The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 17, 1923, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    , JKONBAY. DECEM3ERJ719?3.
enjoy, to recall pleasant memories to
them the love of their true rnenas
and tried through the years.
Mav the autumn of life with its
! beautiful sunsets and gorgeous color
ing bring to them the gladness in a
joo 'more quiet way, perhaps than the
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Upton are Guests ?me dk-'wfth ,ta birds and
get something that they both could I-I'IiII'I'lI''I''I-I"I,I-I"I"I"I'I'I
of Honor at Community Gath
ering: in Their Honor.
From Frl.lny' Ially
F"lffv vo.'im nin Ilrrfmhrr 11 til.
Mr. C. H. I'pton and Miss Frances NiIay ;
Keynolds were united in the holy
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Cross; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bauer;
Mrp. Jas. A. Walker. Murray; Mr.
and Mrs. John Lloyd; Mr. and Mrs.
S. M. Copenhaver; Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. "rans;
Edward Murphy shelled corn last
week, which he delivered to the Man
ley elevator.
Daniel Bourke of Elmwood was a
visitor in Manley last Wednesday,
coming to attend the funeral of Mrs. I
J. C. Rauth.
Rev.' Higgins was a visitor In Om
aha last Thursday, where he went to
see his mother, who is receiving treat-
Catarrh Is a Local disease greatly In
fluenced by Constitutional conditions.
sists of an Ointment which ives Quick
Relief by local application, and the
Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts
through tho Blood cn the Mucous Sur
faces and assists in ridding your System
of Catarrh.
Sold tv druptfiFtn for over 40 Tears.
2T. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.
Mrs. Elizabeth Easter; Mrs. itosa
i. nt IT THnniRa ""T" . 7 . ' .
l...nit .f ...:,f rim.nv nt tlm home of ivenuaii. -. uuw ... v: -ment at the St. Catherine s nospiiai.
the bride south of Union. Rev. Bar- )W-Ping Water; Mr Mrs. Emma Smith and husband
nard Johnson. Presbyterian minister Chapman; Mr and Mrs E . R. O&Uo- Wre vlBitlng in Manley last week,
of Nebranka hy. officiating, and ,Mr- "-.Chaa. San L. CQming to attend the funeral of. Mrs.
have spent their entire married life P an'n "V : Mr. nd Ma j c Kautn wno ,8 a 8ster pf Mrs.
in this vicinity, honored and respect- ,,,auwanJ lrLd'r'nG7l'Smith- . v
ed by the entire community. !a. N wka ; Ir. and M ra C, II Gil- Arthur Edwarda am, wIfe. the lat-
t i ter a Br of Mrs. J. C Itautn. maK-
' twitw thai. tyrma at Tlldon WOTO ill.
Their friend l:ept this anniver
sary in mind and took entire charge
of affairs when thp day arrived. It
was a community affair and o'n Tues
day. December 11th. 1923. the guests
began to arrive in the morning in
automobiles, not wagons and buggies,
as they no doubt did on that date in
1S73. The guests all broiiKht cover
ed dishes filled with delectable viands
which were served when ti e dinner
hour rolled a round.
The house was beautifully decor
ated with yellow roses ami chrysanthemum:-
and yellow and white crepe
pa tier was ueI in profusion.
Miss Josephine 1'itnian had charge
of the dinner ami had us her assist
ants. Mrs. Galloway. Mrs. Swan and
daughter. Margaret. Mrc. James Pit
man. Mrs. Frank Chapman and
daughter. Kllen.
The bride's table was in oft attrac
tive. Yellov. randies in silver can
dlestick!, added grace to the beauti
fully arranged service. There were
fully 00 guest present to tnjoy the
delightful occasion with Mr. and
Mrs. I'pton.
Mi. and Mrs. I'pton have two
sons. Roy. who lives at I'nion. and
Karl, whose home is in P.nrwell; six
grandchildren. Karl and family were
unable to be present. Mrs. I'pton had
one brother, James Reynold, and
Mr. I'pton two sisters. Mrs. Switzcr
ami Mrs. !r. M. I. Thomas of Weep
ing Water, who were guests em this
There were three guests present
who attend 'd the wedding f0 years
ago. Tin y were Ms. .ianies Rey
nolds, Mrs. Swit.rr and Mrs. James
Carpe r' of Lebanon. Kansas.
A picture of the bride and groom
taken f0 years ago. and one of Mr.
Upton's school mates w ho attended
school nt the old Hock Bluff school
with him were shown. They were en
Joyed and recalled many pleasant ex
pediences that came ringing true
through the misty years.
The friends gave the bride and
groom money, retjuesting them to
more. Murray: air. ana aim.
Todd. Murray; Mr. and Mrs.
Work of Ladies Has Shown at Least
That There are Persons Who
Have an Interest in Work.
the city has made and. eliminating
four stoves will be a saving in fuel
as well.
Th hranrh office of the Buel X.i-
Lieutenant Governor Puts Up Filing; tional Detective agency and the
Fee Seeks Office Now Held
by Senator Norris.
Hansen: Mrs. .Nellie manion; aura temJInK the funeral of Mrs
Margie waiser, aiurray; Jim.fia ja8t Wednesday
Finkle; Mrs. Anna M. Hargua: Mr.j Jonn Tig,e and family and
and Mrs. M. Lynae; .nr. ami airs. j. -j Mrf, prank Slander of Omaha
M. Patterson: Mr. and Mrs J. '-!were in Manley last Wednesday.
Manning; J. R. Uerkin and family; comlnK to attend the funeral of Mrs.
m ra t tf sinri vriv ? M J.' T. CTarD- J' E. I la" , , garding the work there and the gen
...... ,.. -w. ------ -- , , Miss uoroiuy iieisier is ivpuuru nril
t i .. M 11 I rni n anil . . ... ITU I
it. iuii. . - j - - a heme ill at ner nome witn an at-
The care of Oak Hill .cemetery,
which, throughout the years, baa
be-en usually left until the approach
of Decoration day, to cause a spurt
of energy on the part of the city and
individuals to get it in shape, is get
ting more than usual publicity re
condition of the cemetery.
The fact that the committee of the
f...., II.. . M.,i Tunn n Wrn n a II H.1V - . .......
Prnns-' Mrs Ada V 'Clark Mrs Rue 01 Pnpumo" a ana" H 1 Je nPe Woman's club has been active in the
rrans, Mrs Ada i . e iai-K, "-" ""7 j of her many friends that she may m(lv(,nit,nt fr imnrovements at the
II. Frans; Miss JoBe'phine Plttmnn; . ' th maiadv motement ror nnprovemenis at. ine
ir Mnble V Revnolds Mr and s Jl , k cemetery and has been soliciting
Mrs' V trl I Rlerrltt Mr knd Mr 1) ?V"8- )N' P' lUK nf. h bf,e" re" 1 Tunds to help out in making perma
C I June- Mr and Mrs C W Gar- fciv'n Jr,al1me?t lVe 9 V.ttlher; nent improvements, shows one way
Jn- J I lAmhl t" Miss Pearl L"? no?'tal ,,0ma!' h!7 health that a real cemetery may be secured
rlpon. J. i. isramniei. anno he ng the best at this time, and is .r.,.,it t th itv
Itrnmblet; Miss Margaret Swan; Miss rnnrtt(, s ettinc- alonir nicelv which will be a credit to the city.
WIMP Iiramblef Mr and Mrs II. E. reportea as getting aiong niceij. lt has been the custom of the vari-
.Neme iiramoiee, .nr. unu nus. n. ira Itpnrv Clarke, of Iowa Kalis. .. . ... ,
Warden: Mrs. F. P. Eikenbary. Burr.
Nebraska: Mrs. Kate MeCarroll; Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. Moguey: Mr. and Mrs
Crunk; Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Chilcott;
Mrs. 1 4. :. Todd: Mr. and Mrs. J. E
MeCarroll; Mrs. Ksthryn Smith, On
aha; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Foster;
Miss Ida Freeman; -Mr. and Mrs. T
W. Swan: Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Fitch;
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mougey; Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Rhuman; Mrs. L. D. Switz
er. Weeping Water.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
the Mo titer's Favorite
The sootning and healing proper
ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
its pleasant taste and prompt and ef
fectual cures have made it a favorite
with people everywhere. It is es
neclallv prized by mothers of young
children for coldJ. croup and whoop
ing cough, as if always affords quick
relief and is free from opium and
other harmful drugs.
Friday evening, Dec. 2 1st. at Dist.
97, two" miles east of Cedar Creek.
Everyone invited.
dl7-2tsw Teacher.
Iowa, was a visitor in Manley for
the past week, coming to attend the
funeral of her sister, Mrs. John Rauth
and remaining for the remainder of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Montorie Neihart
were visiting last Sunday at the home
of friends and also were attending a
shoot which was held at Omaha,
making the trip in their new Over
land 'edan
ous city administrations down thru
the years to place at the head of the
committee one of the newest mem
bers of the council, and we do not
say this in any way derogatory to
the sincere efforts that the various
chairmen have put forth, but lack
ing experience they have had to serve
for perhaps a year and then at the
next election some new member has
replacenl them, and the result has
Howard 'Johnson shelled and de-! bep,n hat ltn,e "metery has s uffered
livered his corn to the Farmers ele- a,m "l ."'7.u"""mr
,o xfi,. !, Ti,rc,i,v has labored under a handicap most
io. .viiont ,,ouv f V Qn,i of the time of his service through
n fin tim fnr f),o huntr nnd de.lack of experience in this particular
iivr.. r line of work.
.Tnoonh wninPrt' verv klndiv took1 The splendid manner in which the
Mrs. W. D. Higgins. accompanied by ladies .f h ty have entered into
her son Fnther Hiirffins. tn Omaha. , "i-1 worK 1,1 uuempunK 10 raise iuhu
lor ine periuuue-m iiiipruveuieui, aim
where Mrs. Higgins Is taking treat
ment in the St. Catherine's hospital,
taking them in his car.
W. D. Wheeler and family. A. W.
Wheeler and family. Mrs. Pearl Bat
terson and Charles Patterson and
wife all from near Rock Bluffs were
care or the cemetery snows there
could be no better way of caring for
the cemetery than through an associ
ation of the citizens or even to turn
the proposition over to the members
of the Woman's club. The latter
j "Just What I Want!"
That's what you want him to say Xmas morning.
f XnA it's Jikrlv he will, if vou buv him something to
wear from Quality stocks.
So why don't you come to a men's store, where
they specialize in men's things?
in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. ! method would probably be a case of
t r tianth int wvdnoadnv i passing me duck on me ran 01
Mrs. Catherine Earhardt and son. tne men 10 uie laaies, nui n certain
Clarence, are at this time visiting and W would present- an oportunlty for
looking after some business matters me real work at tne city or me
at Ipswich. South Dakota, where "iient mai wouki result in me cuy
they are interested in lands and will having a cemetery that would be a
also visit with friends as well while credit to tr.e community rntner than
there. i a Plat where the only real efforts to
A. H. Humble, the genial agent of .KP "P in first class shape occur
the Missouri Pacific at Manley. and once or twice a year.
Lloyd Wolcott of Weeping Wateri The methods of handling the work
were looking after some business mat-, vet the cemetery are very poor. The
trs In Omaha one day during last sexton receives a salary so small that
week, they making the trip in the'he cannot afTo-iPto give the ceme-
car of Mr. Wolcott. " tery the full attention of' his time:
r i, . j' ' . j the members of the council are occu
Christmis Entertainment j Ped wlth niaiy more weighty prob
There will be a Community Christ- of ci,' management and the
mas entertainment given by the " - " -"--
children In the form of a Cantata of the fpmetery is by an administra-
at the Manley hall Saturday. Decern- l,on 01 118 nnairs Dy an association
ber 22nd. at 8 p. m.
composed of the general citizenshio
Card of Thanks
We appreciate the kindness of.
heart which prompted the kindly
acts, the extension of sympathy at
the time of the illness and at the
death and funeral of our beloved wife
and mother; for the floral tokens of
love and respect, and to those who
so kindly sang at the funeral, and
'or the members of one of the ladies'
j organizations of the city.
hoping that their grief, when it shall t t" M:r.a11-r
come, may be softened by th- minis- We are Displaying Nationally
Known Goods
tration of loving friends. J. C. Rauth
and Family.
Can You Beat Interwoven
Socks for Wear?
Pure silk 7Se to 91.25
Kmbroidered clox 91.05
Itlbbed 75 to 151.50
Silk and lisle CO?
WATCHES Gentlemen's
Waltham, Hampden, Elgin,
South Bend, Hamilton and
Can You Beat Manhat
tan Shirts?
Heavy count percale $2. 50
Madras, plain, corded. 93 to 4.50
Silks up to 910
From Saturday's Dally
On December 12, 1S48. there ar
rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Smith at Wabash. Indiana, a fine,
husky little son. and the occasion was
one of gTeat rejoicing in that pio
neer home, a log cabin erected in
sight of the Wabash river which was
sheltered by the tall and stately syc
amore trees, and while the candle RRACFJ FT WATCHES
'iignt no longer gleams across tne wa- .
' . m . i ii.L..i. . 1. . 1
, it-rn ui iuv uuu3u uuu ine yarciiia
1 have long since passed beyond the vi
Ision of the mortal, the young man
I who was the cihef figure on this im-
portant aaie is sun witn us. This ppADl C R;Vl;ii
young man was our fellow towns- r-rVJ0 7 ixicneiieu.
man. illtam T. mith and he Is feel- 1 and La 1 ausca.
ing very wen pieasea mai ine years
have dealt so kindliy with him and
that he was able to enjoy this anni-
tury. Mr. mith has lived in Nebras- DIAMONDS
ka practically all of the time since
1867 and in Cass county the greater!
part of the time. He is receiving the
Lincoln, Dec. 13. Lieut. Governor
Fred G. Johnson of Hastings, who
has announced he will be a republi
can candidate for the United States
senate regardless of the political
I-lans of Senator N'orris. today filed
Ins nomination with Secretary
State Pool.
In the same mail that carried
Johnson's $50 filing fee came a fee
from former Congressman W. E. An
drews, republican, of tho Fifth con
gressional district, who is again a
Johnson is the first senatorial can
didate to actually file, although aspi
rations toward a seat in the senate
have been announcetl by C. II. Gustaf
son, whose future actions, however,
largely hinge on Norris.
This week has witnessed an in
creased activity among the candi
dates at the coming election, An
drews being the fifth to file for an
office in the last four days. Previous
persons filing include Dan Swanson.
who is seeking re-election as com
missioner of public lands and build
ings; C. D. Robinson, who desires an
other term as state treasurer, and
J. W. Mayer, who is after Charles
W. Pool'3 place as secretary of state.
Farmers' Protective bureau, which
is being ararnged for here by James
Huel, head of the organization in Om
aha, will be opened here in the next
few days. Mr. Buel has arranged to
open his office in the frame building
just west of the Donat building and
will in all probability be ready next
Monday. Mr. Buel lias decided to
cfjhave as his representative here Mr.
ji. f . uurneii, wno nas naa twenty
years experience in the detective,
work and who will also handle the
business manageemnt of the office.
Advertise your waaM In thd Jour
nal for results,
Will Sono Lunch!
Will serve, lunch anywhere in
the county at sales.
Please notify
Cedar Greek, Nebraska
From Saturday's Daily
The new hot water heatnig plant
at the city hall is now in service and
certainly makes a vast difference in
the atmosphere of the building ajid
adds to the comfort of the persons
who are around the building to any
extent. The new heating plant will
replace the old fashioned heating
stoves that have for years about half
heated the building and will be ap
preciated very much by the dwellers
on the second story of the building
especially where the office of the po
lice judge and the city council cham
ber is located. In the fire depart
ment room there has been ample dry
ing racks for the hose arranged and
the hose arranged and the room kept
Et a temperature that will insure the
fire truck being always ready for
service. To the observer this seems
to be one of the best investments that
From Saturday's Daily
This noon shortly before 1 o'clock,
Juanita, the little four year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. John
son, residing on Wintersteen hill,
was struck by a passing car and for
several minutes it was feared was
severely injured but at the last re
ports was doing very nicely altho
rather shocked from the effects of the ,
accidents. The child was playing!
with other children in the streets
and had apparently tried to cross the
road as a car driven by a man named
Small came along and being unable
to stop the car the little one was
struck and knocked down.
Fer Hues!
Blank books at Journal office.
Begonias . .
Xmas Peppers
Xmas Cherries ,
Cyclamen .
Ferns, Roses.
Phone 405-W Plattsmouth
Sittings made by Dec. 21 will be
finished for Xmas.
A free calander enclosing your photo with each dozen!.
Werner Studio
The photographer in your town.
Can You Beat Adler
Street gloves $2 to S3
Arabian mocha gloves 95
Domestic mocha $2.50 to 3.SO
Driving gloves.. SI. 75 to 4.75
Helbros, Hafis and Winton.
A Simplified Selection System for Christmas Shoppers!
41 Practical Gifts for Men ranging from 10c to $50
congratulations of his friends and of pi nrk'-? lnWal-am StVi
the members of his family. Mr. Smith Ingranam, Setn
Thomas, Session, New Ha
ven and Westclox.
and wife have in. their family circle
seven children, twenty grandchild
ren and one gTeat grand child.
Santa Claus will be at the H. M.
Soennichsen company store in Mur
ray Friday afternoon. 2 to 6. All
kiddies invited to come and see him.
Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt Recommends
Chamberlain's Tablets
"I have frequently used Chamber
lain's Tablets, during the past three
years, and have found them splendid
for headache and bilious attacks. I
am only too pleased, at any time, to
speak a word in praise of them."
writes Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt, Rock port.
Plate, 1847 Rogers and
Holmes and Edwards.
" i
ords. '
When desiring a cigar or cigarette,
call at the Bates Book and Station
cry itur -where ttaatf is Tars Cn
"Gifts that Last
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Men's hemstitch- ft?
ed handkerchiefs 1U
Men's genuine
Paris garters CtJ
Men's initial )f't
'kerchiefs Ct)
Men's garter rc-
sets )U
Men's knit 4-in- Cfl
hand ties OU
Boys' "Ace" cap r-2
all wool OU
Boys' suspenders CA
just like dad's OU
All above articles in
Christmas boxes
Xickle plated fold- (ZC?
. ing coat hanger UO r
Men's fine kid end 7C
lisle suspenders I O
Men's silk 7C
kerchiefs I O
Men's leather
belts I 0
Men's combination $
leather pocket folder X
Three No-Wilt $-
collars X
Men's ready-tied QC
four-in-hands OO
All above articles in
Christmas boxes
Men's kid $125
dress gloves . X
Men's wool lined $150
mocha gloves - X
Men's fine dress $145
caps. Each X ""
Men's fine dress $150
shirts. Each X
Men's silk and $150
wool hose. Pair X"
Men's large Angora $o
woo! mufflers
I doi. Darnpioof sot - $1 53
guaranteed 6 moe X""
All above articles in
Christmas boxes .
Men's Angora $r
sport coats O
Men's fine Man- $o
hattan shirts O
Men's Brighton $0 1
de luxe pajamas. J2
Men's silk fibre $r
shirts, each O
Men's folding um- $OJL
brella in case ! 0 2
Child's overcoats $.JL
at special .price 1
Men's fur caps $C
nice and warm . O
Men's knit wool $C-i
sport vests 0 2
Men's Navajo bath $Cl
robes silk cord 0 2
Ladies fitted $1 rt
suit case XU
Men's smoking $C
jackets O
Men's "Travelo" $QJL
knit sport coat OZ
Men's all leather $F95
grip. 18-in. size 0 ""
Men's best silk $Q95
shirts at each . O"""
Men's full stock Ji r
leather grips, each... XO
Men's corduroy
trim lounge robes.
Men's leather
coat jackets
Men's sheep lined
coats at
Men's Suits, Overcoats
$25 $30 $35
Our standardized, safe price
range for GOOD clothing.
C! E. Wescotfs Sons
---a? "".