The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Che plattsmouth journal
Entered at Potofflce. PUttsmouth. Neb., a i;ci4-cUm mall matter
man in the nation who should stand J NOTICE OP INCORPORATION 'you are made parties defendant, for!
above and beyond parties and fac-jTHJC SHELDON MANUFACTURING the purpose of obtaining a decree
wUiurAii i; iruui cam luui l, quieting tut; uuc iu
Tilalnf Iff t fh o fnllrtwrinr ripapribprt !
Hons. But the second term Is too
strong a temptation for human na-
f here is no death! Th stars go down
ture to resist, and even if a president C. Sheldon. Roy G. Krat. Arthur
Notic is htrby given that George real estate, to-wit:
The north half (N) of the
R. A. BATES, PublUhef
Now about that time Herod the &
King stretched forth his hands to
vex certain of the church. And he "j"
killed James the brother of John
with the sword. Acts 12:1-2. !j
The "Hi" hat isn't the only lid
in the presidential ring.
. :o:
A lot of people think the way to
balance the budget is to borrow the
Also many a button is sacrificed
in efforts to make an exit from the
1-man trolley car.
:vz 1
Paper and leather and ink
All are but trash
If I find not the thought
Which the writer can think.
Dr. Walter Smith.
1 They shine forevermore.
There is no death! The dust we tread
. Shall chance beneath the summer
j showers
To golden grain or mellow fruit
Or rainbow tinted" flowers.
The granite rocks disorganize
To feed the hungry moss they bear;
The forest leaves drink daily life
From the viewless air.
There is no death! The leaves may
The flowers may fade and pass
J away
They only wait, thru wintry hours,
The coming of the May.
The world bows its head in sor
row, and millions pray while the
greatest figure in American hisiory
.passes into the Valley of Shadows.
The great ex-president is dead.
Woodrow Wilson, broken on the
remorseless wheel of war, martyr of
a glorious dream of world peace and
universal brotherhood, fought game
ly on, but against overwhelming
odds, to the last.
The mightiest prophet of peace
The trouble with living wunin!dnwn in historv amone the greatest, and erood will of our modern times
your means is that people will get 1 .Q. 1 i djed ag fce Uv6d His dauntless
the BOtlon you can 1 anoru iu nvj A reW men wno won t invest a ; couraee is undimmed
1 -
or power for selfish purposes, hosts
of office seekers and professional pol
iticians cannot be convinced of the
fact and their pressure on him is in
cessant and merciless.
The benefit of a single presiden
tial term of six years would be ines
timably great 'to the republic. The
amendment favored by Senator Un
derwood merits general support
John Barleycorn has got us on the
Zev is some runner but, what of
:o: -
One of the few great presidents',
the name of Woodrow Wilson will go
any better.
Charlie Chaplin ought to hurry
up and put in a screamingly comic
picture before his black eye has a
chance to get well.
And now Chile has an income tax.
She'd better set to work at once to
train an Andrew Mellon, for use a
dozen years from now.
The death of Ex-Freeident Wilson
casts a gloom over every nook and
corner of this great country and the
foreign countries that knew him so
The farmer doesn't get enough for
what he sells, and has to pay too
much for what he buys. Perhaps that
isn't stating is very scientifically,
but ain't it the truth, now?
:o: I
A split is reported in the demo
crat organization in Pennsylvania.
The news is not so thrilling as it
might be in some states where the
democratic organization Is import
ant. 0:0
Detroit barber, accused of selling I
whiskey, said that he kept it to rub
on customers faces. We don't .be-
1 a
! cent
in anything except a proposi
presented by an absolute
The groundhog has told his story
and we are to have six more weeks
of winter, and it has set in to give
another heat of genuine stuff.
Press reports state that Newton D.
Baker just laugher when the report ,
that he would run for president. No
news in that. That's what everyone
else did.
The Journal doesn't believe that
people are worrying half as much
about who is going to be the next
president as where to find a good
parking place.
America is full of people who feel
like selling their, beds to buy better
radio sets, since they took up radio,
they have no further use for beds,
The man who would gloat over the
untimely death of Woodrow Wilson
is not worthy of the appelation of an
American and can be set down as r.
traitor to America.
- -:o:
Bootlesrsrers. accord! ner to the news
lieve it. There's only one man in De- from Wasnington, enter government
troit rich enongh to order a whiskey
rub and he wouldn't.
One earnest statistician announces
that the population limit of the
world will be reached in 2923. But
the astronomers have just discovered
a new universe with plenty of vacant
Woodrow Wilson's administration
will stand out in history as strik
ingly useful idealistic and distinct
ively through all time and his place
forever secure in the hearts of every
American patriot.
Sen. Walsh was born at 2 Rivers.
Wis., and former Secretary Fall lives
at Three Rivers, N. M. That makes
Five Rivers in all. and when the re
publicans go up Salt River as a con
sequence of the oil scandals we will
have Six Rivers all told if it is all
All the world is a stage, but the
movie stars are acting so foolish.
Shootings are interfering with their
divorces. Maybe they could get di
vorces on Mondays and Wednesdays
hold shootings on Tuesday and
Thursdays. This would leave week
ends free for the silent drama.
The house ways ?nd means com
mittee has agreed to a tax out of
$100,000,000 a year. The commit
tee should do better than that. Old
buildings to solicit trade. Business
must be dull, if bootleggers are re
duced to soliciting it.
While everybody agrees that it id
.Leap Year, we hope it is not imperti
nent to suggest to the Eok league
propagandists that Europe should be
allowed to do her own proposing.
The monthly salaried man's idea
of a hard winter is one with three
31-day months close together like
December, January and Ma-ch, with
a 29-day February sandwic led in is
an added aggravation.
; 0 ;
Senator Hiram Johnson got off to
a bad start in the presidential race.
Nobody seems to know exactly how
it happened and there are indica
tions that even he is mystified over
his inauspicious beginning. Senator
Johnson has bPfn a rather popular
republican. He has been vigorous in
a way and vociferous, though not
overly stentorian in his public ap
pearances. It was freely predicted
that he would grow in public favor
when the popular and cordial Hard
ing passed giving place to the little
known and somewhat chilly Cool
idge. But the public's immediate
partiality for the latter was at. sur
prising to Senator John as it was to
the rest of us.
1 .1 ...
Andy Mellon has spoiled the people I can y wt" exactness
by showing them how taxes could 1.:Just wnat il is tha President Cool-
cut $320,000,000 a year. The
people back home want all they can
President Coolidge'? effort to "pass
the buck" to the democratic part?;
by asking that it furnish special
counsel for prosecut'on of i'-ose in
volved in the Teapot Dome scandal
is a clever political trick, but party
leaders at Washington ought not to
accept It. The scandal belongs to
the republican party.
William H. Anderson of the Anti
Saloon league said a stranger gave
him $25,000 "just because he said
he liked my kind of a darned fool."
We've been almost every kind of a
darned fool there is, and nothing" like
that ever happened to us. Appar
ently, in spite of all our efforts, we
have never quite succeeded in being
just the right kind of a darned fool.
A book or pamphlet by Mr. Ander
son explaining his method, would en
joy quite a sale.
When tolrl bv
j the faithful family physician that
there was ho hope, his reply was: "I
am ready to go. I am a broken piece
of machinery."
The world's most pathetic figure,
the most vicarious sufferer of the
war that wiped out millions of lives
and left the nations of the earth in
chaos and confusion, has passed to
the abode where trouble ceases to
wOrry and happiness reigns supreme.
les. woodrow Wilson is dead, the
greatest president of all. And every
American citizen mourns the irrepar
able loss to the greatest government
on the earth. His poor broken body
will become lifeless clay, but the
soul of Woodrow Wilson that
dauntless soul that dared all with
matchless courage will go on and
on. bright and luminous when the
stars have twinkled out and planets
no longer traverse their course.
Other nations weep with our own
and when we received the fianl word
that the great mad was dead, there
comes to mind the immortal ode of
the great Tennyson On the death of
the Duke of Wellington, and its
striking appropriateness to the life
and work of Woodrow Wilson:
On God and godlike we built trust.
Hush, the dead march wails in the
people's ears;
The dark crowd moves, and there are
sobs and tears;
The black earth yawns; the mortal
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
He is gone who seemed so great
Gone; but nothing can bereave him
Of the force he made his own
Being here, and we believe him
Something far advanced in state,
And that he wears a truer crown
Than any wreath that man can
weave him.
Speak no more of his renown.
Lay your earthly fancies down,
And in the van cathedral leave him.
God accept him, Christ receive him.
Back to the limelight comes the
Bok plan for world peace, summon
ed by its enemies. Had the senate
irreconeilables possessed the wisdom
of their bitterness they would have
suffered their chagrin in silence and
not started an investigation into the
$50,000 prize award. The public
might soon have forgotten it, voting
on the plan might have languished
and the whole project lapsed into
But this group of senators could
not let well enough alone. Th
could not resist the urge to have the
Philadelphia gentleman on the grill
They must find out why the League
of Nations issue, killed and buried by
them four years ago and since tnen
periodically wept over in crocodile
tears, had suddenly come to life.
Well, they know now as much and
as little as they knew before. They
have tried to bolster up a very silly
suspicion by accumulating silly evi
aence and peddling It as important
fact. Presumably, the money spent
by Mr. Bok belonged to Mr. Bok and
his reasons for spending it as he does
is his personal concern. From it all
the public get3 the inescapable 1m
pression that what the irreconcil
amcs resent 13 ine unneralded re-
vivication of the league issue.
Sohreiber have associated together
for the purpose of forming a corpora
tion under and by virtue of tho laws
of the State of Nebraska.
The name of the corporation shall
be "The Sheldon Manufacturing Company."
Principal place of
hawka, Nebraska.
General nature of
manufacture and sale
business, Ne
west half (W) of Lot ten,
(10) all of Lots eleven (11) and
twelve (12) and the south three
and one-half (3) feet of Lot
thirteen, (13) all in Block thir
. ty-one (31) in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska as against you and each of you, and
by such decree to wholly exclude
you and each of you from all estate.
right, title, claim or interest therein,
land to have the title of said premises
busines, the forever freed from the apparent
of concrts claims of you and each of you and
mixers and articles incidental to the quieted in plaintiff, and for equit
making and using of concrete, the able relief.
sale of machinery manufactured by. You and each of you are required
othsrs and the manufacture and sals to answer said petition on or before
of other products. Corporation shall the 17th clay of March, A. D. 1924,
have power to acquire, own, sell and or your default will be entered in
convey real and personal property, said cause and a decree granted as
borrow money and execute its per- prayed for in said petition,
sonal notes therefor, and secure thej Dated January 28, A. D. 1924.
payment of same by pledge of its) LEON L. McCARTY.
property by mortage or otherwise. Plaintiff.
IV 1 C. A. RAWLS, Atty.
Amount of capital stock authorised
Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00)
Dollars, divided into shares of One
Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each. The
stock may be paid for either in money
or personal property and shall be
non-aiseflsable, but shall not be is
sued until paid for in full.
Time of commencement of corpora-
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
tion shall be when these articles are! Frank J. Lillie, deceased.
filed in the office of the County Clerk n readme and filing the petition
of Cass couhtv. Nebraska. The cor- or Minnie i.niie praying that admin-
porate existance shsll terminate fifty istration of said estate may be grant
years thereafter, unless sooner dis
solved as herein provided
ed to Minnie Lillie as Administrat
Ordered, that February 25th, A. D.
! . . . ...
The hiehest amount of indebted-' 1 t iv o clock a. m., is assien-
netrs or liability to which the corpo-'ed for hearing said petition, when
ration is at any one time to subject -all persons interested in said matter
itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of may appear at a County Court to be
the capital stock.
Affairs of corporation to be con
ducted by a Board of Directors of not
r 1 T.. W M a w.. - r
The coal dealer i3 a good
fellow, but you don't
have to give him all your
money. II you will build
a furnace room of Sheet
rock the fireproof wall
board you will keep
the heat in, keep the
cold out, and keep dol
lars in your pocket. This
different wallboard insu
lates like a standard
plaster wall.
r. 4 v
the fireproof
Ask your lumber
dealer for a sample
The heights of folly seem the
Mi 10, the famous strong man of
ancient times developed his strength
by a simple system. He got a young
bull and carried it in his arms around
a race course every day. Each day
the bull grew larger. Arid each day
Milo's strength increased. When the
bull was full grown. Silo still could
carry it in his arms. Then he killed
it with one blow of his fist.
Strength developed, Milo became a
famous character.
Six times he was victorious over
all comers, at .wrestligh, during the
Olympic games which were held ev
ery four years.
One of Milo's pet tricks was tying
a heavy cord around his head, across
his forehead. Then, compressing his
lips and holding his breath, he'd so
fill the veins of his head with blood
that the expansion of the veins burst
the cord.
Another trick was to extend his
O v1 iri Vi ' a! V. a. - . t a. j
"it., e.uuw ciose lo waisi.i Thp Rtatf of Nebraska. Cass coun
tnumo turned uoward. fincerslttr
straight and close together. I In the County Court.
His strone-pst rvial novor Wnc ,mJ In the matter of the estate ot
tn . ,r., , , fCarey L. Stotler. deceased.
to separate Milo s little finger from To the creditors of said estate:
the rest. : von are herehv notified, that I will
lees than three nor mere than seven
members, to be elected at the annual
meeting of the stock holders held at
the principal office of the company;
nn iha flraf Tnrtrlav rkf 'iBnnarv in I
each year. Directors shall hold of-!sni( county ror three successive
flee until successors are elected nd "'i" 'u , , s'
n-.j t3 , . r-.- . Dated Februarv 2nd, 1924.
qualified. Board of Directors shall ,., T'
elect a President, one or more Vies
Corporation msy be dissolved by
affirmative vote of a majority of the
outstanding stock.
Board of Directors have power to
adopt by-laws for the conduct of the
business and regulation of the cor
poration affairs. Stock holders may
my majority vote, alter, smend or
repeal said by-laws, and by-laws
made by the stock holders shall not
be repealed or amended by the Board
of Directors.
held in and for said county, and
show rnilSf Clio nmvoi- nf not!.
tioner should not be granted; andj height of some men's ambition.
that notice of the pendency of saidj :o:-
petition and the hearing thereof he, A country mourns the loss of one
given to all p"ions interested in said'0f the greatest and noblest of states
maiier ay puniisning a copy or mis
order in the PlattFmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in
Sealed bids will be received at the
Senate Chamber in the state house
at Lincoln, Nebraska, on February
26, 1924, until 10:00 o'clock a. m..
and at that time publicly opened and
read for Guard Rail and incidental
work on the Eagle-Murdock Project
No. 153-B, Federal Aid Road.
The approximate quantities are:
708 lineal feet guard rail.
10 each anchors for guard rail.
Certified check for five per cent
(5) of the amount of the bid will
Thess articles may be amended st ne required,
nv annual meetinr of th stock1 This work must be started previous
holders or any special meeting called to April 1, 1924. and be completed
for that purpose bv a vote of a ma-hy August 1, 1924
men Woodrow Wilson.
:o: ;
If you want to make us mid, just
come in the office, gossip around a
while, don't tell us any news and
then walk out and leave the door
Single comb, extra quality for sale
at right prices.
j2S-4sw. Plattsmouth, Nebr.
ority of the outstanding stock
Dated at Nehawka, Nebraska, Aug
ust 10th, 1923.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or
at the office of the State Department
of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebras
The State and County reserve the
right to waive all technicalities and
reject any or all bids.
County Clerk, Cass County,
State Engineer.
Choice Duroc bred gilts, won first
and grand champion at county fair.
G. F. Jochim, Louisville, Neb.
Bred sows for sale. Farrow during
March and April.
Cedar Creek, Nebr.
idge has said or done that has estab
lished him in his party's esteem all
over the country in a brief time.
Perhaps it is his modesty, or, a3 some
say, nis courage. Whatever it is!
there seems no doubt that as things
now stand, Mr. Coolidge has run
away with the republican nomina
tion, leaving the California aspirant
dazed in the far .distance. This Is
not as democrats would choose it.
There ought to be more division and
disgruntlement and rancor in the re
publican party. There ought to be
defections from both Coolidge and
Johnson in favor of the democratic
nominee, whoever he may be.
The tranquility in republican
ranks is not a good omen for demo
crats. We might as well face it now
and try to do something about it, if
we expect to save the country in No
vember. Maybe we can find at Tea
pot Dome or in the Mellon tax bill a
wedge to divide the too solid repub
lican phalanx, and thus make the
world safe for democracy.
The always enterprising Literary
Digest is asking 15,000,000 Ameri
cans how they stand on the Mellon
plan of ta reduction. That is more
than half the people who voted in
the last presidential election.
The Digest has circulated- a simple
"yes" and "no" ballott. accompany
ing it with a brief, but fair state
ment of the high points of the Mellon
plan and of the opposition to it. The
Digest is known to be impartial and
honest in the conduct of these straw
ballots, results of whic have proved
highly interesting in the past. The
Digest ask3 that the 15,000,000 send
thfcir ballots at once, a3 the contro
very must be decided quickly.
This, wo believe, is the most am
bitious effort of its kind yet made by
any American publication.
Of the several avowed candidates
for the presidency of the United
states only one (Senator Underwood
of Alabama) is emphasizing on the
public platform the desirability of
such an amendment to the federal
constitution as would give the presi
dent a term of six or seven years and
would make him Ineligible for re
election. Mr. Underwood advances no new
argument in favor of the proposed
amendment, but' the familiar argu
ments are valid add sufficient. It has
been said that, particularly on ac
count of the pressure of patronage,
the presidency has become a "man
killing job." But If the executive
were freed of all thought about the
second term, he would cease of po
litical maneuvers and would be lift
ed above the partisan plane.
Senator Unjjerwood observes truly
Milo would have done well in Chi- 81t at tne -uniy coun room in
fiattsmouin in saia county, on ine ss.
na, where dentists pull teeth with
their fingers, practicing first on pegs
or nails driven into hardwood.
Wolves ate Milo eventually. Wan
dering in a forest, he found a fallen
oak in which woodsmen had driven
wedges, attempting to split it. Milo
was so over confident of his strength
that he thrust his fingers in the
crack and tried to pull the oak asun
der. The wedges slipped out. The
split closed. Milo was held by his
fingers trapped. Then came a pack
of wolves.
From his- death we learn the dan
gers of over confidence, the perils of
lack of caution. From his experience
with the bull we learn that our pow
ers increase as we face obstacles un
falteringly. 0:0-
If you don't believe that America
has developed a rich vocabulary, just
hide behind the agrage door while
dad tries to crank the car some cold
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Samuel L. Furlong, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
26th day of February, 1924, and on
the 2th day of May, 1924, at 10
o'clock a. m., each day, to receive and
examine all claims against said es
tate, with a view to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
l- 35 years
Coates Block
26th day of February, A. D. 1924, By virtue of an Order of Sale is
and on the 26th day of May, A. D. sued by James Robertson, Clsrk of
1924, at ten o'clock a, m., of each the District Court within and for
day. to receive and examine all Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
claims against said estate, with - a rected, I will on the 1st day of
view to their adjustment and allow- March, A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a.
ance. The time limited for the pre- m. of said dsy at the south front
sentation of claims against said es- door of the court house in Platts
tate is three months from the 26th mouth in said county, sell at public
day of February. A. D. 1924. and the auction to the highest bidder for
time limited for payment of debts is casn the following described prop
one year rrom saia zotn- aay or eD- erty, to-wit:
ruary, 1924.
Witness my hand and the seal of
aid County Court, this 2 6th day of
January. 1924.
(Seal) j31-4w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska
Lots one (1) and two, (2) in
Block thirty-nine, (39) in Young
& Hayes Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property of Frank Detlef
and Amelia Detlef, defendants, to rH I-iHH
Automobile Painting!
First-Gias Work
Prices Reasonable
Mirror Replating and
Phone 592-W, Plattsmouth
satisfy a judgment of said Court re-
covereu oy Tne Standard Savings &
Loan Association of Omaha. Nebras-
ijeoii u. mcarir, natium, vs. 11- ri. lt , ,,, ,, , , . --
izens Bank of Plattsmouth et al. De- A n jo , -Nebraska' January A
Sheriff of Cass county, A.
Nebraska. , T
Attorney. j24-5w T
To T. J. Jones, if living, if deceas-!
ed to hi3 unknown heirs, devisees. I
egatees, personal representatives and
all other persons having any interest
in his estate; Jacob Tallon, if living,!
if deceased his unknown heirs, devi-j
sfps pfrntpp nprsnna rpnrpspntn-i
tives and all other persons interested reportea seeing a robin.
in his estate; Jarius E. Neal, if liv-j
it aeceasea nis unnnown neirs,
No one has T
Private Money to Loan
on Cass County Farms
Farmers State Bank
M -WM- -I 1 J r 1 j
devisees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in his
estate; William Wortman,' if living,
if deceased his unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in his estate; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the estate of Henry Amison, deceased;
All persons having or claiming any
interest, right or title or lien in, to
or upon the north half of the west
half of Lot ten, all of Lots eleven
and twelve, and the south three and
one-half feet of Lot thirteen, all in
in the City of
said estate is three months from the
26th day of February, A. D. 1924, Block thirty-one,
and the time limited for payment of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
debts is one year from said 26thday real names unknown:
of February, 1924. You and each of you are hereby
Witness my hand and the seal of' notified that on the 2Sth day of
said County Court, this 24th day of j January, A. D. 1924. the plaintiff in
Januarv, 1924. the foregoing action filed his petition
if.r.rv .T RKFSfJV. 'in the District Court nf Cass muntv
that the chief executive is the one (Seal) j28-4w. County Judge. Nebraska, wherein you and each of
State Farmers' Insurance Co.
A. E. Agee, President J. F. McAtdle, Seo'y
Offers best policy and contracts for lest money. Cheap
est and best insurance company doing business in Ne
braska. Pays all losses promptly. Over 5,000 members.
Orgamzed in 1895. Insurance in force, $60,000,000,
2615 Harney Street Qmaha, Nebraska