V MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1923 PLATTS1IOUTH SEHI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE mi 1H TD rr 1W DEPMR T ME BIT. PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Diller Utt was a visitor at home , E. K. Norton was looking after tor over the Sunday holiday last some business matters week. t Water last Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Mills of Omaha has On last Monday A been visitinsr for some days past at on the market at the stockvards at the home of Oscar C. 2ink and fam-j South Omaha with cattle which he lily. had been feeding this fall. Walter Baumgartner who is at- Charles Schafer was a visitor at Gordon Black last Thursday dress-1 Many of the farmers about Mur ters in Weeping ed a young cow for Andy which he dock are shelling and delivering corn pt week and were excused on 1 , . . using for nis own meat. i to the elevators here. . Thursday for the remainder of . J. Neitzel was H. W. Kruger and wife and Jess' On Wednesday of last week Albert I J"1 . 7f "ay ror tbe remainder or Ralph J. Haynie of Plattsmouth ponald the carrier of the rural route was looking after some business mat- was raided a few days since and some ters in Murdock last Thursday. three ton taken leaving him to lay Dick Tool has been assisting at in his supply again. The next visi- the Mercantile company store during tor to his bin better be sure thai the rush of the holiday trade and Lacey is sound.-asleep -or some coal makes a very valuable salesman. thief may have use for a surgeon as A. H. Oehlerkicg and Fred Stock, Lacey is a pretty good shot and if he Sr., were attending jury duty in can break the "Blue Rocks" he can Plattsmouth for a few days during shoot something larger. SERVICE MEN TO TAKE PLACES IN INDUSTRIAL LIFE . . ; 1 . 1 . . . , i j ! " ICO L-asaDOlm ana wiie were iiim& btricnen iook iu iuaus ui uu ""6 The vacation witn menus in umasa iasi buuubj. to me soum umaut uutr&iH. Last Thursday Daniel Panska took ; Miss Clara Scheel was a visitor a truck .load of his hogs to the South for a few days at the home of her Having Her Foct Treated Mrs. Henrv A. Tool who several for the Murdock months sinre hart her font ininreri schools will be from Dec. 22 until aml wnich has not given her very Dec. 31, one week, and the extra Sl)a, service on that ncronnt since Disabled Vets Being -Rehabilitated and Taught Useful Trades of Many Different Kind. Nebraska has 450 world war vet- n u ui&nuau ui in a u"6" i" -w 1UI u icn vxaj o AnVa nf Cutnmiav onrt Cnnriav This , . t . , , . - - tending the state university was a Manley last Thursday where he was 0maha market where he disposed of rinter near Ong, making the trop out ?ay.s "ff f h. , I' Jrw went to the hospital at Lincoln about erans. more or less incapacitated iu visitor at home for over the week disposing of oil and gasolnie for the th.em in her auto oraer mat ine term may ena a week since where she had the foot rervice. being rehabilitated through end and spending the time at the : Trunkenboitz oil company. j Murdock will enjoy a dance at the Attorney C. A. Rawls of .Platts- 800t!Ie ' r1"! S?vnS' Rrnw irfed cor,rectin t,he, nd vocational training. S50 of them in home of his nurcnts I t.a4t Kunriav T v xicHniri, am i..u .s., o,; i i., i,, v.ir. Messrs. itay ana iran K-osenow had been there until last Saturday T'tHvprsitv of Nebraska and the x .. . uuuuiiiau liaii v.minuiU) o v. m"t n:uuiu aa a. uuamto;. nonui m ii nn , .. . . .... - - - O. C. Zink and family were enjoy ing a visit last Sunday at -the hospi table hmeo of E. M. Jumper and fam ily west of Elmwood where all pass ed the day most pleasantly. - Carlton Zink who has been attend ing one sfimester of the state uni versity this year has accepted a po sition for the holidays running a maii eh rk route on the Burlington be tween Denwr and McCook. the familv were visitiner at the home .o,-,, I, ir, nhrv. a,.y- t lu- 9ftor bottia les-al U1 y1?' D """ " wnen sne returned. and has been get- others in state institutions and in of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walling of in tne past you w Judge that' Hthe city. tSuITmSS d SSK WBf du-trlal plants Several of these are Plattsmouth driving over in their , they will have ag ood time. Kenneth Tool wa enjoying a visit e T'U" f oT the dm? week P T .ret"ra for e from Plattsmouth and Caas county, auto. Irs. Jesse Hill of Denver, who has at Springfield last Thursday evening JVVf Ce kffUitiat ?hl homes and while he can do Many of the 350 are in the uni- Walter Hier was eniovine- pmrt'i .i,,, Minir f, t?,0 ct Ktr 1,1 frir Thev being wnue nere gueets at tne nomes the job to perfection he would as versity trcdes school, coming under time at a dance at Louisville last a ,,t at tii homo of her sis- cn,n, thp Pvom'nc verv nleasantlv at ?5 Mr: f 1 i fl'?!??w" 600n have the responsibility of the the direction of the Lincoln office of . . o - - - c - i r nnn m r tui wh rn i mm n -i nv For Sale acre farm for sale, located 1V cuest at the home or ner sis- Knent Thursaay evening and was also ac- ter, Mrs. McHugh. acompanied them a dance which was given there that compamea Dy Albert Tbeile. on Monday of last week departed for evening. Uncle Henry Bornemeier and two her home. t 11. W. Tool who is a member of sons. Alvin and Herbert and Louis o. E. McDonald was a visitor in ' the Shriners band of Omaha was in Schmidt were looking after some Plattsmouth last Wednesday where the big city l.st week attending the business matters in Lincoln and he was looking after some matters Shrine meeting and banquet and as- umue me inp in ujeir auiu. for a snort time ana also iook a peeK sisting in tne music wnicn was out; t0jrering at away below first, cost to Oscar Dowler of near Murray was jn the district court room where the of the features of the occasion. 'anv one who might care to do his tcxLcru iiucuiu iaM wncic iitr trial WHS gOins OH. Air. ana Mrs. wiwgra lnimgan. iney health .of the family placed on other the veterans enjoyea tne occasion very pieasaniiy shoulders. with their friends here. '. We have a large amount of excel-. lent varnish interior, exterior and Vjtl 3 SNStfJa fl--or, flat tone wall paint, auto enam- kliLLL iSlUfi!l el. tOD dressing, etc.. wblcli we are bureau. YOUNG PEOPLE Tlli.es SOQtnwest OI MurdOCK. Drice hart his tonsils remover! and nt th x?.Ai r.oiV a-nA fha familv Tiitrh ?-Co.per acre. ' WriTe J. R. Veach. renort -just following the oneration ' ri ti-. tii Vnn lt Snnrlav and went was progressing finely. Mr. Dowler to Liberty where they visited with 6t9 First St.. Hastings. Neb., or Mrs W. Bornemeier,. 1201 A St., Lincoln Nebraska. is a son-in-law of Mr. Norton. and Mrs. E. K. .relatives for the day. While the kcpt to nis Ded tne most of tne time Get Beady for Winter! The cold weather is coming. Is your battery good for the winter and how about the radiator? Is it so it will hold water and alcohol for the cold weather? We have the batteries, radiators and alcohol. We put out the best service. Call and see us when needing any thing in our line. The Thirngan Garage EL W. Thirngan, Proprietor MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Uncle Herman Schweppe who was 'own work during the winter. We stricken some time since with sick- also have brushes. Dusterhoff Shops, i ness, is still very poorly though not Murdock. Nebr. j sufforinc cvTiici.'itini' naill hilt lie 13 ' I weather was somewhat raw they en joyed the occasion with their friends -but found the ,weather rather rough ; returning home. ' Wm. Glaubitz from south of Elm wood was a visitor for a short time in Murdock last Thursday when re turning from Omaha where he has been to visit with his brother, Frank Glaubitz of Lincoln who is receiving treatment in the hospital at Omaha. Mrs. Glaubitz came to Murdock to j meet her husband. j ' Oh. boy! Yes it is a boy and what . and is reeciving the best of care by the family and relatives. Gust Gakemeier, Edwaru Rau and Will Keyser who were visiting at the ranch near Dunning and hunting ducks as well returned a few days since having had an excellent time. They report John Gakemeier and Charles Lau as getting along nicely in the west. Find Snow in the South. a ,.ar,i revert hv Mrs. Josenh i"s neiene icgeiitemcier united in mai life - , . . Wutchinek last Thursday from her ; joarriage 10 ir. uxto z. IjUXZ husband who with Max Dusterhoff j at Nehawka Yesterday. are making tne trip to vv asningion : via the truck, tells of them being at From Thursday's Daily . Duncan, Okla., and that they had At high noon yesterday at the been compelled to stop for a time on charming country home of the bride's account of heavy snows in the south parents near Nehawka occurred the . and that following that they had marriage of Miss Helen Engelkemeier ! muddy roads resulting therefrom, to Mr. Otto E. Lutz. the ceremonv John Miller who has been work- They were at that time within about being witnessed by a number of the iug in South Omaha and also pick- sixty miles of Texas r'z; corn in South Dakota, arriveu at i Murdcck a few days since and has c,nR TTis stallion. Woodow V1.?, I y.i.sitl?Tiih l!- J- Johnm went to' westside. Ia.'. John lik;s both Omaha and outn ua- ffiw , i .. takinir with him his the color scheme of red and white in Kota ann jjiu prooaDij return 10 excellent stallion. Woodrow Wilson, a very artistic manner ther place in the near future. Unlimited amount of money Louis Schmidt where the little fellow arrived. The mother and little son are getting along nicely and the father bears his honors very becom- in?lv 'Piit it is rtifTeernt with Grandpa Herman Schmidt for he has ; lean on eastern XebrasKa farm land, some difficulty in whistling for he , Lowest rates. Applications taken' cannot get his face in the right Io-j nc fcr future loans. See 0. J. Pot- siuoD ior wie smuts wnicu cousiani ly chase cne another over his countenance. The govern- .ment is giving them from one to ifour years of training, paying them Un the meantime, the term depend ing on the objective for which each man is preparing. The Nebraska men are fitting themselves for some fifty occupa tions, ranging alphabetically from I UfrnnCn agriculturist to window decorator UllL Vsrilllr'i and embracing a great variety of mil. tILUUUJ tra(Jes and professions. I "Two hundred of these forme r sol diers will be ready to enter the nor- of the community next June." L. M. Towle said Friday. "The government is now at a point in its work with these men where it mut necessarily call upon industry and the people at large to take up the burden, or the privilege, as they see it, in connection wKh our further obligations to these men. Many thousands more of these men are to be rehabilitated, or mode ready for employment, during the next few months. It is the earnest desire of the government to rehabili- relatives of the contracting parties The home was very attractively arranged with decorations of white tate all of the men aB quickly as bells and red berries carrying out : which he exchanged for cattle which to he brought home with his truck. Select Brick for Building: The building committee of the consolidated district of the .Murdock possible. At the same time it is the desire of the government to rehabili tate them wiselv and well, so that Promptly at the noon hour the they De abie to carry on profit ably for themselves and for indus try. So. it i3 this trained and finish- ed product of the rehabilitated man" notes of the "Lohengrin Bridal Chorus" were sounded by Mrs. H. O. Rhode as the bridal party entered the parlors where the marriage ceremony that the United States government was pertormed. The marriage line.i aSks inriustrv to employ I hast at Fanners' & Merchants' Bank, were in Lincoln last week where thev were read b' the Rev- H- O. Rhode . r. m. Kirk. United States veter- I Knrdock, Nebr. Blue R ibbon Gasoline! A Coid Weather Special Plenty of Kick Makes Starting Easy! . GEO. TRUKKENBOLZ OIL GOLIPfifiY Eagle and Murdock corirG THE GREAT ATTRACTION . "!!ixed Faces!" This is an excellent picture and one that will please all, entertaining, instructive and bringing many a Come and enjoy the incongruous situations. Puppy Love," the comic will make your sides ache Don't miss it. Deing laui?h. "3 AT M. W. A. KALL MURDOCK, NEBR. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22 selected the kind ow brick to be used of the ElSht Mlle Grove Evangelical ans' bureau. Omaha, is the employ- tuuH-u, me iuiirrasie nug ser ice meni onicer ior ine state, aii in being used in the joining of the lives quirics regarding employment oppor and hearts of these two estimable tunities should be directed to him. young people. 4 I The bride wore a very modish cos- WOODMEN HOLD ELECTION tume of navy blue canton crepe ! fcr the construction of the building 'which is to be a mottled matt brick. Those of the committee to visit the capital city for this purpose were Conrad Baumsrar ner. Henry A zr.tl "William T. Weddell. Tool Had His Arm Fractured I A few days since while O. C. Zink a member of the board of education, was tickling his Ford to get it to start the big brute kicker him, Im-ikine: an arm which is putting him out of the active class and re ducing him to the inactive class for the period which it will take to have the member grow well again. The .arm. is, however, getting along very well but is causing him some pain just the same. Seme One Steals Coal Some one thought we were going to have a cold winter and has been making preparations for the same by stealing coal from a bin which was left unlocked. The bin of Lacey Mc- I i - m Christmas is ColisiS 'I The Murdock MeircamitDS o. n 4 while the groom was attired in the conventional dark suit. The bridal couple was unattended. After congratulations a bountious dinner was served to the members of the bridal party numbering the following: Rev. and Mrs From Thursday's Dally Last evening Cass Camp No.332. Modern Woodmen of America, held its annual election of officers at the hall on Pearl and Sixth streets and with a verv nleasiner attendance of O. J the membership. The following were named: Counsel V. T. Arn. " Advisor Lester Burrows. Banker MichaelJIild. Clerk H. F. Goos. Trustees A. . J. JJaeson Mike Tritsch. Watchman George Luschinsky. Sentry H. E. Wilcox. Taking De'sperate Chances is headquarters for Men's Dress Shirts, with or without collars; Garters and Arm Bands, Kid Gloves; Belts, all kinds; Fancy Buckles; Silk Hose for ladies, gentlemen and children; Westinghouse Radiola, Sr., $45.00 complete installed. An excellent Christmas present. Hats and Caps and Fancy Ladies' and Gent's Scarfs. Fine Line of Chinaware and Cut Glass! I- IV. m m m 50 Discount on Our Jewelry Stock! Things to Eat! Celery, Cabbage, Lettuce, Turnips, Radishes, Oranges, Bananas, Grapes, Grape Fruit, Apples A complete line of Candies and Nuts! Christmas Trees to suit your wants in size, and all excellent in sppearcme! Remember Ve fire Headquarters for All Your Wants! We Have a Very Fine Line of Cuff Buttons, Bead?, Rings, both band and set; Chains vest and coat; Neck Chains, La veliers, Broaches, Bracelets. And in fact a full line of excellent Jewefery. to. Murdock, Nebraska Rhode. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lutz. Mr and Mrs. A. H. Engelkemeier, Mr. and Mrs. John Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hild, Mr. and Mrs. Fred En gelkemeier, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Meisinger, Henry F. Lutz, Misses Helen and Katherine Lutz, Laura En gelkemeier, Esther Rhode. Messrs. Gordon Dean Heil, Louis Rhode, Herbert and Walter Engelkemeier. The young people departed at 3 o'clock for Omaha from where they will go on a short honeymoon and returning will make their future' It i3 true that many contract se- home in Plattsmouth in the Herold vere colds and recover from them" apartments where the groom has a without taking any precaution or home awaiting the coming of his treatment, and a knowledge of this bride. fact leads others to take their chance3 The bride is the second daughter instead of giving their coMs the necd- of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Engelkemeier ed attention. It should be borne in and has been reared to womanhood mind that every cold weakens the in the vicinity of Nehawka and is a lur-s. lowers the vitality, makes the lady held in the highest esteem by a system less able to withstand each very large circle of friends. The succeeding attack and paves the way groom is the eldest son of Mr and for the mre serious diseases. Can Mrs. John Lutz and is a veteran of yu afford to take such desperate the world war and at the present chances when Chamberlain's Cough time is in the employ of the Burling- Remedy, famous for Its cures of bad ton in the local shops and is a voun- colds may be had for a rifle? man well known and hiirhlv csfppm. I ed by all who have the pleasure of f knowing him. He has spent the greater part of his lifetime here and i3 one of the industrious youne men of the city of Plattsmouth. DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION MET MONDAY PUBLIC AUCTION! On account of poor health I am forced to leave the farm, therefore I will sell on my farm, two miles west of Plattsmouth on the Cedar Creok road, the following described prop erty, sale starting at 10:30 with lunch served at noon, on THURSDAY, DEC. 20TH The members of Fontenelle chan ter of the Daughters of the American tne following described property: ncu"uuuu a ry p.easani meet- Crott1 PnlTiri PViina Hop- of Miss Pauline Liston and which Two tried bows, nine fall pigs. was attended by a very pleasing num- fouJ ox herd boar. These sows her of the mon.hor.hin a or-oof gills are immune, ana are pure - - -... uuu bi-ti. deal of interest taken in the meet ing. The D. A. R. magazine was re viewed by Mrs. G. E. DeWolf in her Xf Tn- tZnZZ v I one now. or Ket one on sale day at of interest brought out in the Pub-. ' ri ligation nf th,a nri.r jour ow n price. bred stock. They will be bred for March and April farrow. Pedigrees will be ready on sale day. I also have three spring boars for sale at private treaty. Better get lication of the order. The members of the chapter are having a series of short' sketches of their own ancestors in the revolu tionary period and this is divided in to several sections and at the meet ing Monday Mrs. George A. Dodge, Mrs. M. A. Street and Mrs. E. H. Wescott gave very interesting ac counts of the ancestors of their families. Five Head of Horses One black team, -smooth mouthed; one bay mare, smooth mouth; one black mare, six years old; one colt, coming two years old. Three Head of Cattle Two milk cows, one Jersey heifer, one young calf. Farm Machinery, Etc. Onp John Deere airnn. nni himlnr me regular Dusiness session was one gasoline engine, one mower, one then held and the new cabinet which corn planter, one walking lister, one the ladies have had installed at the harrow, one pump jack, two sets public library was discussed by the WOrk harness, one cream separator, members and the co-operation of the one hay rake, one riding lister. tw public in gathering up valuable rel-: cultivators, one buev. one snrinir ics and antiques was desired At the close of the afternoon a very delicious dinner was served by Mrs. J. T. Liston and Miss Pauline, which was very much enjoyed by all of the party. UNDERGOES OPERATION From Thursday's Daily wagon, three ro!l3 of elaj fencing, one single harness,, one barrel churn, fifty Rhode Island Red chickens, four hundred bushels of corn, five tons of hay, and many other articles too nu merous to mention. Terms of Sale All sums Of $10 and under, rash. jOn sums over $10 a , credit of six months will be given, purchaser giv- Yesterday morning. Mrs. E. C. RiP'Tn b7nkabW noTe bearing Tight per pie underwent a very serious i opera- Ct intere6t from dates xo prop tion and s now at the St. Catherine s ert tQ be removed f rom tQe Prr. hospital ,n Omaha Mr 'Ripple re- iiSCs Until settled for. P msined at the bedside of his wife un-, MATTTiT w uatj-rttt til 5 o'clock yesterday when he re- JSOAUlJiJ iL. JJABBITX, turned home, as she was resting very Owner." ra.i!-tr or tit lonct miifh axt fniilfl V 1? VnT'VfJ Aiiff be expected. PLATTS Til STATE B'K, Clerk.