The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 17, 1923, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAt, DECEMBER 17, 1923
Alvo Department
? Art Klyver shelled and delivered
corn to the elevator ot Simon Reh-.
xneyer last week.
Otto Reickman shelled and deliver-)
ed corn to the elevator in Alvo the
latter part of last week. 1
P. J. Linen was looking after some
matters at the garage last Thursday
while Mr. and Mrs. Dinges were
away. I
John Skinner was an Omaha visi
tor four days during the past week,
hauling stock to market for the
farmers. t
Banker or Attorney Carl Ganz was
looking after some business in Platts
raouth last Monday, driving over to
the county seat in his car.
George Fifer was shelling and de
livering corn to the Simon Rhemeyer
elevator in Alvo last week, and was
furnishing some very good corn.
W. L.. Copple, living west of Alvo,
has a load of hogs on the marktt at
Omaha last Friday, which were nice
ones and should have topped the
Henry Thomas, of Cortland, was
a visitor in Alvo for a few days last
week, looking after his interests here
and also making some repairs on his
property here.
J. W. Kallmeyer and wife were
spending last Sunday with friends
and relatives at unbar, making the
trip in their auto, and fqund some
rough weather coming home.
Among those who were in Platts
mouth during the past week for jury
service, and who represented this pre
cinct were W. W. Coatman, Win.
Mickle, W. Li. Copple and Herman
L. Bornemeier.
, Alfred Stromer was a visitor in
Lincoln last Thursday afternoon,
where he was making some purchases
of electrical goods which he is using
in the telephone and electrical work
in and aout Alvo.
Arthur Dingrs and wife were visit
ing at Syracuse last Thursday, mak
ing the trip in their auto, where they
were guests of relatives and also
they were, looking after some busi
ness matters as well.
Wm. Coatman and wife, of Weep
ing Water and the Rev. Charles Rose
and wife of the Methodist church of
that place were visiting at the home
of R. M. Coatman and wife of Alvo
last Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and -Mrs. Herbert Moore of
Rock Island and Mrs. A. J. Schae
fer, the druggist, were visiting in
Lincoln last Monday where they were
looking after some business matters
as well as being guests of friends.
John Banning and wife were en
joying a .visit last week from the
family of Joe Banning of Union, who
drove up on Sunday for the day and
had the experience of returning home
during the snow squall of that date.
S. C. Boyles and wife were visit
ing and also looking after some
business matters in Lincoln on last
Thursday and while there they were
guests at the home of Mr. Boyles'
brother, W. O. Boyles of that place.
Simon Rhemeyer and wife were
visiting last Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Xels Sogaard. of Weeping Wat
er, where were also the family of G
Rhemeyer, Chris Rasraussen of Avo-
ca and Henry Mugensen of Omaha.
I hey all enjoyed tne occasion very
Mrs. Joseph Parcell, while carry
ing a basket filled with cobs into the
house, slipped on the door step, and
falling, sustained some serious injur
ies, from which she was laid up for
a . l . i r 9 -
a. iiiiif. .ttLiiuuK iue oiuer uruises,
she sustained a fracture of her collar
bone which was very painful.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hahne, of New
Haven, Mo., were visiting for the past
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J
W. Kallmeyer and enjoyed the occa
sion very much. They were very fav
orably impressed with this country
and like the people for their socia
bility as well as the country for its
Somebody is going to have a nice
Christmas for there have been pur
chased for the occasion in Alvo two
radio receiving sets as well as a loud
speaker for one already installed and
those who are thinking of something
like this had better get busy for the
remaining days between now and
Christmas time are rapidly vanish
ing. R. M. Coatman was a visitor in
Omaha on both Thursday and Friday
of last week, taking live stock to the
market at South Omaha for the farm
ers in this neighborhood. Mr. Coat
man is doing an excellent business
in this line and with the careful at
tention which he gives to the busi
ness and witli the excellent service
which John Skinner his assistant, the
business is growing every week.
A son of Simon Brockhogge. a
young man, is having some trouble
at this time of an infection which
was caused by the picking of a pim
ple on his leg with a pin. The young
man has been very sick on account
of the blood poisoning following, but
with the careful attention of Dr.
Muir, is getting along nicely now.
He however is kept from his school,
where he is attending at Murdock.
Work at Industrial Art Exhibit Dis
plays Excellence of Training of
Plattsmouth Scholars.
Christmas at Coalman's
Just as well select gifts
which will be useful and
that will last as well as
Aluminum Ware
Electric Lamps
Electric Irons
Radio Sets
' Flashlights
Sewing Machines
all excellent gifts
. For the KIDDIES
Coaster Wagons Scooters Sleds Skates, Etc.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
ifgiCall us any time for your trucking.
, Holiday Greetings!
For the Christmas and New Year's dinner, we have the
best cuts of meat, oysters, oranges, apples, canned goods,
grape fruit, grapes and for the children nuts and candies.
Everything to satisfy the appetite and feed the family
and friends. See the holiday sensation at our store.
Onsfall a Radio
At Your Home as a Christmas Present
for the Entire Family
We can care for your needs promptly. What will
be to "listen in." Don't "deprive yourself of a radio.
We can also give your Auto Repair work
the best of Attention Now
Had an Enjoyable Visit
The ladies of the M. E. church of
Alvo held their bazaar and supper
last Friday evening and not alone i
did they give the community an ex-j
cellent time with an abundance of)
good things to eat, and an opportun-j
ity to purchase some excellent gifts
for the coming holiday season, but
they also advanced the amount of
credit side of their account which en
ables them to continue the good work
of the church and its auxiliaries.
The Surprise Party
The surprise party on Kenneth!
Kneedler last Wednesday night at
the Alvo confectionery was a great i
success and was so cleverly gotten up
that he was completely surprised andi
overjoyed. Most of the evening was'
spent in dancing. Refreshments were
served and every one had a merry
time. j
Kenneth says: "It certainly gives
one a new lease on life to find that
there are bo many of the kind heart
ed and generous folks still on earth
I surely appreciate all that these good
people are doing in their endeavor to
make up for me what I miss due to
the loss of my eye sight. It touches
me deeply and I actually believe that
I am even now more happy than
when I could see, because all of the
geaerous, big hearted people and the
true friends are sifted out and I do
not come in contact with those who
are narrow minded and selfish. It is
surprising to find so few knockers in
a community and I am greatly over
joyed to know that a very large per
centage of the Alvo people are of a
kindly nature and believe in having
good times and seeing others have
good times. I wish to thank all those
who took part in getting up the sur
prise party last Wednesday and want
them all to know that I enjoyed my
self immensely.
From Saturday's Daily
To those who attended the indus
trial art exhibit at the high school
building this week the work of the
young people In the grade schools
wrs a revelation to the visitor there
and showed strikingly the excellence
of the work of the youngsters and
their training that had developed
their skill in the school as well as in
the home training.
The art department of the -city
schools, of which Miss Marie Kauf
man is the supervisor, was in charge
of the exhibit and the various teach
ers in the grade schools had assisted
in the success of the occasion, one of
the most interesting that has been
held in the schools of the city. Miss
Frances Fields, supervisor of music,
had arranged the program which wrs
participated in by both the grade
and high school and which was a
most pleasing entertaining feature of
the exhibit and attended by hundreds
of the residents of the city to enjoy
it to the utmost.
From the kindergarten grades up
to the seventh and eighth grades
there were specimens of various kinds
of work, art novelties, toys, more
practical wood work by the grade
boys that embraced hat racks, stools,
stands and other pieces of wopd art
that they had prepared by their own
hands for the exhibit. The girls had
many very artistic pieces of needle
work prepared as well as the show
ing of the real young children in the
doll clothing and other smaller ar
ticles. It was certainly a fine showing
for the schools and one that made the
patrons feel proud of their children
and of the excellent school system
which has brought the Plattsmouth
schools up to rank with the best in
the state.
Many of the articles weer sold to
the visitors and t'ne scholars feel well
pleased with the wonderful success
of the exhibit both financially and
socially and as a means of showing a
little of what the pupils are capable
of doing.
The newest maps of Cass county,
compiled from the list of land own
ers of the county in April of ' this
year, are now on sale at the Journal
office and the Bates Book and Sta
tionery store and at the very low
figure of 50 cents each. These maps
are of large size and bear in them the'
location of each of the farms in Cass
county with the name of the 'owner,
the highways, schools and the dif
ferent towns of the county. They
arfe valuable to the traveler over the
county and as well as a matter of ref
erence to any person and should be
in every home so that a clear knowl
edg of the geography of the county
can be secured.
Pure bred Buff Orpington cocker
els, $1.50 and $2 each. Mrs. Ivan
DelesDernier, Murray, Nebraska.
d!7-lmo sw
St. Paul's Evangelical Church Scene
of Simple Service Helen Hild ,
Weds Edgar Meisinger.
From Saturday's Daily
The wedding of two of the popu
lar young people of this section of
Cass county occurred in this city on
Wednesday afternoon when Miss
Helen Hild and Mr. Edgar F. Mei
singer were quietly united in the
bonds of holy wedlock.
The ceremony was simple, the
service being held at the St. Paul's
Evangelical church, where the bride
has been one of the most faithful
workers since her childhood. The
Rev. H. Kottish, pastor of the church,
read the marriage lines which united
the hearts and lives of these two es
timable young people.
The bride wore a traveling suit of
dark blue and a picture hat to match,
while the groom wore the customary
dark suit. The bridal couple were
attended by Miss Minnie Hild, sister
of the bride, and Mr. Victor Meising
er, brother of the groom.
After a very pleasant dinner at
the home of the parents of the bride,
the two happy young people depart
ed for El Reno, Oklahoma, where
they will visit at the home of Albert
Pappe, grandfather of the bride and
with other relatives and friends for
a short time.
The bride is the eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hild, and
has been educated in the Plattsmouth
city schools and for the past few
years was the very efficient stenogra
pher in the office of Attorney A. L.
Tidd. Mrs. Meisinger has a host of
friends over the city who will learn
of her happiness with the greatert
of pleasure.
I The groom is a son of Mr. and
I Mrs. John P. Meisinger, and a mem
ber of one of the best known famil
'ies of the county, and is a young man
of the most sterling worth and held
in the highest esteem by those who
have had the pleasure of knowing
Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger on their
return from their honeymoon will
make their home on the farm of the
groom southwest of the city.
Santa Claus will be at the H. M.
Soennichsen company store in Mur
ray Friday afternoon, 2 to 6. All
kiddies invited to come and see him.
-Mrs. Julius Nielson was a passen
ger this morning for Omaha to look
after some matters of business.
Osteopathic Physician
Eyes Tested and Glasses
Union Block - Phone
From Thursday's Daily
In addition to the letters coming
in to Station W'OAW on the Platts
mout Junior Review radio program
'ast Friday night, a number are also
being received direct by Rapt. De
Wolf and others on the program. Mr.
DeWolf has received a letter from a
gentleman in Pennsylvania stating
he had just returned home from a
meeting of the school board in his
home town, of which he is a mem
ber, and sat down and tuned in the
Plattsmouth school program, which
was most pleasing, coming just after
he had concluded solving some of the
knotty problems that confront all
school boards. Among the letters re
layed to us from Omaha so far are a J
number from Canadian listeners and
a good many from the east. When it
is considered that not one out of 25
-r perhaps 50 listeners takes the time
-ny more to drop a line acknowledg
ing receipt of programs like the ma
jority used to do in the earlier days
of radio, the number of letters and
postal cards coming in on this pro
gram is very pleasing and attests the
fact that it was heard by thousands
of people all over the country.
The letters are all being turned
over to the artists for the perusal
and will be posted on a bulletin
board at the school building.
From Saturday's Daily
The Jury in the case wherein C.
Lawrence Stull was contesting with
the county board of Cass county the
matter of the construction of the
highway acros9 his farm north of
this city, last evening returned ver
dict in favor of the defendant coun
ty and which gave Mr. Stull $1,018.-
06 as damages for the construction
of the highway. This sum is slight
ly less than the amount set by the
appraisers who had looked the land
over a few months ago and set their
estimate of the damages which the
county should pay. The interests of
the county were represented by Coun
ty Attorney A. G. Cole.
When You are Constipated
To insure a healthy action of the
bowels and correct disorders of the
liver, take two of Chamberlain's Tab
lets immediately after supper. They
will cot only cause a gentle move
ment of the bowels, without unpleas
ant effects, but banish that dull, stup
id feeling that often accompanies con
b mmm waiaa mm m
Hemstitching and
Ficot Edging
N. 4th St, Plattsmouth
tt imrk) twrm ilm
Your &k to Mother
and Owe Gilftt to You
Lighten the burden of the one you love the best. Make her hardest hours (in the kitchen) happier hours.
Make it easier for her to cook deliciously for you, and at the same time more economically. Make her work
room as efficient and as pleasant as you would wish your own office or workshop to be. Make her proud of
the things with which she cooks cooks for you. Make her Christmas merry and brighten her New Year with
the most thoughtful gift you could give her the Great Majestic Range.
Bore is Our Christmas Gift
absolutely free to you
. ,: u
r "Oil U It m
As every Mother knows, the
Great Majestic is the standard
of all ranges, produced of the
very best materials by the most
efficient modern methods of de
sign and manufacture.
More beautiful, easier to cook
with, gives far superior results,
much more economical in the
long run, famous all over the
land because it is in every way
the BEST range in the world,
utterly beyond comparison with
any other ever made.
. - Here is
the Coupon.
Clip it
The original cost of a Majestic Range is more than any other
range in the world. Mother knows it would be impossible to
produce such a wonderful range at the price of ordinary
ranges. And she knows too that it will save its original cost
many times over in the months and years to come.
The Great.Majestic is the only range that Mother will be proud
to own and truly happy to use.
But be certain to get our gift tooT-the beautiful de luxe set of
Majestic Copper Ware. Have the Christmas Certificate with
you when you come. To make sure, clip it now. .
This beautiful four-piece de luxe set of Majestic Copper
Ware. We hereby offer it during the week of
December 17 to 22, 1923
to each and every person who during that time clips the
Christmas certificate below and uses it as stated thereon.
Thus we add pur gift to yours.. This unusual offer has
been made possible by special arrangement with the Ma
jestic manufacturers. Read th Certificate below, clip it
at once and" bring it immediately to our store.
fiWs(fatc signed by puraser 'ard dealcehles bear-
U fMmi r to one -set of Majestic' De Luxe Copper! Ware worth MMui
MNE OFPUaCHASEB ; ; " - if borer dmiaf the week of December 17-22. 1921. h$'''S-JI
I Vc'-?S. mooto tr 'Z prrfttitt it. at time ol pare has irfe a Crrat Majestic Ranee. f'j : ,J ?i
fy l CAL" to the authorized dealer that puriitbed this aJrertiaemciit. jkZjt
SRA 1 cbcW p
Mini felifr
Plumbing Wiring
Tin Work
A. DINGES, Prop.
... .:. -:- NEBRASKA
4 n n - i A 4 k