The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 29, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1323.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If ny of the readers of the
Journal knor of ay sociil
event or Item of interest In
thin vicinity, and will mail
lime to till office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news Items Editob
Here's to the two great Amer
ican birds - the turkey on the
table and the eagle in your
Alda Taylor living several miles
southeast of Murray is reported as
not feeling the best and has been
poorly for several days
James Hall of Plattsmouth was a
business visitor in Murray last Tues
day going to sell his corn or pur
chase lumber for a crib. He was fig-
Henry Timm has concluded the uring which would be the best as he!..
picking of his corn and finds that was sure that the corn would even
the yield has been between thirty tually sell higher than it is at the
and forty bushels per acre. present time.
C. A. Kawls of Platsmouth and C. Will L. Seyboldt who has been Mr. Snipes the county agent visit
J. Shaw of Omaha were in Murray rustling in getting out his corn crop ed the Murray school Monday morn-
not hold at home
We hope to see you at the bazaar
This bank is thankful for the
many friendships it has made
during its existence as a finan
cial institution.
As we review the growth and
development of our surround-! Miss Lucile Davis, operator at the
. j j Murray telephone exchange, was a
ing comniumiy we aic inacca
thankful that we have been
Dec. S. Come for dinner and stay
until after supper.
A Gansmer and the family, Wm.
Puis and wife and John Lutz and
family of Plattsmouth were guests
on last Sunday at the home of Fred
Lutz and family west of Murray
a good visit and
visitor last Tuesday afternoon where
she was doing some shopping and
visitine- for a short time with
able to be one of the active fac- friends.
. .1 , j i- I C. A. Trent and Arnold Mast ar-
tors in this great advancement. rived at an understanding regarding
A j . i i r 1 .i .'the value of a saddle horse and Mr.
And again we are tnanktul mat Trent parted with the horse and Mr.
the coming years will bring ' Jfast price, they both being
new friendships m addition to
the old, and an even greater
desire to carry on our share of
the active duties that make us
singly better citizens, and col
lectively a better common-wealth.
A good place to buy gifts at the
Presbyterian bazaar in Murray Sat
urday, Dec. S.
G. M. Mmford was a visitor in
Omaha last Saturday evening re
maining until Monday morning
when he returned to see to the get
ting out of his corn which the boys
are pushing along nicely.
B. A. Root was a visitor in Lin
coln with his two sisters, Mesdames
Edward Parish of Lincoln and Mrs.
George Sherley of Sedgwick, Colo
rado, going on Wednesday of this
week to remain over Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Thomas Jamison, mother of
Mrs. J. F. P.rendel has been visiting
at the home of her daughter for sev
eral days and was joined in last
Come to the annual bazaar at the ' Wednesday by Mr. Jamison, they en-
Pr-hvff-rian chnrrh Tlc. S. Mcyina: Thankscivinsr day at the
Dr. J. F. Brendel was looking af-;home of Dr. and Mrs. J.
last Tuesday looking after matters
for the state Y. M. C. A.
Hans Nelson and wife from south
west of Union were visiting at the
home of Hans Christiansen and also
were looking after some business in ,
Murray last Tuesday morning. !
Walter H. Groat, representing the
Clear Lake lumber company was a
business visitor in Murray last Tues
day having some business at the
Banning & Nickles lumber yard. I
Miss Willa Tarks who is at the
uora i-ister nospuai wnere sne is where all eniovpd
taking nurse training, was a visitor an excellent dinner due to the good
luc rnntinp- of Aire T.ntv
AlrK. Marv Smith living past of
Mrs. G. H. Gilmore was a visitor ' Murrav near the old town site of
in Omaha last Tuesday evening and Rock Bluffs has been very sick for
was accompanied by little Miss Mary some time t and while snowin2
"some improvement is still very poor
ly but is receiving the best of care
i and medical attention. Dr. G. H.
Gilmore is his physician.
Morton Bartlett has purchased
himself a new car from the Ford
dealer in Union. Mr. A. W. Propst
and will receive it the latter part of
this week. The car is a new style
Ford coupe and will serve this gen
tleman and his family well as a
pleasure car and one for service as
Buy your aprons at the bazaar
Dec. S.
G. W. MrCracken and family de
parted last Tuesday evening for Om
'aha where they were visitinp at the
home of a sister of Mr. McCracken
ard also looking after some business
matters for a short time on Wednes
day. Uncle B. A. Root was in charge
of the drug store during their ab
program, which was amplified to
such an extent that everyone in the
hall could hear it plainly. It was -a
great treat to those present to hear
their friends and neighbors and to
realize that they were being heard
by the largest audience in the history
of the world prior to the advent of
President Spangler of the Murray
Community club told his listeners of
the many things Murray has to offer
in a short and snappy address.
If the standard of community pro
grams is held as high as the Murray
one last night, there will never be
any occasion for the expression "Let's
keep the 'home' talent at home and
not force it on the rest of the world."
which some of the programs of this H
nature recently oroadcast irom me
Omaha station have provoked among
radio editors.
Our hats are off to Murray and its
splendid program. And incidentally,
was fortunate in that he got his ine.
cribs filled before he had gotten the: The county aeent visited the Mur-'we want to sav that the director of
corn all in and has been hauling a.ray school Monday forenoon. 'the orchestra Is none other than our
few loads to the elevator of J. D. Pit- Two of the high school boys went! own L. D. (Demmy) Hiatt. who re
man in Murray that the cribs would : campine over the week end. cently came here from Murray to
The pupils of the Murray school manage the H. M. Soennicnsen corn
took two days' vacation during the pany store in the Dovey buildings.
Thankscrivine season. J
Mrs. Davis and Mrs.
4 b
The Hoi
iday Season
at home last Sunday enjoying
day with the folks very pleasantly
Graham the later who was a portion
of the program which was given by
D. J. Pitman
visited the primary room last week.
The eighth grade pupils of Miss
Widhelm's room are taking English
compositions in the place of history.
Charles Howard was absent from
sr-hnnl Fririav and Mondav.
Ruth Bourne was absent from Prof. Kiesselbach of State Ag?icul- jjjj
school Friday morning. i i nnft0-o Ttic .fnistnTc
Gladys Mrasek was absent from
school Friday afternoon. J
rural College Denies Moisture
Menace in Corn Crop.
is the Gift Season!
The custom of gift giving at the Holiday season
has grown with each succeeding year. With the passing
of each year more people learn that the "Gift that Lasts '
is the most appreciated.
We invite you to inspect our stock of Holiday Gifts.
Wre have on display a complete line of Jewelry, Clocks,
Watches, Pearls, Diamonds, Glaso, Hollow Ware, nu
merous patterns in Sterling and Plated Fiat-ware, Vic
trolas and Victor Records.
Radio Program
Miss Effie Patterson was herself
in the reading which she gave in
"Teddy Tries Matchmaking" and she
pleased the entire country.
The Rev. W. F. Graham, minister
of the Presbyterian church, was at
himself as a pleaser of people when
he recited the original verse, "Our
Will Lintner and sister. Miss
Grace were in Omaha last Tuesday
where they took part in the radio
program which was broadcast from
WOAW at Omaha.
Amid the Odor of Roses" as giv
en by Mrs. Elbert Wiles and Mrs.
Ray Cole was one of the very pleas-
features of the radio
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
at WOAW last Tuesday
Miss Margaret Spangler was win
ning the applause of the entire coun
try when she acted as pianist at the
community club program for she was
listened to by people in every state.
T. ,. . ! Rav Frans'of Union and Miss Mar-
Kruger living a number of vaii., nr u,y-rv -n xtt-o tuo
miles southwest of Murray, purchas- !j0uridse Smith were a party who
ed a Fori I tourinir ra from A. W. drove to 0maha Tuesday to be pres
Prnpst of Inion which .vi!l be deliv- ert at the giving of the Murray com-"
ered on Friday 0f this week. Mr. muniTy riUb program. ,
Krus:er will find the new wapon one Miss Gladvs Mrasek was accom
of much servic e and pleasure for ' pani?t to Will Litner in the program
himself and family. (which was broadcast from Omaha on
Jarvis Lancaster who lives south-i Tuesday and made and excellent ac-
I Lincoln, Nov. 25. Reports
' Nebraska's corn crop would fall far
short of early fall estimates because
of its high moislure content were
vigorously denied here today by Port'.
' Theodore Kiesselbach of the state
college of agriculture.
Prof. Kiesselbach has been running
s series of experiments on this year's
crop with a view to determiniug its
moisture content and rapidity of dry
ing, and declares that very few bush
els will be lost because of moisture. '
"Conditions in Nebraska were
more favorable from the standpoint
of frost damage in corn with a high I
moisture content than in some east-!
ern states that reported damage last j
October." Prof Kiesselbach said. In
C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Main Hotel Bui-din;
program certajn sections of Iowa, Illinois and j
Michigan there was some reduction
in the yield through frost before the j
corn was maae, wdku uas resuiieu m
in this grave hour I appeal to you
, to se t aside your objection.-,
j Albert thereupon accepted. Minis
ters Gessier of the reiiLswehr.
; Prauns of labor and Warres of the
' interior were taken into the lev;
Streseman. who was proposed as
i minister of foreign j."airs. is appar-
jently unwilling to assume the task.
rne riace na3
slow drying and in some instances in ; Former Fiscal Agent at 7ashinfton T;iri(. K Brockdorff Rantzau. for-
caft of Murray was in attendance at j conipaniot as well as Will himself
ter some business matters in Unioii
last Tuesday morning.
Henry C. Lone was a visitor at
Plattsmouth last Wednesday where,
he had some business matters to ;
look after. j
John liobbins was shelling and de- J
livering some of his corn crop to th
Murray elevators lat Tuesday and
F. Brendel.
Rov Crais: of Mynard was a visi
tor in Murray last Tuesday after
noon end was looking after some bus
iness matters in the line of the dis
posal of some of his brushes which
he is selling. Mr. Craig says the
brushes are so good they actually
sell themselves.
Dinner and supper will be served
ire snooTipg matcn wnicn was giv
en at the home of Thilip Hirz and
was fortunate In winning a prize.
He was the successful one in the
shooting off cf a tie which existed
herVeen Johr Gauer, Walter Wun
derlich and himself.
John Hohsrhcidt completed the
jrvhering rf his corn last Tuesday
ard had 3.200 bushels. John was
so busy with other work that he had
doing very proud in his number.
Uncle S. G. Latta was a visitor in
Omaha being the oldest of the num
bers on the radio program which
was given by the Murray community
club last Tuesday and went on the
afternoon train to the metropolis.
"However, in Nebraska farmers
have to a great extent avoided the
possibility of corn spoiling in the crib
by delaying husking until the mois
ture content was 30 per cent or less.
"Due to late ripening caused by
! this year's climatic conditions, the
1923 crop contained as much water
October 25 as last year's crop con
tained early in September, and corn
shculd not have been husked in Ne
.' braska until November 1, whereas
! October 1, 1P22, found corn dry enuf
for husking."
Many Nebraska farmers have
learned the value of arranging for
simple ventilators to be placed in the
crib as it is being filled. Prof Kies
'selbach said, and well ventilated
Heads New Cabinet : Nonparti
san Group is Planned.
j merly head of the German pcce del
egation at Versailles and now a:i,ba.--!
sador to Russia.
Berlin. Nov. 25. Dr. Heinrich F.
Albert, former German fiscal agent
at Washington, was appointed chan
cellor of Germany tonight by Presi- :
dent Ebert. j
I Thf nre.sir'pnt entrusted Albert i
! with the difficult task of forming a . .
super-party government, namely, a '
nonpartisan cabinet that win stand .Parliamentary iilection Brines Out
i Fcrty or More Candidates
The three minuie address by Ev-cribs will mean rapidly dried corn
erett spangler of the Murray com
at bazaar Dec. S.
to hire all his pikine: done which
cot him 7 cent's on the whole and
fzs i ns he pen vp
48-lb. sack Pillsbury's flour $1-75
2 pkgs. Blue Bell corn flakes 25
3 cans Sun Brite cleanser 2t
4-lb. pkg. pancake flour -25
3 lbs. bulk cocoa for 2o
Glass quart jars mince meat 4
Corn syrup, per gallon 60
White syrup, per gallon 70
Seedless raisins, 2 pkgs. for 35
7 lbs. dried peaches 1.00
3 cans No. 3 pears. 1.00
3 cans No. 3 peaches 1.00
3 cans No. 3 apricots 1.00
2 cans No. 2 tomatoes , 25
Pumpkin, No. 3 size, per can 15
Hams, per lb 15
2 cans pork and beans 25
3 lbs. Peaberry coffee 1.00
4 lbs. heme roast corfee 1.00
Choice mixed cookies, per lb 30
4-lb. box Fairy soda crax 55
one-half for rent thf
shrre winch came to him cost 11
cents to put in the crib.
Otto Puis received two ear loads
of entile last Friday from Omaha
which he is puttirir in his feed yards
for feeding and will return when fin
ished off nicely. Mr. Puis was suc-f-cssfrl
in getting some very nice
feeders. Also Otto Schafer received
one car or like cattle and he also is
beginning to feed them for return
inr T!uy your Sunday dinner at the ba
zaar market, Dec. 8.
Fred Wessdl of Nehav.ka who is
employed with the Propst garage at
I'nion was a visitor for a short time
in Murray lst Tuesday accompan
ied by Don Dercsett the two having
been to Nehawka with a load of feed
which was ground for feeding the
hoers on the farm of Mr. Propst
where Mr. Derosett lives. Thev were
munity club not alone placed Mur
ray before the world as a hustling:
village with plenty of real talent bu
introduced him as a man in love with
his native town and was willing to
tell the world about this thriving
and working city.
The Murray orchestra which was
brought to its present excellence by
the work of Mr. L. D. Hiatt the man
ager and the entire personnel work
ing to the end of making it a suc
cess the ones who have materially
contributed to the success of the or
chestra are Misses Margaret Spang
ler. Grace Lintner. Gladys Mrasek,
Clair Ferris and Messrs. L. D. Hiatt,
Chester Sporer, Will Lintner and Ev
erett Spangler.
The double quartet which gave
the excellent numbers of the radio
program on Tuesday evening was
one which created the admiration of
above political parties and which is
. to be free from the fettws of fac
tions. ; That, in fact, was Albert's own
condition, and he accepted the post
with the understanding and with
the provision that he can get a gov
' eminent together whose one and
only interest is to be for the coun
try and not for any party.
! Ebert sent for Albert at 7 tonight
From Fair Sex.
"Farmers also learned the
danger of mixing good and bad ears;
in their cribs," he continued, "and '
the majority of them are not picking
bad ears or else are throwing them
away when husking, although in
some instances there are farmers who !
are piling up fcr fuel." . . ILert yesterday declined because
No Shortage of Seed i Ebert was not then ready to grant
Tests run on corn that was husked the Preliminary condition that he be
as earlv as October 20. show that it free from Party influences in select
ing a caomei.
; London, Nov. 25. Forty or more
women candidates are expected to
contest seats in the coining st-iieral
elections. The nominations have not
yet been made, but eighteen women
candidates have already been an
nounced. The list is headed by Lady
is drying very rapidly. Corn that
contained 35 per cent moisture Octo
ber 20 has now dried so that the
moisture content is only 17 per cent.
Corn that was immature due to late
planting and contained 45 per cent
water has dried in a little more than
a month to where the moisture runs
2S per cent, or low enough to crib
without danger of rotting, 30 per
cent being estimated as the danger
Early estimates that there might
after working the entire Sunday try- Astor. the present conservative can
ing to find a man on whom the par- didcte for Plymouth, and Mrs. Win
tits in the reichstag could agree. Jtringham. liberal.
Albert Accepts Post ! The list contains many other prom
inent nainer. including the Duchess
of Athoil, is expected to be con
servative candidate for Kinross.
Lady Irene Curzon. daughter of the
secretary of foreign affairs, and Lady
the lovers of music over the entire be shortages next year of good seed
wesiern siaies ana orougni many corn have been reversed by further
notices of appreciation. Those who examination and developments, Prof,
were members of the quartet were Kiesselbach said, and the indications
Mrs. Mae Laughridge Smith, Mrs. now point to an amrde Rnrmlv nf
looking after other business in Mur-i Harritt Pitman, sopranos; Miss seed.
ray ss well.
Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Lancaster and
1'er.rl Peterson, Miss Bessie LaRue, i "I
altos; O. A. Davis. Rev. W. H. Gra- Prof.
think you may safely say,"
Kiesselbach concluded, "that
ha last Sunday, drivine- over in tho basses.
car of Mr. Lancaster where
went to see the daughter of
they j
Mrs. Charles Atkinson weer at Omn- ham. tenors; S. G. Latta. L. D. Hiatt, , the only corn we will lose in Ne
j braska thru high moisture content is
ithnt that was liliskpd tno r:irlv Tha
The Community Frczram Irrst is either dry enough now to crib
Lancaster who has been in the hos-I On Tuesday evening the arrange- t with safety or will be shortly. -
puai ai umar.a tor some time where ' ments for the show and the receiving
rhe underwent a few days since an of the Murray community program
operation for appendicitis. They had been completed and with the in
found the young lady dcincr nieelv ! stallation of the Kelloesr loud speak-
and very glad to see the folks from j er by Mr. Bakke the arrangements' Fremont Neh Vnv a
nf , , , . . rompelted. This made the line ,ax. tuVilDVor of'coly'SS
. : ''"? " ' ' J '"''"- ''- ""- f funds under one state fund, and li
censing of automobile drivers were
major themes discussed at the NV
were re- oraska Good Roads association meet
ing held here.
Albert had part of his cabinet
made up tonight and he expressed the
hope that he would succeed in com
pleting it not later than tomorrow
In a letter to Albert, President
Ebert said:
"Under the present conditions in
Cerman5' it is impossible to form a
coalition government under a satis
factory parliament basis, the situa
tion however, is so serious that the
formation of a constitutional gov
ernment can no longer be postponed.
Tried Men Needed
"The only chance is to form a cab
inet of tried men. who. putting aside
personal concerns, will devote them
selves to patriotic duty.
"I appreciate your objections but
Harlow, wife of Sir Montarue Har
low, the minister of healtii. both
prominent in feminine activities, are.
expected to become candidate,
j Miss Margaret Ponlield, recently
elected chairman of the trades urii. ii
congress, will again appear as a la
bor candidate and the labor par'y
has definitely decided to piace seven
ether women candidates in thr field.
Tie liberals have thus Tr chosen
right women.
A prrab botr will be :n cviT.-r.ce at
St. Mary's Christmas shop December
5th at M. W. A. hall. Come early,
and see the fun.
Advertise your wants In the Jour
nal for resnlts.
near Murray think thev should ho
lighter and are accordingly endeav
oring to reduce in weight. Uncle
J. W. Edmunds is very accommodat
ing and weighs them all who mav
Epe Olives
Stuffed Olives
Grape Fruit
Sweet Potatoes
Head Lettuce
Leaf Lettuce
, per dozen 40c Fresh Butter, lb 40c
M. Soennichsen&Co.
Telephone No. 12 Murray, Nebraska
as they got two shows in one.
come on Saturday evenings. Of here with "Over the Border" and the
course Uncle John wants to give as
much as possible when he makes
purchases of cream and therefore it
was a matter of disappointment
when the scales also showed that in
stead of losing the ladies had been
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Eaton
I were messed last Tuesday with the
i present from the stork, a fine baby
jboy which was received with open
arms and which also brought joy to
the household and the smile which
irradiated the genial countenance of
.Grandfather Eli Eatfrn would have
(caused the observer to this the sun
i was arising on a beautiful Septem
ber morn. However, all are getting
along nicely. Dr. J. F. Brendel re
ports the arrival.
of them had to go to Omaha while
others had to remain to look after
the show here but they
warded as they both had an excel-
1 . 1 : rr" : . . r .
ini MiuwiiiR. entertainment. Tho Mlnuino-
. . . .i l , i dent; J. vv. Smith. Stratton
a umu 'Mie snow iiseir. president; P. M. Clement
j no.-.- Kuu rre ireseni were wen fjp, secretary C
paid for their trouble in attending Urer
Roper, treas-
For Sale
Yearling Hampshire boar. E. W.
Bintner, Murray. 22-3T
Get your extracts from the Ladies
Aid society.. All flavors; also fruit
colorings. At Mrs. B. F. Brendel's
or Mrs, J. Hatchett's.
All those who listened in on Mur
ray's radio program last night from
Station WOAW, Omaha, are loud in
their praise of this second offering
from our neighboring town to the
south. The numbers were all very-
pleasing and the orchestra selections
The new directors of the associa
tion are:
First district, Fred Putney. Lin
coln; Robert Swaderer, Nebraska
City. Second district, C. H. Russell
and C. W. Wilhelm. Omaha. Third
district. R". C. Bergman, Columbus;
Peter Kantz, Homer. Fourth dis
trict, E. E. Placek. Wahoo; C. G.
Gish, Beatrice. Fifth district, R. E.
Osborne. Hastings; Addison Oady,
Grand Island. Sixth district, C. G.
Smith, Chadron; C. P. Nelson. Chad-ron.
are seldom discounted by the larger '
city orchestras. Instrumental and; When you want the very brst In
vocal solos and a double mixed quar-4 stationery, call at the Bates Store,
tet comprised the remainder of the corner pif & Kain gt h
nrnrpara Alias F:ftit PottorenB nf ... .... . ' J
Rock Bluff, and a former Platts-i tne Wfclfcng and Eaten,
"The orld is Mine!
These were the words of Monte Cristo when he
escaped from the sea and you can exclaim the same if
you have one of the Kellogg and Westinghouse radio
receiving sets which we sell. You can get anywhere
with them except Mars and the other planets. Drop in
to the Murray garage and hear them.
Remember, we are prepared for your winter needs
in the auto line. New radiators, batteries and tires. Our
tires are going at special prices.
Alcohol for your radiators. Our expert workmen
are at your service. Remember, we welcome your tough
jobs as well as the others.
The Murray Garage
A. D. Bakke, Manager Murray, Nebraska
You are urged to visit St. Mary's
mouth high school student, read twoi Crane Pike lines on display
nuniDers tnai were or ta &me Jiigii ;
class as tee remainder of the pro
At Murray some too persons -were TT, , , ,, v, , , "
catbered at the Peterson hall for the " ' ome cany wnuc Til?
Community club movie and the radio selection it complete. J
t ffcfi ES'nB ffT A.miW yVtr of treatment thctcu.-c Pi!e. Fis?ulaad I
Ira I-.-;
eat h-:ic nv? J
'r-a- operation fNo Ctiioroicrm. iihcr or oher ren-jai tn-
A. CUT mt.irntriJ iw an A a.-r-na 1 .m A " J
until cured. x'tr for free book on Rectal Diseajss, witii names and : ectirroni&U or thousancu ot
ponjaent people rfio harve been permanently cured
XPt. E. H. T.nF!Y SANATORIUM, DR.R.S.J0!i:-'ST0N, Mci! Director
Pcter Trust Bid. CV-ia. Nebr.