THURSDAY. JUNE 5. 1924. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FT7B Murray Department Prepared in tba Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers m COLORED WARRIORS If mrof the readers of the Journal knOT- of ny social erent or Item of Interest In ibis vicinity, tud will mall mme to this office. It will ap pear under this headlncr. We want all new8it,m Editoh When a man has done the best he can to provide for the protection of his business and the support of his loved ones, his mind is free and thi3 en ables hirn to do more work and better work. Life insurance, plenty of it, is a peace promoter. Life in surance promotes peace of mind in the daily living and softens the blow when the policy holder is called to join the Choir Invisible. A life insurance policy is the very best evidence of keeping the faith with credi tors and is the very highest type of love letter to those who are dear. Murray Slate Bank Murray, Nebraska SLOGAN There is No Substitute for Safety Marcpllinjr and Cobbing. Florene M. Tritsch, Plattsmouth, Neb. Tele phone Xo. SO. Oscar Nailor and Robert Troop t were looking: after some business in' Omaha Tuesday and were bringing some merchandise home as well. V. C. Giliuore and the family of Nebraska City was in Murray on last Tuesday afternoon, driving: up from their home to visit with their friends. Arthur Hanson has been building some fencing on the farm on which h? livts and which is the property of, W. F. Moore, who is having the work done. ! Herman Richter was a visitor on last Sunday at the home of his friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Reed, where they all enjoyed the visit very ranch. Parr Young shipped a car load of very nice hogs to the South Omaha' market last Tuesday and hauled them from his farm to Murray in trucks. I Children's day at the Christian church Bible school was celebrated last Sunday by a very pleasing pro-, gram wheih was listened to by many I interested people. T'ncle J. W. Edmunds has beeni "uite busy making a hay rack for; Maintain Our Own Representative We maintain our own representative, Mr. M. S. Brig-gs, for the purpose of looking after the business of this paper in this coun ty, and he alone is authorized to transact business, look after the collections and all other business in which this paper is inter ested. Payment made to any other person is at the risk of the person making same. A number of persons claim to have paid some one else money for us, which has not been received at this office. The Plattsmouth Journal ARE DEFEATED VERY BADLY YESTERDAY great deal more beneficial to him than be close confines, of the count ing room. HAS LAND SALE Brandies Giants Fail to Show Form Against Local Eall Team and Lose 14 to 4 Yesterday. From Monday's Dally Yesterday afternoon a fair sized crowd of the baseball fans gathered at the local lot to witness the meet ing of the Plattsmouth team with j that of the Brandies Giants, reputed one of the fastest colored organiza ! tions in these parts but the dusky ; hued exponents of the art of l;-irc-j ball failed to live up to their reputa i tio:i and wore defeated by a larg? score, 14 to 4 being the final result j when the wearied rluttpmouc players J had toiled urund the and reg ! istered at the plate. The game was very interestelng up j to the fifth inning when it became u tragedy for the visitors and contin- ued to grow more cheerless as the ! locals added to their scoring. ! In the opening stanza, "Bones." the hurler of the visiters', was hav : ing a great deal of trouble in r,n I trolling hi3 bail although he had lots of steam and when working right would evidently have made another story of the conflict. Mason was on in the opener with a singlo and followed by Herb Klauschie who i drew a safety and both of these reg- Byron Golding. who was plaintiff in a number of tax title cases in the district court, states that he bid in the property at a sale held Saturday morning at the south door of the court house and which was conduct ed by Carroll I). Qulrtcn a? zfrli. The ma-tor has not as yrt ennv? tip ior confirmation in the district court. Iljoiie us the BfOT. TTft want to publish every tliiuj of important" that happens in Cass county. Farm Machinery FOR SALE 2-row Lister Cultivator $87.50 i This new cultivator is one of the vow shovel cultivators. Prices right. Fred Beverage Murray, Nebr. . ,, ,. , , i iMt-iru lien jur .Jaii uiliu u ... . . . iiiin i m ii ifii 1 1 .ii t ii in. imi ' j nx-cn itilt :iiin is iniiuifi!' v r v i . , - some who win need it tne coming . ' . - Y - " a - ' nam one to tne center garaen. summer when the having and har-l"'0"1. alon to ee the stock sold r rogress towards recovery of heme-, Anotner eruption o-rurred in the vesting time comes. Oliver Davis and family of Platts-. customed health. On account of an tfcird inning when tne Tisitors an- J. H. Brown was a visitor in Platts- outh wicr.e he is,With he Burling- abcess tn one of her lungs following d onc r, on two errors and B mouth last Tuesdav drivinsr ud in:'"" . ." " " , ,u - ' l" single. For the Plattsmouth team his car to look after some business ius?ier,J "vn J1"r,;i 'rgo an operauon out is returneu Mason and Herb KIaschie both and to be present at the laving of the Murrfa, last ?u"'laV"e? r l me Tth, lh h?P3 nV'' V1' her: drew passes from the ebony Inu-.l cornerstone of the Masonic Home. hoe of M a,lT1Mr?' Fn MTraSpe-V . f Thra,th raa-v1b "stored. ; siab ai tist and vvere just rf PtinR ou Mrs. Elmer Boedeker of Wyoming Messrs- - Dav an; ,D' J' P- il and sis or Miss Chris-; thf baPe(. to . their wind wh(?11 uartu, uii-iuuf is ui me x i j i iiin.u in xinei ii iiacn iu auu ji:ss viiaui lfonos N'ewmau unlimbercd a hard accompanied by her daughter. Miss Edith was a visitor last Monday with her friends. Mrs. Alfred Gansemer and had a most pleasant time while here. P. C Ithoden and wife and A. D. Rhoden and wife were attending the funeral at Ashland of a sister of Mr. D. C. Rhoden and aunt of A. F. Rhoden last Friday who died in Ohio. A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilber has been very sick with the measles and has been in a very critical condition. It is hoped that jsae may soon be on the road to re- cove ry. Mrs. J. W. Berger departed on lost Tuesday morning for Oklahoma City v.her3 sho will visit for some time at the home of her daughter. Mrs. E. M. Steiner, who has made her home there for some time. Fred Lutz and family and Alfred Gaiis'nter and family were enjoying a visit last Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Puis. Way iv children on the visitors that landed in deep center garden and on which Masonic lodge, were in the county Mrasek took a trip in their car to seat last mesuay aiternoon to at- Shenandoah, Iowa, and found the go- tend the laying of the cornerstone ina: excellent with very fine roads in! c,.-,i ,. B tya f;i,i of the new unit of the modern Ma- our neighboring state and while there ' erc; -were unable to locate the bail, sonic Home. visited the seed houses of "Uncle, The visitors added two more in the Mrs. A. D. Bakke and Mrs. ill Henry Field" as well as being shown fourth inning i-ud made it look like 3. Smith were visiting with tnends through the broadcasting station at ; it was ging to be a real game but anu uoiiii? lumie siim-piiis in i -.aus- nena n.'toan. w in ana tne yoiiEi? mouth last Monday afternoon and, ladies were well pleased with the found the roads very slippery on r.c-;tr'p and have only good things to count of a rain between here and ray of the country over the river. Plattsmouth. j Philip Rihn of the II. M. Soennich-j sen & Co. store of Plattsmouth, was! in Murray last Tuesday and Wedres- day assisting in the store during the , absence of Mr. Tutt, who has been j enjoyinrr the meeting of the Shrin-' ers in Kansas City. I C. A. Trent and family departed; in their tar last Monday for the westj and will expect to go through to the! coast before will expect to the pitcher was fast weakening and the outfield of the visitors may have been a whirlwind in playing African golf but were far too slow to do business with the hard hits that were drove into their localities and many errors were chalked up on the field ers and which added o the Platts moulh scores. The fifth gave the visitors another 1 run and made the score stand 4 to S , but it was not .standing very long Murray last Tuesday delivering some furniture and also taking some or- !der for other parties. Lewis and wife with their j a r an. imT,1omttnt hoa, nf pia were visiting and looking i . Mrasek are we pleased" with the alter some shopping in Plattsmouth j, week in their new store and ia.-i .ior.uay aiternoon. : v they wiU carry a good stock of Ora A. Davis has been painting hi5iWpu assorted farming machinery as home in Murray and thus adding toi,,V(ji ;is aji kinds of repairs. its appearance as well u.i insuring! Lu.Jwig Hallas of the Murray State ti:t property against decay. 'bank was a very brief visitor in Charles Green and sister, Mrs. ! Plattsmouth last Tuesday morning. Morton P.artlett were visiting in driving over to see his folks and to Plattsmoiith last Sunday aiternoon, ; bring h:s latner, .Mr. joscpn naiidt. operation, the case being very criti i!i;ih!n? the trip in their auto. to .Murray ior a snori visn. cal. T. J. Brendel and wife were spend- j Z. W. Shrader ana Ben .Martin ins a few dnys this week at Norton j shipped two carg of very nice heif and Talmace whfr Mr. Brendel was I ers to the South Omaha stock market doing some work for the state. last Tuesday afternoon, they United Presbyterian Notes Sibbatii School at 10: -a. m. Preaching services nt 11 a. m. and 15 p. m. Junior at 3 p. m. Intermediate society at 7:15. Midweek prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. ! as in the Plattsmouth half of the The month of June has been desig- inning there was big doing with the thev shaii stou Thev n'lt0(1 :ls self denial month. Let us stick and three more runs sent over r, T-lt o chn,( ti,a ' re Hi fmhe r the New World movement, the plate and this was followed by u reii a Miori lime ii ,. i- .i,.. . i .i.. . .......i. ou ii ru loiiiijiij luviieti iu loiut iu nif iiui iil- siaiu iiiai auut-u i u uiuic c!iiirch. Again we quote Rev. John runs and took the joy out of life K. Abbott: ' j for the visitors who played the rest "Understand as you come that the of the game in a listless manner, nim of the service will not be to in- Platsinouth added cue in he seventh riruct you in science, to guide you ; and one in the eighth and the locals in politics or to educate you in lit erature. It is true of ministers now as in the Apostles' day that 'not many wiso men after the flesh are called.' "But come to get what you can get nowhere else the sense of con tact with God. the knowledge of the . . : i . c t . i t : . . : . .1 : J . .1. I . - f . . - Kive her a thorough examination andi""' 01 "J' J'u: "PJ"' --'- L Sl.icn,' oa tn vliothor it n-nl,l l'1 S'"" ' Mill- L'tlllj; UIUlKfU up clrilllL H1C advisable to lvc her undergo an I t,.I,,,pd an(! accentuated by the Di- locals and many of these were on sent the Christ Christ furnl-!s"8 Jffs af'hen wiJh their car ture company of that place, was in wjii jmsii tin 10 uic uoasi. Last Monday nitcht on the mid night train, E. S. Tutt of the Soen-1 r.ihsen store of Murray and W. G. j Boedeker of the Murray State bank,! departed for Kansas City where theyj went to attend the Shrine conclave, which is in session there this week.) Mrs. John Hohscheidt has been very sick for ths past few weeks and it was thought best to take her to, Omaha where a specialist was to j made the most of their opportunity of afttening their batting average at the expense of the colored brothers who were their guests. Art Klauschie did the tossing for Plattsmouth and was effective at the critical stages of the game and re- SGENNICHSEN'S Saturday largaios 11 pounds of sugar for. . ." $1.00 Staple Groceries Victor flour, 48-lb. sack $1.75 Monarch pork and beans, 2 for 25 Rose Dale peaches, per can 25 4-lb. box Fairy soda crax 55 3 lbs. Peaberry corTee for 1.00 Swift's Pride laundry soap, 6 bars for 25 Palm Olive soap, 3 bars for 25 Kellogg's corn flakes, 2 for 25 Post Toasties, large size 15 Large pkg. rolled oats 25 3 pkgs. macaroni or spaghetti 25 Frank's kraut, 2 cans for 35 0- Kay bran flakes, per pkg 10 1- lb. pail peanut butter .25 2- lb. cans peanut butter 50 Blue Ribbon peaches, 5-lb. pkg 85 Prune?. 5-lb. ckor 50 Uncle S. G. Latta while going af ter his cow which was in the pasture, snrainpd his wrist verv hnrflv Snrp being jjjj-g -s a fart hut he slipped where I the ground was quite wet and throw ing his hand out to catch himself re jeeived a severe sprain of the wrist, but which is getting along nicely now. During last Tuesday while the workmen at the Burlington shops at Plattsmouth were not working on account of the Masonic cornerstone laying, Arthur Copenhaver and wife were in Murray and putting in their garden and though they live in Plattsmouth they are gardening in .Murray. j Uncie B. A. Root received a letter , a few days since from a former citi !zen of I.Iurray, W. W. Hamilton in which he expressed the fact that ; times at his home town of Porter ivilie, California, were very quiet and that he had gone to San Francisco ( to work where the work was more plentiful. ! Eugene Graham, who has been at tending the Tarkio, Mo., college for the past year and completed the freshmen year, last week arrived home and is enjoying a visit and va- ation at the home of his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Graham and will vine power vested in social worship. Selling Much Wire Fencing The firm of Mrasek and Richter! Gallon can peaches 60 Gallon can apricots 65 Highest Market Prices Paid for Your Produce balls that were really too hprd to handle, but on which the infielders took a chance. On next Sunday the local knights : - f !" 1. of Ai'ill oiirnov t r 11a 1 1- "l',,"T'. -..v.. 1"-'' where thoy will tangle v.-ith the city in business selling implements and m of ,ace Qne of the hot 7'V'ae " , I test games of the season lent sale in woven wire fencing. Lasti 1. 1. 1 .1 . ! Monday they brought two car loads t of American woven wire fencing! which has been shipped with otherj goods to i nion anu Dy tne miuaie ot the week most of the goods had been sold. They are veil pleased with the excellent business which has been coming their way. RESIGNS HIS POSITION Charivaried "Bill" and Bride Bill is married; was married at Council Bluffs about a month since, the winsome bride being the daugh ter of a neighbor living next door to the Minford family in Omaha. They very successfully kept the matter se cret until a few days since, but when they visited his home town, Murray, a number of his friends gave him or them a charivari which demonstrated their friendship and had a good time besides. We with his many friends are expressing the wish that their life may be long, useful and happy. I !'0 Sosnniohsen Oo. Phone No. 12 Murray, Nebraska return in the fall to enter as a soph omore. ! J. M. Teeparden and brother I. W., the latter being visiting here from his home in Los Angeles, and Henry Crozier all of Weeping Water, passed j through Murray last Tuesday after noon en route for Plattsmouth where they attended the ceremonies inci dent to the laying of the cornerstone for the new building which is being erected at the Masonic Home in that place. Mr. and Mr3. Walter Johnson have leased the Murray Hotel from Mrs. J. W. Berger and are conducting the place at this time. They are well qualified to carry on the business and will ever maintain the hieh standard of excellency which has marked the hostelry during its being conducted by Mrs. Berger. See the advertisement for the hotel in an other column of this paper. Mrs. Laura Ringwood, formerly Miss Laura Puis, who has been mak ing her home at Minneapolis, Minn., for a number of years, arrived in Murray some time since to visit with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis, Sr., and was joined by her husband, Mr. E. J. Ringwood last Monday who I II ...'..'l 1. m " iu hmi nere ior some two weeks after which they will depart in their auto for Los Angeles where they are expecting to locate. I Mrs. Henry Timm. who has been at the Immanuel hospital at Omaha for the past nearly two months, was able to return to her home last Jlon- James Hartshorn, of Ilavtlock. was here yesterday for a few hours visit ing with olu time tnends and also attending to court house. some matters at the From Monday's Ualiy D. C. Morgan, former postmaster, ho has been for he past several months in the employ of the Platts mouth State Bank, Saturday even ing closed his work there and his resignation made seme time ago be came effective and the former post master will now be able to get out and attend to his insurance work that he has been compelled to neg lect more or less since he took up the work in the bank. Mr. Morgan has been desirous of getting out in the open for the summer months and the fact that the bank would be able to have the services of Carl Schnei der for the summer months has enabled him to realize his wish. Mr. Morgan will now look after his in surance work and as well promote his candidacy to the office of clerk of the district court, he being the democratic nominee for that office Mr. Morgan is an expert book keeper and the bank greatly regrets to pai t with his services but he feels that a summer spent in the open will be a Pols Sl M rasek We are now open and ready for busi ness, prepared for tin work and repairing of all Idnds in our line. We will handle and carry all -farm machinery repairs. Farm machinery in stock for your in spection and selection. Also a line' of good harness. Puis & Mrasek W. H. Puis Joe Mrasek Murray, Nebraska Special Sunday Service At the Murray Hotel We will give special Sunday dinners and suppers and invile all to come and enjoy a day's rest on Sunday and not have to bother with the cooking on Sunday. The Murray bathing beach will open soon and we invite all who may come to get a good dinner. The Murray lloiel Welter Johnson end Wife in Charge We 0 w rr C3 s-A lice iviurray We located in Murray because we liked the town and our short stay here has justified our judgment of this being a good place in which to live. We have enjoyed a 5Cood business since we have located in Murray and we wish to express our appreciation and to thank those whe have traded at our store. Come Back Again Murray Mercantile Co. W. J. Donahue, Prop. Murray, Nebr. ere to Serve You There has been a demand for a business house to serve the farmers in this community and we have se cured the John Deere line of implements and will keep a complete assortment. See us for anything in this line of farming machinery. In the matter of repairs, we will carry and supply you in all needed farming machinery repairs no matter what line. We also handle American woven wire fencing, fence posts and barbed wire. Warehouse and Business in Murray East of Railroad Tracks Mrasek & Richter Bros. MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA The Opening of the New Store in MURRAY We desire to greet the citizens of Murray and community and to say that we have just opened a new store in the room formerly occupied by the Chilton Store and that we have an excellent stock of absolutely new goods, consisting of Groceries of all kind and also Dry Goods. We will pay the highest prices for country pro duce. Come in and get acquainted and see the new store. urray Mercantile Co, W. J. Donahue, Proprietor Sn Jeff Brendel or 1 Lee Kniss about The Latest Thing In Life Insurance Protection At a Low Net Cost, in The Murray, Equity Life inSUranCO GC. Nebiaska