The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 17, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1924.
Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
We Will Haul
Your Cattle!
You do not have to wait for a car. Just call us and
we will be there blight and early. Our specialty, stock
hauling to market. We also do livery. Call for us at
Garage or our homes.
Dowler Brothers
The best vaDor stove made, the
Wickless Red Star oil stove. Remem
! ber this stove gives forth two flames
j of radiant- heat where other makes
! give one. We are also selling the
Xt w Perfection, a very good stove
1 bu a wick stove. Joe Banning.
j Henry H. Becker with a truck load
the of machinery and accompanied by
Don't Miss This
Henry Becker departed for
west Tuesday to farm his father's the family departed last Monday eve-
land and expects to be gone about ning for Chapman where he will
two weeks. larin for the comnig season, first
Leo Finkle, Amos Anderson, Leo seeding a large area to oats and fol-
and Hubert were attending the dance lowing that will put in a large num-
given at the Peterson hall in Murray ber of acres of corn which he will
last Saturday evening. i ultivate and then return to Lnion.
I K. D. Clark of Weeping Water E. McCowan has purchased the
was spending last Sunday in Union dairy of Mr. M. Lynde and assumed
and a guest at the home of his eon, charge on last Sunday and will serve
C. W. Clark and family. tlx people of Union in the future in
R. E. Foster and Geo. Stites were this line. Mr. McCowan is surely a
on the market on last Monday with working scamp and does not fear to
a truck load of cattle which they .dis- labor and will give the people of Un
posed of at' a good price. ion good service in this line as he
W. L. Havenridge of Omaha an has always given them service in his
wife were spending last Sunday at work at the railroad,
the home of the parents of the lat- ' Two cars of dairy cattle arrived
ter, A. L. Becker and family. in Union Inst Sunday morning de-
L. J. Austin was looking after stined for Eagle and were unloaded
some business matters in Murray last and fed here and again loaded and
Saturday night and was attending sent forward on the passenger in the
the dance given there as well. afternoon thus delivering the cattle
Roy Yonker and the family accom- to their destination one day earlier
panied by Mrs. H. H. Planck and than they would have been bad they
' - Victor Clarence were visiting the oil not have been taken via the passen-
Mrs W L Loomis was a visitor at well near Nehawka last Sunday. ger train. This looks like the Mis-
the home of relatives and friends in : County Commissioner C. F. Harris -ouri Pacific is endeavoring to give
Aubusn last Sunday ' was looking after some matters for service when they can.
Union Team to do the Work
Arrangements made by the dis
trict deputies of this portion of the
state of the Modern Woodmen of
America who are just now in a cam- I
Eagles HaH, Uebrasl: City, Nebr.
April 24th-25th-26th
A good as new Ford touring can gee OUJ. new I)atterns of congole- the county at Plattsmouth last Mon-
for sale at Lundberg garage. $275. um rugs, very selective and of much aay ariwng oer 10 me county seat
An Excellent bargain. Lund oerg. beauty. Joe Banning.
Sheriff E. P. Stewart was looking
( after some professional business in
Union on last Monday.
Mrs. H. H Planck was spending
most of last week at the home of Mr.
' and Mrs. John Clarence.
in his car.
Miss Xola Banning has been trou
bled for the past few days with an
attack of tonsilitis but is much bet
ter at this time, being victor over naign for increase in membership at
Dancing from 8:00 to 9:00 Free Each Evening!
Miss Alice Britton With Her Junior Performers Will Be Here!
A $(73.00 Radio Will 3s fen Away!
the malady.
R. B. Davis and family and moth
er. Mrs Mary E. Davis and Mrs. Ma-
Weeping Water and who will soon
have a large class to instruct, have
General practice. Special
attetion given to deep seated
diseases. Union. Nebraska.
.Messrs. Leacn anu a. W. rropsi bei Reynolds were visiting in Oma
were looking after some business at jia jast Sunday making the trip in
Nehawka on last Monday morning. ; tno alo of Ralph.
Dr. J. F. Brendel was looking af- R. E. Foster and family were vis
ter some business matters in Union Itlng with relatives in Plattsmouth
on lat Monday making a profession- for the day last Sunday where they
arranged to have the work put on
the direction of Mr. D. C. LaRue
and counted one of the best teams
for giving instruction in this por
tion of the state.
Pleasant Birthday Party
The birthday anniversary of little
(Genevieve Becker was observed
al call.
Hail Insurance!
Hail destroys many crops. You had better be safe.
Irsute your crops in the Hawkeye Securities Insurance
Company, of Des Moines, Iowa. See
Losses paid in full when adjustment made.
Farmers Eievator Union, Nebr.
All Dressed Up!
If you were going to buy your wife a new dress,
chances are you would choose something like Geor
gette or some other fabric equally as nice.
It is just as important for you to choose a good
brand of paint when you give the buildings a new dress.
This is the proper time to paint before the flies and bugs
come. .Also you will avoid the summer dust.
Remember we sell Sherwin-Williams Co's. Paints
and Varnishes and have almost a complete stock on
hands at all times. 'Nuf sed.
Frans Bros. Lumber Co.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
Dr. Thomas P. Cogan
622 World-Herald Building
Omaha, Nebraska
I will be in Dr. Race's office, Union, Nebraska, on
and every two weeks thereafter
prepared to give you the highest grade Dental Work,
inducing Extractions, Fillings and the best of Plates at
very reasonable prices. Your patronage is solicited.
The Shrader Service Garage!
is true to its name and gvies the SERVICE. One point
in our service is Trucking. We exercise the greatest
care in the handling of your stock or goods. Calls
answered night or day.
Call the Garage for Service of Any Kind
Just now we are offering at about first cost a num
ber of Ford parts and other accessories. See us for a
saving of money.
Remember we stress service. Repairs, Livery and
George H. Shrader, Proprietor
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
are guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Barkus.
The Ladies Aid of the M. E.
church at Union will hold a food sale
and Easter bazaar at the Farmers'
rtore Saturday afternoon, pril 19th.
Everybody welcome.
Grandma Fitch who has been
'rending the past winter in Union,
returned to Jjr home near Kenosha
and will live for the present with
her son James Fitch.
Jesse Domingo was looking after
some business matters in Union and
the vicinity on last Mondav return-
on From Tuesday's Dally
" I . . - i, iula Thio n ftornnn n firf rTTvl.-r nut in
by the Union team which is under , uesaay oy a gatue . r;.h; n.Jn . n l,, Hln, t Plfte
menus wno assisieu mi .--. i.& - --
that the day was appropriately spent Junction, east of this city on the
in games and other amusements that Iowa side of the Missouri river, and
w.i.i ti.t. tpntinn of the little folks . in a very few moments the building ;
cu-kmI musical numbers added was a mass of flames and fanned by
io ihe delights of the members of the
nsrtv Refreshments were
later in the day. The little guest of
honor is the daughter of Mr. and
H. H. Recker and is six years of
. . . mm m .... ...
- .
Won Over Nehawka
The younger of the baseball fans
have organized a ball team and on
last Saturday were entangled with a
iike team of Xehawka in which the
Prion team won at Nehawka over
th team of that town. 18 to 8.
Catch Many Fish
Scarcity of fish in the Weeping
Water and portions of the Missouri
river can well be accounted for from
'. fact that the Union people have
the high east wind blowing the blaze
served spread into the Lindsay meat market
and soon that building was also blaz
ing quite strongly and the flames
threatened the nearby buildings.
There was nothing saved from either
Upton Jane Patterson. Eiiie uutn uunaiug aim me mucks ui suuua ae
Moore' Vera and Verna Caldwell, almost total losses. A call for help.
Irene and Elizabeth Rogers, Odora j to Glenwood brought the fire de-;
and Dell Shrader. Ipartment of that place to the scene!
oi aciinn ano mane a nesperaie iigni i
The Symphonians
of Hotel Fontenelle,
of Omaha
AL. FINCH, Director
Better Dance Music!
Union Theatre
!to check the flames with the result
Charles Ray in
Go." supported by
'Two Minutes to
Mary Anderson.
that the
spread of the blaze was
been catching such large quantities : See a real football game
ing to his home in Weeping Water of the 'finnls tribe." Last Monday
in the evening with his auto.
Herman C. Ross shelled and deliv
ered his last year's corn crop last
Monday, a portion of it going to the
being a fine day, Messrs. and Mes
dames W. A. Taylor and Daniel
f.ynn were out and being experts in
rhc use of the rod and line of course
For the
glory of the college and for her!
They called him a quitter He pull
ed through college on a milk cart.
He didn't know when he was beaten.
From Wednesday's Daily
Andrew Stohhnan of
feed lots of Mr. Hans Christiansen they secured a large number. We;
and a portion to the Farmers' ele- W( re not informed just the number
(vator but know it must have been quite
! Mrs. Nancy McNuraee who has a senerous taking.
been for the past two years in the
west living In California returned to
Union last Sunday morning and was
much rejoiced to see her many
J. M. Patterson is among the last
to install a radio at his home. He
purchased one which will reach out
to the extremities of this continent
Interest in the Union Good
The interest of the Baptist Young
People's Union of Union has been on
the ascendency j for ; some time past
and many are .now attending the
meetings. On Thursday of this week
they are meeting at the home of Miss
A I man Frans where they will have a
and will deliver the goods in a clean social time and also will hold their
and intelligent manner. annual election.
Miss Alpha Peterson, county su-
perintendent of schools, was a visi- Efoct S. S. Officers
tor at the Union schools during the ..t the last meeting of the Bible
day last Monday driving down In school of the Baptist church of Un-
Iier car and found things working ,;0n an election was held for officers
nicely in this institution of instruc- for the coming year. The election
, t,on- fof the position of superintendent has
i Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Keedy were not at the time signified his inten-
visiting with friends in Omaha last tion of accepting and it may be ncc-
j Sunday making the trip in their car easary to elect another. The follow-
1 and found the roads excellent in the ing other officers were elected:: as-
, oing but had a slight scare regard- sirant superintendent. Rev. H. H.
ing the April showers on their re- Planck, secretary, Geo. Garrison,
i turn trip. .pianist. Miss Laura Foster.
I . . , , x'a mil ui .fviriuu, oio.,
and the good wife were visiting in
Union for a number of days last week
Lost Their Little One
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wood are
coming to look after some business mourning the Joss of their little 15
and also were guests at the home of days-Old son who died last .Sunday
relatives visiting at the home of morning after an illness of but abort
friends as well. .duration. This couple have the sym-
Roy Yonker and the family, Mrs. pathy of their many friends here in
H. H. Planck and Miss Moseman the their loss. The Rev. E. A. Fletcher
teacher of the primary grade of the conducted the funeral service and
Union schools, enjoyed a picnic at the interment was made in the Sci
the river side last Monday and took , ota cemetery.
their supper there all enjoying the !
occasion very much Leave For Long Visit
,, ; aIU Mr8- Mo.nt and Mr. and Mr8. M. Lvndo who have
daughter Miss Gussie. entertained ,-re.sided in Union for a long period of
at their home last Monday evening v departed last Tuesday for
for supper and the evening Mr. and , nethany where they are to visit at
rr wert" "epamng , the home of their daughter. Mrs. C.
IOMOWlllg for Bethany for IT MpTntvrP m,rt familv fni- zm.-
Composed of comedy, romance, thrills was here today looking
and ictory.
Wednesday, April 23rd
Louisville Dance $1.10 Spectators 35c
Also a 2 reel Dan Ma- work as traveling representative of
ithe Marshall Nurseries of Arlington,
son comedy. "Grass Widows."
At the Union theatre Saturday
From Wednesday's Daily
The fire which raged in Pacific
Junction yesterday afternoon was
finally gotten under control by the
efforts of the Glenwood fire depart
ment and the loss confined to the two
buildings of the John Olson general
store and the Lindsay meat market.
The cause of the fire is still unde
termined and was apparently well
Nebraska, and while here stated to
the Journal reporter that his son,
Leroy, who Is at the hospital in Om
aha, is doing very nicely now after
more than six months at the hospital.
It will be remembered that the
young man waB suffering from an
infection of the bone of the left leg
which proved very serious and for a
time threatened to make necessary
the amputation of ten leg but thru
the last few weeks of treatment the
leg has so far improved that the
young man is, able to be up in a
wheel chair a part of the time and
there is every hope that the leg will
DeLuxe Dancing Club
r " nrlt n j-T i i 11 I 1
ned by the wind soon made short .SJ -1 aru' Leroy be able to
work of the frame structures. The
lass will be considerable as the con
tents of both the Olson store and
the meat market were destroyed by
the flames. The sparks were blown
by the high wind for some distance
into the section of the town that
was burned out some two years ago
and as there was no building there
no damage was done.
Pacific Junction has been a great
sufferer from fires in the past and on j
several occasions the whole town has '
been threatened by destruction from
the wrath of the flames and in 1895 i
-i claUy there wa sa most destruct- J
ive fire that wiped out several build- j
ings and two years ago another fire
destroyed a number of the buildings
on the south side of the main street.
The town has no fire protection and
is constantly at the mercy of the demon.
return home permanently relieved of
the infection.
Cheaper to Own
Your Home
Than to Move!
Select a Brooder!
the day
t V o . M 4 ,' throe weeks after which they will
J. A. Simmons and the wife in : rPturn here for a short time and then
their new auto which they purehas- so to Kansas City and Excelsior
ed from the A. W Propel garage a springs, Mo., where they will stop
short time r.ince made a trip to Stella L the springs for a number of weeks
last Sunday whore they enjoyed annd take treatment for rheumatism
ymt with their relatives and Crienda j which has been troubling Mr. Lynde
returning home 111 the evening I fcr somp finiP. Following this they
I will pvnopt to no?irl fhn anmmDr nn-
Eggs For Hatching til August after which they will go
R. C. R. I. hatching crijs, $5 per I to the west and make their home
100. $1 setting. L. R. Upton. Un- with their foii Durwood for the win
ion. Neb. atfw ter.
Made to Order Clothes!
We have the agency of the popular tailoring house
cf M. Born & Co., St. Louis tailors, and are showing
their spring and summer styles at prices nearly as low
as '-'Hand Me Downs." See us for your spring suit.
Sec our line of new ginghams; extra fancy pat
terns at right prices.
We also call your attention to Pies, Cakes, etc. to
be sold at food sale at our store Saturday, April 19, by
Methodist ladies, and "Easter bazaar" in connection.
Farmers Store
-:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
From Tuesday's Daily
Last evening the election of offi
cers of Mt. Zion Commandery was
held at the lodjre rooms in the Mason
ic temple, with a large number of the
Knights Templar in attendance at
the meeting. The officers chosen
were as follows:
Commander Dr. R. P. West over.
Generalissimo Wm. F. Evers.
Captain General Glen Perry.
Recorder John E. Schutz.
Treasurer Philip Thierolf.
The other officers of the comman
dery will be appointed later by the
new commander to serve during his
term of office.
Dr. Westover enjoys the distinc
tion of occupying two very important
places in the Masonic circles, as he
is high priest of Nebraska chapter
No. 3, R. A. M., as well as the new
ly elected commander of the Knights
Why experiment with unknown
and untried brooding equipment?
Buy a "National" at our risk. Sold
on thirty days' trial, money-back
guarantee. Made for Coal, Oil or
Yes, I Will Hatch
Your Eggs
Mammoth Buckej-e Incubator. Re
serve your trays early for 132, 264,'
396 or 528 eggs.
Mrs. Irene Bengeit
Murray Exchange, 1931
Are you one of those who
rent and move and rent and
move again?
Wouldn't you rather buy or
build a home?
If your rent amounts to $40
monthly, you part with $4,800
in ten years $9,600 in twenty
You haven't a thing to show
for all that money.
Under our home-ownership
plan you could own your home
in about ten years, on monthly
payments of not much more
than rent.
Pay rent to yourself. Be your
own landlord and run your
home to suit yourself.
We are organized to help
you. Our terms are fair and
convenient. We are always
glad to talk it over with
out obligation.
Start with our 79th series
right now!
Plattsmouth Loan and
Building Association
One John Deere wide tread lister,
new; one 2-row machine. Fred C.
Beverage, Murray. a!4-2tw
$5 per 100. Duck eggs, SI per 13.
Baby chickens, any kind. 124 cents
each in 100 lots.
m20-8sw. Plattsmouth.
.,..?, .T,.T . ,T TT..yT. .T..T..V.T. j I
35 years
Coated Block
Custom Hatching!
With dependable equipment. Reserve space for 1 50 or
300 eggs. We charge Vi cents per egg.
The new popular double purpose fowl. Egg strain.
Baby chicks, each lgc
New blood. Tancred strain. Highest official egg records.
Hatching Eggs Day-Old Chicks
Per ! 9 $12.50 per 1 00
Pedigreed and Trapnested Pens