THURSDAY, APRIL 3. 1934 PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. We Will Haul Your Cattle! You do not have fo wait for a car. Just call us and we will be there bright and early. Our specialty, stock hauling to market. We also do livery. Call for us at Garage or our homes. Dowler Brothers UNION NEBRASKA tang. COWS FOR SALE M. S. Briggs for County Judge. M. S. Briggs for County Judge. Mrs. Bert Geiger was looking after Dr. J. F. Brendel of Murray was BOme business matters in Lincoln on a visitor in Union last Monday, call- ;ast Saturday and also was visiting . ed heer on professional business. , , : T-f- ui' - ' Hollis Banning who is a student Chauncey Schopp living northwest in the state university was nome ror ion last Wednesday looking after his of Union also has a new radio Which a number of days during the past political fences, he being the repub is .1 source of much satisfaction to week on account of a few days' vaca- lican candidate for nomination at the M. S. Briggs for County Judge. Mrs". W. S. Stine was a visitor in Omaha with relatives on Thursday Taylor. of last week and enjoyed the occa sion very much. Joseph Thompson of Nebraska City was a visitor in Union on last Mon day afternoon and looking after some business as well. A. M. Cole of Weeping Water was a visitor in Union last Saturday, call ed here on accout o nfthe death of his sister, Mr.s. Wm. Chalfant. R. B. Poster has been hauling corn from the elevator for feeding purposes, it heing the best place which he could secure the corn. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Barritt have been spending a few days at the Bar- .milk, rit home in Union and looking after ! the home as well as visiting with m;M-3sw the mother. Hans Christiansen living midway . ftp ATI! PA! I between Union and Murray has been ; 5JJ2A I l! OALL compelled to naui corn irom rnion : for feeding his cattle which he is fat- ' tenlng at this time. Miss Angie McCarrolI who has ' been teaching in the schools in Lin- corn was nome ror i count of the spring vacations of the schools of the capital city. R. H. Thorpe of Lincoln was in Un- ! TELEPHONE COM PANY APPEALS THE SVOBODA AWARD Result of the Election. At the election of tne village o Union held on last Tuesday there was a good natured rivalry for the offices which were at the disposal of the people and the results being that when the smoke of the battle had cleared away it showed the election for members of the village board,' W. B. Banning. L. G. Todd, W. A. ! For treasurer, J. M. Pat- Seeks to Have Decision of Stats Com- teron; for village clerk, J. E. Ban-' missioner Reversed in Svobo A FINE LITTLE GIRL da Compensation Case. uonr miss aims 'From Tuesdays Dally A good as new Ford touring car The Lincoln Telephone & Tele fnr sale at Tnndhprtr P-arqwe $9.7 e-ranh Co. has filed in the district A TNtppIUiH- Kor-o-oiT, T.titiW court in this city an appeal from the Garage. From Tuesday's Dailv Those who have gazed upon Fred Stewart today have wondered at his wonderful smile and remarkably carefree air, but he has every reason in the world to feel rejoiced as this morning at 10 o'clock there arrived at his home a fine little seven pound laughter that is just about the finest in the land, Fred states. Mrs. Stewart and the little daughter are -"'n nicely and Fred is the real an i orig inal happy father. SEED CORN FOR SALE ' Yellow Dent Seed Corn for ml at $2.00 per bushel. This corn can b seen at the Fairmont Creamery Sta tion, opposite the Journal office.- Ross Todd. m31-2wks. w Ill Offiee Coatee Block Look up the record of A. TT. Dux hury, who is a candidate fr- County Judge you will vote for him. adv. the state compensation II"II 35 years Experlenc t DR. C. k. MARSHALL Dentist f l"M"t 1 I i i l l i TTTP I II and good Jersey heifer 2 a good Jprsey cov years old now giving ROY ARMSTRONG, South Bend. FOR VETERAN decision ot 'commission in granting compensa tion to Thomas S. Svoboda of this Icity who it was claimed was injured j in the service of the defendant com pany while worlting as a lineman. The reasons advanced for the re versal of the award is on the ground I that Mr. Svoboda did not file his i claim for condensation until one year after the time of the injury as required by law. The decision of the compensation commission was to the effect that tire telegraph company pay Mt. Svoboda the sum of $15 per week from De 123. and also the expenses of the operation on the Injured man and to --Ttt Witt a, a -i,jsfsi nss-wxs, "a isiano was uommanuant oi ; the injurirs sustained. State Scldiers Home. him and the family. M. S. Briggs for County Judge. tion. County Commissioner C. was a business visitor in last Monday afternoon where he had some business to look after for the county. mis LnRv.e and the good wife were spending last Sunday at the horn" of her parents in Weeping Wa ter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ellis, return ing home last Sunday evening. Mr. '. O. Todd ami wife have add ed a new conevnience to their home in the shapf of an excellent radio which allows the judge to attend re litious "rvices without leaving home and we can notice a betterment in this genial gentleman already. primaries next week for congress. Miss Susie Bullard, who has bees Albert and Reuben Hathaway ' ! . - i i . . l . 1 1 -. A ii niir-n - i.' I n i. note f rnm f liii Nehawka mouths at the home of her sister, Mrs. uuraseu, ueparieu on last mon day for her home at Carthage, Mo. M. S. Briggs for County Judge. Clifford McQuinn has been keep ing home pretty close with an attack of the measles an dis broken out good and plenty and is getting along very nicely and hopes soon to be able to be out again. farm of L. G. Todd and hauling the Ham" to their homes expecting to use the same for seeding purposes. Earl Merrltt who has bee nlll for a number of days and was kept to his bed and at home was able to be , dtfltfl town again on Monday of this The state board oi control recciv-j ed word Tuesday morning of the derth of Addison Waite, command-! ant of the state home for soldiers :tr 1 sailors at Grand Island. Mr. V: ite had served two years in the office of secretary of state, from ilOll to 1915. and held other posi- tiens under the state government. He was a pioneer of Otoe TO ATTEND CONVENTION week and very srlad to be out again. On Wednesday of this week Miss I Mary E. Foster started from Cali i fornia to her home in Union and is I V 7 WM. F. RACE, M D. General practice. Special attetio,n f.iven to deep seated diseases.- Union, Nebraska. 4 144 f,I"l"I"I,,I',t"l,l' in the east. Misses Naomi Mougey and Alice Todd who have been spending the last week with relatives here on ac count of the spring vacation of the Wesley S university departed for school as-ain with the beginning of ! this week. Theodore Copenhaver of Salem, 4 Va.. a brother of W. S. Copenhaver of Union, was a visitor in the city for a few days, being a guest for over Sunday at the home or nis brother after which he departed for Lincoln where he had some business and will visit other places in the west before returning to his home expected to arrive in a few days for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Foster. M. S. Briggs for County Judge. The Rev. H. H. Planck who is tak ing a course in the University atbraska. Lincoln, was in Union for a number t shin in t : represented that county in the lower house of the legislature in 1MB. In addition to fining the offlc of secretary of staff- he served as de- I puty secretary, bookkeeper for the secretary of state and was at one time chief clerk of the stae banking hoard. He was an active worker in the fj. A. R. organization and for many vi ors was patriotic instructor for that body in the denartment of Ne- He retained his member PpSl No. 21 at Syracuse. From Tuesday's Daily This morning Mesdames AMen J. Beeson, L. L. Wiles, John F. Gorder. Tom Murphy and James T. Begley .hparted for Pawnee City, Nebraska, where they go to attend the conven tion of the Nebraska federation of Woman's clubs which is holding Its county session tlure today. The meeting is n very large one and a large numoer of de'osates are expected from all parts of the state. BROODER HOUSE! Success is cn!y achieved by starting right, and a wiilineness to stick to it. ' !f you would be a successful poultry raiser, you chc;r!d start right, and to start right you should give the Chix the right kind of a start. A brooder house in which the little chix may be kept warm and dry will do the trick. Remember each chick you save will be about one dollar's worth of poultry this fall. The extra number you will save will pay for the house. See us for plans and prices. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Frans Bros. Lumber Co. UNION NEBRASKA of days during the past week on ac-J count of a short vacation in the rchool which he was attending. Frank Bauer the custodian of the M. W. A. hall is to be congratulated for the securing of an excellent show in the shape of the Tennessee Min strels which made much fun for the pleasure loving people of Union. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water was looking after some busi ness matters in FMattsmouth last week and also attended a meeting of the Cass county bar association which met there. On his return he spent some little time in Union and was a visitor with hi3 fellow attor ney. C. L. Craves. C. L. Beal, candidate for nomina tion for the position of clerk of the district court, was in Union last Mnoday morning accompanied by John F. Wolff, who is asking at the hands of the republican party nomi nation and election to the position of county sheriff. They going from here to Nehawka. The Rev. C. L. Elliott, pastor of the .Methodist church of Union, has jus? received word from a sister who lives nt Pan Dieero. Texas, telling of her condition being very bad, she havinr been sick for the past two years, one operation following another until his health Is very badly broken. The many friends of the Rev. Relliott and familv will sympathize with then) in the grief caused by the illness of the sister. Dr. Thomas P. Cogan DENTIST 622 World-Herald Building Omaha, Nebraska I will be in Dr. Race's office, Union, Nebraska, on SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1924. and every two weeks thereafter prepared to give you the highest grade Dental Work, including, Extractions, Fillings and the best of Plates at very reasonable prices. Your patronage is solicited. ; IN DR. RACE'S OFFICE UNION Baptist Church All evening services begin at 8 o'clock from April Cth on. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning wor ship at eleven. If the roads are good the subject for April 6th at 11 o'clock will be "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Sprinkling. Pour ing and Immersion." A cordial In vitation is extended to all. H. H.J Planck, pastor. Eggs For Hatching R. C. R. I. hatching eggs, $5 per 100. $1 setting. L. R. Upton, Un ion, Neb. a3-tfw The Shrader Sarvice Garage! is true to its name and gvies the SERVICE. One point in our service is Trucking. We exercise the greatest care in the handling of your stock or goods. Calls answered night or day. Call the Garage for Service of Any Kind just now we are offering at about first cost a num ber of Ford parts and other accessories. See us for a saving of money. Remember we stress service. Trucking. Repairs, Livery and THE SHRADER SERVICE GARAGE George H. Shrader, Proprietor UNION -:- -:- -:. NEBRAsSS M. S. Briggs for County Judge. Services at M. E. Church Sunday Sunday, April 6. there will be the following service? at the Methodist church in Union: Bible school at 10 a. m. Mornintr worship at 11 a. m. Epwotth League at 7:. 10 p. m. with services for the church at 8 and to all these services a cordial ivnitation is extended, to all not worshipping elsewhere to attend. As this is the beginning of the quarter all mem bers are urged to be in attendance. Received Greeting in Passing Last Sunday being near the 3fth anniversary of the wedding of the Rev. W. A. Taylor and Miss Eliza beth E. Chase, the day was observed by receiving greetings of this very popular couple and was a busy also for the pastor as he had to officiate :;t $ funeral on that day and be as sisted by the wife. Billie and wife, please receive our congratulations and wishes for many years of useful ness. Entertained in Honor of Brother Misses Mary and Eva Everett en tertained at their home last Thurs day in honor of their brother. Ralph Everett of Chicago who is home for a visit. The evening was most pleas antly spent with the merry crowd of young people in games listening to the radio and visiting. A most de- ' licious and appetizing luncheon was served which added much to the de- i lightful evening. Af'er his election to the office of sec retary of state. Mr. Waite and his Family removed to Lincoln. He re tained his home in Lincoln whil serving as commandant of the sol diers home at Grand Island. He was appointed reputy secre tary of state in 1907 by George C. lunkin. He was bookkeeper in thai office under George W. Marsh in i:n2. Mr. Waite was active as a promot er of the movement to obtain a sta tu of Abraham Lincoln on the cap itol grounds at Lincoln. The move njent resulted ili the mnoument and -tntute designiS by Daniel Chester French. He was born at Woodstock, Cham paign county, Ohio, on May 26, 1S46. , and received his education in the j public schools of that town. Enlist- i ed in Company D. 145th regiment, 1 Ohio volunteers. May 4, 1S64, and j served to the close of the war. Learn- 1 ed telegraphy In the employ of the Pan Handle railroad, and came to X' hraska in 1870 and worked as tel egraph operator and agent for the Midland Pacific & Burlington rail road at Palmyra and Syracuse until 1-878. when he engaged in the whole sal produce business in the latter town. GETS TREES OUT QUICK From Wednesda y's Daily Assisting William Ferguson in the cutting down of the large trees on W.ihington avenue is W. A. Stew art, who has personally grubbed 32 of the trees in the past two weeks. This is a great record of work and of which Mr. Stewart is correspond ingly proud. FOR SALE White Wyandotte eggs for hatch ing. Call Plattsmouth exchange 3005. MRS. GEORGE PRIVETT. fll-tfw. ARRESTED IN LINCOLN From Tuesday's Dally Yesterday afternoon in Lincoln Morris Morgan of Kansas City. Mis souri, was picked up by members of the sheriff of Lancaster county force. The man was arrested on the charge of peddling without a license and was held at the request of Sheriff E. P. Stewart, of Cass county, who holds a warrant for Ii is arrest on this charge. This morning Sheriff Stew art departed for Lincoln to secure the prisoner and will have him returned to this city for trial. William Deles Dernier of Elmwood was here yesterday and today visit ing with his old friends and also promoting his candidacy for the of- fice of county judge. Mr.s. Bert Reed was a visitor in 1 Omaha today to spend a few hours I in that city visiting with friends' and looking after some matters of business. Albert Warga was a passenger this morning for Omaha to spend a few hours attending to some mat ters 6f business. Extra and Fourth Session Six ty-Seventh Congress, 1922-23 R. H. Thorp (Lincoln) Nominate a man for Congress who can be elected in November. I carried the First district by 3854 majority 2 years ago. I Stand on My Record! for cotjNtY Judge -A. H. DUXBURY Custom Hatching! With dependable equipment. Reserve space for 1 50 or 300 eggs. We charge 3J2 cents per egg. RHODE ISLAND WHITES The new popular double purpose fowl. Egg strain. Baby chicks, each . . . .18c S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS New blood. Tancred strain. Highest official egg records. Hatching Eggs Day-Old Chicks $5 per 100 $12.50 per 100 Pedigreed and Trapnested Pens W. F. SOLTE MYNARD Ghrist & Ghrist- FURNITURE PRICE LIST NEBRASKA Don't Forget Our New Location 118-122 South Sixth Street Plattsmouth. DAVENPORT BEDS Oak finish Lea upholstered davenport $ 29.50 Oak finish Lea upholstered davenport 32.50 Oak finish Lea upholstered duofold 27.50 Oak finish Lea upholstered duofold 24.50 Oak finish Lea Upholstered duofold 49.50 LIVING ROOM SUITE Genuine Baker cut velour 3-piece suite $179.50 Mahogany davenport table 19.50 BED ROOM SUITES 4-piece walnut finish bed room suite $ 79.50 4piece two-tone walnut bed room suite 129.50 4-piece two-tone valnut bed room suite 164.50 Walnut dressers $27.50 to 57.50 Oak dressers $14.50 to 27.50 SIMMONS BEDS MATTRESSES SPRINGS, ETC., ETC. 20 beds from $7.95 to 19.50 20 bed springs from $2.50 to 14.50 $18.00 mattresses now selling at 14.50 50 mattresses from $8.95 to 9.95 Sanitary cots $3.50 to 6.50 Sanitary cot pads $5.95 to 7.75 CEDAR CHESTS We have a good stock of genuine Red Cedar chests, ranging in price from $11.50 to $29.50 RUGS, CONGOLEUMS, FLOOR COVERINGS $75.00 9x12 rug for $ 59.50 $65.00 9x12 Axminster rug for 49.50 $50.00 9x12 Axminster rug for 39.50 $50.00 8-3x10-6 high grade Axminster rug. . . 39.50 One dozen Japanese fibre rugs, 9x12, each . . . 8.50 Two dozen Japanese fibre rugs, 6x9, each .... 6.50 Three dozen Japanese fibre rugs, 36x72 inch. . 1.25 6x9 Congoleum and Prolino cut rugs . . $4.45 to 5.25 9x12 Congoleum cut rugs 10.45 One $19.50 9x12 Gold Seal rug and two 18x36 Gold Seal rugs, the three for . 17.95 TABLES AND CHAIRS Ten library tables $10.00 to 19.50 50 rockers from $1.50 to 14.50 Dining room chairs from $1.95 to 6.50 ELECTRIC WASHERS One-Minute copper tub washer $ 79.50 Clarinda electric washer and double tub rack . . 75.00 If you have a good hand power washer, we can use it as part pay at its value. We have two good slightly used electric washers at $25.00 and $35.00 and two good hand power washers cheap. If in the market, see us first. DINING ROOM FURNITURE 8-piece two-tone walnut dinin groom suite. . . .$174.50 8-piece American walnut dining room suite. . . 122.50 8-piece Jacobean oak dining room suite 112.50 8-piece wax oak dining room suite, extra large. 124.50 10 dining room tables from $14.50 to 39.50 1 0 buffets, oak and walnut $39.50 to 67.50 KITCHEN CABINETS Golden oak porcelain top kitchen cabinet $ 39.50 White porcelain top tables $6.50 and 7.50 REFRIGERATORS Thirty refrigerators at prices unequaled anywhere. Ice capacity 40 lbs. to 250 lbs. Priced from $12.50 to $35.00 KITCHEN RANGES GAS STOVES One slightly used Buck range, was $85, now. .$ 35.00 One $145 blue enamel Acorn range for 125.00 FLOOR LAMPS Complete stock ranging in price from $12.75 to $16.75 HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES We have a complete line of new goods and are prepared to supply ALL your needs in Household Furnishings. Ghrist & Ghrist New Location, 118-122 So. 6th St. Phone 645 PlatUmouth, Neb.