The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 11, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1981.
Alvo Department
Dr. Chas. Parrish, Veterinarian, Mrs. E. M. Stone with some ninety
The season of 1921 has produced i
seme very strange and extraordinary ":
features in the vegetable kinedom !
In this section of the country bothJ
as to si2e and growth and among;
those reported to the Journal is a
head of cabbage, gathered at the
1. -v " f T 1. J T 1
nuuif ui iu is. .lustrum iie j and a on
Elinwood, Nebraska. Call day phone, hens set and hatched some 1.200 . Mission Boards May Unite in West Main street. This cabbage was els or s wl,cat-
i nignt, as. ti-x chickens or wnicn sne soia svu uauj n nrn-n mention to Save grown irom piaius procured irom v " ' -' v "",v ul i izusinoiiui
Tlie threshing about Alvo has' chicks, besides having all the eggs t, t tVtwt,ca W. Bookmeyer and Wes apparent- .vsiror with friends m Manley
Harrison J. Lirineston threshed SayS Mrs. Fields in a
iab wcck ana una n vield of 27 bush-
Statement to Public.
about concluded and with a very well
satisfied community.
Mesdamcs A. B. Skinner and A.
Dinges were visiting for the day last
Thursday at Syracuse.
John Skinner hauled 23 hogs last
Thursday evening to the South Oma
ha market for II. L. Clapp
they wished to use and marketed at
large number besides. Mrs. Stone ai-1
v ... x nrL" a c " 1 1 1 1 L 1 i 'ill - c- - - - " n . . v nciKUS . - '
cn nnrnhaspH nnri Kft two hundred . . , ' . 1 o.imtn. twelve nounrts and Is 2 inrhnu in ,ast week at the home of friends at
. - ises to ue me must impuiiaui - --- ..... u T , , , . . .
other eggs which she is keeping for merger of overlapping in- circumference, and is fine and solid . Itblan1 an thinks that an ex-
; l n i n i: i v. v. . ...:n .11- . . . t , OPI!prr tri-urn
. . & a r .... I , . ji i ;f nil u ii 1 1 1 r I ' ' ! I r i ( 1 1 . i ' j r" r rv r -i .1 . - . - . -.
in me Aiucniau nntun n .?- - . .wjj
lv has the roal Rpr-rot of mu vicinity last Thursday.
raising. The cabbage head weiehs . Glen Floi-sckmarn was visiting for
her own use.
Gene La Verne Stone, of Los An-' . ; . . t ke Diace during the lover of the Juicy and delicious Win. Sheehan threslied last Thurs-
' present good heaVv 1"
due to the help I have reci . J Irom
Taniae and I am glad to make a
statement to be used in letting oth
ers know what a good medicine it
is." recently said a: . Hannah
Fields, 2416 S. East 8th St., De3
eles is quite a boy now as he was t ..ra lf th- ,,inna of the kraut. The cubbage has attracted dav an(l was rewarded with a good fnin. tv.
I born on July 12th and we were not exc.cutive board of the United Luth- much attention from the neighbors return for his farming the past year "Before taking Tanlac
and loss of sleep. My appetite was
very poor and I was so run-down
that the least exertion would ex
haust me.
"But now I eat everything, sleep
like a child and feel so energetic
that I want to keep on the go all
i the time. I simply cannot praiso
Tanlac enough."
Tanlac Is for sale by all good
druggists. Accept no substitute.
Over 40 million bottles sold.
W. Casey and wife of Denver were; apprised of the fact until last
visiting in Alvo and vicinity with
their former acquaintances and
Miss Wiima Cook who has been
staving with her sister in Lincoln
for some time past was home for
few days last week.
A. H. Ough and son. Chester, were
viriting and looking after somi busi
rcss matters in Lincoln on last
Thursday afternoon.
11. L. Bornenieier, "W. F. Rosenow
and E. M. Stone were threshing last
Thursday and on Friday . F. Bor
nemeier also threshed.
The return of Herman Lewis
t field, which he threshed last
Thursday and Friday, brought him
some 3 3 bushels per acre
Giorge Hall received a car of very
niop hordes Ia?t week whicli he took
to his farm and will dispose of to
those who are needing horses
One dav last week. V. J. Linch who
is a past master with bees, took off
honey to amount to one thousand
pounds. This Icok3 like doing pretty
Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir visited In
Omaha on last Thursday where they
expected to purchase a car and were
ratiier disposed to favor a Chevrolet
sedn n.
.Mr. and .Mrs. W. B. Banning and
iki.i'iiu r. .Miss Pearle, of near Union
w. re i-iting at the home of Mr. and
Mr-;. .7hn V. Manning of Alvo last
St: n. 'lay.
Mrs. Ch-tries Hr- now has been vis
iting a; the home of her daughter,
.Mrs. Ada .Mick for tlie past week and
will remain a short time longer at
ch :r:-ii.
J. L. I'ilkingtcn tlie mason who is
-.v rkiug oil the Wm. Lau home is get
ti ik along nicely and has the brick
v.r!-: ;-bo:t done and is now cn the
s' u-o ,ri t ion. -
The Bible school which the Metho
dist ;:nd imnkard churches of Alvo
a:e putting on. is meeting with
n !! h Mi'f ' ss and many are taking
ini. rest in the work.
K. ('oat man on last Monday
h :'il'tl wheat from the machine was
tin-filing at V. T,. Copple's and did
hiir.?lf wi;li cne truck in the fore
li';o:i haul ?4 bushels.
Frank Yeager who h?.s been in the
navy for the past twenty years and
v. hotrp tirwe expired a short time ago.
accompanied by his wife, are visiting
with his parents in Alvo.
.Mr. V,. A. Cook was a visitor in
Lincoln last Thursday where he went
to see his daughter. Mrs. Gale Pick
veil, who is receiving treatment at
the hospital at that place.
Hay Clark the janitor for the Alvo
schools has been buy during the
past week getting r. ady for school
which begins in September and has
l.i en .i'iir? the floors and painting
t:i woodwork.
Mrs. Anna Stone and daughter,
Miss i'reciaos S;nne and son Beryl
Stoni-. and Mrs. Howard Butler and
son Kenneth, all of Lincoln were
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
I". M. Stone of near Alvo last week.
Miss Moore who lias been spending
the past two weeks at the home of
her parents in Alvo. Herbert Moore
m l -Aife, departed on Monday of last
week for l)nvtr where she goes to
accept a position a J stenographer for
a firm of that city.
C. s. Cook of Plattsmouth was
visit ing at the home of his relatives
near Alvo last Thursday making
calls at E. M. Stone's. Mrs. Lizzie
Lewis". George Cook's, Frank Cook's,
and Will Cook's, and enjoyed the
day most pleasantly.
Those having tl.e free moving pic
t n. s in hand wiK go to Omaha at an
trTly date for contracting other pic
tvrr tor use beginning September 1
and will get more expensive pictures
as they have more money. They will
not give an entertainment on the
Saturday night of the Chautauqua.
church in America are fully of the Janda family.
week. The little fellow is now. , .
growing, fine and has some very well i The proposal, offered after much :
satisfied parents, and are no more .,..,, . riP,nt moetintr in At-
- j i Ul?v un.aiwu uv m iv4.v . . -
happy than Grandfather and Grand- . nlj. nitv iQ in five crreat i From Frl.lnv-H rmHv
mother Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone, ofnomo or "domestic" mission boards t The Bellevue Athletic club
near Alvo
Grandmother S. Kitzel was very
well pleased last Sunday when she
was visited by her three sisters,
Mesdamcs W. D. Wheeler, W. T. Val
lery and O. M. Cole, all of near My
nard. The four sisters had a most
enjoyable time, all being guests at
the E. M. Stone home and were
driven over from their home by Mr.
Robert I'atterson and wife, of near i
into one organization, to be known Jtlnued its winning streak by copping
as the board of American missions. a doubleheader Sunday on the Belle-
T all fPiKtil
ve7J fZ c feCHnS eat ything, and I had a long train
con41 'L r!.f ' " ?1 of "entH. including biliousness.
has made it rather difficult for him ' Da(kache
to get around. I .i
looking after business
Tanlac Vegetable Pills
for constipation
made and recommended by the man
ufacturers of TANLAC.
Schafer of Murdoch was n'nt- -.lar. -i,m o, ir. v 1,
lliuuri j ill Ifiw.' U'fiU nnL tier t .. 1 ... 4
- i . . -v .t ivJ wvr.iut 1 V 1 a ijiiutr LU U LI I
- . . . . . . A I IPV tnCT nil ran n t orninrr . .
It is believed that thousands or uoi-)Vue held. The Jath Camphor Kubs'i;" V... ' , ' , :ase in the capital city as lie is ex
lars of administrative expense and ; were the lirst victims. 10 to 2 and , r, .v... .wi.i A n,a ium- pecting to move to that place in the
an untold amount of energy will he, the fast Union Stock Yards team
saved. dropped the second, 11 to 10.
The present organizations whi. u Old Andy Graves. 48-year-old
er for a short time.
August St.ander will expect to soon
make a visit at York where his
near future.
The threshing of wheat in the vi
From Fri.lay's Pally
The piep.pant country home of Mr.
and Mrs. P. J- Wheeler was the scene
of a very pleasant gathering this
.... 1 . , 4 L i i . ' , ... ... daughter. Mrs. .1. F. Rnnth live
will oe auecieu are me inrani in pinner lor ine jtenevue Ainietics.' ,,, , . , , V Drettv
' ... . , ,r-.i . 1 1 , x , ,. . . , .. , . J i will be acomnanied hv Mm Rfandpr
jJlome missions anu v iiuaii ivc. n- c'!eoraieu ms iirinoay oy ianning '.,n(j T h (conclu?'
sion, neaaquariers in v. imago. ive. oi ne varus men huh pmnsrnng out ai r,i, -i n- i i V v. , that the
. ' .. . i- v-. . i ... . ... . ... ., ...... . "... i Richard Picknrd has hprn Iuipv re- lue
J. . iseioert, president; uic oriu- in in' ninin wnicn orougnt in ,,,, ... .. , than it
Chautauqua Next Week
With Wednesday of next week the
Chautauqua which is to be held at ; pes
Alvo and which will continue for nve a(Ia; tjie immigrant Mission board,
days. The Chautauqua in Alvo has 1 i,tadauarters in Pittsburg. Rev. Dr.
always been a success anu me peopie
of this community will see that in
this year they will even make it more
cf a feature in the well being of the
village than heretofore.
western .Mission noaru. Headquarters : tne winning run. nun the score
in Brooklyn. Rev. Dr. E. C. J. Krac-Jtied. two down and two on Andy
ling. president. working chiefly . stepped to the plate while from ex
among the German speaking pco-j cited rooters came the cry, "Win
of the central west anu i an- your own game, oio timer, - and in
The Free 3Iovies
free movies for the coming
J. E. Bittle, president, working
among Hungarians, Italians, SIo-
cimty of Manley is getting alongiwetk when they entertained a num-
near the close and with the'ber of relatives and friend. at din-
on of the pame it is evident I nor which was served in the acctia-
crop has been much larger tomed hospitable manner that char-
was expected by the most ar-: actcrizes the Wheeler home. Those
ch.vsed bv Mr. August Krecklow and ,1ont ndhusiasU of good crops and of ' attending were Mr. and Mrs. Allen
win when the building is complete
make his home there.
John Fleischmann of Louisville ac-
compnnied by the family were visit
vaks, Letts. Ests and others from . Brotsman, Donovan and Collins each
central and southwestern Europe: drew one. Check of the Stock Yards
the West Indies Mission board, i poled out a three bagger.
headquarters in Philadelphia, R;?v. ! In the first game Benson started by!
Ztnan M. Corbe, executive secretary. ; filling the bases with the Camphor
working in the Virgin islands an. 1 nion and tnen proceeded to mow them
response he clouted the hrst ball over(1 , . . ; , -mp' . T, ing their efforts and the better crops
to short right field scoring Donovan. I .-"f. . ... V . anr hltrher nrices sure enmA tn tlio
Fleischmann. the hovs' mother farmer at this time very welcome.
Clyde Jenkins and
an excellent quality which has been j Vernon of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Karl
pleasing to the farmers who have not V. HuIUt and sons of Lincoln, Mr.
gotten Just as much out of the busi- and Mrs. H. S. Barthold and MI33
nesf: as they were deserving consider- Tlorence Balscr.
Corcoran. Bellevue shortstop, an
nexed three two-base hits while
sister, Mrs.;
Celebate Jubilee Year
From Friday's Ially
Miss Anna Wcidcberg, Miss Clara
Mittan and Mr. David Mittan of
t . . r i. .1 Tt f f
oohirHav n!i-ii iit hp tni chow among the hpanisii speaKing negroes ; o. u. i .nueo eipni men in mo
iof our insular possessions: and the first four innings and in
this kind of entertainment. The' Jewish Mission committee, headquar- j trame smacked out a
plays are "Where is My Wandering
Bov Tonieht." two reels, and "The
Man Who Smiles," all in the open
Will Teach This Year
The complement of teachers for
the Alvo schools has been completed
and ail is in readiness for the school
year beginning in September, the fac
ulty being: Professor K. E. Conn,
formerly of Atlantic. Iowa, superin
tendent; J. L. Fowler of the same
place, principal; Miss Marie Prcuty,
Alvo, assistant principal; MlS3 Hazel
Garden, Johnson, music instructor;
Miss Gladys Cushman. Lincoln, do
mestic science. The grades will be
looked after by Mrs. Glady3 Demmitt
of Creenwood, Mis. Edna Wood of
Elmwood, Miss Clara Saxon of Eagle
and Mrs. Charles Marshall of Alvo.
ters in Philadelphia, Rev. F.
O jwitli the bases full.
the third
three bagger
Rosser featured
Evers. president, which maintains,"1 f'ar.ic by knocking ten fouls
work in four American citits. hH second triD to the plate. After
The recommendation will be sub-I trying out three bats he succeeded in
ject to the approval or rejection oi',tiR" a single.
delegates representing 1 million 2 Chip-Rressman. third packer, took
hundred thousand members of the : the mound for the last inning, strik
Unite.l Lutheran church in ihejin- '!t thp first two Camphorites.
United States and Canada, met ting i t!u! r'xt nian fIieI to short and the
in biennial convention of that body , Iast man fanned.
in Chuairo. October 21-30. It i in- Andy Gr:;ves has for j-ears been.
ticipated that considerable disvus-
wi ii' irnuiiift (ii'iairui LfJU.rr
Mexico City, Aug. 6. The assas
sins of Mrs. Rosalie Evans have been
captured, according to a report given
out this afternoon at the war de
partment. The report came from
General Roberto Cruz, military com
mander in. the state of Puebla,
where Mrs. Evans was shot and
killed near her hacienda last Satur
"I take pleasure In reporting that
General Antonio Gomez Velasco, my
chief of staff, informs from Texmelu
can that the assassins of Mrs. Evans
have been captured," said the mes
sage from General Cruz.
Washington, Aug. 6. American
Charge Schoenfeld at Mexico City
reported to the state department to
day that President Obregon has giv
en personal instructions to General
Cruz, commanding the Mexican mili
tary forces in the Publa district, that
"energetic measures' be taken in
connection with the murder of Mrs.
Rosalie Evans, a British subject.
The telegram also told of the re
ports in Mexican papers of the ef
fective action" taken by Mexican au
thorities. The charge reported that
Mrs. Evans body had been received
in Mexico City, but added that the
representatives of the British con
sulate, who had gone to the ranch
to see that the property wa3 protect
ed, had not returned to the capital.
ion will en?ue when the plan is pre
sented on the convention floor. The
present division of authority and
responsibility had its origin in the
old general council, one of the three
national bodies which united in
1018 to form the present United
Lutheran church. That body has
wisely organized its work so that
each board or committee was assign
ed one task only instead of gon ral
supervision of the whoie field of la
bor. It Is this temporary method,
invaluable in times of tfhrestri. -ted
immigration, whieli'is new declared
to be inadequate to the growing
needs of the larger body. The United
Lutheran church comprises about
one-third of the Lutheran church
members in Canada and the United
States and is the largest individual
body of that denomination.
The Rev. Dr. Frederick Knubel.
president of the United Lutheran
church, states that in the proposed
merger of these boards into the
Board of Missions, "it is not our pur
pose to curtail in any way the mast
efficient work which the five sister
boards have been doing, but rather
to organize one powerful board
which will co-ordinate all of this
work in such a manner as to serve
best the highest interests of the
Lutheran church in America. Under
the new arrangement, which we
hope will be adopted at the Chicago
convention in October, the mis-ion
interests of the United Lutheran
church will be served by three major
organizations the Board of Foreign
Missions, the Inner Mission board
and the new Board of American -Missions."
in. this section of Nebraska and has
many times been the opponent of the
Plattsmouth baseball team on the lo
Luella Crow, brother and sister, of
Weening Water, were visitine last
Tnclnir n tun r !. i, . TTsrHson .T t .v( n pctnn anil famllr
er, Mrs. Hazel Jenkins of Manley. (Fred Fleischmann and family . and j J8' "VnharS,vSUHnMv
Charles Sinnard and family of. Livingston and family and Iiarf.lf!S &pohn faml,y Wednesday
Grand Island were visiting last Sun- Charles Wash and wife were in at-evt?'"-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred tendance last Sunday at the fiftieth TrT'iey. nh'3'1 ,e aftnp by a"to to
Fleischmann of Manley. driving over . juMle celebration of the purchase of : a Hn?eta a?'J 8tPPe,.d
in their auto and enjoying the visit e building for the Christian church ," " f am av m k'8"
very much at Plattsmouth. Thecluirch there " er hm of MIrs eidebrg. Thurs-
was established 74 Tears asro and for!'la.' was erit visiting in Weeping
,,vv.,i MiKi", iv ins on iue -r- twentv-four vear thev met where ; Vater at the George Spohn home and
V. iles nlnre tlirenhpil his wlipat lnt l-. UUI ii.ey met wnere-' . ...... . .
Thursday and Friday and from the ever they cou;d part
.j I other relatives nnd friends, remain-
ihai iiicv inaiii iicti i ui iiie nine ai,. . , . ' v .
l"lc:0nie residence .anrt n other- iz in in& to hear the Weeping Water band
school houses and at the county court co,n.f'rt pni meet 01,1 fr,enl3' aWer
house, but iu the spring of 1874 thev .nch. accompanied by their friend.
purchased a small building from the!; J."1"? e.Mieu.-,, mey urove out
60 acres which he has received some.
2.260 bushels, making an average of
37. -G bushels per acre.
inomas i. nnstian ana son, tester, Congregational church and have since
who have been cway for some time : a((le,i fo the structure, making the
""'' l,M- ,-HJ ynL ieiuiu-1 edifice which they have at this time.
A most interesting program was pre
sented and a most sociable and worth
while time had by all who were priv-
TO REAL ROUGH HOUSE t he hogs last Saturday
in this line. The ground Is in very
good condition for the work and
those who are getting the work done
are getting into position to care for
pd home one day last week. Mr.
Christian with the family were visit
ing at Lincoln one day last week
The boys of the schools of Cass ' iieged to attend
cnl lot and anoarentlv tlmo does not county held a stock Judging contest
lessen the skill of the old timer. at the homes of J. C. Bauth and the r
Schafer brothers farms, and at Mr
Rauth's they judged the cattle and
at the Schafer farms they judged
Wm. Casev and wife of Denver
TTrn-v, tl.o u'wlern nnrtin r.f fh Were Visiting for a few days laft
' I . 1. .. . 11.. T. .. r I. XT' . .
eniiTitv rnim4 tl.P atnrv rf n iv-rv '- -"e Millie ui me ncv. rni:
ctrn,mc u riiincr .ori, t , c 1 er Higgins and his mother. Mrs. W. ;
curred in that locality among some D- HiKBlna and after a very pleasant
of thP nun hr;iirel in the thnwhine siay nere iney went 10 ai?o ior a
of the fiuc wheat crop there. The short stop before returning to their
two mnii 'l.irl Ktnrtri in on n frinillv " wii
mtrh r.nd wbinh rontinnerl far B.,me r reuerica urowne oi i.anion
time with the two trvin- nil of the Un!. as Deen visiting at the
holds that have made Joe Stecher. lhonie,of her Mrs. Albert Olau-
"StHndr" Lewis Prank r.nteh sind I oiiz ior some time pnst. was a guest
other kings of the mat famous, and las' wek at, the home of J. C. Rauth;
as llo mutch nroeeeile.l one of the " cuiiuay cieparieu ior ner nome
party, it is claimed, was getting the M1? ,tflf ea8t- aftr navinK enjoyed a
worst of the hnnt nrl nitr.nteil i, nc cut mnim utcr iu muiKiis.
- - - - ...... . . .. . ! C 1 . . , ,
tactics that n,irht be fonn.l anmnr many 01 ine larmers aooui Niamey
thP At.ache vrrstiprs of i;iHi ;. i,n a"e beginning their fall plowing and
proceeded to bite his opponent on the fom? .evf.n have concluded this work '
arm and. it is claimed, removed a
portion of the flesh from the muscu
lar portion of the arm and this served
to brinr the nialeli to n rinse The
incident has aroused .o:ne excitement ?iner "orK wnen ine nme comes ior
curred and may lead to further de
to the Chas. Spohn home for the
night, leaving for Burns Friday
morning. A letter states they reach
ed Burn. Wyo., Saturday at 11:30
P- m. Weeping Water Republican.
Tvwt anything? Arlvertist ft.
jPasfo -Liojiid -Pon dered
i; v if Ti i
is just the thing for polishing all your furniture
woodwork and lineoleum.
velopments if the bitten man devel
ops serious complications in his in
jured arm.
tret a box of th ramous Horm
Candies at the Bates Corner Book and
Stationery Store.
Tractor OJB!
We are offering tractor oil, Mobile "B," at the old
price. You know that oils have advanced, and you
had better get yours before my contract expires on
August 8th - after that the oil costs us more.
A. DINGES, Proprietor
New York. Aug. 8. Samuel Gomp
ers. president of the American Fed
eration of Labor, "can go as far as
he likes in making public corre
spondence between himself and John
W. Davis, democratic presidential
nominee, Mr. Bavis declared tonight
on the eve of his departure for
Clarksburg. W. Va.
Mr. Davis' telegram also said that
he was willing to stand on his labor
record without any fear as to the
OaSS for a Show DownS
See us for Deering and McCormick Tractors and
Plows the best made. Ask us for a demonstration.
We will come and show you how they work.
Coalman Hardware Co.
ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
London, Aug. "8. British and so
viet representatives signed the Anglo-Soviet
treaty and trade agreement
at C o'clock tonight at the foreign of-
nce. mere was no ceremony and on
ly a few officials were present.
l'remier McDonald and Christian
RakovsUy. the Russian charge d'af
faires at London, spoke briefly, both
expressing gratification that the ne
gotiations had resulted in what thev
regarded as a decided step forward in
me relations between the British and
!'u;"''" soviet governments.
i rtraier -MacDonal l and Arthur
i onsonoy. under secretary of foreign
anairs, ainxed their signatures for
TV , i. . wh,lfl M. Rokovsky,
.luipn joue. m. Tomski and M
Schclnmann signed for the nvfet
Much discussion has
by the fact that the name of the king
... d. i ai irom the treaty, but tonight
the likelihood was pointed to of the
w.,ft riftuius lne treaty ir it is rati-
iieu as ine constitution requires that
laws oe uone.
From Thursday's Dally
Yesterday afterneion Frank Woos-
ter motored to Omaha, where he vis-
ueu me Hospital where his son.
James Wooster, of Sedalia, Missouri,
has been for the past few days re
covering from the effects of an op
eration for the removal of his ton
sils. As a result of the operation.
James has come through the ordeal
nicely and will now enjoy a few
nays ntre recuperating hetore re
turning to Missouri on Sunday af
Jesse R. McVey was a visitor in
Iast week J. C. Rauth and Herman
Rauth threslied and had very satis
fatory yields of the wheat and oats.
J. C. Rauth's wheat making 3 6 bush
els and his oats 48, while Herman's'
wheat went 30 and his oats 40. Mes
damcs Walter Mockenhaupt and Wm. !
Heebner assisted Mrs. Herman Rauth !
in the cooking.
The superintendent of the Missouri
Pacific made his annual trip of in-1
spection over the road and after look-'
ing about the station at Manlev and;
over the tools and observing the way!
the station agent and section crew,'
were looking after the property of,
the company complimented them veryi
highly on their work and care of the'
company's property.
August Krecklow accompanied by
his wife and daughter. Miss Amenda
were visitors in Lincoln last Thurs
day, they also being accompanied by
Miss Lvelyn Elseman of Louisville.
4 mvm
r'l'tp; J
i'1 ;;!H!f It.
j -i-i - . i
y" i a t a. a. i a. I
IT."" , - ' f?,nB lw inai city oi. Th were lookins after some shop
tl.e i ij x. u i ; i ng ion iidiii in is linn ii
ing to spend the day.
It covers up small surface mars and prevents check
ing. Imparts a delightful air of immaculate cle&n
linesss wherever used.
Fricke k Do.
Mrs. W. A. Swatek was a visitor
in Omaha today, going to that city
on the early Burlington train.
John C. York departed this morn
ing for Omaha to visit there with
relatives and friends for the day.
Unlimited amount erf. money to
loan on eastern Nebraska farm land.
Lowest rates. Applications taken
now for future loans. See 0. J. Pot-
hast at Tanners' & Merchants' Bank,
Mnrdock, llebr. 1
on Petition for Appointment of
The Slnte of Nebraska, Cass conn
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Henry Kuhnhenn, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Fredrick William Kuhnhenrr pray
ing that Administration of said es
tate ruy be granted to Elmer Hall
strom, as Administrator;
Ordered, that September 2nd, A.
D. 1924 at 10 o'clock a. m., is as
signed for hearing said petition,
when all persons interested In said
matter may appear at a County
Court to be held In and for said
county, and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspnpcr'printed in said county, for
three fciieceseive weeks prior to Said
day of hearing.
Dated August 9th. 1924.
(Seal) all-3w County Judge. ypwjuwwB
It is one,of the largest, best equipped Machine and Weld
ing Shops west of Chicago Broken metal parts, of any
kind, size, shape or weight can be welded at a great sav
' ing of time and expense.
All Work Guaranteed!
Old Farts iado New New Parts lade Too!
if Bertscfiy Gannot Elefp You, You Ara in 2 Heliiva Fix."
3rd St. at Pearl
Tel. 303