XC3TDAY2IAECH.3.. 1924. PLATTSMOUTn SEYI - WEEKLY JCUSNAI MORDO DEPM 'ft PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Entertained Friends Mr. and Mrs. McHugh enter; H. V.". Tool was looking after some Mrs. George Towle and daughter, nciress in Lincoln last week for aiRhena, left Sunday eve for their rouDle of days. ' home in Lincoln alter spending sev-i sclae thirtv friends at Mah Jor.gg Oa Emil Kuehn was assisting in haul-:eral days at the McHugh home. ! an(j Monte Cc"do whist Frilro nraht and ror nis Drouier-iu-iiw, . .vus r lureuue luiuieuu nas ucu i n honor of M-s Gi'orsre Towle ana net: CVt? ..11 X til I p&ifvrgirn wrijv to I ftEft tfdli cality, departed for Thurman, Iowa, and on his departure confided to the Journal representative that he was, liound on a mission not connected Aith railroad work and might not return alone from the hills of Mills county but that his friends need not be surprise! if a fair helpmate re turns with him. TAX BILL CeiPRHiS !S PASSliD m? rorn Frank Rosenow. during tne past iew laid up at ner nome lor tne past lew. jj,;ss Rhena who wire hero for t- , :.- : rt v. -ll party v :rs and in .: a i vi -: Frank Glaublitz, who has been in has kept her from her studies and at party included iavn.l -err. who vc:v Omaha ana Lnion ror some time is none. not -iri on the one- given eulica i at this time making his home with j jerry McHugh and wife left Tues- the week. Ref i shrac irts v.iic; :. rvi his brother Albert. j day eve for Lincoln where they will and at the u-ual time all L-ft fee H. C. Peterson, a banker cf Chap-; spt.nd the week at the Federated Re- ing tfcrt they had .-pent a i.io t i; pell, was in Murdock looking after j tailers convention, also visit with jovab.e eve. seme business matters for August , tne George Towle family. Glaublitz of his town. J Charles Strov sold a number of his crrov Follows Joy ; d m " . '''Ua bogs and having had a good crop, Last Saturday a we-r-k t !:.' tha kuls m his wagon as the roads, h.g nej assisting in the a great joy to the !-o- of : bnve been so very bad that t as, Deicknian taking Mrs. Fre.I Klennne- w'icn a li difficul to get about vith a car ; Murdock for shipment. was bora to th co-.P'e, U Frank Rosenow was shelling and, 1 .. . , . . , tl , Averin hi. last rear's crop of corn! Mrs. Eddie Craig has been kept at they hsc! eroded tae h.vi last Fridav and CpYtunate it was he ! borne with an attack of the Asthma, ybou. ft did not have far to haul the grain, i which has made her a sufferer for te l.tiie- on, m--... .u EUHie wets anu ht pt uri ui uuiui- 1 ney r.re navia t c ii.g ier t'.i..-ir Vi'i' (.'.til!!'.',' i-. r ri .'. .) '. I'.rri pri;'.- i. ; er ill. 1: ' y t:.- i. ,. l !, v. i: i v.- lie: wr- t!' one g. i ; j- surprise r.' Jli.'l SESSION IS IIARIirD 3Y A BIT- FIRST WOMAK" SEEKS STATE OFFICE OH PASTY TICKET ,e 1:1 u. e!-i.. i.i in ; Liyin1? . ir. r t :.e iCil v...s l iveii a c..:.r ( :. aw-' !e :-i "i :'ter ho:i.e. : j.,y. .1 r. and .17 i.e .v i 11; i. id !.! i ; MurdocK. j J. W. Kruger and wife entertain ed for supper at their home. Mr. and Mr3. Jess Landholm and their little .1: lighter for supper last .Sunday evening n . ,VU"U .au"."V," . and unable to do any work. ncmeier nave jnsi compieeeei me - tiu;i- vvork of painting the barn on the Mrs. Catherine Eackemeyer, better Htnrv Dornemeier farm north of Known as oranuma Kit-nemfju. is I reported as I emg very sick at rer ' home in Murdock, but is be'n? iriven the best of nursing and medical treat ment. Charles Long, who passed his thir-tv-eichth birthday on last Friday. t.,,.,-,i ror,,T.i,tn ci,;nT,o,i o r-o t iv-j.i ana was tnieriaineu n a nuunjei ct hogs to the South Omaha market of his friends who extended the wish lt week which brought verv good that he micht see another 3S years I rices considering the wav hogs have and then heme, all rilled with pros btn ellinT of late. perity, good health and happiness. Mrs. Emil Kuehn has had the mis-' Miss Jessie Melvin. v. to has been fortune to su-tain a very severe at the hospital in Lincedn. where she sprain of one of her ankles, which is is receiving treatment is now getting making it very difficult for this good along nicely and will probably be lady to get around. ! able to come home in a short time. The building committee of the Her many friendj are surely hoping Murdock schools has awarded the former health as she has suffered contract for the installation of the much from pocr health recently, heating plant fcr the new school! with the nearing of the coiuple luildir.g to Mr. L. Xeitzel. which is tjon nf tiia additions and en!arge-t- be a steam plant and will be in-. r:,,r. t Gf the church in Murdock. the stalled in the best and most up-to- necessity of a pip? organ for t he date manner. j church is being felt by the members J. V. Davis, of Elmwood. with an 0j congregation and a move ir, arsistant, was in Murdock this week on foot looking to supplying the -inking a well at the new school : want. grounds which is to supply the build- j ',. Amrort v hn i,ni1 , ;.-, ,ir.e. ing and premises with water The fractur;d ia' game of basketball an-i t: i i A. ill friends in tlu :r le Hsld His-h Average Fertility Henry Meyerjr; e : , vl..-. ha very hU'h rai'e e-.uaii!y ef y : torn v. 'rich he is ii;a'.r f . r i.-.i tlie rorrr ieiO' r. V n. ,i 1 1 1 On per cent ftriHe-, an; of Ins-t year'.; cro:. '. hi!.- ;! . grnvn in content w.-n a?.c:;t e's. this corn vhili he v ! 4 ar ; high wa.i bu-luls to the Wil! Probslrly Stay in West A letter tr Joe Wntcliir '.ov. n v. ry of . e.! ;; :!,. r living net c have a r.;fr.i and cinri at a tbeir own sr.' : er:3 mi a'l z :).. e . : :"'.': - r' T: f.:r tire pv-nt i; e tlm.t . Th0 to co oat a:r:l v i :ii x ii- .riti.fi of tV.elr 1 h. an 1 "a w 'tit r rod la 1 7- r r r: ther. - l was in Omaha to have the rr.emb.?; a. y ell has been located near the north- a x 1 211 west portion 01 ine lot anu win ue . ,.r . . . .: nT,f1 ued for all purposes for which the j ' n ' baMrcss matters at the store again, rut peopio . a f ;r o homo r ii...- vl-. tl..- r ;);rri'. " ill5t r-'v.- school shall need water. From over the eountv To m-ri r.s a number meet him think he lias a ma:;-: on. .7 m . a x m . . i ? -lit oi leners irorn leaning republicans ,iri .,T,t t,,ft lri T.-birU have arrived urtring Mr. E. W. Thim- , . T"' ,''-' " r. r,, n-n tn f1a fnr tVo r.n5ttinn rf rnuntV l'ls Il-C- S UP- Ptrrrie fheriff and susrgesting that if he' George Mihs. living nort.rwest o. her.rt- a- k would express himself as favorable. ; Murdoch, is so he can get aronn.l tl.ey Vv. :: : r--tit ion 8 would be supplied and his 'gain, since th? time r few w.-cas lirt; v.C.i a ; filing be made. Just at this time.. when one ci the rri'res cencud- nishe-! l.y 'h Mr. Thimran ha? the business mat- f! to shake hands with I rrcle Georc- fr.r v. r i ttrs which he is. interested in in and mi.ssed his hand but lonnd a (:T,r..a- . " Murdock in h?nd and will withhold place on his thigh to land a ver tn-i-rr-i his decision until nar the time for . f t.nring Mow with one of Ins feet, t! - wry. : the cloring of the time for f.Iing. j Mr. Mills is getting aiong but .oe . pr,.t- ' Unlimited zrnount of . money to:nit 15ke that klnd ,of a u x y i . T l 7 -r i j I J Johar.son has oecn r.wrrded the .'.rid pro . J.lroitAct for the unloading and tie- on T'"j' Lowest rates. Applications taken iverv of the brick and concrete and .tended, not Li now for future loans. See 0. J. Pot-; terra cotta, whici tast at Faraers' & Merchants' Bank,; the new school house ami muen url- which he. has uone at this time. Mnrdcck, NeLr. Gillespie is to be used on of "V. i so has l;een given the c anairi: vailed. l i u I 'T ' :i . v In H.'v.cr cf 27icc2 You Sure Know If! contract for the unloading nnd de livery of th other material? and will supply s needed the materials. J. E. Mclluch and wife, who have been at the city of Lincoln fr a few day.- lart week, called there on Jlnrdock is an excellent town in which to live. We have at this tine a number of very choice places for sale. Come, see me. and get a good home -xhile yen can. I also have farms and land elsewhere. A number of Cass county farms. I write reliable insurance of all kinds. See me. EmilJCuehra Murdock Nebraska ph 1 account of the meeiina of the retail ! merchants as-ioc-ation which was in 'eenven'isr. in Lincoln last week, re j turned home Saturday. Mrs. Melluih. . who accompanied her husband, was a j guest at th-- home of her p;rr:r.-. ! Mr. and Mrs. George Towle while? ' there. ! !r.neth S-.-da.ian. -a ho has bee; farming on one of the places of J. J. Gustin for the past f-w y.ar:-4. l.avir.g ernciu'led to emit the farm . and make his home in Denver in the j future. heM a sale last v.evK in I which lie OiTe-red his imidenrnts aii'l tocd-: for sale and had a very good c..nsr. . rale, the artic'es going at very goo : ! prices. Kenneth To.,1. of Murdoc'h. ; looked afte r the clerking of the sale and made an excellent man for the Mrs. Ma i-he v.- ' e;1 a vur-ar f z :'i;-s L-r.-.le i"r"'a ' v 1:1:1 t;-: all i or r priori very ii'." .ixt'' v,rt !:(!": -f ' if her n ' t tha- ""'I: !:-- - ;av it in a iv: 1 are-.'.tiv e - ,n whi -rJe.'-e 1. Given r?.rc--cll ?.ece-tion The ia- - ' :"- v.' iairirv rar-i: t..-. e.f -..hi'-l: jlikli is a m ;:..!. r. :tave t!i'; h-.(;- a f. rev el! rate.- '.-r at - r V,' -'nalay afternoon at which time a large crowd was present and pro vided a goo! time trot al-'iva far her, b-'t f r thrn.s.- '.v -. rTiT - ing of this !a dy a'oi f jr.ri y f : ' ' 'here t!:ey will make taeir home in the future. Entertained fcr School Friends : ( . i !' O r a- u! "e -t C 1 Miss lore V.'t- W!'0 V' ' Gas 6&aehinery! is the most reliable and the variety of iridividual ma chines covers all the wants and needs of the farmer. We can supply you with Tractors, Plows and Thresh ing Machinery in fact anything you may need. Remember, also, ve do a garage business and have experts ready for the caring of your repairs. The business house for SERVICE. Tho Thimgan E. V. Thimgan, Proprietor MURDOCK 2 NEBRASKA twelfth birthday last Tuesday, bad at her home to rcsit in the prorf r observance of the or esian. her teacher at the MunVrk 'Ch'-ei. and t ?,. me?av''rs of the cl-as in '.v-hi''' ;lif i s'-dvirg. The te -ehr. Mia: Maraar. t Vhi-.p' rrd t-ie i:-.e:.;hrr.rj of the e!as s;irc-lv v-'t!i t'a'i 15'tlo lady crjoyedhe oecn: rcn lrr'ach.. a ; t Ml. m : Lccr.tinpr Fence and Buildings :rs have toupie V a nuaihar i-nio'-th ( ounty survt-yt.: r r vra3 fn Murdock i"?t w of davs from his hme ir ' and was surveying the n-w rclav' grounds, locating tlie corners and " also establishing the r' ac far t!i building. Un was asf iated in the work y Homer II. Lawton and Rich ard Tool. Mr. ITenry Hfinrnvn and S. P. Leis have been constructing a fence ? round t h school pri ;."-ty a"d will be buiy at it for a nr.iaber of days yel to come. l . ( a a.r.a. a v a i ; c-'' . )ak a: j-:n;r:r i - It -ce lir a r, . Blue R ibbon .aso fine A Cold Weather Special t Plenty of Kick Plakes Starting Easy! GEO. TRUtiKEMBQLZ OIL COKPflfJY- Eagle and Murdock Is Dan?rerons fcr Children he new bui-d'ngs an 1 far ira- . ' provemenis at the rchnal properly. - where the new building is to be erected, of course, attracts much in terest, and all like to see the work progress, but it is a very unsafe place for children to go unattended. There lurks much danger to the pupils or chi'dren who go there and ciiiab over piles of lumber and material and over the tools end ra-chinrs which are there for work and are working. The board of education find building com mittee f.-scl that they do not want to assume the responsibility for nra' oac who might get iniured while tn s:-as- Fin.tr on the ground8? end arc highly re ir on the ! de-irious that parents and s-aardinns marv a a ar.: n a enr tod a a d--.ii' 1' O -' -I ! i-c c:a. !(.;. e- va aae o." lb to ('::.;:!:. and tn - iv.inrep:;!!s '.. oilier . wuos r.(.. -r-'-a ar- 1m ('d witM'i a short di tan. a. tr-:k a 'vaa.ua ae of lire oc-ea-ian (a i -it wiih hv:.. fol'.c-- over the ?'-. -h.y--. T! e vae-f !. end i a, yen's 1-cvo In-c-ir in fer. e : in.- r- r--- Tir-t t;:' the vaar a n.-.n e,; ;i -- ar- y rival wit : : ii'c-T ! ' a-:'-,- in the t,hi:r 0':;;a-i(!-l to ;al'e ia t a while otl . a .o 01 SOJiALITIES.. h .- i - i I rf rf -I'-Ht-rl w i: U i i . . . . . l:iw - i ' Lincoln. Feb. 2D .Mrs. Clara S. Jen ; -n, St. Paul, Xeb., now serving her teconcl term as clerk of Howard county, it- the first woman candidate to file for an elective office on a party ticket in Nebraska this year. She a lt d inthe secretary of state's off ice today for democratic nomination to the office of state auditor. Mr3. Jen- rcn was deputy clerk of her home HOUSE TUSKS DOWH MELLON RATES F0H LONGWOETH PLAN, 261 TO 153. FIGES FIGHT !F1 THE SENATE CL1 Charts Revived aitd JTcw Ones ceunty for seven years, before elect- Provides Cut in Normal Tax frcm 4 With Willk cf Ohio td to the clerkship. reaiiir I-iunt of A-tcck. ov; ;- i.-ea. a:ay a t i . 2?. The row i. r ! ;. I D.nigiierty a. -:e ito a violent ser.- - i.i:.:-y ' r.npre.v dented ,r . -a i.aaai- t i pe rauuli aia; - of :..is'-inHu t. As ; v. a s :.?: k 1 over until a a, - ;.-r ; I for a:i ia- o. it. i, i a,. '.city's odi V'.. . ai.K ', Lnaw e , - i.-rr-ij.n r- alution of '., -;-;, ileLi-.-crat, Mon cver all bi.undaries of a nd e aaaui. s a i ABSIIT'SBiT AGAS SI m. mmm to 2 Per Cent on Incomes un der 4,000 Per Year. i t a. . . s . . it- ilea a .1 a -i ic-:. ti. Washington, Feb. 20. By a vide ! of 408 to 8 the revenue bill was paus ed lata today by the hou2e. As sent to the senate the measure carries an income tax schedule of- i fcred bv Representative Longworth, ' thr republican leader, a3 a suhi-tit ate . , , - 0 . T : fcr the democratic rates. This was Th:rks Precedent Set By Missouri .H,o:)?cd 21C fo 199, after the house Will Afford Substantial Foot- j iia,j refused, l y a vote of 2C1 to 133. ing: For This Case. j to re-ii.aei t in thj bill the original Mellon schedule. Lii.'coln. Fc-b. 20. The country is i The Loiigwo. th substitute which 1 here rufe'ering too much froai "long-wind- was supported oy republican insur- on nter charges of cd interviews with public olLcials." gents who previously r.ar. mroii ' tl .... investigating Attornev General O. S. Spillman de- their lot with Ihe democrats, pro- v-v. attacks upon lared todav on his return from Om- ' vides for a normal tax: reduction to o,e-r:i and past, aha 'where he filed suit against sev- 2 per cent on incomes below 4 thou- a:,.e d-j.ni, and up- e-ai ef the oil cora.psnies operating rand dollar, to 5 per cert on in- r -a 1 af-iiia- in Xebra-;ka asking that their busi- comes between 4 thousand and 8 " - . it. .1 rlTJn-.r 4 y-A 1 Tl r W S f 1 t ea;-.:idates and ncss be eli-"ontinued in this state on n-uusauu uais "' l" ' '-"t n1xA..n O Hmnr-onrl tolto Tt? ? : arnt of an aiieged conspiracy to-,i"'"t: , f. - h,vrs the bat- v.ard restraint of trade. " f!so would cut by one-fourth the . . . . . -. nn t curt" v t-o - im Vino T n zrsrs "I don . want to 10 snucii talking - ';'. " about rlris suit now for that reason"." ; maximuin 2 .er cent on ineoaM-s the attorney g;r.,ral continued. exceeding 20f thousand dollars. No Tr c;-,;!!,,,;,,, .l.wlr. reil Hint v, u : increase in exi-vint; peitmui mi r.K-'at ou i i . a i aorta rad thn ,a lro-a a a t' re e.e 1 to- t - in fall awing, i : the invc-r iara i a.- a - t inai arro'v . - .......1.1 V. .. ..11 . .. .3 fcrec still working on evidence , fcI,Jlu'"- v u""1 , ut to be usad against the e.il eomnanies. i The house also approved a rro and that he miaht later ask that the ,of"a for a,.fIat rfduct.on of 2T, p-r d oi dieus- latiticn I 0:d ::vl 2Ccv T ear; ;. ' Iv i a- ( amended to include the t' "1, "1 ( i,-.. . n.r names of se vt-ral other companies op- - K V 3 a V "",' -, T T. crating in ths state. J ffrr!3. wire mnd,i to 'nat-' ' Jp The suit, he said, was mo led ,!us Provision. ricii v.-cs the rif;f,r lhat fip1 by formor Attcineyl Other Provisions ' racrd; in Oei-errl Hadley of Missouri, later' In addition to the new im ;r.i. tlx l.a.g the on governor, several years ago in which schedule, major provision) of the bill were re- tju, f.piJrt issued an injunction i as r; proved are: ''.nation was against the onctinuance of the al-1 25 per cent reduction in taxes on hi , deaioaiat, ;er-0li unfnir practice, with a nenaltv 1 earned income, all incomes under tho attorney pvi---.-! that if the injunction were f thousand dollars, being defined 33 t obeved. caster orders would fol- earned for purposes or ti ls reauc- -.. ,. ution an un- Jow tion. : :i national com- The plea in the Nebraska attorney : Repeal or reduction of many of ; w- :." Seuctor ?n-inr m?H u nlpiost !tfn:i. .Ti vthe miscellaneous or excise taxes in- a t hai 1! lared i-n a i.-tter seekin to 1 ( r C'-.e' i . r r n : i a n . i.:a wen a ic-a . witli that made in Missouri, and Mr. 1 at a. tarra-y saying Srillman lvoiievos that the "notable i-ctrc-J;teoman j preaedem set in Missouri will afford :nud. adumg that a sabrtantial footing to stand upon I when the ("se is tried."' r. charging tee at- king to m- ITr. Dausherty for his res- ::hk;General urging AID FOR FORMER FOEy CHILDREN Gen. Herry T. Allen to Ask Omahan's pport in Trive to Feed 1 Henrry German Kiddies 'rarty v.as defended by .11 is. republican, Ohio, i t; at tire attorney geu ' vind: -aied completely! i --atrial trial. 1 he Ohio ihe or.iy republican to : ir-:---a - :-t v- !.el-.:i'f 1,!it 'ie :.ro. rat Maryland, i Support in Trive to Feed the -:in.ti opinion that! y w a i r.at ej-ra'.ifiel fori :.alil it vaas yc-t to be F'rm Saturday's Daily was not an honorable i An American armv general who volving about 120 million dollars in revenue annually. Tightning of the limitations of capital loss ?nd gross income de ductions, which, it is estimated, will yield about CO million dollars rev enue. Increase in the estate tax of about 3 8 per cent. Institution of a Rift tax with the same rates cs carried in the ectate tax. Creation of a board of tax appeals to decide tax disputes between the treasury and tax payers. Opening of the income tax return to inspection by certain congression al committees. Effective in 1924 Specific rate changes carried in the bill will not become effective un til tax payments are made next year on income and profits of 1924. ex- i. , MORE OIL FIRMS MAY ra: f- s 1 r r N-rit t'.:: ; . i a t i i a 11 i r -a a, -, i ge i jfoucrht Germany now pleads for funds cept those made in the excise leviec. C err. it: 2 2 Hakeni) i to" aid the children of that country, j which would go into effect thirty . rv.a""'poLiiIiarcir-j IIe wns in Omaha today. days after enactment of the law. a r.air.g that the sen-I -uaj. uen. tienry l. Alien, reureu, t , , i-"i;-cvtigating ! T,""s in charge of the army of occu- 'nau : u'hee lar' said ' ration in Germany after the. signing Willis. republican. l tn armistice, lie l-.as had an op-j ioi nncn ri. 0IMT .1 a tha si. nate spokes- -Pirtunity to view the conditions, as : 0 IZ InULUlitU 111 oUII ..,.,,tr.v jia(1 r.one toitl.ey developed in the months that. and aske d him j ro-. n . , , nators. J bile m Germany he saw children Lincoln, Feb. 29. The country is ...i in-. ' said ?eriator ur!errea ana in some cases m a"lual suffering too much from "long-wind- ;:-.t we haves a com- j v' z .r 4; t-;ii ini-fM-nf n t .e is nov. ; us i ed interviews with nublie ofliaials." national chairman of Attorney General O. S. Spillman of re- uit ,rd i i - that m and 1 ! tie a. n t al in a fair" and impar-i the Amcriean committee for relief of Nebraska declared today on his lirs .Ml x -,, 4 t I Gorman cmldren. Investigation shows turn from Omaha, v.-he re he filed l ave a real investiga- r4 rioro than 7-000'00.0 German agajnst saveral of the oil companies 1 1 i wo v.ii! not have men .. a.ittee who will be con sulting with the man we :i gating." , litis children ---- . -r .rral "VC: f-1 S: '.re untiernounsnea ana nr-erntinc in TN'fbraska. n.'kinir that facing starvation. ! their business be discontinued in this General Allen points out that dur- state on account of an alleged con ing the last three months the mor- spjracv towards restraint of trade, tality rate among infants was 20 per. aon't want to do much talking cent higher than last year. In many abtmt tilis p)lit no.x for that reason." towns there is for the babies hut one- the state attorney general continued, tenth of the milk supply received be-, Mr. Spillman declared that his fore the war. In some of the cities, forcP was chii workinrr on evidence 1 S r atar Bora if of "idaho onesi?th of the scbo1 children are to be used against the oil companies V,'-''ir"!.)ii F-nt nf Ken i un(lerfi,i. and that he might later ask that the vv.. t..r w.i.tic. poiiiion ne amenueu 10 include me the executive' committee of the Ameri- names cf several other companies op can committee for relief of German crating in this state. children was entertained by Carl; " Gray, president cf the Union Pacific, -pr fjfjjrrn. TTP TiTPrtU & at a luncheon this noon at the Omaha TT PPTSPQ club. Xewcomb Cark-ton, president, ll'J lill JjAi.lLIbLi cf the Western Union Telegraph com-' rany. and Haven Emerson, national : Tha united committee of the pa- health expert, are the ether members triot'ic societies of the city which" of the committee explained he had wi:h Fcr.ntor Wheeler about -e'.ai ef tha committee and V a-- i :-vcral rcpttblicans as ? .ii r;. lie said lie had i '1 Pirrrtrilge of California. iiie " 1; e aa-d, "there was no oa purpoae to 'pack the a talk with tha attorney ca.t the coaimittee?" ask- e.raway, democrat, Ar- ;'. Senator Willis, "it was I told him what the usual lent i (i. a m of i Iv 1 13 loare at all 01 the a? well a -- rt a numi er ot the sl.ojis on other lines in the west. i. i-tr-ial se .Ar'-aa' : g"il i'..!'. b . -tr.e- usto-nary to let the man on the ,'ury?" pursued the s senator. -Inly net. nor was that sug r'.'i'e or thouaht of," shout rr Wilds. "The senator, if . may judge another's mo llis own." Tried to Pick Committer TEE MORE CONGRESSMEN j .a.al xii-U. b met lasi wceK. nave carrtea out a portion of their plans for the day as far as possible at this early date and to try and arrange a fitting obeerv- o r rn rf I -fcir. t r i i e i A . K . ...ill III Z. I 0 UUmaill ILL erly honor the Jnemory of the ,heroea v L Lilt; The committee, with the assist- Washington, Feb. 29. Ten more ance of the Chamber of Commerce, members of the house have joined wijl endeavor to Becure the Parnrele the "committe9 cf 40" formed yes- theatre for the afternoon meeting. S r,ar- Whoi-- than "cfiT-ed 1 tenldy to obtain modification of the which will be the community tribute n r-t s-i to- Wii'is "wanted toxoid-- ! Volstead act to permit 2.75 per cent to the nation';-, dead. The epeakc r for -r. rn -'-ain-e" j bf-verages, it was announced today by the occasion will be furnished by the From ? i ; ui-a.: : "s Tli i--? :aer,i;a,a i II. ."-y:e.s io . i.. o V'a-: '-inir 'al tha p' t'itioa fia. 5ce. ;.'!-1:it h:;v d-fa for at.:te l ccrcliaaiy Mr. I:- a,';, 'v.r:v C'f-1- G.-orcc t'lt.ai Kat-1 Tovla r 1 is ac::"iaarj or in lac ch-rk's cf to Jiercni'- a ean li aea ntntivc- r r d ac-::-y-.j, ra .via will ap i .'it U.? coming rr.l late for the demo- mi.sni see to u tnat the chiadre-n re cratic noni! natron t.o tiie dice oi rep kept away from the grounds while renentativ e. ! the building is in progress. There ! will be plenty of opportunity fcr; Mrs. Fred Ji-v. Mr-. Ferry Coff them to go there after it is dene. -nan" and 'Ii'ss .Maria I'a-fraarin de- ! : par: cd thi . raorniag f.r On:..,ha t.o Frank Krejci and Howard Fack- J-per.d t!: day. Mrs. Iles-e has ar Icr were among tho basketball fans rnrg'nl to acconir.any the tvo other braving the mud last evening to at- ladies ou their trip to Europe in the tend the game at Nebraska City. late spring. .ggea'cd the names of several t oi '-of " S'--rtor Will's ij- ; '--i-'tiuauie m, iryuuntdu. m American region and In the program if ,-. fr,'" " Maryland, a leader in the movement, all of the societies will be fittingly r; .'.r..,;', t Iloe;j'', I The additional members are Repre- represented. ..-uiun.i;. ij:vt-, uiuum, . v , i me cemeierv in ine mnrn hit tlie U. A. n. and Relief Corps and the American Legion will conduct their ritualistic services and dproratn ! democrat. Xew Jerse)'. I the graves of the soldiers and sailors and the service women of the na- 'a;-; xWon would b Cleary' CulIen' Grlfrin- Lindsay. O'- ; ' ,V r'-M.f',;i voui1 b3 Conncll and Quayle, democrats, of the --',,';,,,!.,, ;",V" ,." , .. Xew York delegation and EaganJ "arta.u! to t.,e attorney general." fTfr,nPnt Ve,v .ufV i That i';s th rendered, tamer Wi'i'3 Senator ,,.,-...,, tVnf , . f 'diss Kcthryn Wadick came over , tion's wars. .na. .hi . ( i ; . . . i 1 . i,,,,,,. . u .vino u,ui .iiuq ii kjili .man uuu iu i . ,'J;o:Vv v-V ' llffQtS2oy a visit here for the day with her James Doyle and Ed Hdlatky de " Wl-ere rs henW;- asked Sena- 'iff .J-. -for flninhn trr S'anlev P-d the "-llerie- nr-ain . "u""a,'u "aa a " win- ; iiere mey were caned to spend the l,r .k.irtolPi-hter to-"ene ag:ain j aha today, going to that city on the 'day there attending to some matters iai iiier. early Burlington train this morning. ! of business. I Mrs. Frank Slavacek and daugh- . . tc-rs. Helen and Ruth, were among Mrs. George B. Mann was among VISITHTG DT IOWA f Vr,.rt irntAr. w.nV.n 1. Z . -. a 1 . . . I iiiia iii.iri:iiij n.i passenerers tins morning ior Um- tto spend the day in that city with aha where she will visit for the dav Frim Fri-'ay's I ?!ly This a iterr-oan Chsries Fulton, one friends and looking alter some mat- looking after some matters of busi" of the genial young men of this lo- ters of business. ness.