The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 17, 1923, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Eaterad at PoMofflce. FUtUmoutb, Neb., aa ecood-clas mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
J campaigns are more "detrimental to
business in proportion to their
I length. A short, sharp campaign
'would not disturb the business of the when So Many Plattsmouth People here by Sheriff tE. P. Stewart and the
- country half as much as a protracted ue Pointing, the. Way Out. city police that a stolen car was head-
, ea souin irom umana toward tne
You mav ha brave enough to stand Platte river bridge. Mr. Stewart and
From Friday's Dally ,
Last evening a report was received
I-M"!-I-H"I-I-2 ! I- I M-IH-fr
to prejudice.
And the Lod spake - unto Moses, .t.
'saying. On the first day of the first 4.
month shalt thou set up the taber-'..
nacle of the tent of the congrega-(..
tion. And thou shalt put upon Aar- .J.
on the holy garments and anoint
him, and sanctify him; that he may A,
minister unto me in the priest's of
fice. And thou shalt bring his sons
and clothe them with coats. Exocua
It is always safe to learn
even from our enemies, sel
dom safe to instruct eveu
our friends. Colton.
Some people
they are not.
are happier
The noise a man makes on a fid
dle when he is learning to play is
sweeter music In his ears than the
I - . - m 1 .
when i best orcnestra in me worm.
The British politicians don't seem
rn ronsnn whv the eas bill runs . to know what the recent election
so rapidly is because it has thou-1 means. Well, one guess is it means
sands of feet. the voters over there want the tar-
o:o: iff taken out of politics.
And no matter now Ag a hani- :o:
berger biscuit is, there isn't much
hamberger in it.
A housewife that can bake a good
cake without eggs, is having her in
nings these days.
There are some persons who insist
on telling the truth only when they
can be disagreeable.
:o; :
One of the surest yardsticks for
measuring music is how it stirs the
soul of the person not skilled in mu
sic. -:o;
We have never craved great power,
but we often feel as if we would like
to sit in a palace and give orders to
j With the Panama canal netting
'more than $12,000,000 a year profits
it is evident that there is money in
that angle repose which the Cucura
cha slide was so long in finding.
Philippe Daudet, the 14-year-old
boy whose suicide is baffling Paris,
left seventeen free verse poems in
manuscript. It looks to us like a
case of unrequited love for the muse.
Twenty years ago people blamed
the bad boy upon the bad dime novel
showing that when the parents fall
down on their job almost any alibi
may be used in a pinch.
:o: ,
l T iwl backache or headache or dizziness. Officer William Hinrichsen were out
to the grandstand here, and In ut Jf Jq additlon urinati0n is dis- to apprehend the car, but which ap-
land. If anything the English beat orared, look out! If you don't try parently had made good its escape
us in appeals to frothy whims and to fix your sick kidneys, you may fall and while crossing the bridge here
into the Clutcnes pi dangerous ais- a wiseiy suugni one 01 ine Biae
ease before you know it. But if you roads to travel over as the officers
live more carefully and help your kept a close watch on the highway
kidneys with Doan's Pills, you can north of this city.
atnn the nnina vnn h n VP anil nvnlrl fu.
We are the greatest law-creating ture danger as well. Don't experi
nation in the world, and at the pres- ment use the remedy Plattsmouth
ent time, perhaps, are the least law- people are publicly endorsing. Read
abiding. The fact may in a measura Suderback. contractor, painter
be the reason for the other. A3 a and paper hanger, Locust street,
further consequence, every tenth Plattsmouth, says: "I had lumbago
person 'in the United tates. we are and kidney trouble. I believe the , , t T j-
y,a0 m. tlnrf nf frni turpentine fumes from the paint was Musical Comedy Presented by Ladies
luiu, iioius tjuuie ' resnnnsible for it. T could hardlv henri nf fVi Wa
T r . v iunvvavvt Jk v. j . mvim
lja,6"-' or lift; anything and I couldn't even
I had no
state, county or local, Job
on account of the multiplicity of laws turn in bed without help.
and the effort to enforce them, we control over my limbs, when I tried
to wais. 1 coma not 111c mem. just
Treat to the Auditors.
are taxed 4 billion dollars a year
From Friday's Daily
had to scuff them along. My kidneys Last evening the young people of
to pay the salaries or puuuc omciaia. ftCted irregularly and the secretions Plattsmouth to the number of 105,
Which should indicate to us that the were highly colored and passed with comprising the cast of "Kathleen,"
more expensive of the two processes a burning sensation. I used Doan's entertained to the fullest degree the
i .. . , ,., Pills and before finishing the first large audience that gathered at the
is the enforcing, not the making of box, wh,ch l go(. at prlcke & Cq,s Parmele theatre.
laws. Better enforcement of the laws drug store, I felt better In every way. The play was one of fun and mu-
we have, and far fewer laws i3 an- ' I used a few boxes and they gave me sic and in the hands of the well chos-
other and most potent way to save ,ine reei- nat ano.ner miie ai- en cast was most enjoyaDie to tne
iacK una spriuK, uui i uscu uuu uuuience. i ue principal roie, is. a i li
the first thing and they straightened leen," was taken by Miss Helen Wes
me out again in quick order." cott, whose personality lent charm
60c. at all dealers. Foster-Milburn to the part and her excellent musi-
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. 1
the taxpayer's money and to enjoy
more efficient government.
If the age oX miracles were not
past It might be hoped tliat 60me
day, not far distant, a sufficient num
ber of real American citizens would
decide to elect to the various law
making bodies, representatives plcdg-
From Friday's Daily
Tile trial of the case of C. Law-
fd to the unmaking of a lot of laws rence Stull in which Mr. Stull is con-
To hear some folks talk, one would
think, the only difference between
chicken and turkey i a matter of
several dollars.
No Nobel reace prize again this
year. Isn't the- committee ever going
On the whole, the message of Pres
ident Coolidge is a mild mixture of
conservatism and progressivism, of
individualism and paternalism. It
reflects the political uncertainty of
the transitional period; it is not a
bcld summons to beneficial action
nor a ringing protest against un
sound current ideals and proposals.
to recognize what Judge Lands has The yoife of oompeliing.and inspir
been doing in the big leagues?
Grafting officials become so intent
upon-the main business of getting
while the getting is good that th?y
often neglect to get out from under.
Hiram Johnson is getting more use
out of Europe than anybody else by
making of it a bugaboo to frighten
timorous folks into his band wagon.
ing leadership is not manifest in the
If congress does give support to
Secretary Mellon's program and make
I certain reductions in the tax sched
'ules they will not apply until an
other year. The legislators will nec
essarily wrangle over the proposition
until it is too late. The income tax
, payable March. 1925.. will be the
Now that congress is organized for earliest that can be affected through
business it ought to have no difficulty an action of the present congress,
in proceeding to fix the date for ad- "-v that time the presidential .elec
tnnrnno.nt .-, t- thr. phristmia hni i-: t ion will be over and another in-
..... - - .
The coming year will mark
seventy-fifth anniversary of
first woman physician id the United
States. Elizabeth Blackwell who re
ceived her M. D. from Geneva college
in 1S49.
auguration day have dawned. Thi
politicians must have their say and
the it is a mouthful.
the, 0:0
Americans take months fcr a po
litical campaign ajid the British take
weeks. In this country we take up
seven or eight months with a presf-
A full but enjoyable holiday sea
son is in store for the December dential campaigning. This is entirely
grand jury in New York, which has too much.
been charged with the duty of inves
tigating all alleged indecent theatri
cal entertainments in the city.
:o: -
When leading citizens of Canton.
Shanghai and Peking get into an ar-; parties lasts nearly four months
gument. reports Junius Wood, they
either write out what they have to
say or speak English. There's an
idea for Henry Cabot Lodge and Mag
nus Johnson.
If a woman of your acquaintance
happens to pass you by one of these
days with an absent stare in her eyes
and without speaing do not bear
anger for her.' She is more to be
pitied than censured. She is just a
victim of that disease known as the
"Christmas lope."
The recent governor of Oklahoma
Is. as go-ernors go. something of a
piker. He had only seven criminal
indictments against him. The gov
ernor of Indiana has 192 and the
governor of Illinois is making se.
eral legal firm rjch for keeping hi:ii
out of the penitentiary.
No surprise was expressed when
Senator Robinson, minority leader of
the senate, named Senator Pat Har
rison of Mississippi as chairman of
the democratic steering committee in
that body. Indeed, no other name
was considered for the honor. Sena
tor Harrison Is pre-eminently quali
fied for these important duties. He
Is. the most aggressive and resource
ful fighter the senate has produced in
a decade, and under his able leader-
bhtp'the democratic party will steer
u clear course during the current
First we have a campaign prelim
inary to the primaries. This gener
ally begins in Marchv Early in July
the conventions make the nomina
tions and then the fight between the
England the whole thing is over in
three or four weeks.
We gain nothing by spreading out
a campaign through months. The
men we elect cannot be said to rep
resent the people wlio elect them
more correctly than the men elected
to the British parliament represent
their constituents. Our government
is no more representative of the peo
ple than the government of England
We act as if we thought that the
people of this country did not think
of political questions except during
the campaign. As a matter of fact
there is no recess of. politics in the
newspapers and the same thing is
true of the men who read them. Men
do not dismiss politics from their
minds three years and four months
and then concentrate their attention
on political questions for two-htirds
of a year. Any man who read the
news finds plenty to think about
along political line when he reads
the proceedings of congress. One
who readsditorials finds that there
is n political let-up. Men
give all their attention to politics
and at no time do. they divorce poli
tics entirely from their thoughts.
Our campaigns ate costlier because
of their length and as they are made
more costly it is nmre-and more dif
ficult for a man of modest means
to be a candidate without selling
himself to some rich man or men who
will finance his candidacy. Our
that are utterly useless, and worse.
They are worse than useless, because
they are conflicting and confusing;
others that are so inconsistent that
they are not obeyed.
When that time comes, if' it ever
comes, strenuous and practical ef
forts will be made, not to make 179,-
testing the action of the board of
county commissioners in changing
the public highway to run across the
property of the plaintiff, was on
trial in the district court today and
I was In decided quietness compared
to that of tha past -week when the
court room has been packed with in
terested audiences, and the case pro
gressed very speedily before the jury.
cal numbers were features of the
play. The leading male character
was that of "Jimmy Stanton," rich
in love, but poor in worldly posses
sions, in which Harley Cecil ap
peared. The trio of fun makers,
Lawrence Sprecher, Hilt Martin and
Fred J. Warren, appeared as the vil
lage policeman, the champion check
er player and the proprietor of the
village store. Miss Freda Klinger was
the village postmistress and shared
honors with the three "rustics" in
the comedy situations. Margie Pick
ett as the girl who loved to dance
was a decided hit. Damian Flynn,
always comanding a pleasing stage
presence, and possessor of a splendid
ake your travel
dream come true
this winter
Perhaps you were unable to find time
for a vacation trip during the summer.
Don't be satisfied to merely regret it.
Go to California NOW where days are filled
with sunshine and nights are uniformly cool and
clear. There is something out there which makes
a strong appeal to everybody. Golf, tennis, mo
toring over perfect highways, surf-bathing, mountain-climbing,
dancing, or just resting among the
orange groves and flowers.
Excursion fares prevail. Go one way return an
other, and stop off where you wish. Make the
most of your trip by using the BURLINGTON'S
splendid service via Denver, the Pike's Peak Re
gion, the Royal Gorge, Salt Lake City, Los An
geles and San Francisco, and then return through
The American Wonderland the Pacific Northwest
Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, the Cas
cades, Olympics and the Rockies.
It's the trip of a life-time and I want to assist you
in planning it; to make your Pullman reserva
tions; to provide you with through tickets.
ft a o 1 . PfM.rttv A Wnrr nv A f 1 fr a ti nnoQ roil
o new iawsf dui 10 repeal at least - rirr.r?: T.V: voice, anneared as the vnun mIWp
lor me rouniy in me mauer wnue - .0
1 II I II Hi
iuvu ui li 1. iuwct iucli ait 11 F 4 -.! a .
aii riHV v . miiifrt.siin umi 1 -?- 11 1 - - .
mere trash, if ever they served a use- ed Mr. Stull in the caae. In this ac- Play and James Warren ns thedig-
youth and deep-dyed villain of the ,
.' f .' , J I -. At .
Pr.mmi.dnnors ted ""' oiiaiovraiic OUlier asSlS.ea
fill nnrnnoa aa taVi & ra e-m- -v V. -
r v-v, , vj "v- uajfo tjiMiic irj, 1 11 trill tlJU l-uc v vmiuinaiwuiri j c-uva.u . . , 11 . . - 17" -.- T7'.; ,1 .-. rifti,
Ud temporarily. Then It will be ad- the ro d - apprl of the aUte . scory o tne -tfce ferryman
mitted that it will be better to have rP!i?ltlf"'lc. fi!, There were a larjre number of mu- was at Council Bluffs this week and
- - -w- -
a few laws that are obeyed, or en- estimated the damages due Mr. Stull
forced when disobeyed, than to have for the four acres of land at $1,180
thousands of laws and regulations to and from the decision of the apprais-
niost of which nobody pays any at
tention. . except for- the purpose of
confounding courts and juries and
thus escaping, merited judgment and
ers the plaintiff has appealed to the
higher court
ments of the various choruses and
dances was a treat to the audience,
and it is to be regretted that the ex
traordinary large cast forbids an in
dividual mention of the work of all
of the talented young people that
. . ,,. ,. . participated in the ensemble of the
To Albert I). Helton, non-resident Bnow
defendant: , The entertainment was given un-
V - . n - V. -w, xi- ha. ifi . 1 hrrrr-rn.-
l??' Vie tie itoTnd wVer the 'di
sical numbers given in which the while there arranged for the pur
young people showed more than usual chase of lumber for the construction
cleverness and skill and the arrange- of a new ferry boat that will be put
Frank H. Vlzatelly. managing edi- plaintiff. Home Savings & Loan As-
in service next spring on the Mis
souri river at this place. Mr. Rich
ardson has found that the increasing
auto travel between the two sides of
the Missouri river has caused a very
heavy demand on the services of the
ferry and in order to give his pat
rons the best of service and to pre
vent logn waits on either side of the
river for the ferry, wil lhave a boat
next year that will take ten cars in-
many Sales Now
ss Mary Cecelia Free- stead of five, which is the capacity
lur Ui w sianaara uicnonary, Bociauon. a corpora.., u..u d iu land the accompaniment to'of tne present boat. Mr. Richardson
arnounces in' the New York Times District CouTfr of Cass county, its pe- tbe varioU8 numbers was piayed by will have the new boat built this
that 9.000 words is his'idea ot the ! Sr rhZ niThfee the HolIr orchestra. 1 winter and in readiness for the open-
with Charles thairee, Lhaliee, ;ntr n r;rrr jn tj-A on-.,-n0r ot-(i y.a
ordinary vicabulary of the plain A. R. Birdsall. first real name un- The performance will be given aWe to se"e the beat Inferes?? of
man of the .rppt TW u .in.ic Vnnwn. and riessle nirdsall. defend- ?ain this evening in order that those ?".?. interests 01
111s patrons.
of the expletives he has at his com
ants, the object and purpose of which wero uul ao1 10 enjoy tne pre-
. r 1 --.-. -,,-. mier of the nlav mav havp thia nn.
1 . . A is n .uic.ius. a vtri lain muiigagc ; ' -..w -
mand when he misses the street car d. executed and delivered bv vou Portunity tonight.
or tries to get a telephone number, to the plaintiff on or about the 24th
For just everyday occasions the plod- liy of May. 1922. covering the fol-
cltr can worrv alone- on onn i lowing described real estate, to-wit:
This seems a somewhat enormous
number. Not even the immortal 1
Lots 27G and 277 in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, Cass county,
Barred Rock Cockerels from my
accredited flock. $2.00 each if taken
K-f . T 1 - ti t r A 1 .
William Shakespeare, who had the and for a judgment against you for XTvo Nebr. d64tw
best stranglehold on the English
any deficiency which may remain af-
t nk1- vf ). nmAaarIa rr
language of any man who ever lived. sale of g3id above described real es-l
used very many more than this. Phil- tate to the payment of plaintiff's
ologists tell us that John- Milton claim, and for general eouitable re
wrote hia wav into immor. an-r ier. sui oi wiiicn win more luny ap-
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the county court.
rA4a In n rAt i f lrn ti ?? in CQ trl rr11 T Tn t ll k rnattai - f K a ts a -
i.suv. words and - he employs a few Unless you answer said petition on Benjamin O. Tucker, deceased,
that will stump the average reader or before the of January. Tothe creditors of said estate:
and send, him post haste to the dlr- 1924, the allegations therein contain- lou are hereby notified, that I
R. C. Rhode Island Red cockereIs
at $1.50 each. Mrs. Julius Rei'nke,
South Bend, Neb. dl0-2mo.w
I have many sales booked and some
open dates. Those wanting datd had
better see me before choice dates are
all gone.
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer
Choice Buff Orpington roosters,
Louis Horsack, Platsmouth, phone
676. dl3-2tw
Automobile Painting!
j First-Class Work
j Guaranteed!
Prices Reasonable
Mirrqr Replatiiw and
Sign Work!
Phone 592-W, Plattsmouth
About 900 rather than 0,000 comes
nearer to our estimate of the vocab
ulary of the average citizen, although
it takes a vast amount of temerity
to take issue with so erudite a gen
tleman as the editor of the Standard
Dictionary. And something over half
of these would not be foujid In the
Standard's compilation of English,
judging by the conversation one
catches on the fly on street corners
and cars.
M"M I M'i III: I-I-I-I'
35 years
Coatee Block
i 4 n n
ymf. ,f f,, t
Private Money to Loan
on Cass County Farms
Farmers State Bank
Plattsmouth -
ed will be taken as true, and judg- will sit at the county court room in
ment and decree rendered according-1 Plattsmouth in said county, on the
ly. 19th day of December. A. D. 1923,
HOME SAVINGS & LOAN and on the 19th day of March, A. D.
ASSOCIATION .1924, at ten o'clock a. m., each day
By G. E. HAGER, ! to receive and examine all claims
Its Attorney. dl7-4w against said estate, with a view to
I their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 19th day of Decem
ber, Al D. 1923, and the time limit
ed for payment of debts Is one year
from said 19 th day of December,
The undersigned will offer for sale Witness my hand and the seal of
at his home, one and. one-half miles said county court, this 21st day of
west of Plattsmouth. on the ceme
tery road, sa'.e commencing at 10:00
o'clock with lunch served at noon,
the fqllowing described property, to
wit: '
Three hea 1 of horses, 3 head of
cows. 1 heifer, coming two years old;
1 heifer calf.
Farm Implements
One walking plow, one Jenny Lind
cultivator, one 3-section harrow, one
hay rack, or. wagon, one Champion
mower, one l-hole corn speller, one
buggy, one set work harness, one half
set of harness, one set of buggy har
ness, one 3-barrel galvanized tank.
Household Goods
One dinirar room set. one daven-
November, 1923.
(Seal) n22-4w County Judge.
State Farmers 9 Insurance Co.
A. E. Agee, President J. F. HcArdle, Sec'y
Offers best policy and contracts for lest money. Cheap
est and best insurance company doing business in Ne
braska. Pays all losses promptly. Over 5,000 members.
Organized in 1895. Insurance in force, $60,000,000.
2615 Harney Street Omaha, Nebraska
I-H-.1-1-1. H-H--
Vtnort. one White sewing machine, one
r,Victrola and ,20 records, one kitchen
cabinet, thn-e bedsteads with springs.
nr one dresser, two center tables. ne
l-M"!"!-."!' organ, one Quick Meal range, one
cream separator, one heating stove.
't-M-I-H-I-I-H--M-I-I' H-M-fr half barrel cf cider vinegar, one oil
j. neater, ana many otner arncie ioj
.j, numerous to mention.
4.I Terms of Sale
4 All sums of $10 and under, cah.
I . it. a I
un sums over 910 a crecm i m
months will be given, purchaser g.v
Sewing Machine Re
paired by
Phone- 126-J
Satisfaction Guaranteed
M. W. A. Bldg., Plattsmouth
ing bankable note bearing eight per.
cent Interest from date. No proparty
tto De removed irom preuuno
vtti caMta.l f 1.
YOUNG. Auct.
H-'i'I-i" PLATTSTH STATE B'K, Clerk. .
4 W. R.
-Plattsmouth Implement Company-
We have a full line of all kinds of
Dmplements and Farm Machinery,
Tractors, Harness and Hardware!
Everything that You May Want at the Very Best of Prices!
' Come in and See Us When in Need of. Any Supplies!
Plattsmouth Implement Company-
Lower Main Street
Phone No. 33