TBTSSDAT APBTL 10, 1934 IBAE TEHEE Nehawka Department! Prepared in the interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. $200 to $400 Saved 1 i Robert Troop had the misfortune ! to lose a cow which got mired in the creek last Saturday. Chester B. Briggs was a visitor at the home of C. E. Hitt southwest of Nehawka on last Monday. Troy Davis of Weeping Water was looking after some business matters In Nehawka last Monday. J. W. Lloyd was looking after some business matters in Platts mouth last Monday morning. Geo. Troop. 12 year old son of Mr. Alba Ingwerson who has been con- i Last Wednesday and Thursday fined to his bed with the measles foe 'Johnnie Kettlehut shelled and deliv some time, was able to be up on last ered his corn the same going to Mes- Sunday and down stairs for his din- srs. John Knabe and Ben Noell feed- ner which he tnought was pretty ers. His mother was very kind in nice. coming over and cooking for John Farley Pitman of Tulsa, Okla- nie and the threshers, noma, has been visiting with friends Herman L. Thomas who is taking and relatives here for the past few his vacation and at the same time daj-s, being a guest at the home of selling farmer, supplies for the Oma his father, Charles Pitman while ha Chemical company, is out tin 56 here. flue days rustling and we are cer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dill have had tain that he will make good for be is On This Light-Six Touring Car By our matchless facilities our enormous production H and Mrs. W. O. Troop has six young one of their little daughters who has built of the stuff which makes for pir and is becoming quite a hog been very sick with an attack of success. raiser. pneumonia and which at this time is Joseph Green was a visitor in Merrit Pollard has been quite sick reported as being somewhat im- Atchison. Kansas, going last Satur for several days and was visited by proved. day and returning home on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. D. St. John last Sun- John Campbell who is a partner evening and brought his father, Mr. day. of C. M. Chriswisser in the farming Elijah Green. While they were away Morris Pollard was a visitor in nnd stork raising business has at J. P. Douglas was at Murray looking Plattsmouth last Saturday looking hid time something like 150 pigs of after the business for Mr. Green, after some business matters at the is spring farrowing and all look- James Blake and wife were spend court house. in? nicely. ing last Sunday and Monday at the W. J. Wunderlich while splitting Harmon Beck and family who home of Mrs. Blake's parents. Mr. a log one day last week got one of his fingers in the way and now the finger is getting well and Mrs. M. R. Estes at Tabor. Ia.. driving over in their car and enjoy ing the time there most pleasantly have been making their home in Lin coln for some time were visiting in the neighborhood north of Nehawka Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troop were last Sunday being guests with their and rteurinng home on Monday eve spending some time last Saturday in r,l'' time neighbors. ning. T'r.ion where rbey attended a sale at W. O. Troop installed a new hay Mrs. D. C. West is at this time at te home of E. E. Leach. ork tri'k in his barn on his east "s'any where she is receiving Aunt Sarah Young who knows Just '" "e and imediately began its use 'rratment for some bronchial trouble tb trick in raising chickens, has at ' r filling his barn with hay. Jesse which she has been having for some this time somehting over 200 young Vallery has been hauling hay for the time. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wun chicks and all doing nicely. barn for the past few days. derlich and little Bobbie and grand Albert Wolf was spending last H. H. Stoll who has been staying father West were up to see her last Sunday in Nehawka returning to his fr the past five months at Jackson- Sunday, driving over with the auto, work in Omaha after having exercis- ville. Fla.. returned home last Fri- Miss Julia Troop daughter, of Mr. ed his voting franchise on Tuesday day and says that he liked the south and Mrs. W. O. Troop, who has just morning. very well and thinks he will spend recently returned from Colorado Troy Shrader. Alba Ingwerson and the cominS winter in the south. where she was for some three years. Robert TrooD shiDned a car nf rattle Vnr-le Peter Odd who has been was a visitor with her friend. Miss to the South Omaha market on last making his home for some time at Sunday they being loaded from the the home of a daughter in Omaha, amc- down to Nehawka on last Sat nrday evening and has been spend ing some time with his son, John Opp. Messrs Miller and Gruber have been constructing a new cistern at the new home which Verner Lund berg and are making a most worth while recentacle for the soft water mouth on last Saturday, driving over which is such a necessity about the lotion in tne car of Mr. Mast. household. Murray station Conrad and Peter Johnson ship ped a car load of hogs to the South Omaha market last Monday after noon and were on the market with them on Tuesday. Arnold G. Mast and Earl Troop were looking after some business and also visiting with friends in Platts- Edna Gordcr of Plattsmouth for over last Sunday and on her return home Sunday evenine was accompanied by her friend. Mi-s Edna, also Will Gor der and Robert Painter who spent the evening at the Troop home. Looking After Seed Corn County Agent L. R. Snipes of Weeping Water was in Nehawka last Monday looking: after the col- of seed corn, samples of whi'-h he took to his home for tost- ing in time to know absolutely its per cent of fertility which will "be a good proposition. Out of forty tests which he has already made he Iips found that ninety per cent of the orn is fertile. New Spring Clothes for MEN' Ynrv Vicjf he 0'1 Well La1 Sunday beinpr a very fine day outside, many of the peopie of Cass notUtty took the opportunity to visit fbe oil well and see how the work of sinkinc a shaft into the earth is dore. Orerfeflve hundred cars with teir openoants visited the place during- ihe dny pnd were much pleased a' the enterprise and the progress whih is bpin made. At this time rh shaft is nenring the 500 foot tark. Much en-ouraeement is en tertained notwithstanding the fact tbrt r siit cave in has been experienced. ERE is a car priced at $1,045. Built by ordinary methods it would cost you from $200 to $400 more. It is in scores of ways the leader of its class. No rival car compares in the value that it offers. Let us tell you how we give that value, then urge you to see this car. A sensation Studebaker is today the world's largest builder of quality cars. Stude baker success is the sen sation of Motordom. Sales have almost trebled in three years. Last year, 145,167 people paid $201,000,000 for Studebaker cars. There are tremendous reasons for this rush to Studebaker cars. And every man who buys a car should know them. 72-year traditions The Studebaker name has for 72 years stood for quality and class. To build an ordinary car un der that name is unthink able. Our assets are $90,000, 000 z at stake on serv ing you better than all others. We have $50,000,000 in modl plants, equipped with 12,500 up-to-date machines. We have 23, 000 workers, under profit sharing plans which lead them to stay and develop. We spend on engineering $500,000 yearly. We employ 1,200 men to give 32,000 inspections to each Studebaker car in the making. We are lavish We are lavish in things that count. We pay 15 bonus on some steels to get them exactly right. We use genuine leather in our cushions. We use curled hair. We use more Timken bearings in this Light-Six than any competitive car within $1,500 of its price. Our bodies are beautiful creations. The finish and coach work show the final touch. But we build them in $10,000,000 body plants of our own, and pay for these extras in savings. Where woe save We save by enormous production 150,000 cars per year. Our major costs are all divided by that en ormous output. It is utterly impossi ble for smaller makers to compete. We save by modern plants, mostly built in the past five years. We save by up-to-date machines. By building our own parts and bodies. See what this car offers Studebaker Light-Six Touring Car $1,045 Same steels as we use in the costliest cars we build. More Timken bearings than in any com petitive car within $1,500 of this price. Genuine leather cushions, ten inches deep. Curled hair filling. All-steel body. One-piece, rain-proof windshield. Attractive cowl lights. Standard non-skid cord tires. Transmission and ignition locks. Perfect motor balance. Curtains that open with the doors, By far the greatest value in this class. Mail coupon for book about it Come see what this Light-Six offers. How it excels in scores of ways any rival car. Built with the same steels, the same care and skill, as the costliest off our cars. We have only one grade of chassis. See its beauty, its com fort, its luxury. See how we have studied your every desire. Do that and you will choose this car, if you have in mind a price any where near this. Send for the book We machine all surfaces of our crankshafts and connecting rods, as was done in the Liberty Airplane motors. No other maker of cars at our prices does this. The result is that perfect motor balance, lack of vibration and long life. Mail us the coupon be low. We will send you free our new book that will inform you on five simple things which re veal the value of a car. For instance It will enable you 19 look at any car and tell whether it's been cheap ened to meet a price or offers true quality. It will tell you why some cars rat tle at 20,000 miles and others don't. It shows one single point in a closed car which measures whether you're getting top or medium quality. The book is free. Clip the coupon below. OXFORDS HOSE SHIRTS TIES PANTS UNDERWEAR CAPS HATS BELTS SUSPENDERS M. BORN TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS These are some of the things you will need this Spring. Let us show you how you can save by buying them here. F. P, SHELW ESTABLISHED 1883 (.one No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr P"i 'm Morula v's Dailv C. A. Trent of near Murrav wan her- today for a few hours looking Bfter some matters at the court house. BSd Ingrim. of Louisville, was here todny for a few hours attending to "ome matters of business and virit ine with friends. Genre3 Vogel of South Bend was ''re today promoting his candidacy or trie office of state representative on the republican ticket. Attorney C. A. Rawls motored out to Weepine; Water today to attend a meeting of the Cass county bar asso ciation that is being held there to day. Georce F. Wilson, who. with Wil 'iTi Barclay of this city, is contest ing for the democratic nomination for sheriff, was here from Elmwood ' Say visiting with friends and look- over 'he situation. LIGHT-SIX SPECIAL-SIX 5-Passenger 112-in. W. B. 40 H. P. 5-Passenger 119-in.W.B. 50 H. P. Tourmg $1045 Touring . $1425 Roadster (3-Pass ) . . . . 1025 Roadster (2-Pass.) ..... 1400 Coupe-Roadster (2-Pass.) ... 1195 ' Coupe (5-Pass.) 1395 Coupe (5-Pass.) ...... 1895 Sedan 1485 Sedan ......... 1985 All prices f. o. b. factory. Term to meet your convenience J. E. Wolf, Garage Plattsmouth, Nebraska. BIG-SIX 7-Passenger 126-in. W. B. 60 H. P. Touring $1750 Speedster (5-Pass.) j, m , 1835 Coupe (5-Pass.) ... 2495 Sedan . ..... . ra . . . 2685 MAIL FOR BOOK Jj Studebaker, South Bend, Indiana Please mail me your book, "Why You Can- not Judge Value by Price. THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCER OF QUALITY AUTOMOBILES f n n il iln r I We Have Struck Oil! Mobile B and BB, in half or barrel lots, gallon 81c Mobile W, medium, half or barrel lots, gallon 81c Arctic, medium, in half or barrel lots, gallon 81c Polarine, heavy, in half or barrel lots, gallon 70c Polarine, light, medium, half or barrel lots, gallon. .60c The Lundberg Garage NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA ters at the court house in which he was interested. William Richards of South Bend was here today for a few hours at tending to some matters of business and visiting with friends. B. A. Root of Murray was here to bringing in the returns from West Rock Bluffs precinct and also visiting with the old friends in the city. James E. Hunter, storekeeer of the of near Avoca were here today com ing up with the election returns and visiting with their acquaintances in the city. C. G. Mayfield was here today from Louisville bringing in with Burlington at Casper. Wyoming carne in Friday from his home and departed for his home in the west yesterday, taking with him his moth- , er, Mrs. J. R. Hunter, who will make! WILL LOCATE IN WYOMING the past three years been residing at Bakersfleld, California, arrived yesterday ana win enjoy an exienueu i From Monday s Daily- visit here at the home of her daugh- Robert Hunter, who has been in ter, Mrs. C A. Marshall, and the charce of the aeencv of the World- many old time friends are delighted i Herald in this city for the past year I r to see Mrs. Turner home again Frank H. Stander of Omaha, one of the old time residents of the vi cinity of Manley, was here today mo toring in with W. J. Rau, the Man ley banker, and took the occasion to pay the Journal a very pleasant call and to renew his subscription to the ana a nair. is preparing to accept a new position with the Omaha news paper in its Wyoming department where he will have charge of a dis trict management with headquar ters at Casper. The new territory will include Casper, Graybull and Sheridan. Mr. Hunter will make DR. H. G. LEOPOLD Osteopathic Physician Eyes Tested and Ol Fitted Union Block semi-weekly and to make a short the change next week, he states, and visit with the members of the force, the circulation here will be left in I Flatt&mouth, Nabr. K-;-K"M"M-I-M-I Thome SOS the hands of the members of the car- ; 4 -I 1111- her home there for the nresent. from Louisville bringing B. O. Cluft of Winataw. Nebras- bim the returns from that precinct ka. came down Saturday from his to tcne ,offlce of County Clerk George home in Knox county with a load of R Sayles. stock to the market and while in the Mrs. Ralph Marshall and little metropolis took advantage of the oc- daughter. Virginia, of Columbus, O., 'asion to run down and visit his are here to enjoy a visit at the home friends, the D. A. and W. R. Young of Mr. Marshall's parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall, for a time. George Cook of Alvo was In the city today for a short time, coming in with the returns from Greenwood precinct and also visiting with rela tives and friends for the day. C. E. Butler, the Weeping Water liii" hant-nr u'flQ hprA tndav rtn o fonr matters at the county court and FOR SALE! - FOR SALE! families in this city and at Murray From Tuesday's Dally Attorney C. L. Graves, of Union, was here today for a few hours, look ing after some matters at the court house. K. E. Sbeehan of LaGranire ncis, arrived here this morniner to at tend the funeral of the late Fred H. With This Year! We shall exert every effort to please our clientele, and will inaure reasonable prices with the best of workman ship and the use of best materials. We are Yours for Service Johnson Auto Company iehawka, Nebraska Rlflr t,f,.i, iZTM. - "u"e cju." 'W1'"B over cue "- i.iu cms anernoon. oection returns and visiting with his uie jvieisinger and wife came in friends. and !n?JlnH frm v.their ,farm boma Tom Hickson and wife of RalsU fon iSSK 1 D lhe early Burllne- were here yesterday for a few hou wi, Omaha to spend a few visiti accompanying the body of Mi ,. ' Ella VanFleet to this city for burial, Claude C. Smith, wife and daughter, she having passed away at her horn JlmZ ' uvvnriea tnis afternoon for in Ralston on Monday v auun. wnere thev in-ill vicit J v i . i u n n ii tamer or .Mr. Smith, Dr. J. G. Smith, for a short time. Father M. A. Shine departed this morning for Lincoln where he will spend the day attending to some matters of business for the church in that city and look after the ad ministrative work preparatory to the installation or the new bishop. Mrs. William Turner, who has for From Wednesday's Dally Attorney Carl D. Ganz of Alvo waa here today attending to some mat- Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. Tins fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. amouc gists of an Ointment which Quickly I lielieves by local application, and the ! Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in improving the General Health. s&!d by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Your Opportunity to Purchase Home Furnishings at Right Prices. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Two Old Trus ty incubators, one 200-egg, $20; one 150-egg, $17.50; one $65 New Per fection oil stove with Fireless cooker attachment. $30; one hand power washer. $6; one oak rocker, $2.50; one leather seat rocker, $6; one kit chen range, $25; one refrigerator, 515; one kitchen cabinet. $10; one 8-piece fumed oak dining room suite, $65; one porcelain top kitchen table, $6; one sanitary cot, $3; one massive oak library table. $14.50; one large matting box with tray. $7.50; one plain kitchen table. $2: one $20 oak finish Simmons bed, $9.50; one three quarter size Simmons bed. $6.50; one bed springs, $2; kitchen cabinet base, $5; one good combination book case, $12; one leather couch, $12; two commodes. $2.50 each; one dresser,' $6; one 9x12 fibre rug, $4. Above furniture will be sold as listed. If terms wanted on any article, make arrangements with Ghrist &: Ghrist Furniture Store, where all this fur niture is left for sale. Location. 118 122 So. 6th street. Phone 645. Platts mouth, Nebraska. rier force here. The change is made by Mr. Hunter largely because of the fact that his mother, Mrs. J. R. Hunter, is to make her home in the 'west on account of her health and he desires to be with her there. Never can tell when you'll maah a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Thousands rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your druggist sells it. 30c and 60c. 4- J j MRS T. C. M'CARTY Hemstitching and Picot Edging N. v i i 4th Street, Plattamoati PHONE 100-J To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and en joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the family system tonic. Price $1.25. S. C. R. I. REDS CHICKS! STOCK! HATCHING! Plattsmouth Phone 3604 Mynard, F. GRYBSKY Nebraska t t