The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 19, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1923.
fags rrvl
Urn M
Ui 11
Miss Margaret Too was a visitor If you are interested in receiving
at home last Sunday, spending the all the Cass county news, subscribe
week-end at the home of her parents. for the Plattsmouth Journal.
Emil Kuehn was looking after) Albert Thiele is having a cattle
some business matters in Lincoln shed constructed on his farm for the
last week, making the trip over in j purcese of better carine for the stock.
his auto.
and which is being constructed by
her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Burglund, who visited for two days
in Murdock.
Gust Wendt purchased a new farm
last week near Elmwood, for which
he paid $225 per acre, which shows
and as will be seen by an ad else
where in this paper, are providing
a musical program every Wednesday
at their store, which they welcome
their customers to come and enjoy.
Will Display Samples of Goods
The Murdock Mercantile company
that Pass eountv land still maintains
Henry V. Bornemeier shelled and, Matt Thimgan. its value, for there is not a much bet-
delivered his new corn crop last. Mrs. E. T. Tool deDarted a few tr in He, of v.hat land is reallv
week, w hich proved to be of a very ' days ago for Wellington. North Da- -worth than Is Mr. Wendt.
good quality. kota, where she is spending
William Moreley. of Avoca. was a ; time at the home of her daug
visitor in Murdock last week, coming Mrs. Herbert Adamson. of that place. jnp a short time hunting the elusive f d ve nice disnlav
to see about some business matters! John Amgwert and family were durk on what is known as the "Gich- "
with Max Dusterhoff.
E. L. Pothast of Lincoln has leen
visiting in Murdock for the past
week and wa3 looking after some bus
iness mailers as wen rn htivus unrt rr-innrta vprv nMinn I ir
i.'fWi rr-.if nnri thp fnmiiv worp1, :'., ....... cT,,,... r. Or-kemeier grove, where they naa a
Mrs. H. V. McDonald, the ladies of
the Royal Neighbors of America Ken
sington club met last Thursday af
ternoon and enjoyed the pleasant af
ternoon in their tasks and sociabil
ity. They were entertained by Mes
damcs McDonald. H. W. Tool and
Harry Davis. , Following the work
and the social hour, a delightful
luncheon was served by the hostesses
which was greatly enjoyed.
i e 4
fef-tiyal an! bazaar November 27th
and oth, '.tifli aJer .:-;-n and c veil
ing. A ten of coL.1 an! a $1. r 'l
ph co. ai v. : 11 varioii3 other ;;r:i:Ks
will be rs.-nlt 1 off and a chest of s.l
r v 1:! bs givtn in a contest fjr ll '
mr-sr.. prpuiar lady. There v.i.1 b
enttrt::r.nunt fr young and oM.
Everybody come and bring your
friends. Refreshments will be t-erv-
Robert McCleery had some tecl3
stolen which he had at hi-, work on a
i z.i 1. . C .c.
onus uuiui ed by the Irdics or the church
i . j . uau o mur.iua a. . . a u i. o a u .. -u
Delivers Much Com tue Missouri "anon
Herman Kupke, who has a large the absence of Agent Humble,
acreage of excellent corn, has gath- . j f , !,
Express Appreciation
Louisville, ct
o its I'c.iple of Manley:
Iii 'chclf of the people of tl
:re oi Louisville, we wish to ;
CICU a l.vju ui .1 " " .,V,. r,. T,.r iY,a noct few
anilUfh! -d,.,1S e",5J?e.-,,a If your name i.n't on the Journal's our u.oU K.ncere thank, to ti e n-i
some, I. G. Hornbeck, of the Rock Island, "fn it or a display of a sample , LOt0 'Xto f ,n,.Ph f Thi ciai-ing list, you are misrlns; much PP-c or aianicy. who so iM.-i.m
hter. T-ith a number of friends were snend- . V, P,0 Fia oi a sampie to take advantage of as much of the 6 ' f r ,.,,. eVerv save t vir aid and assistance in the
Jl-?1? .t of 311 thfcir canned goods and it af- good weather as possible. ?.Lhe nes of c a 3 co-nt evtr hOIir nf ,n,r rfcCeIlt misfortune.
Mrs David Tielie was a visitor We feel all the more grateful to
with friends in Omaha last Thurs- "3 r yorrrs was help often d irn
dav and Friday, returning home on mediately, earnestly and voluntar-
visiting in Council Blufis over the nour island" in the Missouri river a TninT-pd n "Rnnst
week end. going last Saturday and few miles below IMattsmouth, and Jt (vv nr,
remaining until Monday evening and -w hile there they had a most pleasant , ?.e anB. n ! L
uhoro ih.r ia-i the visit with last Thursday evening, after having
rpi.t;v friH vrv nMifh i ' i,- .ici. ,t secured the "needings," went to the
Hits a Calf
J. F. K. Schmidt, of Denver, who
is representing a Lincoln land firm,
selling land located in Montana, had
the misfortune to run into a calf
with his auto, near the home of An-
Atrnnc those who have finished t
c- - - . . v. 1 . . v . w . . v . . . . v . 1 Oiil last rU I U ' i n iici L lie cii . ... . -
Picking of their corn this season are visiting last Sunday at Liberty and wed the foothall came between the most Peasant evening with a weiner . drew Stohlman a few days ago with
i-. ii. tinier, wnose corn went 4o enlovetl the occasion verv much. On rnmhnd-orc nnH tho rpat
. ------ - V- i Ull - uui
1 . . . u 1 n n n ,1 1 . --r r 1 j . . . . . . 1 . .
Duoucia nuu aiw u. sH.-iitfw iiu meir return iney were accompameu , name team, whicn resulted in a
Vt-o I WAS l.
7 to
A. Ii. Zaar. hv Mrs. ("raicr's fnther. Jacob Pierce, i a ,-.v-t.iT-,- fn- vdiraei-n Tr T)i im-
The first game of basketball of the -w ho will visit here for a short time. ;ran savs this wns the best football
season was played between the team Victor Thimean. who has been p.,. . ni.iv! in Vphraska. Carlton Zink, with
of the Murdock high school girls and handling an oil burner for stoves and ; August Wendt and P. II. Dehnning former, took a nice drive, it being a
a iiKe team oi ureenwoou, at the hall furnaces reports that business has from this vicinity are among the nice day and m their trip saw urown
in iuraocit.
Took a Sunday Jaunt
Last Sunday Henry Amgwert and
the car of
the result that the radiator of the
car and the lamps were put out of ner frjend Miss Alice Harms for the
Priday evening.
Mrs. A. Steinkamp lias been spend
ing the, past week et the home of
her son. Edward Steinkamp. near
Weeping Water.
Miss Yioln Dnvis was a of
Truly we are deeply indebted to
yo:i for your great kindnesses and we
wish to assure you of our sincere st
gratitude and appreciation.
Bv Its Trustees and Clerk.
j teen good with him in this line and members of the grand jury which is vilte, probably as old a town as there
,n'that he has sold a large number in session af" the county scf.t. if- in the state of Nebraska. They
:uso visited witn menus at Aiinurn
commission. He had to have a new
radiator placed thereon and the lamps
the fixed uragain. He claims the calf
was carrying neither head or tail
Mrs. P. A. Hartung. who has be
visiting with her parents. Mr. and the turners, all of which are doing i harine testimony and deliberating
Mrs. L. Neitzel. and al?o with her ?ocnl work. lover the conduct of numerous citi- r.nd a number of other good cities
sister. Mrs. Dr. S. B. MacDiarmid. in Mrs. Jess Landholm was a visitor zens of the county, who it is claim-
Omaha, returned to her home in for a short time last week in Omaha, ed have not always walked in the' Will Hold Mass Meetin?
Kansas City. Mo., where her husband where she was a guest of friends and
is city engineer. on her return was accompanied by
Get Ready for Winters
The cold weather is coming. Is your battery good
for the winter and how about the radiator? Is it so it
will hold water and alcohol for the cold weather? We
have the batteries, radiators and alcohol. We put out
the best service. Call and see us when needing any
thing in our line.
The Thimgan Garage
EL W. Thimgan, Proprietor
I am prepared to do all kinds of trucking between
Murdock, Lincoln and Omaha and points, including
hogs aid cattle hauling and merchandise.
Rates Reasonable!
The best of service assured. Long distance telephone
calls paid by me.
Telephone 13
burdock Meat Market
GORDON BLOCK, Proprietor
Murdock, Nebraska
To Our Patrons!
We will never knowingly deceive you. We are
going to keep the quality of cur Petroleum Products
right where it is. Right at the TOP.
We want to keep your confidence and respect.
We thank you for your nice patronage.
Eagle and Murdock
at the Mercantile!
I.G-Piece Orchestra Every
Wednesday Night!
Come in and drive dull cares away. We know you
will enjoy it!
n n
sercanifie yo. -
"straight and narrow
Farm loans
5. Option to
vou desire a
Pothast at Farmers & Merchants purchase
yeek end. visiting with her at
heme in Manley.
E'mer Kifhrl of near Greenwood,
ore of the pupils of Miss Leda F'.eis, was Fpendini; last Sunday at
the home of Mr. Fred Fleischman.
He Keeps cn Picking Corn Misres Maeie r.nd Katie Wolpert iirRian
And this notwithstanding Uie r.r- were visiting: with relatives and
l rival of a fine little girl at his home, friends last week for a short tirae
ICarl Schlnphoff, living on the state near Greenwood, making the trip in
highway, gets out early and keeps their auto. ,
Tliere will be a mass meeting of me. ears or corn mumping againsi me ;;riie son c: i-i ivecKier, wuu
neen ar me noscuai ior a s e-
niproved that he
ome and is do-
j -4. r,oru rt thr, Mm -HnpU fhr.f i the side oi me m-row Doara to me nns
. tj r Krrici npi on i iisii;.v ( . ' t 1 1 1 1 . ii- J ' 1 - ' " - w -l- ' -
pay ax any time, ai , 7ti, fnr th nnrnnw of an. i and why should he not. for the little was able to return h
farm loan see 0. J. ,inri7ir J the hn.ird nf lnr-itum to ! ore i? a darling and both the little ins: nicely now.
the bite recently selected
Bank, Hnrdock, Nebraska.
Mr. A. C. Depner. who has been a
j figure in Murdoch for many a year,
I departed a short time asxo for Cali
jfornia, whew he is spending the win
ter at the home of his daughter, ile
may conclude to remain there perma
nently. It seems w';i?n a person from
! Murdock ?roes to California to spend
jthe winter there, it is only a case of
ja short time until they go there to
reiai:i permanently. !
! i'rr.nk Vallerv of Plaltsmouth was
a visitor in Murdock for a short time
last Tuesday evening, and departed
for the west in his enr and was ac
companied by John G-keniuer, who
was going to Imnninir. where he has
for the purpose of erecting the new
building for school purpjses. They
will also consider the matter of pro
viding means for the purchase of the
The Kensington Meets
At the beautiful home of Mr.
Kri-m Friday's luily
One -f the prominent residents of
e itn'ral portion oi trie county-.
hv.eppe. Sr., of near Mur
dock, Ii in very serious condition ft
his home as the result of a stroke of
paralysis with which lie was strick
en on Tuesday night at the family
home. Mr. Schweppe has not lx-t n
in the best e-f health for thv part few
weeks and feeling poorly and last.
Tuesday evening his son. Herman,
with whom he makes his home. wa
conversing with the father and he
did not seem to be more seriously ill
lady and her mother are getting James O'Leary and wife were rls
along nicely. iting in Omaha one day last week.
guests at me iiome ui me iuiujci a than 1KMr,. nT.,, t,.. tini, ,,
When yon want the very best in raotJe.r' Mufl- J- 'Lear-v and broth- Mr-. Schweppe. wife of the aged man.
staticnery, call at the Bates Store. eruncfe Geor-VsSafer has been as- Tited his r? ,0,r?ke V'" a pIifM
er.HKb Main S. wher. yen If' A.M?.?., lZlZ
wiU find the Whiting and Eaten, west of Manley during the time when , an( without warnJntJ anrl waa a
Crane Pike lines on display. hs hfs ilJTJVnle tl -rcat t( "u of the
Pa5,1 the grand ju0- now sitting lamiv Mr s...hwopT,e is (0 y,.
. r . " . . ... . . ilj
a ranch in pr-rtnersr. ip witn t uaries ,
Kau. Mr. Vallcry was going to Ocon- :
to. where 1k was looking after pome j
business maiiora anu vir. uaKemeier
was returning to the ranch.
or are and has suffered very much
from the effects of the stroke and H
in a partially conscious condition tho
Birthday Celebration
The birthday celebration at the
L. Xfitrel home iavt Sunday was a
very happy affair. In the first place
it war- a surprise. In the second
T5hce it was a very happy afiiir be-eenr-e.
it resulted in a family re
union, all the children being: there.
They are Mrs.-P. A. HartuxK. of Kan-j
sas City. Mo.; Mrs. O. J. Hitchcock
and family, of Ilavelock; Mrs. Dr. S.
B. MacDiarmid ami family cf Omaha,
Radio News Broadcast each Saturday bv Station ETAO
at Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. August Stander were
visiting at Nebraska City last Sun-
jj their nephew. Dr. Zimmercr, and also
were consulting mm regaraing me
( health of Mrs. Stander.
rs. Catherine Earhardt is the pos-
r of a new Uuick auto, which
, will give this lady and family ex
J cellent service. Mr. Earhardt has
k sessor
demonstrated excellent judgment as JJ0 Xct Endanger Life when a Platts-
to the selection of a car, as the Buickj
is hard to beat for a good, sturdy
mouth Citizen Shows Yon the
Way to Avoid It.
Edward Kelly was
visitor at
Page "Wahoo.
rreater increase
PlattsmniTth ln t pr ppsi av mine i
s2 over to Tie nresent the eloping ninht
r,f thp 4mf.riean T.eeinn earnival F.d l"P agonies oi Kinney complaint.
oacKP.cnc. urinarv cisorners iame-
Why will ieople continue to sufltT
of kidney
Thej''re still missing.
Junior Review, Iecember 7
Programs for this big eve
be out next week.
r an even ;
. .... - , , , ri CLfl rdc ti a cn invert th nppncun v&rv
,jc inaDinty to get many oi me ciesireu he-ducl-es larruor whv a"ow
!,.; ioiiv much and staved until the conclusion nc.-.h. languor, w i a..ow locauj. , f f wj,ich Ws an earIv hour themselves to beeome chronc n-val-
th ' VV- r-f v QnutT," in the morning. M when a tested remedy is oRred
th- 1 he V01e 0f th? S,0Uth , t, ( W. J. Rau and wife, accompanied them?
nt will . X &B, COmS, lD re,u,,arly on both by Mr. Rau's mother and brother.' lean's Kidney Pills have been
nt win tno oarjy evening and late programs, r.' o-,. f TMiM -n-ho hsvp ueed in kidney trouble over 50 ye-irs.
but for some reason doesn't seem to
'have the old time volume it did in the
been tested
thousands of
i in nt rnrfrpt fhA Miirrav inrneram. ; j.. -k a in,,i, c- lwl " .. ... ...w
and A. J. Neitel and family of n-ar Tll .v ni ht Xnvr.ihp 27th. , X.ZT ."Z':":"".?rir" urday evening. Mr. George Rau and
tk. The weather was perfect ' , ic "
"Maggie" has arrived in Omaha ; Monday Marietta. Ga.. Epworth
and at the center of which was a. ' ' ilbu. unum... o .u , --.fe"
Kir:,,iv .....w. -u-itl. ,.rM - TT- ... . Radiowl concert, presenting Swart s
. ....v .- . "f ,,t v. us, Jt-nerson t iiv, win nave au-
- - uu' nt icr r,f Its nl ri lime "hnut nun n m- -,!..- i .. . . r . i
grams in the air night. Ail
for th
event. The festal board was j
witn tne cuoicesi or euivues
thl Grev Mare orchestra of Toledo,
traced in pink sugar. Sixteen sat at
the trh'.e. Had Mrs. Hartung's fam
ily bzen pre-ciit, the number v-o ild
have bt en twenty. The affair was
very much, tnjoyed by all present.
r:cn:e very useful pnsents were giv
jn to Mr. Neitzel, which will long
be remembered und cherished.
Appreciated Services Rendered
The people of Murdock and vicin
ity Mint to Louisville because the
people tiire needed assistance at the
time of the flood and in recognition
of the kindly feeling which prompt
ed the work
have writ ton the following to the
people of Murdoik and vicinity:
Louisville. Oct. 31.
To the People of Murdock:
In behalf of the people of the Vil
Tuesday Vocal Droeram. S to 9.
followers of Heiiiy Field please step Colored choir. 10:45 to 12.
forward. J Wednesday Silent, 8 to 9. Radi-
owl program. 10:45 to 12, stars of
If you want to keep abreast of the Atlanta Kirmess.
radio programs., .you'll find what you; Thursday Varied program, 8 to
are looking for in Radio Digest. It 9. Organ recital, 10:45 to 12.
can Le secured every u eanesaay at'
Dates Book and Stationery Store.
honn viaitimr herp Wfr nil viciHnp' have
for a short time in Lincoln last Sat- cases.
ir you nave any. even one, or tne
mother departed for their home at symptoms 01 Kinney diseases, act
Utica last Monday morning. lnow- dropsy or Bright'e disease may
Joseph Hughes and wife of Her-set in anrl make neglect dangerous,
man were visiting with friends and Rfa(1 this Ph'tteraouth testimony:
relatives in Munlev last week, and; Edward Martin, machinist, of 1 400
were guests at the home of Walter Vine street, says: "Doan s Kidney
Mwi,-er.h.nmt nnii nn thpir return PiHs are all th?it is claimed of them.
Fridny John McCrindle, "Radio's
Harry Lauder," and other artists. 8
,to 9; Decatur, Ga., community pro-
Besides keeping your battery fully gram, 10:45 to 12.
(harped, it is also a good idea to wipe!' Saturday "Hired Hands program
up any acid about the top or exterior , featuring employes of Atlanta Jour
as it will set up "shorts" between s to 9: Recular niehtlv 10:45
were accompanied as far as Omaha'
by Mrs. Mockenhaupt, where she
viited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Tighe for a short time.
Joseph Wolpert was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Sunday, taking his
Ctl 1 dull iuaiue; Luc 1 v . A 1; 1 11 L j uit.-
Whenever my kidneys get out of fix
and act irregu'arly. a box of Doan's
soon remedies the trouble. Occasion
ally my back gets to aching, but ft
only requires a few Doan's Kidney
Pills to relieve me."
The above statement was given .m
the cells and result in noisy recep- vnriir-.wi rnnwrt in-i tn i
the Louisville people tion, as well as injure the battery if '
allowed to run into the wood case.
. . . . . . 1, . 1 - 1
people of Murdock, who so liberaily
gins, pastor of the St. Patrick's trruary --. ana on .May u.
church and Bishop Mahonev. who 1920. Mr. M.-nin added: "I know
visiting with Father Hicgins. to the Doan's Kidney Pills are a good kid
countv seat to visit with Father M. ne' remedy after what they have
a chtno tv- thr wr-Aninp- Mr Wnt- done for me. They have never fail-
pert is ever looking for seme act of.r(1 t0 (io tht,r work in a short
kindne-s which he can perform. 1 on,-v UPe loan's occasionally now
I The Deonle about Manlev are set- as a preventative to keep my kidneys
ting along with their corn husking healthy."
Fort Worth Star-Telegram and some are done. Omar Coon Ins1 "rice 60c. at all dtalers. Don't
Broadcasting on 476 meters, the fmirhed and is feeling prettv well simply aFk for a kidney remedy git
Fort Worth Star-Telegram station, over the matter, thank vou. " J. C. ocn's Kidney Pills th? fame that
the following attractive Rauth is jrettinrr aloner nieelv and is Mr. Martin had. t oter-MHL.urn
10., .uirs., uunaio. 1,
the CCminST week: .whinh ia about fiftv hucsliolR tn tbe
iir to oveioo me tnmg ana wear Monday Piano and vocal concert. Thio ia nt this time nPrind as RAI'KRI'PTCY N'OTICK
out tneir welcome.
Wearing Ont the Welcome
Somehow, the old saying "; will have
lace of Louisville we wi:h to extend )lT1l JJlZP.h XllW0? for e5r "enem durinS feeling pretty good over the yield, i
a - i . j xr i . ii . i r . v uiiLri l ij ii ii i i i i ir- Tt-tic t: cr t inn 'qc nnriroiv nuct rnron i in i i i i 1 1 s i i 1 1 i i iiiiii i 1 n i i i
hour of our recent misfortune ihand are snme hke OC, KbD,(ton coiiege students, featuring their by hail last year. ' States for the District cf Nebraska.
We ei alf the more " at!fnl toiCtC" at confin- their broadCBSting 40-piece orchestra; 9:30 to 10:45. I Mrs. Will Rauth. who has been Lincoln. Division.
vou for vours v an help offered 1m-' to a" hUr r r 3 nh- Tf hlr Tuesday Program by Hawaiian ruite ill for a long time, is at this In the matter of Clyde Hart, bank-
med'atelv earnestly a voluntar--? CCR.f"rmtto tha hedule. Music School of Dallas, 7:30 to 8:30; time showing rome marked improve- rupt. Case No. S62 in Bankruptcy.
n,: " . jPive them without superfluous an- Fort Worth Harmony club program, ment. which is pleasing alike to this To the creditors of the abovn bank-
Trulv we are deeplv indebted to noUf!rntS, a:1 attemPted ',se , 9:20 to 10:45. ert-ellent ladv and her manv friends'rupt of Plattsmouth. in the County
' 7'; r L-V..t .? cracks" and they are the stations, Vedncsday Concert by Baptist who were railing on her dnrine the'of Cass. the district aforesaid. a
we wish to assure you of our sincer-
est gratitude and appreciation.
Respectfully vours.
By its Trustees and Clerk.
from now as they are today
r a year or so. church 25-piece orchestra, 7:30 to past week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stan-
This Week from W0AW
The current week's offerings from!
,.u; bpeciai concert of bpanlsh mu- der, of Omaha: Mr3. Walter Mocken
ric (announcements in English and haupt. Miss Marv Murphey. Met
i"""0"! v.ov iu iu.ip. . :uames hrantc Bergman, waiter n
Notice is hereby given that on the
7th day of November, A. D. 19 23. tho
rid bankrupt wa duly adjudicate;!
Station WOAW, are as follows:
Sunday Morning and evening
chapel services. V a. m. and 9 p. m.
Thursday Dance concert. 7:30 to O'Brien. Ed Stander and J. C. Rauth , bankrupt, and that the first meeting
Grandpa Schveppe is Stricken ,
Grandpr. Herman Schweppe receiv
ed a stroke of paralysis last Tuesday
evening after he had returned, and
from which he has been suffering
greatly ever 6ince. Mr. Schweppe is
about SO years of age and has en
joyed moderate health until recently.
when he has grown nuite feeble and t 9 to 10: Middieton School of Mu
followmg the stroke has not been able ,, t,.,;;,, m ln n
tf:30; Organ recital, 9:30 to 10:45. 'and Miss Lillian Tisrhe. 'of his creditors will be held in Room
Friday Concert by choral club of The Rev. Father Higgins and Ed-, 334., Federal Building, in Lincoln.
Jubilee singers from Mount Pisgah vard Kellv were visitine: in Lincoln I Nebraska, on the 22nd day of Novem-
Monday Hotel Fontenelle Concert I negro church. 7:30 to S:30; Concert last Saturday and attending the foot-!ber. A. D. 1923. at 10 o'clock in the
orchestra, 9 to 10; Jean Woodruff ' by 2 5-piece North Texas State Teach- 1,31 pame between Nebraska Corn-' forenoon, at w hich time tbe sab
Conceit company, 10 to 11.
Tuesday Thurman. Iowa,
iminity program.
Wednesday Silent night.
Thursday Saxton Family orches-
crs' college orchestra. 9:30 to 10:45.
Saturday Radio Bible class,
-huskers and Notre Dame, and while 'creditors may attend, prove their
He is receiving ,
-South Omaha High, in a
A 'j
11-L 1,U:,VI; ttUl'.proeram similar to our own "Junior
kind hands can administer. 'Review." 9 to 13.
, Saturday Fontenelle orchestra. 9
Moves to Murdock to 10; First Christian church
Mrs. Grace Rymer, formerly of ;tra and soloists, 10 to 11.
Murdock, and also formerly employ-! -
f t U (.. . IUC H UI KULU I1ULC1, Cl II vl O. 11
I cellent cook and also a clever man
laser of an eating house, has moved
to Murdock from Wabah and has
opened an eating house in the build
ing belonging to Mr. John Schee!.
7 to there met Bishon R.J. Mahonev. who ! claims, examine the bankrupt, ep-
7:30. ha lnfitpH at fiimi-r F"nliR R n a n rl Doi n t a t rustee a nd t rv n sac t such ot h-
No musical programs Saturday or . with whom Father Higgins was a cr business as may properly ccmo be
Sunday nights, these being silent for ( classmate at the American college at fore such meeting.
Station WEAP. I Rome some years ago. The Bishop I Dated November 7th. 1923.
returned to lanlev for a. visit with I DANIEL H. McCLENAHAN.
lhat JUavenport Program jp-ather Higgins and they were driven
Referee in Bankruptcy.
How They Stand cn Ducks
Learning Error of Their Ways
When one !ee such Felections a3
"Yes. Wo Have No Bananas." "Mars-
chela." "Mellow- Moon." "Drifting
Back to Dreamland, " "Dreamy Melo
dies," "Georgia. Moon." r.nd scores of
others released tbe National
Association of Broadcasters becoming: 111- 10 to 11
Thursday P. S
Yes. we have received it. So here j to Plattsmouth on Sunday afternoon
it is for week starting Sunday: ;by Joseph Wolpert. where they spent
Sunday Organ recital, 7 to 7:30. 'the evening with Father M. A. Shine,
Church service at 8. P. Sv C. orches- 'returning: to Manley in Hie evening
tra.' David Mctz, boy soprano and C. land Bishop Mahonev departed for his
R. Hall, tenor, in 2-hour program tome Monday morning
beginning at 9 p. m.
Hears of Mother's Death
Last Tuesday a message came tell
ing of the death of Mrs. Robert P.
Missouri, mother
mble. Mr. and Mrs.
Claims and counter claims are noDulcr over nieht and much sousht
made regarding a flock of wild ducks. jU sheet music and record form thru
which formerly were the property of out the length rnd breadth of the
Oscar McDonald, but which have land, he cannot help but be amazed
been in the marts of commerce and at the claim of the Music Publishers
which are jointly and severally association that radio was hurting
claimed by Mr. McDonald. E. W. i their business and thev were entitled
Thimgan and H. W. Tool, any wayo royalties. ETAO has maintained
all can use them for they are for de- from the start tim the opposite was
coying other wild ducks.
A 2Jew Innovation
true, and the present conditions cer
tainly bear out our contention. We
know of homes right here in Platts
Monday Rack Island R. R. Em
ployees Association band. 8 to 9.
Tuesday-r-SHent night.
dlnT1I(layStTenP,Ch0rTS Cwlnno Hater.
Island, 111., S to 9. Troy Laundry f ...... A IT u.,,.
Machinery Co. band. East Humb!e departed for theTe imnied)a.
r, . , :tely, taking their car to Union, where
C. orchestra and ' 4. A , 4,: :J
Tit T vl. , x - Ll.t lTl.Tv I If U.H 1 hUlllK VII Lilt- UUU"
i .V,?:,l"friniht train, which enabled them to
V p , E"""0"""v" reach Slater the following morning.
rlu8' 8 l? 9' A more complete account of the life
tetTr SdTiano Soii k To 9 of this pood ,af,y be giva nei'
lZ? L? ?-A . Ueek. The husband and father pass-
iP .-dq , . mUB1f awa' last January 1st. and Mr.
SoSctp ninvci anl f Mrs. Humble have the sympathy
y. f flf P, y- td b1P .S'jC- r- of the entire community in this sec-
chestra with incidental wnjring by d losg wh, h uas coJe t th
V. B. Rochte, baritone soloist, 9 to ,
10. Among the numbers are "Mar-;
The Murdocli Mercantile company , mouth where sheet music purchases cheta." "There's a Bungalow That's
is alvaye alrt f tbe convenience have increased 10 per cnt Hicce the 1 "Vaiting!" nd . "Drifting Back to
and accommodation of their trade, advent of radio and the only thing j Dreamland." - - .
Will Give Home Coming Bazaar
The ladies of t. Patrick's churcl.
of J,l3niey will hold a home coming
In the District Court of the Unite 1
States, for the District of Nebraska.
Lincoln Division.
In the matter of James K. Davis,
bankrupt. Case No. 861 in Bank
ruptcy. To creditors of the above bank
rupt, of Plattsmouth, in the county
of Cass, the district aforesaid, a
Notice is hereby gien that on the
7th day of November, A. D. 152", the
;tid bankrupt was duly adjudicated
bankrupt and that the firht ru-etUir
of his creditors will be held in Room
334, Federal Building, In Lincoln.
Nebraska, on the 22nd day of No
vember, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, at which time the said
creditors may attend, prove their
claims, examine the bankrupt, ap
point a trustee, and transact Furh
other business as may properly come
before such meeting.
Dated November 7th. 1923.
Referee in Bankruptcy.