The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 17, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. APRIL 17, 1924.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People oi Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially far the Journal Readeri
If of tha readers of tka
Jouiual knur of -. 7 social
eveui or ilea of interest In
this Tlcinlty. and will mall
uu to tbl odce U wlU ap
pear under thl lit ad in r. We
w ant all new t tenp Ed; tod
Money might be the root of all
evil but there are lots
of Good Rooters.
Wonderful angel food cake for Wanted to Buy: A tent in fair con-1 J.
sale Saturday afternoon. ; dition, size about 8x10. C. A. Trent, limbs
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Deles Dernier Murray, Nebr. alO-My. ; trees
Alex Campbell and H. H. Shrader,
who went with A. C. Mutz to south
ern Texas, in the Rio Grande valley.
j returned home last Monday very well
I pleased with the country down there,
! and while there Mr. Campbell pur
chased a twenty acre tract of land
I which he will have put in a very high
state of cultivation.
The Rev. H. B. Hutchman and wife
of Ammorette, Missouri, who have
been spending some time at Omaha
with Mrs. Hutchmans father, Mr.
Charles H. Boedeker, who is in the
motored to Nebraska City Monday W. G. Boedeker was a visitor in and his own home, and thus gettine
H. Graves was cutting up thejho ital reL.overing from injuries re.
which were tri nme.l from the LeiverJ from & 1all ,ome . 6ince
in front of the C hristian church ' , . 5 . .
when he was trimming trees at his
v. f ir., M , i M .. a .
afternoon. Plattsmonth last Saturday afternoon away with the brush and adding tOjl"" i mYtZi - -
Kuby Meade was a visitor with and while there engaged "Bundy" . his store of fuel. home in Missouri on last V ednesday
her friend Geneva Schomaker last Dovey and August Cloidt in a game; Uncle D. J. Pitman is changing his . . T
Afnnriav aftpmnnn f i w. in.n n h!Mt..n c y, I County Commissioner Geo. L. Far-
j . t I u iu nuuoc, . 1 Til.,, it. .
spending a You will be able to buy home made ' has concluded not to put up ice anyl'Y , ' .
bread at the market Saturday after-; more, but purchase it of the ice deal- "" TvT ,1 s
noon. er, and this saved the building for over the ground where the graveling
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Parker and a chicken house. IT T"" mm
Chris Schomaker is
few days with his son, Edward Scho
maker and family.
If you want a chicken for your
Let's all be "good rooters" for
Loyalty Begets
Cj Patronizing home institu
tions of all kinds is being fair
Easter dinner you can get it at the daughter Helene and Geneva and! Charles D. Keesee, who is farming
j necessary grading done at an early
Eloise Schomaker were visiting at on G. H. Gilmore's place, has been ! l?nie r the acnS of I? v,el
DjLYtag a severe tussle with a bone
fellon. which he had lanced on last ono and electric light companies
is improving
oil well.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schomaker and
daughter Dorothy were visiting at
the home of Ed Schomaker Tuesday
Geneva Schomaker was a Wednes
day night visitor with her friend,
Ruby Meade. They attended the
dance at Union.
Mrs. G. W. McCracken was a visi
tor in Plattsmouth on last Tuesday
morning, where she was having some
dental work done.
to those from whose patronage a visitor at the home of his brother
market Saturday afternoon.
Perry Nickles shipped a car load i the home of Ernest Schomaker Fri
of mixed hogs and cattle to the South ' day night.
Omaha stock market last Monday. ' C. D. Austin and the family were Tuesday and which
Dr. J. H. Hall of Plattsmouth was visiting in Murray last Tuesday some at this time.
a visitor in Murray, looking after evening, coming to consult with their E. F. Japsen. of the First Nation
some business matters last Monday, family physician regarding their . al Bank of Omaha, was a visitor in
Georee Kerr and Miss Eleanor Bur- little child. Murray on last Monday and was a
nie were passing through Murray on; Ed Schomaker and daughters 1 guest of and consulting with W. G
llltsuay ailernoon. going to see me Klr.isp Gpnpva anrl Mrs
The force of workmen of the tele-
was here for a couple days remov
ing the poles which they had outside
of the pale of the grading district.
Holstein Bull for Sale
F ne yearling, pure bred.
Noah Par- Boedeker while here regarding some j some horses, or would exchange the
ur and his granddaughter, Helene "laueis or ousiness. , horses for mules. Murray
you expect to profit
C; Loyalty to those who are
loyal will work reciprocal prosperity.
Pirker were Weeping Water callers I ittle Beatrice Rawls and Alice:
Monday afternoon. Louise Hiatt were passengers to;al"2M pg
R. B. Knapp. of Beatrice, was a ; P at1 sniouth last Tuesday evening,
visitor in Murray with Joseph Staska. ; wllf re they went to Attend a birthday
and who accompanied him to Ports-: "" :: ' Riven oy little Jean Caldwell.
mouth. Denison and Irwin, where he . eei-Drating her birthday.
I was called on business.
GeorET E. Nickles. while wnrVriner
with a barbed wire fence had the -ml Other shrubs from
misfortune to get one of his thumbs ' :tv- Oklahoma, and which was dis-
tnnuiea up wun tn." relatives, all
planting some of the stock out.
Walter Beyers of the road force
of the first commissioner district, a
man who knows much about road
work, was consulted regarding the
phone 1405.
Will Close Arbor Day
The Murray State Bank will close
at noon on Arbor day, which falls on
J. W. IJereer received a lam hov i Tuesday of next week. April 22nd.
containing strawberry plants, 'fuses' That s tne day to P'ant trees and
Oklahoma i beautify the Homes and make it more
inviting for the coming generation.
torn, which makes it terribly in the
way when he wants to work.
Eugene Powel of Piattsmouth was
Robert Hall, who lives where Walter 'a visitor at the home of his friends.
Sans formerly did.
Addison Boedeker and Frank Boe
deker and wife were visiting at Om
aha last Sunday with C. H. Boedek
1 having a hard tussle with pne
er at the hospital.
tenri &. uavis oi fiattsmoutn wa
Lester and Ray Schomaker over Sat
urday night and Sunday, going home
via the train Sunday afternoon.
I W. H. Wehrbein. who has been ' Ptory ! of the gravel, j IfHfJJSS
eumonia.l. 11 ' itoyai nas oeen assist- "c
m, L.i i fie nom? or t naries .uutz
Murray Will Play Ball
The baseball fans of Murray have
gotten together and will piay ball th
coming season. While the organiza
tion is not as yet entirely completed.
grading of the streets of Murray pre- i ough is known that they will have
iiouu team ami win piay uaai as 11
CFor banking service tO Mur- lookinar after some business matters r anl it tH hnne.l That he mav be i t,: household work on account of tile
rs v neonle vonr home town in Murray and at the farm west-of able to be out again in a shot time. 1 cf,Mrfs- MlItz 'ho has been Last Saturday John Campbell
rcy people your uosnc town tQwn on last Saturday c M chrtswlsser was a very brief ! v'r" PCfr'- 'or some time past and dropped into the barber shop and
bank IS unexcelled. Mr. and Mrs. Ed "Schomaker and visitor in Murrav last Tuesdav morn-: 7 :r at the hospital for a time for. v. as talking of the times when he
K i i j - children. Rav. Vivian and Onlrfa In while nn hte wav to Omaha where ! tr'-ta!ent. came to Nebraska which was in 1S53
jj IVlurray money DanKea in callers "at the home nt John h.. m inntin.- aftW tm hnsinpss ! Henry fhilcott was a visitor ,-n or nearly 71 years ago. J. W. Berger
De Laval
Don't experiment witK vari
ous kinds of oil to lubricate
your De Laval Separator.
There is just one brand of oil
which is exactly suited to the
purpose, and hundreds of
brands which will not do at all.
Keep the oil cup of your
separator filled with De Laval
oil and you will get the utmost
in separator satisfaction. The
machine will turn easier, and
give longer and better service.
All light, high-speed ma
chines run better when lubri
cated with De Laval oil. It
gives them the protection they
need and is, therefore, the
cheapest oil in the end.
Sold in half-gallon and one
gallon sealed cans, with a
handy spout.
Farm Implements and Hardware
Piattsmouth, Nebr.
Other towns can do Murray , Wiles. Jr.. Friday evening. matters at the Union Stock yards. Murray from his home near Union landed at Rock Bluffs then quite
little rrvl Th,? women of the Presbvterian The folks of G. M. Minford were;2"'1 '2S driven up by Mr. Eugene a mtte village in lioS. on the fourth
lime gooa. (church will hold an Easter market down last Saturday from Omaha and j Austin to see his doctor. Dr. G. H. ! dav of JuIv which was 66 years ago.
7 Make it fiftv-fiftv Patron-'at the Library Saturday afternoon, he toko them home in the auto Sun- Gilmore. who is caring for his injured Both have lived here since and have
, . r . J , April 19th. at three o'clock. day night and returned here Monday . ankle, which is getting along very , spn tne country change trom a wim
w.e iiiose inbuiuuon& wnosc L. Sink, the local agent at Platts- morning to look after the business at
suDDort and natronao-e vou mouth for the Dodge Brothers auto- the farm.
I M1UIMIV.-, - ti kj UOIUCKt 1 11 V 111 . 1 1 II 111 III , It Ui
i Murray last Tuesday afternoon. Charles Upp. all of Plattsmouth and more is at this time recovering very
j Florence Bartlett who has been with the Lighting company, were in nl Iv but will have to remain In the
shaving a tussle with the measles, is Murray and were trimming trees and hospital some weeks yet and suffers
g t : : .: ; ione nicely ami was able to moving poMi and --tr.::.:htrnin-.: up iderahie fr rm hie Infinite hrr i
ip.e:r lines.
We Close at Noon Arbor
Day April 22nd
well at this time. place to the highly cultivated coun
C. H. Boedeker who has been in
( larke and ' the hospital for some two weeks and
' trv it tc tr.flQr
Wi!l Celebrate Easter
The members of the Christian
church wil' appropriately celebrate
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
There is No Substitute
for Safety
1 be out and around on last Tuesday
T. .1. Boedeker of Wausa was a
visitor at Omaha with C. H. Boedek-
j er where he is convalescing follow-
j insr his injury nearly three weeks
i ago.
Mrs. A. V. Kennedy has been feel
ing quite poorly for some time and
' Las been kept to her home and bed.
I but is reported as feeling slightly
i better.
nassintr of Easter hv services.
1 'I.L! ' - Hill Iff j " 1
doing well as one could expect. S both at the Bible school and also at
; master Will S. Smith was a',hp fhurch hour. The Rev. Horn.
visitor in Omaha last Tuesday morn-'w!l formerly was minister for this
j ina: ynd took a load of e?ss over to ' church at Avoca, will be present and
Nebraska state farm test 94, I that thriving village and on his re-
Iowa gold mire, large quantity
W. Vallery. Murray. Nebr.
Jack for Sale or Trade
I have a good tried jack ready forj
I service, for sale or trade.
alO-2My. Murray. Neb.
Heinz catsup, 30c; 3 bottles for $ .85
Pink salmon, 15c; 3 for 40
No. 3 pineapple. 3 cans for 1.00
No. 3 Otoe hominy, 5 cans for 48
Monarch pork and beans, 2 cans for 25
7 cans Frank's kraut for 1.00
Two No. 2 cans tomatoes 25
6 lbs. 'bulk oats 25
Peaches in syrup, 4 cans 1.00
Jack Spratt ericots or peaches, 3 for 89
Van Camp's or Value tall milk, per can. . 10
Olives, full quart 60
Toasties, per pkg 15
Sugar, 10 lbr. for 1.00
Men's dress shirts, $1.45, $2.25 and $2.50
Men's dress ties. 50c to 75
Men's dress caps, $1, $1.50 and 2.00
Women's silk hose, new colors 1.50
Curtain materials, 20c, 35c, 38c, 60c and 75
Dress ginghams, 22c, 25c, 35c, 38c and 50
turn trip brought back material for
a7-2wks ! making egg cases. Mr. Smith has
i been doinsr a good "business in the
country produce line.
Mrs. Robert Shrader of South Om
aha who has been so sick for some
tim pat and who is just at this
time convalescing following an op- ' 1-4 r 44
. ration is reported to be making fair
improvements at this time. Her r
meny friends here will be pleased to
know of her improvement.
Joseph i-JIington. who went away I
from Murray about 21 years ago. and
who has been making his home in!
the northern portion of the state, ac-j
cuuiiiumeu oy iirs. Ellington, arm-
address the membership of the
church and a general invitation is
extenJicd to all to come and hear the
address. All members are urged to
be present for questions will be con
sidered concerning the good of the
church here.
Don't miss OUr regular Sat-'vi,11' yUlvrPy ,ast Tuesday afternoon
and said h exnected to make his
urday night dance at home here for the present.
, j vv . nerper nas letter from his
i sister. Mrs. C. Aldrich. who has been
j spending the past winter at Srilman,
j and who says the winter has been
very severe tbere and that she will
impend the next winter in Southern
! California. The sister eelehr.qfpd lir
Lancaster & Churchill, SSgrs. 83rd MrtM on APr "n.
-Murray Kail -Saturday,
April 19th
Basket Specials!
8 Bars Crystal White Soap
2 Bars Cream Oil Soap
1 Package Crystal White Soap Chips (large size)
1 Package Sea Foam
1 Shopping Basket 40c value
A $1.35 Value for Only
larding Creamery Gp.
Glen VaSSery Building
-Open Saturday, April 19th-
H. M. Soennichsen&Co.
Telephone No. 12
Murray, Nebraska
Saturday Our Last Day!
Saturday of this week we will close our business
in Murray and at that time any article of merchandise,
whether it be groceries or dry goods, will be sold abso
lutely at cost.
We have a nice line of groceries and they all go
at these special cost prices.
Also remember we will have to have all accounts
settled. Now this means that THEY MUST BE SET
TLED, for we will move the stock that remains away
from Murray the coming week.
Better take advantage of the prices while we are
here. It'll be a long time before you will buy goods as
cheap again.
John L. Chilton
The attendance in the primary
room for the week ending April 11
was one hundred per cent.
Mrs. Schwenneker visited the pri
mary and intermediate rooms last
Ckl! Gansemer was absent two
uay last week.
Henry Dietl was absent three days
last week.
The eighth grade received their
returns apd four passed.
Charles Howard had the misfor
un to htfve his hand hurt while
playing basketball.
Florence Bartlett was absent four
j days on account of sickness.
M'irie Davis won in the geography
(trill in Miss Rainey's room last
Lois Graham won in the spelling
('rill in Miss Rainey's room last week.
The Murray school pupils cleaned
the school grounds last Thursday af
ternoon. The grammar room pupils held a
i nrimary election Wednesday morn
Mary Graham was absent two days
last week.
The high school students are en
joying games in basketball.
The Murray school pupils and
teachers cleaned the school grounds
Thursday afternoon.
t Inez Hoschar was absent the first
part of the week on account of sick
ness. Curtis Faris was absent a few days
last weke on account of sickness.
The eighth grade pupils received
their reports last week. Some were
well pleased with the results.
.Curtis Faris, Kenneth Ferris and
Lester Gansemer were absent Fri
day morning.
From Monday's Dr11y
Yesterday afternoon the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fay McClintock, in the
north part of the city was made very
happy by the arrival of a fine little
daughter, who has come to make her
home with them in the future. The
mother and little one are doing very
nicely and the occasion also became
a very happy one for Grandpa and
Grandma Herman Tiekotter and
threatened by the raising waters of
that stream, and it is hoped that the
patient will be able to stand being
removf 1 to the home of relatives up
in th main section of the city and
if possible he will be moved today to
a dryer place in hopes of benefitting
his condition.
Twenty tons of baled hay. Phnoe
295 3. Clifford Roberts. alO-lwk
When for the observance
rtf Easter, remember that the Bates
Book and Stationery store has every
thing that will assist in making the
occasion one of charm and beauty.
From Monday's Dally
Walter Elledge, the eleven-year-
Old son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover El
ledge. is quite seriously ill at the mmm
home east of the Burlington station.
The lad has been suffering for 6ever- THE CELEBRATED JACK
ai aays irom ivpnoiu pueumunia niiu j
his condition is quite serious and has
ceased a great deal of apprehension
to the members of the family. To
add to the seriousness of the case
the home, which is situated on the
lowlands near the Missouri river, is
Be Safe With
Your Crops!
Do not let that hail storm
catch you this year.
We can protect you against fVI &L i 4 vS
tnese storms ana in case or loss
you will get paid right on the
farm when adjustment is
We sell Columbia, the com
pany first to pay losses. In
surance again fire, tornado,
wind and hail.
The rates are much lower
this year, which is an item.
At the Murray Bank
Registered with the Standard
Registry of America
and will make the season of
1 924 at my home east of Mur
ray every day in the week.
JIM is a black jack, mealy
points, foaled Sept. 10, 1916.
He stands 15 hands high.
Weight 980 pounds. Sired by
Blue Tie. 2nd, and his dam
was Lady B.
From Monday's Hatty
Saturday evening Mrs. Mike Trit
sch and children. Plorine. Marion
and Marvin, returned home to this
city following a stay of several
months at Santa Ana, California,
where they have been enjoying a
visit with relatives and friends. The
family are delighted with their stay
on the coast and the climate of that
portion of the country, but are glad
to be back home and to join the hus
band and father here.
Single Comb Rhode Island Reds,
$3.50 a hundred, or 60c per setting.
Mrs. O. D. Sherman, phone 3304,
Murray, Plattsmouth. Nebr
Poultry News!
For the coming season, I
am going to run a free
clinic on chickens and
their diseases.
Any of my clients hav
ing poultry problems of
any kind come and see
me about them.
Free post mortem exami
nation given where ani
mals are brought to the
Dr. G. L. Taylor
Murray, Nebr.
TERMS $15.00 to insure a colt to
stand and suck. When parties dis
pose of mares or remove from the
locality, service fee becomes due and
must be paid immediately. All care
will be taken to prevent accident,
but owner will not be held respon
sible should any occur.
When You Bury
Your Dead
insist on your undertaker using
the Miller-Gruber automatic con
crete sealing vault. It protects
the remains of the loved ones
Manufactured by
Miller & Gruber,
Nehawka, Nebraska
Business form: of all kinds print
ed at the Journal office.
. nil I li TB- - w m m m
J A mild ajratern ()f treatment that cures Pile. Fietula. and
H ...
tfier Recta) fSar .in I a akort time- wi:hnm aaaaaai .nr.
'-thetic uerd A cure nurmlanf) ha cn eaaa L J - -- . u- J
until cured. il .or free book on Kaetal (Wki with name mmd aU--noniai of thound of
p rominent peop.t wr.o have b-:en permanently cured.
J F" O T.'DIV C'tVATriDlf IX nit n rt an. . ot.n.t
t-ctera Trust Dicta;. Oi r-- , Netbr.