PLATTSMOUTH SEMI WEEKLY J0UB3AI fAOE FTV1 i THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 1324. ( I t 1 9 4 Murray Department i' Prepared is the Interest of the People JE! "St. Patrick's Day in the Marnin!" CJThat is the day we "show our Irish." CI The wearin" o the green is a high honor may those. . & . , , , J . who are entitled to the honor , keep on killing snakes. CI May we all keep on killing snakes ! "7 Finanr-iallv tV nalf nf' Wm. Obernolte and Fred Hild short time last Tuesday returning jj r lnanciaiiy, ine snase ui nave juet completed a hog house on after looking after some business carelessness, indifference and one of the farms of C. M. Chriswisser matters to Plattsmouth on the bus. nrnrQctlnaf!nti ar- k mnr and also have made some extensive Hear Professor Parsley Endive pro procrasunauon are uic must repairs on a kitchen at the home as pose to two ladies within ten minutes dangerous. I well. Friday evening, March 2Sth. ' Attorney C. A. Rawls was a very1 E. S. Tutt, manager of the H. M. CI Our bank has deaicated its brief visitor in Murray last Tuesday Soennichsen & Co. store in Murray. .1 J- -f rnmine to brincr Mesdames C. A. . was looking after some business mat- services to me ucsirutuuu ux these financial snakes. We covet YOUR co-operation so.Smitn that, in this respect, at least, we shall be MODERN ST. PATRICKS Miwvfs-cr Qfofo Ronlr! itiui a (Ay fc-f iuiv uuuik Murray, Nebraska SLOGAN There is No Substitute for Safety An evening of fun and music at.50c and 25c. will be sure to entertain you at the b.L:r4,5; M"c,26tn- ! Mrs. C. A. Trent and daughter. Presbyterian church on March 26th S. A. Wiles of Plattsmouth was a Dorothy, who have been visiting at vith the Tarkio college glee club visitor inMurray last Tuesday af- Warrensburg. Mo., for the past ten Garland Tilson who has been liv- ternoon where lie was looking after days, returned home the first of the jn?: for some tinie past on the clias some business matters. week and were very well pleased to McReynolds nlace south cf Murray! Adam and Philip Schaeffer from see old Murray again. They had a has moved into town and is occupy west of town were in Murray last most enjoyable visit while gone. Mr. jn the Mrs. Ona Lawton place Tuesday and were assisting in dig- Trent was sure well pleased to have which has but recently been vacated ging and constructing a cave at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Xick Fried- rich. Speesais for Sitniif! Peaches, solid pack, per gallon $ .60 Apricots, solid pack, per gallon 65 Loganberries, solid pack, per gallon 75 Cherries, solid pack, red pitted, per gallon 1.10 White cherries, No. 2j2, each 25 4 cans 95 Glidden corn, 2 cans for 25 Excelsior sifted peas, No. 2, 6 cans 1.00 Red Rose soaked peas, 2 for 25 Bulk cocoa, per lb 10 Bulk oatmeal, per lb 05 90-lb. bag 3.65 Armour's naptha soap, large bars, 10 for .48 Creme Oil soap, 4 for 25 Palm Olive soap, 4 for 29 Large size assorted toilet soap, 3 for 25 Oranges, sweet and juicy, per dozen 20 POTTERY AND GLASSWARE BARGAINS Cups and saucers, set of six .$1.20 Large vegetable dishes, extra special 29 Star cut tumblers, set of six 60 H Imported flower vases, 15c Imported highly colored water pitchers, each. . . . 1.00 Aluminum dish pan, each 95 Aluminum round roaster . 85 Aluminum combination cooker, each 1.25 Yellow mixing bowls, priced up to 20c, each 10 Highest Prices Paid at All Times for Your Produce. 1 M. Soennichsen & Co. Telephone No. 12 of Murray and Surrounding: Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers A home talent play, "Two of a Kind," at the carnival program. Don't fail to hear the one act play "Sham" in the U. P. C. Wednesday, March 26th. A program consisting of a home talent play and music will be given the evening of the carnival. Sherman Cole of near Mynard was looking after some business matters in Murray on last Tuesday driving down n his auto. Louis Hallas and the family were visiting last Sunday at the home of relatives of both these excellent peo ple as well as many friends. The young people of the Commun ity club are preparing to give a car nival at the Peterson hall on Friday evening, March 28th. Mrs. John Campbell departed the first of the week for Wayne where she will visit at the home of hereof an old friend and member of his two sons and their families for some time. Sixteen young men and one young lady at the U. P. C. March 26th at 8 p. m. Frank Schlichtemeier shipped a carload of sheep to the South Omaha maret lart Tuwday and had excellent animals which he w some as of- faring on the market Song, reading ana Instrumental' jnum&ers, wit and numor ana a ciev- er farce, "Sham" at the Presbyterian juuurcu uu ivLitrcu -oiu, toauug quarter or a half. Better come. Rawl8"and j. w.Holmes down for a visit at the home of Mrs. Will S. , George Minford has purchased some oats of Joseph Deitl and James 1 Tilson and Mr. Deitl have been de livering that sale to the farm of Mr. Minford where he is feeding the cat tle with it. Hear Mr. Settle play the cornet it the U. P. C. March 26th. Raymond Howard has been hav- Jlnei J. A. Scotten build fof Elm a mgi j . a. scoiien ouim ior cim a number of chicken houses for the farm and will endeavor to raise a large number of chickens the coming summer. "Bud" Nickles has been as- sisting in the construction of the house as well and the two gentlemen are building a new porcn at tne home of Mrs. James Deles Dernier. Hear the Tarkio college glee club I Wednesday. March 26th, at the Unit-, ed Presbvterian church. Admission them return as he was getting tired of making the biscuits and boilinj jthe potatoes. asa: an cans, 1.00 2 cans for 35 Q and 25 Murray, Nebraska y ' See the side shows at the carnival Friday evening, March 28. Peterson j hall. , Lester Schomaker is going to work for Henry Meisinger the coming summer. j You will be sorry if you miss it on March 26th at the Presbyterian! church the Tarkio glee club. Florence Schomaker who has been visiting at ner uncle bcnomaser returned home Sunday afternoon. Hear Mrs. Rhubarb's opinion of men in the home talent play Friday evening, March 28th. Oscar Xailor was looking after some business matters and also at tending the St. Patrick's day dance in Plattsmouth last Monday evening. The Rev. W. F. Graham, pastor of the Presbyterian church, was called to Dunbar to officiate at the funeral church on last Saturday. Gleu Boedeker took Mr. Evans to Union last Tuesday after- noon to catch the train for Lincoln i when word arrived or the death ot The reading table has been fin as he had to depart immediately for i their daughter Miss Cleome. aged 17, fhn,i and nl.qrpH in Mis Wpilhelm's Minden where he goes to adjust a ; who had been sick since last Ucto- r0om. ! i ne municipal auauorium at unia- to give a few minutes to the men loss. ' ber and everything possible was done The winner of the spelling contest ua has been ofTered to the democrats wno in the cye3 of tne worjd, cm Mr. and Mrs. Perry Xickles and for her recovery: the best of medical jn Miss Rainey's room was Lois Gra- frt' of charge, while the audiiorium D0(1y tl,e chri?t idea and at the end Miss Alice Xickles were guests at the attention being given as well as the ham. there will be occupied on that date (n have told him that the matter he beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. and WUere all enjoyed the day most pleasantly. M"rg 0n"a LaWton who makes her home at Plattsmouth at the Masonic Home was a visitor in Murray for a rs in Plattsmouth last Tuesday. and was accompanied by Green Pig- got wijo was also a business calier in I the county seat. Mrs. J. V". Berger, who has been quite poorly since -her return from Omaha is some improved though not feeling the best as yet, she is at tempting to do her work, though it is i a liarfl task in her condition, but It is nanl for YiTS BerKer not not work .when there is work to do. James II. Rrown was replinc nrrt- ty-Aell. thank you. as on last Tues day he passed another milestone and as there has not been so many not withstanding that a family had nn up .--round him find then de parted for homes of their own, he is feeijn that he is only a young man 5i VPf . An pdHBl8skm f fiTe 'cents will be charced at thP ramirnl nt Peterson's hall Fridav evenintr. March 2Sth by Mr. Joseph Green the Standard Oil man and his family, they moving to the W. V. Virgin place which has but recently been vacated by Mrs. Virgin, she going to live with her son at Manley. A program, side shows, eats, con fetti, etc., on Friday evening, March 2Sth. Peterson hall. Settles the Loss Froraptly Last Tuesday Mr. A. G. Evans of Lincoln, adjustor for the Columbia Fire Underwriters Insurance com pany who were carrying the risk on the Alex Rhoden home which was burned and with W. G. Boedeker went to the former home and settled the loss with Mr. Rhoden paying him in full for the lass and also adjust ing the loss on the contents of the home satisfactory to Mr. Rhoden, a portion of the contents being saved. The amount of the. policy on the building which was $4,000 was paid in full while the loss on the house furnishings was satisfactorily set tled, he pettins: $700 for the damage and much of the property was saved. ! In Honor of Miss Walker Last Monday evening on St. Pat rick's evening, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davi3 entertained a number of their friends in honor of Mi?s Margie Walker who is soon to depart for a sojourn in California for a number of months. The evening was pleas antly" spent with social conversation and music and a most delicious sup per'served by Mrs. Davis who is a past mistress in the art of cooking, serving and entertaining. Those to enjoy the occasion were Messrs. and Mesdames Will S. Smith. E. S. Tutt, J. W. Holmes of Plattsmouth. Miss Beatrice Rawls of Murray and Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore and son. John. Murray's Cattle Market The town of Murray always has been a good business place and a shipping point for grain and cattle but this season the matter of feed ing and shipping cattle has been larger in volume than before. There has been nearly or quite a thousand head of cattle fed in this vicinitv be sides manv more in sheep and hogs. ,On last Tuesdav there were eleven -ear of rattle shipped from Murray ! to Omaha on one train. Those con tributing to this shipment wer- C. R. Troop and Will Kruger, Julius Engelkemeier. Troy Shrader. Otto Schaeffer, Wm. Xixon. W. J. Philnot. Pirr -i oung, Ed Gansemer and Fred LUtZ. Entertained Her Friends Last Sunday Mrs. Mvr MTVmirf .who is an excellent entertainer had 1 if any of tb readers of the Journal kcov of -cr social evuv or item of Interest la thin vicinity, and will mail itme to till office. It will ap pear under tbia beading. We want ail re wit turn Editor ,-!!-- for her guests for the day and for a most . magnificent dinner a number of her friends where all enjoyed the day most pleasantly. Those present and to enjoy the occasion were Mes- srs. and Mcsdames David A. Young, Guy White and A. A. Young. The normal training instructor of Tnanks His Friends . pTtPnri mv .sirrorp Tnanks His Friends j T ilocira tn PTtpnrl mv sinrprp thanks to my many friends and neighbors who so valiantly worked to assist in saving my home and the goods on last Saturday evening when the same were burned. Many of the 1 goods of the home were sared and i would have been destroyed had it not I been for our friends. Mr. and Mrs. (A. D. Rhoden. Miss Cleome Farris Passes The many friends- of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farris, brother and wife of John Farris, who live Union were much pained on last .uonaay evening most careful nursing. The sorrow measure on account of this great Teachers' convention at Lincoln last trouble which has coine to them. ( Friday. They have the sympathy of a host of j Clifton Meisinger was absent Fri irieuds in this hour of trial. day. j Miss Inez Hoschar returned to Celebrated His Birthday school Friday after being absent two Little Robert Graham, the four; days. year old son of Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Graham, celebrated his birthday on last Tuesday evening and had for his rpecial guests. Uncle S. G. Latta and son, James. All had a most pleasant time. Had Interesting Time Last Friday there was an etner tainment given in Murray for the purpose of raising funds for the pur chasing of markers for the highway running west from Murray to Lin coln. A good crowd was in attend- pnee and also a good entertainment was had. United Presbyterian Notes Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Preaching services at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Intermediate society at 7 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. On Friday night. March 21. United Presbyterians of Omaha Presbytery will have the opportunity of meeting be moderator of. the general fssem bly in the Central U. P. C. of Omaha It is to be hoped that many will ed, after which the merry crowd de avail themselves of this privilege. parted for their homes wishing Miss On Wednesday night, March 12, Mareraret many more happy returns we cnioved a pleasant social hour!of the occasion together at the church. Wednesdav Wflrrb 2Rth Hear the Tarkio elee club at the Presbvterian church on March 2fith .! It is the best ever. Business Meeting1 The LaJie. Aid society of the Christian church will meet at the home of Mrs. D. F. Brendel on Wed - icsday. March 2Jtli. at 2 o'clock. All members are urged to be present as tlierj will be .n election or officers and to make plais for tbi? year's vtik. rvn Mi -Hurray Ba!l- Murray, Neb , Saturday Night March 22nd. Where everybody has a good time. Let's go! Lancaster & Ghurcfriii, Mgrs. When You Bury Your Dead insist on your undertaker using the Miller-Gruber automatic con crete sealing vault. It protects the remains of the loved ones Manufactured by filiilsr Gruber, tJehawka, Nebraska -Alfalfa Seed!- We have an excellent northern grown alfalfa seed, none better $-8 ?50 PER BUSHEL Better See Us Before It Is All Gone Pcfsrson Hardivsro Gc. xt i ? Murray, Nebraska WvTT Waunita and Howard Schwennek er are new pupils in Miss Sans room this week. Elburn and Sheiba Covert expect to move to Pattsmouth this week. The pupils in the primary room have organized a bird club. There are 22 who have sent in their appli- cation for membership. As soon as the pins arrive they will hold the first bird meeting. The motto is: I "Save the Sons: Birds." Weeping Water telephoned this ' morning, that the normal training claS was ming to visit the Murray snom r nuay. The eighth grade is having exam inations this week. Marit Davis is absent from school been us? she has the measles. J.orene Durman has been absent two days this week. Davis has beei absent three days this week on account of meas- 'Examinations are coming next week ami everybody is busy getting ready for them. ireta Henry has returned to school afetr a week of being absent. 2y;jsg yan Deusen the principal of The silent readers were received in Miss Rainey's room this week. Xine carloads of cattle were ship ped from Murray to Omaha on Wed nesday. John Robbins and family were spending Sunday at the Gu5 Rose home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy, of Omaha. spent the week end with home folks. Owen Perry of Lincoln returned to his home the fore part of the week I after visiting here with relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Long and their daughter, Mrs. George Xickels, were called to Omaha Wednesday morning by the serious illness of their daugh ter and sister, Mrs. Robert Shrader. who underwent a surgical operation the same day. On Saturday evening about forty five of the young friends of Miss Mar garet Spangler met at her home and j gave her a genuine surprise in honor ; of her birthday anniversary. The evening was spent very pleasantly with music and games and at a late hour dainty refreshments were serv- See the Play "Sham" the Presbyterian church 2Sth under auspices of At on the ' March church Tarkio glee club. Entertained Last Sunday At the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Xickles this popular couple entertained at Sunday and for ! dinner. Mr. an(i Mrs. H. C, Long Miss Etta Xickles, Mr. Lee and James Xickles from O'Xeill. The gathering was one of much pleasure and all present were much pleased to spend the day at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. X'ickles. WILL APPEAL BALLOT GROUPING DECISION Coolidge and Johnson Men to Ask Spillnian For Reverse Opinion ; Democratic Meet, Omaha. Lincoln, March IS. An appeal will be taken to Attorney General Spillman when he returns to his of fice tomorrow aftef a week's absence in Chicago, from the decision of his assistant, Lee W. Basye, in whicl Basye held that the names of candi dates to the republican national con vention must be placed in primary ballots together, without regard for grouping in Coolidge and Johnson "slates." The decision was handed down by Basye yesterday in reply to a query from W. D. McIIugh, elec tion commissioner of Douglas coun ty. Frank Corrick, manager of the Coolidge campaign; Frank Harrison, manager for Hiram Johnson, and Dr. T. W. Bass, secretary of the repub lican state committee, were all up in. arms over the decision today. With-' out a clear distinction on the face of the ballot to show which are the, Coolidge delegates and which the Johnson group, and with the further necessity of rotating the names un til Johnson men and Coolidge men are all jumbled together, it would be practically impossibe to elelct a j s?t of delegates who would be pledg ed for any single candidate for pres ident, republican managers are protesting- "I could not pick out the Coolidge or Johnson slate myself if the names were mixed," Dr. Bass declared to- Jday. Secretary of State Pool declared this afternoon that he rather expect ed the attorney general to reverse the decision of his assistant when he returns tomorrow. Pool pointed f rviit that s fiirthM mivnn fa ttizaA by the fact that the district dele i gates from each of the six districts j would not be separated under the ! decision of Basye if the delegates 'vS eupndJby 'Ve0 otw-r V th! whole state. ' Omaha win get the 1924 demo- X "iUnHAl SUKUULNUItS Tarkio Glee Club! The Tarkio College, of Tarkio, Mo, will give tht t'r famous entertainment at the Murray Presbyterian Church Wednesday, Search 26 This is an especially worthwhile entertainment. In this there is pathos, humor and wit, with plenty cf music and readipg, which will rrake ou laugh tr.d also give you the best classical and clean enterleir. ment, which the people of Murray have had the op portunity to enjoy in years Under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church. Prices of Admission 25 and 50c cratic state convention unless some thing unexpected turns up between now and tomorrow afternoon when the executive committee of the state committee meets here to formally make the decision. A!a' 1 u' ine repuoncan siaie con- GOOLIDGE EXPLAINS LANG INCIDENT Debate Stirred up in the Senate Over ... . . . . . . fL . i Washington, March 1. The Dismissal of Passion Playert. j United States in a formal not" in ' Ambas?jidor Jusserand, made public Washington, March 17. Presi- here t0fjay by the state department. dent Coolidees action m cutting short Saturday a program of address i i es at his reception to the Oberam- mergau Passion players brought an j explanation from the White House ! today and stirred up a debate in the senate. In a letter to Anton Lang, the "Christus" of the players, Mr. Cool- i idge expressed pleasure that the visi tors had come to the White House I and set forth that the only reason' Rome, March 17. Rome is packed for the incident was the fact that it with Americans as the consistory at is not permissible for the president which Archbishops Hayes and Mun to receive public addresses from delein are to be elevated to the car people of other nations except thru dinalate approaches. There is a diplomatic channels. dearth of hotel accommodations and The incident was taken up in the ' many Americans have been forced to senate by Senator Dill, democrat of walk the streets for hours in search Washington, who said he regretted cf places to put up. that the president "had not a broad- i er and more humane view of the Andy Rabb was a passenger this delegation's p-lea in behalf of suffer- I morning for Omaha to spend a few irig German children." President Coolidge told the play ers in his letter that he wished to correct a "posible wrong impres sion" in regard to the incident, and reiterated his pleasure at seeing them; his appreciation of their work and his hope for the success of their visit to America. Injection into the visit by Ludwig Xissen. spokesman for the players, of what White House r - m fcMM. m aste 1 m E I I V M Crepe Paper and Decorations! Easter Cards and Candies! One of the most complete line of Easter Novelties, Crepe Paper and Candies, will be found at the m 11 BATES - Book and Stationery Store! - Rabbits, Ducks and Chickens, Birds, Toys and Candy Eggs, Dyes and Colorings. Bargain Wednesday Special on Rubber Balls for the youngsters and Base Balls for the older ones. Big Line to Select From! Easter Baskets! r-2 ffiri r HtlT,!S I 4taa ."r"atel in every ewe ecceptel tor t.-eetne and ne money to be paid promuient people who have been permanently cured. DR.E.R.TARRY SANATORIUM, DR. R.S. JOHNSTON, Medial Direct. ' tu pio. officials described as "political dis cussions" was followed by the cut ting short of other addresses. "The president probably was tech nically orrett," Senator Dill said in addressing the senate, "but I think a much better way would have been kng up wa8 a departmental mat- tcr, and while the president sym pathized heartily he would be unable to initiate action. It 13 to be regret ted that he took such a hard- prac tical view of the situation." ! AMERICA REJECTS FRENCH SUGGESTION FOR AN AGENCY rfi,a ,i1P snpupstinn nt ihv KYr n - government for the creation of ; :u international agency to deal with questions arising out of relief credits extended to European countries dur ing and just after the world war. AMERICANS VISIT ROME IN NUMBERS; HOTELS FULL hblfrs looking' after some" matters of business. Mrs. Xellie Agnew departed this morning for Omaha where she was called to look after some matters of business. Mrs. Bert Reed was a passenKrr 'this morning for Omaha to spend the j day there attending to some business i matters. iiirA I'll. iM-Kit-Wl irift n f tm n 3 11 11 m ( ; treat mert that cure Piiea. FisttJaan i rvxta) Ullruri in a thprt time wilhot!t a severe sur. - vt.tMn ..- C V, 1 ET.l I CTieh. Ncbr. Novelties!