The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1924.
fa era foti
Cbe plattsrnoutb "journal
Catered 'at PostuSlce. Plsttfranoutta. iJeb..1 a ecoa-oUiw mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
The righteou3 Lord loveth righte
ousness; his countenance doth behold
the upright. Psalms 11:7.
. :o:
A woman's idea of a good spring La.
tonic is a new hat.
The raiding of blind tigers still
goes on in Omaha.
Don't mnke a fool of yourself and
then cuss the Creator.
It seems more and more difficult
to put Underwood on top.
1 :o:
Any land can prosper once it gets
the right admixture of aspiration and
At times we conclude the differ
ence between primitive man and civ
ilized man is a shave.
If there isn't another movie scan
dal pretty soon, the public may lose
interest in the pictures.
Non; of the men- who would make
perfect husbands are married and
rrobably never will be.
If gasoline doesn't come down we
may save some money on our auto
mobile by feeding it grapefruit.
Carpentler is a nice fellow and
well liked. But he will have to get
over the idea he is a prize fighter.
Probably there is nothing that
makes a bootlegger feel so respect
able as selling to respectable citizens.
Our position is that it is only ii a
good humored country that a poet
could make a living writing free
An Englishman has invented a way
to kill people by radio, but in this
country we have plenty , of automo
biles. -o:o-
Ao -oithai crrrtnn nrarmrl
dresses will become more scant. By,wnder they'll let their wings stay
August there will be little left but
the outskirt.
The orator tells the young grad
uate there is plenty of room at the top
but his mother tells him there is
plenty of room at the table.
So don't ever think congress is
composed of a lot of duffers. Wash
ington dispatch. All right. Only the
country wnts to be shown.
Log cabins are getting scarce in
this country and so is cornbread.
Where will our future financiers and
statesmen be born and what will
they eat. '
It Is not surprising that great ac
tresses often marry the villain of
their plays. They have a splendid
opportunity to become acquainted
with the heroes.
The Pan-German party in Germany
is putting up Admiral Von Tirpitz
as candidate for chancellor. It is
not known whether he will run on
his war record or his whiskers.
It is a foregone conclusion that the
farmers will get no help from con
gress. The entire Nebraska delega
tion in congress supported the Mc-Nary-Haugen
:o: '
The cowardice displayed by For
mer Attorney General Daugherty
sneaks for itself in his refusal to
appear before the investigating com
mittee. He 13 afraid.
. :o:
High salaried booze agents will
eventually bankrupt the government
if keDt eoine nnich longer. What
do they care, as long as the taxpay
ers'will stand for it.
Dr. Frank Crane may be right in
insisting that trousers are ugly, but
what right has he to talk about it
unless he Is willing to start a reform
by being the first to discard them?
. :o:
Ole Hansen, ex-mayor of Seattle,
was arrested in California for steal
ing his own horse. Sad blunder, of
course, but it's perfectly -natural
nowadays "to be suspicious 'of any
body seen 'drivfng a horse.
; :o:
'Harvard university, credited with
an endowment of 53 million dollars,
gets 5 million more from George E.
Baker, New- "York banker, presum
ably In 'fulfillment of the "Scriptural
remark 'that ' to Tiim that Tiath shall
tfe -given.
Truth makes the face of
that person shine who speaks
and owns it. South.
Bobbed hair causes more conversa
tion than cooking recipes.
Everything comes to those who
wait except the time they lose.
If you don't know what a small
boy wants try him with a dime.
The quickest way to reduce is to
get behind with your grocery bill.
Coolidge signs the tax bill and says
now it is better than the old law.
. A wise candidate is a man who
stands for what the voters fall for.
It looks now like a dark horse will
be out of the question in the New
York convention.
If a kiss-proof lipstick really has
been invented it wilL cut the cost of
lipsticks in half.
Senator Norris hints that the
Muscle Shoals offer is a political deal.
Why, of course.
Davis seems to be looming up as a
presidential candidate. The south
will support him.
Indiana is now considered a doubt
ful state by a great man-. Don't
you believe It, just yet.
As long as it clears otZ in the night
we will have rain the next day
t.ure as shooting, it seems.
An expert is a man who has found
it more profitable not to qualify as
a pratical man in his line.
XJUUUeu 1U lue cuuir lua&co un
natural on the other side.
About the best that can be said for
some congressmen is that their spe
cies doesn't multiply like flies.
Senator Brookhart is in a close
race In Iowa. Ir he is deieatea ror
nomination, look out for squalls..
Are we to have a Fourth of July
celebration or not? If we are to
celebrate, we should hurry up mat
ters. :o:
Evidently there should be some
one in Plattsmouth wno is aoie to
put the court house clock on the
. -o:o
Spring dresses may interest the
women, but the average man pre
pares for .summer by merely taking
off his vest.
A former altitude record aviator
drove his automobile Into a fence in a
fog recently. Fence and fog doing
well at last report.
The big vote that Senator Brook-
hart received in Iowa, among the
farmers, shows which way the po
litical winds are blowing.
Many democratis are looking for
a dark horse to step in ana cap
ture the democratic nomination for
president. Who will he be?
Senator Brookhart renominated in
the Iowa primaries. Hard to keep a
good man down. His vote shows the
farmers are with hira.
'Our congratulations to those tax
experts at Washington who think
they can fill the neck of the bottle
without wetting the bottom.
Mother love is the quality that en
ables her to look you in the eye and
give you the wrong reason why lit
tle Willie wasn't promoted.
Ex-Attorney General Daugherty
has just given a commertcement ad
dress for an Ohio school. Ohio never
seems to go back 'on its own.
;If Georges Carpentier had 'Just
stayed in the business of being a
Greek god, he might still be dofng -a
big business at the old place.
:o: :
A man who escaped from the Ar
kansas pen 13 years ago vas caHight
in Memphis. Tenn.. proving all 'de
tectives 'are -not -In Washington.
As we understand it, many repub-'
lican congressmen will vote for" Cool
idge in the election, but won't sup
nort him in eoneress In an emer-
gency. iiCT
Notice is hereby given that under
ana by virtue of four chattel mort
gages given by George II. Shracler,
of Union, Cass county, Nebraska, to
The Bank of Union, of Union, Cass
county, Nebraska, and now held and
owned by said The Bank of Union,
of Union. Cass county, Nebraska, all
of which are duly recorded in the
office of the County Clerk of Cass
county, Nebraska, the first of which
is dated December 21, 1923, and on
which there is due and owing
$2,067.99; the second of which is
dated February 15, 1924, on which
there is due and owing the sum of
$1,29S.23; the third of which is
dated 3Iarch 13, 1924, and on which
there is due and owing the sum of
SSG4.85; that the fourth of which
is dated May 5, 1924, and given to
secure said sums secured and owing
under said second above described
mortgage: that the undersigned will
offer for sale to the highest bidder
for cash on the lGth day of June,
1924, at the building located on Lots
12 and 13 in Block 1, Union, Ne
braska, at 10 o'clock a. m., the fol
lowing described goods and chattels
secured by said mortgages and taken
thereunder, to-wit:
Two 30x3 Goodrich (55)
One 33x4 Royal Cord, U. S.
One 33x4 Miller Fibre.
Two 32x4 Royal Cords, U. S.
Two 31x4 Royal Cords, U. S.
Two 30x3 Royal Cords, U. S.
Two 30x3 Royal Cords.
One 33x4'Royal Cord.
Twelve 32x4 U. S. tubes.
Twelve 33x4 U. S. tubes.
Five 33x4 U. S. tubes.
Five "33x4 Miller tubes.
One 35x5 Miller tube.
One 35x4 Silvertown.
One 37x5 Silvertown
One 33x4 Silvertown.
One 32x4 Goodrich grey tube.
Two 32x4 Goodyear tubes.
'Two 30x3 plain U. S.
Five 30x3 Non Skid U. S.
Two 33x4 Royal Cords.
. Nine 34x4 U. S. tubes.
Five 32x3 U. S. tubes.
Twelve 31x4 U. S. utbes.
One 35x5 U. S. Royal tube.
One 30x3 Goodrich tube.
Two 28x3 U. S. tubes.
Two 32x4 Miller grey tubes.
Eight 32x4 Silvertown tubes.
One 34x4 Silvertown tube.
One 33x4 Silvertown tube.
One 35x5 Miller tube.
Three 30x3 Miller" tubes.
One 30x3 U. S. tube.
Fbur 30x3 Goodyear tubes.
Ten 4 " U. a. blowout patches.
Six 4" U. S. blowout patches.
Five 3 U. S. blowout patches.
Six 3" U. S. blowout patches.
One S" Goodrich blowout patch.
Jen 30x3 U. S. tubes.
59 cans No. 1 Goodrich cold patch.
Eight -lnch Champion X plugs
Two -inch Bosch plugs.'
Four -inch A. C. spark plugs.
12 Goodrich No. 4 tube cement.
Seven electric tail lights.
Ten brass bushings.
Four connecting rod bolts.
Four cable connections for battery.
Seven gas pipe nuts.
Nine air hose clamps.
Six distributor brushes.
Two magneto plugs. Ford.
Two blocks for Universal joints.
46 generator brushes.
Seven points for vibrating coils.
Three breaker points.
20 distributing points.
Three -inch pet cocks.
Five valve stem "U" washers.
One throttle arm (carburetor)
Two 8-10" dog Crescent wrenches.
Nine half connecting rods babbit.
Three half connecting bronze bab
bit. One main bearing babbitt.
19 inside lamp sockets.
, 30 outside lamp sockets.
17 rim lugs.
74 rim rod shims.
Two light switches.
One horn switch.
Four battery jar plugs.
Five light plugs, outside.
Eight dash light sockets.
51 6-8 double connection bulbs.
29 tail light bulbs.
63 tail light bulbs.
3 cylinder head gaskets (Ford)
IS valve door gaskets (Ford)
Four Univ. joint gaskets (Ford)
51 rear wheel felt washers.
26 transmission door gaskets.
29 generator gaskets.
22 magneto plug gaskets.
Three carubretor floats (Ford)
43 starter gaskets.
Two crank case -gaskets.
One transmission 'gasket.
11 arch gaskets.
One Lockwood top recover and R
Eight cans Simonlzed cleaner.
Six cans Simonized polish.
Five 4-oz. cans grinding compound.
-One Townsend grease gun.
One set Black Hawk wrenches (27)
One Calpin magneto Techarger.
Eight cans Goodrich patch.
Two amp. meters.
Six -inch Champion spark plugs.
Two inside cores.
15 boxes Schroeder valve insides.
One electric tail light.
11 belt clamps.
One J. M. tape.
22 fan belts. ( .
One Ford timer, casend 2 rollers.
One box assorted fuses.
One klaxon.
One valve lifter.
Four distributor 'heads.
Two tire pumps (Daisy)
One half full pump -packing.
One Dodge Bros, speedometer.
One role binding.
Three " Champion "spark plugs
Tour 'sets chain ttglrtrfeTs.
Two Carson accelerators.
Seven fibre fan -belts.
Two cut outs.
''One Goodyear 'cerrferit.
Two Whiz anti-squeak conrpbmid.
One coil.
18 feet rubber cable.
Three -pistons.
'One Red Cat healer.
One foot throttle.
"Two 'crank case Laagers.
"One part lace fan belt
One part lace v -fan belt.
One dash choker. .
One desk.
One show case (glass.)
One 2-inch rack.
One light bulb cabinet.
Two small point cabinets. t
Three chairs.
Oil 6 stove
One Ford touring car, 3, 183,160.
One Ford truck, 5,59,701. "
One Reo touring car, No. 3116,
One heating stove.
One breast drill.
Six brake bands.
One set piston ring pliers.
One set Ford wrenches.
One set stocks and dies.
One box bushings.
Six brake bands complete.
One post drill.
One vise.
One anvil.
One forge.
One gas welder.
One pinch bar.
Two valve lifters.
One vulcanizing outfit.
13 speed wrenches.
Seven socket wrenches.
Two soldering irons.
One Ford wheel puller.
Two transmission pullers.
One roll tire patching material.
Ten straight wrenches.
11 ton chain hoists.
Three Presto tanks.
One pipe vise.
One Fairbanks gas engine.
One air compressor.
21 empty steel drums.
One steel tank, 20 gal. oil (est.)
One gas pump (not in service)
120 gallons gas in pump.
Six pr. 33x4 Rid-o-Skid chains.
Three pr. 35x4 Rld-o-Skids.
Three pr. 34x4 Rid-o-Skids.
One pr. 32x3 Rid-o-Skids.
4 pr. 30x3 Rid-o-Skids.
Three pr. 30x3 De Luxe chains.
Seven pr. 30x3 Weed chains.
One pr. 35x5 Weed chains.
One pr. 34x4 Weed chains.
One pr. 32x3 Weed chains.
Two pr. 34x4 truck chains.
One pair 32x4 truck chains.
One sack of cross truck chains.
Four Presto tanks.
Five channel bumpers, complete.
Two sets Hassler shock absorbers.
Three pound buckets cup grease.
Four cans, 1-lb. each, cup grease.
29 cans Liberty motor carbon re
11 Ford repair bearings for front
end of drive shaft.
Five cam shaft bearings.
Two front Bpring perchs.
Two main bearing shafts.
Two gas tank caps.
Five spindle con. rod yokes.
Fan brackets.
Four differential spiders.
2S front spring clamps.
36 stationary cones.
Seven spindle con. rod bolts.
Eight spring hangers.
22 transmission clutch fingers.
22 adjustment cones.
Ten rear lender brackets.
One spindle con. rod yoke ball.
Nine front radius rod ball caps.
Five radiator caps.
One door lock (Ford.) .
Four clutch peddle supports.
Two slow speed notches.
One piston pin.
Six windshield hinges.
Five spark plug wires.
Two crank ratchets.
Four main bearing bolts.
One rear spring clamp.
Two truck spring hangers.
Three brake rod supports.
41 inner ball retainers.
Eight inner races.
14 outer ball retainers.
16 differential pinions.
30 axle housing caps.
49 front hub felt retainers.
12 hose clamps.
Seven fan brackets.
Three rear spring perches.
Two main bearing shafts.
Two spindle arms.
11 cylinder outlet connections.
Five hub caps.
Three radiator shells.
Six cans of welding compound.
Three G. P. cut outs.
Two -pint size patching cement.
One bundle 1 brake lining.
One bundle 2 brake lining.
Three Daisy tire pumps.
Three cylinder "head gaskets.
One running board (Ford)
Two rear fenders (Ford)
One front fender CFord)
Two splash boards.
12 pure gum cement.
One roll -2-inch brake lining.
26 speederators.
Ten radiator covers.
Eight Ford curtains-.
One coil box (Ford.)
One rear hub.
Two D. S. bearing housings.
Three carbureter tdjusting rods.
Three timer adjusting rods.
Three Ford pistone.
Two hand brake levers.
14 differential plates.
15 D. S. roller bearing sleeve.
One sediment bulb.
Two D. S. Triutbal arid retainer.
One D. S. ball bearing assemble.
One front spindle.
One timeing gear cover.
Three Universal ball caps, 'front.
Two ring gears.
Four large timeing gears.
Two small timeinjj gears.
One transmission triple gear.
Five Diff. cases.
One Universal '36:ht housing.
Two Front outside hub plates.
One transmission door cover.
Three Uni. ball cap housing, rear.
Two cylinder front covers.
Three rear fender bracers.
Three trans, clutch springs.
Three trans, support springs.
"Five muffler 'rods.
One magneto and Tart of another.
Two foot boards.
One Atwater Kent Ford
One tire rack.
One Johns-Man ville speedometer.
Six crank case lower cover. .
12 crank case lower cover gaskets
52 spring bushings.
Three front fender brackets.
One crank cade hanger.
Two Ford cranks.
12 connecting rods.
Qrfe imiffler .assemble.
Three muffler heads.
,Four steer easies.
."One trim-die "top test. .
mmmsj i met i ra
Cthe BnceCasolinejU
One transmission cover.
Three drive shafts big car.
Six patent choke levers.
Four Ford brake rods.
One Running board rod.
One ring gear and pinion cover.
One ring gear for Paige.
One rear spring leaf, big car.
Two front spring leaves, big car.
25 rear leaves for Ford, all length.
24 front leaves for Ford, all length.
Nine feet of rubber hose in pieces.
One demountable wheel, Ford.
One Moore trans., Ford truck.
One Ford wheel clincher.
Two dust pans.
One fan, Overland 90.
One Uni. joint housing Overl'd 90.
One cut out valve.
Five oil lamps, Ford.
Two Ford fan blades.
Four transmission bushings.
Four generater brush holder.
11 trans, band adjusting screws.
2 front wheel roller bear'g, inside.
One dust ring.
One outside core.
Two Tall bearing retainers.
Three ball bearings assembled.
Two spindle belt bushings.
.12 fender eye bolts.
Two piston pins.
62x2 bolts. 1
W 2-16 nuts.
20 7-16 nuts.
25 cam shaft nuts.
3.6 axle housing bolts.
16 rear axle nuts.
Five hub cam shafts.
19 trans, band screw nuts.
48 "bolts and nuts.
47 magnet clamps.
Three bolts and few nuts.
One box of windshield fixtures.
Two triple gear bushings.
One exhaust pipe nut.
Two clutch yokes.
'61 stud bolts.
16 washers.
52 trans, lower cover screws.
11 " bolts Vi.
27 cam shaft bearing studs.
Two front wheel nuts.
One 'fan -shaft.
12 rear spring tie bolts.
14 cylinder head studs.
Two Ford crank pins.
Eight spindle arm bushings.
16 washers for front ax.
Four hub keys.
: Six 'starter crank "pins.
"Four( switch keys.
Five 'dogs.
19 brake "shoe bolts.
33 connecting rod bolts.
"37 studs.
30 gaskets.
"Seven crank 'handles.
Two valve tapers, 1 spring bolt.
"53 assorted keys.
20 ' 1-inch-studs.
12 "starter spring bolts.
"Nine valve spring -seats.
74 rear axle "half moon keys.
Eight -Viood clips.
"Nine-radius rod studs.
'88 hish gear -adjusting screws.
12 bolts and lx springs.
15 timer rollers.
!ll ffatbr 'fixtures.
49 -tiffferentrar case bolts.
TO '"spin-die bolt tjil cups.
Twrnediemk do
ooa emm mrgood gnnsomw
OME flour, shortening, spice, sugar,
do not assure a light, delicious cake.
containing all desirable ingredients
higher boiling pmt. fractions may be either first-rate or
decidedly inferior motor fuel. In each case fcaancecproportion
is the determining factor.
So-called "improved" gasolines are always deficientin someim
portant particular. If it isn't slow starting and pick-up, it is poor
mileage, heavy carbon accumulations or some other big defect.
Varying the proportions was tried with Red Crown, but in
numerable tests and experiments demonstrated that you can
neither add nor take away any fraction of Red Crown and have
as thoroughly satisfactory, dependable and economical motor
fuel. It is balanced for quick, clean burning, for developing
maximum power, for delivering most miles per gallon.
To get the most out of your car drive up to any Red Crown
Service Station and get a filling of Red Crown, the balanced
gasoline. YouH receive prompt, courteous attention and
service, full measure of uniformly high grade gasoline and
Polarine motor oils that provide protective lubrication.
IV rite or ask for a Red Crown
m fit wmxf f yg I i
Five cam shaft levers.
Nine large ball bearings.
One box of spark plug gaskets.
Four rim lugs.
Three rim bolts.
27 gas pipe pack nuts.
19 clutch drum disc set screws.
Ten clutch fingers.
One bolt rack, 77 pockets.
Said sale will remain open one
Nebraska, Mortgagee.
Dated May 24, 1924.
In the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska.
Nicholas Oil Corporation, a Cor
poration, vs. J. E. Mason, Defend
ant. To the defendant J. E. Mason, you
are hereby notified that the Nich
olas Oil Corporation, a corporation,
as plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 26th day of May, 1924, against
you, the object, purpose and prayer
of which is to obtain a judgment
against you for the sum of $64.65
and interest at seven per cent from
the 23rd day of January, 1923, and
costs of this action.
You are further notified that you
are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 14th day
of July, 1924, or the allegations
therein contained will be taken as
true and judgment will be rendered
in favor of plaintiff and against you
according to the prayer of said pe
tition. Dated this 26th day of May, A.
D. 1924.
A Corporation, Plaintiff.
To Joy R. Applegate, defendant,
residence unknown:
You are hereby notified that on the
8th day of February, A. D. 1924,
State Farmers'
James Walsh, President
Insures -Farm Property and Gity Dwellings
Offers the best policy and contract for less money. Best
and cheapest insurance company doing business in Ne
braska. Pays the loss promptly. 7,200 members. ' Organ
ized in 1895.' Insurance in force, $67,000,000. Gall or
write TODAY tomorrow may be TOO LATE.
2615 Harney Street Omaha, Nebraska
iwfc asm
salt, eggs and milk
Similarly, gasoline
low, medium and
Road Map
Grace E. Applegate filed a petition
against you in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, the object
and prayer of which are to obtain
a divorce from you on the grounds
of desertion and abandonment with
out good cause for a period of more
than two years, and for non-support,
and for the custody, care and control
of the children, the issue of said
marriage, to-wit: Ruth Applegate,
Isaac Newton Applegate, Edna Lau
rene Applegate, and also that the
Court may enter an order impound
ing and appropriating your interest
in the southwest quarter -and the
west half of the northwest quarter
of Section twenty-seven and the
southwest quarter of Section twenty
two all in Township twelve, North
Range thirteen, east of the 6th P.
M. in Cass county, Nebraska, sub
ject to the life estate of defendant's
mother in the said southwest quarter
of Section twenty-two.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, the
30th day of June, A. D. 1924.
Automobile Painting!
First-Class Work
Prices Reasonable
Mirror Replatinz anil
Sign Work!
Phone 592-W, Plattumouth
Insurance Co.
J. F. McArdle, Sec'j