THURSDAY, 17, 1S24. THE PLATTSMOTTTH EVENEJQ JOTJENAL PAGE nVE f Murray Dep Prepared in the Interest "of the People A man can live on less after he's married he has to. The married man will find that Loyalty Always Pays and loyalty to your home town bank pays in a hundred ways other than financial pro fits. Money deposited elsewhere subtracts from the resources of your home town. On the con trary loyalty to your home bank benefits the community and entitles the loyal man to de mand all the cervices his bank has and the co-operation cf his associates. Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska SLOGAN There is No Substitute for Safety Frank Dougay of Omaha was look ing after srme business matters in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. J in Hr'rn Thrashing KlGaliasily Planned if You Lock Over This Ad Gallon peaches, per can $ .60 Gallon apricots, per can 65 2 cans sweet corn, No. 2 size 25 2 cans Ozark tomatoes, No. 2 size 25 2 cans Frank's kraut, No. 3 size 35 Norms sweet potatoes, per can 25 No. 3 size can pumpkin 15 No. 1 tall pink salmon, 2 for 38 3 cans Jack Spratt peaches 95 3 cans Jack Spratt apricots 95 3 cans Rose Dale peaches in syrup 75 No. 3 size can pineapple .35 Jello, 2 for 25 Quart glass jars of mustard 35 Heinz catsup, 14-oz. size 28 Quart jar olives 60 Bulk sweet pickles, per dozen 15 1 pkg. seedless raisins 15 5-lb. pkg. California prunes 50 5-lb. pkg. dried peaches 85 Toy pail peanut butter 25 2-lb. cans peanut butter 50 Plain mixed cookies, per lb 25 Lemons, per cozen 35 Shredded wheat, 2 pkgs. for 25 Oil sardines, 4 cans for 25 2 cans pork and beans 25 Otoe hominy, No. 3 size, per can 10 3 pkgs. Skinner's macaroni or spaghetti 25 Swans Down cake flour, per pkg 40 Pimentos, per can, 15c and 25 Marshmallow Creme, in glass jars 30 Minute tapioca, 15c pkg., 2 for 25 Jiffy Jell, 3 pkgs. for .'. 25 Gun powder tea, for making ice tea, lb 70 FRESH FRUITS Oranges Lemons Bananas Peaches Plums Apricots Etc. VEGETABLES Cabbage Tomatoes Cucumbers Canteloupe New Potatoes Watermellon Highest Market Prices Paid for Your Produce The Phone No. 12 of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers A little grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eaton, near Union, is report ed as being very ill at their home. The Burton Brothers are painting the home of C. H. Boedeker and are making the house look much better. Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Taylor were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hallas for the evening last Sunday. L. D. Hiatt and the family were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel for supper last Friday evening. Mrs. F. R. Cunningham was a vis itor with her friend, Mrs. Walter Johnson, at the Murray hotel last Tuesday. Robert Burr, who has been so ser iously ill at his home for some days, is reported as being some better at this time. County Commissioner George L. Farley was looking after some busi ness matters in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. W. G. Boedeker was called to Lin coln to look after some business matters, making the trip in his Uni versal car. "Wayne Moroe. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Moore, of near Union, has been quite sick at their home during the past week. C. M. Reed has his corn out of the way laved by, his wheat cut and is completing the harvesting of his oats this week. Fred Smith and George Ebersole, of Plattsmouth. were looking after some business matters in and around Murray last Tuesday. Will S. Smith, the postmaster was DANCES - Peterson's Hall- Murray, Nebraska Saiurday, July 19 A Good Time for All Admission 50c Lancaster & Churchill oenniohsen Go. Murray, Nebraska artment NOTICENOTICE Free Aid to Murray Ex-Service Men in Filing Application for Federal Bonus. Two representatives of the Ameri can Legion post at Plattsmouth will be in Murray Saturday night, July 12th. from 7 o'clock on, at the office of Dr. G. H. Gilmore to render free assistance in tiling bonus application blanks. Tlease bring your discharge papers with you, in order to expedite the work. Remember this service is absolutely free. looking after some business matters in Omaha last Tuesday afternoon, driving up in his Ruick. "Win. Oorder and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troop were passing through Murray last Tuesday afternoon to the home of Mr. V. O. Troop. "W. J. Partridge, of Weeping Wat er is working on the farm of Mr. Ed Gansemer, assisting in the plow ing of the corn and harvesting. Mrs. H. L. McCracken, mother of our townsman, is here from her home at Kellerton, Iowa, visiting at the McCracken home for a short time. Nick Fredrich has been pretty busy but is getting along nicely with his work - and has his harvesting done and the corn nearly out of the way. Dr. Gilmore is having his office fixed up and the same has been be ing put in order for the workmen by John Gilmore, who is a real work er. Dorothy Green, who was so severe ly burned on July 4th. with fire works catching her clothing, is re- ported as being some better at this ; time. ! I'arr Young shipped a car load of ; cattle from the Murray station to the South Omaha stock market last ! Monday, which were on the market ; Tuesday. ; Miss Callie Carlson who has been i spending some three weeks in Oma I ha. where she has been nursing, re ; turned to Murray last Saturday ; evening. i Little Elizabeth McCracken. who has been visiting at the lirm of her cousin, Ruth Cawkins. for some time past, returned homo on last ' Saturday. ! Attorney C. A. and wife, of Plattsmouth were spending last Sun jday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith and all enjoyed the visit I very much. I Mrs. G. II. GBilmore and son. Dr. Walker Gilmore, were looking after 'some business matters in Omaha on last Tuesday afternoon, making the trip via their auto. ! Joe Mrasek, who has charge of jthe store of Puis & Mrasek, was an early visitor in Plattsmouth last Tuesday morning, going for some repairs-for the store. i Harry G. Todd had three cars of cattle at the South Omaha stock : market last Mnoday, they having been shipped from the Murray sta tion on last Sunday. Frank Foreman, of Plattsmouth. was in Murray last Tuesday, com ing down to have his car rt paired by Mr. A. D. Hakke, whom he knew to be an excellent workman. i Charles Green has closed his busi ness place where Mr. W. A. Scott formerly was and has accepted a place with Perry Nickles on the farm ,and is assisting in the harvest. Miss Julia Johnson, of Blooming- 'ton. 111. is visiting in Murray, and a guest at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donahue, and will remain for some time. 1 Mrs. J. W. Herger. who has been visiting in the south for several weeks, returned home last Sunday evening and is visiting for a short time at the home of her daughter, 'Mrs. J. II. Brown. ' Mrs. Hammond of Weeping Water is in Murray nursing Mrs. V. A. t Kennedy, who has been very poorly ; at her home for some time, but who lis at this time reported as being .somewhat improved. See the "Rose of Jericho." the ! wonderful resurrection plant which j is on exhibition at the business place of Mr. G. W. McCracken. Better drop in anu see tne wonder. l ou can get one easily if interested. The Murray swimming pool con tains a new taboggan slide which ar rived this week and which will fur nish the bathers with plenty of thrills. It is very substantially made which insures against accidents. A - 1 1 - - -. j -ni me nome or tan i'ayion ana vue mere are some rejoicings on account of the arrival of a very fine boy, and the mother and son are doing very nicely while the proud father cannot whistle for his smiles. Mrs. Charles Mutz is in Omaha, where she is staying at the home of a sister and receiving treatment Corn Sheller for Sale A Marsailes cylinder sheller and Titan tractor in good working order for sale at an attractive price. Mrasek Richter Peterson Hardware Co. Murray, Nebr. If any of the readers of tbe Journal kno- of any social event or Item of interest Id this vicinity, and will mail tme to ths office, it will ap pear under this beadine. We want all news Items Editor for her health which has not been the best for some time. She, how ever, is showing some improve ment. S. G. Latta and son James were looking after some business matters in Omaha last Thursday and made the trip in their auto. Uncle Samuel was at the wheel and you may know things were safe when he steered the craft. Mrs. Sadie Oldham planted eighty strawberry plants and irom them this year picked over 300 quarts of berries, all of fine quality and good size. Can any one beat this? Of course she took good care of the crop and the vines, but that is what all should do. G. W. McCracken, the druggist, has also become a caterer, and has his refreshment fountain running and doing good work at this time. Charles Boedeker the dextrous youth is in charge of the drinking place, and will serve the public with the choicest of refreshing beverages. Mrs. Morton EartMt departed on last Tuesday morning for Casper. Wyoming, where she will visit at the home of her sister. Mrs. Harry Hogue for some time and will also take a trip through Yellowstone park before returning. She met her daughter Florence there, who has been visiting in Casper for some time. Mrs. George Nickles. who has been at Omaha for some time taking treatment at one of the hospitals for her health, was able to return to her home here last week and is feeling greatly improved and is making substantial gains with each day. Ikr many friends are also very much pleased to know cf her improve ment. Purine the absence of Mrs. Mor ton Bartlett, who is visiting in the west, where she iil remain for the coming month. Mi.-ss Alice Nickles and Ollie Woods will look after the business at the telephone office. The young ladies are well qualified to care for the business of the office and will we are sure make good on the position. The committee of library workers who have had in hand the matter of preparing and selling magazines which have been contributed, sack ed and sewed some 2.2(Mt pounds or over a ton lor which they received $12.45. Those in charge cf the work were Mesdames Glen Boe del cr. B. F. Brendel. G. H. Gilmore. I-:. Deles Dernier, J. T. Brendel and Mh-ses Beulah Sans and Margaret Spangler. Frank II. Smith. and Klrjer Webb of Plattsmouth were in Murray last Saturday evening looking after the matter of assisting the service men in filing their application for the in surance bonus recently granted by an act of congress passed over Presi dent Coolidges vtto. Owing to the scarcity of applicants they were able to enjoy the greater part of the pro gram given at the Presbyterian church platform. For Sale Holstein bull and gilts. A. A. Young. bred Duroc jlO-2T Locking to Better Soads W. G. Boedeker. L. D. Hiatt. Ev erett Spangler and George E. Nickles were in Elmwood on last Monday evening, guests of the Elmwood Com mercial club, which were having a banquet and were considering the proposition of graveling that portion of the Red Ball Highway passing through Stove Creek precinct, and Murray is also wrestling with the j proposition of doing the same thing i with that portion passing through Rock Bluffs precinct and are hope- ful that Murdock and Manley will I be successful in getting the same I material along through Klmwood and Center precincts and then the in tervening portions of the road way until the entire Red Ball highway shall have been completely graveled. I ami xiave a nuance I Ex-service men of Murray and vi- ciuity who failed to have their ap r . '11 ri plications for the bonus filled out last Saturday -night, may still do so by calling at the office of Dr. Gil more. who has a supply of the re quired blanks and the finger-print glass for complying with that part of the requirement. Those who are in Plattsmouth at any time may receive the same ser vice free by calling at the office of Attorney A. H. Duxbury. Legion ser vice officer. Entertain for Dinner Last Sunday at their beautiful home in Murray. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel entertained for the day and dinner, the following of their friends and relatives: Messrs. and Mesdames J. W. Brendel, Avoca; W. L. Sey boldt, T. J. Erendel. E. L. Peterson, Mrs. B. F. Brendel. Misses Callie Carlson, Alice Nickles and Mrs. Mor ton Bartlett of Murray. Joy, Well We Should Say Joy, well we should say so. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Horschar, when -last Saturday evening the stork made a visit and left for their really own a new baby boy. And, oh boy, how all of the family can smile. The young American and the mother are getting along nicely, whlie the father is unbounded with joy. Herbert Klauschie departed last evening for Chicago in response to a message announcing the death of his brother-in-law in that city which oc cured very suddenly following an operation. United Presbyterian Notes W. F. Graham, Pastor Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and p. m. 8 Junior at 3 p. m. Intermediates at 7:30 p. m. Midweek prayer meeting Wednes day at S p. m. Next Sabbath is the day appointed for the observance of the Lord's Supper. We hope to have a large percentage of the membership of the congregation present. We also hope to have others unite with the church by letter or by profession of faith. Don't forget to make arrangements to attend the Tarkio Missionary con ference July 16-2 4. The interest in the Psalm memory contest is increasing. There were 35 present at Sabbath school last Sabbath morning. Not bad for a rainy day. Separator for Sale I have on hand a new 22x32 ball bearing Advance Rumley separator for use with Fordson tractor for sale at right price for quick delivery. Come and look it over. I live two two miles east and one mile north of Murdock. Phone 2G-G. EDWARD GUEHLSTORFF. jl(-4sw. Murdock, Nebraska. YOUNG PEOPLE WEDDED IN IOWA LAST SATURDAY Kiss Clara Dean of Glenwood and Ernest Hutchison Formerly of This County Married A wedding of interest to many in Glenwood and the western part of Mills county was solemnized in Sid ney Saturday, July 12. The high con tracting young people were Ernest B. Hutchison of Eau Claire, Wis., and Miss Clara Dean of Glenwood. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. Miles at the Presbyterian manse. The bride is one of the choicest of the daughters of Queen Mills, a grad uate of Glenwood Ilieh school and a most successful teacher in our Si'nools. She is fitted to adorn and gladden any home. Her friends are many ar.d they consider the young man fortunate who has won her for home maker. As is known, she is a daughter of our good citizen, B. B. Dean, cne of the beloved pioneers of this county. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Y. P. Ilulthison cf Plattsmouth and is a young man of high standing in his home community and in his fu ture home city, Eau Claire, Wis., where he has been associated with a brother in the implement business and where the newly weds will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison are visit ing with relatives a short time here in Glenwood and in Cass county, Nebraska. They will go to Eau Claire, Wis., where after August 15, they will be at home to their many friends. Glenwood Tribune. AMERICAN ADVANCE IS BASED ON POWER Super-Developement Declared Nec essary to Maintain the High Standard of Living. London, July 13. Super-power developement is necessary in the United States in order to maintain the high standard of living in that country, Guy E. Tripp, chairman of the board of directors of the Westing house Electric and Manufacturing company, New York, today told the world power conference which is in session here. Mr. Tripp explained that "more and cheaper" electric power was what the termed "super-power" in cluded. This super-power develop ment, he said, is now being carried out vigorously in America under private initiative. He maintained that government ownership is not essential to its accomplishment. Government owned super-power sys tems, he declared, cannot furnish electric power at lower cost tot he public than can privately owned systems. Extensive plans are already under it was explained, for a practical de termination of the extent to which electric power may be used upon farms. A considerable area in one of the great farming districts of the northwest is to be equipped with an adequate distribution system, and with the co-operation of the farmers experiments will be carried out on a scale hitherto not attempted. "The vision of the electric power leaders is so broad and comprehen sive," said Mr. Tripp, "that it marks a new area in the application of power to industry; and if they. are allowed to go ahead without undue obstruction, we may look forward in a comparatively few years to prac tically a nation wide super power system consiting of great high ten sion trunk lines receiving power not only from water powers and supple mentary steam stations, but from all other cheap sources." T riTTTTPlT IP TTTnTrTflTTl TV FORMER A.E.F. CHIEF OF STAFF, Columbiat, S. C, July 15. The, doctrines of pacifism were denounced by Gen, J. G. Harboard, former chief of staff of the A. E. F., in an address today to the annual conven tion of the National Rainbow Veter ans' association, which opened here yesterday for a three-day session. ; "Only deluded men and women." he declared. "aTe taking " part in spreading such doctrines." adding thst women pacifists are either hope less old maids or childless married women. R esurrection Ferns Given Away Saturday, July 19th One fern with every 30c bottle of "Flavilla" a super ior Vanilla flavoring extract. "The Ross of Jerico" is the wender plant of the age. Wiii live 100 years, is found in-Palestine. These plants are frequently sold as high as 50c e&cb. In order to introduce Steam's Flavilia we are offer ing a 2-oz battle of this superior extract, and the famous "Rose cf Jerico," Satui daj , July 19:h, fercne day only, for 30c. Our supply is limited, so ccme in early, es you rray be disappointed. Murray Murray, . Franklin County (III.) fin! The Very Best on the Market for the Purpose! Banning Phone 21 Our stock of shoes which are - Ie tog MM Sheas! and the best of shoes, quarar teed in every respect. Come inspect them and see the excellent values we are offering. Remember we pay the highest prices for produce and are open every evening. Murray fccantils Oosnpany V. J. DOHOLIHE, Manager ViURRAY uls & p We are now open and ready for busi ness, prepared for tin work and repairing1 of all kinds in our line. We will handle and carry all farm machinery repairs. Farm machinery in stock for your in spection and selection. Also a line of good harness. Puis & W. H. Puis Murray, ere to Serve You There has been a demand for a business house to serve the farmers in this community and we have se cured the John Deere line of implements and will keep a complete assortment. See us for anything in this line of farming machinery. In the matter of repairs, we will carry and supply you in all needed farming machinery repairs no matter what line. We also handle American woven wire fencing, fence posts and barbed wire. Warehouse and Business in -Murray at Peterson's Hardware Mrasek & I MURRAY -:- - Drag Co, Nebraska 4 dickies Murray, Neb. are U - Well NEBRASKA Mrasek Mrasek Joe Mrasek Nebraska Ricliter Bros. : - -:- NEBRASKA t