TSUBIDAT, IfGVXi-BER 29, 1933. PLATTgOUTH SEJC- WSX23VZ JOUK.AX PAGE SIX RAIL MEN ARGUE FARMERS NOT AS POORAS CLAIMED Quote Automobile Figures for the Northwest States in Grain . Bate Hearing. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 27. Ar guments by the western railroads de- signed to show that a reduction in rain rates would not materially aid were running a neck and neck race relative to the number of persons per auttomobile," he said. "Now Iowa is a little ahead. It doesn't seem to me that these figures indi cate any very serious condition. It must be remembered that North and South Dakota have no great metrop olis to absorb these purchases." CAME VERY NEARLY BEING MINUS TURKEY From Wednesday's Daily Last evening William Hinrichsen, nisrht policeman, who is always will- the farmers, and the announcement . jnr tn assist his fellow man in any by President Charles Donnelly of -Aorthern Paiiflc of a 57 million dol- the vicinity lar improvement program for the ladies had grown alarmed ' at some RULE WHOLESALER CAN "PUT SCREWS" ON MANUFACTURER Not Unlawful to Eefuse to Deal With Him if he Sells Goods Direct to the Betailer. CATARRH ' Catarrh Is a Local disease greatly in fluenced by Constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which gives Quick Relief by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a ,Tonic. which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and assists in ridding your 8ystem of Catarrh. Sold by drupfrists for over 40 Years. K. J- Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. NO COWS OR CHICKENS; BUYS FORD INSTEAD ENJOY ! FAREWELL GATHERING Miss Mauzy has been here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mauzy. Washington. Nov. 27. A wnoie-i wnhort Aldpn Louis EnDerson and saler can, without violating any law, Harold Hamilton of Wahoo who have From Tuesday's Daily On Sunday the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lynde at Union was the scene of a gathering of rela tives and friends joining in a fare . well to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hall I and family of Nebraska City and Mr. I and Mrs .Durwood Lynde and family UTormno TM,- Tw.;;io0 rt SfcoVo nff of Union who are soon to leave for UtJ VWUAAk9SA 9 VVS VJL All Semblance of Farm Life- Rents a Bungalow. give notice to a manufacturer that Deen here since Friday having their he will discontinue dealing with him auto worked on at one of the local unless the manufacturer ceases Ben- p-nr-es. denarted this mornine for A . rneyVbarh KJ&rSVZVw- ITEh 7tTZ7nn e new senator from Minnesota Vh lol- the .vicinity of his home, where two i?"1, y,L , P'ed with the pleasant manner in ma(le known nig decision today a3 he l10 business. This was clearly demonstrated to- next three years, featured the inter- strange man that they had spied rate hearing here today. ;with promptness the officer. respond- ua rwvi. V"i. " '-7" , Z .1 J .., - , V. .-,, Alarxnv- SUUreiU- lUUll ill "O "ca""b L. E. Wettling, statistician for the'od and on reaching the scene discov- supreme the far west wheer they are to locate at Snohomish. Washington, a short distance from Everett and make their future home in that locality. The Washington. Nov. 2 4. Magnus day was spent in visiting and the Johnson won't keep a cow. j pleasantness of the day was marred Neither will he have chickens. (only by the thought that the friends He has decided to buy a l ord in- must soon part when the two fam ilies start on their way westward. ey expecting to leave about the 10th of Dcrpmher. , Mr. and Mrs. announced he had found a house for Hall are old residents of "near Un- ihis family. 'ion, having for years lived at the I It is a six room bungalow in Ta- farm in v. ,.,-,- at- , . - l in ill l li V fc I 1UIU UUllUIU, U III! il 1 1 . A. L. Becker of Lmon was in the koma Dark lust across the District at... t v,j. v.o,-o -.;, i..i city today for a few hours where he Df Columbia line. There are trees in tbat iocaiity all of their lives. The which they have been treated here. From Tuesday's1 Dally- uu rcdtums --u- u.v.- - v. . 1 -'V ".., ' " i V . . . . m . . . 1 ' f :i Mfr IJ III Ll II L kJ V LUC? 1 V U C I Ck x 1 .. --.- . - . . - . 1 . western lines, occupiea ine stand an ea uua uison as me party in queswou rrml"7'" " ainat Raymond Broth-. atL,,eu 10 ,uo u ' an arouna 11. it is an tuira mouern many friend3 are joining in wishing afternoon, submitted voluminous tes- and instead of prowling. Gus was in ionrRa, VebrMka Vfterlof buainess- little home witn an Pen fireplace in tne party a safe journey and happi- timonies and figures to support the search of the Thanksgiving turkey - Earl Hohenshell was In Greenwood the living room, a spick and span ness in the new home. Those attend- claim that the economic condition that he had been carefully feeding tounsei wr 1 u5"f"' ""r"" over nieht where He visited with his tiled bath and "all modern conveni- in . nt tr tt - . .. . ... ..j iv Munpn lis arrumeni. iiie luuri - - - - - . o " ...v 1 iiic iriuiuii. juviuuiuk ai xtio uiuc 1 11 41 v w " . . . . . . . . . ATivpq anfi Tripnus. reiuniiiii: Liiia nv 1.0. iuuhui nucunuin 10 North and South Dakota. Minnesota, bis feed Thursday. w Luther Hall and family, R. B. Stone, Attorney William A. Robertson iiium, T t-. 1 rrv ,,,1 ..'Uf.r.tlv In ont.Xnitinn Ul uucauuiio , : ' j .1 the nractice comnlained of by the is at present Deiier man at any time oi us iaie, maue rv.apc uu . " . , , ,.., t ..,,.., thia mnrninc f,a ,.at t.n , ,,. Jn th widp onen snaces when commission was not in violation of motored to rsenawKa tnis morning elltrlTsl JaWti1hat,t reT 0helUTo;Ll00cLa"er rsTorttime1113""3 tmhii,. idnnocnto fiiipd tn reveal lhe bird and it was for the Raymond Brothers-Clark Co. that city for a short time. irfn th ..niio.i -vo,, f nra. fenred thnt the Olson dinner would. The case presented a trade que3- urn mil tin con mnflnnd tn the more common food, tion of unusual Interest of manu X, 17 r. " m"J i-..u ' alwint nn hour later a teleDhone turers. wholesalers and retailers clared. "In North' Dakota the in-! call stated that the elusive bird had federal trade commission charged crease was 12,690 cars cent increase. In South was 6.911 cars, or 6.1 per cent. "In 1921 Iowa and South Dakota ( a o rtni m ati t ""V r . v.r - " ; relatives and friends, returning this ences." r ouestioni. was so satisfied that morning on No. 6. ftnlshed in ivory vliite lere is ai wife am, (laughter, Verle. of Ne- . iiiti v n ii i r i i up M'i'i i ii 1 1 1 1 ii ii nil l i m . . - 7,1 -iiawKa; James m. Htone. jsenawka; "Yes, it is a little different from the farm home in Minnesota." said James Stone, Jr., of Nehawka; Geo. E. fitites and family, Mrs. Rose Ken- (Ts:ll jinrl ii n : 1 iri t e i r? rtc a on1 gaii Johnson. "That is one reason I got r,avW. Mrs Ha Ro and chlldren; r 1 1 r no- been seen in the chicken yard east of that the Raymond Brother h n-iirnfa it the II. N. Dovey home, where the Co., wholesalers, had notified a man-, Lee Mayfield. editor of the Louis- cow and no chickens now; I'm going ( to buy a 'ora instead. Mrs. Johnson, who started house rECOMING FAMOUS AS FIDDLER hunting with the idea of getting E8: Com mod rt rJ VV i iii i i Priew of "r-J Qofxlyif Tir iai4wi3i iM'l lii9i2ot2U8aaiaa THE extremely fair prices asked for Goodyear Tires year in and year out are shown in the chart above. Good year Tires are selling today for AS less than in 1920; 39 less than in 1914. Despite this, their quality was never so high as now. This is a good time to buy Goodyears. Am Goodyear 5rfe Station Dialer tm ! mnd recom mend the n'UiC",,, Cord with the beveled Alt Weether Treed and beck them up taith etenderd Goodyear Service turkey had evidently sousht refuge ufacturing concern that unless it vllle Courier, and wife were here to- araone the chickens. Mr. Hinrichsen ceased selling directly to the Basket day for a few hours en route to Pa- aeain responded and with one well Stores company of Nebraska and cific Junction where they attended something as nearly as possible like From Tuesday's Daily placed shot in the head of the great iowa retauers, or give it tne regu- the funeral or an old time friend. the Minnesota home, is delighted with Uncle Wm Balfour who has made American bird assured the Olson lar wholesale discount on all bust-) William Bell, wife and children de- the bungalow. Senator Johnson de- his home near Nehawka for more family of their dinner. . j ness with the Basket Stores com- parted this morning for San Diego, clared. ,han a half centurv, has for many ,pany. it would discontinue doing California, where they will spend the ! years past had a reputation of be- TT7TT T rWTnV O TUVC VlfHTinW DUSlneSS Witn the manufacturers. wntOP with lha naronta of Mr Roll tr1TT PT T1TT TVT- T'TrTJT'TJT-r'VrriT' U,r f . K : . i .ui.. The undersigned will sell at Public .The commission insisted that this "'T"- t t'lt oxx,vr x.xouvx. -? V.; "1" "Tf.1". InoHnn at hia hnmooicrht tti i lj uocl i I nr.I. n.tllln. " i.v v ji inc v, uuua cuu at lue HUW PUBLIC AOOT !0N , ii.. . . v. . .i it,'From Wednes'lays Daily of Plattsmouth and one-half mile: constituted unfair competition and tne future. north on the Cedar Creek road, on T,ie employes at the Burling on commissioniaact i n t lehons will have a three day period was In violation of the federal trade ry- j . i-iiuiis viii nave a iiirt?w uaj iuu inursuay, uecemoer om jn which to observe the Thanksgiv coramencing at 10:30 o'clock, with ing season and get over the effects of lunch served on the premises at noon, the great national feast day, as or the following described property: dr, potpji yesterday in the 10 Head of Horses and Mules ' shops announcing that all depart One bay team, smooth mouth, wt. ments would be closed from Wednes- T rTii v o .taa nr keeper in this city, departed this After developing by a series of m . ,nr a. ' . o M From Tuesdav-s Uaiiv i when the village of Nehawka gave its W. P. Huneke, Burlington store- a fow ovoni,, fm,r Tiatt. Program he did some stunts to tne mouth young people had an experi fiddle which were worth while and questions that It was not contended by the government that the Ray mond Brothers-Clark An f on unto nr Fit 1 sin Vv? noHAn conspiracy to restrain trade by the ment equtpment there notice it had given the manufactur- euce that will long linger with them J.,as ,1ten ne.trl-V b3!1 f le"er3' PLATTSMOUTH M0T0E CO. A. D. Baake Mnrray W. T. Eichardson Mynard Union Auto Co.- : Union A. 0. Ault Cedar Creek V . llil n-aAl m A rl I I 1 k f Vfll I 111' 241 .1 II l lll( v II fl I I I illlll . w r I m 1 .ovu, uur nunci ujuic, . ja.a --c - -- , ---- -- r thft nflt -onairtor thnt from neunesaavs uawy ine menow isovemoer moon wax wt. 1.350; on ? dapple gray mare. 6 da morning at . . and v. nich will the poyernment.a case warranted the Rudolph Ramsel will depart to- ing full and inviting with all th years old. wt. 1.300; one gray mare, give the members of the force ample hear, of tne other s,de morrow morning for Seward. Nebras- lure of the fine fall weather, led the smooth mouth, wt. 1.250; one bay time to spend their holiday at home DurlnK the questioning of govern- ka. where he will visit over Thanks- young people to take a stroll and the horse. 7 years old. wt. 1.000; one prov ding they do not reside at too m(?nt embers f thJ t givIng wlth hls relatives in that vi- pathway chosen was out in the west gray mare. 3 years old; one bay horse, great a distance. This is the first OTr,rocn, tha vtaar ty,at , -inltv for th holiriav nprlnl section nf the citv where thev were er "the fine that might be given in the case and was allowed to return to Omaha. . Another of those who was taken into custody by Mr. Grebe was Tom Jerznoch, also of Omaha, who was ere- Vk In hp a a n nnooc- n vT Tt i. - , , . - UCllllUia DCL 1U1 IU V J M u TT CLC Iiv vtw3M I J ihe ordeal through which the quar- t "f mi".n Puo"cn to operate a car and he was accord- itet passed. "".:r.'fi ."eu Vi lingly taken in custody. ciciuiuiii iic (jittt; uu iue ljuuie. ing of the storekeepers being held oh fr thrin cav oil ih from tliope who heard his excellent company had frefan m there will go to Sioux stories of the blood and thunder de- spIc the Atlafi; to tl1Pav not provided wUh the necessary )mbination or CIty to ,ook a!t?r the store depart- tective story writers had nothing on "I,c a"(1 f,so an apple from Arkan- , dsntfals set forth by law ag neceS; GATHER IN TWO PARTIES . SH4.aVV. 1 ItlO 1 III AWOb . . . . . 3 years old; one black horse,3years time- that the three-day holiday has V v.7.. old; one mule. 2 years old. All broke heen enjoyed by the men since 1914. to drive or ride. ,it is stated. Cattle and Hogs j Seven milk cows, four giving milk. ATTEND CHURCH FAIR three to be fresh soon. Eight head of I canes. j rom Wednesdays ua:iy (company or would accept the terms Two sows with ten pigs. Four. Last evening a number of the offered by the Raymond Brother3- shoats. . Tlattsmouth people, taking advan- Clark company. Farm Implements j tage of the excellent condition of the j ' ; une lct:ormiCK Dinaer; one MC- ruaus anu ine line weainer prevail Cormlck mower; one 12-inch Deere ing, motored over to our neighborin From Monday's Daily uaa me riRnc iq aeciae 10 ao dusi- lien carter or.tnis city win enjoy lw fllu,"flUi A"Ci hour Ira E. Casteel clairaine Omaha li.aa, auu iuai iu mo tase preseniea me inansseiviDK season visiunz " " - j .wv POST CARD PHOTOS $1 per dozen. Folders to fit these FREE as long as the' stock on hand lasts. Olson Electric Studio. Lower Main street. n26-6d, 2aw: as his liome, was captured on the by the government the manufacturer with relatives at Falls City and Ta- enjoyed itself as only the young can, highway a'omr the Platte bottom bv T-tArecti-o- -rvelfie at ;t TVTnrv'c had been given complete, freedom to ble Rock and enjoy the outing af- but as they were returning home the WilHam Greb? and the"! wm To'una ' SJ'iif 5t tiecide wnethec he would continue forded by the three day holiday at lwo Pnes in uie rear were, to say in th( nf Tr ,. f v,in-i,iiia m, . gang plow; one Moline lister, nearly town of Manley to attend the fai new; one Western Belle lister; one being held there at the St. Patrick's walking cultivator; one riding culti- church, which is one or the most vator;'one disk, IS blades; one disk, pleasing entertainments of its kind 14 blades; one press drill, good as held in that part of the county. new; one John Deere corn planter; There were a large number in at one corn elevator and power; one 14-1 tendance and a real time enjoyed by inch walking plow, new; three sets jail of the members of the party and of harness; one 3-section harrow; the residents of Manley received a two wagons, one nearly new; one; great deal of rralse lor their excel- to eell directly to the Basket Stores the shops Ed Mason and Jack Ledgeway will depart tomorrow" morning for Long Beach, California, where they expect to spend the winter and look over the country. They will ' make the trip over the old Santa Fe trail. the least, startled when a figure tllo ,,- ,, K A. Hall. erupting wrath strode out of one of 3ar in thi3 jazz a th DrohiDltf0! , i t n n r tt n n i i "ci uj aiuuS -uc iJ r-nnnchfriA and nnrHImrlir ATt- PaJ. and with the wintry breezes playing teel vas bP0Ught on to tnla' city throush his night garments, and the h fnr i,,i nv. ? LOG AL NEWS From Monday's Dally hay rack and truck; one 50-gallon gas tank; one 50-gallon coal oil tank; one 15-gallon oil tank; one broadcast seeder; one Clover Leaf manure spreader; one grinder; one iron ket tle; one Anker-Holt seperator, good as new; one 5-gallon cream can; one good heating stove; one 3 h. p. gas engine; one wood saw, 2 blades; one cross cut saw and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash.i Post card photos, SI dozen. Por On sums over $10 a credit of six trait f0ier8t $2.50 and $3.50 dozen, months will be given, purchaser giv- 0pen everj. dav and evenings, until ixiB uaiinauie nuie u.HriuK eigui per j nine Qlson Electric Studio, Lower lent entertainment provided for the visitors. Among thore going from here were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bcstor and family. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Hatt and family,. Mr. and Mrs. August Bach. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cloidt and family; Mr. and Mrs. August Cloidt and family, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Flynn and family. STAMP PHOTOS, IOC DOZEN cent interest from date. No property to be removed from the premises un til settled for. John Meisinger, Jr. Owner. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. Plattsmouth State Bank, Clerk. Main street. n26-6d, 2sw Luncheon sets are always accept able. You will find many of the new things at St. Mary's Christmas Shop December 5th at M. W. A. hall. moonlight reflecting on the family shotgun, demanded what they were , dnintr Tli vnnrif nmnlo woro ctnrt. Claus Ploehn pt Scribner. who was ietl and tried to explain that they at the poultry show in Omaha in- were merely peaceable passersby but specting the many fine exhibits of thcir explanation did not get far as . i iuc uuua, tiunu jraiciuai auu file WllltP rnliojl fifrnr nrnnnr tha-n C. A. Mathis of Greenwood ws in spent a few hours at the II. M. Soen- Gf having designs on his hen roost I the city today, for a few'iours' at- nichsen and John Wickman homes. and jt was only after several min-I tending to some matters of business! j. r. stine and wife were among utes of warm debate that the house-! in the county court. thoso going to Omaha this morning holder and hi3 wife, who had ap-! E. A. "U'url and wife-and Mrs. J.J where they, are to spend the day at peared on the scene, were prevailed ' W. Holmes motored out to Weeping the Nicholas Senn hospital with Mrs. upon not to call the Strong Arm of ! Water yesterday, where they spent C. P. Sydebotham where she is still the Law as it Is sometimes titled, to! the day visiting with friends. - I confined as the result of her very . the scene of action. J Harry . Hentz returned home ' last serious operation-for appendicitis. In the future the moon may wax j evening, from Sac City, Iowa, where' Hon. W. T. Thompson of Lincoln, ; ani wane but the silver orb that he has been visiting for several weeks' former attorneygeneral of the state lured old Omar and other well known and looking after his athletic train- and at the present time one of the characters will have no effect on the ing..' j members of the force of the office of young people who will maintain their! County Commissioners Fred ii.' Attorney General Spillman, who has stand on the old back porch in the j Gorder and C. F. Harris were here been heer for the past few days as- future. j today to look after some affairs at sisting ni the conduct of cases before i i the court house and incidently tes- the grand jury, returned to his home ttaq 'P'PTTtv nrrnniTTnirc ' tified before the grand jury. ; this morning. uaa t,li.x Ui.LU.KAlUK, Mrs. Katherine Minor and sister,' S. Leopold and granddaughter, From Tuesdays raii- airs, tamuna uutcner, or warrens- iliss ueiia Leopold or xorK, wno The Morgan Sweet Shop has just burg, Missouri, departed this morn- have been visiting in Chicago with placed a series of new holidav deco- ing for Omaha, where they will relatives and friends came in yester- rations that add very much to the at- visit for the day at the home of their day to spend a short ti me here with tractiveness of this popular establi;h- sister, Mrs. F. E. White and family, their son and uncle, Dr. H. C. Leo- ment. The very latest in wall deco- Miss Margaret Mauzy departed this Pol and wIfe. departing this morn- rations of fancy white poinsetas as morning ior Kearney, Nebraska, iur mei. uome. iur. ieuuiu is well as the bright red leaves that where she will visit for a short time eighty-eight years of age and a very go with the flowers make the Sweet prior to returning to San Francisco, active man ior nis age Oil, Needles, Repairing. Singer Stwing Machine Co., Phone No.' 9. tf-daw And everthing that way! We close at noon (tomorroMr) Thanksgiving! A FINE LITTLE SON From Wednesday's Daily There is a great deal of happiness at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Webb in this city over the fact that last evening at 6:1a there ar- Shop very alluring in appearance. The new decorations are on the main floor where the luncheonette service is looked after. STAMP PHOTOS NEW CASH SViairkeS Everything in the Meat Line, Fresh Oysters, Celery and Pickles! We Save You Money on the Cash Basis! Place Your Thanksgiving Order With Us! e? Free Delivery Service! (Morning and Afternoon) 10c per dozen. If you want any of these you had better come soon as lwv1 r Vlv - si m n i n I n A . - in-u tit- ."cn uuure a imc We win lane mem only a snort time pound son who is a real husky young longer. Olson Electric Studio. Low American and with the mother 13 do- er Main street. n26-Cd, 2sw ing very niceiy. it is neeuiess to say that the occasion has brought a great deal of joy to the father and to Jiinmie, the litle brother of the new arrival. The many friends will join in wishing the young man a life of happiness and usefulness and that he may be a Joy and comfort to the parents through the years to come. !iery irwoir. Phone 95 South 6th Street . Jll. UL H IW i u nw m i 1 1 1 m. n m SBBCS as ENJOY PLEASANT GATHERING From Wednesdays Daily Last evening Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hadraba entertained very pleasant ly a few of their young friends at a dancing party at their home on Main street and . which proved a most de lightful occasion for teh members of the party. The evening was spent in dancing and music and at an appro priate hour very dainty and vlelicious refreshments were served. Those at tending were: Misses Mildred Schla ter, Helen . Egenberger, Jeanette. Weber, Clara Trilety, Frances Bent ly. Messrs. Fred J. Warren, Jack McCarty, Raymond Rebal, William A. Schlater, John II. Palasek, Geo. Conis, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hadraba. PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS We have a limited amount of fold ers on hand, which while they last will be made for $2.50 to $3.50 per dozen. Regular six to ten dollar values. Olson Electric Studio. Low er Main street. n26-6d, 2sw Yes, wb have a Christmas shop this ysax December the 5th, at the M. W. A. hall St. Mary's Guild. Our store will be closed at noon Thanksgiving Day! C. E. Wescott's Sons "ON THE CORNER' . v -., t