MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1924. FLATTSMQUTH SEMI WEEKLY JQURHAI f ! MB DEPMR TMEMT. PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Again Ready for Business! ' During; the past two months my health has not been good nor the roads so one can travel. But now Spring is here and we are ready for the work which you are needing. Repairing, battery charging and anything in our line. The Landhotm Garage Jess Landholm, Manager MURBOCK -:- -:- . -:- NEBRASKA Mercantile future and is expecting a good busi ness for the coming year. During the past week Mr. Thimgan has dis posed of a number of pieces of farm ing machinery among which are lis ters, plows, harrows, stock cutters and other farming implements, and on among those getting implements dur ing the week are David Campbell Louis O. J. Pothast and wife were visit ing with friends in Omaha for a few days last week. f Miss Margaret Tool who is attend ing the state university was home for a short time spending the week end at home. Emil Kuehn and wife and Paul Schewe and wife were visiting and looking after some business matters in Omaha for a short time last week. "Word from E. K. Norton who is working at Wichita, Kansas, tells of the noon hour. that nlace beiner a verv busv town and that he is liking his work there : (Iav driving over in the car of Mr. verv well ' Klemme and returning home before T. S. Rager departed last Friday for Omaha where he will make his home for the present and expects to ing in Omaha on last Thursday, Mrs. work with the Ford assembling plant ; McHugh returning in the evening of that place. j which Mr. McHugh remained to look after business for the company for over night. Miss Ammarette Pardue who is one of the teaching force of the schools at Murdock spent last Sun day with her folks at Lincoln and was back here to take up her work with the beginning of school Monday. Arthur Bornemeier of Lincoln and Fred Lau, Fred Toneck, Paul Bornemeier of Elmwood were Schomidt and many others. visiting and looking after some bus- iness matters in Murdock last Wed- Married in Council Bluffs nesaay Deing nere at me time 01 tne On last Tuesday afternoon Mr lire at tne nome or Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heineman and Miss Bertha Yvm. Lau which destroyed their Merkle were, united in marriage at llome- Council Bluffs by the Rev. W. J m. u. Rogers or Colorado, a car- Schielder of that place and spent the penter, who has come to Murdock to week in Omaha visiting at the hom I worK on tne new scnool building, o a COusin of the bride, T. Stricher -ix' ou . u ii a3 reniea ine rooms wnicn nave They had purchased a new Ford TIl"- V ".,7 i " v, oee? OC0UPle(l D Alrs- Je vvutcni- roupe of the dealer, Mr. E. W. Thim- k-"" T. V " 1-" " . necK wnere ne ana wue wm Ilve gan and made the trip to Omaha and - , JT' Ior. ine summer. Mrs. wutcninetc Council Bluffs in it. They will make ( i cCu u. maKe ner nome with ner moth- their home here in Murdock where the corn in the ear. ,er. Mrs. Oehma. they have a large number of friends victor inimgan was loomng alter j miss isertua -aiernie now Mrs. lien- who with the Journal are joining in- some ousiness matters in doiu ry iieineraan nas Deen tailing a weeK wishing them many years of happy nav.Ka ana union on iasi r riuay auu vacation nen sue was visiting in service to their friends and neigh also visited at I'lattsmoutn wnere ne umana ana aiso ceieorating ner wed- bors. Tlie bride, Miss Merkle, has had some matters to attend to in the ding, was relieved at her work at the lived in Murdock for a number of arternoon. teieenone orace oy miss Helen Borne- Henrv Klemme and Gust Wendt'meier wbo worked during her ab were looking after some business -sence. Mrs. Heineman resumed her matters in Plattsmouth last Tues- work at the office this week. Mrs. .aaie craig who underwent an operation in a hospital in Lin- years and been with the Murdock telephone exchange as operator for a number of years and has endeared herself to the public by her accom mcdating and clever service. Mr Heineman i3 well known here hav coin some time since and who has ins Hverl in this ntyghborhood for What the Farmers fJeetls! Spring is just on the eve of arriving and you will be needing farming machinery. We have concluded ar rangements for handling two celebrated lines the John Deere and the International the two best lines put out. 1 was to Omaha for a number of days during the past week and while there purchased two car loads of ma chinery, covering the articles which are needed on the farm. With the coming week, we will more definitely specify what we will have for your needs. We are ex pecting a car load here by the time this appears in print. We will soon have them on our floors for your inspec tion and the prices will be right. The Thimgan Garage E. W. Thimgan, Proprietor MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA been VPrv serions sinpd fa ronnrtod J E. McHugh and wife were visit- !as being. sUshtly better at tbis time Mr. Craig was down to Murdock for a while but returned to his wife's beeside on last Thursday evening. Her many friends are desirous that she may soon be able to return home again. E. M. Shatto who is the owner of the building in which is located the postoffice has been putting a new roof on the structure during the past week to protect it from the spring rains which are now almost sure. CI. Baur has been having a new roof placed on his store building in order to protect the contents from the rains which are sure to come in the near future. a number of years and has every body his friend. Mrs. Heineman will continue her work with the tele phene company. School Building Gcing Ahead The board of education through their workmen have during the past week erected a cement house on the grounds to protect the cement which they are using and are rushing the work along on the preparatory por tion for the main building. Called cn Sad Mission Word was received here last week of the death of Mr. Harrv Jones of Strattrtn, who was a brother of Mrs. H. A. Tool and immediately Mr. and Mrs. Tool accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McDonald who were very do:e friends of the deceased depart ed for Stratton to be in attendance at the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Donald were former residents of btratton where Mr. McDonald was engaged in railroad . work years ago. Blue Ribbon Gasoline! A Cold Weather Special Plenty of Kick Makes Starting Easy! GEO. TRUNKENBOLZ OIL OOLIPAFiY- Eagle and Murdock Went to HaveJock to Play In charge of their teaclier and coach, the girls basketball team de parted for Ilaveloek on last Wednes day to rlay their game with the oth ers of the stste in the tournament which was hold there last week. The team from Havel or k drew a bye and were not to play on Thursday but ir V ' "R on Friday were listed to plav with JvI,t very Jiris-V Verdon. Those of the Murdock U- A. fiutbmau who has always school to play on the team were: been a most accommodating man Misses Eleanor Gakemeier. the coach, ard always ready to do the good Elsie Dickman. Irene McDonald, . turn to his friends iand by the way Henrietta Baur. Hildagard Baum- of which he has a host, everywhere gartner, Hilda Peters. Jennie Oeh- b goes, has been kept very busy lerking, Catherine Neitzel and Alma during the past week. The income Scheel. " (tax "lists and payments have' to be made out by March 15th and when j Mr. H. A. Tool was called away by 1 tne fiea tn ot Airs. 1.001 s urotner in The basketball teams of Murdock the west this left Mr. Guthman with played at Weeping Water on last muh work on hi3 hands and many Monday wtih the teams of that city schedules to fill oi?t, but he and Ken wtih the results that the lassies of neth were able for the task and ac- ; Murdock vanquished the Misses of (omirod?ted all and kept the busi- Weeping Water to the tune of 32 to ness on hand in good shape as well ' 22 for the team on the creek. But ; : 'when it' came to the game between' LoS Home Bv Fire tut: uuts ui - .laitl ain .uur-' Virrrl pnmnlcl A pat rn vt-d the Played at Weeping Water dock, the Weeping Water boys were able to slip it over on Murdock to tlie tune of 30 to 9. However, both games were most thoroughly enjoyed. Here is a different Wallboard Sheetrock is a wallboard for making walls and ceilings but diSerent from any other wall board on the market. It is made from pure gypsum rock not wood, pulp, paper or fibre. Consequently, it will not warp, buckle or shrink. It is solid, rigid and everlasting. It will not burn. This fireproof wallboard makes standard walls and ceilings at low cost. It comes all ready for use just nail it to the joists or studding. Ideal for repairs and remodeling. Your lumber dealer sells it. Write us today for a free sample. ' UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois US O if i .11 Is JsP ROCK Th T Fireproof WALLBOARD TOOL NAUMAN LUMBER CO. beautiful eountry home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L,au on last Wednesday afternoon just as they were getting ready for the evening meal, the fire . . . catching it is thought from the .Lnjcyed a Une U LlocK Dinner I chimney. The alarm was given and ine members of the Koya: .eigh- the neighbors responded mast gener- oors Kensington met at the home of ously and assisted in getting the one of the Royal Neighbors, Mrs. furniture from the burning build- Louis l3ornemeler. on last Thursday ing. Everything was gotten out of and were entertained by this excel- the house with the single exception lent entertainer and were all pleas- Qf a bed which was too large to ed with the elegant one o'clock din- rome out of the window and some ner which Mrs. Bornemeier served, ten bushels of potatoes which were ine ladies also looked after the bus- in the cellar. The neighbors sure mess matters or tne meeting and en- did the nice thing in the assistance joyed the social hour as well. which they rendered. People from Murdock rushed to the scene in cars A Busy Bunch Surely to help. The help which all were A. J. Tool the horse milliner who anxious to render was appreciated makes clothes for the farmers' hors- by Mr. and Mrs. Lau and family, es. has been most awfully busy dur- . The insurance on the property was ing the past few weeks and sees no not anywhere in line with the loss. end to the work at this time. lie is the insurance being about $2,000, assisted by Harold McKinnon and while it would now cost about $7, they both have to keep hopping to it i000 to build the house again. to keep the work anyways near up. Celebrate Anniversary and Mrs. August Klemme en- Sells Murdock Property Mr. Emil Kuehn who is a rustler and joyed a very pleasant surprise. Sun a man who can be depended upon, day noon, March 9th, when a num disposed of a piece of property last ber of near relatives came with fill week selling the place where Mr. Ed- ed baskets to celebrate their twenty die Craig now li-es to Henry Heine- fifth wedding anniversary. A num man who will with his bride, nee ber of beautiful presents were pre Miss Bertha Merkle, occuy the place sented. All present enjoyed a good as a residence and which will make feed and a social afternoon. Those them an excellent home. j being present were: Mr. and Mrs. i Wm. Knaup and family, Mr. Wm. Find3 Business Better iRodenberg from Enid, Okla., the v rp,,,, ' father of Mrs. Knaup and Mrs. who'i-ViJ hi" G T n-' Klemme; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rieke Summer I .implements this f u M and Mrs summer, reports business on the in- . -V . SI ,r. ,r crease and things looking: up for the You Sure Know It! Wm. Heier, Sr., and family and Rev. E. II. Sohl. Hurdock is an excellent town in which to live. We have at this time a number of very choice places for sale. Come, see me, and get a good home while you can. I also have farms and land elsewhere. A number of Cass county farms. I write reliable insurance of all kinds. See me. Wayne Gouchenour was a passen ger this morning for Omaha to spend 'a few hours in that city visiting with friends. Joseph Kanka and wife were among the passengers this morning for Omaha to spend the day there with friends. Mrs. Hallie Perry was among the passengers this morning for Omaha to spend the day in that city visit ing with friends. J. C. Coleman departed this raorn iqg for Omaha to spend a few hours in that city looking after some mat ters of business. : Murdock Emii Kuehn mkt i l TEAPOT DRILLING STOPS; INJUNCTION GRANTED TO U. S. candidates ' for delegates to the re publican national convention. The democrats have no women candidates for delegates to the national con vention, but have several women can-j didates for alternate delegates. Two of the republican candidates for na-J tional delegate used their hus bands' names or initials. i DISAPPOINTED, SEEKS TO THWART THE WEDDING oseph Strauss of the nuSDand i3 not a candidate for dele- company with Anderson but she had is navy and A. E. Watts, &ate and jf he i3 counted in there come to Omaha to wed Foreman, it of the ahclair Conso.- g bound to be a family row over whereupon, Thestrup said, Anderson I The name of Mrs. Draper Smith . Joint Keceivers Appointed to Take awcanaderrsfSndt??e?ara; Called When Pair Complain Charge Pending Settlement poors certificate to county clerks as of Threats .Being maae Want Lease Canceled. "Draper Smith." Mrs. Smith's hus- Finds Invaders Gone. ' ! band has been dead many years. I l The name of Mrs. J. A. Doremus Deputy Sheriff Threstrup made Cheyenne, Wye, Marcli 13. All 0f Aurora . now appears on the cer- three trips Tuesday afternoon and drilling operations of Mammoth Oil tificate as "J. A. Doremus." She is night to the home of Mr. and Mrs. company on'Teapot Dome oil reserve a candidate for delegate to the"re- James Foreman, "S130 Miami Street, and operation of existing wells is re- publican national convention from where" ' a telephone message to the duced to the minimum deemed "nec- the Fourth congressional district. ; sheriff's office said Roy Anderson, essary to prevent loss or damage" un-; o Ilrs. Penny Greenwood, Neb., and several com- der terms of a temporary injunction , Mrg E B Penny Df Fullerton, re- panions were threatening Glenn granted by Federal Judge T. Blake publican candidate for national ra- Foreman and Lucile Johnson, also Kennedy at request of the United pub!ican committeewoman. appears of Greenwood. States government. on the certificate as E B.. Penny. The story gathered by Thestrup Judge Kennedy appointeu near Thjs is her nU6band'3 name. Her was Miss Johnson had been keeping Admiral josepn United States vice presiden idated Oil corporation as joint re- th ofFoir This thP sprrptarv of the fniinwpH thp mnnlp. hre to thwart ceivers to take charge of the prop- republican state committee desires ;he wedding. ertie3 and sell oil from producing tQ avoif Mrs Penney's expurgated Accompanied by his sister and wells pending final settlement of the name appears on the certificate un- two men. Anderson called at the government's suit for annulment of (er the neanng "National Commit- Foreman home about G p. m. When the lease of the reserve to Harry . teemen and Women." 'one of the partv showed a gun. the Sinclair and the Mammoth Oil cora-( The candidate.s affected by the Foremans called the sheriff s office. Panv- , , . ruling of Mr. Pool contend that any "By the time I got there the Jilt- The injunction and receivership name they cnoose to use and by eci sweetheart and his party were were granted after preliminary hear- which thej are kno,vn is legal and gone," said Thestrup. ing which followed the filing of the proper and that any name certified Two times later in tne e 'nc, bill in equity in which the govern- to the seCretary cf state in a peti- Thestrup was called to the Foreman raent alleges false representations in tion of nomlnat,OI1 must be accepted home fcut cn each occasion, the in transfer of Teapot Dome reserve by him without tampering on his vadlng party wa3 gone :when he from the navy to the interior de- part reached there partment and also charges fraud in Mr. Pool desired to leave off all ..x ffueSs he cooled off -and went U5ntortc extraneous matter and for this rea- back ?0 Greenwood to find another clair interests. Eon be proposes to omit "Mrs." and lrl .. Asks Cancellation "Miss," also all "Dr.'a " "Capt.'s." In between Anderson's calls. Glenn Besides the temporary injunction "Col.'s" and similar titles that may vnremnn nnri Tikq inhnenn ciinnp,i and receivership, the government in be put up to him by candidates for OVPP tn council Bluffs whpr thpv its complaint asks that the court en- office. Two (ieroocratic women can- were niarrjed World-Herald ter a final decree canceling the didates for alternate delegate are. J l.wcos nnri rrm tra otz rf-tiirniner the ontitlerl tn iisi "Drip " ns a nrpflt tn ' properties to the government and en- their names, but they did not ask JUDGE WILBUR IS MADE forcing an accounting. this privilege or. Mr. Pool did not HEAD OF NAVY DEPARTM'T Tlie complaint was men. tooay oy permit it. Atlee Pbmerene and Owen J. Rob- ,ftpr tho sMrctarvnf state certi- erts, specie'! Boeiumeuu ufu' firs thfi namns nf mnrlirlates to conn- n U'lHinr r-h fof fnctioa nt rdi. and Albert D. Walton. United States ty cleric these officials have the fornia supreme court, announced to district attorney for Wyoming. iast word. Thev make un the form niht thut h hnri rPPvpri toio- J. W. Lacey of Cheyenne declared of thft ' ballot, and what thev sav o-mm fmm ProeMon rr,n.icr0 on. " tt - V 0M V &1 M X- I V A V V. VV ILK San Francisco. March 13 urtis Sinclair interests would base their goe3 until otherwise ordered by a dering him the office of secretary of the navy, made vacant by the resig nation of Edwin Denby, and that he had accepted. Wathington, March 13. President Coolidre's tender cf the navy secre taryship was declined today by Fed- pral -Tn.1frf William ?5 U'cnvnn the Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing ald labor government reecived a s?et- Judge Kenyon himself announced company, located on the Teapot b k , th houge nf MmmoM today the declination, declaring in a form- defense on the claim that the Teapot court Qf competent jurisdiction. L'ome lease was legal anu vaiia, auu , that their suggestion for a receiver-; ship was merely made in order that . . all interests could be protected. GOVERNMENT HAS A SETBACK Pidg line and storage facilities of . the Sinclair Pipe Line company and London, March 13. The McDon- Dcme reserve, are excluded from when the proposal of J. R. Clynes, al statement that he could not escape :ontrol of the receiver unless further Iabor leader in the house for the sus- the conclusion that he did not pos i T S .1 Serve Without Pay ' meRt rule to discuss the army esti- Both Rear Admiral Strauss and mates, was defeated by a vote of Mr. Watts will serve as receivers 234 to 207. The government, how- without pay. according to statements eVer. does not consider this a vital of -ttorneys. They will be placed defeat. uinUr bond of 50 thousand dollars, i The vote was received with exeat Mr. Roberts and Mr. Pomerene enthusiasm bv the conservatives. had made arrangements to leave to- wuo raised the traditional cry. "Re- nigfct for Los Angeles, wnere tney w,-n " Kothine- hannonprt sess "the essential qualifications or training for the office." TWO COUNTIES AFTER TAX ON LARGE ESTATE Beatrice, Neb., March 14. Coun ty Attorneys Witte of Pawnee and and Mattoon of Gage will make -an ef- win nie suits ior annulment oi ine Stephen Walsh, secretary of war. Doheny lease on Monday. proceeded with the introduction of At the opening of the preliminary tne armT estimates hearing Mr. Roberts filed affidavits xh eitnation arnsp wbpn former signed by Acting Secretary Roose- rr(im,-r staniei- RMu-in nted Mr velt of the navy and Secretary Work rIvn(,s whv thft mvprnm(1t wiKherl of the interior setting forth that ap- to suspend the n 0-ciock adj0Urn- troxiniaii-ij ,vto udrre.b ment rule. The deputy leader an- bemc produced daily from the Tea- nounced that the commons was he- pot uome reserve ann aeciaring mai hin ita Kc,-r,ca cMpWo !ntistv fallen he?r tn a 1 rfn nnn an injunction and receivership were nnnsJHon arrtnap frriTri wb ii.o I tate throue-h the death of hmtM necessary to protect the interests of liWn, ..HrD hnpC i er. Col John w Knniru., r, all parties concerned pending the 0. t.a .00i . iJirtioH in toiv iiimi j uituiiic K' I tut suit iui a aji ii i- ment. , J 11V1C1 IliU I t-lT 111 C - V- V- XV VJ i V ers Jsational bank or Lneyenne 13 n?med as depository for funds col- fort to collext a large amount of in heritance tax, alleged to be due the&e two counties from the Bookwalter estate. In 1916, the late W. II. Bookwal ter held a family reunion at his farm near Bookwalter, Neb., and present ed each of his nine children property valued at $100,000, he having previ- lected by the receivers. What Government Charges ' Charging frauds, conspiracy and illegality, the government filed its Miss Mary Ilallas was a passenger tihs morning for Omaha to spend the day in that city with friends. Leo Ellsworth was & visitor irn Omaha today, going to that city on the early morning Burlington train. Frank Janca came down this suit here today to cancel the Teapot raorning from Omaha to spend Sun- rhe government s special counsel frjends petitioned the United States district court to do three specific things: 1 Issue a temporary injunction stopping oil production. 2 Appoint a receiver to take . charge of the properties. 3 Enter a final decree cancelling the leases and contracts, returning the properties to the government and enforcing an accounting. Former Secretary Fall was charged ; with making "false representations; to the l?.te President Harding, which resulted in the transfer of the lands, from the navy to the interior depart ment." The government denies that, there was any warrant of law for easing the lands at all. Part of the property in Question is located in Pawnee and Gage counties and the contention of the attorneys is that these and other conveyances were made for the purpose of avoid ing the payment of inheritance tax. Artificial chicks and ducks for the Easter festivities are on stock in the Bates Book and Stationery store. They are the real thing. CAN 'MRS.' GO ON THE BALLOT Secretary Pool Rules Off All Extem poraneous Titles To Refer It to Attorney-General. 1 A Secretary T. W. Bass of the re publican state committee called on, Secretary of State Pool Thursday af ternoon to see if he could get Mr. ! Pool to listen to reason in the mat- ter of the right of women to use their husband's first name or initials f they care to.' Mr. Pool has consent ed to put the question up to Attor ney General Spillman. The secretary of Btate has omit ted the word "Mrs." wherever it, was used in nominationg ' petitions filed by candidates. His ruling is. not based on the prevailing opinion; among democratic politicians that' the democratic national convention is no place for women and children,' but upon the ground that "Mrs." is , not legally a part of a woman's name, whether she be married or, widowed. Several women were nomi-j nated by petitions in which the Mrs." was. used as a part of the, Unlimited amount of money to loan on eastern 'Nebraska farm land, name desired upon the ballot Lowest rates. Aunlications taken!'' The ruling is aJeo based upon the Lnm ntn inonc 3 fl T Pof. statute which says there shall be no now for future loans. 2" -' , -"distinguishing remarks" about the hast at Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, names or ballot. Nebraska Murdock, Nebr. ; Five women's names were fired as The Bates Book and Stationery Store