The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 05, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Che plattemoutb Journal
EMtered at roetofflce. PlattKnoutb. Keb.. as eooJ -clasa mmli ma.Lt4
Oh, yes, the ice man will get in
his work re long.
Our objettfon to nobbed hair is
the combinR of it so often in public.
The only way to fatten your pock
othnrtfc i! to exercise your brain
0:0 1
If any difference at all, a good
sinner would be preferable to i bad
If only the bad actors would
strike, a long suffering public would
not care so much.
Strawberries report they are big
at the top of the box and small at
the bottom, as usual.
A great deal of trouble would be
overcome in this world if we'd laugh
instead of swearing at it.
A rejected Chicago suitor put dy- :
namite under her house because she j
had blasted his romance.
The republican convention is 1
scheduled to last six days but it is
just about over jight now.
In Washington, when you see a
congressman smiling yon know the
charges against him have been dis
missed. :o:
The people of this burg who use
heating stores are slow in taking
them down this spring and right
they are.
Auto helps: A lady lrarnln;? to
drive an auto should wear earmuff?
so ee can't hear what people say
about her.
A boy in Bangor, Me., has trained
a dove to fight. But this is noth
ing. The dove of peace has been do
ing it right along.
The Dawes report, says another
expert, will turn Germany upside
down. This is nice. She has been
on her ear a long time.
The week end list of dead and in
jured in grade crossing accidents
and other traffic mishaps is one of
the surest signs of spring.
Very few college girls are in jail.
says Mr. Davis, a New York peni
tentiary expert, so it seems that
higher education does pay.
New York has a blond bobbed
hair bandit. She is right in style
as a blonde and in having bobbed
hair and in being a bandit.
Cnogress builded better than it
knew when it passed the immigra
tion bill. Russia has "retaliated"
by excluding all immigration.
Another sign of the forthcoming
presidential election is furnished by
the sudden and intense interest
which the members of congress are
taking in the plight of the farmer.
Grover BergdoII that pathetic exile
wants to "negotiate" with the
United Siate3 government over the
terms of his surrender. What does
Mr. BergdoII think he is a sover
eign power?
There are enough church people
In his country to dictate what's
what, if they went about it in the
right way. But they lose their
strength bickering
among themselves.
and fighting
The I'nited States produced more
than eight million pounds of sugar
last year. But the prospective June
bridegroom doesn't consider this any
susar at all compared to the one he
goes to see every night.
Mr. Theleen. manager of the lo
cal light plant, is certainly a live
wire in the fullest meaning of the
term. He is a clever gentleman and
stands right in with the business in
terests of the city. He is decidedly
up to date in everthying in his line
of business and giving our people
the best service they have ever had.
More than two billion dollars'
of German marks were bought by
people outside of Germany in th
last five years. This is one fact dug
up by the Dawes committee. Put
ting it another way. Germany has
made two billion dollars profit un
loading tons of paper money on the
world and then depreciating it to
penalty later when she tries to mar
ket financial securities of real value.
V figured as the man who killed btan
LINES TO EEMEMBEE j'lford White. Now he h again in the
i limelitrht. and is on trial, net for
The wisest man is gen-
erally he who thinks him- J
self the least so. Boileau.
Truth never huris till we get old.
The first of May and overcoats are
still worn. Hope May will bring in
some warm weather.
Wonder what has become of the
old fashioned congressman who was
going to reduce our taxes?
Boom the Fourth of July celebra
tion. Everybody is interested in a
celebration. Talk about it to ev
erybody. :o:
The senate levies tax on radio
and cuts auto tax. Take off of one
and put on another. "Rob Peter to
pay Paul" is it?
In Sedalia, Mo., two sisters mar
ried two brothers, which makes
them sisters-in-law, so now they can
fuss more than ever.
Wonder what Albert B. Fall thot
of Mr. Coolidge's announcement that
lit was "looking for a $100,000 man
to fill a fl2.000 job."
Many a man buys with alacrity
and pays with reluctance and then
there are some who buy the same
way and pay not at all.
Listen girls: Never tell a man
' about something that happened ten
i ears ago. wnnKies and reminis
cence go hand in hand.
One of the great dangers of be
in a musician is you must let your
hair grow, even though someone may
burn you for a brush pile.
Once more the world's largest cir
cus is announcing that it fs "Big
ger and Better than Ever." And. if
you're not too old, it will be.
What about the Jap exclusion
bill? What is the president wait
ing for maybe to finally veto the
measure? Just like him to do it.
The governor of Indiana has been
convicted of fraud. It will be a
shock to politicians to discover that
a political office holder is not above
the law.
Mr. Coolidge is said to hr ve more
delegates than he needs. T"iis gives
the boys time for spring chorus
practice on the convention demon
strations. -:o:
To stay single: Have vour
shaved so she can't run her fingers
through your hair. Running fin
gers through hair is what marries
many men.
The day we celebrate the glori
outs Fourth of July, ever to be le
n.embered by every American patri
ot. Bear in mind that Piattsmouth
will celebrate this year.
This newspaper is published for
the whole family. So we have dug
up some news today that will delight
the dog. In New York last year
254,803 dead cats were found.
The California Japnaese are re
ported to be preparing to go to
Mexico. This may be that plan of
reprisal against California, word of
which came recently from Tokio.
Governor UeCrmy of Indiana, now
in jail, has resigned. Maybe if they
would jail a few office-holders
around Wahinston they would also
resign and thus relieve the country.
After a careful diagnosis of the
address of President Coolidge before
the Associated Press meeting, we
have reached the conclusion that he
is another one of those persons who
uses words but htey don't say noth
ing. : o :
It is now a well established fact
that spring has decided to stay w ith
Qfl until summer. The sap is run
ning in the trees and wild flowers
are getting wilder. Baths are be
ing taken. A citizen who has had
his bath writes us: "Just as soon as
the coal was removed from the bath
tub. I knew what it was. I turned
to my wife and I said. 'Wife, that's
a bathtub.' "
A concrete example or the con-
, .1 a enncrerp o v ,1 tti ti 1 . 111 I 1 1 1? 1 u u -
ll . . . T
stancy or momer zove nas uu s.vCU
to the world by the aged motner 01 . county, Nebraska, and in pursuance
Harry K. Thaw, whose sanity is now of a decree of said Court in an ac
being tested before the the ! tion therein pending wherein Byron
, . . . . . . o . - 'Golding is Plaintiff, Peter A. Jacob
result of his efforts to obtain free- g Jamesoni Elizabeth
dom rfom Mattewan. Since bis long wesch, John W. Kinzer and George
years of confinement at the asy- 1 y. Kinzer et al are Defendants, I
lum for the insane. Thaw has he- JfMJ at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 31st
come a lonely figure. The world
had all but forgotten, except when
it was reminded by periodical visits
to h?s home, when his picture is
printed in the papers and thero Wtts
recounted the tragedy in which he
his life, but for his freedom.
But through the years interven
ing while the world has scorned him
and has all but forgotten him. his
aged mother has never had him out
of her thoughts, and has never ceas
ed her efforts in his behalf. On the
short vacations allowed him it is to
his mother he has gone, and now as
there is enacted another court room
scene, it is the mother who sits
nearby, that mother who has passed
the four-score mark.
We would not go into the merits
of the Thaw case. We would not
even venture to pass an opinion as
to his sanity. That is for the court
to decide. If he is considered
menace to society he should be re
tained at Mattewan. If it can be
proved he is in possession of his
right mind, and that no one. in all
probability, will be harmed by his
reelase. then perhaps the court
would be justified in terminating his
confinement. But the courts must
In the meantime, however, we can
not fail to pay a passing tribute to
his mother. With the Thaw mil
lions, it is possible for her to have
every luxury, and to gratify every
whim that money can buy. Yet this
Is nothing to her compared to hav
ing her son. No matter what the
world thinks, no matter what testi
mony may be introduced against
him. she remains his mother, loving
for him until the end. As we read
of the aged woman, sitting in the
court room day after day. we are re
minded of those lines from Kipling:
"Were I to be hanged on the highest
Mother o' mine. Oh. Muther o' mine.
I know that your love would follow
me still
Mother o' mine,
: o:
Oh. Mother o'
President Coolidge has discontin
ued the wearisome practice of shak
ing hands every day with the hun
dreds of visitors who assemble at
the executive office of the White
Houfo at the conclusion of the fore
noon's business. In his good nature,
however, he permits visitors to stroll
through his office and watch his
The presidency of the United
States has been called very appro
priately a man-killinK job. Tho
heavy strain of its manifold duties
would wear down the health and
strength of the most robust of men.
For the president to increase that
strain by going through the fa
tiguing process of shaking hands
with long lines of visitors, every day
is both needless and undignified.
It is to he hoped that Mr. Cool
idge will not long permit streams of
vsiitors to wander through his of
fice during his working hours.
That must Me distracting and a trial
to his nerves.
The president of the United States
has the biggest and the most exact
ing job in the world. He should be
permitted to attend to it without the
interference of the handshakers and
without being stared at "hy all the
sightseers who choose to intrude
upon him while he is busy.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of
Hans Sievers, Administrator of the
estate of Helene Hilbert, deceased,
for license to sell real estate to pay
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order and license issued
by Hon. James T. Begley, Judge of
the District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, on the 12th day of ApriL
1924. to me, Hans Sievers. Adminis
trator, I will, on the 10th day of
May. 1924. at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m., at the south door of the Court
House in Piattsmouth. Cass county,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described real estate,
The south 34 feet of Lot two
(2) in Block sixteen (16) in
Townsend's Addition to the City
of Piattsmouth. and fractional
Lots one (1), two (2) and three
(3) in Block eighty-six (80) in
the Original Town of Piatts
mouth, Nebraska
subject to all liens and incumbrances.
Said offer for sale will remain open
for one hour for bids.
Date: April 14th. 1924.
Administrator of Estate of
Helene Hilbert, Deceased.
Attorney. a!4-4w
State of Nebraska, Cass county, as.
Rv virfiif nf nn order of snip iKsnprt
I,. r ,,... Dn1,ni4ann Cloilr rF ti
. "
u uaiuca Jiuuti iju". -ii jl iuc
District Court witUin and for Cass
a ' : l4' " tn bub
, door of the Court House in the City
Q? Piattsmouth, in said county and
I state, sell at public auction to the
nignesi oiuuor ror casn. ine ronowing
Lots 7 and 8 in Block 2
Riverside Addition to the City of
Weeping Water, in Cass county,
Nebraska ;
Lot 5 in Block 8, Fleming and
Race Addition to the City of
Weeping Water in Cass county,
Nebraska ;
Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block
13 in Young and Hayes Addition
to the City of Piattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska;
Lot 11 in Block 42 in the City
of Piattsmouth, .Cass county, Ne
braska ;
Lot 10 in Block 4 2, in the City
of Piattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska together with all appurtenances
thereto belonging to satisfy plain
tiff's judgments:
First Against Peter A. Jacobaon
et al, for $51.42, with interest at
1 and costs of said action;
Second Against Albert E. Jame
son et al, for $88.93, with interest at
1 r 9! nnd costs of said action;
Third Against Elizabeth Wesch
for $42.41, with interest at 15 and
ecsts of said action;
Fourth Against John W. Kinzer,
for $ir,l.T6. with interest at 15
and costs of said action;
Fifth Against George W. Kinzer
et al. for $186.98. with interest at
I' '", and costs of said action.
M as provided by said order and
Dated at Piattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 26th dav of April, A. D. 1924.
Sheriff of Cass county,
Att'y for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Uiive M. rerguson. Plaintiff, vs.
Unknown Heirs. Devisees, legatees
Personal Representatives and all oth
er persons interested in the estate of
Charles Mer tenia, deceased, et al, De
To the unknown heirs, devisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
"f ("harles Mertens, deceased,
real names unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Wilhelmina
Miitens, deceased, real names un
known; all persons having or claim
ing any interest in txtt twenty (20)
in the east half of the southeast quar
ter ( E Vz SE4 ofSection twenty
nine (29. in Township twelve (12)
North, Range fourteen (14) east of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass
county. Nebraska, real names un
known: Said Lot twenty (20) being
also described by metes and bounds
as follows: Commencing at Doud's
northwest corner, thence north ten
degrees east, six chains to an elm
tree, thence with the claim line be
tween Braud Cole's and Jean's, eigh
teen chains and seventeen links to
section line on east side of Section
twenty-nine, thence south with sec
tion line, three chains and fiftv links
to Doud's northeast corner, thence I
west with Doud's north claim line. i
eighteen chains and ninetv links to'
the place of beginning. containing(
8.0 ncres. all in Section twenty-nine.
Township twelve North. Range four
teen east of the Sixth Principal Me
ridian, in Cass county, Nebraska:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 21st day of April.
A. D. 1924, the plaintiff in the fore-
JIM, 2 7403
Registered with the Standard
Registry of America
and will make the season of
1 924 at my home east of Mur
ray every day in the week.
JIM is a black jack, mealy
points, foaled Sept. 10, 1916.
He stands 154 hands high.
Weight 980 pounds. Sired by
Blue Tie, 2nd, and his dam
was Lady B.
TERMS $15.00 to insure a colt to
stand and suck. When parties dis
pose of mares or remove from the
locality, service fee becomes due and
must be paid immediately. All care
- .a t A
will be taken to prevent accmenr,
but owner will not be held respon
sible should any occur.
in gasoline as in
jxft chemical fertilizer
RED Crown is balanced to give the most satisfactory results
with the modern motor. You can neither add nor remove
any fraction from Red Crown and have as good an all-around
motor fuel.
It has an abundance of low boiling point fractions to assure
quick starting under all weather conditions and plenty of
higher boiling point fractions to develop maximum power
with the greatest economy.
Adjust your carburetor to Red Crown and you can operate
on a lean, clean-burning mixture that assures big mileage per
gallon and very little carbon.
Drive in to any Red Crown Service Station and fill your tank
with balanced gasoline. You will receive prompt, courteous
attention and full measure of gasoline that assures depend
able power and Polarine motor oils that provide protective
Red Crown.
going action filed her petition in the! said estate is three months from the
District Court of Cass county, Ne-! 20th day of May, A. D. 1924, and the
braska. wherein you and each of you I time limited for payment of debts is
are made parties defendant, for the lone year from said 20th day of May,
purpose of obtaining a decree from
said Court, quieting the title in plain
tiff to the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lot number twenty (20), in
the east half of the southeast
quarter (Kt SE14 ) of Section
twenty-nine (29), Township
twelve (12) North, Range four
teen (14) east of the Sixth Prin
cipal Meridian, in Cass county,
as against you and each of you. and
by such decree to wholly exclude you
and each of you from all estate,
right, title, claim or interest there
in, and to have the title to said real
estate forever freed from the appar
ent claims of you and each of you.
and quieted in plaintiff, and for equi
table relief.
oi and each of you are required , Florence G. Chalfant. late a resident
to answer said petition on or before and inhabitant of Rock Bluff pre
the 9th day of June. A. D. 1924. or;cinct CagB county, Nebraska, depart
your default will be entered in said j ed tllis nfe intestate, on or about the
cause and decree granted as prayed j sth dav of Mav. 1909. leavinc her
for in said petition.
C. A. RAWLS. Attorney.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Abi
gail E. Smith, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Piattsmouth in said county, on the
20th day of May, 192 4. and on the
21st day of August, 1924. at the
hour of 10. o'clock a. m., each day.
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 20th day of May, A.
D. 1924, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 20th day of May, 1924.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 19th day of
April, 1924. 1
(Seal) a21-4w. County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Sena James, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in
in said county, on the
20th day of May. 1924 and the 21st
day of August, 1924, at 10 o'clock a.
m. on each of said days to receive and
examine all claims against said es
o;tate, with a view to their adjustment
I and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against
1924. j that no application has been made in
Witness my hand and the seal of' the State of Nebraska for the ap
said County Court, this 19th day of ' pointment of an administrator of said
April, 1924. I estate, and praying for a determina
AI.LEN J. BEESON. tion of the time of the death of said
(Seal) a21-4w County Judge. Florence G. Chalfant. the names of
j her heirs at law and the degree of
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
Florence G. Chalfant, deceased.
Notice of Hearing.
To all persons interested in the
estate of said deceased. Creditors and
Heirs at Law:
You are hereby notified that on
the 12th day of April, 1924, Hazel
P. Hendricks filed her petition in this
Court in which she alleges: That
surviving as her sole and only heirs
at law: James Chalfant, her husband,
Willard F. Chalfant, a son. and Hazel
F. Chalfant, the petitioner, a daugh
ter, all of legal age, and that said
decedent was seized and possessed of
the fee simple title to real estate in
Cass county, Nebraska, described as
An undivided one-half interest
in and to the southwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of Sec
tion 5; the northeast quarter of
the northeast ouarter of Section
7, and the northwest quarter of
the northwest quarter of Section
8, all in Township 11, North, in
Range 14, east of the 6th P.
subject to the life estate therein of
Abigail E. Smith, the mother of said
decedent, which life estate is now
terminated; that petitioner is the
owner of an undivided one-third in
terest in the real estate of said de
State Farmers' Insurance Co.
James Walsh, President J. F. McArdle, Sec'j
Insures Farm Property and City Dwellings
Offers the best policy and contract for less money. Best
and cheapest insurance company doing business in Ne
braska. Pays the loss promptly. 7,200 members. Organ
ized in 1895. Insurance in force, $67,000,000. Call or
write TODAY tomorrow may be TOO LATE.
261S Harney Street Omaha, Nebraska
Potash, lime, nitrogen and phos
phoric acid are fertilizer ingredi
ents, just as combinations of
petroleum compounds boiling
point fractions form the body
of gasoline. To get the most
satisfactory results from either,
the proportions must be properly
IVrite or ask for
Road Map
' ceased, by virtue of the decedent laws
! of the State of Nebraska; that more
than two years have now elapsed
since the death of said decedent and
kinship thereof and the right or de-
scent of the real property belonging
to said decedent in the State of Ne
braska, and for an order barring
claims against said estate, and for
such other orders S may be neces
sary for a correct disposition of said
Said matter has been set down for
hearing at the County Court room in
Piattsmouth, in said county, for the
16th day of May, 1924, at the hour
of ten o'clock a. m., at which time all
persons interested may appear and
contest, said petition.
Dated: April 12th, 1924.
By the Court:
Countv Judge.
al4-3w. Att y for Petitioner.
Automsbils Painting!
First-Class Work
Prices Reasonable
Mirror Reptuting and
Sign Work!
Phone 592-W, Piattsmouth