ft I i j i i i i PAGE.FOUH Cbc plattsmouth 'Journal PUBLISHED SE3II-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Smtered at Postfflc. FUttfraiouth. Neb.. a eeoBd-ola mail m attar R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PKICE $2.00 ANNOUNCEMENT OF JOHN John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I eometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am notj.f. worthy to unloose: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with;. J. fire: Whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor, and will gather the wheat into His garner; but the chaff He will burn with fire unquenchable. St. Luke 3:16-17. :o: While not exactly a wire puller, Calvin is confessedly of the wiry type. :o: One of the strangest things in this world is how the upper classes love unclassical music. -:o: Another comforting thought is that the girl who can never trust a man again generally can. :o: Little boys who do not believe in Santa Clans grow up to be hard-boiled politicians who scoff at idealism. o:o Almost any day we expect to hear that they have dug up out of Tut's bone pile a perfectly preserved re ligious controversy. :o: Another nice thing about being a nobody is that you can put your money in the bank instead of using it to maintain your position. :o: For sure enough contempt watch an old corncob pipe smoker give a tea hound smoking a cigaret in a modish holder the once over. :o: Bermuda has no automobiles. The I average life of pedestrians should be quite long there especially since they do not have to listen to Ford Jokes. to: A carbolic acid bath strikes us &s being just about the proper so-f of treatment for the execu'ive oEke be fore the new incumbent takes charge. -:o: Even if a man has a distinct un- derstanding before marriage that he is to be boss, afterward his wife eeems to consider it nothing but a scrap of paper. :o: The Review of Reviews says that the republican party must stand on its own record. That's a mighty flimsy thing for a big-footed animal like the elephant. :o: The meanest man is the fellow who smokes a good grade of cigars and clgarets and then keep3 a line 01 mierior graues ior inencs wuo . quit smoking" January 1. :o: A big of . embryon chicken heart has for many years in the Rockefel ler institute, been kept alive and growing larger each. year. The full meaning of that which we call life till eludes the deepest thinker, yet torrents of shallow words pour out in its description. 0:0 It is universally admitted that ministers of the gospel are poorly paid. They are peculiarly situated. They are not even in a position to form a union. The modern tendency however, is practical, and they, as well as others may yet benefit by the reminder that the laborer is worthy of hie hire. :o:- A Chicago judge is determined to break up the custom of steering a girl with one hand and an auto with another; also the habit of riding three in the front seat. Wish he'd do eompin' about hanging a leg out of the Ford, too, especially when It's a masculine leg with the pants need ing pressing and the foot large. :o:- The reported sale of U S. guns and airplanes to Obregon should j York which nominated Moratio Sey make Lenin and Trotzky realize that j mour. The only time we were ever Secretary Hughes friendship is worth working for. Mr. Hughes! may be slow to make up his mind about a friend, but once recognized he will go through fire and water for him. :o: Americans who are familiar with President Coolidge's literary style and habits of thought will not be surprised to learn that he believed in terse direct party platforms and has no use for catch phrases and idle rhetoric. At the same time, we do wish h would quit using the split infinitive. PER YEAR IN ADVANCE LINES TO BEMEMBEB He that taketh his own cares upon himself loads himself in vain with an un easy burden. I will cast all my cares on God; he hath bidden me; they can not burden him. Bishop Hall. -; :o: A little cooler, but just right for putting up ice. :o: Pretty fair business on bargain day, even if it was somewhat cooler. -o:o Russia seems to think that argu ment is the next thing to recogni tion. :o: It is notable that at least Mr. Bok has asked no public endorsement of Mr. Ford. :o: Ex-Governor Gardner of 'Missouri i cut for McAdoo, and that means something. :o: A doctor has discovered a razor less shave which may replace so many shaveless razors. :o: Aluminum wheels are among the new things on autos. They should be lights on pedestrians. :o: People who naturally hate New York salesmen will enjoy learning one was jailed in St. Louis. :o: A Brooklyn judge says many young people today regard marriage too lightly. Not so very many of them do after they are married. - : :o: They haven't sentenced Mabel Xormand and Edna Purviance yet There is more fuss than 'anything lse. It i3 always a defenseless girl that the gossips are after. 7:0: ; , Somebody tells us there is going j to be an effort among the Mormons I to re-establish polgamy. If the ru- mor is true, those Mormons are a lot wealthier than we had thought. :o: . After the manufacturers have put a few more controls on the wheel and the dash and have added a few dinguses for the feet to manipulate the only persons who will be able to drive a car will be pipe organists. -:o:- This is leap year and any lovesick damsel, may, with all propriety, seek the hand of her love in mcrriage, and lf he deny her she shan have the consolation of a silk dress, if his f-rtllT,pa permit, which in many cases would be overpayment. 0:0 A Kansas man who sold hootch (at 40 cents a gallon has been arrest ed. This is one arrest that will meet the approval 'of drys and competing bootleggers alike, regardless of whether the stuff was really worth any more than 10 cents a quart or not. :o: There ought to be burglary, hold up, fire and other forms of insur ance; because, no matter what the degree of care, there will be some losses. But precaution in all cases can cut down the losses and the in surance rates with them; it also can diminish crime. 0:0 We've known fellows who would spend hours shouting funeral no tices that their town was dead, who if you asked them for a little ma zuma to buy resurrection tonic for it. would duck for the cyclone cel lar with their pocketbooks and hook the door from the inside. :o: In July, 1868. the writer attended the democratic convention in New in New York City. We would like to attend this time but we will not I have money enough to pay railroad fair and it is too damfir to walk. :o: A Vandalia, 111., youth of wealth and social position was fined $1,000 and sent to the state farm for one year for driving a motor car while intoxicated, and dangerously injur ing a pedestrian. One conviction and sentence of that kind is about all tnat is needed as a warning in a community. But so few communi ties have ever had the benefit of the lesson. KEEP IT GOING Put this question 6quarely up to yourself: "Do I want to live in a settlement "where there is no church or minister, not a single Bible, or do I prefer to cast my lot with a com munity wherein the church is the dominating factor and the church attendance always 100 per cent?" Perhaps you will say that in civ ilized Christian countries these two extremes are never met. But to answer the question honestly with yourself, wouldn't 3rou be happier. wouldn't you feel more secure, in the church community? Isn't it exactly the sort of place ypu would select for your family? If you are a regular church goer you know why you prefer it. If you are a passive Christian and an inter mittent church goer, you will admit that the standards of life are higher in a Christian community, the ideals finer. And even if you never enter a church form one year's end to the other, you are probably open minded enough to recognize the truth of these facts. You approve of the church, ap plaud its work. But do you go and help out in that work as often as you can? Should you not logically sup port the institution which your rea- pon tells you makes for your own se curity? If you have no denomina tioanl preference, shop around, visit the various churches. Then pick out the one that suits you best either for its fellowship or the sermon that the minister preaches. You will al ways find a welcome in church. -:n: "HE'S A POLITICIAN" One handy phrase comes readily to the lips of self righteous critics when they wish to condemn some ap pointee or aspirant for oflie. Like any other standard jest, it always takes well. "Oh, he's a politician," they say. Let it be admitted that politicians occasionally run for office and that they are sometmes elected. WThat does that prove? What is a politi cian? The primary definition of a poli tician is one engaged in politics. Pol itics means the administration of public affars. A politician, then, is one who has had some experience in administering public business. If more than this is implied it is be cause language has become pervert ed ty misuse. ". ,-; Public service in "America needs men and women trained by experi ence politicians, if you please. Nor machine politicians, not party poli ticians, not party errand boys or puppets for bosses, but clean, capable individuals who see in politics the possibilities of a reptuable, useful professional career. It is no legitimate criticism of a man to say he is a politician. On the contrary, it may constitute mer ited praise. If he is a gang politi cian or a dishonest or otherwise un- t desirable politician let his critics say so. Unless they say that they make Jno point. Public affairs not uncommonly suffer for the absence of real politi cians. We need more, not fewer pol iticians in office. Provided, always, they are politicians with ability. courage and the right point of view SEVERE PENALTY A girl from the West Virginia mountains begins serving 34 years in prison for moonshining. The sentence was seven years and $6,000 fine and costs. Unable to pay the fine, she faces the prospect of work ing it out at 60 cents a day. What do you think of the proposi tion of making a young woman work 27 years for $6,000 as part of the American system of justice? Gov ernment, which should always be the, model example, frequently is the worst. DINNER DIPLOMACY An unpleasant incident which is said to have struck a discordant note at the formal White House din ner to the diplomatic corns last week, having been the subject of Washington gossip for several days, nas taten a surprising turn now with suggestions that it might lead to the retirement of the Belgian am bassador. Tradition and formality regulate the order of precedence and the seat ing arrangement at state dinners. Inability of certain ambassadors to be present, or some other unexplain ed cause, seems to have shifted the order on this particular occasion so as to make Dr. Otto Weldfeldt, the German ambassador, the logical din ner partner of the Baroness De Car tier de Marchienne, wife of the Bel gian ambassador. The baroness, it is reported, became aware of the situation in advance and- expressed her opposition to such an arrange ment. The result, according to one I version, was that some arbitrary PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUSNAI change was made, although the Ger-: mna ambassador still sat next to her; the baroness ignored him and kept her conversation aimed in oth- er directions than his. The inci- dent, regarded by Borne as an affront to one of the president's guests and therefore to the president himself, j has been the subject of a great deal of Washington speculation. Recalling a somewhat similar oc curence during the administration of President Wilson, observers have pointed out that on that occasion a request was made for the recall of the offending Individual, an. attache of the British embassy. The failure of Lord Grey, then the ambassador from Great Britain, to accede to thi3 request resulted, it is said, in his never being received at the White House thereafter, and his re tirement soon followed. In the pres ent instance it appears to be the wish of the White House to forget the occurrence. Its possibilities lie in the attitude of Dr. Weidfeldt. One readily takes the White House attitude that such an inci dent is altogether too petty and triv ial for notice. It would be a pity if a woman's tactless act were to ruin or impair a diplomatic career. Yet governments have changed their en joys abroad ' for reasons no more grave. A diplomat is his country's representative across the dinner ta ble as well as the conference table, and diplomacy fecms as much in or der in the one rlaoe as in the other. :o: THE TAXPAYERS WIN There no longer seems to be any doubt there will be substantial re duction in income taxes in this ses sion of congress. There are con- flictions in the several plans pre sented, but all of them are agreed cn very considerable reductions in the lower schedules, at least. So far the people have won a distinct victory. Public response to the Mel lon plan and to President Coolidge's recommendation has convinced most members of congress that tax reduc tion should be made generous and should come first. The differences in the plans sub mitted pertain almost wholly to these phases of reduction that have to do with the cost of living. In some respects this is even more im portant than lowering of income tax bills. Retaining high surtaxes af fects everyone because these taxes add to the prices" of nearly every thing the public has to buy. The; are laid on the back3 of the consum ers. No one escapes this form of taxation. SILLY'GIRLS Ts a silly girl more popular than the intelligent girl? This moment ous question (don't be sure it isn't momentous) was discussed recently by young ladies at the University of Chicago. There's a popular accepted belief that 'a frivolous girl is more attrac tive to men than a girl inclined to discuss the Einstein theory in pref ercnee to the latest movie sensation This belief, of course, is based on the supposition that men seek the com pany of women during leisure hours when they want companionship that'll be a complete change from the monotony of hum drum business A frivolous beauty undoubtedly is more alluring than ahomely high brow. Beauty compensates consider ably for ivory brain. But an intelli gent beauty has tne field to herself a combination supreme. And de liver U3 from a homely woman who is also silly. The final answer, of course, is in the law that water isn't the only thing that seeks its own level. Per tonality and intelligence also seek their own level. The appeal of- the so-called silly type of femininity is mainly to the silly type of men. 'The intelligent girl appeals primarily to the intelli gent man. The law slips a cog frequently when the leading actor wants to gratify personal vanity by compari son. For instance, a beautiful worn an can get a thrill by associating 35 years Office j. Experience coates Block DR. G. A. MARSHALL i Dentist !!- I-!!-!-!!-!' ! K- :- V Private Money to Loan v on Cass County Farms f T. H. POLLOCK 2a Farmers State Bank Plattsmouth 4-HX-4H"W- 1 1 with women of lesser charms and observing her superiority in this particular. So with mentality, there's a natural elation and satis-; faction when anyone discovers that his brain power is superior to his associates. Such is the psychology of the intelligent man attached to the "nobody home" type of feminine rather than worshiping the girl. Our associates are mirrors in which we can see our own images, like attracting like or our own weaknesses, like attracting unlike to gratify vanity. -:o:- HAND OF FATE A noted surgeon, Sir Frederick Treves, died reecntly in England. It's revealed that he performed or directed 1,000 operations for appen dicitis losing only one patient his own daughter. All the other opera tions were successful. Fate is like lightning. One never knows where it will strike. How ever fate's uncertainty and irony are what make life really interesting. Existence would become monotonous if everything were cut-and-dried and the road forever paved with roses. NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECUTION. In the District Court of the Coun ty of Cuss, Nebraska. Bank of Waverly, a Corporation, plaintiff vs. W. B. Spence and John R. Heller, defendants. Notice is hereby given t'iat under and by virtue of an execution issued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, on a transcript of udgment, wherein Bank of Waverly, " (.'Jl (U1UU. UiuallK U juuuit::n -gnint the said W. B. Spence at the Peptornber A. D. 1921 term of the. TMstrict Court for Lancaster county. ; Nebraska, in the sum of $.:02.12,' .'ith interest at 8 per annum from November 18. 1921, costs nrr.omiting o $45.73 and increased costs, and vied upon corn bolongintr to the ::ud W. 2. Spence in crib located on '.( southeast quarter of Section C2, Township 12, Rar.e 12. Cass eoun y. Nebraska; that I will offer for ale on said premises to the highest kkler for ssh on the 1st day of February, 1924, at 10 o'clock a. m., 'aid corn as levied upon as the prop erty of said W. B. Spence or so much hereof as is necessary to satisfy the mount of said Judgment now in the .gSTeeate Gf $589.16. and costs ?45.73 and increased costs. Said sale will be held open for one hour. ' . Dated this 11th day of January, 1 A. D. 1924. E. P. STEWART, : f Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. f !-? FOR SALE 55 acres-. aljoininpr Platts mouth just right for Dairy Farm Will give good terms to par ty able to handle, flight as sist in putting good Dairy cows on place. Inquire of T. H. Pollock FARMERS STATE BANK Automobile Painting! First-Class Work Guaranteed! Prices Reasonable Mirror Replatins and Sign Work! A. F. KNOFLIGEK, Phone 592-W, Plattsmouth - r p attsmouth Implement We have a full line of all kinds of Implements and Farm Machinery, Tractors, Harness and Hardware! Everything that You May Want at the Very Best of Prices! figeni s attsmoiitli Lower Main Street f- n ATTRACTIVE FARES M SOUTH WINTER TOURS OF Texas, The Gulff oast, Florida, Cuba Choice of gateways for diverse route tours Burlington Lines form part of the entire scheme of Southern winter tours. Let me tell you how well they may be utilized with choice of routes and gateways. gi The drys seek a single word that will "stab awake the conscience of the lawless, scoffinz drinker." Well, how about "boozologist?" "A?e5ve o 'Em". all beat on repair parts for your old harness! Bring in Your Oiling Jobs Now! A. J. TOOL, MURDOCK Farm 5y2 INTEREST (either 10 or 20 years) RATE FOR IMMEDIATE, OR MARCH FIRST CLOSING. NO COMMISSION. NO LAND BANK STOCK TO BUY. NO EXAMINATION OF ABSTRACT FEE. To insure yourself of this, low late, applications must be in my hands not later thanTuesday, January 29th. Call, write or see me at once. 5-3. J. Avoca, State Farmers' A. E. Agee, President Offers best policy and contracts for lest money. Cheap est and best insurance company doing business in Ne braska. Pays all losses promptly. Over 5,000 members. Organized in 1895. Insurance in force, $60,000,000. CALL ON 2615 Harney Street for the QUiOKKSEAL UfJE of GUARANTEED RANGES! Come in and See Us When in Need of Any Supplies! r mplement MONDAY, JANUAEY ftlf' 1 1 11 Information Reservations Tickets R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent ' Evidences are noted in the tomb of King Tutankhamen that he was .buried in haste. Well, ne certainty is being resurrected in leisure. NEBRASICA Loans! STU7T, Nebraska Insurance Co. J. F. McArdle, Sec'y OR WRITE Omaha, Nebraska Company- Company- Phone No. 33 s vr 4 i