r I;: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11,' 1624. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL rAaa two .... . - -.r-,- ' - For Fines' Testure Larger Volzimo in the baked goods j as 3 C2;ti Prise j for ever 30 years. virsr pay vah pmc: chief clerk of the legal department of the Great Northern railway. Bar associations of Omaha, the state and nation number her in their TiirrebershiD. She i3 a member of the board of directors and of the chamber of commerce in her home town. It was Mrs. Buell who intro duced Hon. James C. Cox to an Asn- CATHOLIC DAUGH TERS HOLD liJTER- ! esting mum IE ! land audience during: his campaign i for the presidency. j Nor are her activities confined to . affairs legal. She is a member of the : volunteer fire brigade of Ashland, and can wear a red shirt on occasion. She was a democratic candidate for con gress in the Fifth district primary, two years ago. ' She was city attorney of Ashland ! until last September, when she re ! signed just before going to a hos-; pitai. wncre sne remain ini hy B i?rpe number of the ladies or ' She attained much publicity last sum- tl"ie organization j mer v.-ben she prosecuted seven j Tha ev?nt 5 jn the nature of a youths for discharging firecrackers ' tlon to tlie new members of the uniawrnuy in me in). I nrrrrmiration as well as the ooserv- raEi K3 After Every Meal It's the longest-lasting confection you can buy Tery Delightful Reception to Newer geslion and a cleanser Members and Observance of . Anniversary is Enjoyeu ; Qnd tccth ,,.. t,-. 1 Wrigley's means Inst evening the members ot trie, local court of the Catholic Daughters of America enjoyed a very line time at the K. of C. hall on Chicago ave nue and which was participated in HUE SWAMPS . PAWNEE COUNTY BALL TDSSERS Auburn High Schoci iiuintet is Fifth Victim of Plattsmouth Cage Men This Season. Mr ,i.ipn;s of fou?:ps foucht LY C V' GOVERNMENT Mrs. Bue!l lias practiced in the county and district court here in the tno eFta last few years and is well acquainted jyi pjtts in rlattf mouth and her worK as nn attorney has been recognized over ance ot tue peeonu rrniversary !ishmcnt of the court here smouth. Following the regular business c-rcoinn (hp lndip? pninvpd a most de- the eastern section of the state. Mrs. ijhtful evening of games and con Buell comes of a family that is very tegtg whicn were Kjven under the ASHLA.ID LADY AT TORNEY IS MARR Mrs. Irer.e Euell, Well Known in the Eastern Part of State, Wedded i to a Retired Farmer. active in public nffairs as her sister at St. Paul, y'ir.nesota, was demo cratic candidate for congress in that state two years ago. r.nlf it HIS IVCll 9111 I . av. t i c w iii l r w m mm AUTOMOBILE DE DUCTIONS ANI INCOME TAX I'rfim "Hairs-lay's Iaily Levi Keisor. 7S, retired Ashland fTrmer. yesterday secured license in Co'iii':i! IHti.Ts to wed Mrs. Irene C. i;-'el!. 4S. Ashland lawyer and former Ashland city attorney. Taxpayers Are Advised as to the Re ductions They May 3ake in Returns cn Autos. From Friday's L'ai'.y : Deductions alloweel taxpayers in connection with the maintenance and .Mrs. Ev. 11 has practiced law in rvnpratinn nf nntnmobiles are the Ashland for the lact three years, and subject of frequent inquiries from; as a fitting close of an ideal evening im br. i a iil. i;nn.. (liinnp eipnt years taxpayers in filinc an income tax re supervurion of M'ss Mildred Schlater and which furnished a great deal of amusement and fun for all the mem bers of th3 party. In the various contests there were prir.es fifiven for the most skillful of the members. A other of the entertaining features the evening was the son;? and dance given by Master Connie Sc.later that was heartliy encored by the members cf the party. During the course of the evening. Mrs. A. G. Bach. -the retiring vice- recent and the organizer of the loca! . court, was presented with a beauti ful bouquet of roses ss e token of Membership- Campaign On With 25, esteem oc her associates m tnis great From Thursday's Daily Another scalp hangs from the belts of the Plattsmouth high schoci bas ketball five. This time it was the ! Auburn tribe that was shorn of its 'crowning glory" by Chief -ltothert's braves, although it is suspected that the said "crowning glory" was a "tonpe" from the ease with which it was lifted. The rcore was 33 to 9. For the first few minutes it look ed ar though the invaders might give the locals a real battle but they f oon proved to he unequal to the task atter the blue got to going, and j then, as in previous games, it was only a question of how large the' seore would be. i The Plattsmouth live-man-defense, ! !.is taught by Coach Rothert, who, by ' the way, is the best basketball men- j i tor the local high school has ever j I had. was as impregnable as that oi ' ; the "Klineized" Cornhurkers last 1 ' j Friday night when it rendered pow-' erloss tl'.e highly touted Creighton , live. Time and again, Krejci, blue center, with flail-Tike blows, would Bf 0TTi nQIU" k71n ? flown the apparently safe pass- i lU 01 Hi t UltllC es of the opponents, or Chase or Re-j , b"! would intercept them, while' lllntt and Wasley guarded the visi- j 3 ;i LEGION AND AUXIL IARY ARE ON THEIR ft fa of the organization of the women Catholic church. At an appropriate hour the mem bers of the party were treated to r very delightful two course luncheon served by the committee in charge oi irs. Tim Kahoutek ajid which came 000 For legion and 15,000 Auxiliary Set as the Goal. 'tors with a proficiency which only . comes from good coaching. j However, Plattsmouth did not neg ; lect the offensive side of the game previous. She holds A. H. and M. (K'gret-s iror.i ii'.o Lnivovsity or .Min nesota. She is the 3th woman in this country to have been admitted t practice before the supreme court of the 1'r.itecl Ptr.tes. She has a son attending the Pos te.n School of Technology. She is an aunt of Norman C. Gault. Omaha at torney, and was residing in Omaha herself when the war broke out, at which time she went west to become PoullrvWairtedi i v- turn. Tlie following is for the guid ance of owners and prospective own ers: Such cost for garage bills, gaso line repairs etc., may be deducted as a business expense when an auto mobile is used wholly for business purposes, or in trade, profession, or farming. When used partly for such purposes and partly for the pleasure or convenience of the taxpayer and his family, the cost may be pro-rated and that part attributable to busi ness or the other pursuits mentioned deducted as a business expense. The same rule applies with regard . .i .1 r . r . ; i iu i lie ueuii.uuu tur uepretiiiiiuu, which is allowed when an automo I bile is used wholly in business, trade, ; profession or farming, and must be apportioned accordingly when used partly for such purposes and partly .u- pleasure, it an automoDiie is Uied almost exclusively for pleasure, , 2 deduction for depreciation is not i allowed. The purchase price of an auto i mobile, even when used wholly in i business, cannot be deducted from 'gross income. It is a capital expen j diiure. deduction of which is ex ! press! y disallowed by the revenue act. j The 5 per cent tax which attaches to the sale of an autombile cannot i be deducted by the purchaser because '-ifg-lir iJt io a tax levied on the sale by the .manufacturer, and must be returned TATr'MJrr V Cirnr? IIT an' ra5t n bim. The manufacturer W HLHiijOLJAI , rLcix. 13 til may reimburse himself in the amount .of the tax by agreement with the i purchase, in manner prescribed by A car lord of lire poultrv wanted trca?1ury regulations. So far as the to be ilpiivrrp.l at nouitrv "mr nPar purchaser i3 concerned, the tax is a the P.urlin-m frtrht house. Platts- inrt of thc fOSt to him of the a"t mouth Wi:!.'i:sr)AY. Feb. 13th."on ""-'"bile. The manufacturer may not dar on! v. for which we will pay the ,!r(!lut tax in his return, unless following tre aniount is included in his gross i income. CASH PRICES I An automobile license fee i3 re garded as a tax, and may be dedtict- .lens. r.er lb 20c ed whether the autombile is used for L i -f ,5 --:. t 'nmi Friday's Daily The biggest and the most intensive- membership drive ever put on by any organization is said to be in the process by the American Legion and it? Auxiliary. With a membership iast ycarof 17.000 and 7,400, respect ively, these energetic and patriotic SOUTH BEND PEO PLE ASK FLATTE ' . BIVFR flSHRF yrf-T- n Jnm!ar-v ,5- a drive vv niffLlI UmLt?L started to close wiih convention iu c.c-scrvice people have set as their goal and .T.d with series of short passes with i Krejci as a pivot, the blue and white i forwards would carry the ball down i the court for goals, assisted at times by Wesley, Plattsmouth guard. The eighth grade team defeated the seventh grade in a preliminary in which the fans witnessed future high school luminaries perform. I Summary: Plattsmouth 33) FG FT Shoot th2 hills in an Overland! With a surge of robust power, Overland whips into action ofl: like a streak carrying you up and over the top of the steepest, meanest hills. Try it out.'' Overland will prove on the road its reputation as the most car in,' the world for the money. Champion $695; Sedan $795, tab. Toledo. N BAUER Dealer PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA il t.1 Form Organization to Secure Either State Aid Bridge or Private Owned Toll Bridg-e. 2 5,00J members for the Legion 15.U00 for the Auxiliary this as me in tue tan. nut fi iniensivi; cam- - , . ; i ; 1 . 1 paign is nemg carried cn cuiiiit; l"lsjHatt lg -ontn- I Hertford, rf J Frank Warner of Norfolk heads Rut tery. rg ' the Legion membership forces ana SOCIAL WORKERS MEET Rebal. rf Chase, If : Krejci. c .Wasley. rg (C.) Plattsmouth, Nebraska From Friday's Daily The residents of the vicinity oi-worj.er toutn liena nave taren up in rea: : earnest the proposition of securing t bridge-over the; Platte river at thai : point that v.-iH -addto the conven-i ience of the residents of that locality anl.. Tiiiutii.itheyk,xct to j;iaic a uiucB'v clpser couta Jbe,t,ween Omalja and" Lihcolri, fhan tbe present one that crosses the rfvef at Ashland. While' the prinfe object of thc movement is to secure if possible a j Mrs. It. H. Hamilton of Long Pine, ithp Auxiliary. Three prominent Le 'gi i men are in charge in each dis- tri t and one prominent Auxiliary Mrs. K. T. Ahby of Hastings is ir-fistaiit to Mrs. Hamilton and the captains of the various districts of : the- Auxiliary are: First. Mrs. C. E. McOlasson. Lincoln; Setond. Jlrs. JohnKilrjiartin.fOmaha ; Third, Mrs, Frank Warner, .Norfolk; Fourth. i.Mrs. Harry Norval. Seward; Fifth, ; Mrs. R. T. Jones, Edgar; Sixth, Mrs. t A. L. Hollstien. Spencer; Seventh, Laura Kintz, Lodgepole. Flynn, If 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 F .0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 P 2 13 17 0 0 1 0 0 From Tlinrfrtny'j I")a1lv The Social Workers of the Metho- v.-ere much appreciated by the ladies in attendance. At a suitable hour dainty refresh ments were served by the hostesses which added to the completeness or dist church were very pleasantly en- .. n,-rtvn,p,lt ihe members of the afternoon at) . HI. a state aid bridcre tire neonle in the! South Rend locality are fill if neces- j 11 1S Planned to have reports turn sarv to. have a. private toll bridge j r! in every two weeks and those that constructed that1 will serve the needs ' :ue laSKinS behind will receive a of the community until such time as ! '' oi "pep" from their captain. the state and county feel equal to i Po.ts and units will visit nearby supplying a free bridge. The -enthusiasm and spirit in which the South Rend, Alvo. Murdock and oth er places are joining in the campaign looks good to see a bridge built even if it is by private capital. towns to encourage them and speak ers will be sent out to tell of the pur poses and activities of the organiza tion. A bulletin containing on out line of this has just been sent out i 'rom state headquarter:? which are Totals 15 3 2 33 Auburn (9) FG FT F P Mr stcrs. rf 2 0 0 4 Armstrong, If 0 0 1 O Curtis, c (C.) 12 0 4 Andrew, rg 0 0 1 0 Culwell, lg 0 1 2 1 tertained on Tuesday the charming home of Mrs. Will Heinrich" on West Mein street, who was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Fred Lugsch and Mrs. A. H. Dux bury.1 The ladies spent some time in planning a colonial tea which they expect to hold in the parlors of the Methodist cMiroh on Tuesday, Feb ruary IS, which will include an ap propriate program. During the afternoon ?.In Ed Ho l party. Chamberlain's-Cough Remedy. " ' Aids Nature Medicines that aid' halUVe "ate 'a"' ways tnost effectual. 'Chamberlain's'. Cough fteraedy nets "oh this flail- rt " allays the cough.' relieves the lungs, aids expectoration;, opens 'the secre tions and aids ridtufe Tn restoring' the ' svstem to 'a health? condition. fho;f-'.' man give a very plef-tsir.g vocal uum-jsano's liav'e testified to Its good quaK- Totals ber jird Miss Dorotha Pond one of : ties Try it wheri you have a 'cOugli 9 her -delightful piano -pelet t ions which or cold. :Ui1'!",,Vi,l.", E:rA.-..-fe-:'.j. The boosters for the new bridge ! looted in Lincoln per lb Ducks, per lb 18c Gese. per lb 13c Turkeys, per lb 20c Car-ens (7 lbs., up) per lb 22c Old Roosters, per lb 8c Guineas, per dczen 3 15c business or for pleasure or conven ience. In the event of a collision between a truck r.nd an automobile used for 'l'-aure or convenience the owner ot the truck may claim a deduction :'or damages, provided the truck was being usd for business at the time of the collision. No deduction is al lowed tne owner of the automobile. TT 1 . legucrn pouitrj-, sc Eeef hides, per lb j 6c because it was not being used for Horse hi.ies each T business purposes. Amounts ex- ...ww Farmers, Notice Mired fo prleas.;re or convenience in i repairing damages thereto caused hv not consti- J'PffllCPnt fii.rrt n iiin ilr Wr:i;Xi:si)A V is our reerular buy- lr;!e deductible losses, inc: day in Plattsmouth. Watch our Tixr-ayers are advised ji3 mi :;i not to de- !i- .t market quotations on iny ir. the filing of their returns To -y, made possible only be- do so results in confusion and con- your pcu;tr. : . f 1 I X" Ilf TI.( I If I TiiOT T.'.i o I, , , n ; , . . .. . . .,,,lt, Jtl Kt-j-n-n uunrg tne closing days of load lot, daeet to New York. the filing period, which ends at mid- e will poFitively be in Platts- ri-ht of March 15 mouth on above date, prepared to ! take care of all poultry offered us at these prices. hae held three meetings, one on' Jliin' "istricts ana towns nave Saturday, Monday and Wednesday, f 'u.iu-nge.i each other and treats at and have perfected an organization I the ta?0 ' invention are in most to carry on tlie boosting for the j "a?es the penalty cf the loser. bridge aud the officers of the new j association are George Vogel, prcsi- ! DIES IN KANSAS dent; Willhm J. O'Brien, secretary, j and J. L. Carnicle, treasurer. The j '''r"r Thursday's rxiiiv officers are working hard on the ' Word was received here this morn proposition and their petitions areig of the denth at Sebetha, Kansas, being signed very extensively in that i33 evening of Mrs. Nesladek. moth section of the county. j er of Anthony, Miss Marie and Geo. Some fifteen years ago South Rend j Ne'-ladek. who formerly made their bed a wagon bridge over the Platte -borne in this cify. The sons are now river which was carried out in one f lh- intr in Fremont and Miss Marie of the very heavy, ice gorges and . rrs' 'ps at Sehotha with the mother, floods in the Platte river and since J The deceased lady had been at the that time the residents there have ' hospital in the Kansas city for some felt very much the need of a struc ture that would be adequate to the needs of the community. ATTENTION time past. ASKS FOR EIVORCE Frn:n FrMny's Iaiy This morning petition was filed in Every one knowing themselves in-: the offire of the clerk of the district debted to Cass county for ..personal I court by Mrs. Grace E. Applegate taxes will kindly respond to the final ' through her rttr.rney, C. A. Rawls. statement which was mailed to them1 asking that she he granted a decree W. E. KEENEY. TO STUDY VOICE IN ITALY OH. H. C. LEOPOLD Osteopathic Physician R?fd Teptsd and G!a Fitfeii rTntvu Klock ' Phone zu PLATTSMOUTH Finn Frtrlay's Oaily Fred Klepser went to Lincoln Wed nesday afternoon. He expects to leave some time within the week for Italy, where he will studv voire. Fred has a fine tenor, a beautiful natural voice, and with application ar.d hard study he can accomplish wonderful things. Fred has many warm -friomis iia VjWho will watch his progress with a -r;rrc3i ueai of pride. We" V , Kepublican in tne month of December. The law dennnrls a distress warrant durintr the month of February. Your County Treasurer. f4-2d. 2sw. MIA U. GERING. , r Womeh! Listen to this About Wonderfully Beautiful Wavy Hairl ping Water They Appeal to Our Sympathies I f MRS. T. C. M'CABTY of- divorce from Joy R. Apple gate. The petition of the plaintiff alleges that the parties were mar- rled at Omaha in March, 1906 and that the defendant has been gtiilty of desertion of the plaintiff. The custody of the minor children and suitable alimony is also asked by the plaintiff. The bilious and dvsneutie nv n. M.ini sunerers and appeal to our sym ipathies. Many such. linwrr v.-,,,. M-m. -umpieieiy restored to health bv ; th nao rf i 1 - . ... . - I t .Ui- - auiucuain s l aDiets ielscf a Brooder! Why experiment with unknown e,and untried brooding equipment? Euy a "National" at our risk. Sold SCOUTS WIN A GAME From Thursday's l'aily The members of the Boy Scouts troons of this city were victorious on Tuesday evening at Nebraska City, j when they engaged In a spirited con-j test with the Scouts of that city at j the high school gym and as the re-j suit of the. efforts of the local hoop-; sters the score stood 18 to 8 in favor; of Plattsmouth when the final whis- ' tie was blown. El Wescott and Chick Taj'lor were the chief point getters for the Plattsmouth team. A Judicious Inquiry' A 11 1 - II i 1 -t- utoc muicis sirenpiuen the stom- v,cij uim, invncji-i.ci-ikf visits What is there about a girl that can make her more at tractive so easily than her hair? It is like a frame to the picture. The most marvelous curl and vave producer on the market is the new OCEAN WAVE, a liquid that absolutely makes the most stubborn, dullest and straightest hair fall in natural charming silky curls. With it, you can install a permanent cur! or wave that wiil stay in many, many days. Its effect is startling. Don't delay! Keep your hair looking its best. Make it be admired. Save time and money. Harmless asy to use. Buy a bottle at your drug store or department store to day. Ask for f "The Curl That Won't Unfurl!" Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully returned. If unobtainable, at your store, send $1.00 plus 10 cents post age and we will mail you a bottle. - . O a IT, HI Hemstitching and Kcot Edging , N. 4th St., Plattsmouth PHONE lOtW s thp rfriirr trnrtf sax- Tie tins Made for Coal, Oil or often heard druggists ask a customer ' . j who wished to buy a cough tnedieine, ; f.' Y j A , , v , ! wnetner It was for a child or an A ach. invigorate the liver and im. guarantee. A prove the digestion. They also cause Gas. . a geniie movement -of the bowels.1 . . vun you nave any trouble with! " vi lu uuy oiuwu- adult, Ed ff for a chU6. they almost )V imui x inai. i uttn-n jrwiu. gsa. xxiuc lnrnaDiv recommenaea cjnamoer- , lan's Cough Remetly. The reason for ; this Is that they know there is no i danger from it and that it always cures. There is not the least danger iu giving It and for colds, croup and whooping cough It is unsurpassed. on OMAHA, NEBRASKA -SPECIAL SALE ON NOW AT THE FOLLOWING DRUG AttD DEPARTMENT STORES IN PLATTSMOUTH H. M. Soennichsen, F. G. Fricke &Co., Mauzy Drug Co., Weyrich & Hadraba !nn pcpt tn ATm'l '-1f 1 Tr V rs ?ki .. , . 1 .8 "- 'j. uuucimuu, uu uas oeen spending the past week" at Sidney,! Iowa, at the htme of her f arent?. Mr! ' nd Mre.'Dave Iliatt. returned honp ysterllay afterntony'v v? v?. .; S 0 ! i Murray Exchange, 1931 :l, I