The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 14, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 3

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Nehawka Department!
Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Blacksmith, who looks after the
wants of the town and country as
well, when it comes to doing the From Tuesday s Daily
smith work, and he is an excellent i Joseph I. Lynn died at Harting-
workman in his line at that, was ton, Nebraska, August 4th without
feeling pretty well, thank you, on any forewarning, heart failure be-last-
Monday, August 11th, as he jng the cause.
was passing his 6Sth milestone and jir. Lvnn was born in Mills coun
working away with as much vim ty, Iowa", November. 1S56. With his
and vigor as a man not past the parents crossed the Missouri river to
meridian of life. Mr. FuftoK was Xebraska eariv SDriue 1860 and was
Messrs. A. It. Troop and father,;
C. It. Troop, both of Plattsmouth,
and A. O. Cisney, of Murray, asso
ciated together and shipped a car
load of hogs to the St. Louis mar-,
ket. while W. O. Troop and his sijn.
Robert, also shipped at the same
Thomas Mason was enjoying a II. J. Symonds, pastor of the church,
visit at the Old Settlers picnic at was in attendance at the Epworth
Union on last Friday. j assembly at Lincoln for over the
Messrs. Earl Lancaster and Chas. week end.
Atkinson were visiting at Weeping! Joseph Mrasek was a visitor in
Water and Alvo last week. ! Omaha last Tuesday, going to look
Earl Murdoch was visiting with : after some business for the store and
friends in Plattsmouth last Sunday, also to bring home with him a trac
driving over to the county seat in : tor which they have sold to a cus
his auto. Itomer here.
E. K. Norris. of Union, was a vis- Lester Wunderlich and Miss Paul
ifnr in whawla on last Mondav. , inn Haieek were visitintr at the home
eoming over to look after the oil of Troy Shrader and Z. V. Shrauer , time anu 10 me same piace, unuimr
business. . last Sunday, being guests at the lat- car load, both cars being aceompan-
W. O. Troop and the family were ter plate, at a dinner given in honor ied by Robert Troop.
enjoving the Old Settlers' picnic, 1 of Mrs. Shrader. Frank Trotter was a visitor m
and where they all enjoyed a very ! W. O. Troop with the assistance ! Omaha last Monday with a load of
good time. of his sons, Earl and George, who j stock for the market there and was
vm r.nriifT nf Pint trmnnth wa a liffan the turnine over of the stub- accompanied by Bert Willis, who
ble fields on last Monday, getting , went 10 consuii ins piiysu ian an i
ti, fieMa raiv for nlantlnir mis , also nave an examination and re-
fall or in the, spring.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Eaton and their
dauehter, Kathryn, of
; where Mr. Eaton is yardmaster for
(the Burlington were visiting for a
j'nr-if v. w shr:iripr hasi hppn de-i short time durine this week with
livering his wheat to the elevator; Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Thomas,
in Murray and finds that the grain I Harold Kimlon and wife, with
is of an excellent quality. their babe, and Mrs. T. E. Fulton
Mis Edith Hanson, who has been were visitinjr in Louisville on last
l born in Cissel county, Maryland, on a resident of Cass county in and near
, ,. , A. August 11th, 1856, and has lived in Union until 15 years age when he
he was loading them for shipment. Ncbragba for Inore than torty years m0ved to Cedar county where he
one weighing some 300 pounds, had aad near t,je nalf hundred ed earl morning Monday
the misiortune to break a eS;ntd ark. August 4th and was laid to rest in
had to be left at home for treat- the Hartington cemetery. This death
ment. ueorge is iz years oi age. j a . n
visitor at the home of W. O. Troop
and wife last Sunday, driving down
in his auto.
Clyde Switzer wa3 visiting with
friends in Union and also was a vis
itor at the Old Settlers' picnic on
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Steffens. who have daughters besides two brothers and
been away for some time, having three sifters of which were all pres
started for somewhere in Canada. nt to pay their last earthly respects
where he is the possessor of some to the deceased besides many other
fine farming lands, and which he was friends and neighbors of the vicinity
desirious cf viewing, also showing to where he now lived.
the better half, and they journeyed- i
towards the location of the lands.1 OBITUARY OF L. E. HYERS
and while in the United States, they j
got along very well as there were , From Tusdav Dally
good roads, but after having left the! Lewis E. Myers was fcorn in the
U. S. A. they found the roads slip- state of Iowa, May IS, 1850, and
ped away and finally it became a completed his earthly labors August
path, then a trail and then vanished 7, 1924. having lived 74 years, 2
ceive instructions regarding his
health. While Mr. Wiliis was j
Alliance, i away, Morris Pollard looked after.
business at the garage. j
C. D. Keltner has a wonder in a '
compress cherry, which is a sort of j
a plum, whic h he set out last year i
and which a very small branch hai
in the tall grass. Mr. Steffens and
wife then turned around and return
ed to the good old United States,
where there are good roads and
plenty of them as well as the other
t rings which go to make this the
"Best country on earth."
Were Caught in the Rain
8S cherries on. He says it is the J fctewart Rough and wife and Mr.
most wonderful bearer imaginable, ! and Mrs. Martin Ross were spending
months and 19 days.
Mr. Myers' life has been lived in
this portion of the state of Nebraska.
As a young man he began work in the
dental office of his stepfather. Dr. J.
L. McCrea. Later he learned the drug
business under the employ of Mr. O.
P. Johnson and Mr. C. II. Smith.
These were all residents of Piatts-,
mouth. i
About 35 years ago, Mr. Myers
moved to Cedar CreeR and began bus-
. . .. i i i . . , ,i . un hiii on.i un am frw ioiiovn it uiilast Sundav in Crete, the eruests of
auenuing a training course in one ouuudj auu ucuuiuh "- " -"-j - ... - - - i;np,q ac. - dnifeif T4prp hp con-
of the hospitals in Omaha, was a ! game in which Plattsmouth proved ! surely this branch has fruit a plenty Mr. ami Mrs Donald H. W ilson, j JSupati, ffinV henlth mtde it
visitor at home over last Sunday. I the victors in a contest with the! on. and of excellent quality. Mr. where they had a mos pleasant vis- j Vc"sary th
H,r,9n r. Thnm,s wn, visitor ! Louisville team. I Keltner also had a gooseberry bus j it. In fac t their visit was bo en- ee .sa: r t h. he retire and the last
in l-nlon last Friday; where, he at-! Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace who wllhj which this year bore IS quarts of ; oyao.e in -ey -ayea a mue m . &
tended the picture show which was her son. Ray. have been visiting at j iruu. ic-. ,it'ht in th Afternoon riin and ' Last October Mrs. Mvers was call-'
an incident of the Old Settlers' re- the C. D. Keltner home the past two Messrs. E. J. Richey. Oeorge L. h - 1 thrnilp.h , ' ed to her reward and soon he went!
union. i weeks, departed on "last Sunday Kerr and Attorney W. A. Robertson;"-" so? t m e However thVv ve with his step-son. Jerry Prey.
Wm. James. from Otoe, having morning from Plattsmouth to their! of Plattsmouth. and Banker W. G. . oth the viiit and thn Zd 1 ""K tlie Past five months his!
his postftffiee Nebraska City, and an home in Chicago, and were taken to Boedeker, of Murray, were looking i J : n ; health has failed rapidly. He wasl
. . . . n . .......... i. : i :.. . lAin'n
I'ACt 1H II l tllllUlUUI'JIlSl, v Xt KlUIilll
after some business matters in Ne
hawka last Monday.
A. A. McReynolds was a business
visitor in Plattsmouth on Tuesday
the county seat by Mr. Keltner to
catch the train.
j Mrs. R. C. Pollard and two daugh
ters. Misses Virginia and Lorena.
with Mrs. E. M. Pollard and her
of this week, making the trip to the sister. Miss Waterman, who is visit
cuunty seat to look after some mat- ing here, were enjoying a trip to Lin
ters at the county court. coin last Thursday, where they were
who have been making their home ;
for a number of years near Otis,
Colorado, in writinc to friends in the
W. Cheney and wife from near , visiting and shopping and attending j vicinity of Nehawka mentioned that j
after some business matters at Lin- t
coin, driving over in their automo
bile. Messrs. Earl and John Hay, who
Atten the Chautauqua
taken to the Swedish Mission hospital
jthat his comfort and care mighf be
As we go to press the Chautauqua rMpf ' an(1 on th PVPnine. of
called him and he went on.
formerly lived near Nehawka. butM" " "h i last
tended. Do not fail to get in on this
excellent entertainment.
Union were guests at the home of . a very interesting play
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pollard on last j John O. Wunderlich and wife, ac
Sumlay and enjoyed with their ! eompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
friends a most pleasant day. 1 Kirkpatrick, were visiting in the
Frank A. Boedeker, bank examin- j country north of Nehawka, and
er. was spending last Sunday at about Murray last Sunday, as well
home with the family and departed at old Eight Mile Grove and were
arly Monday morning for Auburn, well pleased with the excellence of
where he will take up his work. the crops in that vicinity.
Harvey Gregg, who has been work-' W.A. Norris ever looking after the
ing at Los Angeles for some time at interests of the city of Nehawka in
the carpenter trade, returned home whatever avenue that might be, was
last Tuesday . and says that Cass at the Old Settlers' picnic at Union
ounty is a pretty good place to live, last Friday with an armful of adver-
James Warga of near Plattsniouth i tising matter for the Nehawka chau-
was a visitor in Nehawka and dis
pos d of a large quantity of excel
lent honey which he secures from the
colony of bees which he has at his
There was a holiday at the Metho
dist church last Sunday, as the Rev.
tauqua, which he seen went to the
place where it would do the most
George Troop, who engaged in the
hog raising business some time since,
purchasing a sow and pigs last fall,
grew them to hogs' estate, and when
WJe Have Won!
I have been at the hospital for some time and af
tr undergoing an operation, won out over the dis
ease. I am home again and ready for your work and
will clear your cars of their troubles.
Say, you tkrashers, I would like to furnish you oil
for your machines.
Come and see me for what you want done. I am
now ready for business.
Bert Willis Garage
Phone No. 3 Nehawka, Nebraska
Foot Notes that Are Important!
Is that small son or daughter putting the right
foot forward, and in the right shoe?
M any serious foot troubles originate in chil
hood as the result of ill-fitting shoes, or shoes
badly shaped. We have shoes scientifically
constructed to conform to the national lines
of the foot, and we know how to fit them.
Footwear is attractive in appearance and
they had just harvested and market
td good crops of wheat. Earl Hay
having 7.000 to sell while John Hay
sold from his raising 4,000. This will
be good news to the friends of these
Herman Beck and family, consist
ing of Mr. and Mrs. Beck, their two
daughters, Margaret and Gwendolin,
of University Place, were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ful
ton, old time neighbors in the years
that are past, when both lived north
of Nehawka, they enjoying the visit
last Saturday and Saturday night.
While there they were apprised cu
the death of Mrs. Andrew Corbill,
mother of Mrs. Beck, who died in
Lincoln on Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S.. Kirkpatrick
were spending last -Saturday at
Union, where Mrs. ' Kirk" was out'
of the committeewomen at the meet
ing of the cohorts of democracy of
Cass county, which gathered at the
Woodmen hall at Union. Mrs. Kirk
Patrick also spent some time during
the afternoon at the Old Settlers'
picnic, and made an excellent address
before the audience at the picnic.
Mr. Kirkpatrick enjoyed the visit
with the many friends which he met
Miss Grace Linville returned home
from Omaha Monday after a week's
Airs, iottie Kosenerans and son
were Saturday guests in Nehawka.
F. C Schmaker, wife and daughter,
and H. J. Thiele motored to Syracuse
Sunday for a brief visit
Most of the threshing in this com
munity have completed the threshing
for the season.
Wildon Switzer who has been visit
ing the past week with relatives.
north of town, returned home Tues
Mr. Sprague and son and daugh
ters were Dunbar visitors Tuesday
Edwin Schmaker and wife leave in
a few days for "a visit in Chicago
He is survived by eight step- child
ren, John Frey, Mrs. Bertha Miller,
Feorge Frey, Mrs. Clementine Horn,
and Eugene. Tobia3, Henry and Jer
ry Frey. His sister, Mrs. Francis C.
Olive, who was very well known in
this community, preceded him last
The country home of Mr. and Mrs.
Z. W. Shrader near Nehawka was the
s ine or a very Lieasant eratnerincr Juno
on last Sunday, when they enter- Mr. Mvers vears have been lived
tained at dinner in honor of their! jn this community, where his charac-
Shows Some Heroism
Mrs. Elizabeth Gregg, who came to
Nebraska from some point in Mis
souri some time since and some three
or more years ago went to Wyoming
wnere sne took a claim and has
been farming the same, arrived here
a few days since for a visit with her
friends, and has been visiting here
since. Mrs. Gregg is seventy years
of age and during the past three
years has raised good crops and her
homestead is now worth consider
able money.
Enjoyed a Picnic Monday
Last Monday evening two Bible
school classes of the' Presbyterian
Bible school enjoyed a picnic at the
John Faris grove, where they had a
most pleasant time and feasted on
weiners and buns and had as desert
ice cream and cake. The losers in
a recent contest, which wa; Mrs.
Spangler's class, entertained the class
of Mrs. Gilmore.
Phone No. 14
Nehawka, Nebr.
Enjoyed Outing- at Park
Messrs. and Mesdames and child
ren, Joseph Mrasek, G. W. McCrack
en and Thomas Woods went to Ne
braska City last Sunday, where they
enjoyed the day at the Morton park,
taking their dinners with them and
spending the day in the leafy shade
of the giant trees there, and after a
day's enjoyment, returned home in
the evening.
daughter, Mrs. II. B. Page, of Dal
las, Texas, who is enjoying a visit
in the old Nebraska home.
Those attending the occasion
were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader
and family, of Plattsmouth; Thelma
and Don Rhodcn, of Murray; G. W.
Shrader. Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs.
1. M. Gerlock, North Bend, Nebras
ka; Mr. and Mrs. John Chriswisser,
Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Chriswisser. of
Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Chriswisser. Nehawka; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Shrader. Chester Shrader, of
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs! Charles Chris
wisser, Nehawka; Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter Shrader and family, Nehawka;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolfe, Murray;
Mrs. Charles Creamer, of Platts
mouth: Mrs. T. A. Sullivan and Mrs.
A. B. Taylor, of Plattsmouth.
There will be a meeting of the re
publican central committee at Weep
ing Water Saturday, August 16th at
2 p. m.
This is an important meeting and
every committeeman and committee
woman and all candidates should be
Chm. Cen. Com.
Any skin itching is a temper test
er. The more you scratch the worse
it itches. Doan's Ointment is for
piles, eczema any skin itchinsr. 60c
at all drug stores.
ter has become established in the life
of the community. It is the word
of everyone that a citizen, loved and
respected and admired has laid down
the work of making the world a bet
ter place to live in, and in his going
those who are left are challenged to
iiritate his good works and follow his
noble example.
Who can estimate the worth of
good man to this life? So it is not
possible to credit him with his dues
The work of citizenship, education
religion and society all felt his lead
ership and now that itis memory
all that is left, may that be a con
stant reminder that once he worked
here and the benefits we enjoy he
helped tmake possible. As the
word states, "Henceforth, he shall
rest from his labors and his work
will follow after him
Mrs. Arthur Boardman and child
en depated this moning for Newcas
tle. Nebraska, where they will enjoy
a few days visiting with relatives
and friends.
William Franklin Race,
M. D.
Rev. Theodore Ilartman and wife
of Ixunsville were here yesterday en
joying a few hours visit with friends
and looking after some matters of
business. .
RriVL- Work and Ce
ment Work of All
CALL 651-W
fr IM-WP4
1- !-
Dr H. C. Leopold
General Practice
Special attention to Dis
eases of Women. AI30 Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat.
Phone No. 208
Enjoyed Good Time Sunday
An excellent time was had at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nutz
man last Sunday when a family re
union was celebrated in honor of
Mrs. George L. Davis, of Galesburg,
III., and Miss Edith Cushing of Wy
oming. A large number of people
were in attendance and all enjoyed
the occasion very much. The re
union was of the branches of the
Munn family.
Was Feeling Pretty Spry
Thomas E. Fulton, the Village
Cisterns and
Cess Pools
Phones B61-J
E. A. and F. S. RICE
S i t s i
1834 Warren
Phone M-:
University Place, Nebraska
Poultry Wanted!
Wednesday, Aug-. 20th
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts
mouth WEDNESDAY, Aug. 20, one
day only, for which we will pay the
Hens, per lb. 19c
Springs, per lb 22c
Old Roosters, per lb 110c
Pekin Ducks, per lb. 14c
Fat Geese, per lb. 14c
Beef Hides, per lb.1 7c
Horse Hides, each $3.00
Leghorn poultry, 3 lb. less
Farmer, Notice
Remember, we ship in carload lots
direct to the New York market and 1
are thus enabled to pay you the very
top price for your poultry. '
We will positively be in Platts
mouth on above date, prepared to
take care of all poultry offered u",
at these prices. ,
We Can Put Goodyear Balloons
on Your Car in an Hour
If you want balloon tires, for either new small
diameter wheels or the wheels now on your car,
get them from us.
We have Goodyear Balloon Tires In both types
and in your size.
In design and construction, these tires represent
the highest development in the low-pressure,
flexible-wall, easy-riding tire now in such great
demand. The new Supertivist Cord is used ex
clusively in Goodyear Balloons.
We will furnish Goodyear Balloon Tires to fit
your present wheels or, if you prefer, the small
diameter balloon tires and the cost is actually
less than you have been paying for the tires now
on your car.
-You'll never have a better opportunity to put
balloon tires on your car.
Order your Goodyear Balloons today.
Plattsmouth Motor Co
6th & Pearl
Telephone No. 44
A household remedy in America
for 25 years Dr. Thomas' Eclectic
Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds,
bruises. 30c and COc. At all drug
Rev. and Mrs. H. G. McClusky and
enjoying their vacation trip in north
ern Iowa and Minnesota, are expect
ed home Friday and the regular Sun
day services will be held next week
at the church as usual.
ARE YOU out of a Job? Then let
daughter, Catherine, who have been us help find you one
Yearling lions!
Read what Edwards says-
Iloldrege, Nebr., Aug. 4, 192 4.
W. F. Nolte,
Mynard, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
The baby chicks that I received from you on
May 12th, have done fine and am glad to say that
I have had good luck with them They are sure
a fine bunch. Of the 104 received, I have now
92 living and doing well. 54 of these are pullets.
So putting all together, I am more than pleased
with my purchase from you.
I would now like to buy from 100 to 200
good pullets April or May hatch for about
September 1st delivery.
Thanking you for an early reply, I am
Yours very truly,
We are making a special price of S8.00 per
dozen on these selected bred to-lay hens.
Mature pullets at 1.50 each. We need
room for the young stock.
Mynard, Nebraska
Nebraska Chiropractic College, Inc.
"The High Standard College"
Individual Instruction Emphasized!
Fall Term September 8th. Catalogue on Request.
127 So. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb.
I & EE3HI . JX
and a 3 Bottom John Deere Plow.
In excellent condition. Ready for work.
Cedar Creek,