The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 06, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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P1GX mi
har tvt th ettdil, At th bU iA
Muxraj the. prpgrajn w listen.!, to!
by a large crowd nd due to the)
eourtesy of A. D. Baake and Curley'
Reeves, the arrangements were bo
perfect that everyone could hear dis
tinctly. It takes " careful manipula-j
tion to bring the radio program thru
a loud-speaker with such volume as)
they ebtaiaed and everyone was very .
grateful to them for. their efforts. 1
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding: Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
It any at Ut readers of Lb
Journal knor ot uxr ao&l
event or Item of interact la
Uua riclruw. and will mall
aae 10 tola ofllce. It will b
peax under tbla betd!. Wa
waAt all aewalMai
Saturday, Dacambor I5fh. at Murray
Lets of us will be poor until we
are thirty then we'll be used
to it.
If you are in need of aprons we
will be glad to sell them to you on
December Sth. Presbyterian church.
James W. Chilton of North Platte
was looking: after some business mat
ters in Murray during the first of
this week.
! Uncle B. A. Root was a visitor in
! Lincoln last Sunday where he was a
guest at the home of his sister for
: the week end.
Fred Engelkemeier is having a
j barn built on his home west of Mur
, ray and has been hauling the lum
ber from Murray.
Come and enjoy a good roast chick
en dinner at the bazaar December
Sth. Price. 50 cents.
Morton IJartlett was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon,
he and Mrs. Bartlett trying out the
new car and finding it fine
Roast chicken dinner, 50c; supper, J Herman C. Ross of near Union was
35c. At the Bazaar Saturday. j a visitor in Murray last Tuesday af-
Mike Rys was spending last Sun- ternoon.
day at Plattsmouth where he was aj James Tigner has a very sick cow
guest at his home. (which received immediate treatment
Joseph Green and A. D. Baake were and soon recovered,
looking after some business matters Glen Vallery has a very sick horse
I u l iiiua last, .uuiiuaj oncmwu. w mill ail IS U1UK uuuo lur 11a i . , - u .. l, I .v iv.
o ,.,.n v, p,c),v. : ..? v, -ed some dozen of the machines which
OUICl niii Ota itu IU Vt'I y yuo&lUlO u Ul ill lie UVCO till.
terian cnurch December Sth,
mencing at
Ships Collanders 1
Growing out of the advertising
which was given the Wilson Rotary
Collander at the state fair last fall, '
a letter was received from Mrs. Anna
Blenning, of San Diego, Calif., by the
secretary of the company, W. H.
Pis, who immediately shipped the
instrument. They have just receiv-,
s -
O" -
i VArk all VkAn arl KafnrA vonai rctl
com-. entertained of saving the animaL J,.. , , ,.,. .i , ,A i
Alba Ingwerson. of near Nehaw- a considerable corn stalk disease and j
ka was looklne after some business tnat some nas prueu serious ecu i , . ... ...?-
ana i, ...
tie treatment. The matter he says
W. Edmunds has been ln"l tue lULill oie iuubo nuiva
matters in Murray last Tuesday ai- otners nave goiien over n wiin a, in
feeling quite poorly for the past few are allowed to run too long without
days but is showing some improve- ( treatment.
merit of late. .
A. g. Long dressed a beef last ! Undergoes Operation Tuesday
week which was distributed among Melvin Todd of Lnion. son of L. G
those who were fortunate enough Todd, has been having trouble with
ins loasus ami vtoa ittuca iu umaua
1 '
hurray tnunm iihtcq
4. iiiuiuini uuiiuui. iiuilu
5' 5"",5S" 1
Arnold Mast who has been suffer
, , . , 1 injr for a number of days from the to get some of it
ny does tne nome team piay ZTip was able to be be in town ast 1 jirs. George E. Nickies was a visi-
Lpitp r :r- r,WT, ctamninp Tuesday afternoon and is feeling tor in Omaha last Tuesday and Wed-
better on Its own Stamping tier. Inesday. a guest at the home of her
ground? Because it has the w. L. Seyboldt and W. G. Coe- jsisttr, Mrs. Robert Shradrr.
i deker were looKin atter some busi- Ilanry C. Lon.? is naviag a new
' iipss matters in the county seat last door placed to his cellar which will
Monday they driving up in the auto make the entry more convenient. Mr.
of Mr. Seyboldt. J- A. Scotten and Fred A. Hild are)
Roy Cole who was injured in the doing the work. I
nr as Hrivins" tearing the led with boils for the past month.
i muscles from his leg, is again so he
icsn be at work.
l - 1 ,i Edwin Shumaker was in Murray i
ivi ury wmcu 1.1 n ci j. TuesJcy and rep0rt3 he has com
crowd with iff
Your home bank can be much
rrore useful to the community
if it feels it has the home peo
ple with it.
by his father and Dr. G. II. Gilmore
where he underwent an operation
for their removal and underwent the
operation very nicely and is getting
along very well. It is hoped that he
may be able to return to his home
and be again at his studies in school.
Have Pine Time at Social
The social and box supper whic-
Our clock is still at the clock hos
pital. !
I Those of the High school room
1 who were neither absent or tardy
last month are Inez Hoschar, Lcraine
Hatchett, Lois Scotten. Charles Bur
rows, Lester Long and Merle Mc
Cormick. j
The pupils of the Murray schools'
enjoyed their two days' vacation and
returned to school Monday morning
all ready to begin work again. f
The box social held at the Peter-!
son hall last Wednesday evening
J :V
lb '
CETi do Murray no good. Keep pleted the picking of his corn which
. went ail tne way irom zo to tv
it at home patronize your bushels per acre.
home institution make it use
ful In Every Way.
1 W. II. Puis has been sick at his
, home in Murray for the past few
i d:ivs and was able to be down to
' tewn on Tuesday
particular "home town feeling the best as
and who picked all his corn while in
I that condition ii still having a num
ber on his wrist.
Orville Todu and Miss Margaret
Spongier took Delbert Todd back to
Lincoln lat Sunday evening after he
had completed his visit at home fol
lowing Thankcgiving.
Mrs. J. F. Brendel received a mes
sage telling of the very severe illness
the Murray schools pui on last week 'proved to be a big success for
wen well attended and most thoroly j Murray school. The proceeds total
enjoyed by those who attended the;ed over $132. of which about $120
affair. The members of the high u-as clear. No box with the extep
school put on a playlet while the tion of the children's, sold for less
grade scholars put on flag drills and
sang patriotic songs.
1 1 . "I! I U J . U l-uuwig xiaims a
UdlitV Will UC IOU IVJ Ul
Eapid Rise as an Actor
Milton Sills was born :n Chicago
Chicago- In college he was promi-
than $1. We are very grateful to,
the public for their fine patronage. j
Blanche Scotten won the cake for
the most popular girl at the box so-,
cial last Wednesday evening, having
1.295 votes. Her next highest com-
' r, .r
; . ' " '. ' '- v.
-a. " -v.-
to you.
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
"There is no substitute for
You wi'.l find the bazaar a good
place to buy gifts.
Murray radio fan3 wiil "listen in"
Plattsmouth were visiting in Omaha
last Tuesday called there on account
nf thp illness of a little nephew of
' V- Hallas who is at a hospital in
C. M. Reed has been kept very
, busv since the completion of the
afternoon but not of her mothfir. Mrs. Thomas Jamison. in 1 t hmIb n ml nrMvpd bo The Hih school pupils realized
afternoon but not LincolQ last Tue(lay. and depart. ent In theatricals and a'"ed the meaning of "Quick change." when
, ..v, . for her bedside on the first train. 5 K? S ther learned that the play which they
and,1S ?otJIr f WhJ.o P. w. Xol.inir and wife are an i i?1" ' were preparing for the box social.!
While F. W. polling and wife are
visiting nith relatives in Kouth Da
Mrs. Everett Spang-
ler are looking after the affairs at
the Nolting homestead near Platts
mouth. We hope you will come to the ba-
. . , , . I . ,1 ll 1 ,1 l . T . .k.l V . V 1 . " .-.
'gathering ot 1113 corn anu is sneuius, ber gth It opcn immediately
having shelled for himseU. Robert after dinner. ue ther0 to make your
'Burr. Homer Campbell and John elections Df the choicest gifts to be
Robbina. ; sold.
E. W. Milburn has been spelling Charlse Barrows was looking after
; and delivering a fine line of yellow the business of the hardware store
5 corn to the Farmers' elevator com- during the absence of Mr. Peterson
pany which he is getting off while who accompanied his wife to Omaha
the prices are good and the oppor- when she underwent the operation
tunities for marketing the grain is for appendicitis.
favorable. (I). C. LaRue of Union represent-
The Presbyterian annual bazaar jnr xhc Modern Woodmen of Anier
-Prnt this weitl will be held at the church Saturday. ; ioa was.a vllsto. in Murray on Tues-
much interest.
December 8th. Evervbody invitea.
AtViiiT- finlliran livintr SOUth Of
Luac and Lawrence Atldlsman. of Piatt5mouta has commenced the con
Springfield. Nefcr.. were visitors at struetion of a new barn on his home
the home of L. C. Hoschar last Wed- 1&(.e and hauiing the lumber
nesday evening. from the yards of Banning & Nickels
Miss Ida Wilkens. the county home at Murray and is rushing the matter
agent, will meet with the ladies of aiong rapidly being furnished excel-
the Lewiston society for an all day lent lumber by Mr. Geo. E. Nickels,
meeting Thursday, December 13th. The funeral of the late S. L. Fur- i
The problem they will take up will ong- was ite( last Monday afternoon
be the discussion of silk and wool at "the First Presbyterian church,
materials. tke services being conducted by the
Mrs. L. Hoschar and children Rev. W. F. Ore ham and the inter
were visiting at the home of Mrs. ment being made in the Young cem
Hcschar's ccn. W. E. Hoschar. of etery. Uncle Furlong has lived at
Gretn3, on Thanksgiving day and the old home near Rock Bluffs for a
the day following. There -were 26 long time and has enjoyed the hon
present at the Thanksgiving dinner, or and respect of a host of friends
including relatives and friends. vho will revere his memory.
day of this week looking toward3
the installation of a class of Wood
men in the near future.
Uncle C. N. Barrows and wife,
who have been staying for some time
at the-soldiers
Mil ford, have leturned to Murray
and are occupying their home here
and will make the winter here.
Everett Spangler who is a radio
Z; i rr 'oo . iJ h'had been given a short time before in ;
rapid and it was not long before nc . ,, .
i ; . J; tr , i a neighboring district and so were
v. as nlaying important iart3 in ie-i . . it t
;,', i t -tor compelled to prepare another one on'
gitimate road show campanies. Later , , 1 , . ,' i
vp? rs was loading man in Belaseo.
panies. The screen calling him. he 21?:: V?nm .adTance- Pf
ioinod the Universal, later playing hrntr Hoschar Tv'isi'ting at the
loading mips an a fre lance in other ,nez Hoscnar was visiting ai me
IVZZJ VJ noe of her brother at Gretna. Ne
com panies pictures, Among his re-,. ,o . . K,0 .OT. anA
iu -' v ,
Loa Davis did some excellent work
during, the vacation. She worked j
cent successes were
'Firming Sands." "The Woman that
Walked Alone." "Isle of Dead Ships"
and "The Spoilers.," . In his latest
vehicle, "Legally Dead." to be shown
cit the Peterson hall Saturday, Dec.
15th. he is said to have done some
of the strongest work of his career.
Ireta Henry and
were absent from
..Eeard from , Coast-to, Coast
Ruth Bourne
Charles Howard
'school Monday.
Lauren Todd, one of the high school
students, has left school to assist with
the picking of corn.
Helen Dietl returned to school on
Monday after being absent several
weeks! - ; r "
Alice McCormick
Salvation Army girl, who sang for a year on Broadway in
a "Musical Skit."
in Iliac XJmva.m J . . At a 'y.lB m wb
Hundreds of phone calls, telegrams " w me muc i.ju p. iu.
and letters have been received i"ra onia are ixiene ueies uernier.i
their i ivuia uiauaiu, xvatucr-;
iue: ijunK. warparei ivirapeK. iviargar- n was me doctor s inning,
"Legally Dead"
The Biggest Bill Ever in Murray!
Admission 15 and 3Cc
gratulating Murray, artists on
program broadcast from Radio Sta
and bis vacation at the home of her parents
u,ulul'"' " I. Plo T-l,.l T j i : v. ; -1. 1 I T 1,1 vk..,k.
and sailors' home atition WOAW in Omaha last veek. .7"" "f J epoB D, " " 4t...
f; Few Suggestions for
42-plec2 "white and gold English dinner set $16.75
42-piece Marcella pattern English dinner set. . . . 14.75
42-pIece American white and gold decorated set. 9.75
23-p:ece Pium Blossom tea set 8.95
Our Toys and Balls are Here!
Do your Christmas shopping while our stock is complete.
Everything to please the hearts of the kiddies.
Ladies wool hose, brown and black $1 to $1.50
Ladies silk and wool hose, black, brown and
heather mixed. Per pair $2.50
Ladies fibre and pure silk hose, fast colors of
black and brown 95c, $1.50 to $2.75
Women's black and tan leather American Beauty,
Copenhagen and sand color felt lined slippers,
chrome cushion soles. Sizes 3 to 7 $2.50
Women's and Misses brush wool gloves, extra
length gauntlets 85c to $1.50
Men's pure thread silk hose, brown and black 75c
Men's fibre silk hose, brown, black and navy. . 50c
Men's mercerized hose, brovn, black and navy. . . .35c
Highest Price Paid for Your Produce!
enthusiast has just installed three
new rcdios. they being for Mrs. My
ra McDonald. John Hobscheidt and
Mrs. Peter Perry. They are all well
pleasred with the new acquisitions."
Liifian LaRue the Finger was ask
ed to sing at a box social given at
Avoc-a and went over and gave them
a number of his bt-st which are sure
j ly good, raptivatinsr the entire crowd
jand has been asked to come and sing
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Deles Dernier
took Misses Helen Todd and Ina Deles
Dernier to Lincoln where they took
them to their schools. Helen teach
ing at Geneva while Miss Ina Deles
Df-rnier is teaching in the schools of
Iniring the Thanksgiving holiday
J. D. Lewis and son. Wayne, went to
Macon, Mo., where they visited for a
few days, returning on last Saturday
evening. While there they visited
at the old time home of Mr. Lewis.
Sr., making the trip in the auto of
Wayne Lewis.
Mrs. L. C. Hoschar and children
were spending last week for a few
days and enjoyed the Thanksgiving
day at the home of a son. W. E.
Hoschar who Is farming near Gret
na. The children to accompany Mrs.
Hoschar were Gladys, James. Irene.
Margaret, Thomas and Nora, they
sure enjoying the visit.
Frank Mrasek, who is a veteran
trucker, made a visit to Omaha last
Tuesday with cattle, sheep and hogs
composing his load going and brot
bavk merchandise on his return. He
tells of a large amount of shipping
of stock being done by truck now
and thinks probably one-half of the"
stuff received comes that way.
D. J. Pitman of the elevator com
pany reports a very good delivery of
corn during the past week. Among
those who delivered corn to the ele
vator were: Homer Campbell. W. L.
Seyboldt. O. T. Leyda and Will Cook.
In many instances the deliveries
T nttnra V. r, onnia frrr,l cnoot tn nt " " """"""i fuacoi lUiUltr UI1U UtULlB lO 111C.
and from Canada to Mexico. Uncle i . tv " I ' fee mriuing urama 01 ine nnuy iuuiiu
t k The attendance m the Primary defeat of death in "Legally Dead," strayed away.
his horsee which had
among listeners, while some of thu
hundred per cent.
almost one the Universal picture to be shown at! A number of Fairview residents
.1 : . n . v.rv Dnlnk T."" nn
nedy'a piano selections and Will Lind-;pjJ, 5.,75 f aP"
Twenty-one of the the Peterson hall Saturday evening, were in attendance at the Oxford
December 15th. by the Murray Com- box social and report a fine program
I TKa twitWIc a I. A f . 1 . . V. 1 . .: .-. 1. 1. . .1 J . 1 n v. n 1 1
ner s cornel, soio as Deing tne serous ,.an,- v, , m v. ' u-.-n o 1 u v. ...
ii..,, Ttrart from a few of' ' auoui. ui wiuj aiivc .utuui iliic . i isjcis, ui maua. niu oiicunciiu uu ut suiitriiiis
letters received: ;
inthrop, N. - ou sure hac- ... An . '
th Hht Rnirit. Mav God bless vou iuu rueuncB, in. -
for broadcasting it. Your ' J?
is splendid and sonie one give the Thos Beither aDsent or tard :
Murray "promoter a good hand-' . PriTT,orv. " .1.15 8
shake for me. Urn sure Murray is !" " .l"s ViT-'""" T .
fn h,trh T iVriP rf"ht nn throw in Lon chard Brendel, Mary Mrasek.
hfh0 ieanriShini?P: t,I S James Greene. Rosemary Friedrich
the auto bed and find a place to Rm.-.--- t?-,q uL '
camp in Murray. .In Rirht.r r.,.
Yonkers. N.Y.-Have just enjoyed be V-V rrrr.;;
your wonderrui entertainment es- dj ' ,,1. '
IrS1?; CoVeVtr hone. John" PoInSr!
4 ttu,c.,:'"u." k u- UUV .l Sheila Covert. Donald Mrasek and
way I will bring my bathing smt and pjora Jane Boedeker
enjoy a swim. Enjoyed the poem, and ;
ine mixeu quartet, w as nne. cuure iirnriCt I mriTlinr iirivit
program distinctly heard on a loud.HfcHfc'X A HIi UHh lYITH
from blood poison remains about the
For Sale
Yearling Hampshire boar. E. W.
Bintner, Murray. 22-3T
i Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrdanz and
family spent Thanksgiving at thel
home of Mrs. Rohrdanz' sister in Pa
pillion. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mayfield and
family spent the week end in Oma
ha at the home of Mrs. Mavfield's
parents, having gone up for Thanks-
hear you again soon
Boston. Mass. This is to notify
you that we enjoyed your concert
last night very much. I was particu- j
iany entertained Dy i ncie bam iatia Will Campbell- . Milton Sills
ln, h!5-80. "Ca"y,Me Bck ' 012 MlDni 0'Reilly:::::::6rL?re Idams
ii6.ini. v...iw oviruu.u Airs, camnbell Marnrit ram
- : giving. 'A
TUDIIIO lIDnil TUDIIIC Miss Lucille Horn spent Thanks-j-.-innlLLO
UlUM I linlLLo ffivinff vacation at the home of her ..J-
i parents. P. A. Horn's. 'A
- . I Miss Vestana Brady teacher of the
X i PairriAw cchnnl cnont Thinlmirl.;..
Sewing Machines Re
paired by
Phone 126-J
Satisfaction Guaranteed
II. W. A. Bldg., Plattsmouth
and piano s-olos clear as
a T ! 1 - o FiriTi" T. ,1 : r.
j - tiu in oiurgis
(Jake's Sweetie Fave O'Xeill
x TT7 . . (Malcolm Steel Chas. A. Stevenson
Goes to Hospital for Operation i District Attorney Joseph Girard
Mrs. E. L. Peterson, who ha3 been The Anarchist Albert Prisco
troubled for some time with appen- The Judge Herbert Fortier
dicitis. accompanied by Mr. Peterson The Governor Charles Wellslev
and Dr. J. F. Brendel. her family .Detective Powell Robert itnmn
physician, went to the Lord Lister Dr. Jay Gelzer Brandon Hurst
no3pitai in umana, where on lues-
day she underwent an operation for
relief. Following tne operation and
recovery from same she was doing
nicely and it is hopad she may have
a rapid and permanent recovery.
. M . Soennichsen & Co.
Telephone No. 12 Murray, Nebraska
were made because they did not have
crib room and did not care to build
more at this time preferring to take
the change in money.
Hurray, Hebrasha
at Peterson's Hall,
Saturday, Dec. 8tb
AJ . . j25c
Admission g'gc
Lancaster & Churchill -
The Story
In the tiny courtyard of the prison
a group of men moved nervously,
each trying to look casual. It was
a few minutes before six a. m.. the
hour of ttpraliiMia
Ladies Were Well Pleased in a gray cell a' man sat wit hi
me laaies 01 tne cnristian cnurcn neaa on his hands. He raised his
were very well pleased over the ex-, head and looked into eternitv In
cellent patronage which was given a few minutes he would be dead.
tnem at tneir inanksgiving dinner Ana he was innocent,
and supper, which event has been an In a Bide room of the warden's
annual feature with these ladies for office a doctor and a hysterical girl
a good number of years, but never came to an agreement with the war
have they met with more whole-: den. If the governor phoned a stay
hearted support than this year. They of execution, but did it too late, the
have received many nice comDliments doctor could have the body of the
over their cooking and serving, but. victim. What a 6trange agreement,
not beyond what their efforts werej And in, an impressive library room
deserving of. as they surelv served in the governor's home a visitor sat
two excellent meals. The ladies very .with him at this earlv hour. Th
kindly took a dinner to Mr. and governor was cool, calm. He consist
Mrs. D. J, Pittman, who desired toiently shook his head neeativelv. Th
patronize the 6upper, but on account ; visitor wag a small-town banker who.
of the poor health of Mrs. Pittmanjknew the man. who was to be hang
could not go to the church. Both Jed and he swore the man was in-'
Mr. and Mrs. Pittman were wellinocent. In the midst of their f
The World is Mine!"
These were the words of Monte Cristo when he
escaped from the sea and you can exclaim the same if
you have, one of the Kellogg and Westinghouse radio
receiving sets which we sell. You can get anywhere
with them except Mars and the other planets. Drop in
to the Murray garage and hear them.
Remember, we are prepared for your winter needs
in the auto line. New radiators, batteries and tires. Our
tires are going at special prices.
Alcohol for your radiators. Our expert workmen
are at your service. Remember, we welcome your tough
jobs as well as the others.
The Murray Garage
A. D. Bakke, Manager Murray, Nebraska
pleased with the meal and the serv
ice as well.
versation the visitor called another.
a girl,, m frocn the waiting room. I
She was crying. What she told the!
governor was that her "sweetie" did j
ine murqer tor wjucn another man
Show and Program 4 Success
Murray is indeed to bu congratu
lated on the unbounded success of.was to hang
the Community radio program last "The prison warden's phone rang,
week, which was heard all over the and as he listened hlB face paled at
United States. Bach number was "ords or the governor,
excellent and all were entitled to a" Too late!"" cried the warden, but
A miM (yttera of treatnent that cures PUea. FWuIa and
I -t itiai Lueaar is a sbprt tim without a aevcra aur-
' a" 1 gical operation, rut Uiioroioun. lather o olhar aeneiaJ aa
ammecic Died cure ruarantccd in ercry eca accepted lor treatment, and no nunc to kc paid
QIUU eared. Writs for free boalc am Rm1 Diou.. wWn IMnnr,,.t. i J. (
prsmaeiu psopie who Have been permanently cared.
l--' rT TrtMt glcK;. . On a' a. Nebr.