F f ' f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 7, 1324,. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People There are roads to riches but most of us travel in the wrong direction. Rotation of Crops, well bred seed, c-tiHv of soil conditions seasonal study ot soil conditions, seasonal preparation, intensive cultivation, scicntific management all these en- tcr into successful farming. 1 . ' The Murray State Bank has access r.v ortVnrit.Hr inf armatinn -! v- j -;n v iA n KlUiiir liicsc lines auu vtiii uc giau iu J -r 11 pr-cure uaia lur )w uu nujr ui cf them. Your interests are our interests. 1.7 A KB US USEFUL! Murray State Bank an Murray, Nebraska SLOGAN- There is No Substitute for Safety j - after O. V. Virgin was lookln Feme business matters at Nehawka on last Wednesday. Carl Opp of Nehawka was a visi tor with friends in and near Murray Soooo( lst Sunday returning home on Tues- tea over jt ju a manner while the day morning. other two are still very sick. Grandma Hendricks has been vis- Henry C. Long who has been visit iting for the past week at the home at iiendley and also looking af of her daughter, Mr3. Albert Lillie ter SOme business matters there, re of Plattsmouth. turned home last Sunday and reports A. G. Cisney and W. A. Lewis thing? looking well out there and shipped a car load of hogs to the says there will be some good croos. South Omina market last Friday, ac- Sheriff E. P. Stewart was looking companying the stock to see them after some business matters in Mur sold. ray last Saturday night when two Carl Lang and Frank Amick were strangers got into an altercation re pasengers to Plattsmouth last Wed- garding a car which was stranded nesday evening where they were here on account of being out of gas locking after some business matters and cut of money. The sheriff fur rr.d were also seeking employment nishei enough gas and oil for the in the Burlington shops. young men to get out of town. aturaay You will always find bounteous varieties at the prices you like to pay in this well equipped store. Otoe brand hominy, 10 cans for $1.00 4-oz. tall pkg. black pepper, shaker top 10 Honey, per frame 25 40-50 size prunes, 2 lbs. for 35 Dried peaches, 2 lbs. for 35 Macaroni or spaghetti, 3 pkgs. for 25 Palm Olive soap, 3 'bars for 25 Maple Flakes, 2 pkgs. for 25 4-lb. box Fairy scda crackers 60 Toilet paper, 10c; three for 25 1-lb. medium red salmon, flat cans 25 Otoe tomatoes, small cans, 2 for 25 Silver Crown corn, 2 cans for. 25 Frank's kraut, 2 for 35 Nomis brand peas, 2 cans for 35 Pork and beans, 2 cans for 25 .Jack Spratt apricots or peachs, 35c; three for. . . 1.00 22-oz. jars Housewife preserves 25 IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT We offer you very special merchandise of quality at money saving prices. J27-in. ginghams, blue, green, red checks, plaids. .$ .22 9-4 sheeting, tape edge 59 29-inch cheviott shirting 22 Men's wool work sox 29c and .39 Ladies' silk and worsted hose, black and brown. . 1.19 Men's dress wool and cotton socks 49 . M. Soenmchseii&Cb. Telephone No. 12 of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Jonraal Readers Nick Friedrich was looking after some business matters in Platts- mouth last Saturday. Earl Troop was asked to umpire the basketball game which was play- ed at the high school at Union. J. W. Chilton of North Platte was looking after some business in Mur ray on last Wednesday and today Frank Schlichtemeier took a truck load of hogs to the Omaha market was looking after some business mat for his brother Omar on last Wed- ters for the day. nesday. Dale the ltitle son of Art Hanson, Mrs. Clarence Peck who has been sick for some time past, is some bet- ter at this time and able to be up a part of the time. W. H. Scheeley the merchant was a passenger last Wednesday for Fre- mont where he went to look after some business matters. John W. Lloyd and wife of Union were loomng auer some Dusmwb auu also visitine with friends in Platts- month on last Wednesday. The Eannine & Nickles lumber comnanv were unloading a car of lumber last week, the work being done by Messrs. Mrasek and Richter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy were visiting for a short time with rela- frienug in Murray, return- lng to their home in Qmaha during the week. Roy Gregg of Mynard was a visi- tor in Union last Wednesday where he was looking after some business matters. He is selling some excel- lent brushes of all kinds Ml Mr. Murphv of Plattsmouth, the t man fQr the Missouri Pacific, was looking after some business mat- ters pertaining to his line of work in Murray last Wednesday. Mrs. George Erduzzer and child- ren who have been visiting for the past month at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. W. A. Lewis returned to their home in Coleridge last ednesday. Messrs. Glen Rhoden, Will Troop d Charles Troop were on the mar- ket on last Wednesday with three excellent loads of fat beeves which they have been feeding during tne past few months. i Mike Rys, the blacksmith, who ! has been at the hospital having his foot and ankle treated, returned here n few days since but as yet i3 not feeling well enough to go after the u.nrt n h -wmilrl like. Three children of Jesse Vallery and wife, they being Ernest, Jamie and Johnnie, have been down with thf pneumonia, the elder having got mm. -n; .;,gl B Murray, Nebraska Specialsi PiAXTSilOUTH I t Messrs. Robert and Earl Troop at- tended the Gruber and Shumaker 'sale last week and purchased a few head of cattle. Uncle Ben Beckman has been very sick at his home during the past as week but is reported as gaining and went to Plattsmouth to look after pupils, spent last Wednesday evening state and 50 bushels in western Ne-ir- getting better. some business and then returned to a the home of her friend Inez Hos" braska are the goals set by the Ne- r. Herman Beck was called to Lin- his home in Union. ."" . .1.x. braska Crop Growers association ra coin last Saturday evening wnere ne lias been very sict witn tne pneu- monia but is at this time some bet- ter and is making nice progress. T. J. Erendel was looking after seme business matters in Lincoln last Monday and Tuesday, making the trip via the Missouri Pacific. J- K- Hatcnett was a visitor at tne, home of the daughter, Mrs. E. J.! l "a,,:'ul"- 1U1 lllur returning home Sunday evening tiust bpntt nas naa two small r; r Vth tTw, rmnt!, M"Ji !LP IJ.Z ol tfil' Jlilt Z sons dow being B bad but at this time are reported as being some improved. C. D. Gary who has been farming on the Walker place for the past year or two. will in a short time move to the farm of Homer II. Shra- tier where he will farm for the corn- ing summer. Aubrey Hopkins was a visitor In Plattsmouth where he was called by me inness or a nine neice, a aaugn- ter of Mr. and Mrs. G rover Hopkins, who has been down with pneumonia but who is now slightly better, Fred Campbell has been quite'sick a few days with a severe attack for a few day of grip and in addition his little daughter Miss Alice May received a very severe burn by spilling a cup of boiling hot coffee over her arm. The board of managers of the Farmers' elevator has gi n r;n tract of manager to Alf Gansemer for the coming year. They have been wise in their selection as Mr. Ganse- mer nas given njs entire time to tho handling of the business and made a success of the matter. Robert the little eon of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis has been quite ill for several days and while having only a severe attack of grip was threatened with pneumonia. All care is being given to the little one and it is honed that he soon mav hp hrt- ter. J- H. Burton who has been spend- ing some time vi'-iting with the children is ag?in at home. He spent a y.eek with his daughter. Mrs. How ard Graves of Plattsmouth and also a week with his-son, Roy Burton of Omaha, having at both places an ex cellent visit. "WT E. Palmeter who has been with the Murray garage and who made that institution an excellent man. re turned to his home in Elmwood on last Tuesday and on account of the very bad roads people have not been using their cars verj- much and there v.-a5 very little to do in that line. The missionary . society of the Presbyterian church were serving tho purchasers at the public sale held at Alex Campbell's last Wednes day thing- to eat which was to go to the benefit of the church. Rev. W. F. Graham also attended he sale, looking afer the interests of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vallery enter tained at their home on last Sunday a number of their friends at dinner md for the day at which time all fn ioyd a most pleasmt time. There were present on the occasion Messrs. and Mesdames W. T. Vallery. Charles A. Vallery and family. Thomas Til- on and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trooo. Victor Kettlehut while riding hor-crk vrps thrown from hi3 steed ht Sittfrday evening sustaining in ivrfos which rendered him uncon scious for some time. He, however, son regained mnsriousnss and is retti-ior along nicely, being cpnsid erably shaken up and very sore and tiff from wherp he struck the "round. He had been to visit at the home of his h-othr. John KetMehut 5rt was just returning home and hni! only started when the animal hesron b'lohine. throwing the young lad in the road. Tractor 9.n Vlovis Fcr Sale One new 10-20 Titan traetcr and ploTrs for sale. These priced right. $300.00. Peterson Hardware Co., Select a Brooder! Why experiment with unknown IS and untried brooding equipment? I hrnuX tn r ,i th . " B .vr--- i i o Druglit to trial. This is an action ay a National" at out risk. Sold in which the plaintiffs are com on thirty days' trial, .money-back plaining of the construction and op guarantee. Made for Coal, Oil or nation of a gas tank in their neigh Qas. i borhood which they allege is caus , , , Mn?. a .disturbance and interfering If you don t want to buy a brood-' with the rea-e and. comfort of thp er, let me hatch your eggs. Price 4c.resfenTs of that section of the city an egg to April 1st. firs. Irena E&ngen Murray Exchange, 1931 - WEEKLY a JOUENAL If L&y of tha readers of the Journal know of "j social ereat or Item cf Imprest Lb tiila vicinity. m3 will mall ame to Uils office. It will ap pear under Ui tiILnir. Wa wut all MWltWBS-XDIIOl John Vallery from northeast of Murray was attending the sale at the home of Alex Campbell's last Wed- nesday. C. W. Clark was a visitor in Mur ray last Wednesday and from here Shipped Excellent Cattle Last Tuesday Messrs. L. H. Young md son. Parr Young, shipped tw cars Df excellent cattle to the market at Omaha, they having been fed four months and were in excellent condi- tion. They have still on feed some one hundred and thirty head still to go to market, . " 1 Will Build a New Home Last Wednesday C. D. SDaneler n.rr.hnH -rnt it f at,- D. J. Pitman which are situated be- tween the residences of Fred A. Hild and Henry C. Long where he will in the spring.erect an excellent home of the bungalow style, containing about five rooms with bath and modern in all respects. This will add material ly to the excellent residences in Mur ray. Will Install New Dump The Farmers elevator has entered into a contract for th installation of a new dump at the elevator which will be installed at such a time when tho business will be the least active. The new dumD will accommodate fuck, wagon and sl?ds which will be a reat convenience. The dump will , , .. . ue insiauea wnen tne time comes Dy Mr. J. A. Scotten. the contractor. Little Boy Operated On Last Tuesday evening both Earl and Jarvis Lancaster were in Omaha where they accompanied John Ed- pir.gs with his son Earnest who had a wrv acute attack ot appendicitis, I sn much so that the appendix was rvntured and after getting to the Immanuel hospital he was immedi ately operated unon and Wprinpsrlav morning when Jarvis left he was jusr coming out irom under tne in fluence and seemed to be getting along nicely. A Sappy iTarciware Man i-ure tnis not altogether on ac-j count of the excellent business or : po'.itK-s but on account of the arrival iat the home of he and the good wife a very fine son who with the mother are doing nicely. The father is pret ty well pleased over the arrival as is also the fond mother. Has Exciting Rnna-aray Last Wednesday morning while Charles Mutz was driving down the .street his team which was feeling pretty good, 'thank you, looked up on the bread truck and taking of- 'enl! J11 ""eluded they would take a spin, rne moment when he went down the street with the hayrack bobbing and nearly being thrown from the wagon was one of much tenseness and until he was thrown to the bottom of the hay rack was he able to have much effect on the team but when he got his feet brac ed the fractious team was brought to a standstill in a short time. Will Broadcast Message On Thursday evening. February 14, at 6:15 Central standard time. Rev. W. R. Sawhill. the pastor of the o"'t . , V, .1 I wP LTh,fJ L?lted L?fc5Mr First United Presbyterian church of ica, will broadcast a fifteen minute message to the church from Station KDKA Pittsburg. Pa. Mr. Bakke has kindly consented to extend the loud speaker of his radio to the Unit ed Presbyterian church of Murray for that occasion and we hope that many members and friends of the church will avail themselves of the opportunity of receiving this mes sage from the highest officer of our denomination. Arrangements will probably be made for a lunch to be eaten at the church some time be tween 6 and 7 p. m. on that eveninrr. There will probably be a literary and musical program and a social con ducted by the intermediate society after the lunch. Make a Tour Isaac and Lawrence Addleman, The -una Boob and Daniel Hoschar toured from Springfield to the home of Daniel Hoschar near Murray last Sunday. Master Daniel has been for two weeks a. visitor in Springfield and at the home of his brother. Mr. Wilford Hoschar of Gretna, Nebras ka. Tn spite of the bad roads the hoys arrived in Murray in time for the dinner which, was prepared for Daniel, the Sprignfield friends. Mr. Arthur Jensen. Mr. Gene Nickles and the members of the Hoschar family. WILL HOLD COURT IN OMAHA From .Monday's raily District Judge James T. Begley will preside in the equity court ir Omaha this week when the case of t?e patellar improvement dub vs i . J. P. Falter was a nasene-er tfcto morning for Omaha to spend the day looking after tome matters of importance. -kh-h-i-k 4- Charles Howard was a visitor at Kenneth Farls' home last Thursday night. I Sickness and cold weather greatly ance. Lester Gansemer was a visitor at Merle McCormick's last Thursday night. t Donabelle Edmisten was absent Thursday Ineta Henry, one of the sophomore Friday. Those having perfect attendance in Clara Rainey's room for the 5th month are: Leon Gansemer, Lois Graham, Elizabeth McCracken, Mar- rarPt Mrapk- Leon Gansemer won in the arith- metic drill in Clara Rainey's room lnst wpek. Tho eiehth crade nuDils are hav- rmnils arp hav- ing outlining which they are finding very difficult. The grammar room enjoyed the entertainment given by the freshies Friday morning Lorprp Dnrman was absent three days last week Earl Mrasek "was absent four days last week. Hpnrv Dir-th nnrl Tlirhnrrl Fried- rich were absent one day last week, The Fresnmen entertained the Sophomores and the grammar room Friday morning. They proved sue- rposful in their pntortainmPTit t uish to tiicnv tho freshly for' the music dedicated to me Friday. lT Lang Diogenes II. succeeded in findi ,v, s,i,i '" a m.nu "'i'""- ici .dent Friday morning. tv.a s a -v- v.' n u i tt-:j insr hnt it nminripii mnr ii v, 'v Xo, Needle." 1I1P iresmes are good at enter- Tlie freshies are good at enter- '"'" nej nae 10 uorrow lue num sup.iumuira. ine sopnomores wisn to tnanK, 'pils of Murray school are improving contest, which will be encouraged Sunday that will keep him on the re fr, thafr wnrt ctaio tired list lor some time. Mr. Jor- 1 111 11 i i 1' 1 is 11 ill- wfa ir i lie uu- 1 10 r aw rirmrr t r 1 - r-H erf ( i u iciu T?w har.i Hrendel and Charles ond pntrv blanks are bein? dan was out cutting some kindling o p;.i,tor A-rn th !rt)imeti rnntpst . t,0 fnnntv np-pnts over Sunday morning and for this purpose Lois Scotten for telling their for-basiB. yield per acre. 65 per cent tunes. They surely appreciated it. co?t per bushel. 20 per cent; quality.) r,enmnn rcms ann jiene Jiaor- ,mLK sua 31 iepicg eacn otnerA local COmmittee of two appointed powdered sugar. The tenth grade appreciated the entertainment given by the freshies Friday morning. Teacher: "What county is on the west of us?" fCass county.) Glad3-s Mrasek: "Douglas." Lorene Hatchet is so bright in her when! work that the teacher asked her if she had ever been to the asy lum. Clifton Meisinger was heard going down ,the street to school saying: "Day", by day, in every way, I'm get ting better and better, in Geometry." ASKS FOR DIVORCE From Tups, lay's Daily An action has been filed in the of- . Mabi7 OI aubitz vs" Frank P Olaublfz. in whirh tliA nlaintiff acL- that she be granted a decree of di- vorce as well a.s the custody of the two minor children of the parties to the action. In her petition the plain- tiff states that they were married March 19, 1919, at Omaha. The parties to the suit are now residents of near Wabash. Attorney C. E. Martin appears in the action for the plaintiff. NUMBERED WITH THE SICK FroTi Tuesdav'. Dail.i Mrs. P. A. Bates has for the tiast two days been confined to her home as the result of an attack that seems ing for Omaha where they will at-! The court on hearing the state to be neuralgia. The maladv is show- tnd the meeting of the board being ments of the parties gave them all a ing some improvement but has Vent ty,a nr i severe lecture and placed a fine of tne patient connned to her home closely since the attack first made its appearance. WOULD ORGANIZE PIONEERS OF STATE Native Born Sons and Daughters of 1560 or Prior to Furnish a Lot of Historical Data. "S p ,0n CAety f The Native Born Sons and Daugh- 'ers of Nebraska Territory IS 60 or Prior." ha hPPn rrtin7 leal of interest in the state and in all ocalities there have been a number morning to spend a Tew Hours iook- aii aTl(i rr. James Warren as a Span ?nrolled in its ranks who will assist inS after some matters at the court senorita ?nd Spanish Don. the -naterially n supplying some very ncuse in which they were interested, j eec'ond prize was given to Miss Flor valuable facts for the early history! Guy Crook of Fall3 City, repre- ence Kaufman and Miss McCrary a of the state. isentine: the Monarch Engineering th" Dutterfly girls and the third It has been thought by restricting company, was here today to look af the membership to a date as far back ter some matters before the board of s I8 60 much territorial history may j county commissioners who are in ses ie obtained which will soon be un- sion this week. available and that should he stored, August Krecklow and son, Louis, :n the archives of the state historical Df near Manley, were here today for ociety for the information uiure generations. . , xu luuufcui nets uecu mai me Tien and women who were born here ,n Nebraska prior to 1S60 could sup- Piy much pioneer history as the mem- ory of many children run back to ery tender years. - , Already Nebraska Cits. Weenine Vater and Murray have responded XlSf?,rnme,H fSen noone rom Plattsmouth file their applica- fjii. jtitic ue j ii i v ii jew in tne tate who are eligible to this society md if there are any of the pioneer H)vs and girls still living in this vi cinity, they would assist the good vork by registering in the ranks of he society. All communications Jn regard to -he matter should be addressed to TUgene O. Mayfield. 447 South 23rd 'treet, Omaha. 0ARY HERDS BRING CONTEST TO BE HELD iN STATE 9Q Busheh per Acre in Eastern, 70 in Central and 50 in Western Nebraska, is it Goal. Lincoln, Feb. 3. Ninety bushels of corn Der acre in eastern Nebraska, 79 bushels in the central pr.rt of the the state for distribution among farmers who wish to compete, Divisions of the state, as announc- ed today by Paul Stewart, secretary of the association, at the state agn- .riti,m: ro'lpe here, are us follows: Eat section, line between Holt and Antelope counties south to the Platte, ioErsrinsr to the lise between Polk ar.d Butler counties and south to the state i.ntipr rounties and south to the state line; central section betv.-een this and a line starting on the east line or Cherry county and dropping straight south to the ronth line cf Dawscn. intrs; or; t to the east lines lines of Gosper and Furnas counties; wtst section, west of this line to the ctate boundary. j Ten acres are the minimum in the project. The acres must lie together in one field and be in such sh?.pe that they can be measured easily. More than 10 acres may be entered in the contest, or the 10 acres may be 3 Dai t Of a larger field. Contestants ranking highest in er.cn recuon aim tut- ui(,Utn Ui.LiS, individual in eacn count j u iuB w or more entries, will be given medals nv tne crou sruwcis rt.-uuniu. -,',: tbp nrniW and ! Otbfrs completi J th P1 makin? the goal net lor tneir region win De oniciaiiy . "Recognition of Achievement certifi- . VX.Wf-,v.- icates at the annual meeting of the ! r,ppori.iticn. Cash nremiums also will . eivn v,v the association. Lo-al organizations may give additional 'nremiums ,ro n hB nn thP fnllowine 10 per centj and reports. 5 per cent, j f hv th. roiintv asent and the secre- try OI the crop growers will be judges of the yield. Yields are to be 'determined between October 20 and ' nrremlier l A 30-oound sample of the corn raised must be sent -to the agricultural college for, moisture and nualitv tests. The accurate ylela will De figured on a uniform moisture content of 15 per cent. LOCAL NEWS From Tuesday's. Dally Attorney C. E. Tefft, of Weeping Water, was here today attending to some matters in the county court in which he was interested. E. H. Meisinger departed thi3 af- ternoon for Louisville where he was ' called to look auer some matters oi j business for a few hours. C. D.. St. John of' Nehawka was among those who defied the cold and ' bitter breezes to make the journay to the county seat and transact some matters in the county court. Andrew Schliefert and Herman J Officer William Heinrichsen, Charles Dall of Manley, came in this morning j Fulton Frank Elotzer John Sattler. to spend a few hours here looking af-, Jr., and Fred Duda were brought be ter some matters at the court house fore his honor. and calling on their friends here. The charge preferred was that of James M. Robertson, president of disturbing the peace and followed an Ithe Nebraska Masonic Home associa- ti onH v F. Evers, superintend- nt tho vrAmp rfpnnrteri this morn- Hon. W. B. Banning, of Union, state senator from Cass. Otoe and Sarpy counties, was here today for a few hours en route to Omaha where he will attend . the banquet of the Legislative League which is being held there this evening. I Frnm Wednesday's PaiK- Mrs. Edna Shannon, county regis ter of deeds, departed this morning for raana to spend the day there at tending to some matters of business. Attorney C. E. Tefft returned this morning to his home in Weeping Wa- torday trying a case in .the district nnrt " , . , tU D. C. Campbell and brother, Chas.. of near South Bend, came .in this of the'a fow hours looking after some mat- i ters before the county commission- pri; ,-n rpfrard to the road work, thpv being engaged in the maintenance of the road frora Manley east to Mur - ray RECEIVES SAD NEWS From Monday s Ualiy Late Saturday afternoon Clyde Jackson of this city received a mes- sage announcing the death of his aesthetic wi A Cure (TTl ill T. n l 4 m evefv UM Nl v-s sax smtii ccred. Write tor f.'ee hook oa Reclai Diseases, with names and testimonials of 'hoiifinai oi p. eminent people who hre been perm sue fitly cured e:s. e. r. TAnny. sanatorium, dr. r.s. Johnston, MeJid Dired rUtj Trust Cldg. FAGZ mi ' brother, Nathan Jackson, at the old jhome in .Milan, . Missouri. r.The d ceased young man, who was thlrty , three years of age, was a veteran tf ; the world war. having spent eigh teen months in France and in tha battles of the fall of 1918 was ga ped in the Argonne campaign and from the effects of which he has nev er fully recovered, and which wts the cause of his death. Owing to the fact that the funeral was held Sunday. Mr. Jackson was unable to attend the services of hla brother. SUITERS A SEVERE ACCIDElIi" 'rom TuesJav'8 Pally R. J. Jordan, who resides on the O. D. Sherman farm, south of thi3 city, near oil Rock Bluffs, was the victim of a very serious accident on he was using a double heaJed ax and as he swung the ax up to get a swinrr to cut the kindling the head of the ax caught on a clothesline M.r.-ituuu m me jai i auu iuc a d?-. -ended on the shoulder of the un- fortunate man inflicting a very fe- vere gash which caused the lo?s of a great deal of blocd before Mr. Sher- man comu nurry tne mjureu man 10 man could hurrj riattsmoutn wnere ne was taKen to tne otnees ot urs. Livingston ana Hall where the wound was dressed, It was found that the ax had cut a gan tnrougn tne snouiuer to tne gah through the shoulder to bone ard the patient was quite weak from the lo?3 of blood. It is thought that the patient will not suffer any permanent injury from the wound. ROADS STILL CLOSED Krim Tuf-sdny's Dallv The travel over the county oh the east and west ro'id is still a matter of much difficulfy despite ihe fct that tJje con;;nj.Ejonors iav,. v,,fcll liavin a reat ,1)al of v.ork (Ion(. ln the way of moving snow and trying to clear up the roads. The snow of the past few weeks has been intensified by the heavy winds and snow of the last few days and the travelers find that the swift est and most comfortable way of travel is on the old reliable railroad train. The federal highway through the county from north to south has been :n very good shape despite heavy snow. the ENJOY A FINE TIME From Tuesday's Daily The Young Men's Bible class of the Presbyterian church enjoyed k very fine business and social session at the home of their teacher. Mrs. G. L. Farley last evening. Des-pite the bad weather there were a very pieasing numoer m attendance ana the class after their business meet- ing, enjoyed the time in playing games until an appropriate hour when dainty and delicious refresh ments were served. Those attending were William Matschullat. Roy OIs"m, Covert Jean, Herbert Johnson. Glen Henry, Ed ward Matschullat. James Jean. Glen Kruger, George Ebcrsole, Paul Van dervoort, Myron Beardsley and El mer Johnson. J DRAW DOWN FINES ( From Monday Daily j This morning the aftermath of a small disturbance occurring late Saturday night in the rear of the Graham Cafe, was staged before Judge William Weber at his office in (the city hall when on complaint of fcli anu aisagreemem among l"c inu m .wr. r unon was given a severe blow In the face $d and costs on Fulton. Blotzer and Settler and an. especial severe lec ture on Duda for his participation in the affair. MASQUERADE A SUCCESS From Monday's Daily The masquerade given by the Eagles band of Coates hall Saturday evening was very largely attended and a great deal. of pleasure was de rived by the dancers as well as a large number of spectators who had gathered to view the different array of costumes. There were a large number masked and the judges found some difficulty in awarding tbe ! prizes and after a thorough inspec tion of the maskers the first nriz wss awarded to Miss Doris McDon prize won by the Klinger sisters as Topsies. The music was furnished by the specially arranged orchestra of the band which gave some very delightful numbers. TWENTIETH CENTURY STUFF Mazda, Darling," he wrote, "He ; mine, withot out th Incandescent One.. Wntts Hf? out you? Ohm is not ohm with- e light of your presence. Mv heart is a transformer that steps up at every thought of you, I would in sulate my head alongside of your switch: the contact of your hand is like a live wire. Marry me, and let's have a little meter in our home. Sparks and Flashes. A m3l system of treatment tht cores Piles. Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in a shpet tune without a severe sur gical operation. (No Ui.oroiorm. tlha or other reneral an' mi - r mtrri ten tmim t mnA nn vnnnM, A tuf, n a irt Omshs, Nebr. Journal ads get results. n