The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 08, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, 1I03TEMBEE 8, 1923.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader
If any of the reader of the
Journal Itnoir of toy aoclaJ
Tent or item of Interest In
this vicinity, and will mall
me to this office. It will ap
pear under this heading. W
want all zmws 1 tenia Editok
The only difference between
stumbling blocks and stepping
stones is the way you use them.
Don't Argue!
Keep a checking account with
the Murray State Bank.
Pay by check and then you
have instant proof that the bill .tank
has been paid. You have a'E
receipt and a permanent record, iter sister for the present week com
r r ling from her home at Millard last
Don't argue and loose your tern- Monda5
per and your friends.
ray and west of town last Wednes
day afternoon.
Mesdames O. A. Davis and E. S.
Tutt were visiting and also looking
after gome business for a short time
in Omaha last Tuesday. ,
C. A. Vallery and wife have been
visiting for a few days past at the
home of the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. "W. Vallery.
Morton Bartlett and Dr. J. F.
Erendel were looking after some bus
iness matters "for a short time in
IMattsmouth on last Friday.
Mrs. Christine Coughlin of Platts
mouth was a visitor in Murray last
Wednesday, coming down to give les
sons in music to her class here.
Herman F. Gansmer and wife and
Louis Hallas and wife were visiting
and also looking after some business
matters in Omaha last Wednesday.
Joseph Green, the oil man, was a
visitor at Lincoln last Sunday and
made the trip with his brother-in-law,
Mr. J. P. Douglas of Nehawka.
W. S. Wetencamp. living northwest
of Murray, while in Omaha, purchas
ed a car load of cattle which he will
feed on his home farm this winter.
Lester Shrader was a visitor in
Murray last Wednesday getting some
sand and concrete to construct a con
crete foundation around his water
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hoschar, of
Seymour, Iowa, were visitins at the
home of Mr. Hoschar's uncle, Mr. L.
C. Hoschar. last Sunday and Monday.
Mr. Hoschar was rormertjc the editor
of the Seymour paper.
Mrs. W. T. Vallery was a visitor
at the home of her sister, Mrs. S.
Kitzel for a few days last week, where
the sisters sure had a good time.
Mrs. Vallery also visited with other
relatives while there.
Dr. J. W. Brendel and wife, of
If Land is Not Leased as Desired at
Once Kay Interfere With Flans
For Immediate Drilling.
pupils were at Plattsmouth Sunday
nui-loi! Porrnu'S a rrmctriirtins!' A
Ayoca, were visitors in Murray ..dBl iradio receiving set
jj A telegram reecived here today by
j. 'Rex Young from George L. Kerr, the
. , .. . , !, J, ,-, ll.i.
tr li L 1 tr ill tx u n xiu una uccu ai -1 nw i n
i after the leasing of the oil lands in
'this county, states that action on the
The Algebra and Geometry exami- finai leasing of the land here must
nations were given Monday evening. ' De made or the promoters of the pro
Some of the Murray High school 4prt nf drilling will be forced to
abandon the field here in Cass county-
. .
There are only a few tracts or land
Wednesday, Mrs. Brendel visiting
here and attending the meeting of
the Ladies Aid society, while the doc
tor made a business visit to Omaha.
Postmaster W. S. Smith and the
wife were spending a few days with
was absent
that are as yet not tiened up and
from gome 0f ihese are in such a position
Miss Viola Kelsey, sister of Mrs.
L. Peterson was a visitor with
I Ireta Henry
t school Monday. ! that leasees practically must have
Lauren Todd is absent from school ibem before they will be able to go
on aceount of illness in the home. : ahead with drilling as a matter of
Inez Hoschar was absent from trieir own protection in the develop
school Tuesday and Wednesday.
friends at Ong and wnue tnere me . Donabelle Edmisten. one of. the Tne opportunity is good for a real
affairs at the postoffice were looked fcjgn school pupils, was a visitor at test of whether or not there is oil in
after by Mr. K. L. Kniss, the carrier mies wilma Rainey's schoel on last tbjs part of tne county and the pro
of the route, which placed the affairs. Thursday. Imo'ters of the project who have not
of the office in excellent hands. j Ruth Bourne has returned to school astea any financial support at all of
The Rev. W. F. Graham and three after being absent for several days. tne Citizens of the county, will have
of his daughters. Misses Helen. Lois I Everyone seems to have enjoyed to gQ to a deal of expense in
and Mary, with Misses Elizabeth Mc- the two days of vacation last week. r,inkjng the well and consequently
Cracken and Alice Woods, were en- The furnace has been repaired and feel that thev should have the guar
joying the county Sunday school con-'a good fire is assured the Murray antees that "the leases give before
vention, which had a two day ses- school this winter. they start work
sion at Weeping Water last Monday Earl Mrasek was absent last Wed-j Tf he ieasea' are not signed up
and Tuesday. uiesday morning. ! within the next few days the pro-
jne wgniD Braue are iu iae " moters will probably abandon the
Lucian LaRue, the gifted boy sing
er of Union, has been secured to Eing
at the American Legion carnival at
Plattsmouth Saturday night. Lucian
is a great drawing card and holds the
distinction of being the most youth-
I Charles Mutz marketed a truck ful artist from Cass county ever to
rt Ih-ot- i-jt Wertnesilav at annrar nn u radio nrneram.
Omaha. Mr. Frank Mrasek taking the i Gn Wednesday of last week the.5101'
porkers to the market and being ac-jyoung people of the high school of
companied by Air. .viutz.
English composition soon.
Charles Boedeker attended a court
session at Plattsmouth last Friday.
The Grammar room had quarterly
examinations this week.
Henry Dietl. one of Miss Widhelm's
pupils, was absent from school last
i Edna Grepne received the Drize at
tha little fnltra' ITallnue'en nnrtv fnr
iiuunuv ru uru a iidjiunc cu imi u i . . 1 a , n -
E. L. Dowler and wife of Weeping at the norne of Mr. and Mrs. Roy " . ""J T " " "
Water were visiting for a few days Howard southwest of Murray. At . m'hIi Hnnkini
I ,i,in ihi. -alr ar the rinmp nf..t.. . . ,, ... .-, I Muriel HOpKinS
Cnr, ncr rinuier nndi . ..t , . scnooi aionuay
iucji - mem iu me uciiusiuu were muuijcu
I t, Cfrt nnitlin-tct ff MllTfaV I . 1 , . . . 1 A .
niic m t sji. in asa we uo qui kliuw ui any iuti .,v.i
2l r. auu iuia. tj. w. i.uuur were missintr. . . -
- 1 Kill 111
. . i ;i e ii. . ...
northwest of Murray, and where all CC,I. ,, do tn iv-Cn n ...
enjoyeu me aay very wutu. f f. iinnlp nr ni-n McOuinn near r-on uhoi HnwH nn w1tip-
Philip Lambert was a visitor in ! Union on November 14th. Those who da v niht
'. . . . nmaVia Inst Xk'PP V uhf-re he Went tO , n 4 A V. cnta fAftimotn wi : . i i 4 : j
some business matters in riaiismouun ; i,j r" " 1 i nuse uenuer uusfui uur iuiuj
last Tuesday. paint the heme of Mr. Harry Bar- in tne fact that they are to have an during the second month in the Pri-
-vlurrav s next radio progratu wui t 1 w " -- vyxji miui gciiuii, t a. i. mary room were r lora Jiiue oufueK
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
Mr. R. S. Young was looking after
field here and consider the matter
closed. As it will be of the greatest
Talue to every property owner in the
county in case favorable indications
of oil or gas is found, there should
be an effort made to secure the leases
that will guarantee that the work of
drilling will be carried out. ,
Mr. Kerr will arrive here from
New York.where he his been for the
Mr. ana Mrs. u. u. itnouen were were missing
spending last Sunday at the home of j f christian
Mr and Mrs A D. Rhoden and ' J?chUrch at Murray has consented to
past two weeks in consultation with
. . the financial heads that are backing
aDseni rrom thg proposition aEd will look over
? t ilILi li J the land desired or close up the work
rool attended the teachers conven- , "
Omaha last Thursday and
be piven on the night of Tuesday,
November 27th.
Glen Vallery took a truck load of
hog's to the South Omaha market on
Tuesday for Roy Howard.
C. A. Trent and wife were looking
after some business matters in the
county seat last Tuesday.
County Attorney A. G. Cole was a
i ; ;
turning home last Saturday. . cooking of these excellent cooks. er. Donald Mrasek, John Pointer, Mrs. J. E. Voorhees, Formerly MlSS
Mrs. E. W. Milburn, who has been j Last Sunday at their home in Mur- Robert Lone, Marven Reed. Alice, Myrtle Meredith, Passes Away
at Lincoln for some time assisting in ray. Dr. and Mr3. J. W. Brendel en- Louise Hiatt, Beatrice Rawls. Muriel a H0rn.e in Illinois,
the care of her mother. Mrs. I. M. tertained for the day and dinner, Hopkins. Rose Mary Friedrich. John!.
Davis, returned home a few days ago. !irs. b. F. Brendel and Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Mary Mrasek. Richard Bren-
the mother being somewhat improv
Mr. Glen Boedeker has just com
pleted a cattle barn on his place east
or in Murray last Wednesday af- UT'' wnfich tna3 m00"
con for a short time. ed by the contractor, Mr. J. A boot-
len auu wuiui iusuics n ucm& a
W. L. Seyboldt of Murray, T. J. del. Margaret Long, Glen mis
Brendel and wife of Kearney who Thelma Pitman.
visited here for a number of days
over Sunday and Dr. and Mrs. J. W.
Brendel of Avoca all enjoying the
occasion very nicely.
From Monday's Daily
The durk shadow of sorrow has
Celebrated Her Birthday
i i ne uutk snauow 01 sorrow iia
jbeen cast over the home of Juliau V..
I Voorhees, where on last Saturday
Lawrence Addleman. of Spring
f,f-ld whs visitinff at the L. C. Hos
char home last Saturday and Sua- There was no school
day. day and Friday of last
Vprsrs Art Tmnn C T. Troon and . the teachers were in
Will Kruger shipped a car load of, the teachers' convention which was they had to borrow another vehicle
lmrs to the Omaha market on last! in session at Omajia during that to go home in, and when they got
Tuesday. j time.
Frank Schlic-htcmeier was lookirixr I The npw crib for ear corn which
after nome business in Murray and is bcine: constructed at the D. J. Pit- them before they could get in
getting a load of oats for the hogs on juian elevator is assuming goodly pro- lot.
the farm. Iportions at this time and will soon j Oscar Nailor was looking a"ter
Sheriff C. D. Quintoa was looking 'be ready for the reception of the some business matters in Plattsmouth
I last Wednesday afternoon and while
morning the tHm messenger of
The relatives of Mrs. Rov Howard deh entered and called the wife
i, .) i cno. and mother. Myrtle Meredith oor-
Last Wednesday night, while some intbe DroDer way all ratherine at hea to her heavenly home, leaving
r-tio- n-oi-t, .n Invimr ,ha Ilallnu o'on 1,1 lUe Proper Way ail gHlUtriUg HI , , 4 , .1 l.
VU11U1CU uc-
I Tfi
t v..v j t tut; uuauauu auu. uice
during Thurs- party at Roy Howard s, some one . , ; i. ,i " "r: reft of her loving care and
week, as all or stole the cushion and one of the for the occasion Mr and and the hearts of the peopl
attcnrinnfo r-t i -.i-,ic f,nm inH present ior tne occasion, mr. anu
PJ4zmm l ill
.x i ft
Raised mc
. . and now
"What have you eve done for me?
like a pauper in ihis rottsn old houte
you won't do the one thing that might make me
happy! .... I HATE YOU!"
This was his daughter .... his Cora! And he lov
ed her so and this was his reward ... his bit
ter harvest!
A scene that ycu'll remember forever!
TARKINGTON'S Masterpiece
Iknded b HQBART liTJJlE V
Pf esen-ted by CARL LAEMMLE
Murray Comniuniiy Glub
Saturday, Eiavsmber ! 7th
e of this
in their
and family, Leonard i-irjius w.
t- i -,t o. -Nirs. oornees
there they found the wheel and cush- " ' -uu V' Z' . end an ill
'ion in the gateway and had to remove kanD ? I1-- etenkamp. A 01ltJg. du
most delightful time and
lent dinner was had.
an excel-
WiU Feed Cattle
death brought to an
illness of more than six 'j. m tup niorninr nnim?
ration, during the major t In nt EilO 1 HlU I bUUIll
portion of which she was in the i
Methodist hospital in Peoria, where , j
Iwas tried in an effort to save her,
after some official business in Mur-: new crop
he was away Uncle B. A. Root locked
after the business at the store
Special Offerings
Extra large size cotton blanket, 72x80 $ 2.98
Brown and white all wool blanket, 66x80 10.75
Brown and white cotton blanket, 70x80 3.75
Wool and cotton blankets, bound edge, 66x80. 9.50
Large size wool nap blankets, 72x84 5.75
Comfort Goods!
36-inch comfort cretonnes, large selection in dark
and light floral designs, per yard, 19c.
Cotton batts, clean, white cotton. Made by Rock
Rion cotton company; the best batts we can buy. Price,
15c, 25c and 50c.
Sode-Rite full comfort size batts, 72x80 inches.
Weight 3 lbs. Price, $1.25.
Outing Gowns!
Ladies outing flannel gowns, fancy stripe and plain
white. Double yoke, V neck, braid trimmed. Sizes 1 6
to 1 7. A full cut garment. Price, 98c to $1.68.
Misses and children's night gowns. Heavy weight
outing flannel, ages 8 to 14 years. Price, 95c
Grapes Oranges Dates Bananas Figs
Cabbage Onions Celery Grape Fruit Hd Lettuce
H. M. Soenmichsen&Co.
Telephone No. J 2 Murray, Nebraska
,by the way MCvSsrs. Nailor and Lan
caster are getting the store well
I stocked with goods which are of the
highest quality. Watch for an ad an
nouncing what they have to offer on
the coming issue of this paper,
j Mrs. Ora Crum, of Schoolcraft,
; Michigan, a sister of Uncle J. W. Ed
, raunds, who has been visiting here
I for the past week, departed a few
days since for her home in the east,
after having enjoyed her visit here
very much with her brother and
nieces, Mesdames W. Sporrer and A.
X. Long. Mr. Edmund3 received a
i letter from her saying that she had
j arrived at home all right.
The Missionary soci&tv of the Pres
byterian church of Murray will hold
their next regular meeting at the
parlors of the church in Murray on
Tuesday, November 20th. This" will
be what is known as their "Thank
Offering" meeting and there will be
given a program which will be ar
ranged by Mrs. Albert A. Young,
who is the leader for the occasion
and also one of the hostesses.
Mr. O. H. Boedeker and V
Wehrhein aoromnnniprl hv TTnol(
And . Chnrlpa I'ncdtiVpr u'rro InnVincr nffftr
some business matters in Omaha last
Tuesday and while there Messrs Boe
deker and Wchrbeln purchased two
cars of cattle which they will feed
on Mr. W. G. Boedeker's arm where
Mr. Wehrbein lives this winter.
jj jand where the most expert care was From Monday's Daily
prunueu, uut it was an wnuuui in tne on ice oi t lerk oi tne uisiriei
avail. The last several weeks of her rQurt James M. Robertson an action'
the store. Dick was attempting to
ctart the truck which was in a re
calcitrant mood, and as he was
cranking the machine it kicked and
the crank caught the youns man on
the hand. As the result of the in
juries he will have to wear the mem
ber in a tling for some time.
Hear Father. Very Low
Last Saturday evening Messrs.
in Missouri and with their wives
life were spent in her own home in
this city, where she was under the
constant care of a trained nurse, and
where she slowly weakened until the
end came on Saturday morning, Oc
tober 20. i
Funeral services were conducted
nag ucuu u u u u.v ..tuo. 11 v i. v iciihi '
Noel against Alfred Noel in which
the plaintiff asks for a decree of di
vorce. In the petition of the plain
tiff it is stated that the parties were
married at Papillion. Nebraska, on
July 25, 1923, and charges the de-
There is every kind of Thanks
giving card that ycu could wish for
at the Eatcs Book and Stationery
stcre. Look them over while the line
is unbroken.
from the home at 2 O'ClOCk Monday fonflnnt with nnn-simnnrt and rrnpl
afternoon, in charge of Rev. R. M. ty. The restoration of the name of
Unrgess. pastor of the Congregation- irpn(, rpi1epii is also rpnuestcfl hv thp
Grover and Aubrey Hookins heard of aLCh "A Ah 0r,ler of.the Jlast-, plaintiff. J. Rapp, Jr., of Omaha ap-
te very severe illness of their fath- ler" f. ... Pears as the attorney for the plain-;
and "God be With You 'Till We Meet. .Annth,r anii rna.i thZ f
i. a a a. . -i i i
iiiia i rrii rrii ii i n i. iir,niiiH m i i h i i v . .
found the aged gentleman very ill. fef i istine o l J vaHer, Qwn Bank of r vs- - w- Marshall
Grover returned to Murrav to look ' t 5 . AV,JV TS' a: asking for foreclosure.
er reiurnea to juurra 10 iook iiam Wahrer, Miss Ruby Russell and,
after some matters on last Tuesday j nIro pinrpnt-P rol-on
evening and Hastened back to his
parent's bedside while the other re
mained there.
The pallbearers were W. H. Peqrd,
George Earhart, J. W. Garside. C. L.
Teeta, Charles Wrigley; E. O. Howe-iFro,n Monday' naily
ier. j Saturday, Richard Beveridgo, one
Myrtle Meredith Voorhees. dauch- of the clerks at the H. M. Soennich-
sen store, suffered a very severe m-
of the young people of Murray and dith. was born in Fremont, Nebr., : jurywhen he had the third and lit
WiU Play Foot Ball
The newly organized football team ,ter of John H. and Laura Hill Mere-
Murray Library Notes
Two new books have been added
to the library. "The White Flag." by
Gene Stratton Porter and "Rufus."
by Grace Richmond..
The Library association furnished
the li:nch at the Young sale. They
cleared $120.83. Thanks to all who
donated. Mrs. Spangler, Mrs. Whits,
Mrs. George Nichols, Mrs. J. F. Bren
del and Mrs. Smith served.
November 14th, we will furnish
I the lunch at the sale of Orville Mc
jQuinn near Union. We are working
hard to get out of debt and add new
i books to our shelves.
We have a traveling library com
ing from Lincoln. There will be 40
new books for both children and
adults. If there is any special 1xok
anyone would like to order with the
list, call Margaret Spangler, the librarian.
vicinity has been dubbed by them
selves as the "Urbana Cadets" and
will demonstrate to the teams of the
surrounding territory that they
know something about football and
how it should be played.
Entertained Society
The Ladies Aid society of the
Christian church on last Wednesday
at the church parlors of that church
had for their guests for the occasion
the Missionary society of the Pres
byterian church. A very worth
(while program was provided and also
a delightful luncheon. The ladies of
I uuiu sun cues wmcn mey were tnere
arranged tor some very effective
work for the betterment of Murray
and vicinity.
Narcissis bulbs. 10c each, at the
Annex, Bates Book nd Stationery
Will Install Their Pastor
The Rev. William Forrester Gra
ham pastor of the First Presbyterian
church of Murray will be installed as
minister of the church. The cere
monies therewith will be held at the
ciiurch on Tuesday evening Novem
ber 20 at which time the Rev. J. C.
McNealey. Rev. J. B. Jackson and
Rev. R. Bryan all ministers of Oma
ha churches, will he here and assist
in the ceremonies of the installation.
Elder James Brown of the Murray
church will read the Edict.
New York. Nov. 5. Between
$500,000,000 and $750,000,000 has
been lost by American investors thru
the collapse of the German mark, the
New York Tribune stated today.
English investors lost about $500,
000,000 and other countries a like
amount, the newspaper continued, de
claring that Germany not only had
August 21st. 1S82
She was united in marriage to Jul
ian E. Voorhees of Wyoming, 111., on
December 12th, 1907. To this union
were born three children.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her
husband, Julian E. Voorhees. and her
children. Virginia, aged 15 years;
Margaret, aged 10 years, and Garrett,
aged 5 years; two brothers. Joe H.
Meredith, of Springfield. Mo., and
Park Meredith, of White Sulphur
Springs, Montana; two sisters, Mrs.
W. W. Coatea. of Kansas City. Mo.,
and Mrs. H. M. Tichenor, of Los An
geles, California; two nieces, Mrs. J.
E. Ferguson, of Chicago, and Mrs. E.
E. Garey, of Los Angeles. California,
and eight nephews. All ther.e loved
ones and.a host of friends rise up to
call her memory blessed.
Mrs. Voorhees was a faithful
Christian wife and mother. Early in
her life, Fhe joined the Episcopal
church of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
She was a member of the Order of
th2 Eastern Star, Chapt?r 8. Wyom
ing, 111. Wyoming Post-Herald." j
(tie finger of the right hand broken
by the crank on the truck used by
Murray, Nebraska
Saturday, Nov. I Oth
Wear Your Old Clothes.
Lancaster & Churchill
s Myrtle Meredith. Mrs. Voor
hees for several years made, her home
In Plattsmouth with her sister, ' Mm.
W. W. Coates. She had many friends
here who will regret to learn of her
vtaiui5 uini vcn;iany not oniy nau j
repudiated its national debt, but had I Owing to Mrs. Coates' invalid con-
b?en the gainer to the extent of!aillon' sne was unable to be with her
ere is Your Coal!
The best Big Lump Wyoming Coal at car $9.25;
at bin $9.75
Old Coal to arrive soon. Best Illinois at car $9;
at bin $9.50.
Bailor Ge! Ycur Orders in Early!
Banning lit
B 1
about $2,000,000,000. The loss in
cludes the funds of thousands of
small investors, it was said, many of
them German Americans who bought
marks at two cents each, or more, in
tt.e belier that they would recover.
It also includes' nosey invested in
German bonds payable
sister during ' her
tend the funeral.
illnets or to j-t-
All kinds of paper novelties for the
Thajdtsgiving social gatherings are
available a.t the Eates Book and Sla
in paper fy ' Store new. Kay you made
your selections t
R SVyffJ (fi fcM f A tnuri ytcm of tretnicii thatcure Pile. Fituliid
Yttz ' - . . ttL-?i otCT RrIDiearin sliprt ii;ne wi'houta severe ur- .
i ""' ''' sTi ttfTKt eicJ opciaticn. No Chlcororn. Eiher or other ici'iil mn-
aeathchc A cure guaranteed in every rase sacepted for treatmi- . and no money to be peid
un.ii .e ii,a tot tree, book oa Ke-Unl LMeae. with names and catimonials cr thousands o.
prominent peopis who ?iave been pcimwrKtly cured
DS.r.n. TAUKY SANATORIUM, D.R.S.J0::ySTON, Mescal DiracU
Petora trt Eldj. - r.tha, Nebr.