age sn PMXTSMOTmi SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPT. 11, 1924. 'inMmmnmmiM'Hmiu??' " " E "Fo Afezrer 2" You never heard a man say he regreted hay ing a savings account. You never walked a mile without taking the first step, nor heard of a man building a savings account by waiting for a more convenient time to begin. You never heard of a more sure or secure way to accumulate a reseive fund to meet the needs, the reverses, the opportunities future years biing you than through a savings account with us, where every dollar you save earns 4 interest. Farmers State Bank T. H. POLLOCK, President Plattsmouth -:- -:- -:- Nebraska tiHIUiwiiiiiliii nil ill iiiili irrrrrm- iiiitiiiiLLm iz(TKSrr.i TiTtm 1 1 1 1 1 i j 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 a i . i itlilliilllill? DEATH OF OLD RESIDENT ine annountnntni was recuntu ; mtnts as to the funeral have as yet here today of the death of Albert been received by the Hild family. I'appo. an old time resident of Cass ; county, and who has for the past nineteen years been a resident of Oklahoma, making his home near Union City The death of Mr. Pappo , Thia ni0rning, J. A. Ilartman. one occurred Monday evenms at S if the olJ rcsldcnts at the Nebraska o clock. The deceased was the father Masonic Homet wag called to hIg jast of Mrs. George M. Hild of this city. , rpst foIlowirig an mness of a who was on her way to Lnlon City . - t. 0 tn thf infirTTI1tfp, of his advanced years. Mr. Ilartman was born in Crawford county, Penn sylvania, August, August 3. 1850, and has lived in Nebraska for a num ber of vears and was a member of Frank Welch lodge No. 75. A., F. A., M. He was admitted to the Uo.iie here in October, 1922, and has made many friends among the resi dents thore by -his pleasant person ality and kindly disposition. Mr. Ilartman had only a short ago re turned from a visit of several weeks in Montana where his aged wife re sides at Edgar with relatives and friends. at the time of the death of the father. Mr. Pappo has not been in the best of health for some time. No arrange- DEATH AT MASONIC HOME - - 9 V 4- 4. MRS, T C. M'GARTY Hemstitching and Picot Edging FIIONE 100-J N. 4th Street, riattaaiouth iladic Work of AH if Endsi All Work Guaranteed We handle all reliable makes of radios and parts. Also make radios. Expert service. All at reasonable prices. Telephone No. 19-K. Wil. MURDOCK Btrieyer -:- NEBRASKA TOUR TO BE MADE THRU BIG DAIRY FARM REGIONS T. H. Pollock of This City and Al bert Funk to be Members of the Touring Party. The campaign for better and more extensive herds of dairy cattle on the farms of Nebraska has stirred a great interest in almost every sec tion of the state and the success that has been achieved by the farm ers who have adopted this money making plan for their farms has more than Justified the claims that have been made for the money-making value of good dairy cattle. One of the boosters of this propo sition in this section of the state has been T. II. Pollock of this city, and j-p Mr. Pollock, with Albert Funk, who is on his farm east or Murray, win be members of the Farmers Dairy Special that will make the trip thru the heart of the great Wisconsin dairy country to Milwaukee where the national dairy convention will be held. The Nebraska Dairy Development society has sponsored the train and it will be limited to 150 Nebraska farmers and provides a six-day trip through the heart of the greatest dairy producing section of the Unit ed States. The train leaves Omaha at 6:30 p. m. on September 27th and j will arrive at Appleton, Wisconsin, j for its first stop on the next after- , noon. The citizens of Appleton will ; provide autos to take the party thru the Fox river valley farming coun-,l;J try the acknowledge dairying cen-jll ter or tne nation ana personal obser vation of the farms and their meth ods will he given the members of the party. The. trip will cover Waupaca county, famous for its fine cows, and observations of the Holstein and Gurnsey cattle will be given to the tourists. The party will continue on to Oshkosh through the Wolfe river valley where there are many Danish and Swedish settlements with their fine dairy farms. The special train will take the party on to Waukesha county where there are many herds of Gurnsey and Ayrshire cattle. The train will continue on to Mil waukee after leaving the dairy coun try where the national show will be held. LOCAL NEWS Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Main Bldg., Phone 527. Hotel Making It Easy! The only reason it doesn't take a man as long as a woman to pick out a hat is because we have done most of the work for him. He is just as particular. He ought to be more so. He wears his longer. New Stetsons, $7.50 to $12 New Velours, $5 to $6.50 Nobby Fur Hats, $3.50 and $4 00 Young Men a Long Pants, $4 and $5 Cricket Sport Jackets, $2.95 and $4.45 Jantzen Skull Caps, 50c C. E. Vtfescott's Sons 'ON THE CORNER' From Monday's Daily Miss Gladys August, of Nehawka. sepnt the week end with Miss Clede Berger. Nelson Berger and wife, of Nehaw ka spent Sunday with the formers mother, Mrs. Berger and family. Mrs. Francis Hoehshell and daugh ter of Greenwood were here Sunday visiting with their son and brother. Earl Hoehshell, and enjoying the sights of this locality. Mrs. Anna White of Portland, Ore gon, is here enjoying a visit at the home of Mrs. V. V. Leonard and fam ily. Mrs. White is the widow of the late John White and a sister-in-law of Mrs. Leonard . Michael Hild and wife, who have been visiting with relatives and friends at Pekin, Illinois, ' have re turned from their outing and Mr. Hild is now resuming his work at the county treasurer's office. John Saville and wife and Attor ney William Deles Dernier oZ Elm wood were here today, .motoring over to attend to some matters of business and Mr. Dernier to look after some legal matters In the district court. Mrs. Will Hassler, of Lincoln, and danghter, Lucia Ann, are here enjoy ing a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hassler, Sr. This Is the first visit of the little grandaughter here and the occasion nas been one of the greatest of pleasure. Adolphus Denton and wife of Chad ron, who have been here visiting with Mr. Denton's uncle, G. W. Ho man, departend this morning for home, making the trip by auto and expect to enjoy a very fine sightsee ing trip through the state. Mrs. Eldora McCarty of Alexandria Indiana, who has been here visiting with the family of her son. L. L. Mc Carty, departed this morning for Deadwood, So. Dak. and Sherdian, Wyoming, to visit with relatives there before returning home. Miss Lucy Homan, of Corning la., who haos been here visiting her uncle, G. W. Homan, for the past few days, departed this morning fro Omaha to visit for a short time be fore returning home. She will be accompanied back home by her uncle, Mr. Homan. Mr. and Mrs. George McKnight of Peru, the latter a sister of Mrs. Oliv er Harvey, were here Sunday visit ing at the Harvey home and In com pany with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Wayne Farmer, a brother of Mrs. McKnight, and Mrs. Harvey enjoyed the day at the parks In Omaha yes terday. , "i From Wed noftd ay's Dally James M. Teegarden pf Weeping Water was In the ctiy yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after some matters of business. Henry Snoke and wife motored In from Eagle this morning, Mr. Snoke to look after some matters at the court house and Mrs. Snoke to visit at the home of Ms. Martha Weten kamp for the day. Attorney A. L. Tidd and A. J. Tril ety, who have been over In the vi cinity of Harlan, Iowa, looking af ter some land matters, returned home last evening, having made the trip there by auto. Miss Esther Olson departed this morning for Parkvllle, Missouri, where she will ente Park college mum jhh.ijw!iih, t' 'f' .'. M'.M.-. w m L33 FRSDAY and SATURDAYS A Comedy Drama of the Early Dayc in the Breezy West! Charles Jones and Frank Campeau IN "Mot a Drain Me 33 Two men in love with the same girl and she loved one. "KENO!" says the other, rolling a cigarette. That's friendship. Then to Make You Laugh Out Loud, Al St. John in "Be Yourself!" fi 3BKSSESK&C3 3rtgTO:T.7n;A,tf7 "m Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 7:00 S S:00 The Big Picture! LrfW Leatrice Joy William S Hart Thomas Meighan Tola Negri WmPS gKiSw Lois Wilson Walter Hiers George Fawcett Jack Pickford ifMW $3' Xoah Beery May MoAvoy Hope Hampton Lloyd Hamilton WW mWA J$TO3P Lila Lee Owen Moore Eileen Percy Will Rogers W'fAW lmWm lary Astor Viola Dana Agnes Ay res T. Roy Barney WWi OySfS'MW Nita XaIdI Anna Q. Nilsson Jacqueline Logan Betty Compsoa WWv'iW JAMES CRUZE" ijgf r- b p. VOU don't have to go to Hollywood to see all your favorites "Hollywood" is coming to you! The stars of a thousand pictures assembed in one superla tive cast. Showing the amazing adventures of a screen-struck girl wl o tried to "get in." Produced by the man who made "The Old Homestead" and "The Covered Wagon." With the most fascinating background ever screened Hollywood, the garden spot of pictures. You all agreed that "The Covered Wagon" was a wonder- now comes another great Paramount picture by the same director, James Cruze, "Holly wood," with more Stars than have ever been shown in any one picture! Also "Call of the Game9 a Sportlight Reel! Children 15 ADNlISSION Adults 35c to carry onh er studies for the com- j Raymond Berj ins term. Miss Olson is a graduate Ledke of Ilastin of the local schools. Frank Jean and wife, who are making their home in Colorado, are here enjoying a visit at the home of Mr. Jeans parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jean, near this city, and with the many old time friends. W. L. Hunnicutt and wife, and daughter, Hazel, of Indianola, Iowa, arrived here last evening for a visit of several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Briggs. Mrs. Hunni cutt and Mrs. Briggs are sisters. er gs drove to rse- hawka last evenitm' where they spent the evening with Neison Berger and other friends of that place. and William) MARRIED THIS AFTERNOON FINED FOR THEFT J. V. Pitman of Murray was here today looking after some matters of business with the merchants. Mrs. J. A. Donelan departed this morning for Papillion where she will 6pend a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Karl Brown and family. 01 This morning before County Judge Allen J. Becpon, complaint was filed charging August Krust, 21, of Syra cuse, with the crime of stealing a re volver from the residence of his em ployer on a farm near Weeping Wa ter. The value of the revolver was given as $20 and to the charge, as preferred, the prisoner entered a plea of guilty. The court placed a fine of $100 and the cost of the prosecu tion on the defendant and in failure of the payment of the fine he was remanded to the custody of Sheriff E. P. Stewart and will remain in the Cass county jail for a period of thirty days until the amount of the fine is laid out. Krust is the man who was arrested Monday at Mur ray by Sheriff Stewart. ITSIflL CHIROPRACTOR Ask f.ty Patients! THEY GET WELL ? COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF! The Sunday school of the Luther an church. Eight Mile Grove Pre cinct, will have a fair at the home of Mrs. Henry Albert on the Cedar Creek-PIattsmouth road, Sunday the 14th of September, beginning at 5 o'clock. Lunch will be served; it is the old fashioned sort of a lunch and plenty of it. There will be plenty of entertainment. Come out. Yes, as usual, your old friends and neigh bors are there! slO-d&w If you are looking for the hig line in school supplies all at the Bates Book and Gift Shop, where you will always find it, and at prices that are right. This afternoon at 1:30 at the .'Eight Mile Grove Evangelical church occurred the marriage of two of the well known young people of that vi cinity, Miss Frances Gauer oT Cedar Creek and Elmer Hennings of Avoca. The clmrcli was very beautifully decorated for the Irappy occasion, the garden flowers being used in profu sion in the church and furnishing a pleasing setting for the ceremony. Preceding the entrance of the bridal party, Mrs. II. O. Rhode played the bridal chorus from "Lohenghrin" to the strains of which the bride and groom advanced to the altar where the impressive service was pro nounced by the Rev. H. O. Rhode. The bride and groom were attend ed by Miss Freda Gauer, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, and Mr. Elmer Wendt of Louisville as best man. The bride wore a very attractive gown of gray silk and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. The young people will spend a short time visiting their relatives in this vicinity and then go to Avoca where they will make their home in the future, the groom being engaged there in the barber business. Both of the contracting parties have been reared in Cass county, the bride being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gauer, well known resi dents of near Cedar Creek, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hennings of near Louisville and these estimable young people who are to take up life's journey together have a host of friends who will join in wishing them years of happiness and success. FOR SALE V if H r a 3 A hi f Two good farms, four miles from Louisville. For particulars address Bux 634, Louisville, Nebr. sl-Gsw Dyspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight, good health and purify the blood, use Burdock's Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug stores. Price, $1.25. Journal want a at pay. Try them. For any pain, burn, scald or bruise apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the household remedy. Two eizea, 30c and 60c at all drug stores. -30 iii Series!- We are now issueing shares in the 80th series. Those of you who have been paying $10.00 per month in the 58th series will be entitled to the $1,320.00 which you have paid in and $680.00 profit. This series will be declared due October 19th, 1924. Tfio Plailsmouih Loan and Building floseciaiion A