The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 06, 1923, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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f 1
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal,
Thrills and comedy from beginning
to end. If it hurts you to laugh,
don't come. Also a 2 reel Century
comedy "Sunny Gym." featuring
Brownie the wonder dog.
Coming Saturday night, Dec. 15,
Mary Pickford in "Daddy Longlegs."
AW li. Banning was looking after
some business matters in Lr.coln for
a Tortion of this week.
Frank Eaton shelled and delivered
a carload of corn to the Farmers'
Elevator one day this week.
Dr. W. F. Race was looking after
some ' business matters in Nebraska
City last Monday afternoon.
Miss Rachel Kendall of northeast
cf L'nio wans visiting with her
friend. Miss Mary Roddy last Mon
day afternoon and evening.
A. L. Thacker and family who
movod to Ogalalla last spring have
moved to Denver where he is em
ployed and where they are making
their home.
We found a very nice glove on the
streets of Union during our last trip
there which we left at the postoffice
and the one who lost it may have the
Fame by going after it.
E. S. Cadwell of Promise City. Ia..
ir visiting1 here with his mother,
Mrs. Camp better 'known as Grand
mother Camp and with his brother,
E, A. Cadwell and sister. Mrs. R. M.
County Commissioner C. F. Har
ris was a business visitor in Plaits
mouth last Tuesday where ho was
Geo. Stites south of Union shelled
and delivered to the Farmers' eleva
tor at Union two cars of corn last
Emery Bauer and family of South
Omaha were visiting last Sunday at
the home of Frank Bauer of Union
and all enjoyed the occasion very
Miss N'ellie ThomDson and S. A
W. II Porter and wife have moved j
to Omaha where htey will make their
home for the present. Mr. Porter
From Tuesday's Oaily
has a position in a wholesale hard-. Hon. w. II. Newell
of this city
After An Illness cf Several Months
From Heart Trouble Passes
Away Last Night.
Stover were attending the snow ana mayer. i-ropsi ior over Auau.oSiv0
visitinjr with friends last Sunday returned home last Friday to find
ware house In Omaha which he is yesterday observed the passing of his From Monday's Daily
liking very much and tney win mane
their home there.
Mrs. A. V. Propst with the child
ren who have been visiting at Ral
ston at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
eighty-sixth birthday at his home After an illness that has kept her
in thi3 city and is receiving the con- bedfast for the greater part of the
gratulatious of tho many friends ou ticue for several mouths past, Mrs. J.
bavins reached this ripe old ags. .Mr. II. Tarns passed away last evening
Newell has not been in the best of at 10 o'clock at the family home on
health for some few days and was West Granite street, her death com-
compelled to spend his birthday in ing as a very great shock to the rel-
evening at Nebraska City. While the husband ana ratner preny hk u,e nonu, altho he is able to be up atives" and friends who have during
there they also visited with Claude but are giving nici tne uesi oi ire- and around and keep ia close touch the long weeks been hoping that
with the affairs of the world.
natnr -in.! wifA ' Joseph Green ana a. u. uanKe me
J. M. Patterson and family were former the agent of the Standard
visiting with friends rn Omaha last Oil company of Murray and the lut
Sunday making the trip In their auto ter the owner of the garage busi
and enjoying the ride as well as ncss in that town, were looking af
the visit with their friends. ter some business matters in Union
Honrr 11 who has been on last Monday afternoon.
picking corn at Central City, return- C. W. Clark who has been at Kan- '
.ri hnme last Saturday and reports sas City for some time past where
that corn that vicinity is making he has been taking treatments ior . t,,t ,t mniHltl'lt
his health, returned home the first
rnmi vipld.o and that thev were near
ly through with their picking. of the week feeling much improved
M. Lynde was with the wife very ana is in oeiter conauion 10 iuok ai
Laying Hers Need Animal Feeds
much pleased with the family one son ter the business of the hotel than (hm uurjns the winter months the liage. They located at Denison. Ia
their loved one might gain strength
and be able to withstand the attacks
J!!. T...t or heart trouble with which she has
Lien affected.
Wilhelmina Hauhussen was born
in scnieswig - Hoistein, Germany,
July 25, 1854, and grew to woman
hood in that locality and was mar
ried in 1882 to Mr. J. II. Tarns. The
newly wedded couple decided that
j they would start their life in the
new world and accordingly came to
America the same year as their mar-
from Kansas City and one from Tex- when he went away.
as besides the relatives here who Miss Fannie McCarroll and Mrs.
made a most enjoyable gathering at Louis Mougey and Iola Mougey went
the Lynde home on Thanksgiving. to Lincoln last week where they
Daniel Revnolds has been having met ana orougtu nome .Misses Alice
Hock owner or attendant must repro- where they resided for a period of
duce as nearly as possible those con- .seven years and then came to Cass
ditions which exist at the season of . county, Nebraska, where they have
heavy egg production, says the Uni- made their home for the past yearc,
versity of Nebraska Agricultural Col- and have been among the best known
lfo Pniiltrvmnn Ttor-n us nf tho rpsifients nf the county. For a num-
legs which became infected from a attending the state university and ;;bUndance of bug3 and worms ducr ber of years Mr. and Mrs. Tama
a very serious time with one of his Todd. Naomi Mougey who have been
rtit of the county's business.
Ro-. W. A. Taylor and wife. Mr.
i r t t t : .i . .i nr
Lynn were all shopping an I vi.siting . showing some improve-
with friends in Nebraska City last J stin very 5sore.
Monday afternoon driving oyer to . Me8grs Ciarence Willis and John
the b.g city of Otoe county in the ( Hint(m were visltinK last Monday
car or icev. lajior. arternoon at Murray and Plattsmouth
Messrs. and Mesdames Henry Bornat the former place Mr. Ilinton went
of Plattsmouth and Geo. Snell ofltfl f.nnsit hi family nhvsician. Dr.
scratch but which caused some very who enjoyed the Thanksgiving holi- ins the spring months and the entire were in charge of the county farm
nerious complications before it was day returning to their studies on ai,sence 0f them now it is absolutely west of this city and were most ef-
a4 IMIarke
Everything in the Meat Lrne, Fresh Oysters,
C?!-ry and Pickles!
We Save You Money on
She Cash Basis!
Free Delivery Service!
(Morning and Afternoon)
We want good hogs and good young beeves
in limited numbers.
Phone 95
South 6th Street
Monday afternoon of this week
While here they enjoyed the visit
very much at home and with their
necessary that some substitute for ficient in caring for the best mter
thein be provided. Such substitutes ests of the county and their charges
sre known in poultry feedine as ani- there.
Missouri avenue, the wheels of the
tar cautrhf in the street car track
-and the car very badly wrecked as
'mal feeds and include meat scraps,' Since quitting the charge of the .L"t , f! T i nth m,
rrr j T . . , , .tankage, ground bone, etc. This dry farm, Mr. and Mrs. Tarns have made " "i"e" ' " when help
Won and Lest at Murdock ,liash mixture should contain 15 to their home in this city where they "jurefl so severely .'""""J'
Omaha and their families were
spending last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mr. L. G. Todd making the
trip down In their autos and enjoyed
the occasion 'with their host and
hoste-s most pleasantly.
G. II. Gilmore regarding an infec-
DB. Yi1. F. RfiOE
Genera! Praciioner
Calls Answered Day or Night!
Special attention given to acute
and chronic diseases.
My Dog is Gore
Lest a bob-tailed Airedale
Answers to name of '"Ruff."
I. R. Upton. Union.
me sins aim uujs leams ui me -y per cent meat scrap or nign grade uenueu 10 spenu ineir aecnmng ", j Mm,in.ii cn fnrupveral
Union high school basketball de- tankage. If skimmed milk or butter- years but poor health has marred nscious and remained so for several
partmcnt went to Murdock last Fri- milk is available the norcenta-e of the pleasantness of their last years n aI Inf , J ri,
tion of one of his legs and at Tlatts- day evening folowing Thanksgiving rlher animal feeds may be decreased here. , - ( nf L 1 Z and he am'-
mouth they were looking after some day and there battled with the Mur- "somewhat. ! To mourn the loss of this good ?"ried OI ine ".'."l tHo
... . U W IV 1 1 1 1 .3 1,11.11 O I V I. . .1 Ull I Ml. I ' ' KrtlTff' CUM 1.11'!" I 'in h 11, lr i 11 lllilUll IIIIIC IClliUiiJO 1 iiU dRCU HUd
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Eaton took their of the Union boys while the girls of q-,,e ine o tn"9 home ecoibaud and four children. Mrs. Fred
Rezner of Omaha, Mrs.
II. II. Kar-
! Tarns of Omaha.
The funeral services will be held
. mm m W . . 1 1. .1 1 a ..1.
uaugnter, eima. wno nas Deen mat- iiuraoiK mgu schooj wtre iuu mucu ,,,.. ,i-,r-t,.yt ,.r r.r,nv,A,i
ing her home in Plattsmouth last of players for the lassies ot Union. "?" 1inv tr.ioi .. hr-.t i,,n,.h ni..n stens of Breda, Iowa, and John
week to the hospital at Rochester the results being as follows: Girls. ; ., re doing e.omo fine work They are i
Minn., where she Is having an op- Murdock, 40 Union Girls, 10. I'n-;' 'i...t "j.-j. ",' n i
eration and treatmefn for a growth ion boys 26 Murdock boys 9. . i;0vs and rir!s. Tuesday November :n We(lnesaay afternoon at 1:30
in her nose. Mrs. Eaton remained) !?" til;,ri' tu j ', i fro-n the home and at 2 o'clock from
wun iier uaugnier ai me nospnai WU1 mi On a bilOW ,ay the girls served 40
wniie Mr. h.aton returneu to iook Tht oririoc nf tho I'ninn sihnnis a,,.., t i.-.,
after his work here. . . , wui on December 19 put on a oper- ! f this club, has 'had two years train- ; the lonff 'ears lhat &he na ma(,e her
n. li. Lrnde who hass lived many etta which will be known as Christ- in" in r-lnh wrtrlt in flu rcrcacn nnh
years in Union with hisfamily where mas with the old lady who lived in schools. The girls and instructor'
accident and Mr. Marsh taken to the
St. Joseph hospital but unknown to
the members of the family here and
it required some time before they
could locate him. The car was brot
back to Plattsmouth and is about as
near a complete wreck as possible.
. v. i . . l T.i 1 : . 1 . 1. i . a
u"j a aim - .v. nr. . i c
lfader ' 1 i mo wan a uiciiiueis iui i
' home here.
goods loaded and will go forward at J play and all may look for an excel-
once, but someoDt will have to drive
the car tho by hand.
r, Thomas P. Cogan
622 World-Herald Building
Omaha, Nebraska -
I will be in Dr. Race s office, Union, Nebraska, on
and every two weeks thereafter .
prepared to give you the highest grade Dental Work,
including Extractions, Fillings and the best of Plates at
very reasonable prices. Your patronage is solicited.
lent evening on that date.
Enjoyed Thanksgiving: '
The Rev. W. A. Taylor and wife
were at Murray on Thanksgiving
day w;here Rev. Taylgrlms. roadean
addrea-at a like' g'a littering for "12
years. .missing . last, year when - the
weather was very bad. ' He 'was -well
pleased to be with his friends of
Murray and there was welcomed most
cordially. "
Frrnn Wednesday's Iaily
The Glenwood Tribune of this
eek contains the announcement or
marriage of two Cass county
i young people, who. seeking to avoid
i the delays of the freak Nebraska
marriage law, hastened to the state
where the tall corn grows to have
their happiness consumated and
um-ii rK. iiw immeranu n WntMP -rw. nl , f where in the city of Glenwood, Jus-
:uiils are much interested in the However Robbers Only Get $6 of 4 tc-e. Day pronouced the word3 that
made Mr. John S. Chambers of
Plattsmouth and Miss Nina S. Dukes
of Union, man and wife in the sight
of the law. The young people were
accompanied ""by'-MT??s- Verna-'Morton
and. George- . Lopp of . Unionc The
both he and wife are highly respect- . a shoe." There will be some 85 in ;,how splendid to-operation and we 51 ?EIITl! 8CCTv IWlTLi
ed. has begun preparations for mov-, number In the stage setting and per- , lieve they will put acroas a big ll iUl OSill I r! niLL I O If I I II
ing oi ine siae oi vtasningion wnere i tormance wnicn win maKe a very j iece or work,
they are expecting to make their spectacular presentation. They are! South Bend Hot Lunch Club
home in the future. They have the now practicing on the parts for the) vi, ,i, i,i i, i,i, ii.
f rganized for the third year cf hot
lunch work. Miss Hunter and her
I wish to announce that I have purchased the
garage business formerly owned by the Dowler Broth
ers, and will appreciate a continuance of the business
that has come to this place. I assure all that the most
courteous service will be extended to you and that you
will get the best work at reasonable charges.
We will keep the best workmen, with Mr. E. E.
Moore in charge a man who 'all know due to his
integrity and good work.
eo. Hi. Shrader
Formerly Dowler Bros.
" Elect Officers Xast Sunday
Last Sunday at the regular ses
sion of "the Methodist bible school
there was held an election of officers
for the ensuing year and at "which
time the following officers were chos
en for the coming year: Miss Fan
nie McCarroll. superintendent; Miss
Ivy Mougey. assistant: Mr. L. G.
Todd, treasurer; Mrs. L. 13. Mougey,
pianist. The selections for the en
tire list was excellent and will make
a success of. the school for the com
ing year.
itcuiiu irnuna fiitru an ine iitrw yi uu-
i?ms. Every boy and girl has been
weighed and measured, three were
found underweight, two only a
trifle.- -Thgy-ra'H trying to follow
the food habits score card which en
able them to score, -themselves and
keep up high health and nutrition
Murdcck Girls Clothing Club
-The girls in Miss Lulu Hartman's
room have organized a clothing club.
November 27th the club held a meet
ing and took up the first problem
and made plans for buying materials
and also drafted patterns for a sew
ing bag.
His Money Hold op Occurred
on Washington Avenue.
Methodist Church Services
For the coming Sunday in Union
the services of the Methodist church
will be as follows:
Bible School at 10:00 a. m.
Epworth League 6:30 p. m.
Evening services ,7 : 30 p. m.
i A cordial invitation is given to
all not worshipping elsewhere to
, coino and enjoy the services.
Will Play Weeping Water
The two basketball teams of the
Union high school one team of young
tedies and one of the boys will try
the proposition with like teams of
tho Weeping Water high school at
the city of Weeping Water on-Friday
of this week. Look out ,for
seme pretty smart playing on both
sides, but with Union going with a
determination to win and we sup
pose that Weeping Water will do
the same.
Mcsdames C. A. Troop and M. S.
Briggs are Hostesses at Troop
Home Yesterday.
Kror.i Tuesday's Daily
The members of the V. C. T. U.
society were very pleasantly enter
tained yesterday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. C. A. Troop, who was
Barred Rock
accredited flock,
before Jan. 1st.
Alvo, . Nebr.
Cockerels from mv
$2.00 each if tak'.-n
Mrs. W. L. Coj.plt-.
d o 1 1 w
Attorney Fred Wright of Omahn
was here todaylooklng after tome
matters of business at the court
house at the preliminary hearing of
Charles C. Parmele.
Mrs. II. II. Gehrett and littlr
daughter, Melba, and Mrs. C. C.
Shockert were among the passengers
this morning for Omaha to spend th"
day where little Melba Gehrett will
undergo an operation for the remov
al of her tonsils..
Many Sales Mow
Frcin Monday's Ually
The community was rather start
led last evening shortly after '
o'clock when a holdup occurred on 1 bride is a member of a well known
Washington avenue between Eighth
and Ninth streets, a few minutes af
ter 7 o'clock and as the result of
which W. D. Smith was relieved of
some f 6 in cash by two bandits.
Mr. Smith, who Is employed in
Omaha, had been here visiting over
Sunday with his family and last eve
ning was returning to Omaha on the
family of Union and the groom is one
oi the employes of the Burlington
in the shops here.
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Nebraska.
Lincoln Division.
In the matter of Walter E. Sans,
7:35 Missouri Pacific train anrl whilf i Bankrupt. Case No. S69 in Bank-
en route from the main part of the ruptcy.
city to the station met up with the To "editors of the above Walter
holdup men. As Mr. Smith was ap-! E- Sans' of Plattsmouth. in the
preaching the vicinity of Ninth i CountT of Cass the district afore-
street he saw three men standing j sa1'- a Danxrupt:
under a tree but did not nay any
particular attention to the incident
until, as he was passing, two of the
men stepped out and invited him to
throw up his hands and also to do
nate to them. The third man had
gone on and the police learned later
that this man had also been a vic
tim of the holdups, but had not had
any money with him and escaped.
Mr. Smith, when requested to
"contribute" by the two straneers.
assisted by Mrs. M. S. Briggs and the 1 th?. f ?J ?th armed with revolvers,
occasion proved ne of the greatest! " ? .l1' u d.own: and . e"
(f enjoyment for all of the ladies who ' TB, Vi , fs , T
were in attendance. I eJia 1 Jn Pcket and the high-
Following the business session 1 "tJ !L 1" . wluoul a
iwuiu uc iiclu uiner sums on
Mr. Smith
4 1. i. t 1 OCClilU
" , r:r :z uri ibis person at the time
consisting of readings by Miss Lucy r k ' t
e auu i ,,.v,ji ii, ... i. ; i
""o uic mu msunav uieu aisaD-
Notice is hereby given that on the
28th day of November. A. D. 1923,
the said bankrupt was duly adjudi
cated bankrupt and that the first
meeting of his creditors will be held
in the Federal Court room in Lincoln,
Nebraska, on the 17th day of De
cember, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, at which time the said
creditors may attend, prove their
claims, examine the bankrupt, ap
point a trustee, and transact such
other business as may properly come
before such meeting.
Dated December 4, 1923.
eferee in Bankruptcy.
I have many sales booked and some
open dates. "Those. wanting dates had
better see me before choice dates are
all gone.
REXVOUfJB, AucUoneer
Osteopathic Physician v
Ryef Tested and GlaBsea v
Union Block Phone 208
,.. .'..TuTjjTj ,tt....t. ' --
11 1 1 L t i i lm 2 i .
Hemstitching and v
Picot Edging
N. 4th St., Plattsmouth
Ve desire to announce that we have disposed of
the garage business which we have had in Union to Mr.
George H. Shrader, but have retained the Trucking
Business and will continue that line, while Mr. Shrader
has taken over the garage business.
We wish to thank our patrons in both lines for
their lo5-alty and for their excellent business.
We shall endeavor to give absolutely the best of
service and will have our headquarters at the garage
where we have been located, and will respond to all calls
fcr work in our line.
Dewier Brothers
j First Sale a Success
! The sale which was held at the
home of Mr. E. K. Leach last week
; proved a success and was attended by
a large crowd of people. Mr. Leach
was well pleased with the forest ven
ture. He was very much pleased
with the good work of Col. Rex.
Young in the selling ring.
Arnold. Mrs. George A. Dod
f f Vo14 . II t
selections by Miss Genevieve Whelan. j 1Jtur , 'VU " K,?eSSa-
. , On reaching the station. Mr. Smith
ouimuie uuur iiie lauies were ,1,. - .. , , ,
ervcd with very dainty and delicious i.tle,?h-n!2-ln.ewf 1 the. duP '
kAw-oo imin. iu me iny anii umcer wiuiam
refreshments by the hostesses.
Heinnchsen and Chief of Police
Jones hastened to the scene of the !
holdup but by the time the message '
nan neen received there was ample
time for the men to have made their
Mr. Smith describes the men as he-
Will Serve Supper
The ladies aid of the Methodist
church will serve a chicken pis din
ner and supper in the M. W. A.
hall on Dec. 13th and duiing the
afternoon will hold a bazaar at which
itme they expect to have a good time
as well as turn a few dimes into the
church. Anyone wishing to donate
my article please leave with Mrs.
I'min TuesJav's Daily
Joseph Davis, the man arrested at
Greenwood Saturday evening on a
charge of forgery, has had a very, ing of medium height and apparent
swift process of justice and in his ; ly weighing between 170 and ISO
case the machinery has moved with .pounds and each man was dressed in
aptrcu mu ii.-mhi.ii iiuu me ueiaja overalls ana wore dark colored coats
oi ine law mat we near so mucn
about meant nothing in the young
life of this offender. Davis was ar
rested Saturday afternoon by County
Attorney Cole and Frank Detlef,
From Tuesday's Laily
All SntllrHov airAiijnir . . .1 i.. . . J
brought here a,.(l given a hearing at Une tiyZ wllliam Mh of thil
on MA
u ul vl uuiruuia " ' city were very anxiously searching
fore Justice William Weber on Sat- th,h i hi..!. J
unlay evening and this morning the fiml the husbaU(, 4an(1 father oVas
young man was arraigned in he dis- !nJured in an auto acc!dent at
tnct 4-mirt before Judge Degley and stroet and Missouri avenue on Sat
entered a plea 01 guilty and was glv- urJav afternoon. It was not until
en a sentence f from one to two vesterday that the locati on of the in
years in the sta-e penitentiary. He lured man wa MCerta!ned and he
is still confined jn the county jailJwas foumi to Improving fr0nJ te
here until Sher.ff Quinton can ar-; pfrfft nf bJa iHof s
range for his b.-ing taken in at the
state penitentiary.
0;ie 6 hole Sandwich sheller in
good shape. Price $100. Herman
lirunkow, Elmwood. Nebr. d6-3ty
effects of his accident.
It seems, froru the reports received
here, that Mr. Marsh with one of his
sons had driven to Omaha to look af
ter some business ana while the car
was turning into 13th street from
Express Appreciation
We wish to thank each aud every
one who so kindly helped us make
our Thanksgiving dinner anil supper
a success. Especially do wp wishto
express our gratitude to Mr. Tom
McQuinn for furnishing as a dona
tion a dressed pig.
Union Theatre
Saturday night at the Union the
atre Hoot Gibson will be seen in about a field vmn that will nav lT,un,ftl MedK"!,,e. Tonic, which acts
Th Gentleman Frm a,-.i aoo"c . ne'a r0"' 'J1 , "i P 'through the Blood on th llucoun Bur-
uDnortPd h i n.i I ? Anierlca. good interest o $300.00 land. A faces and asslets in ridding your System
supported by Louise Lorraine and croo that builds un vour soil. Wr t of Catarrh.
Carmen rhillips. A . story of an today. M. A. L:irnn. Central Citv. - Sold by dniKRistii for over 4A Tears.
Catarrh is a Local disease frreatly in
fluenced by Constitutional conditions.
sists of. an Ointment which gives Quick
25 cents for a booklet, all t Relief by 1ol1 application, and the
American Doughboy " In France. Nebr.
Jp. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
$2.00 Per Dozen!
Stock Limited to 134 Dozen You
--Will Have to Hurry, Foiks
We have on hand 1 34 dozen folders that formerlv
sold at from $6 to $12 per dozen, to be closed out at
the unheard-of price of . $2 per dozen.
Now is the time for you to have those pictures
taken which you have been promising yourself you'd
' have taken some time :
You will never have the opportunity to get photo
graphs at this price again. Remember, we have only
U4 dozen to sell at this price, so come soon if vou
want any taken. You can now have pictures taken of
the whole family and pay back all 'the pictures vou
owe your friends. f '
We take them by electric sky lightso can make
them for you in any kind of weather; also open even
ings until nine o clock to take pictures.
Better HURRY while you have several styles to
select from. Open every day and evening, including
Sundays until they are all gone.
Olson Electric Studio
Lower Main Street - , Plattsmouth, Nebr.