PAGE SEt PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL TWO VERY PLEAS ANT ENTERTAIN MENTS TUESDAY I-Irs. Louis Ward Egenberger and Miss Helen Egenberger Are Hos tesses at Two Events. Prom Wplnet!ay's Daily Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Louis W. Egnberger and Miss Helen Egen '.'f r?er were hostesses nt a very cl.arir.ine 1 o'clock luncheon heal W. C. T. U. MEETING. From Wednesday's Daily The ladies of the W. C. T. U. met vesterday afternoon at the home of Sirs C K. Troop with Mrs. Bennett Chrisvvisser and Mrs. W. T. Smith and the ocasion attended by a very larere number of the members. Tim mooting was in the nature of a Mother's program and in charge of Mrs. C. C. Wescott. The main address of the afternoon was by Mrs. V. S. Leete on child training and which covered the period from the cradle through the youth and was well given and mot pleasing to the members of the Union. In addition to the address a very ; .V V m L "r, r-r Vn!Plea-ing piano trio was given by the zt the home of Mrs. Kgonberper on ( Jj ,r.,r!ri.lgp sisters that reflected :ne t.eet Tne oms were ar-: on the young ranged with the garden flowers in ' , . profusion while in the general dec orative rl?n tlie color scheme of yellow and green was carried out ry f-fVct ivt-iy. this also being fol lowed in the luncheon. ' Following the liirci.ron the tedis enjoyed sev eral contest in which Mrs. K. A. V.'url w;is tl:' winner of on.1 eveit and Mr. Al'.n J. I! eson in the fee on I content an 1 these s-rvrd to assi-t in 1 1: enjoyment of t lie afternoon. Ti e iiost"-.:.-s were a;:siied by Miss 's I. one :!nd Yerla Backer. Mrs. IcCob Cook and Mrs. A. H. Egen- rtrcr of Omaha. In the evening Mrs. Kgenherget and .diss Keen bercer entertained a r.uiiJ'fr of their friends at bridge at the Kgtnbe-rger home and as in ti;e afternoon entertainment the color of green and yd low were used in the decorations and amid the nleasant surroundings of the homo the ladies spent several hours in the facinations of the game and as the result cf the afternoon play. Mrs. Itae McMaken was awarded the first prize while the secern prize was won by Mrs. George F. Dovey of "h ic:2'". T: e out of town gi:r?ts at the two rle.i-ant gatSicrin,r? were: Mrs. A. A. Peterson of Moro. Minnesota. Mrs. Georg.- F. Dovey of Chicago. Mrs. Hoy rii'!'.-r of Miami. Florida. Mrs. A. II. Eenbnrger of Omaha. Miss K!va Bouslas of Omaha and Miss ! !ad;e At asv.itabl" hour very pleasing re rehm:its were served by the 'nt tes ;ps of the afternoon and which ! roiisv.t the cccasirn to a close. RETAILERS ISSUE CIRCULAR LETTER ON BAD CHECKS Offer Points of Law and Advice on the Subject of the Issuance of Bad Checks. ATTEND DE MOLAY MEETING. The federation of Nebraska retail ers has issued a circular dealing with fraudulent checks. The circu lar it is stated has been issued in STATE MUST FAY MORGAN FOR INJURIES Supreme Court Gives Crippled Car penter of Ashland Twelve Dol lars a Week. Margaret Hotz of Iova Citv. Iowa. FARM RESIDENCE BURNS. From Tiicyi!.-.v's Daily The far.n home of X. C. Doles Dernier, situat- d on t!:o Q street road v,et of Union, was destroyed by fire the last of the week and works on the owner and his family quite a heavy loss as the home has just re cently t-en remodeled at qi:ito a cost r.nd placed in shape so that the family could enjoy the home to the utmost. The cause of the fire is apparently unknown as the members of tlie family were not at home at the time and returned just after the fire had gotten well under way. The family with t lie neighbors succeeded I in getting out a portion cf the house- ! hold goods from the burning house ,,, . . . 1 . . 0 V i.l That every employe of the state is under the workman's compensa tion law and that the state will have t.i pay i-red J. .Morgan, cnppieu car renter of Ashland $15 a week for JOG weeks and $12 a week thereafter for the remainder of his life were the high points in a supreme court de cision construing that law handed dawn Monday. While the guard officers were i preparing tlie camp last August, 'Morgan applied for work. As he was I crippled with rheumatism and i walked with a cane, his request was ; turned down. He went to work any ' way. and drew pay for six days. The next day he was walking from one part of the camp to another when h. tripped over an obstacle and in !the fall broke a thighbone in such a way as to make further labor on his part impossible for the rest of his e. it enee. The court holds that while the guard is a part of the national army it is still subject to tlie call of the governor for the service within the state, and is therefore a govern mental agency of the state insofar at least as it was concerned in pre paring tlie camp for occupancy. An employe. therefore. is entitled to compensation for injuries received in consequence of an accident aris ing out cf and in the course of such employment. The. fact that his employment was indefinite in its length does not incke it casual when the work to be penorme i is connected with the re- response to reaching the such checks, part. "From the tail merchant checks which numerous inquiries federation concerning The circular reads in From Wednesday's Daily Last evening a number of the prominent Masons of Weeping Water were here to attend the meeting of the Cass Chapter of the Order of De Molay, two of the young men of that city being candidates for the initiation ceremonies, Frank Wol cott and Edward Cole, being the two to assume the obligations and re ceiving the work of the organization. Accompanying the two candidates were Dr. W. H. Tuck. Lloyd P. Wol cott. Rev. Evans, Paul Taggart and Donald Sogard. The visitors enjoy ed very much the manner in which the work was exemplified by the officers of the local chapter of the De Molay and following the work a few appropriate remarks were given by Rev. Evans that were much appro ciated by the young men in attend ance at the meeting. PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC TUESDAY viewpoint of the re of Nebraska, these cause the greatest amount of trouble may be divided into three classes namely: First checks which are returned unpaid because of insufficient funds, no ac count, or account closed. Second, forgery. Third, postdated checks. "Insufficient fund checks: Checks returned because of "insufficient funds." "account closed," or "no ac count" nrobablv constitute the larg est part of the bad-check evil. Upon. Held at the Riverview Park in Omaha having a check returned to you un paid for reasons in this paragraph stated, you place the same in the hands of the county attorney of your county and request prosecution of maker. If the check does not exceed $35.00. the maker of the check upon being brought into court is permitted to show that he did not intend to defraud the party to whom it was given, that he had an aocount in the bank upon which the check was given within thirty days prior to the Yesterday and Quite Largely Attended by Young People. From Wednesday's Daily Th members of the Presbyterian Sunday school yesterday held their annual picnic at the beautiful River view park in Omaha, where for the past few years they have selected their place of outing. The picnic had been planned for early in the season but owing to the extremely r . , .. t. . i wet weaiiier ii was postponed ioi f . . .I , ,r ,, two times but the third proved to be of the check and the court cost and . , . . ... ,;.., ,.i the members of the party yesterday. The members of the church con- Copyright 1924 Hart Schaffner & Mane have the prosecution abated. This affords a very effective means of lu,u"1' ? 1 , i i ,'gregation having cars is provided for by chapter S7 of the, ... ... ? , laws of Nebraska for 1923. It must b? remembered, nowever. that coun ty attorneys are not collection agen cies, that their business is to prose cute the crime and that payment of the bad check as herein provided had placed jthem at the disposal of the Sunday school and provided plenty of con veyances for the young people to the scene of the festivities. On the arrival of the party at the park the 140 members of the school in attendance proceeded to set out to Super-High-Power- Values! fl9ars Summer Coats and Pants s not the themselves appropriately to is not tne a.u or tne count) the occasion and the fine plavground ney in his official capacity to collect' . . 4 . . . 7 i. . on equipment mat is on nand in tne park was made full use of by the youngsters while the other members of the party enjoyed the bathing and general restfulness of the occasion. Several of the older members of the to the party to whoni the check was , "Tin. given that he had suthcient funds to,. . th- snor, linfn7,m fnr thp n v T r con. n T T r. o r . 1 m r r Kilt ll'l CI . I i 1 1 at Lil.l L llUl Vl I . . . m . . . . , bad checks. Most county attorneys in this state construe our bad check law in the following manner: No prosecu tion may be had when at the time of giving the check the maker stated I' , emplorer. It holds also that the property was in.i. In the ToVof i f iS """"ally a state institu their honi Mr. and Mrs. DeltsDorn- ier have the deep sympathy of their! many friends over the city. ENJOYS CHICKEN DINNER CELEBRATED 10th BIRTHDAY. T. II. Miss From T'.u -!;iy's Iatlj" Last Sim!ny Mr. and Mrs. I Hock and their darchter, Alice, an 1 Jarnvs K. Pollock, e one of the ex.:. '.lent chicken dinners which are being server! bv aunoint- m.'r.t by Mrs. Oscar fjppen who is i:e of ti:e b--i coikt anil spares no pr.iii- or iilfir to have her dinners' only the bi-rt. Never ran t-ll when you'll mash a linger or suffer a cut. bruise, burn or s al !. He prepared. Thousands r-!y rn Dr. Thomas' E leetic Oil. Your drugNt sell; it. 30c anrl COc. Yesterd?y the 10th birthday an niversary of little Miss Helen Schulz (was observed at her home on North Sixth street when a number of the n loved 1 y 'ln -rie"t5s gathered to assist her r.l " !in the passing of the millstone on (lire's highway. The little folks en ; joyed the time in games of all kinds and avery pleasant afternoon was sp?nt anrl at an appropriate hour dainty refreshments were served. T.'K)se attending were: Mary Ann Rosencrans. Winifred Garnet. Vestet- jta Robertson, Emily Lorenz. Marga ret Shallenberger, Mildred and Hel en i-chulz. VAZ CONVINCED lor Journal want ads pay. yuurself that Constipation causes headaches, in dige'tir n, dizziness, drowsiness. For a mild, opening medicine use Doan's Regulets. 30c a box at all stores. MM when the maker requests the person to whom the check was given to hold the same for a few days. The rea son for this is that the person to whom the check was given is de frauded of nothing where he parts with his money or merchadise and extends credit to the maker of the check until the maker deposits funds to take care of the check. In other words the party accepting such check is taking merely the promise of the maker that he will deposit sufficient funds for payment of the check. Neither can any prosecution be I return of the tired anrl happy caravan to their homes in this city. As usual with the picnic party the crowning glory was the fine dinners provided by the ladies of the party land the ice cream and lemonade that are always a part of the summer picnic party. , ANTI-NARCOTIC FORCE TO BE INCREASED. Our no sale policy enables us to give you super value the year round no juggling no monkey business always one low price. Fall Suits -our feature line $25, $30 & $35 c i. W esoti?s Sons 'ON THE CORNER' Washington, I). C, July S. The United States Civil Service Corn- had where the check is given in pay-j mission said today that the Federal', ment of an account for the reason force engaged in the suppression of; that the party to whom the check illicit traffic in narcotic drugs, under i has been given is defrauded of noth ing but the paper upon which the the Harrison narcotic act. will be increased by 125 as poon as qualified receipt is written. The debtor owes, men are available for appointment, the account just as much as thought The Civil Service Commission will no check had been given and suit j receive applications until July 22 for may be brought upon either the ac-, positions of agent for employment count of the check. j under the Harrison narcotic act. "The issuing and passing of a frau-1 Acceptable applicants must show dulent check and passing of a frau- that they have had s.ix months' ex dulent check for an amunt exceed- in the investigation of ma ing $35 is felony, punishable by a.jor criminal activities requiring the fine of not less than $100 nor more securing of evidence in case3 involv than $5,000 or imprisonment in the'ing violations of criminal laws or RITiSH SQUADRON VISITS U. S. FIRST TIME IN 40 YEARS COUNTY RECEIVES FUNDS. penitentiary not exceeding seven years. Forgery: Where a check is re turned unpaid because the military regulations. In dealing with the illicit traffic the Narcotic Division is numerically Seven Battle Craft, Headed by Mighty Hood, Steam Through Golden Gate With Escort San Francisco, July 8. Seven Brit ish battle crafts, the first large Brit ish squadron to enter an American port for 40 vears. steamed through person inadequate. Congress has recognized . the Golden Gate this afternoon to pay t to the United States on the ome from a tour of the British who passed it to you forged the name 'this by increasing the appropriation, a visit of another to the check your only. The Narcotic Division's force for the 'way lu The Bates Book and Stationery Store recourse is to find the person who entire county is now about 175 men, gave this check and have civil suitress than 4 to a. state or about one brought to force the payment there-for each 6000.000 of population. of. Forgery is a crime in this state With the increased force and the and the forger may be sent to the co-operation of the customs officers, penitentiary for the crime. Criminal the Narcotic Division is hopeful of re prosecution of a forger does notjducing to a minimum the smuggling placeupon him the obligation of pay-jof narcotic drugs. ing a check. As a rule, however, Full information and application courts are more lenient in sentenc-1 blanks may be secured from the ing a forger who has made good the United States Civil Service Comniis- forged check. son, Washington, D. C, or the secre- "Civil liabilities: Remember that tary of the local board of civil-ser in all cases of checks being returned vice examiners at the post office or for any reason, that civil suit may be custom house in anv city brought. Judgement obtained, proper- ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE. ily levied upon, and wages garnished to force payment of the check. c . . 1 i . ougKe&uuiia on now 10 prevent fmm Weflnesdav's Daily check losses: Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Walde- 1 Do not cash checks for Strang- mar Soennichsen was the hostess to ers without making certain both as'a Very pleasant party of friends in to their identy and as to their being j honor of her sister, Mrs George F sufficient funds on deposit to pay the iovoy of Chicago, the occasion be check. Wire the bank if at a distancing an afternoon of bridge and which poJnt- . , , , I was enjoyed to the utmost by the 2 Beware of the man who Is anxi- iadiea. The rooms were arranged ous to cash a check in a hurry. wjth the bright hues of the garden 3 Do not cash on local banks forfiowers nnd ma,ie a very attractive persons unknown to you without setting for the pleasant event. There nrst pnoning tne hank, ir it is arter Were four tables arranged and as the! oaiiKiuK uours, puoue an o nicer oi result or the contests at bridge Misa the bank. Eleanor Burnie was awarded the 4 Beware of the man who tenders nrst prizo wniie tne consolation prize you a large check for a Bmall pur-jwas awarded to Mrs. Maldon Brown, chase of merchandise. At an appropriate hour very dainty 5 Beware of strangers attempting refreshments were served by the to pass checks on printed form pur- hostess who was assisted by Mrs puiiiug iu ue me enee. oi Borne uia-.Uruce A. Rosenrranq. Those attpnd- tant business house. 6 Deposit all checks promptly. ing the delightful occasion were: Mesdames George Petring. George O. n - - A- A 1 - A. - 1 " "u " posiuuieu i-iiecKs or Dovey, Henry G. Soennichsen, M D. checks where the maker of the check Brown. B. A. Rosencrans, C. A. Ros ask3 that it be held for a few (lays,'encrans. Rohert r?eed. Snimr unless you are willing to extend the;jack Patterson of Union, Flovd Hard- man credit. NOW SHOWING IMPROVEMENT. ing of Lincoln, A. A. Patterson, Moro, dominions the world over. They were headed by the battle cruiser Hood, mightiest of all fighting craft afloat. The United States destroyers Hull anrl Chase met the vessels several miles out and escorted them into the harbor. As the squadron entered the bay, the Hood fired a national salute of 21 guns, to which Fort Scott re plied. Factory whistle, sirens, ves sels in port, the big whistle on the Ferry building and other noise-making devices roared a welcome to the British ships as they proceede up the harbor to Man of War row, where they anchored near the American warcraft. Vice Admiral Sir Frederick Field, commanding the squadron, sent the 'following message to the Associated Press for the American people: "Aboard H. M. S. Hood, San Fran cisco, July 7, 1924. "On entering the Golden Gate, I de sire on behalf of the British special service squadron to send heartiest greetings to the people of the. United States." A program of entertainment has been arranged for the personnel of the squadron during its three-day stay in this port. From Monday's Daily The semi-annual apportionment of the general school funds of the utate has been made by Superintendent John Matzen and the amount alloted to Ca?s ounty, $S,837, has been re ceived atthe office of County Treas urcrMiss Mia U. Gering and will be placed to the credit of the schools of the county as under the law it is provided. UNDERGOES OPERATION. From 'Wednesday's Dally Yesterday W. D. Wheeler, resid ing south of this city was at Oma ha where he accompanied his daught er. Mrs. William Patterson who was operated upon at the hospital there. The patient stood the operation nice ly anrl was doing very fine at the last reports received from there al- tho it will be some time before she is entirely recovered from the effects of the operation. Advertising will pay yn I PLASTERiNG-BRICK WORK V Cisterns and Cess Pools ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phones 561-J 446-J E. A. and F. S. RICE i t - Va r -v DEPARTS ON AUTO TRIP. Minnesota. Carl Brown, Papillion, J. D. Hawksworth. Lincoln, Misses Eleanor Burnie, Marion Mauzy, Elva Hartford. From Wednesday's Dally Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. John W. Crabill and daughter, Alice, depart ed for York where they are to bo Joined by Mrs. W. G. Brooks and children and the party then go to Superior where Mr. and Mrs. Isaac King will Join them and they will depart for the west going via auto and spending several weeks in the From TuiidAy's Daily Last evening H. M. Wolf, district! deputy commander of the Knights of Judge Paul Jessen and D. W. the Macabees was In the city for a Livingston of Nebraska City were few hours visiting with the local here today for a few hours, the dis- ' outdoor life and have not as yet ful ly determined on their destinaion, Just taking the Journey as a pleasant outing and going where their fancy or wishes may dictate. ssar Athletic!- The Cool Summer Under wear that Wears! The one button on the side, drop seat feature is a great improvement over the old style knitted back. They Do Not Tear Out! Pay a little more and get the best $1.25-$1.50 Genuine B. V. D. $1.50 Other Athletics 85c & $1 Our assortment of knitted garments is complete all weights, sleeve and leg lengths $1.00 to $2.50 5 When baby suffers with eczema or some itrhinir skin trouble, use Doan's members and states that Mrs. Wolf tlnguished Nebraska City attorneys ointment. A little of it coes a lonir was operated on last Thursday at the are the representatives of C. D. ' way and it is safe for children. 60c Wise Memorial hospital for a tumor Quinton in the litigation arising out a box at all stores. and while the operation was quite 'of the conviction of the former sheriff i severe the patient is now doing'and are associated with A. L. Tidd . . w very nicely and well on the high- of this city in the conduct of the Business ronns oi all Kinta print way of recovery. cases. ed at the Journal office.