The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 19, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY. JUNE 19. 14 ' .
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People
An early start counts for
as much as Speed.
Start With Us Today!
Between a man and his
1 -&) ..
bank there should be estab- imng east oi .Murray anu a m-c-
tle nortiif a good deal of fencing was
lished a relationship mutually washed away by the floods and Er-
helpful and profitable. iEesl was in town last Tuesday get-
"c r r I ting some new wire to replace the
The man who does jda R A Root made
avail himself or the many ser-, resentative of the Journal a gift ot a
vices which this bank is equio- generous mess of new Potatoes,
l j i l- if whicfc were as good as we ever had
ped to render, denies himselr the good fortune to set our teeth in.
the advantage of a strong i Th V T.we,re Dsurel' nn' anu lhank
you. L ncle Root.
ally. Miss Henrietta Creamer, of Oma-
. , j ha, was a visitor at the home of her
These services touch prac- mother, Mrs. H. G. Creamer for afew
rilk- pvrv r.Kai of business i days last week and with her mother
J J f
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
There is No Substitute
for Safety
Jasper Queen and Charles Harrows ; so vi8ited with W. T. Smith and
w re spending last Sunday with . jfe Df that place,
jriends in Omaha, making the trip John Hobscheidt and the children
in their auto. 1 were in Omaha on last Sunday, go-
Robert Troop shipped to the South ; inS UP to visit ''"th Mrs. Hobscheidt
uniaha market a car load of nice bo is at tnis -irut' recovering from
tat 1 - iters which he has had on feed an operation which she underwent
I me time. about ten days ago. They found the
! patient restins: and most pleased to
W. T. Schlichtemeier, living near j se lhe husband and children.
Nelu wka, was a visitor in Murray on j Grandfather J. W. Edmunds and
Saturday and also at the county I grand raughters. Margie and Marrv
seat, having business matters to look Catherine Long, departed for Plain
aiter at both places. 'view in their car this Thursday.
Frank Schlichtemeier rec eived a j where they go to visit at the home
number of sheep from the South i of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Miller, Mrs.
Omaha stock yards on last Tuesday Miller being a daughter of Uncle
morning, which he took to his farm. John Edmunds and aunt of the little
where he will feed them. Misses.
Specials for Saturday!
Pillsbury's flour. 48-lb. sack -. $1.75
3 cans Jack Spratt peaches or apricots 95
3 cans Rose Dale peaches 75
3 cans pineapple, No. 2'? size. 1.00
3 bars Palm Olive soap 25
3 bars Creme Oil soap 25
1 0 bars Sunny Monday soap 45
Large pkg. oats for 25
Kellogg's corn flakes, large size, 2 for 25
Nomis pumpkin, per can 15
Tomatoes, No. 2 size cans, 2 for 25
5-lb. pkg. Blue Ribbon peaches 85
5-lb. pkg. California prunes 50
Black sateen, per yard 39
Peter Pan ginghams, plain colors, per yard 49
9-4 bleached sheeting, per yard 59
Hope muslin, p er yard 18
oiies. blue, black, brown, green, rose, per yd. . . .49
Turkish towels, 18x36, three for. . . 1.00
X omen's union suits. 75c to 1.00
Bathing suits, cotton and wool, $1.25 to 6.00
Highest Market Prices Paid
for Your Produce
The H. M. Sesnnichsen Go.
Phone No. 12
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
i Holstein bull for sale, also pure
ir J Duroc bred sows. Albert
Young. Murray, Nebr. jl6-2sw
It is claimed that the boys chari
, varied Bill, but he says that there
was nothing in it, and that they were
l victims of misplaced confidence, and
; he would not ste them up.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brendel were
called to Miburn last Monday to
: look after some business matters and
j were accompanied by Mrs. Bartlett
tney an enjoying tne trip very
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and
their little son were visiting with
relatives in Plattsmouth last Sunday,
being guests at the home of Mrs.
Lewis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah
M. Godwin.
Frank Russell, who has made his
home in Weeping Water and has con
ducted a bus line between that place
and Lincoln, was a very brief visitor
in Murray last Tuesday while on his
A.ay to the county seat.
At the home of Mrs. Kate Bint-
was visiting at Plattsmouth, where
they were joined by Mrs. Walter
Sans, who also visited at Murray.
Henry Heebncr, who has been
the manager of the Cedar Creek ele
vator for the Duff Grain company, of
Nebraska City, for a number of years
past, was a visitor in Murray for
over Sunday and on Monday with
his car returned to his duties at
Cedar Creek.
George Jones and family of Lin
coln have been visiting for a few
days at the home of Mrs. E. Kniss,
Mrs. Jones being a niece of Mrs.
Kniss. and on Sunday evening they
renJ to Plattsmouth. where thev al-
Murray, Nebraska
: . - 1
Marcelling and Bobbing. Florene
If. Tritsch. Plattsmouth. Neb Tele
phone No. 80.
Wm. Wehrbein was hauling corn
to the farm to feed the stock which
he and W. G. Boedeker are feeding
this season.
Phillip Lambert was looking after
some business matters in Platts
mouth last Saturday and visiting
with friends as well.
Jesse Chambers has been putting
in the time when he was not other
wise employed, in building some
chicken houses at the lumber yard.
L N. Davis, of Lincoln, was a
visitor in Murray and at the farm
for a few days past looking after
some business matters and also vis
iting at the home of his daughter,
.sirs. E. W. Milburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Ringwood.
who have been visiting here for
some time at the home of Mrs. Ring
wood's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Puis. Sr.. departed on last Friday
for Los Angeles, where they are ex- '
pecting to make their home in the
future. .
Uncle Charles Boedeker, who arriv- ,
ed home two weeks since, is feeling ;
pretty well and is so he can get out
on the porch and is steadily im
proving and hopes soon to be able
to get down town and see his old j
friends. He highly appreciates a
rfsit from them at the home, how- j
ever, as it is.
George B. Allen, of Lincoln, rep
resenting the W. J. Trump Monu
ment company, has been staying in
Murray for several days and on last
Tuesday had his name placed on the
list of readers of the .Imirniil ami
will eer the naner from now i ;nri '
keep in touch with the things of
Cass county.
The Murray Mercantile company,
which recently came to Murray, are
well pleased with the nice business
which has come to them, and are
expecting to add to their line a stock
of shoes in the near future and when
they shall have arrived, will notify
the public through the advertising been out of order. The people who
columns of the Journal. are now desirious of getting into
Charles Kennedy, who is making tne fields are not liking it very well,
his home in Omaha, where he has a tJncle Henry persists the moist
very good paying position, was a vis- weather will continue until near the
itor last Sunday at the home of his ' fourth.
parents in Murray, enjoying the day j
with his mother, who has not been' Attended the Altrmni Reception
blessed with the best of health tor Saturday evening. Dr. and
some time. Mrs. Kennedy is however Mr, (; L Tavior were visiting in
teehng much better than formerly. - South 0maha wncre thev aUonded
Charles Nickles. who with the the banquet and ball given by the
wife are visiting from their home in ' Alumni of the South Omaha high
Oklahoma, were spending a few days school of which Mrs. Taylor is a
in Omaha the first of the week and member. There were about five
returned home last Tuesday morning hundred in attendance and a most
and on Wednesday of this week de- enjoyable time was had by all who
parted for their home in the south ! were present. The Doctor is ex
after having enjnypd a most pleas-1 pressing it that they had a H. G. T.
ant visit with relatives and friends ;
he- .. r Muriav Bathing Beach Opens
talker Oilmore. who has been in' The formal opening of the Murrav
the medical collegn for some time Bathing each, which occurred on
past, and who will complete his edu- las, Sunday was marked bv a large
cation there with the coming year. cr0wd which were in attendance,
is home during the vacation of the rwl VAAm fair tht the nia.B will he
"school and spending a portion of the
U"MS iot dh miner anu get-
ting acquainted in actual practice
with the pn-KSMon. as he accompan-
les his father. Dr. G. H. Gilmore. as
he attends to the practice. Monday Fred Hild and wife,
accompanied by George Nickles and
wile in the car of the former, drove
to Omaha, where they were visiting
and looking atter some business mat-
ters and in the evening Mr. and Mrs.
Hild returned home while Mr. and
Mr Nickles remained over and dur-i
ing the day Tuesday visiting with
ITil ... ' s ,
i i . j ,r.T, ii:nr mi . .NKKies also
w. 1,0.1 . . "
I looked after some business matters
. - . . . . '
I A number of the iriemls m the
t ... v - , 7-
Tajlor K. burfaee. who thirty-
eight years ago was the
j preach at the Otterbein church some
ioulfLwest f Murray, went
to that church
on last Sundav.
fc-.i.. .ho - - ..1 ..1 1
, . "V"" Vr
1 mm jvu. were eeie
, . . 1 . j
1 V - ,wnere !
thej also enjoyed a picnic dinner.
oIlowint,' the other ceremonies, a'
; short Memorial address was held in
honor of the first minister, the Rev.
uriace. Among those to attend
from near Mnrrv w. vi- ....o
J. A. Davis and" family - i safety of the public goes wander-
" j ing through the vale of things that
a r j xrr r -ry were and no one is safe. A few
A. Gansemer and Wife Entertain ! ,,Ver.ings sinee, two voung men of
Lf Sanday at the pteaaaarl home j Pansn)nutIl were esaying to come
oi Mr. and Mrs. A. Gansemer were , to Murray to enjoy the coolness of
a rry Peasant assemblage ; the fine water of the Murrav Bath
n ,rn P e toT tht" ing Beach, when they ran over a
rZa. Joy,n day most ' culvert, which they partlallv de
( Pleasantly Mr. and Mrs. Gansemer molished. and also destroved their
1 VPry I,?t'a8at entertainers and and injured themselves verv
SET-!??L? th!'r Ieent for the ! seriously. True, they did in this
My for they made the day one long ; instance no harm to anvone travel-
' verv PnlS! n '""u f the in- on the "iPhway. bnt'the chances
TWy eajoynhle day which they pro-1 are that someone has their life, per-
Iffr1- rno a"n('r which was served Kon and property placed in jeopardv
, .ft" X i ,n Tlri' notnin was le" when the highway is used for a rac
h, vSt! Wm',u ?S to tne deli&ht of iins track. Laws and rules of the
,f'rrasion- . There were present ' road are made to insure safetv. and
rtamc a(('wRK- Mf'3srs- an(1 Mes-l,he first things to be considered by
mim - h t Engelkemeier. Philip ' those on the road is a due regard fo'r
f-Z ,i'n , L- H Pn1 and their, the rights of others, and safetv to
. h r noar Murra-V- Grand- all. The matter of glaring lights
latner and Grandmother Puis and j are sought to be eliminated by law
J but many do not observe the law.
Farm Machinery
2-row Lister Cultivator
igfc, 1A. !
ims new cultivator is nrP of tu'
latest and best. Also Dempster 2
:ow shovel cultivators. Prices right.
Fred Beverage
.Murray, Nebr.
If my of the readers of the
Journal knov of any social
event or item of interest In
this vicinity, ami will mall
game to this office, it will ap
iJear under tiiis lieadlnB. We
want all news ltins Editob
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roesner. of Lin-
coin, and Otto
Lutz and wife of
Visited Coin, Iowa, Sunday
Last Sunday Messrs. Joseph Stas
' ka. agent of the Missouri Pacilic at
Murray and Robert Bruce Kuapp,
who with the family have been visit
ing here for some time at the home
' of Mr. Staska, triking the car of
, Mr. Staska, drove to Nebraska City,
1 and from there to Hamburg, then
' turning north went to Shenandoah,
i thence turning eastward again they
! went to Coin, where they visited tor
; a time and looked alter some busi
ness as Mr. Knapp was looking for
B drug store to purchase. They found
very few good roads, but some pass
able and a good deal of the way
could be expressed in the term, "Im
passable." However, they had a
i very pood time and saw some excel
' lent country.
United Presbyterian Notes
W. F. Graham. Pastor
Sabbath School at 10 A. M.
Pre. ailing Services at 11 A. M.
and 7:l.r . M.
Junior at J M.
Intermediate at 7:15 . M.
Midweek prayer meeting Wednes
day at 7:45 . ftL
ou are cordially invited to a.r
tcud these .services.
"Yes. I know all the excuses. I
know that one can worship the Cre
tor in a grove of trees, or by a run
ning brook, or in a man's own
house just as well as in church. But
' I also know as a matter of cold fact
the average man does not thus wor-
ship. " Theodore Roosevelt.
His Prophesy Coming True
Some time since. uneJe EL W. Val
lerjr made the prediction that one
would be required by the persist
en; raining during June to carry
eh . ins with him every day. and had
he said two sets he would not have
! even more popular in the season just
opening than it has been in the past,
The weather during the season thus
far has been rather cold for the
attraction of a large crowd, but from
j now on the weather promises to be
much warmer. The proprietors of
. the place who hare not held back
in regard to expense putting the
, place in the best of condition are
deserving of a good business which
j we are certain thev will have.
at Bfnirin Ovpv "Rnv
T Arf, Kti01cin? 0vei f y
Last Monday morning there ar-
i , . . ,
. rived a little tranger at the home of
-. , . . . , .v T . .
: Grandfather J. H. Burton, whose
1 ., . . .
greeting nrougnt a smile 01 giau-
u , ;.,i
J V .3 .1 HI lllld y UIUI Jlllt XAA(H1. U11U
, Tirtt 1 Inno wia Via rtloocnI fyw T "
Burton and wife
ents who were ov
are the fond par-
t' r iaVMrl fit ho i T
1 ;i n " .
1 ' wto. -111 cwuu uuu irr sm-
rival as well.
tine along nicely, but
the utmost
! ' air in I'rijip, rArit.iaru Willi I Ilr
; i,o;nn. .v.,.
grandfather that the jov
bfc too reat for him.
may not
Make the Highway Safe
The experiences of mankind
that unless regulated by law
not seemingly to care for the rights
of the other fellow. Even the catas
trophe? which daily occurs from the
violation of the laws do not deter
many from not observing them. The
laws should be enforced until they
shall obey them. A decent right for
those traveling should impell all to
endeavor to obey the laws to the
Large Number from Here
i . mjw z m
at Murray Beach Sunday
Yesterday afternoon and last even
ing the bathing beach at Murray was
the center of attraction for the gre
the center of attraction for the
greater part of the young people of
thic city and for hours and until the
pool was closed at night the high
way was filled with the cars going
and coming from the bathing beach.
At nine o'clock there were nearly a
hundred cars parked around the
I The improvements that hare been
made this year in the equipment of
the pool and the surroundings make
it a very pleasing attraction and in
the hot weather certainly it will be
one of the feature spots in this part
(Of Nebraska.
The parkinc space has been in
1 cieased until there is now room for
six or seven houndred car's on the
grounds. A substantial fence has
been constructed around the pool and
a score of 100 watt lamps installed. I
These with the lights in the bath
house and refreshment stand pull
too heavily on the transformer ca- j
parity at Murray and a new trans- !
lormer is being installed for the ex-!
elusive use of the swimming pool.
whic h will do away with the dimness j
of the lights and make the pool and
surroundings stand out in a flood of
light, excelled only by daylight it
self. At the northwest corner of
the pool a concrete step arrangement
for aereating the water as it is be
ing pumped into the pool has been
installed and this will provide more
sanitarv conditions for the bathers.
A dandy diving board has been
installed and "Doc" Taylor says a
new modern sliding-board will be in
stalled to furnish extra thrills for
the visitors from Plattsmouth in the
near future.
While traveling was not the best
in the world yesterday, it did not
stop the seekers after the enjoyments
of the water sports from getting to
and from our neighboring town to
the south.
Johnson oi: Stand. Says that afsa&s
Told of Being Chosen to
Cra?h Ford Boom.
New York. June 17. Tale of an
alleged eathtgrftacy to sell whiskey in
Loud to rris an election fund for
the repuo'icr.n party was told by
Charles W. Johnson wi doss
for the state at the opening of the
trial today of Gaston B. Means, for
mer special agent for the department
of justice and his secrelary. Emil
W. .Tarnecke under indictment for
prohibition law violations.
Johnson also testified Mean"
claimed he had been selected to
crush the Ford presidential boom.
The witness asserted Means had told
him he had received orders to "get
something" on Ford and his publici
ty representative. William Scaise.
The names of Secretary of the
Treasury Mellon, former Attorney
General Harry M. Daugherty. and
Commissioner Blair of the depart
ment of internal ervenue. were men
tioned in connection with the alleg
ed plot to withdraw liquor from
government warehouses.
For G. 0. P. Fund
Means had told him Joh.nson tes
tified, that Secretary Mellon had
given about 1 million dollars to the
republican party and that there was
a scheme afoot to get it back. This
would be done by charging 2 hun
dred dollars a barrel for withdraw
ing whiskey from bond, the witness
said. Enough would be withdrawn,
it was planned to make the republi
can campaign fund as large as
needed, he said.
Johnson, who was fndicted with
Means and Jarnecke. but who turn
ed state's evidence, told of hearing
Means talk to Daugherty by long
distance telephone from New York
and refer familiarly to the matter
of whiskey withdrawals.
Johnson told a story of how a plan
for withdrawing the whiskey from
a Brownsville Pa., distillery was ma
tured gradualy by meetings with
Means and Jarnecke in Washington.
Pittsburg and New York.
The witness said he met Means
and Jarnecke through one Jack
Stein, who asked him if he was in
terested in getting whiskey from
bond "without any trouble."
When Johnson insisted that the
business be done with absolute legal
ity. Means gave him positive assur
ance that this would be done even to
the delivery of the goods. It was
then that Mellon is said to have told
of his connection with the Ford
Blair's Name Used
Johnson said he had given Jar
necke $15,097 in cash at the Lee
house in Washington and that there
was considerable delay in getting
the liquor because Means at the
time was ordered to New York to
make an investigation.
After several long waits Means
finally deputized a man named Flan
nigan. Johnson said, to accompany
the latter to Brownsville and col
lect 2 hundred dollars a barrel for
the whiskey. Flanuigan disappered
in Pittsburg. Telephone conversa
tion with Jarnecke. who had re
mained in New York. disclosed
that Means was in Johnstown. Pa.:
straightening out some trouble about
the trucks.
The name "Blair" which appeared
several times in the witness testi
mony, was definitely identified by
Johnson as Commissioner Blair of
the department of internal revenue.
He testified to hearing a telephone
conversation about the Brownvillc
withdrawals between Means and
Blair. Before the testimony of the
witness had been completed the case
was adjourned until tomorrow when
Johnson will continue his story.
Joseph Hadraba departed this
morning for Omaha accompanying
his daughter. Mrs. Blanche Price
and daughter. Helen Virginia, that
far on their journey to Chappel.
Nebraska where they will spend a
short time visiting with relatives.
Old Fashioned Dance!
Saturday, June 2 1 st
An Excellent Time Assured to All Who Attend ard
the Best of Order Preserved!
The Ruby Orchestra,
of Manley, Will Furnish ExcePent Music!
Come a?id E&jay the Evening!
Remember the Piace Peterson Hall, Murray, Neb.
The Cedar Creek ball club open
ed the season on the home grounds
by defeating the U. P. Shops team
I iy u 4 to 0 score. Swanson. Cedar
Creek's hurling ace pitched invin
cible ball. At no time was he in
danger. He succeeded in holding
ihem to two hits, both being singles
and of the scratch variety. He also
received wonderful support Not an
error was chalked against his team
mates who played wonderful ball.
Schneider, Neumau. O'Donnel and
Warren did Cedar Creek's heav
stlck-WOrk. Next Sunday the Cedftr
Creek warriors will cross bats with
the Martha Athletic Club of Oma
ha, which is reported to be the
fastest Class B team in Omaha. The
Cedar Creek line-up was: O'Donnel,
1st: Neuman. 2nd: J. True. 3rd.
Meisinger, s; Lohnesl.f. : Schneider
c. f. ; C. True, r. f . ; R. F. Warren,
c: and Swanson, p.
Cedar Creek would like to book
games with Cass county teams and
may do so by writing Manager Ray -moud
Entertain at ' Homewood"
"Homewood." the hospitable Os
car Gapen home, was the scene of
a delightful occasion last Saturday
afternoon when Miss Helene and
Mrs. Guy Wiles entertained for their
cousin Miss Villa Gapen. who is 'n
route home from Harlan. Iowa. This
is Miss Gapen's first visit here since ,
moving to western AeorasKa nve
years ago and it was a most delight
ful meeting for so many of her
The conversation was interspersed
with a short program. Miss Helene
Perry in her usual charming way
gave two reading. Miss Helen Todd
rendered vocal solos and Miss Edith
Gapen played piano selections. As
the shades of evening began to fall,
a delicious luncheon was served.
Those present to enjoy the feaUvJ-tic-
were: Mesdames Mattie Wile-.
Puis &
We are now open and ready for busi
ness, prepared for tin work and repairing;
of all kinds in our line. We will handle and
cany all farm machinery repairs.
Farm machinery in stock for your in
spection and selection. Also a line of good
Puis &
W. H. Pals
Here to Serve You
There has been a demand for a business house to
serve the farmers in this community and we have se
cured the John Deere line of implements and will keep
a complete assortment. See us for anything in this
line of farming machinery.
In the matter of repairs, we will carry and supply
you in all needed farming machinery repairs no matter
what line. We also handle American woven wire
fencing, fence posts and barbed wire.
Warehouse and Business in Murray
Last of Railroad Tracks
Mrasek &
MURRAY -:- -
G tot go Snvder. Glenn Perry. T. J.
Ilnnoii, Will Seybolt. O. H.
niore. W. O. Boedeker. Addie Bart
lett. John Davis. Ernest Mil' urn
Gtty White. Glenn Todd. Raymond
CAcIb C. D. Spangler. Everett Spang
ler. Stephen Wiles. Cameron Cathc .
Albert Young. Elbert Wiles. Myron
Wiles. Oscar Gapeu. Misses Helen B
Perry. Beulah Sans. Margaret Moore.
Helen Todd. Anna Snyder, Margar
et Spangler. Helen Wiles.
From Tuesday's Dully
Father W. S. Leete of the St.
T.uke's church of this city, with Mrs.
Leete and Madame Leete is spend
ing the next two weeks at Sioux
Falls. South Dakota, where a summer
conference of the church is be tag
held and where are gathered a lar"
number of the miniHters of the
t hurth and lay workers to partici
pate in the conference for the ad
vancement of the interests of the
church and its people.
The rector and family expect to
return here by June 2&th to resume
the regular parish work.
We take this means to thank tbe
many friends and neighbors for their
help and loyalty in the sickness and
loss of our dear mother. Mr. and
Mrs. Will S. Smith: Mr. and Mrs.
John L Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
P. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shera.
and Mr. and Mrs. John Marquette.
Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker departed
yesterday on a vacation trip that
will extend over a period of several
w.eeks and during which time she
will visit her son. George Bruhlm in
Lincoln, a brother in Kansas, and
her sister, who resides near Denver.
J. C. York and wife departed this
afternoon for Omaha, where they
will visit with relatives and friends.
Mrs. C. C. Neff was a passenger
this afternoon for Omaha to spend a
few hours looking after some matters
of business.
Joe Mrasek
Richter Bros.