THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1924. ?AGE SIX FLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL WILLIAM J. BRYAN . STIRS DEMOCRATS AT CONVENTION Impassioned Speech as the 39th Bal lott is Taken in Plea For a Pro gressive For President. the force of reaction at this time tnd Mr. Bryan stated the candidate of the democratic party should be a progressive in every sense of the term and stand for law enforcement and the constitution. No reactionary candidate could stand for the party on the platform prepared. There was another progressive candidate that whether nominated or not was among the greatest progressives of the ..?.?- -t--T--?-.Tf., T..T.T-Tji.TijTiiTnTT Ti RETURNS FROM TRIP. FARM BUREAU NOTES Copy for this Department furnished by County Agent From Tuesday's Dally Food and Nutrition Meeting. Seven clubs, in the west half of nation and that was William uidds une county, were represented at the .McAdoo. Food and Nutrition meeting, at Elm- At the mention of McAdoo a de- Wood, Wednesday June 25th. monstration both friendly and hos- Tne women finished collecting the tile was opened up and at the con- receipes that are to go in the County Dakotas and Minnesota. Last evening Father W. S. Leete F and wife and Madame Leete return 4 ! ed home their stay of two weeks at 4 ; Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where they have been in attendance at the summer conference of the Episcopal church ill the northwest district. Father Leete reports the meeting as being one of the best that the church I has ever held and was very largely attended by the priests and laymen over the state of Iowa, Nebraska, the The Leete FARM PRODUCTS VALUE HIGHEST IN LAST FOUR YEARS Agricultural Prices Hold Own, While Commodities Show Con tinued Slow Decline. Washington. June 30. The value of farm products for the things that farmers buv now stands at the high A o ... ot. rf Vlnriii : prilled on the :.9th ballot of the national elusion the New York delegation rook Book, at this meeting. They family made the trip by auto and .ocratic convention at New York co-itantly attempieu w wui. brought back the tilled out lood cai- stopped Sunday at Sioux t'iry wticre cst p()jnt in nearly four years, de- this afternoon. William Jennings Bryan iron, prormunt;. m'" "' endar and eacti woman was asKeu lojiney visited witn -Mr. ami .Mrs. it. a. ciaroB the Department of Agriculture tne seven . Kiescn. wtio are wen Known in can itc ,..,. i.k- :..rrienlf nral review This meal city where they have visited at the jssuen today. ueeie some. rainer le win now j Sucn improvement as the situation resume his regular parish work pno-,vs jS attributed to the continued feeling much refreshed both physi- slow deciine in prices of nonagricul cially and spiritually for his church tural commodities at the same time - ...-,H . r.....v.ntion with was liurled at the speaker as to the eiect the best one of the magic of hfa eloquence in what connection of McAdoo with oil and , meais she had recorded. This meal was peYhaps the neatest effort of Mr. Bryan stated that the only con- j m analysed bv the group of women his life sfbee the famous "Crown of nection of Mr. McAdoo was as at- to show everyone why it was the Thorns Mr. form when nieecb at Chicago in 1S9. ; torney in his private life covering , Dest and bring out some of the prin ll 11 ilirui iu lew.-... ... ... v. a .---, r. wno pnen the mat- me ' li.-. ... r . - . .- -,, i . state of Florida was ami not in uniuni maies. auu was. nan reureu the . i . : . ... l... called and his speech was one tilled " with fire and eloquence as he plead- from office. ed for a real progressive to lead tne nartv in the election and that it' stood for law enforcement and the, The 3 8 til and 39th constitution of the United States. Mr. Bryan in his opening stated that his only desire was to see his party victorious in the coming elec tion as he "could see no hope for the nation except through the demo crat nartv'" and "It was up to the Last Ballots at Convention ballots at the democratic national convention this afternoon had the following results: ciples of meal planning. Each of the women brought in a portion of food as Miss Atwood has asked them to do. These were put into an exhibit to show the compara tive amounts of various foods that produce 100 calories of heat in the body, and the women studied the ex hihit to learn hqw much of each tasks. APPOINT BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 'that agricultural products have held j their own. The department's index of the purchasing power of farm ; products in terms of other commodi the year McAdoo 444 Smith 321 Davis 106 Ralston 32 Robinson 3 4 party to deliver the nation from its Ritchie lT1 Cox 6; miseoveri ment The speaKer advanced his state-; Walsh 1 ments as his own. representing the Salsbury 6 sentiment of one of the delegates to Davis (Kansas) 4 the national convention. He wish-; Cnderwood ed the convention to know that the Owen party had many candidates that were ! Class fitting to lead and that he would, At 24 34 the conclusion of the 44 4 321 105 32 34 17 16 1 6 4 39 24 24 39th From Tuesdays Dally .ties 18 , . tor May, using The members of the base ball team 1913 as a base for 100. met last evening to discuss the affairs! The corn crop now occupies a con- r.r th- ,.--.- .i .-. --..-.-.-. i ..... snipnr.iK nl.iee on the .ilinr il - , . . , . , . . . V' - L 111 L 1. il ill , 11(1 U Ll . 1 1 . . L Lilt l.l.l 111" f - " - food they should ea .to increase their jfor han(lj J the busIn of stage, and prom'ses to be a pivotal weight remain normal or reduce. cJub n th furnre The utjps fact0r in the entire meat and dairy 11 me. iniiiiy uuiim-wii. ic ,.j.:.. .i I ci t n n t inn .if 1 i ). the iIciim rt men t 1 1 . i . i me lie- , w - - l n . ,,,.--;- .....i snvs Wheal prmvers are renorted t.n , v.w.iii. I I n ..'111. tl till ti il 1 1 v. i 1 1 i CI ti .1 . . . .... r - m anu j i,,k l n--. . -urK he in a mrm flvh n f more cheerful carbohydrates, the women learned. .,., Cl,: 1 frame of tnlnd over the recent ad- wwiaj a ov i ui uis nil uuv n .( 1 i ' ki 1 li r hn . v -- 1 r, i 1 t 1 1 1 tmi p-i fir n r" 1. toni she would purchase all fats Other foods are valuable becauss name some of these for the conven-, ballot th tion. He wished the convention to 8 o'clock this evening (6 o'clock bear In mind the names of the pro- here) when the balloting will con gressive leaders. The first named tinue and when it is thought the was Dr. J. H. Murphee of the Cni- suggestions of a compromise candi versity of Florida, one of the leading date will begin to bear fruit in the educators of the south. slipping away of delegations from An Interaction from the gallery the deadlocked leaders and it may led Mr. Bryan to state that those be that a landslide will be started for who had not informed themselves on one of the dark horses that will put the great men of the nation should him across victorious before the con do so. The next name that of vention adjourns tonight. Joseph:. IJr.mels of North Carolina of the vitamins which they con-1 tain and the calorie count of food should not be the only thing to be considered. The women figured how many calories they had eaten for break fast. The noon meal at the meet- convention adjourned till 1 mg was planned so that everyone: knew exactly how many she ate. An estimate was made of the evening! due to a smaller devote the neeessarv time to hand- vance in wheat ling the affairs and while the bur- i prospective world crop, den lias been carried bv Manager I Conditions on the Pacific coast are Erickson for the past few weeks lie regarded as one decided fly in the has felt that more assistance should . ointment. Drouth in that section has be given and accordingly board c"t heavily into the grain crops and of trustees was arranged that would feed, while fruits in the northwest be able to care for at least a part .have also been damage by frosts and of the business management of the j'drouth. The citrus crops are reported team. The members selected for as in good condition. this purpose were William P. O'Don- n-.ll W II M..-.- A I.-.J, . , amount.!":";.."- i1;.. 1"" "I"' - l; 1 v. tii 1 , anu wno win nenuter ue me board of control of the affairs of the l team. 1. If, DEPARTS FOR NEW YORK. From Wednesday's Pally George L. Kerr, who has been here! for several months looking after the!t)jj on jt end followed by Joseph T. Robin son of Arkansas. At this time Mr. Bryan paid a great tribute to the south, stating he was repaying a debt of gratitude to the south as they had been supporters of him in the conventions and at the polls. The speaker then stated that he would name some of the northern men who were progressive and head ed the list with Senator Ralston of Indiana. E. T. Merdith of Iowa, antf Charles W. Bryan of Nebraska. Touching on another candidate. Mr. Bryan paid a tribute to Senator Tli.m.. H'-lol. 1fnnt--- 1 1 1 : . u i ...uuu-u... u."6 developing of new fields 111111 do 1 ur- firdirsi Ul III e I la compared with the proper Some of the stout women found out why they were over weight and how thev could reduce, and some under-! weight women foud that thev were' not eating the right kind of food or , ENTERTAINS SAMARITAN CLASS, not food enough. Much interest! and enthusiasm is being shown in the Food and Nutrition work. ENJOYS A FINE VISIT. Ten Binder ifs. the machine travels with I From Wednesday's Dally Last evening the members of the Samaritan class of the Christian church very delightfully entertained 1 thev While John Hirz and wife were enroute home from the Pacific coast they enjoyed a very fine visit at Salt Lake City, where for two weeks they were guests at the home of J. V. Egenberger, Jr., and family. Mr. Hlrtl states that the Mormon city is one of the most attactive that he has visited and in their pleasant stay- had the fullest opportunity of Lets put some of the old time spirit into the 4th this year! The stage is all set for a splendid cele bration here at Plattsmouth Come and enjoy it. Our store will be open until 12, noon July 4th Meanwhile, everything for men and boys, to wear. C. E. Wescott's Sons "ON THE CORNER' i t00' at a dinner party at the home of viewing the many points a lerkv motion, main drain is 'loose or it may be dry. try a little j Miss Louise Rummell and at Which est and were taken by Mr of Egenber- PILLAR QF LIGHT' HELPS IN WORLD'S FASTEST SERVICE at 1:54 four minutes behind sched ule. He said he had to buck strong head winds all the way from North Platte, and was forced to seek an altitude of 9 thousand feet and that caused his tardiness. The pilots from the east had flown comfortable at 15 hundred feet and 2 thousand feet. W. C. Hopson departed for the inter- Pilots Pasre and Smith Arrive With-; east with the Yager consignment at .- 1 w .....! 2. If. the slats rip off the canvas the elevators are not square. J. If. the knotter hook is leasing of land that is used in sink ing of oil wells, departed last even ing for his old home at Olean, New York. Mr. Kerr spent his boyhood days in Olean and was engaged in newspaper work there for a number o. jtui , mm. ii is service in w. aot timed properly it certainly will Spanish American war and later , not work Sonu; binders are tim- taKing up work ior tne large oil .there were eighteen of the members i;rr on many fine auto trips into the 'of the class present to participate in j surrounding territory, the visits in- tlie enjoyable oceasion. Alter t lie to t ie mountain canvons being mrtv 1 delightful repast the evening was especially enjoyable to the members and rough it jrlll not work properly. Ispent in game and social conver-jof the party. Mr. Egenberger was I Polish it with a fine emery paper. in One Minute of Each Other, at Fort Crook. sation until the home going hour Sighting flashes of the giant searchlight at Omaha as they passed 2:08, three minutes behind schedule. Yager carried twenty-three pouches to Omaha weighing 375 pounds and left four of them here for delivery in Omaha. Pour pouches of mail post ed were added to the consignment 4. If, the binder attachment la arrived that brought to th close a :ed In as manj as five places. i resident here for a great raanv.over Earlham. Iowa. 115 miles east of jand sent on with Hopson. years and since going to the west has here last night, Pilots Randolph H. A bucket of fresh fish, packed in been very successful and is now re- Page and Dean C. Smith, each fly- ice was brought in bv Yager to Carl the class was tired from active business life and ing an air mail plane, followed the p. Egge from a friend on the Pacific Mrs. Wood- most delightful event. burn, the teacher of unable to be present and the assis-is enjoying a well deserved rest in powerful beacon's course through . coast. corporations in research work and lf the knotter hook does notltaIlt teacher, Mrs. Phil Rhin was, the pleasant surroundings of Salt lDSl 0m8f ?f the !PTbli5an. ma" time is an attempt to cle chine. It was necessary to challenge Mr. Kerritlirn f.Ar pnn,.h to rino the finp-era ! pres-nt with the young people to tn vm ;p.'iiu .-ome nme iu ew i ora ere at this pt to clear up the democratic dead-lock as George states Lake City. We Repair Autos! Any Make that he would not consider the nomi nation with the excellant oil pros- joy the occasion. The members of Look at the knotter pinion. It tne Class "a" NV!tn in,ini lwo out 01 should not be worn. (town guests. Miss Esther Peoples of fi if the twine niins thrnntrh F irfax, Missouri, and Roy Tulene : 1 a 1 .. -..ill 1 il 1 .'ii me iwine, no nuui win ue ucu. the cord holder the twine will be;01 urange, aniornia pulled out before the knot is tied. or Any Work and Guarantee Absolute Satisfaction IVERSON OARAGE Pearl Street. Roy Long. ii, u wu ntiu. ne pre- Adjust the cord holder spring. It fers to take his oil straight rather , should take 40 poUnds to pull the than mixed with political offiee. twine from the disk. The many friends of Mr. Kerr arej 7, If- the disk does not move far hopeful that he may be able to re- pnnil?h the knotter hooir mm turn here altho he has a foreign pro- Dnlv one cord position in view that may take him band. to tne soutn American country. hence a loose end 8. If, the needle is bent or out of shape there will be a loose end band. The needle is malleable iron and may be hammered back to shape. 9. If. the twine is pulled from , the hook before the knot is tied try I the knife, it may be dull. 10. If, you wish to change the 'size of bundles do it with the bun DO YOU want to nuj or sen. Let the sizer, not the tension or compress public know tiiru Journal want ads. (spring. Heavy, impure blood makes a muddy, pimply complexion, head aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound di gestion, use Burdock Blood Bitters. 1.26 at all stores. REMOVES TO OMAHA From Tuesday's Pally Mrs. C. A. Marshall, who has been here alone since the sickness of Dr. Marshall made necessary his going to the hospital in Omaha, has the night and landed at Fort Crook Of the westbound mail. Knight's ii;31 and 1 1 : sz I plane, which left at 12:21 carried i-i-i-i-i-i-i-r-i-i":-!--!-!-!--!-: 4 a Df ICTCDIWr DDinif UfDV X'1"0'''1 to 0maha- where her daugh rLAMtH ftU-dn UK WUKK J Mrs. Pettys and her son Frank Cisterns and Cess Pools ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phones 561-J 4 4 6-J E. A. and F. S. RICE i i Marshall are located and will make . ll, til...... .. c It .1-11 I 1 . . , - lit iii.-i c - i. n in ii tr I to be near the doctor at the hos "1 j pltal and with the other members of the family. The long continued illness of Dr. Marshall will make a lone nerioil nf 11 rest necessary in the best of condi tions and the wife being near him will be much more pleasant for all of the family. air mail neiu at p. m.. respectively, there by complet- seventeen pouches, and Lewis' plane ing the first lap of the inaugural of, carried ten. Lewis' cargo weighed the world's fastest mail service, j 372 pounds and Knight's 236. Some the thirty-four-hour trans-continental ; where in Lewis' consignment was a mail. j letter from President Calvin Cool- More than 2 thousand cheering idge to Governor Richardson of Cal persons, welcomed the arrival of the ifornia. It had been brought in to re-1 two planes from the east as they , Omaha by Pilot Smith. taxied across the field to a stop. Postmaster Charles E. "Black and Carl F. Egge, superintendent of air) Blackberries and Cherries mail for this diveision, greeted the Very flne ttuit for gale You can two-history-making pilots. , piok tnem yourself if you wish and Page and Smith left Iowa City at the price win be rlght Murray 9:20 p. m. with 599 pounds of mail, phone 1513. including 23 thousand 6 hundred let-J WM SPORRER ters. many of which had "taken the i j26-2sw, 2d. air" Tuesday morning at 10 at New York city and had arrived in Oma- ha thirty-four minutes ahead of! For a mild, easy action of the WITH LIGHTING COMPANY. Sale! Clifford Cecil who has had a great: deal of experience with the electrical; work in this and adjoining states, ' has entered the employe of the; -NenrasKa uas & fc.iectric to., as special engineer. schedule. Sav Conditions Ideal. The two pilots said they had flown together from Iowa City except for a few momentary intervals when they had missed trace of one anoth er. They said a few small storme had troubled them a little near their take-off, hut that otherwise flying bowels try Doan's Regulets, a mod ern laxative. 30c at all stores. Mr. Cecil is to conditions were ideal. The mail they brought to Omaha was sorted at the field depot, mail for Omaha being promply dis patched to the Omaha central post- oflice and mail for the west being loaded onto "relief" planes with five his expert manner will provide the 1 P?" OI man w men naa ueen post company with a very complete visit the various line of the company and the different towns in the dis trict, and map out the lines, the lo cations of poles and other data that will be used as a record of the equip ment of the lighting company and Standard Bred Single Comb REDS! cord that will he a tion to their records. valuable re- add i- RECEIVES SAD NEWS. Prices SSashed on Furniture Only Slightly Damaged by Water! MOST OF IT AS GOOD AS NEW! Now is the time to get your Furniture at prices below cost. No where else will you find such good bargains at the price that we are selling. Come In and See for Yourself! BEGINNING NOW! From Tuesday's Daily Mrs. W. S. Leete who just return home last evening from a trip to South Dakota received the sad news while at Sioux City of the death of her step mother, Mrs. James Clifford Clark of Glens Falls, New York. Mrs. Clark has been in very poor health for some time and death was caused by a sudden attack of heart trouble. Mrs. Clark was sixty-six years of age and is survived by her husband and three children. Walter W. Clark, James Allan Clark and Mrs. George Herbert. Jr., all of Glens Falls and Mrs. W. S. Leete of this city. The funeral of Mrs. Clark was held today from her home. ed in Omaha during the day bound for points west. These relief planes piloted by Jack Knight and H. T. Iewis hopped off from Fort Crook field for North Platte at 12:20. Frank Yager, carrying the western mail to Omaha, arrived at the field E. F. GRYBSKY Plittsmoutli Phone 3604 Mynard, Nebraska A PATRIOTIC WINDOW. The Nebraska Gas & Electric Co., have launched their decorations for the great Fourth of July that is soon to be with us, and Manager C. J. , Theleen has arranged a very at tractive show window at the sales room of the company. The back ground and floor of the window is arranged with the red, white and blue crepe paper and the effect is very pleasing to the eye and at night when it is illuminated it looks like a million dollars and is one of the ; prettiest in the city. Yes Streight & Streight FOR OVER 40 YEARS FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING Plattsmouth, Nebraska HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been used successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S. CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment whichj Quickly Relieves by locai application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic which acts throutrh the Rlood on the Mucous Sur- I races, thus reducing the inflammation. Sold Dy an urupnisis. F J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. George B. Mann was in Omaha today for a few hours looking over the sights of the state metropolis. We Have No Bathing Beach in Plattsmouth! But there is a real one with water in it, down in the progressive little town of Murray. No doubt you'll be there lots of times this summer, and should wear a good fitting, comfortable bathing suit. That's our dish $1.00 and $1.25 for boys $1.25 in cotton for men $5.00 and down in fine wool worsteds for men and women.