MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1924. PLfiTTsarouTa semi -weekly joubuai PAGE TWO cw Hi nnTiim1, 11 nin Mini mtmmemm 1 FEELS IT HER DUTY TO TELL OF RECOVERY Alvo . Department Des Moines, la., Lady is Grateful to Tanlac. "A good many people already know how I prize Tanlac, but I am glad to It-t the papers publish my experience fur the benelt of suffering humanity everywhere," is the appreciative statement of Mrs. Alex Brown, 1003 Lacuna Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. r.rown's claim to good health is not only verified by her own like nv. but it is strikingly reflected in the sparkling eyes and chubby cheeks of her lovely little babe, Darlene Marie. "Before taking Tanlac I had a complication of troubles, including indigestion, nervousness and rheu matism that took nearly all the in terest and pleasure out of life. But I found Tanlac and took seven bot tles and now my health Is excellent and I am feeling fine." Tanlac Is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles gold. Dr. Chas. Parrlsh, Veterinarian , j Return From Vacation Elmwood, Nebraska. Call day phone, c T Edwcrds and the family who 7; night, 5S. tl-x Were enjoying an outing at Lake Ok V talned . II. Kirkpatrick and wife enter-' ed for dinner last Sunday, Mr. turne Tanlac Vegetable Pills for constipation made and recommended by the man ufacturers fo TANLAC. LOCAL NEWS Dr. Heineman. Dentist, Hotel :.Iain Bids., Fhone 527. From Thursday's Pail J. L. Shrader and wife of near Ne hawka were here today looking af t r some natters of business. Walter Meisinger and wife of Cedar Creek were here yesterdayd looking after some matters of busi ness and visiting with friends. Attorney C. E. Tef't or Weeping Water v. as in the city today attend ing to some matters in the county court in which he was Interested. Everett Spangler, president of the Murray Community club and W. S. Jr-mith .also of that city were hre today attending the dinner of the Flattsmouth Ad club. Adam Meisinger and wife and Mrs. Arthur Mtisinger, were hre yester day afternoon looking after some i matters of business with the local merchants, motoring in from their home near Cedar Creek. ter and family In that city and enjoy a sliort outing. A. W. Cloldt returned home this morning from a visit of the past few weeks In the west part of the state where he has land interests and with Conrad Schlater and family at Osh kosh. Mr. and Mrs. Ashel Barnett and three children, Kenneth, Jack and ean of Dallas Center, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tuey of Glenwood were here last evening for a few hours visiting with old time frienda Sunday to get Rev. Norlin back to Alvo In time for the evening service. While there, Mr. Friend met some kld time friends. Rev. Norlin was at Unadilla last Sunday where he preached the morn ing sermon for the rededication or their church. Rev. Norlin was pas tor there fcr four years R. M. Coatman and the family were visiting for a Sunday at the home of the parents of Mr. Coatman. m. coatman W. G. Boedeker and son, Charles, of Murray, were here today for a few hours looking after some matters of business. Lynn Sherwood and Robert Thyge rcn of Nebraska City were here yes terday for the day visiting with rela tives and friends. Mrs. A. R. Noble and little grand son, Joseph Noble, departed thl3 morning for Broken Bow, Nebraska, where they were called by the ill-: ms3 of the father of Mrs. Noble. After a week's visit with his sis ter. Kathleen, William Darcy of Creighton. Nebraska, returned home today. Miss Kathleen accompanied him for a ten days vacation with heme folks. Mrs. Ray Ronne and children and Mrs. George Schmader departed this morning for Miller. Nebraska, where they will visit at the home of a sis- Dr. H. C. Leopold OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIC IAN AND SURGEON General Practice Special attention to Dis eases of Women. Also Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Phone No. 208 i From Saturday's Dally Adam Schafer of Mt Pleasant precinct was In the city today for a few hours looking after some mat ters of business. Dr. Gilbert L. Taylor, wife and child of Murray, were in the city to day for a few hours looking after some matters of business. Ed MacAvoy, wife and baby de parted this morning for Chicago where they will visit with relatives and friends for a few days In that city. Mrs. Ronald Hill departed thi3 morning for Humboldt, Nebraska, where she will spend a few days there visiting with relatives and friends. Messrs. Fred J. Warren and Rich ard L. Beverage and Misses Thelma Kroehler and Mary Warren motored to Omaha last evening where they enjoyed the offering at the Moon the atre. George K. Petrlng of the Platts mouth Motor Co., departed today for Kansas City where he will spend a short time attending to some busi ness affairs there In connection with his work. Mrs. Julia Prans of this city, who has recently purchased a new Ford car, departed this morning in com pany with her mother for Union where they will spend a few days with friends. L. L. MeCarty will depart early Monday morning, weather condi tions permitting, ,for Willard, Mon tana, where he will enjoy a visit at the home of John W. Chapman and family in that vicinity. Herbert Klauschie and Harry New man were at Council Bluff3 to day, attending the Southwest ern Iowa basebal tournament and were expecting to play with the U P. team In the big event. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Tajtsch of fcoulx City, Iowa, are here enjoying a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ballance, parents of Mrs. Tartsch and with George Tartsch, brother of Henry, as well as many old time mends In this city. ----,-!"T-"mmT.t..T-,..t.Tx Journal ads est remit. Farm Loans Investments a 5 Tax-Free Mortgages If you want a Cass County Farm I can show you some good buys. Have a few farms for trade. SEARL S. DAVIS Plattsmouth, Nebraska Real Estate Insurance Farm and City Property Every Known Kind August 29th. in Iowa though he thinks the accus- J. E. Friend went to Unadilla last , toruPfi amount cf warm weather fro in now on right. will mature the corn all Alro Chautauqua Going The Alvo Chautauqua began on : last Thursday afternoon with a good j attendance and with some excellent i talent. Ti.e people of Alvo and vi- . cimiy are very loyal ana appreciate portion of last ,,,,, Klinrinrr in- ' i stitution very well. This city has al- Inn nr. t hr:u liP tf IlilVintT wife at Weeping Water. , ' . ,,.,, ,v!lh nnth- Llttle Lizzie Kirkhoff, daughter ; of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Klrkhoft. tell i from a tree in which she was climb-' " Ing and sustained a green fracture. Hew .Business irm on one of the bones of her forearm. Join Woods. Jr.. on the first of John W. Banning and wife wore:, f week nnrhased the business enjoying a visit last Sunday at tlie J vliir-i has formerly been in the pos- " r.lti 1 AT, r T."1 1 M, . : . , nome 01 cmior enu .vna. . i-.. "- session ct ll. l). Kicnarason anu who row of the Palmyra Items where tv tljc. way Js an exceilent business they all had a most delightful visit, j n;an atlil ha3 lniilt up a g00(i trade in Among those who shelled anu cie-,i,f. Mn .,ml n turnine the business livered corn nt the Rchincycr ekv?-jover to Woods does so with the tor last week were Clarke Gonznles, : assurance that he has conducted the Wm. Mickle. Chris Nehen, Harry 1)Ushltss in the bcst manner treat- Appleman. Henry Reike and L. B. .jns everybody in the best possible Appleman. I manner as to service and the best Mrs. M. L. Thomas who has leen;linf, of ,rOQ.u We are sure that Mr. visiting for the past few months atVo()(1s in HSsuming charge of the the home of Mr. and Mrs. t . it. M-jimanrs will continue the same ex oatrick. departed last week for Se- -pjipnt hisrh trrade service with the attle where she will make her home , lltnioKt co-irtcsy in handling the very m the future. : lest of roods. Mr. Earl Rosenow, Dr. J. W. Brendel and wife mil who ha been with Mr. Richardson Louis Marquardt and wife or Avoca ' is continuing with Mr. Woods and were enjoying a visit last Sunday at;tlt serviCe j3 heing added to by the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon employment of Bert Kitzell who is Rehmeyer. driving over in their C3rs,an excellent salesman. during the morning. Mrs. Dick Kirkhoff has beer, at the sanitarium at Lincoln where she has been receiving treatment for Are Touring the West Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miller, who sciatic rheumatism which has been; were married at Lexington, and de riving this excellent woman trouhloi parted lor the west in their auto and for the past few weeks. are visiting this week enver, Colo- John Woods. Jr.. the new r.icr- rado Springs and many other points chant, has purchased a new Ford From Iricket FOR Boys and Young Men! . Buy your "Cricket" now. Assortment complete. All sizes in this new all wool knit slip-over sweater wm truck to use in his delivery business for the store and will expect to give the bA?t service possible. Bert Kitzel and wife and Mrs. C. R. Jordan were visiting and look ing after florae shopping in Lincoln on last Wednesday, driving over to the capital city in the car of Mr. Kitzel. John D. Foreman and family do parted in their car on last Wednes day for the Yellowstone park where they will expect to spend some time and enjoy the scenery and cool moun tain breezes while away. Sam Jordan who lias been at the hospital at Lincoln for several days on account of an infection following the extraction of one of his teeth, re turned home on last Thursday and Is feeling much improved. Mr3. A. C. Norlin, and daughter. Lorene, were in Alvo last Tuesday and Wednesday to assist in the or ganization of a Queen Esther society. Several girls were present and joined with the prospet of others Joining later. J. H. Wichel and the family last Sunday took a ride, going first over to the river west of South Bend and thence over to Louisville and (Vdar Creek then south until they came to the highway and returning home see ing a lot of good country. . Art Dlnges, A. ll. Ktroemer, v.. ll.j mailed today. Warner and Wm. AUCKle were at Lincoln last Monday evening to hear the committee notify Governor ('. W. Bryan of his nomination to the vice precidency on the democratic, ticket and enjoyed the occasion very much which was filled with enthusiasm. Philip Coatman has been rustling during the past week pretty hard as he has been getting into the fields with the tractor and plow3 as the sun came over the eastern hi Is and staying until It has gone down in the west. He has been plowing for Lew Is Herman, Herman Eornemeier and Ben Swanson. L. H. Eastman and the family of Campbell were visiting last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Man ners, the two ladies ber.ig sisters. Mr. Eastman has been the postmas ter at Campbell for some time and was formerly a member of the Ne- j braska legislature and was while ; there a very friend of Col. M. A. Bates of the Journal. A very successful two weeks va cation Bible school closed last Sat urday and on Sundav in th? before returning home. They v. ill spend nome time In the mountains and enjoying the outing and camp life whUi the touring o the wc-st affords and will return in a icv: wetks to engage in farming having a nice cozy home prepared for their use on their return. For Sale Pave early . spring rams for sale, $12.50 if taken before September 1 Prank E. Cook, Alvo, ITeb. a25-2tw TAX OVER PAYMENTS TO BE REFUNDED SCON Dally Thursday's Nebraskans who overpaid thegov erment .when they paid their in come taxes in advance and previous to the enactment of the revenue act of 124, whereby a reduction of 25 per cent was affected on thousands of small incomes, will all have their money back within the next few days, according to an announement made Wednesday by A.B. Allen in ternal revenue collector for Ne braska. Twenty thousand checks had been mailed to taxpayers up until yester day, Allen stated, and the remaining C5 hundred will probably be uiuajr aim uu ounu.iy pageant were .given both in the morning and eve 1 ning. Miss Ethel Robinson of Uni Iversity Place was the director of the j school and she was very ably assist jed by Miss Marie Stroo'mer, Mrs. Al j Stroemer, Mrs. Elmer Rosenow, Mrs. jRoelofoz and Mrs. A. J. Brobst. The .school was put on by the two church ies with an enrollment of 62. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE In the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, Lincoln Division. In the matter of James S. Allen, Bankrupt. Case No. 968 in Bank ruptcy. Notice to creditors of application for discharge and order to show cause. To the creditors, of the above named Bankrupt: Notice hereby given that on the 19th day of August, 1924, the above named bankrupt filed his petition for discharge in bankruptcy, and it is ordered that, the 2Gth day of Sep tember. 1924, be and and the same is hereby fixed as the date on or before which all creditors of said bankrupt and all persons interested in said estate and in the matter of the dis charge in bankruptcy of the said bankrupt shall, if they desire to op pose the Kame, file in my office in Lincoln, Nebraska, in said district their appearance in writing in oppo sition to the granting of said dis charge, and also within ten days thereafter, file in my said office spec ification of the grounds of said op position. Dated in Lincoln, Nebraska, this 21at day of August. 1924. DANIEL H. McCLENAHAN, Referee in Bankruptcy. for the past two weeks, re-. i l urut'fi ii1 mil iLifci nit; uaoi wi.-t;n.j and Mrs. Coatman and the family, . all(j on their return trip came to j where all enjoyed the occasion very,SjOL-x city, bwa, where they crossed: much. " i into Nebraska, traveling this state' To settle the question regarding tIie remainder of the way home. Mr.! electrifying of the Alvo schools there Kdv-r.rds Yvh is a very close observ-j will be a meeting of the, electors of tr of conditions, tells of the crops In; the district at me scnooi duuuiub , Nebrs-.ku being slightly better than The Touring Car imna SUbm ad Stertac $8i extra Comp0 .... $53 S TtUorS!an - 96 VotHot Smdxrn - - 6HS AU priciM f. e. b. Detroit 295 WML - . ft sz6s v ct?-yLb- Driving a Ford is so simple, end requires so little effort that you are free to de vote all your attention to the problems of traffic. There is a sense of confi dence in driving a Ford, impossible with any more complicated motor car. Detroit, Mldiigan SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FOZ1D DEALER 1 wmwwuBaaargg fiMEY EEWS ITRIS . 2K -v-v-rv J- v Gs!8 for a Show Dovun See us for Deering and McCormtck Tractors and Plows the. beat made. Ask us for a demonstration. We will come and show you how they work. Qqaiman Hardware J. C. Rauth was harvesting a crop sudan grass during the later portion of last week. Geo. Coon, and family were enjoy ing a visit with friend and relatives at Havelock last Sunday. Father Iligglns of the Saint Pat ricks Catholic church was a visitor in Omaha last Thursday. Herman Fall was a visitor in Oma ha last Thursday where he was look ing after some business in line with his store. Otto Harms has been visiting for some time at the home of his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters of near'Talmage. Mynard Pickard son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pickard has been visit ing with relatives at Council Bluffs for the past week. Herman Dall was in attendance at the meeting of the republican county central committee, which was held at Weeping Water last Saturday. John Bourke of Omaha who is with the Missouri Pacific was here looking after some business matters for the company last Thursday and visiting with Mr. A. H. Humble the agent here. Robert Jones who has been engag ed with the lumber yard at Louis ville for some time past has been for a few days past a guest at the home of his parents .Captain Jone3 of the Misouri Pacfic in Manley. Howard Johnson and family from west of Manly were enjoying a days outing last Sunday at the Krug park in Omaha, they driving over the me tropolis in their auto, and spending the day, and enjoying the occasion very much. Charles F. Hitt of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Manley last Thursday looking after the renting of a farm for the coming season, but did not find any as there were more people wanting farms than thero were farms to rent. Herman Harns who has been visi ing for the past two weeks at the home of his very ciose frieu George Schafer and wife of Benson returned home last Monday evening, after having enjoyed a very pleasant visit while there. Frank Stander was looking after the matters of the Manly State Bank, for a number of days last week dur ing the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Uau, who were called to Utica on account of the death of Mrs. Julia Rau, who died last Tuesday. Milton Keedy and wife of Elmwood where Mr. Keedy is the agent of the Missouri Pacific, accompanied by Russell Keedy and wife of Des ! Plaines III., and A. H. Ward of Mur- dock were visiting with friends in Manly last Sunday. Herold Koop of Louisville was a visitor in Manley last Thursday call ing on his sister Mrs. R. Bergman, and was sporting a new Buick Coupe which was a dandy, and no mistake, and which will give this young gent elman some excellent service. Miss Ida Christian was very sick during the first part of last week with an attack of appendicitis, which was treated by the physicians and for the present an operation adverted I while Miss Christian is feeling some improved she is still suffering from the attack. Herman J. Rauth and wife were visiting for a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rauth. near York, they having gone visit, but had to hasten home on account of work on the farm. Harry Bassett a blacksmith form erly of Weeping Water, where he worked years ago, and was well known by many of the old residents of that portion of the county, but who has been making his home at Omaha for some time past, arrived in Manley last Thursday and engaged with Mr. Herman Dall and will work at the shop for the present. Enjoys Famley Reuion At Benson Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Pankonin of near Weeping Water, came via Manley and were ac companied by Mr. George Schafer and daughter Miss Carrie, thoy all went to Benson where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schafer of that place, and were joined by Charles Schafer of Murdock, thus making the gathering a family re union, and at which all enjoyed a most pleasent day. SEED HYE TOR SALE K. AVe have .a rye for sale. Young place, Scott. ood, quantity of seed Call at Little Frank Muray road. F. E. a25-2tw RYE GETO P2-2 BESfcv ?J iil l - 14 l " ea V. - 3 m 71 , X.T For Fall Sowing Per Bushel ij SO estor & Swatek The WINCHESTER Store mt -T"-"i-'iHnf -'-J' .JOHNSON'S' Vtso -ZQV -fPondercd F i PREPARED is just the thins for polishing all your furniture, woodwork and lineoleum. 1 1 . . J 7or lit Ws''!!t-. It covers up small surface mars and prevents check ing. Imparls a delightful air of immaculate clean linesss wherever used. F. 3m Fricks 77zo fl&XcdUL Store Phone 186 Ph one J : Y 4 ' i ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEB R AS I A with Mr. V. J. Rau, who was going ' train. Thev however had a very nice HI v v i niiu iciui iicu Ik . 11 1U IV-