The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 02, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially lor the Journal Readers
It any of the readers of the
Journal bcoT- of any social
event or Item of Interest In
thin 1:lnity. and will mall
vae to uhi ofhee. It will n
pear under this beadia.-. We
-want all news items Kditob
Making lieht of your troubles If you wish your surper earlr,
tf t " Jrome to the Presbyterian church at
Will help you see the way clear! ; 5:so in the evening, Friday, October
the son cf Air. and Mrs.
Henry En-
At Itiverview, the scenic farm of
vil 1 1 "
"Waffles! My, but ain't tney good,
with syrup? At the Presbyterian
church, Friday night, October 3rd.
Jesse Ferry of IMattsmouth was a Searl S. Davis, overlooking the Ritr
I Mr. Jim Fitch was transacting business visitor in Murray for a short Muddy, where -Mr. V. Sudduth is
I business in Murray Tuesday. time Tuesday, driving down in his farming this year, there is grow ing
Mrs. Val Gobelmaa entertained a auto. a corn crop which called for a new
house lull or relatives ana irienas u. u. lioeueker and Charles Her- place to hold it and Mr. Davis is
for Sunday dinner. ron was looking after some business having a new crib built there, which
Mr. John Fitch, of north of N'e- matters in Plattsmouth last Thurs- Is beinc done bv the master work-
hawka, spent faunaay wnn nis mom- aay aiternoon.
er, Mrs. It. H. Fitch. Mrs. Dove Asch was looking af-
Jce Mrasek of the firm of Puis & ter some business matters in Union
last Monday, driving down with her
hcrse and buggy.
Green Piggot was looking after
some business matters in Platts-
A Bank Account will make
your troubles light.
The "Sf" Bank ficsoun!
There is no such thingas mak
ing a start "if". Savings are
opened when 'ifV have been
entirely eliminated.
In other words the way to open
a bank account is to OPEN IT
No "if s" and "ands."
Let us show you how easily it
may be done.
Mrasek, was a business visitor in
Omaha last Monday.
Uncle J. W. Edmunds was called
to Omaha last Monday to look after
some business matters.
Professional bakers will handle the ing over in his car
electric waffle irons at the church
supper Frida3' night, October 3rd.
Do not miss this treat.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McXatt and
family spent Sunday at the home of
John McXatt at Percival. Iowa.
. man. J. A. Scot ten.
Geo. Xickles, the genial lumber
man, has been kept to his home for
some time on account of an attack of
the grippe which has Tendered him
October 5
By M. S. Briggs
Golden Text. "Freely you have
had received, freely give."
The Mission of the Twelve.
"Avails it whether barest shod.
These feet the paths of duty trod;
If from the bowers of ease they
And sought afflictions humble bed.
If fortunes guilty bribe they
And home to virtues cot returned;
Those feet with Angels wings
shall vie.
And tread the palaces of the sky."
Obedient to the command of the
Master, the twelve, even Judas went
i out and healed the sick, cured the
! leDers. restored sight to the Mind.
t a .... iir-i la-i - r .icK
5 U &rtr-
Don't Wait
not in a condition for looking after
the business and he was kept home . and carried the good tidings of the
mouth last Tuesday afternoon, driv- for a number of days and was only J coming of the kingdam of the Lord. I
ame to return to nis work tnis morn- They had been blessed by an abuna-
T .... . r . . . . j-
Jjr31tl vjciustuier was a visitor lor ing wnen ne reiievea jesse cnantoers ance of grace, and as the Master naa
the week end with his friend, Harry who was also feeling quite badiy. commanded them, freely they had
Xewell of Weeping Water where he Dr. J. W. Brendel of Avoca who is i ror-irpd thev were to freelv erive.
enjoyed the visit very much
Miss Clara Gobclman who is
at a hospital at Omaha where some! When the Master sent out the
at- time since he underwent an opera- i twelve he exnected them to do a
tending high school in Plattsmouth. tion for appendicitis, is tret tins nrtn in -n-nrir nnri thev riid it well.
uswaiu irgin was a visitor in spent the week end with her aunt in along nicely at this time and when ne had chosen the twelve Disciples
Murray last Tuesday afternoon and the western part of the state. the folks were to soe him on last i and knew what thev were worth in
was accompanied by Mrs. Virgin. Waffles and syrup at the Presby- Sunday his improvement was such ! a campaign. Even Judas was chos-
Rue II. Frans of rear Union was terian church on Friday .evening, as to justify the physician- in their i cn for a purpose, and he well sub-
a visitor in Murray last Tuesday, j October 3rd. assurances that he might leave the i prrved that purpose, for he was in
coming to see Dr. G. II. Gilmore. " Frank Dorlinger who makes his hospital the latter part of this week. the berir-inc a good worker, but
A. G. Btkke and W. S. Smith vere!TJe M riattsmouth- was looking
looking afer some business matters ; ftcf some mntters of business in
in Lincoln last Tuesdav afternoon !Mlirra-v ori Monday of this week.
v.uiiiiatiu: j. -v. ocutieii is con-
crib on the farm where
nov.- lives to care for the
corn which is now ripening there.
j Geo. Smith is having a corn crib
Be sure and get your supper at the i built on his fi.r::i. east of Murrcv,
Janus M. Palmer of Xehawka was IgtructVn" a
brief visitor in Murray which was j x liead
connected with his business of haul
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
There is No Substitute
for Safety
rresoy terian church Friday night,
October 3rd. 5:30 to 7:30 p. m., at
the Presbyterian church.
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Slotenburg en
tertained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Leach rnd family of Union,
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troop of
Eight Mile Grove.
Good Carriage for Sale
A good carriage In fine condition.
Will sell at a very reasonable price.
Seee Joe Mrasek, Murray, Xebraska.
For Sale or Trade
I have a McCormick corn binder
in excellent condition, several good
dairy cows, some fresh and others to
freshen soon, for sale or trade. E.
E. Leach, Union, Xtbr. s25-2T
g Children's
Mothers Like
It doesn't cost such
a lot to keep your chil
dren looking nice, if
yoj know just how to
doit. Take stockings,
for instance
Iron Clad stockings
for children are not one
bit expensive, because
Iron Clads combine the
two things that should
be in every child's
s t o z I ; i r. g good I'jvks
g;:J ursr.
If you ere not al
ready "using Iron Clads,
be sure to ak us to
show them to you.
. - g?N v
Misses and children's fine ribbed cotton hose. . . .$ .SO
Misses fine mercerized cotton hose 50
Children's drop stitch mercerized hose, pair 50
Misses derby ribbed mercerized hose 50
Infants extra fine combed cotton ribbed hose. . . .25
Infants' fine ribbed worsted hose, colored tops. . . .50
Boys' and girls' med. weight cotton ribbed hose. . .36
Grocery Department
Argo corn starch, 1-lb. pkg $ .10
O K bran flakes, per pkg 10
Skinner's macaroni or spaghetti, 3 for 25
Palm Olive soap, 3 bars for 25
Swansdown cake flour, per pkg. . . . '. 40
Van Camp's medium pork and beans, 2 for 25
Jello, all flavors, 2 pkgs. for 25
Blue ribbon peeled peaches, per lb 20
Prunes, per lb .15
Seedless raisins, per lb., bulk or pkg.. 15
Advo pancake flour, 4 lb. sack 25
Rose Dale peaches, No. 2J2 size cans, each 25
Large size roiled oats, per pkg 25
Kellogg's corn flakes, large size, 2 for 35
Del Monte or Jack Spratt peaches, 3 cans for. . . 1.00
Value brand evaporated "milk, per can 10
Pineapple, No. 22 size cans, each 35
Puyallup pears, No. 2Yz ize cans, 3 for 1.00
Gateway white cherries, No. 2Yl size can 25
Gallon peaches, solid pack, per gallon 65
Gallon apricots, solid pack, per gallon 65
Gallon apples, solid pack, per gallon 50
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Highest Market Prices Paid
for Your Produce
The H. i.
olisen Co,
Phone No. 12
Murray, Nebraska
for the reception of the corn crop
which he has growing there at this
A. Wilbur has been on the sick
list for ;;ome time pa?t on a.count
of a siege of the grippe which has
kept him from working for the past
few days.
Postmaster V..' S. Smith and wife
were visiting with friend and re-Ia-tivti
in Plattsmouth last Sunday af
ternoon, driving ovt to the county
seat in their auto.
Friday. October 3rd. at the Presby
terian church, chicken and waffle
sui per. Everybody invite!.
Earl Lancaster who has been cjuite
sick for some time ppst and ha.; be:n
kept to his bed for the ptist week, is
reported as being some better and
able to be up acrain.
John L. Chilton has been visiting
here for tie pat few days with
Mr. and Mrs. W. V, Kirkpatrick
of near Weeping Water and their
daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Haddon,
v,erJ visitors in Murrr y for a short
time last Tuesday while returning
from Plattsmouth where they had
gone to mert their son. Dixie Kirk
patrick. who has conif from Chicago
where he has been making his home
for some time. They stopped for a
short visit with the friends of Dixie
Kirkpatrick. Dr. G. H. jGilmore, who
hsTo been friends in the vears gone
V e can fill your bins right now with the finest kind of
coal good Franklin County ORIENT.' You can store this
coal because it is clean, even-sired, pure end sound. It is
economical for cookstove or furnace. It's clean to burn and
clean to handle, and it's ALL. coal very little ash.
Good Coal like ORIENT is tlie first to be
sold out in the fall. Buy now and be safe!
Do not forget to call when needing any kind xf coal.
Our prices are alvas right!
Hew Home Going Up
The house of Thomas Hanson
which he is hrving constructed at
this time is making good headway
and will be so it can be a borne for
him and his gnod wife ere the cold
loved monev more than he did the
Master's will. His betrayal of the
Master had in it. much we see in the
character of many persons at this
time, thev are willing to trade honor.
justice, right, and even one's life j
for a few paltry dollars, and the i
.. . . ,
price ot mm wnicn snoum ue ut:
Saviour of the human race was only
thirty pieces of silver.
Few of the diciples were any
where near perfect, and many even
the most zealous had their faults.
Peter who was named Cephas, a
stone with ail his earnestness and'
zeal, and the courage of a lion, fell
when the tapering finger cf a woman
was pointed at him and the scorn
ful voice charged him of being one
of the followers. The Disciples werj
tiven newer to cure all manner of
Residence 51 - PHONE Office 17
Murray, Nebraska
weather shall have come. One thing diseases, to cleanse the lepers, to cast
Mr. Hanson has to bo nl cased about -.n ni;r;rn snirits. There was a
is the excellent workman which he three-fold purpose in giving them
has looking after the construction of thi3 power: In order that they might
the house, that is Mr. Herman . relieve the sufferirrg of humanity,
Keicke, who is an excellent work- that they themselves might be made
man. : strong in the faith and when the
'time came, which was to be after
Receives Severe Cut His Crucifixion, they could give ab-
Donald Mrnsk while returning solute testimony that Jesus the
home from school slipped and in an Christ the Christ was indeed and
effort to catch himself, fell, striking truth the Son of God and that when
his knee against some sharp object He came that they might believe for
and cut a vr-rv bad gash therein He cam a to redeem the world and
east c jjic ji required some four, stitches to He was preparing his credentials as
He would .Sm cmfwyp fb ' the True Messenger from heaven.
i rlnsp. Thp "tvnnnrl is r-pttino- alnmr i I xt:c nu-mrAra tv.o fn f.ira om-
Cedar Creek. Mrs. Kehne and Mrs. , very nicely at this time. i braced allma'nner of men. Peter
Jardon are sisters. . . ti
I me juu(;t;uub, me uioi liiri. iiunru,
Attend Ejrgers Reunion j while a fisherman seemed a born
Last Sundav was the elate of the '. leader and had no fear of any per-
for to these alone had the Master
come, until they rejected Him. Then
when he was crucified the redemp
tion came to all the world.
having returned from Hot
prirgs. South iv.kota, where he has
been for his health.
I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jardon
enieriameu at uinner sun-
day Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kehne of
Omaha last Wednesday to look after
some buf iness and during his ab- ( Eggers familv reunion which was ! sonal harm. But when the finger of
sence Mr. II. A. Root was looking af- he!(1 at Sprague, Xebraska. Grand-'scorn of a woman was pointed at
ter matters at the store. mother Schaefer, who is a member I him. he denied the Christ.- Andrew
The firm of Puis fc Mrasek sold 'of the family, and a number of the! the brother, who was the first disci
during this week two furnaces which ! children were present at the gather-j pie chosen, was before a disciple of
they will install at the hotn-'s of Dr. : ing and all enjoyed the occasion. ! John the Baptist, before coming to
G. H. Gilmore and Posmcsttr Will S. ; Among those who were present from i the Master. He was the one who
Smith in the near future. t this neighborhood were Messrs. and . went and told Peter to "Come, we
In order to defeat whoever might Mesdames Nick Fried, rich. Pnilin have found the Messiah."
wish to rob him while in Ormha or Schaefer, Herman Wohlfarth, Otto James and John were also fisher-
lany other Lig town, cup of tne citi- Schaefer and ethers. 'men and sons of Zebedee. James lat-
zenr. of Murray has made a secret re- '
ceptacle in tlie bottom of his auto, j
Grandfather and Grandmother ;
Puis and Mrs. Gansemer were spend
ing last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Enge Ikemeier where
'they all enjoyed the visit very much.
A. J. McXatt brought some of the
samples of his corn for this yenr:
i over to Murray and which showed a
I very excellent quality of corn for the ;
season and would make good seed
, corn.
J. J. kohnes has been having
j lumber hauled from the Murray
! lumber yard for the construction of
! a crib on tlie home farm which is oc-
Mrs. W. B. Virgin who is making
her home with her daughter and
husband. Robert Burr and wife east
The past week has been a very
busy one for old Dock Stork and
Dr. E. H. Worthman has reported the
following arrivals, which have brot
much joy and happiness to the par
ents: -A fine boy to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Schneider of Cedar Creek. Mrs.
Schneider is at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Rachel Xoyes and is
being attended by her aunt, Mrs.
Rac hel Carter, who is a trained nurse
and very efficient.
A girl was delivered to Mr. and
Mrs. George Satterfield, in Sarpy
county, on Friday, and another sweet
little girl arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Stull who reside in
the south part of the town with Mrs.
Stull's mother. Mrs. Anna Leddy.
Mrs. Stull is a granddaughter of the
late Chris Duerr. Louisville Courier
i si Si lan
Matters of great importance, requires the attend
ance at the Bible School on Sunday, October 5th,
when a representative from another church will be
present. It is very important that ail members of the
official board be prerent, and all members cf the
church as well be in attendance. This is important.
We are expecting you. Can you come?
er became 'Bishop of Jerusalem and
Tfnn roin Prnm tbo Voit "John the beloved disciple, the au-
One ".-!- last week. Mr." and Mrs. thfr of Saint John, also the three'
Henrv EnH-cir who have been P''s- it as ne wno on tne is
for the ran three months in the old ' land of Patinos had the Revelations
eountrv voting the old home-scenes 'even hi" o tlie things to come
in Gerniomv ipturned home during ! which many wise men have endeav
last week rrtid have enjoved a most cred to interpret even until now.
pleasant visit. " i Philip, which means lover of
i bouses, was the man who called
Xathaniel who is called Bartholo
mew in this passaee and of whom
Jesus said, "Behold an Israelite in
whom there is no guile."
Then came Matthew the publican,
some times called Levi. He was a tax-
gatherer. He purchased taxes at a
children and S5 great grand children T' . , "
' " ""H L v ' HI . u l.llrll it I
and coMocted that also. Then came
the other James, known as James
Mother ofMany Children
! Grandmother Rover, who is 4the
grandmother of Jarvis and Earl Lan
caster, is visiting at the home of Mr.
Earl Lancaster at this time and will
visit 'other of her grandchildren.
Grandmother Rover has 90 grand-
and it will require a number
weeks for her to visit them all.
Murray and who has been quite
Called Sickness
Last Tuesday. Mrs. J. E. Hatchet t
l was called to Weeping Wat er on ac-
ill for some time is reported as being
Grandmother Hoback of Weening count of the very serious illness of a
Water has been spending the past , relative in that city. Mr. X. J. Calk
week at the home of her daughter. ins- v,1o is of advanced age. and
Mrs. James Deles Dernier, and re- !rs- Hatchctt immediately departed
turned home last Monday after a ' for his bedside in the hopes that she
most pleasant visit. j might render some service in this
William R. Young and E. P. Stew- ; vcrJT serious illness.
art were very brief visitors in Mur-!
ray last Tuesday afternoon and were; Barber Shop Changes Hands
looking after some business while on j Wayne Lewis, who lias been the
their way to Elmwood where thev village barber for some time and has
matters requiring
charge of the ?
r!y this week j
a good barber j
aiso had some
their attention.
G. M. Minford with the assistance
of his son. Wm. Minford are busy
seeding wheat at this time and are
putting out about ninety acres of
this article which thev are expect
ing to command a good price during, end very
the cominsr year. j public. all will -find hin successor.
John Wiles. Jr.. living in Platts- Mr. Frans a very clever b?rber and
mouth and the wife are very happy one of the most obliging people you
over the arrival of a very fine young : may chance to meet. We bespeak" for
some which came last week." The.tim success and are sure he will
mother and father af well pleased ' merit it. Give him a trial, boys, and
with the young man who tipped the j be will treat you right,
scales at 11 pounds. '
The home of Mr. and Mrs. T' Q" '
hnuth. of rear Rock 'Bluffs was
blessed last week by the arrival of a
very fine young son. The parents
are well pleased as well as the grand- i
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith '
an Mrs. Sherman Rainey. 1
The foundation for the new home'
of Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Taylor is be- ',
mg laid at this time and the super-!
structure will soon go up and the'
nome ne on the way to completion
ft that this excellent familv may.
have their new home before the win
ter shall get here.
Carl Engelkcmeier while attempt
ing to shake an opossom from a tree,
slipped and fell to the ground, frac
turing one of the bones of his fore
arm. Th fracture was reduced by
the physician and he is getting along
nicely. Carl is 14 years of age and
the Less. Thomas, who some call
the doubter, but in reality he only
asked a reason. Simon the canon
istic and a very zealous person. And
last of all. Judas Iscariot, the only
one not a Galilean.
Christ said to them as he say to
us: "Freely ye have received, freely
They were only to go to the Jew
made an excellent p-rti5t in Vi! lino i u m
has concluded to look for another
line and a few days since disposed of I
his barber shop to Kemper Frans of rA C.l r I T"
Plattsmouth who took rharw nf he iG-oiyie ana a uoofJ .lime
business in Murray ea
While Mr. Lewis was
accommodating with the
W. H. Pals
UlS 0 M
Joe Mrasek
We are now open and ready for busi
ness, prepared for tin work and repairing:
of all kinds in onr line. -We will handle and
carry all farm ."machinery .repairs.
Farm machinery. in stock for your in
spection and selection. Also a line of good
Puis & Mrasek
Murray, Nebraska
Ikrray, fJeh.
Saturday, 0ef.4fh
Admission 50c.
Oorn Picker's Wagons!
I have two good wakens1 'for.. corn picking.
Call and see them.
lere to Serve You
There has been a demand for a business house to
serve the farmers in this community and we have se
cured the John Deere line of implements and will keep
'a complete assortment. See us for anything in this
line of farming machinery.
In the :matter of repairs, we will carry and supply
you in all needed farming machinery repairs no matter
what line. We .also handle American woven wire
fencing, fence posts, and barbed wire.
Warehouse and Business in Murray
at Peterson's Hardware
Mrasek & Richter