. 1924.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 11th day of
September, 1924.
(Seal) sl5-4w-sw County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Harriet L. Hunter, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
12th day of November, 1924, and
on the 12th day of February, 1925,
at ten o'clock a. m., each day, to re
seive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view' to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 12th day of November, A.
D. 1924, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 12th day of November, 1924.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this Sth day of
October, 1924.
(Seal) o9-4w. County Judge.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
Estate No. of John Waterman,
deceased, in the County Court of
Cass county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Alma
R. Waterman, who is one of the heirs
of said deceased and interested in
such, has filed her petition alleging
that John Waterman died intestate
in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on or
about September 13th, 1921, being a
1, rmA inlioliitnnt nf Plnttc.
mouth, Cass county. Nebraska, and
the owner of the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Lots five (5) and six (C) in
Block ten (10) in the original
city of Plattsmouth, as survey
ed, platted and recorded in Cass
county, Nebraska
leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to
wit: Alma R. Waterman, daughter,
and Ida W. Wagner, daughter; that
said decedent died intestate; that
no application for administration
has been made and the estate of said
decedent has not been administered
in the State of Nebraska, and that
the Court determine who are the
heirs of said deceased, their degree
of kinship and the right of rescent
in the real property of which the de-
loo!: and iiation
10c Composition Books for School
(one day only) at
ceased died seized, which has been
set for hearing on the Sth day of
November. A. D. 1924, at 10 o'clock
a. m."
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 4th day of October. A. D. 1924.
County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass.
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
directed. I will on the Sth day of
November, A. D. 1924, at 10 o'clock
a. m. of said day, at the south front
door of the courthouse, in Platts
mouth. Nebraska, in said county, sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following described
property to-wit:
The north thirty-eight and
two-sevenths (3S 2-7) feet of
Lot thirteen (13), the same be
ing a strip of ground off of the
tlie north side of said lot 38 2-7
feet in width the entire lenpth
and parallel with the south line
of said lot: also Lot fourteen
(14), all in Block thirty-one
(31) in the City of Plattsmouth.
in Cass county, Nebraska, ac
cording to the amended plat of
the City of Plattsmouth
The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property of Jacob E. Mason,
Katheryn Mason. E. P. Lutz, Trus
tee, Robert L. Propst and United
States Rubber Company, defendants,
to satisfy a judgment of said Court
recovereri by The Plattsmouth Loan
and Building Association, a corpora
tion, plaintiff against said defend
ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 6,
A. D. 1924.
Sheriff Cass County,
We Repair Autos!
Any Make
Any Work
Guarantee Absolute Satisfaction
Pearl Street. Roy Long.
Standard Bred Single
Plattsmouth Phone 3604
Mynard, Nebraska
PI EI 10) D
Regulets. 30c a box at an stores.