The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ThQV, TWO
in. ii
MONDAY, JULY 21, 1924.
Alvo Department
fM hus ParHSh, Veterinarian.
I Nebraska full lnv phone.
7 nleht. r. f x
Mr Clarence Cttfjraa and daogh
tr. Mleo Lilllona. visited fftr "VPt
Mi,t.-t t the home i.f Mr fetid Mm
Iteorge v t'nrvea. f AIvh.
.. ! "j m ' ' ' " of her youriE friends, her mother
Mrs Simon llehrueyera entertaining
for the SOOttg POOpM I'll" day
spent In the plajrlog Of games B0d a
a.t,.t;.l e''1 lime wn" hnd Mnnr
niPhR wfr sstended for lbs happi-
I1..BO ..f tlx- yenrs tO come, and fOf
Hi, snlormeni of tbs birthday wiiirh
IN G. 0. P. FUND
Party to Place Reasonable Limit
on Cntnpsiign Contributions,
Chsirmnn Informs Borah.
1 l....l. I I . .. 1 . I. ,r. ,llf t.Kt-
i linadl upw PtordeOh treetor which, Shall fall, Mr- Itehmeyer BerVSfl a
hp l nsiue fr ' hsrteStlnl of hi ntCMt deltEhtfOt Uincheon nt the
one hundred asms of eicsttanl wtint, I eioao f tlit afternoon snjnymenl by
i ... i.. iiiic WhltSejf Bhn hn the youim people nml which added
l. . .. ,.,ii.. Ml nl hie liMii.r. rtnt Alvo mifli to the pe,nur or IhP neriiSion
p. tat la a. i f p t tetiivefPlI
f..i time
flint hp '.vns -..hie tft hS ill town on I it)
I h .i ., v
i. .er.pi, A unstrung Installed
pp. liel't In liio new fllline sta
i..ti anil a now 'iilioil bo hp In
. n r. f.. flio I, licit, . ac Hint lliftlPI III
the, rretilti? :C Well ta during the
i i Miklngton, iiip mason, i
lu.t alone niii-u with tlir lirlrh work
tin the new hHiP of Mr. Win. Lati
Hcai Moi.l..ih ami will linvp the I"1""1
fc.f.iv fio 'onnnoT before h PtJtlt-
ir ,,f Wild 'afllP"
i n. in Qeorge w Co ryes departed
lad nnp f..r (anaa. where be went
t.. gsslSI in Mip harvesting tf ffio
ei'ii'i of i i n. n.n I'lirrofl. of I, In
rot ft. ha oon. who iao a larep a rp
a s r- nl ri riirni Wheal IS hp whnl
n.w int tog Inn of riiino
Win l w ifaaf win' i a eo'1
,t...b.i in anvihine von niny ii
him nl mi in in.w wm Mri'i. t. in
Ma full pait hflw iinnn Balai(ne In
thP ".'I of ll:ll IOlltl IhP wllPat of
Hi y p. Mica .luting thp past
ncrk Will wa ilrlvlnc tip tfaofor
i. iii. ii (tuit.-.i i im iiitiiii i
,i i nsni ..r iir. I'mm i sad
M. ..ii-iiito i.-ittb ..r Alvo ami an nl-j
(.nun rt lav! and Urn I, AnttlpttiAH I
u 1 1 haititag aftei mi sic iinoinpap M
,,,-.tit. a it. n VpII for a fpw ilavq laol '"niine
. . R -in. I i. .mi. I tnai hip i rup' in
Cum eohafi ivimi laoklhtf ih' a" wall
Uipr fonnil an1 hppr than
nu-ct j.lrti no
New York. July 16 RapiyiStj to
, from s.nator liorah ss head
of tin- ssaatorlal oomailttaa suthorli-
nl to In vpMIk i to ami n porf on partv
Haaaetag of praafdaatlal Mttptttgnt.
William Bfutler, chairman of th fa-
iinhllrnn national Comftllttat, today
1 t,, ...i iinii oM'.'iiiintlon lial
aaproslaiataly $60,006 on hand Jaly
1. ami thai it Mpaatsd to ralsa earn-
i a -1 Maaday Patsf MleR, w ho f..r paiga raaoa oj pfrnw
,.,iv iirp.i Hjsl of A I vii hnt who aad correspofidenca.
... p,, maMnt hi- hofM ssaf Chap Th fomnilttes Mr Butler said
.i. ... several reere, a i hi i had at decided how moeh it .would
pnaeired i- farailag, was aaeuplad ralas wM saaad toward .-i.Tthm of
Imsi Monday Milan hay aad waa th rapublleaa ticket, bai was pre
. . -,i.i. i. aarlna s buael t further Intended
Ito u na fit Iv Ine. beCOtUlnB
t.ui a'.vav ovprtntnliiE thi nii of hnv
prtPt MipIc L0666 Mfe.
thfOWtal III Ml off with tlio rronlt that
ho BtrtfSk In piirh a wav that hlo npi'h
wna brokafl Ms dlad la a short time,
Mre Mi" l' In a nlatpf of MeSSrS Ar
iiiuf MkimiPr nnd Alva MlaUSf ami
deaghtei of rmip iani"i Rklaaar
Thi ftthefttl oasuffldi.
YmiiiK IV.tjilr Married
sffrlghtad to place "reaeooaaie nmn upon
1 1 n 1 1 1 101 1 iiin ami nni mo iruUB lu
vioiafp ttit i.'iw pwhlbftlag the seoep
tafice of fundi frotu corporattoni
SsBStOr llorah hail aiiEEi'ti'il thai
Hip republican national DORimtttSt
nit tun 1 r a ROaftersI rspori to tho sans
torini cotfitttlttas each 10 days of the
itnpalgh. beglnnlhg nest Bsptsaihei
1 liumi''. sddr esses sod sraounts
coal rtbuted
Mr Btitlcf countered with s mi k
gSStlOfl that "urh feport n ho niado at
1 fi day Interests, beglnntni Beptetn
bar La, with Sach report eoeartng the
fo Slout I ' 1 1 V i"rlou finning I najll prior n nan
" 4, . . ,1 ! . 1 .. 1..I..M' fll.ll 111
ttnhrft 1, Parhtaatei . estarsa of
the World war. who was sttettaiag
Hip v. .'H t Ii iin I wlimil at I'II'VU" ami
M jau loll t I lilHh wnllf
ih-i r Hum w.-fn unit. . 1 In tnairlnE"
lad wars visiting In kiro for a short loeeatlgstton s t.. go forward," wrote
tin.. Mm-v win for hp prpm-nt M' Butler, replying i latter Bsa
makp h.pii iinnm ai Htttnts snd nior Bbfab addreal on July 2. "it
iii aftef I'm eioilbf of Ibis trim of p ''of:""n to rn operate with you
the rotatloaal Mhool which Mr Par-i"i evary way in order that the pur
meafei r afmipni H. to Farmina poaes of yobr committee may be
1 . where
. : I
h.' win attend the
t'ln O Shaffer, Pot mistress.
eat Willi fctn I M BtoM.
Thp AH.. a Heading Clttb
bipi laai rhumday efteraoah at hip
heaatffUl home Of Mr ami Mr K
m stone northeast of Aivo. where
the; arare etttartathad hi thl pnt
mtatreaa In pntprtainlne. ami all
i"i pal had a moat fn)oyahlp aftpr-
rhl bs IS Pea tnattcro of Hip
lui i. . 1 . h flmt thine on thP flno
,111 t..i Hip ilar and thp taillpn
arltk t'nit amtal alairlty carp1 for
Ihip ebea tile nipptlne wa rrnolvpil
Inln a o.'. ial eathprliiK and all pn-i.-..i
ihessaetees In tlir niot ap
pt. ...i manner Thp luacheon which
Mr St nap :inp.l waa rx.pllrnf ami
added much ta the line afternoon
Which ehe faralahtil for hpr manr
tiir.,, ia sttendias
fwdar hr rare of thefr gaardtan,
Mi. Brobel ami Mtac Mailp St ro
tnpr -ita,. nH.n.MtiE fhr t'amp firp
pirln ,.f Mm enjoyed a hifcp laat
Weel i" erhteh theif main object
w a n .in'- i-tiiilt. anil ao Hipt went
tookins at tttp birds, thpir working. I
thPi babftfl an.t thp Et.'wlne of thp
arain Red frulta, iIip Working of thp
bee in thrit maklne of honpy. ami
in . t -u nature and out ot doors 1
Mr do ' Shnffor who was to
cent!) appointed postmistraas, baa
fahon the postoiflce orer ami sasun
,1 , hat i?" of tho business laai Wed
needn morhtttg, baring the post
office located at ttip drug store build
ine Mm Shaffer i" a eery conipe
tent wi'innn and ee afp certain nlin
will matfd a good otRctal
..... Ill . a ImIm
I I'll! Mill fclIM "I'lTH'l" II1I1I11K IHV
..-ii - wblcn the was tip postmistreea
Sbd dtiflnE the tltnp Mr K M t'oat
hiss waa sctfng postmsster hp did
'e,.,.,l serrlCS and tho "pfllne Of Hip
tmaltn puttine Mi shaffpr In an
tbS PttbllC nfflrlal Will InSUVS gOOd
arrvlrp durlne hpr OCCUpanCy of fhp
Many Sell Com.
tin aotiunf of tup vpry gOOd prlftSS
t whirh grain M "piiinB thane bait
le eorb arp tpinrtpil to pt It eo of
thrir peaeres sarti ami thp itaaieis
of io bare bees EPfHna ijuitp a bit
of dollar corn Anions tBOBP who
bare old arr V K Morkppliaupt.
iVvn t o. v. Mra Hlapp. l.afe Mnllpn.
JohM ti Foreman and jobn Main
ear red to your satisfaction."
Bsttstor Borabt fatter suggeated
thsl Mr Butler snstrar i daflnate
.iiioripp it cnitpd attention to tbs
fact that tbs SSflgtOrlal conunlttcr
was utbortsad to "tneestlgstt snd re
port to the senate upon campaign es
pendfturefl rtkde by snd on behalf f
or In Support of or in opposition to
iinv and all oabdidatei for prestdetti
and virp peasideal snd prcatdentlsl
stectom ami senators of tiit tTnlted
States." Mr llorah said a Similar
rB !Plfpr 1011 lit ln itont to firh p.irtv
during tho . ' 'nairman n noon at: nicy w on
Sexton a Useful Man,
Rings Bell, Writes Boy
Munich. Schoolboys In a Munich ,
ur,nrli Wart In-f ru -tPd reppntly to i
wriio 11 ottnrjbaltlod about the exfdfl j
In tha loral iluirch. and tin- fOllOW j
Ine effort attracted so tnusa attention
that It Ii helntf reproduced In many ,
flavarfaa nawapapsrs:
"The sexton Is aaafol man. lie
rings th" balls si five in the morning ,
(ho pofiplo I: now fhey may Bleep
two hour lontrer, At eleven bo rlnir
tim in-iu imnin. Indicating to the fernv
or in the th-ld that they shottd he-
coms hungry, in Iba svdHing tflars i
moss bell ringing, which Indicates t
small children that tbey will K-t their
SSfS bOXefl if t'liov do not run boms
n' 1 .ti 1 v gomatlmes fti- sexton in eery
tronblesome, espedslly When he rimza
nt Hfghl to snnounce B fire. Tin vx- !
f..n thrives on Weddings, christenings
iiini the dead, lie earns the mnt
money throne)) death Therefore he 1
Ip i:im1 when man peotdu dla
One of Two Bishops Heading Pil
grimage to Eastern Churches,
Holy Band.
Commerce Commission Denies Pcti
lion Ten BtatOS Joined in Re
questiiie; Rate Cut
llfp thp)
en 1
the trip to ihe ut
will Caflstnet Bible Ptudv
ih-- Methodtat ebnreh at Aim mil
ohm 1 te direction of the Hpv '
Sroriis eondwei a eaeattod Bible
atadj poarae at thP ehnrrh bnttdtng
baianiag on August 4ih and con
tiauing m two sjeefci ami all in-!
IPt-rci.,1 f,vi a1ied to otpp thp Rpf
N- flia and aht in thp WOTk with
'hu ptroencp and podoavor to evi
Mil OWI SI the .rMfr- pomiMe
Head" .if Canadian Pacific Say it Haj
Ftotnyed MM Oroerth of That
1 1 1
iaaMirninvj ib hp Wet
mop time Kin.o ,lanie Fnend de
ed POT 1attniT wherp hp wa
. k 10 remain for oome time.
ha v.mained awtiy for worne
Hi mani friend, la Alvo are
.11 .. to whpthev hp will malip
bom in ihe r-an permanent 1v
c ,n1f thrre f.-r
ea- hfll(r
not time. it ha been report ed
thai Ihej w. iiM he honie la w-pfc
lull a- fTii-re wa C-ithirtft dcfriitp
ut the mter. piprP rniiv bjsjfe
lor tfcem wrron they come
hp 1 w
ora t ed
Crier.-, ate Bnlhdav
woaeor kteaarey who ha pa
h bfrthda.) last Monday opIp
he (vni with aome tW-pntv-
Michigan Barrel Sail
lne it lnel Quality guar
at '.etA aI ihe UimKot r
fjoadon, July IS Indicating how
idvertbtlag hai fostered thp prowth
of ansda. F W Baatty hoad of
the 'ana.lian Paciflc Railroad com
panv. toi.i the eoneeatioa ot aiwoeia
tton sd rert Ming alnbs of thp world
today that aincp 1SS1 hi road had
pppnt ?v006,bsij on nstontaatton
In contratit to Jjt,ab.0g pxppndod
1-x tr e I'anadian a;ovprnniPnt
TIipp rirurp. hp expiinpd, 1n
ClUd more than what nileht ntftet
tij he termed advcrtlnlne. thp colon
isation efforts having been directed
a1 rather dtffbmt types of sctllei-s
Tracing thp psrl plajred br adver-
itiine in thp hiindins of rahada.
Kj which hpg-an with thp .loult misplon-
anes in Hip dav of thp French do
minion, Mr 1KU said It. was not
ntifll fj-.e Haaadfao rsctSc appeared
OS the "erne that art -grostve, cori
ftPvt snd c-.vtipY-p,ns1vp advertis
Int rsmpaien for tha colonlsathm of
PUSS da w'as plarinod and itrected
fror,-, Canada itself m the laae fortv
yearr a campaign of Invitation and
welcome had heen conducted be as
serted, in which the i'anadian Pacific
pave th example and pet the pace.
Handa snow and hard wintrrs
are amone it greatest imi r
lVatti declared. "Without that win
jhM w- should not he able to grow
J the hard w heat on w hich SO much of
jthe prosperity at the Hsnadian wevt
I depemts, and which everv miller in
the Vnited States desires Without
thai wirier we should not have the
i".ir f.flr-nt animals and the fur
trade watch for ifdj voars has hen
lOWe of OsaadaS basfe indnslries
I Hhar)P .leiineV. who "has been
.here viMtinjf with relatives and
nd . eparted this morning on the
erl Rnvlingon train for Omaha.
t o: template Action by Henry Ford
Which Mipht Tend to Injure
President in Nebraska.
A method whereby the name of
LalollattS can hp placed on the No
brsifta ballot as a candidate for
preatdeUf and at the same time oh
tain tbs fciecii.Mi of presidential
electors, has been fttttttd As 1 be
plan contemplates action on tho part
of Henri Ford whh-h would tend to
work nga1nt the Interests of PreSt
dert Coolldgd, It may have to kSJ
ihe plan Is tO have Ford with
draw from the ballot of ihe progreB
k1vp pariy as a candidate for preat-
deUt, a poaltfna he occupies thru no
action of his ow n F.m .1 was nomi
nated by the progressive party Bl
the last stale w i.le primaries If be
can he Induced to withdraw. the
proer ssive stale committee can
legally place La toilette in the va
r.Sttcy and can alsti .iclect prc-i-;1,
,ntui t ... All , - OOl
.... .1,1 ti, n i ,i .i i,i .
I The Rte HMMMliM ivi tv 1-el.l -i
conreatton hui chose ac prasldeutlal
w.i' hiimton. .lulv I , Reductiona
In wBstam railroad rates on grain,
i nn prod acta ;ini hay. b rough I 1 -
tm states of the M ississi ppl - M issotl ii
vaib-y careal growing region under
the leadership 'f Kansas snd sup
ported bv most fiirm orasnlsattonB
concerned, w leflnltely refused to
day by the Interstate commerce com
mission, t tbs s.itue tBne the tommfssion
lecided th;it the results of an lade
pandeni Ineestigation it had con
ducted into the level of rates on
these same products in all set Hons
f the United states had demon
it rated no need for any changes, and
p breedings before it bearing upon
both issues wi re dismissed
Railroad earnings in the western
rnrlmi from Hie Rocky Mountains to
fho Ureal Lakes and south as far as
rexai would have bees reduced
SbOUl l?,S60,0n annually, bad the
i-onteutton of the proilucint states
been granted.
The com m lesion bald the status of
the carriers did not justify the step,
while in ceneral U bald thai the fi-
nanctal condition of the western
gr:iin farmers was showing a slow
Improvement, rein vine them of Ens
necessity tor th redu.-tion.
Rate Lowered in
The rates affected by the decision
are tlinsr as applied t wheat thru
out ihe jrrowinK territory where it
constitutes the most Important crop
and has presented Ihe tuosl trou
blesome and cont roversia I problem
before the interstate commerce com-
mlsston in recent years
The states which let! in the pre
sentation of the com plaint denied to-
day Kansas. Xehraska. North and
South Dakota, Iowa. Illinois. Okla
homa. MtSSOUrt. Minnesota ami
Louisiana Obtained in January.
1932, the first railroad rate reduc
tion granted alter the war. for the
grain products concerned.
Later, in 112. a general redaction
ot" 10 per cent in all rates was crant-
j ed by the commission, and early in
11023 the same western states prom-
ptly moved before the commission to
lin a second a rd reduction on
; their ow n prod-.icts After the first
hearing, the n-mmission ordered a
'lectors It ' eritue that a state
committee has the power to fin a-i
fancies "on tf-. ttCt sua that it
can 1 el electors. Bk in the event
1 i i'ette carries the a sta the ga -e
l . i COUld l"i law comnlv bv ?n-
b ;. Ov prv.i.Vntial . tors eh j
If . i: u,v Mate cwaeeatiaa taj
represent ihe :,i dtdjSte of the pfv;
if lie ;ioi:ld win at the Xove:,i-cr
elect ion
F. 11 Frickey of Lincoln, chairman !
of the legielative hoard of the'
hi-.nhprh.iod of looohotive fircmcr.
and enginpmen. is ouoted as having
sid he had no further knowledge'
that Ueorge Wiley of Fairhury.
1 iiieapo to line up anairs ror 1aFol
lette M Xehraska. While the state'
legislative hoard of this org-aniza- ,
lion is said to be inclined to favor,
Hal owette. it has taken no action of-,
! retrial of the issues, and instituted
its own invest i cation Into grain
rates in all sc. tions of th conntrv.
f M Heed, .'.airman of the Kan
BnS pnhlie Utilities commission, for
jthe states and farm organizations
oor.TCTniea the oeprossoti price
of j-rain produ. i required a new low
level of freitht rates i.-r all the rom-
BkOdttiea c-oncirnctl. He held also
jthai Ihe finan.i.-.l condition of west-
jern railroaos would justify She cuts
danasadad, because the valuation of
propertv nSed by them in renderinj:
, transportation service was loss than
im- commission Had nitnerta calcu-
, lau ci, siiii he ause tne ex
ptr.rlitures of railroads of the wesl-
untenanci during 1932 were
unduly swollen
Bishop Ernest v. Bhaylar, Prot
estant BpisOopal blShOp of the diocene
of .v.'el)ra:d?n. retnciiei yesterday from
a three snd aae-haff months trip
i Which carried him to Palestine on a
liilKiiinfii'e. ami lo moSt of the cen-
tral ami eastern European countries.
j Bishop I hayler left Oaiaha March
:i 1 for NSW fork, and sailed April
"i for Liverpool Me proceeded to
London, where he Ine;; me the only
American member, ami one of two
hlShopS, to Juin a pilHrinuirro to th
Holy Lnmi organised by the Church
Unity Society of England.
The two Objectives of the pil
grimage were: first, to revive the
spirit of the Crusades, by IhdOCing
the Bantem, or fireek church, to
unite with the Church of Knprland
and the American Episcopal church;
ami second, to visit the places mdde
aacred by the earthly life of Christ.
Bethlehem. Nazareth, and C.alilee.
were visited.
Heard Dean Inire.
Before stsrtlng on the pilgrim
age, Bishop Shayler stopped in Lon
don for Holy Week, lie attended St
Paul's cathedral on Eaatar morn
ing, ami heard a sermon preach.'. I
by Heart Inge, who has WOO the title
of "England's gloomy dean." He
also attended a service at Windsor
CBStla, which the king ami QtteeU
and Ramsay MacTJonald, British
premier, also attended. After the
BsrvlOS he was presented to the
English rulers and to the premier.
The pilgrimage assembled at All
Saints' church. London, on April 88,
md the following day entrained to
Marseilles, France, where a steamer
carried the pilgrims to Egypt, There
were 2 hundred and fifty iii the
party, beaded by Bishop Rescue Seil
datt, Bishop of Nassau, a inissiotiary
blshoprlc in the Bahamas, and
Hi ihop Shayler. Forty clerics of the
Oburcbes of England, Ireland. Scot
land a -id W ales, and more than 2
hundred laymen comprised the pil
grimage, which later went to Port
Said and from Jaffa where they were
nut by the Archbishop of Jerusalem,
went by train to Jerusalem.
Savs Mission Successful.
rho crusade was verv success
Harvest Specials!
Dexter sweet corn, No. 2, 2 cans $ .25
Tomatoes, lare size, 2 cans for 38
Hominy, large site, 5 cans for 50
Pork and beans, No. 3, each 20
Shasta salmon, I7o. 1, S for
Beigle's salmon, No. 1, 2 for
Calumet baking powder, 5 lbs 1.20
Rose Dale peaches, large size, 3 for . .
Monarch catsup, 14-oz. size, each. . . .
Monarch catsup, per gallon 1.00
Kddy mustard, quart size 35
Prunes, per lb 10
Sweet pickles, per quart 50
Palm Olive soap, 3 for 25
3 packages macaroni for 20
W ais flam Uhim
Phones 53, 54 and 144
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
'..!.-- ...Tj.T. .T..T t..TT. ttX.
r lit i i i 1 i i i itr
and W. J. Rau, and
attended the Good
which was held at
Mondav and were
the latters wife
Road meeting
Klmwood last
loud in their
John Stander was visit iiiR with
friends in Plattsmouth last Friday
making the trip In bis auto.
John Stander was fortunate in that
he cot his wheat cut and all in the
hock dry Snd nice before the rain.
K. Bergman and Herman Hall
were looking after some business
matters in Omaha on last Wednesday.
W. P. Cook of Plattsmouth was a
j visitor in Manley last Wednesday.
I lookinp after some matters which
. he was interested.
Edward Kelly was a visitor in
fill " s.iiil HNhoii Sh.'ivler on his ar-
rival in Omaha. "We were welcomed Omaha for two days during the past
sad received hoagimbty by the lead- driving over to the metropolis
inrr ecclesiastics of ' the eastern to ,ook af,, r souul business matters,
churches The fireek. Armenian.' Donald R. Manta of Saint Charles.
Coptic, and Latin patriarchs of .lent- Iowa, was a visitor in Manley last
SBlam all tendered us receptions, and Thursday lookinpt after some matters
we conferred with all Of these tiigni- relative to engaging M business
isrios At Alexandria we met the here.
patriarch of the African church, and A Steinkainp has been busy trap
after the pilsrimape was finished. 1 ins nudes in his yard as tbey seem
called upon the Oreek patriarch of to take a d lipht in tearinc up his
Constantinople. Oometrius. who is lawn, to which he has serious ob
now living in Athens, since his JOOtiona
forced departure from Turkey." i Carl Scblaphoff disposed of a ten
At Athens. Blshbp Sbaylet met foot cut binder last Weal to Mr. Carl
Stephanos, the Metropolitan arch-j Schlaphofl west of town on the high
btshop of Greece, and as the Greek i way. who then had some SO acres of
synod was In session, he was Baked wheal yet lo harvest.
to address the twelve archbishops I R the
praises of the treatment of the Hlm
. wood commercial club, and the en
! thusiasm which was displayed for the
Red Hal! hiphway, and its care and
The Gospel Car. which makes a
tour each year from the home of
those who are conducting; the cam
paign, passed by Manley last week
on its way to Avoca where they are
Conducting series of meetings after
which they go to Nebraska City and
then into foam. The preaching is
done by Rev. J. I. Montgomery, and
Arthur C. Mintz who have a musical
team with them.
Manv Havine Boils.
There seems ro be an i Didemie of
boils about Manley. for many are
afflicted with them. Joseph Mtlrphey
having ten on the back of bis neck.
WhBe others are not having quite so
many. But they have been distrib
uted around pretty well. Frank Pera
num. Geo. Meyer, John Scheelmn
and Joseph Murphey having drawn"
a ntihiher.
and the twelve bishops of the state r.iershant and postmaster was mak
if Greece. Pisliop Shay lor also lag some improvements at his busi-sp-nt
three days Visiting sites Where BBBS property and home by the plac Fast refugees, who have been inp of a new rool on the bnilding.
expatriated from Turkey by the, Eli Kacklar who is working on
terms of the Lausaans treaty, were I grader cast of Weeping Water, was
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Branson,
who have recently moved here from
Montana, this week purchased the
Mrs. M Peterson rental property on
Walnut street, adjolnir.p the "fine
j new brick home of Mr. Branson's
enterprising step-father and mother. Mr. and
qua rtered.
Meeting the bishop on his arrival
In Omaha, his chaplain, ("anon W. S.
Lcete. of this citv enjoyed a verv
pleasant three hours visit with the
iltsttnqutshed prelate.
Spending last Thursday and Friday
at home on aceount of Ihe contin
ued rains so that the grader could
o.s he run.
Mrs. Philip Kahler. on the north
They expect to erect a modern home
on this property in the near future.
It is very likely that they will de
cide to use Louisville sand stone in
the erection of this house and it will
, be of colonial design so popular at
present and will be a decided addi
tion to the neighborhood and Lou:s
Ville people will welcome Mr. Erun-
The Social Workers Flower
will meet on Wednesday afternoon
St ihe home of Mrs. Arthur SnlH
va. All members arc nrgo to be
in a;tc ndaner
Nothing Is a-- uncertain as the
e.-ther. DeSgdtS Ibis. Various in
suranoe com write poli.iov
lAgains; rin in.erfering with such
Club!.-. .
i nni); on 1 1 nes. mfppi mil s ni;
circuses. Here in riaitsmonih th
raneafl eVartb .t faly celebration
was insured against rain.
The eompani. i thoughl thcx hsd
the rates fign,. out on a definite
Woald like to rent 1ft' to ?.ff acre ri?'f the la of avevs&e?. Pni
farm. Have ai: my own help Call j ihe ireak Weather of the laot few
ai ims omce or anoress joe warns. j-ea-s has
i iiiitvmoutn. .xen. jl'i -L'to-r: v
ing and Harvest
It wrli pay nil those needing a Deering ami McCorrnick
mower to see me. I have a number bought ai last
year's priced MtdJ tJMfe af yfajl some money on them.
Coatman Hardware Co.
of Cass coun-
Kli JftTies.
Tn ihe TVistrle! Coarl
ty. Nfhiavka
Cora JoTfos, riaintiff. vs
n reweiant.
To the defendant. .Tones:
Ymi are hcrrhy notifref: that the
nlafntifl. Cora .loTres. filed her pr;i
tfon against yrm in the above en
titles eairse ni action in the Distritt
Court of Css eount.y. Ve-hraska. on
the 14th day of April. A. O 1 2 S .
the object an" prayer r f which is to
obtain a decree of sbsolnre divorce
fi'iirr, voh.
required rn answer said
or before ihe 2nd dav
a r. iw.
("ORA .Tf.NES.
By "Plain tiff.
J. A. CaTWfll.
Her Attorney.
caiiM '., hire
to nnelerw t iters Rates probably Will
, ha rf' vised.
tP aid thai .ndividual (rnmH-v-..
,whc 11 lake a hance op anyihinr.
(!on't bat or. the wealbev.
j A fellow ihe other dav asked ni
the name of the- demoerailt t aVidt
dare tor gnejeVt. We con id fit ten
him en ihe spur of the fnomom and
finally had to ask aomeone e. Thf--shor
vi not be Candida tea fnmd ket
Comn-.-iSsien Makes AvrarifreTncni for
tiampletMMi af Wort nl $S0iv to Hate 1380,000
liwrinc Tne week there has been sen ?.nd wife in oi-r mirict
IrepOTtedJ a IttUe hail over the county j Mr. Brunsos has bean at the head
aad much damage done just outside of the Montana state fisheries for
of the conntv
all are hoping that years., but has returned to Nebraska
slip by with out any to affiliate himself with the K..
TVttfry company as trveiine rnre-
and Kich- sentative. He has a substantial in-
Lineoln. Neb. July IS. For a
fiat sum of SO thousand dollars, be
Sides what was heretofore paid to
the late B G Goodhue, architeci of
the new state eapitol here. nd the
amount due his widow undei c.
terms .if the contract, the siste enpt
to! eommlsston 1 to SET'S re SerxfcVi
of Mr ;.iodhue' archileet tivsl Ar
gantastton in New York rot otimple
tion of the hnUdtng.
TtS Wa tentatively agreed upon
by represent at ive of the a'rehittet'J
firm and ihe ciiimiK-ioo s a rWe'nt
eon feveViee. and the fo ... R4
nouPeed todav that neS iv.niwf
would irn forward soti'n for the --f.,
lure of ihe fivm
ArChiie.1 loodhit. w W r'' rrfrft!
of Itfv.iei i to ibe tim of f,
deith for Ihe oaOifol Wrifk f,r. t.-oi
errror s?td t"nde ih. flr-nif. fii,.,, r.,.. i.r.
in the rNVntrsVt bfi m Mi ft entftTfl m th '
to fnvlbe, pavmevil Oi '.e uA .,,w
the month may
1 . A
! k rea i a ft rn a R-e .
j Messrs Monroe Ncihart
lard Pickard have heen assist inc in
'the harvest field during the rush
period and have made excellent men
Par the work, they both taking hold
jof the w.wk in fine Shape,
j Frank Bevpman was fortunate in
I that he got all his harvesting done
and the grata in shock hefore the
r.-avv ram of last Wednesday night
?nd is feelinfc preit.y good over the
matter, thank yoo
John Crane was bnsv last Thurs
day movninc makint a drain to keeip
tl e WSter oat Of the lumber sheds,
as the rains bad been coming regit
'ar everv dav Or every night, and to
care for this condition was what
Mir. Crs ie was work ins for
We T-fOehner has been having a
SertOWe lime wiiti an obstinare molar,
snd With hi wife were in Omaha
!-, , or,. . s t-o hkve ihe eTtsturh-
ifia fnetor elimmated 'He ta snffer
iVf -:! from the Oodesl, hut is re
eViVevini; frvvm it effeors nicelv now.
Ni-roTd find Orel. Sehleifort di-
poofi oi three fiomaod nushets of
cOrO Iftld VliiiilM WMch brought
Ip - rlMIS'r pet bushel. They
.i-. .,,.,,!.,.,; oi their wheat crop,
w i i fi fo N !e.-Vered as soon as
Oi tl I done, getting for it
Terest in the pottery and no d." il t
will be a valuable asset to i.e f :
In closing the deal, an inteiWBtfJBj
matter was brought to light. If ba
ir.g discovered that the original deed
from Harry Brown and wife. Mary
Brown, was issued under ihe notar
ial se-.i of the late Squire C G CV-e-hom
on Merch h. to Mrf Ma
tilda Pererson, and the present deed
from Mrs Peterson to Mr. and Mrs.
Branson is issued under thi seal of
Squire Cleg-horn's son W a C kaf
horn. tliirty-seven years 1. t t e r. There
ar two lots in this property, lie
other being deeded by Mrs E 'en
Merger ro Mrs Peterson, tinder the
notarial seal of Attornev S. F. Rock
well. lon since, deceased. These
names Will renal! many memories in
th minds of the ear' residents of
this vicinity liouisviile Courier.
Toe can't afford to bur a
7Toc have soer. rcv i;rting.
Sear! S. Daris. Piensmtioth
2rw - 4td
ARF TOT out or a joe
us help find yon one.
Then let
fonr fii'lh Of 1V i-tiApi
w-etSTd h'lve b-t n dne CTVf, i
iP'R the remlode-! Of hhi
ro; i . i
Ibis make the
merits fO dStc for th n-
.X.,,rt, nbortt !'Wi llSOttfS'fid
I'mfei the fiev -r. f
nrrhii eei.ovn I frh. CmWi
id ho he'lfe'Vert thi "tu
am 7fi thouod floiTJiT.
k-tifch I..
A-fth the
r Bri-nn
oh the
feifm it
r after
Mi rS
i hy fOrme-Ttv naaror
i i' io n elmrch ai Benson.
!..pi"e!..i:t inc a grocery
'.. Mv VRCation. fs also
k s revival for the Chris
S ' . i vocs. arii! was a
Mr. n!.A last Thursday look-
business matters.
rmat Coon. Herman Dal
"M. F.
Oenernl prsptice Special
nrtetion p-tven to deep seated
diseases T'ninn. Nebraska.
eri't 01 the. building Figbiv- tbrStthd
d'i liars ii tO pv for nl! pt-ns. sneci
fientfOn 1 if -v o wOS-k. Unftervl-
rion find trsVel carried out ?y the
I n ivn ivreTF.
You a re
petition or. .md see ihe neonTe. He esn'i
sit lama and wait i'.n people to i Kxperienee demonstrates that ft is
eome to him. He must also annonOee hHBS ro rkfegje the use of extreme
himsell in the pjtpers. jWoldJb, Wke-fi we say we "rff-ver"
, ma flo pr-afid-so. w meah W don't
Nature was wise WhCft she fixed inrenfl to fle H unnl at least day af-
4 Days July 23-24-25-26
msr f fitrif sc. ht conldn t pat him- rey torrorrow. ' Never'' is
Si Ii on ihe back. time.
2c l- .