The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 07, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY, JANUABY 7, 2924.
In loving respect to the memory
of our father and the founder
this business, our store will be
closed all day Tuesday, Jan
uary 8th, 1924.
O- E. esott's Sons
seemed as large as the Missouri river
poured into the collar and the house
holder made a desperate but fruit
less effort to check the flow of the
water and finally the water forced
him out of the cellar and into the
main portion of the house where he
attempted to call for one of the trusty
plumbers of the city. The cellar fill
ed with water ami the flood waters
rose up into the kitchen of the home
and soon the loose articles were float
ing around the room when one of the
plumbers arrived and shut off the
water out in the street and assisted
in getting the cellar emptied of the
flood waters.
15 ft
O I ft I La fciftHJl
ing Water, where her people lived for
Later she married John Clark, a
lawyer, also a product of Cass coun
ty, and they made their home in
Had Lived in Cass County Since the
Year 1865 Married at Rock
Bluffs in Year 1867.
Lester Robertson Has Largest and
Finest Showing at "Y" Exhi
bition at Capital City.
From Friday's laily
At the annual "Hobby" show held
by the boys' division of the Y. M. C.
A. at Lincoln, tho chief prizes were
gathered in by r,esier Robertson, a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Robert
son, former residents of near Elm
wood and a grandson of the late J. 1).
Fentiman and wil'e of that same
j The young man who carried off the
sweepstakes prize is only 11 years old
I and his urizos include one of the
Railroad Line Operates Thru Four of j largest and best exhibits of the show
F& FIsses? Tesrttwipe
asad Lagesr Volume
in the baked goods use
the Precincts of County Val
uations of Railroad.
Reports Shewn Exceilens Year
Business and Officers Receive
Praise From Directors.
From Saturday's Daily
At 12:30 today. Mrs. James A.
weeping water tor a numoer ot lW.ilker. one of the Dioneer residents I
uilding the home which is- . .oo . . w From Thursday's r;uiy
i.Pt-poi Jiui. anu maue tneir aome court reduci U;e valuation of the
mere until Jir. uarKs oeain. weens uiness wnen sne lay prauncm- Rock iiaml railroad in the state will
Pint e that time she and her daugh-1 1 nrnnnspimia fniimvin? .n n.imlvtic v.,., o, , in .it iiio
v-w.-"i.-w,.m --- - - - cz " ar j iiiuav rumc ui iivl cuv v, an ' w .
South Rend,
-ter have made their home in Cali-j " Qn Sundav DeCember 23rd. Cass county precincts
forma the greater part of the time - Klmwood. Greenwood
to Nebraska on a visit and, as her, or skill could do was employed to u whi.h the f((tk Iglanil UnQ - ;
! health was not the best.-prolonged ease the last hours of this beloved j runs The reduction in valuation '
.hi.- visit and gradually grew worse jlady. but without avail and e ich day will be f)ne-fourth t e!tr i- i
and in the live stock section the
prize for single comb Rhode Island
chickens and also second prize on the
same showing. I'o also had a prize
on embroidered pillow rovers and
The decision of the state supreme first on is exhibit of rattlesnake rat
tles, arrowheads, shell and eurio
collection. Lester aho had some
wood work entered in the hrv.' but
the older bovs carried off the hon-
Tipton, ors jn f)?; line. The young m-n ai-
i tractor exhibitp'!, h:5 own
liich attra'ted much at-
J ''n
Ounces for
(mors tha poon4 m halt
for m qinrttr)
Use less t2san9$ Mg&er psriccd brands
FrTheFarnnual feting of the stock- ! -if-8 J-w "1 M,!1 i I this county in the school dis- nMnl UflTc
i.: i. ...v w. ,.uul.uo .... .w.v. ; u,nl --.(r,: i1:tS neen very pleasing
as reruiieu 10 uie state uoaru oi i,is parents and ten fliers and the old :
i . I
holders of the
l'littcmnill'l Cinln ; j ,iuc ia Wru l, UO biuwi.
l MUMuuiii'i fripn,j lier who will lp snrrv to h vurlactino- clon
inn'.- wii held yesterday atternoon i i, , .. . ... ... .
. v l . . . . ' - - - j r.T i II 1,1 UCaLll UI1U C.VirilU LJ1C11
at the bans blowing tne OHSVinnathv to the sorrowing relatives.' e no,. rQ0a ,i,tv I v, n em
PoT ma le to the stockholders by -""Srjcan. as she came here in 1865 from her
the odicers showed a very line and , rt - . home in the southland and has since
eoiK'ition of the affairs of the ' f iif Si I M ! If V i Pauf "er - , 7
;,. ,,..- 5 :t t 9 in ir ' J .1 Dauu was a uiuutei niciLiiaiu mu
bank and a strong increase
ness for the vear which lias placed
the bank in the li- ts as one of the j
larw banks of the smaller towns of
(business man and there was hardly
a resident of the eastern portion of
ICass county who did not know and
sand mark
ilL as their volume of business
From Thnrfdav's Daily
Adolph Steinkamp and wife of near love this estimable lady for her many
136. S27.
These figures as to the railroad
valuation have been added to the
No. f7
No. sr.
No. 102
No. 104
No. C-7
friorwl-i nf thf fnmHv horr will ?i
pleased to learn cf hic success.
Y. P.
renr l.e.l ti - rim hunc'-ed thou- -Pauley were here today for a few wonderful attributes that endeared other real and personal property and
hoi;r:5 attending to some matters of her to all
The cTu ois of the bank selected at business.
Anna Simpson was
native of
from the total the levy for the taxes
for the your were figured by the
the meting were: lienry A. Schnei
der, president; II. Horn, vice presi
dent; Frank A. Cloidt. cashier; D. C
"Morgan, as-i.tant cashier. The di
rectors srlr. tfd were H. A. Seh.nei-
1 1 ... 1 C ....... 1 j ! 1 . 1 ' T
e. anci was itoaru ui eiinau iiujii ami ine e.eci- nh?r" c1!:! 'I t T.'''- Clt i'"'m fro";
13, and grew sion of the court will moan that the !i,oVlr.- niVrrysnirit;. After "on Uo:V
ection of the revenue for the year will be consid- 0j" in U- tV'nvi:: v ti e vi iners wcv
I Kn .in Tliur.-MlaVs I n Jl y
I The young folks of the Kvangeli-j
jcal Lutheran r-burch near Murdock, i
'rpc nt a vc rv jolly evening Thursday,
' IVcernber 7th. at the Albert Schroe
! -'er ".rove. t.-.mrs wero pi: ye 1
i by the gro-rp. wit'.; t!-:...-:-ed a girit:
(amount of "j.eo." Th-i c.ol atmos-
it ih':n from
Railway Commissioners Elect Lin
coln lylr.n as Presiding OLioer
Tc-r the Year.
number of very important rate hear
ings and has written a large number
of opinions during his term of eer-
. - i 1. . , Tm PT1
t vice, lie is recoguutu v? ncv,
as an adept in a work that requires
i analytical powers of an unusual
character and the ability to weigh
conflicting evidence.
Wcrth Considering
District Judco James T. Beclev Pike county. Tennessee
we rin I'apillion today, being called born on January 6. 1S43 to lork after the trial of sev- I to womanhood in that sectio
iral cases in the district court. (south, later coming to .-eorasi--.a in eiai.iy jess man was estimated u u:e-, ,i ,-vr t5l r,,
Hon. V.. B. Banning oi Union was'1!16 ays following the Civil war and action of the state court is approved t!l,t f.-rnislud v.t
r. H-Mirv Jlorn. Frank A. Cloidt hfre tn.-i.v fr.r few rr.r.tor- tne iami.y setiieu at uock nmus. oy int- iiigiu-r court io w men ine,,)m n-ht r.s veil. " -r
ar.d ritili ) TJ.iei-f
The o-liccrs of the bank were well
pleased with the expression of the
.e (i, then the metropolis of the
.towns of the territory of Nebraska.
by the higher court to which
river ease will be appealed by the state tax
i;thc riiies.
and it was here in IS 67 that she was-
I -r
were mighty v.-e'rc-'iie
Chamberlain's Eetiedy
a hit:-;c;
tlv h'.-t
! coct-
'if '-IT'.,
ittr twin
ti'.iii. a iri'Uiia iitri licimi- t-i... 1 t. , i
ficors wcr. eiven a vote of apprecia- t v.- doing nicely at the hospital ol- ho 'TiVvwe--. nVnne ritaiC,-ne fr Tl"Vs and cnltIs- 11 l!!ts
ton in- th.. ctnfk1.rldt.r:.: for their., i., i,a -:i h ,. : t, , and for e:irs tLe aniily w c. e ..niongbeen in nse for m?.ny years and is
- " ...... - " ' - - I i l . 1 lid f - V i H.UiU 11IV11 - i
n-rk for the year. !cr:.l weeks yet.
The bank has in addition to the' ('br-.-t, Lahoda, who is now
fine uhoA-ic.g made in its year's work, gr.gtd in looking after his
i;lso had iis ncv buiMing compieted cc make r in one of the l".r
inv:;:r,r::ini' isoa
v.-!,:iy hi. r.
Those prcs-nt wc r I'll', n?'.'. I-1
This is a pleasant, s"fe and reliabl? S'irah and LI! i Lau; Car!. Pnu'. Lrr.-i
ing up to attend the netting
Cass county farm bureau.
1 -TV. U. KtL aVX Ul 1 -IT (ia '. i a. r T A i
stockholders and dire, tors as to the here last evening cs a guest at the ?"fV" "iBf i lvln ; '
condition of the affairs of the iinan- of .Mis,es Mia and Barbara h'Jt , ?i,pT V? Po?k I
rial institution and the ctticient of- c. rir. vP, awI, r,m h.r Pn!,. ' the west .an;l locat.e? ?l Rock
ar.d Li.-ie Kuoke, .J;'iin '. re; -kh w
'iria :nd Loutse Vv'I'A'rmc'i; Clar:
nd Agnes Ki' ; iella im Tlil-
l'-etcrs; Gtrtr. ;;'.; and
n i;o; r rn i : .f i:
r, it con- i "r .r?ack meycr; Go
nn.: whi-h is or-e of the oi,r ii.i,,,,,,,!, of c:o,,, n,.,),, nt,,, "ui;,u.ur u. . '-'V tains no opium c" other tarnilui i -- rec! . v-ti .j-g.? ::nt
i i- - w.....-, years one or the hospitable homes or ,iro- Trv ft ,vio- Vo- l nvo no,.,! i o--, T4tt,i
.:i.provemenis m the business pe?- this n'or:nn to his duties after an ,,.,. whCr mp -t.a -vtr 1. k' , 1 r- 11 yn-n Kae 'ie,tlll:'1" 1
lion rf the citv in the r2:l season nvo,. Vf-v- Yp.-,r-. visit hro v.ith rpl-i- "1.. " .' OI sucn a remeo:
.ipc! stai'dr; ,-,s a very attractive home tives.
ithe prominent figures in that local- iej(j in jjj t.Sft,om" in ;".:o:e hcu-o
it". Later, when the town or
f Mur- s i .,-,((,
- 1 1 w i ' : j licit: i i uul i . i't ttii. ,t.ii
f-iv v-ac t n hi i-h pfl thpv lpf!i.'l: rcc. , ...
frir'e !; - J ' " " 1 w. si Known. n -,s - ra voriie wiin
pV-iT- ldenl3 Ulfre anu ine "cmp- ean mothers of young children.
ri-rt i.Tr.i-iT.Ti. it. t r rt ni r t ,-i'ia iion nr . . . ..
Years visit here with rela-
for the bank.
Mrs. "VV. B. Oakes departed this.
the countv and where Mr. and Mrs.
, Walker delighted to receive and en
tertain their friends with that south-
:h and Iluhia
lohiiv-r.: V::1
i: '- TCivft: Carl.
M-rie Ton?f!::
rmorted n g;-o !
Th-. nnesiion is not so much how
j you contract a cold, but how to get
of it with the least loss of time
'and inconvenience. If you will con-
Kmm P. Wav, i.atly- Wr the experience of others under
Thome A. Browne. meruUer of the similar circumstances, who have been
state railway coatmiion from Lin- most successful in Recking their
v.-. elected chairman for il e .corns, in men u.-su,,..,
-1 at the auiuial meeting ,f uocure a bottle of Chamberlain s
lie tough itemeuy wimuui ucmj,
n - . i r . 1 1 rr lr .t r t. rr o n V
OS3 it lanniuny. mcic
families who have used this prepara
tion successfully for years and hold
of the o. Journal stab, and some n i t"-
seven vears a to became secretary of1
the eemmission. When commissioner : NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC
Wilson resigned in IT 13, Governor:
AicKolvic appointed Mr. Brown a to' To the farmers and neighbors of
the vacancv, beeau. 3 of his familiar- Plattsmouth precinct: You are re
it y wit'i the work and his unusual quested to burn grass and trash
fitne.-s for the position. along the roadways and trim up the
Mr. Iirowiip was olec-tcd for six brush. This will ,help the drainage
vctirs at tho election in 1920. Ho and save cost of road work. C. C.
eate l the commission r.t a Barnard, overseer. ajs-iwKS uvw
c '.hi,
that body Tnursdav m-rning.
suet ecus II. ('.. Taylor, who is serv
ini;- his twelfth year as a member.
Mr. Browne wa.5 a former member
iias rci
MB OF m, Mh
r.r 1 n 1 i t Tr f ry n- ! i f Yi t Y V WPTA t-
n.r.nt..n- f..- M., 1.-. T 1 ! .."-
) 1UUI i-AlU, U UK li AU UltU IO t JlOteQ
er to ner nome at ivnoxviue, towa.
g Pi
Was Formeily r. Sesident of Near
Wearing Water Well Known
to Early Residents Here.
Word was received 1 ere Wednes
day of the death of Mrs. Anna Cross
alter a week's visit here as the guest: : . , 1V.V:. St.
of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bates. Mrs. r l,u ?oou woman. to au iters
Oakes is to leave Knoxville later for M; p11" an1 Marf,e 3
Wyoming whore she is expecting to h iy-! "
make Imt home in the tuture. i . , t , . . . -
.J.ay's riiily
Anton Bys. who has been spending
the oast summer in Colorado, came
li ivia vi.ctnnlov to niov a vtclt li oro I
with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engeike
nii'ier of nenr WVpninsr Water prune
r!"kVat ;h ,,on,?Tof. Ij'T i-r, Mrs. : up thls morning from their home and
the death-has brought. Mrs. Walker
; leaves of her own family one broth-
;cr residing in Kentucky and one sis
ter in California. I
There have been no funeral ar
rangements made as jet the mes
sages from Murray state. j
Hell a Cook, near Havel. irk. Sunday
The funeril wrs held in Linro'.n at
! Mrs. Engelkemeier departed on the
t early Eurlington train for Omaha
the chapr-1 of Castle :io;- il- Math- . wh( ,re she gpeud the day Mr.
nvs, at 10:30 on Wednesday and the
i Engelkemeier had expected to go as
1 ody was brought to Weepir.g Water w'itnes3 in the case against the pro-
aud laid to rest beside her husband.
moters of the Bricton company in the
Mr. John Clark, who died here years , fed?ral (.ourt but the case was post
a co,
Mrs. Clark was one of the well
known r.nd highly respected citizens
of this community; first as Mis.s An
na Cross of Victoria, west of Weep-
poned until March 17.
Poultry Wanted!
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts
mouth WEDNESDAY, Jam Qth, one
day only, for which we will pay
the following
Hens, per lb 18c
Springs, per lb 15c
Ducks, per lb 15c
Geese, per lb 13c
Old Cox, per lb 8c
Turkeys, per lb 25c
Capons, 3 lbs. or over, lb 20c
Guineas, per dozen $3
Leghorn poultry 5c lb. less
Eeef Hides, per lb 5c
Horse Hides, each $2.50
Farmers, Notice
WEDNESDAY is our regular buy
ing day in Plattsmouth and we will
positively be there on the date ad
vertised in this ad, prepared to take
all poultry that may be offered us at
the above prices.
From Vauir'lay's Daily
Thomas Itabb departed this morn
ing for Omaha where he was called
to spend a few hours looking after
some amtters of business.
Mrs. Carroll D. Quinton was among
those going to Omaha this morning
where she spent a few hours looking
after some matters of business.
John W. Palter of Falls City, came
up this morning from his home to
look after some matters of business
and also to visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Falter.
George W. Snyder came in this
mornitig from his farm home and de
parted on the early Burlington train
ofr Omaha to spend the day looking
after some matters of business.
Willard Andrews, who has been
spending his vacation at Washing
ton, Pennsylvania, with relatives and
friends, has returned home to this
city and resumed his work at the
Burlington shops.
From Saturday's Daily
This morning one of the residents
of our fair city arose while yet the
sun was still behind the Iowa hills
and in the dusk of the early morning
hour the householder discovered that
the water in the house had ceased to
operate and at once seizing a large
wrench he hastened down to the cel
lar to endeavor to bring forth the
water. The wrench was fitted to the
pipe and a husky pull on the wrench
did the business, only instead of
merely turning on the water it dis
jointed the pipe and a stream that
of Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Charter No. 1430 in the State of Ne
braska at the close of business
December 31, 1923.
Prom Thursday's Daily
State Tax Commissioner Smith has
notified county assessors of the an-j
nual meeting of assessors to be held
in Lincoln January 9 and 10, at the
Grand hotel. County boards and
county clerks are asked to be pres
ent. A fare of one and one-half haa
been ranted by railroads" on account
of organized agriculture which meets
in Lincoln that week.
On the evening of January 9, at 6
o'clock a banquet will be served at
the Grand hotel at which Governor
Bryan and the members of the state
board of equalization and assess
ment will be present and speak.
Prof. George E. Condra of the state
university will also be present and
deliver a lecture with moving pic
ture illustrations, on soil survey.
Since real estate will be re-assessed
in 1924, Tax Commissioner Smith is
of the opinion that the soil survey
made of many counties in the state
may be put to practical use, and the
lecture of Prof. Condra will be of
special Interest.
Cass county will be represented at
the meeting.
Loans and discounts $267.3?
Overdrafts GRP.. SI
Bonds, securities, judgments,
claims, etc.. Including: all
government bonds 45,827.78
Panklns house, furniture .and
fixtures 11,337.10
Other real estate 14,164.76
Rankers Conservation fund.. 828.42
Due from National and State
banks 45,722.20
Checks and items of exch'ge 1,523.48
Currency 8.43S.OO
Gold coin i,ocr.oo
Silver, nickels and cents 3,046.60
TOTAL. $399,953.25
p & iX erf-air. S r.-i ;yx ' i va
Capital stock paid in $ 50.000.00
Surplus fund 2.000.00
Undivided profits (net) -. 3,553.31
Individual deposits subject to
check 185,195.87
Time certificates of deposit.. 153.408.53
Cashier's checks outstanding 1,828.33
Due to National and State
banks 1,376.71
Depositor's guaranty fund 2,592.50
TOTAL $399,955.25
State of Nebraska 1
v ss.
County of Cass j
I, T. H. Pollock, President of the
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the above statement is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Bureau of Banking.
Attest: President.
JAS. K. POLLOCK, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 6th day of January. 1924.
(Seal) Notary Public.
(My commission expires Feb. 17, 1925.) K
A Special Purchase of New Overcoats
enables us to offer you for January selling unusual extraordinary values at
fell IS fl
ii mm i
,157 IfiL.
Also one special lot in brown freize with all
around belt and fur collar for
We are not saying what these coats might be marked in a big city store, as we do not want to make ex
travagant statement, but we are saying you need not spend any more monsy or time in sending awav or
going away for an overcoat when you can buy these guaranteed values of us at auch low prices
We could buy coats to sell at these figures and make a generous profit, but they would not
be coats like these. These prices uill not be duplicated. Come early!