The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 24, 1923, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 34, 1923.
Our store will be
closed all day
C. E. Wescolt's Sons
(Continued from Page 1)
From Saturday's Iaily
L.ast evening the members of the J
senior class of the high school were ,
entertained very pleasantly at the
home of their class sponsor. Miss
Nora Liringnon. and a very large
afensiauve of the membership was
present to enjoy the fine entertain-;
ment provided by the committee in j
charge, j
The time was spent in games of all j
kinds that cruse.l the hospitable Liv-
of having paid Julia Kaufmann $1.F0
for a pint of liquod, but witness did
not seem to know whether it was al
cohol or water in the bottle.
C. J. Pankonin. foreman of the
: grand Jury testified that in his pres
ence Jones had stated he had talked
about the liquor law violations with
Sheriff Quinton.
George Borne knew Jones and he
had heard him make the statement
that he had talked of the Kaufmann
affair about a year ago. Xever had
said anything about reporting or fol-
, lowing up the reports.
,. xr p. weUhimer At the morning session the first
witness called was Mrs. Hazel Frit-
IL."" "i.. .Vff.nt twannd the sch, who offered testimony as before
I ladies to seeing Mr. Jones there on in the Kaufmann case as to the par-j
rmP m Rentember. ties going and coming at the Rauf-
1923, and on October 10th, 1923. The wann home and which had continued
witnesses had not seen Mr. Jones en- "P to the time of the ronvenlng of
'ter the house on the first occasion the grand jury. This statement had
,had seen him visit other places In also been made by the other witnesses
'that same neighborhood on that date, testifying to the circumstances of the
'Mr. Welshimer on cross examination parties visiting at the Kaufmann
(stated that all cars usually came past home.
his place that went up 10th street. On cross examination Mrs. Fritsch
He had never reported this to Mr. stated mat sue natt nor neen at the
Tna .Kaufmann home for the past year and
William nrphv former chief of a half. Did not tell Mr. Jones about'
police testified on direct examination drinking beer there. No men had
,., t,o woo anonniatoil with Jones on been at the Kaufmann home when
J the police force in 1922. In the late she was there. Mrs. Kaufmann had
spring or early summer of that year, made home brew before she had. On
I Mr Barclay testified he had been re-direct Mrs. Tritsch stated that she
driving around about 1 o'clock in the hid seen wine at the Kaufmann homo
'morning and 'that a number of Om- made of raisin, grape juice and or-
'aha parties had been speeding along ange juice. This had been in the
jthe Main street of the city; witness spring or early summer of l22. On
(had arrested seven of the nine per- cross examination witness stated she
sons, two making a get awav. Jones, was not angry witn eitner air. jones i
who was at that time night police- or Mrs. Kaufmann.
man. was nowhere on the street. Wit-' City Clerk Duxbury was recalled
ness had lert Mr. mnricnsen in " i re
charge of cars of Omaha parties and ords or the city, including the liquor.
drove around looking for the two oth- enrorcement ordinance, wnicn were
er members of the party. Had found offered in evidence by the state.
Jones at Sixth and Vine streets.! At the close of his testimony the
Jones had been drinking, witness de- Jury was escorted from the court room
clared, and was not in his usual con- ! while Mr. Tidd for the defense moved
dition. Witness had caueht odor of that a directed verdict for the de-
member of the class and the various. ,jo hrnth nnd rlnlmpd that his fendant be ordered by the court on
from the jolly crowd. sneech and action were not as usual, the grounds that there was no evi-
gifts produced a great deal of fun 'witness had reprimanded Jones for dence of liquor sold at the Kaufmann j
Members of the faculty present , not being about his duties in the home; that the charge against Mr.
General Motors and Oldsmobile
offer you this wonderful opportunity
revealed in the Christmas tree, on
which was found a gift for every
wore Messrs. C. H. Peden and b. A. main part of the city. Witness knew
Rothert. Misses Nora Livingston. or other occasions when Jones had
Jessie Robertson. Frances Fields and been drinking.
Isabel Hartley. j 0n crosa examination by Mr. Tidd,
; witness stated that he could not re-
TTTTT "TT"T VTTTT7 T)TC'?3 1 1 J I WT 'noli V, n-ot A-t V,., il,n,il,t Jr.
?hU" tS1"-" n"ZX:l f-dant as to liouor law violations;
of the council: had talked about it
Jones had been directed against him.
as chief of police, in which office he
did not serve in 1922: that there was J
no ordinance under which the offense
could be charred and that the stnte '
was making the ordinance its means
that the state did not allege that the
intoxication occurred in the City of
. - UUllUiU U t- i . . V. . w a m v "
ingston Lome to ring with laughter I an(j Main street, formerly occupied
and fun for several hours and as well : by the William Holly clothing store, i later to Mayor C. A. Johnson
was enjoyed as well. and John Svoboda for the purpose of ! April until in November 1922; had, "'rV liuurv testified
Ai a t-uiiauie nuur me reuesu-iicg converted into a restaurant icuevcu, uu miei, iu jauuiij,tt)e defense in the- identification of
ment committee took charge and pro- room. The building will be occupied ;1923, Jones had been appointed. Bar-jho slflewalk resolutions offered in
vided a real treat in the dainties of- j by Claus Speck and John Beeson and , clay stated he had no ill feeling to-, j j , v.n-ich covered tha con-
fered the guests. ,tne new restaurant is to De cpenea ; .l"1 vv:tYY struction of siiwalks on South 10th
As the evening drew to a close the j around the first of the year and be'tnatt he had attempted to "get
crowning feature of the party was j ready to serve the public.
Had no argument with Jones,
, !
'tipping off" Pete Herold. Wit
of court to
C. A. Johnson, mayor of Platts-
t mouth, testified that Alvin Jones was
To our friends and patrons we are extend
ing at this joyous season the wish that
Christmas may bring to you happiness,
friendships that are lasting and abundant
prosperity throughout the coming year.
:make explanation of this incident and iefMfB c 9fn 19- In
street and told him that he had re
ports of beer being made there and
said "If you are. making it I don't
jknow whether you are or not you
I want to cut it out." Witness had
later gone with Jones, to. the Herold
place and watched; saw two men
come out. Witness had met Herold
I again on the street and told him that
jlf he heard any more reports con
'cerning this matter, he would come
up and put them all In jail. Ques-
structed police they should have war-
dauts to search houses unless sure of
securing what that went after. Gave
orders to enforce state laws and city
ordinances at all times to the police.
Had heard of Julra Kaufmann and
had taken up rumors of her opera-j
tions. iom jones to arrest, iier u lie
"had the goods on Her."
On cross examination Johnson de
clared he knew nothing about the
place: had heard rumors of her sell
mat 11 i bsJJ
Wins by Comparison
Touring -
Sport Touring
Cab r
- $ 750
. 1035
- 1095
The Q. M. A. C. extended pay
ment plan makes buying easy.
All price f. o. b. Lansing.
Spare tire and tax
Think of it 955 will now buy you not only
an Oldsmobile and a General Motors product,
but a six cylinder car with a closed body by Fisher.
In other words, for the price that you ordinarily
would pay for a four cylinder touring car of
equal size, you can now buy a fine six cylinder
Oldsmobile closed car.
No greater motor car value has ever been offered
to the public. See it today.
murdock, Nebraska.
. i
T..lf T . . 1 r 1 - . T T .J
i i i: . i : ,. v, .j j una. iituunau iitivinir iiuuur. nau
tioned by Mr. Tidd as to whether wit- i. . Mri..0 Q ,0 coii. gone there to try and buy quart of 1 near her home: Jones did not zo into ; DrotectinK Sans: did not know of
. -, : - i . : , .... - .. , ..,
the llliu"- ' uruiuer nuu tuiue uu u itne nouse; maae inquiry as to owner- j warnings seni to aaua iiiaue, uiu uui
know that Jones dranK any; am not
1!)23. had r-een Jones in car in alley cers in the city Including sheriff were
ness had officiated as master of cere
monies at a dance at Coates hall
where there had been liquor drank,
the witness stated he had not. and
also declared most emphatically that
irter linnor amnner workmen
shops. swum iiaeiui.-K; ineu 10 niaice ouyjsnip or nome on nortn siae or aney;
Frank M. Bestor, councilman and thru him; last of September made asked where Maggie Kaufman lived
from any such dance and asked Jones
to come up and have a drink
Fred Kaufmann was again placed f
on the. stand and repeated his story
inn place; slight hill to south, car of Sheriff Quinton to Omaha and
ar was driven in alley, in line drove to Elm wood and Weeping Wa-
Christmas Greetings!
Along about this time every year it is
always a pleasure to stop a moment and re
call the many pleasant memories of the past
not find any intoxicating liquor;
Jones not with him or gave any or
ders as to searching Julia Kaufman.
Mrs. Julia Kaufman, who was con
victed Tuesday of four violations of
the liquor law. testified that she was
acquainted with Jones. On Oct. 10,
f those whom we have known and
dealt with
and were glad to know and deal with,
and to extend to those the Season's Best
Wishes such as we are extending to you.
Farmers State Bank
T. H. Pollock, President
1 ammmsmm
a mem Dor or tne streets, alleys ana " c 1 " " ul
Kr.i v, threes times. Evir'enre man from
?la-2-..f J? f J Mtli tense witness. ITe identified sidewalk state department of law enforcement.
resolutions. Said he had gone over) vvas witn department when at. Weep
premises described. ProDerty of .To-lin Water last week with Tom Car
seph Postal adjoined place of Mrs. i roll asked what had done with liq
Kaufmann; sidewalks on east side of j "or that they had, witness stated that
street; Dostal place Jm-t south of , he did not know of any liquor. Heard
Kaufmann's. Was up on South 10th that Kaufman place was selling
VITVPl street this morning. Sehwenniker . oooze. was at hlnnvood a few days
nome on wesi sine ami sniuuvri ul e" . uau uncu
Jones car
with back door of Powell house;- a ter with a car. Did not treat people
slight raise toward the east in the al-'with booze there; did not know of
ley slightly above the street; small j have heard any other rumors of liq-
Water ditches; lots above the alley, uor at home. Did not make but two
probably two feet. Looking toward j efforts to buy liquor. Was in close
the Swenniker home, could see por-1 association with defendant, Quinton,
(tion of house from the car. House to i Grebe and Manners while here. Re
south of Kaufmann's obstructed the! direct, had discussed the Kaufman
iview. Had not given Jones instruc- situation with other officers; search-
, tion as to resolutions. Had no con- ed car one time in November; did
versation with Jones in regard to
liguor selling.
On cross examination Mr. Restor
stated view did not allow seeing the
Swenniker porch; car was in alley
.facing east; rear of car was about
jCO feet from 10th street opening of
'alley. Did not know if one could
jsee Swenniker house from a point
farther west. Did not visit Swen
'niker home to see if could see the
'TCnnfmaTin hnuso from there. Had!
(gone at request of Jones and Mr.!
Tidd. Re-direct, stated could see
part of Swenniker house from Pow-1
; ell's. Cross exfmination. better view
of Swenniker house from alley en
John Fife, firr.t witness of the af
ternoon. testified he had lived here
since August, 1922. Was acquainted !
with Jones and Julia Kaufman. Had
talked with Jones about Julia Kauf
man in front of Dunbar pool hall.
Jones asked if he knew Mrs. Kauf
, man was making liquor. Was giv
en $5 bill to try and buy liquor.
Knew where Kaufman home was, al
so Schwenneker home. . If person left
sidewalk on 10th street could not see
Schwenneker place from Kaufman.
Could see most of house from side
i walk. On cross examination, witness
stated he did not go to Schwenneker
home to get observation; asked to go
to Kaufman home to look over sit
uation as to view; did not think a
person could be seen getting out of
car; did not know what could be
f een from the Schwenneker house.
; Was picked out because had . done
! work for Jones; drank some; had
turned $5 bill back to Jones: did not
go and try to make a "buy." On re
direct witness stated Mrs. Kaufman
had seen him with Quinton and
Jones. t
Fred A. Holmes, who was acquit
ted of the charge of usurping the
duties of state deputy sheriff last
week, a resident of University Place,
was engaged by state law enforce
ment department: had conversation
with Jnoea and Ileinrlchsen as to
and if seh could talk English. On
September 17 saw Jones near Dostal
home, was trying to figure out who
owned property. Cross examination,
was sure Julia Kaufman knew in
trial; knew Jones well. Asked her to
help figure out problems because she
hr.d lived here a long time.
William Heinrichsen testified he
was a member of the Plattsmouth
police force; knew Jones: knew B. J.
Halstead several years. Had conver
ration on street with Jones In regard
to Sans; something about getting evi
dence against Sans. Did not remem
ber seeing Halstead after returning
home from Sans; saw Jones and Hal
stead come back between 3 and 3:30;
had talked with Jones and he was not
intoxicated and worked the rest of
the night. Had never seen or drunk
any intoxicating liquor in Halstead's
;narket; had not ordered beer sent to
Halstead shop from Sans. Cross ex
amination. Jones and he had talked
about evidence; did not know why
took Halstead down in Frank Det
lefs car; saw car leave; did not
know of Sans selling beer; heard
come reports; did not know of bffl-
say anything about securing evi
dence; none of his affairs as to boot
legging outside of city. Re-direct,
had worked with Jones several years
and did not know of his drinking.
We desire to express our apprecia
tion for the kindness of neighbors
and friends during the illness and
at the death of our beloved mother,
Mrs. J. H. Meisinger, and for the
floral tokens of love and respect and
to those who so kindly sang at the
funeral. The Children of Mrs. J. II.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
the Mother's Favorite
The soothing and healing proper
ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
its pleasant taste and prompt and ef
fectual cures have made It a favorite
with people everywhere. It is es
pecially prized by mothers of young
children for colas, croup and whoop
ing cough, as it always affords quick
relief and is free from opium and
other harmful drugs.
To Our Customers and Friends a
Christmas, the season for the renewal of old
friendships, for the forgetting of differences, for the
expression of good will and kindness, is here.
May your Christmas be filled with happiness and
pleasure and continue through the New Year, is our
most sincere wish.
Plattsmouth State Bank