MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1923. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO California Days are warm and sunny. Nightsare just comfortably cool. Right now folks out there are motoring over perfect highways, playing golf, tennis, spending happy hours at the beach, or experienc ing the joyous thrills which ac company mountain-climbing. Plan to go out this winter. I can t ell you round trip execursron tickets via the all-year scenic route through Denver, Colorado Springs, the Royal Gorge, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles and San Fran cisco, returning direct or (better still) via the great Pacific Northwest- Port land, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane The American Wonderland. THE BURLINGTON offers the highest type of train service via the most attrac tive route. Modern equipment; conven ient, dependable schedules and famous meals. I'm here to assist you with your plans and make your Pullman reservations. Make use of me. W. R. CLEMENT, TICKET AGENT. BBS fansas. lie served during the war as captain in the One Hundred Thir Itieth Field Artillery, Thirty-sixth di vision. Mr. Ryan has been director of the school since last June, when B. M. llaeo. Jr.. ieft that post to take charge of the new school at Federal iPrtrk, Mary'snd. . i Donald F. Pepper, Cedar Rapids, Frerront High School Wins by Score lov.ii. acting director at Reiievue ; , . -n,.OT, Tj:ri, i,v Chase .while Mr. Ryan'wos on vacation dur of 13 to o Drop luelc Dy cnse the p )gt month v,m reraain to Saves Us from Shutout. asrim Mr. Mac Lean, it is announced. I . From Thursday's D;vilv BOOSTER DAT CROWD SEES THE LOCALS DEFEATED Tacts modi moioriiis t iN THE GISTRiGT COURT t -:-:-:-m-h Is rein Thursday's Pally The Livingston Loan and Building rrsociution .in plaintiff in a number Yesterday afternoon before one of t the largest and most enmusianic . crowds of the season the Plattsmouth V hisrh school toani went to defeat at y the hands of the Fremont team by the score of 13 to 3. The Plattsmouth boys were far slower in their work than their opponents, but showed 'f.m real flashes of action and which several times in the course of the; same looked Rood for a win, but the!0f cares that cover the settlement of, advantage was wiped out in the sue-, their affairs and the transfer of thej ceeding plays and the visitors were holdings to the Standard company, i able to register two touchdowns, onejof Omaha, and the association nasi in the opening and one in the laut .commenced action to foreclose on sev I period of the game. Icrnl pieces of real estate in which ! In the first few minutes of the j they have an interest. The defend game, the Fremont team, which hid j ants named !n the three actions arej recovered the ball on the punt from a. H. Shindelbower et al. Herinie jPIattsruouth scored, Kruger receiving Windham and Henry Kulimun et al. the punt and advancing for thirty a. L. TicM, attorney for the associa- . yards, after which an end run oy ! Herman brought the ball into Platts mouth territory and on the repetition "of the end run by Balduff. who his so far made ell but one of the Fre- Imont touchdowns, resulted in the score. Balduff also kicked the In the opening quarter Krejc,i v.-is the chief factor in the defense of the locals and made some most brilliant tackles. The Plattsmouth team made several good passes throughout the game which were almost without ex ception followed by costly losses tint brought then; no return as a result oT their excellent aerial work. By a serie3 of lino smashes in the second ouarter the Plattsmouth trim advanced into the visitors' territory, and Chase drop kicked from behind the twenty yard line for the o::!y score of the locals. In the opening of the second half. the Plattsmouth team received the ZEK23BEZEESBH vt RY ENTERTAINING HOME TALENT PLAY Firm Tlim s.L-ij 's Dailv The marripge ceremony in Cass county seems to be fast becoming a lost art, as with the exception of a few marriages celebrnted in the Catholic and Lutheran "thurche, ; there have been only scattering weft-! dings held in this county since the! law enacted by the legislature of, 1922-23 went into effect. Judge UeesoTi. who formerly could reel off ; the marriage vows "tvith his eyes shut 1 ar.d hi3 hand.? tied, ha3 not had a ?in.!e wedding since the law went ball on the luck off and Chase return-j jIlto en-ect on August 13th and there ed to the forty- yard line. A goul;:s vorv little prospect of anv more pass from Krejci to Chase also g . e j Wcdi'insrs at the court house until the the team some ground, but otlu? , legislatures of the future decide to' tion, made the filing of the ea?s. A suit to quiet title, Walter S: Jordan vs. Jane Dickey ct al, has been filed in the court by Carl D. Gniifc. of Alvo. attorney for the p!ninti!Y. The property in the suit is located at Alvo. 1IARRIAGE A LOST ART cott, ana was one orine ouisianuing pre incomplete and a nsrures- oi me cast wun ner reaiiMiu fumble cent the locals some territory, rendition of the part of the light-;Tn ti,t nart of the game Godwin ! hearted and . flippant young girl wno marie several good end runs i was in her first romance. j revise the law ..that apparently is a1 uat-'ess and freak measure that only; contributes to the revenues of the nearby states where the ten day wait is not a part of the law and the! young people can wed when they. As the -pi p vjojtors made their serud butterfly of the social set, flitting touchdown when after a series of . from one to another of the attractive jijne smashes thev advanced (lo..nLiino - . . - T Iglrla of the house party, James A. V. through the Plattsmouth territory! when the figures of marriages r.nd Ycung People in Cast Of 'Am 1 in (Warren was seen at his best and gavejanj stnt Balduff over in a smash f ir divorces in the state are checked finding? Give Very Pleasing a very clever Impersonation or tnis the final score. The Fremont te-m next year Nebraska will be found to cnaracter. -miss uorotny towies ap- failed in tne kick ior goai. havo a large excess of divorces over ipeared as "Dora," a friend of the) With only a minute and a half ofjmarrjagcg due to the law that has I Vare girls, and was very attractive 'play, Gorder. substituting for Clu.-e, Jse,lt hundreds of the young people to and pleasing in her part anu was won who was suffering from an injuivu j nearby states to wed. in tne climax or tne last act ny tne shoulder, created a rem sensation i nn soft, spoken and romantic Dickie .visions of a touchdown, when he m mng f amy mmws he life Mechanical condition, not years of service or the thousands of miles it has run, determines a motor's age. While it runs quietly, without vibration or knocks and delivers full rated power, a motor is the same as new. Only motor oil that prevents fric tion can keepyourmotoroutofthe repair shop. Mere cost and appear ance of oil are not safe guides. But there is one way to insure long life to your motor. Use the grade of Polarine that tests have proved will give protective lubrication. Polarine is not the most expen sive oil, but it is the highest quality motor oil that years of experi ments and service tests have pro duced. Made in five grades-Iig ht, medium, heavy, special heavy and extra heavy a grade that suits every type and make of gasoline motor. Consult the Polarine Chart. Use the grade recommended and your motor will give satisfactory service for many years. Buy where you see this sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA 3 tJ U3iriL-,V-. Presentation of Play. Krum Tiliirisday'.s Iaily The audience at the Parmele the atre evening: was more man l!eased with the presentation by a.jwaldron" in which Mr. James War- tercepted a Da.s arid ' tore through .a-i of young people the comedj;-4ren appeared.- - William-Matsehullat ; for a great gainLithat brtught the dfaiua. "AbxI Iniruding?". vnder th i as. "peter." 'a love sick -youth. was'.1 locals within striking distance of t!;e auspices of Cass Chapter, Order of Devery effective and assisted in filling j enemy goal, but the -whistle came t:o ilolay. ' lout the action of the comedy of the 'soon and sounded defeat for them. The play was ot tlie ngnt comeay- piay. The clever acting of Jack Mc d.rama type and In the different roles Carty as "Ernest," secretary to th; members of the cast did very -Jane" was one of the bright spots AUXILIARY HOLDS MEETING VERY PLEASANT GATHERING l-'rorn Kii Jy!s .t aily UCEfiSih'8 OF AUTO DRIVERS IS with Taylor, when asked if he ap j proved of a licensing law. "Why only a few weeks ago I happened on j an automobile accident where eight ! people escaped" death by a miracle, "I when the c ar went off the road and C-TtlftUPI V IIDPCH down into a creek bed. I found out OIliUilULI UilULsJ.that t,,e driver had only just bought . . i, ' (the car, that his knowledge of it con- . ; . . - isisted of brief instructions given hiw-j by the dealer who sold it to him that Yesterday afternoon the Woman's Trend Seems to be Toward a Policy afternoon, and that he had .become of Making Drivers More Re sponsible in Driving. pleasingly. The story deals with the Gf the play and he was supported T,ast eveninc the home of Mr. and lonspiracy to secure valuable securi- lvost pleasingly by Miss Marie Boyd jrs. Elmer Lohnes west of this city j ivj nana, i.v " nracp varp niaveii ,c "lonn" iia i n, t .o i ,imn i,v- p-iri rihhitt aid in which Ed- oQ ' , . ul .a tl' 1 . , Hoberts the leader of the meet- and the growing recklessness of the o baiiBiu, anu in vbiuiu ru .Mona as very clever in ner work o-athprinsr when a lame number of,. , . . . s i. . , . , . , , . , w.-,r,j Mnrschiillat annoars as the n,i i..ti of ,, n,,i0 .7 - 11.1. mR and the topic of this winters drivers and especially the use of au- Auxi'.iary of the St. L,uke's parish , was very pleasantly entertained at j the home of Mrs. It. F. Patterson on i Xorth Sixth street and a very pleas-j ing attendance or the membership From FrMay's naily was present to participate in the pro- j The trend of the time urged by the gram of the afternoon. Mrs. J. M. increasing number of auto accidents deep-dye.i villian who not only has French maid was most realistic , on the bonds but as well the hc-nrtj of several of the members of 'program. "Japan," was under discus- tos and trucks by very youthful driv- 11-? eye on tne nonus qui as en tne i .. .,, fiIrio.. r,to,i in th TfailnwpVn rleeorat i.ns ! (lowe en Party. The home was deco-. b he la,H Mrs Roberts had ers seems to be toward the examina when the conspirators are taken and of orange and black and with the cast. The co-conspirator is "Mra. bound and the noteSf heid over the USUal features of witches and blr.ek i fating:,, pia,eu o ".ru. -wl- ica(1 Qf thg hog th houge party cata and . illuminated . pumpkins i ""'"". have been taken from the villian bv vail ne in all the rooms. Tlie eve the other of the ladies who had been led into the plot by the smooth ap pearing villian. Fred J. Warren as "Jerry" was the contributing cause of the downfall of the conspirators r.r.d as the country boy appearing for th- lirst time at a fashionable week end party was very pleasing. The love affair of "Jerry" and "Margy" eldest daughter of "Vare" was the romantic . i .i a very interesting paper on the is- tion and licensing of the drivers of empire wnien in tne seventy the cars. years that it has been in touch with The Omaha Bee of yesterday had the world has .grown to one of the the following from Lincoln where the confused in trying. to make a turn and had run through the fence. That sort of thing couldn't happen if he had been forced to take a stiff exam ination before being allowed to take the lives of seven other people in his hands." Mr. Randall would not only in clude an examination of the appli cant for a license, but he would like to see every automobile driver bond ed so that he might be a responsible party should he be sued and judg ment given against him. He cited as an example, a case of which he 1 1 w i: i ii i i j i i r l i tie wuiiw. uin Tii'i i i op il? iki. 1 11 o- n i:iiw:uri iiv i no wi:ii-'i. . the hero the-third act fades out in ning was spent in dancing and otnor s Teet- ilso had i verv inter- m nnTn0rir'r,oci- l"as Knowie"Se in wnicn judgment the happiness of all of the cast who amusements and at a suitable hour " S" th e rlo awarded to a party injured by find their pathways in love smoothed a dainty luncheon was served which fhat wis mtic enloved and cov automobilist. but collection had out and the curtain falls on the usual was greatly enjoyed by all. At a !r te fQ elJi ous work has been , now 1 eine dfiffed bv ?i L ImPssibl.e Vfca,?e he defend" happy ending. .hour the guests departed being wellivVoP Sh2w am Harry 1 Fost'er oToml ant WnS PractlcalIr wlthout funds- Between acts Miss Margaret Lentz pleased with the evenings entertain- ! aClePffort J,?e te destruction Jh!. Approva" othe deling bi 1 am In favor of a II- gave a group of-the popular songs of ment. Those attending the occasion wrought by the earthyuake. tidal vas particularly widespread, it be- ng law, said I;and Commission the day which were received with were: Mr and Mrs. John M. Kaffen- v. ave and tire that had desolated the lng the unanimous opinion that such f,r.Dan Sanson t would be a fine marked approval by the audience. s berger. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meiswg- . j , f t, enipJre : ZiU woul(! not oniv i,cn-fit vi)roq. thins, and I think a thing that is Tlio iTirirlcTital or r nn,l Al ra Merlin lhnoc A!r .iarer l l"e ei.U.irf. a Dill WOU1U not Onl Oeiiellt ACOraS- !.... .Iv,1ll, I At an appropriate hour the I ess served verv much enjoyed re- "Why snouldn t we have a law lrr. nlavofl haro t Ti i ; n arwl "T ra T--1 r t nl- lclin r rr T r ;-.Tlll touch to the play and as t ,.. , -u-., ci,. i,,ti. -vt .i -vt.o "Margy." Mi?s Mildred Schlater lent l". 'rl'' Z. r "V VSV.: freshments that assisted in making forcing automobile drivers to be li very charming personality to the Miles Alt man an d eo m posed of Mr and Dar iVr L J. B. Kafjthe occasion one of the greatest of ed when we make stationary en-Vh:!"- ,-;U"?."-,Altman. violin; Robert KroehVeJ: fenberger, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Terry- pleasure for all of the membership f, "lrf. ?.eJSI"t?fr zlZl caJ.7 ano; men Mendenhall, drums Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done Her a World of Good PAID ONE HUNDRED GENTS ON A DOLLAR Assets of Milling Company Sold For .!. Enough. to .Pay, Creditors t and. Costs of Proceedings. Fi-om Saturday's Daily For the first time since D. II. Me Clenahan has been federal referee in bankruptcy, and that has been a good many years, the assets of a failed concern sold for 100 cents on the dollar. This means that they brot enough at public auction to pay not only the creditors in full but the costs. Federal Judge T. C. Munger de clared the Prague Milling company bankrupt July 1, 1923. At thaf time its assets were alleged to be valued at $9,4 32.50 and its debts at over $13,000. A row among the creditors followed and in time the row was smoothed over by the federal bank ruptcy court and the case took the usual legal course after it i3 turned over to the referee for settlement. HOME FOR SALE Good home for sale cheap in Weep ing Water, with 3 lots, garage and other buildings, good shade trees. Cash or terms, 6 per cent interest. Write A. F. Ploetz, Whitewood, S. D. EVERY STREET IN PLATTSMOUTH Poultry Wantsd! tMrs. Wallace Warner and daughter, The offering-will be presented this Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Terry- ovening at the Parmele theatre for berry, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer I,ohnes, the last time and a very large au- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terrybcrry. Miss dience is expected as there are many fS Mable-Hennincs, Helen Meisinger. from Murray and vicinity who have lna Ragoss, Florence Terrybcrry, engaged large blocks of seats for the Klla ohnes. Amelia Fredrich, Helen performance. I Horn, Augusta Spriek. Florence, (Fornoff, Annie Smetam. Martha Kaf I fenberger, Helen Smetana. Messrs. (Walter Fornoff, Earl Meidinger, Mur- iel Ilagoss, Glen Terryberry, Elmer Tschirron, Louis Lohnes, Elmer Chamberlain. Eldon Itagoss, Arthur Spriek. Fred FornoiT. Eddiev Spriek, iV.'illia'n Fredrich. Leroy Meisinger, tt T. ci. r -r, ' Verner Kaffenberger. Elmer Sal3- Has Its Share of the Proof that Kid- burg. John Terrybcrry. Louis Koft ney Sufferers Seek. jka. -Herbert Kohrdanz. NEW ARRIVALS HERE Backache? Kidneys weak? Distressed with urinary ills? vant a reliable kidney remedy? ! From Thursday's Dailv: Don't have to look far. Use what Tlie home of Mr. pnd Mrs Marion Plattsmouth people recommend. Ev- Rous- is roioicing over tlie arrival ery street in Plattsmouth has its there of a' fine litt'e daughter who is cvc?- ,rtow furnishing the happiness and Hees one Plattsmouth woman's sunshine of the home anfl who with experience the mother is doing very nicely, and -no. o. i. comer, iwarme street. r.- ro li 1 1 J lnifl n nr c.nAv.nn. T7tl . 3 siuiciiiviii r curu- piiiess to me romiiy. am glad to recom- Another nf tlir now ; mend Doan's Kidney Pills for I know little son that has come to the home ironi j.ersonai experience tuey are a of Mr. and Mrs. V.. H Coffert north kidney remedy of merit. I have taken west of this citv. The young man is Doan's on several occasions for back- doing fine as is also ti mrc ,i ache and -kidnev tronhle tt tt iv 1-7.', " , : . L ' "ii'i'.v lamer. xicavy iicua, yzi iu. nave always aone me good. Uoan s WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7TH Plattsmouth, Nebraska A car load of live poultry wanted to be delivered at poultry car near ; ";. ' r: l x the Uurlington freight house. Platta mouth WEDNESDAY, Nov. 7th, one ' "'t"1 AJj ., L ty only, for the following which we will pay CASH PRICES Heavv Springs, per lb ' He 'have been used in our family for a HAC LEAN TAXES PLACF Old Roosters, per lb. Tc' resu,ts have becu! . AS BSLLEVUE DI jjucks, per ia ioc Isfactory. May 13, 1920, DIRECTOR Leghorn Poultry 3c lb. less Farmers, Notice WEDNESDAY is our regular buy ing day in Plattsmouth and wc will positively be there on the date ad vertised in this ad, prepared to take all poultry that may be offered us at tha- above price3. Mrs. Cotner way commissioner. It is ridiculous (to think that anyone, whether he is ; mentally or physically capable or ; not, can get behind the wheel of a high powered car and drive it thru Jour crowded thoroughfares without (having to satisfy anyone that he is ! Qualified. If I had anything to do Aye watch that farmer business close , with it, a man would have to sub- for where da money git.s, ! mi t to a thorough physical examina tion, wun parucuiar attention paiu PULLING TITTS Aye ban a gude farmer, for more as saxtecn yare. Aye raise some wheat and corn, and fat some hogs and steer. And aye find it koming kwickest when you ban pulling titts. Damfella wat ban raising grains, and hauling dam to town. Hay got no money in do pocket hay ban broke do whole yare around. Dam fella wat ban fattin' stock, ban rich, and dan ban poore, Sometimes hay make a plenty money, sometime hay losin more. Hut dr. in folia wid da brindle cow, he got bully ting, yon bet. Hay ncva !co.;;r his whole yaree's crop if ground ban jJryor get to wet Yen hail ban ;.rikin down da crop, and yust ban raising fitts, At night hay call dam brindles in ' and yust ban "pullin" titts." Hay got dam Separator what makes a lot of cream. Hay got da money komin' in yust lika a pleasant dream. Hay got a money in da bank, hay got a money in him mitts. Hay ban no Pockafellow hay yust ban "pullin titts." to eyesight, as a part of the require ments for securing a driving license." "I should say I do," exclaimed C. A. Randall, a fellow commissioner "Chamberlain's Tablets have done me a world of good," writes Mrs. Ella L. Button. Kirkville, N. Y. "I have recommended theni to a number of my friends and all who have used them , praise them highly." When troubled with indigestion or consti pation, give them a trial and realize for yourself what an excellent medi cine it is. BABY BUGGY FOR SALE Lloyd loom, round, not flat reeds. Reversible. Good condition. Call 525. any Sales Uovi Booked! I have many sales booked and some open dates. Those wanting dates had better see me before choice dates are all gone. , ( R.V7. YOUriG, Auctioneer A Timely Suggestion This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful house- ery tin Opese Tier lh. 16c Rairt- "The rnro'0 v,Mn r:ii from Thursday's Dally C !. A OSn'mailp fnr me lias lauto.l " ' William P. Man I-OPI). of Tonr-ka. i . i in nrvn. i iiiA. nun i . . . -.. -j ........w... . .......... . ' I ti: n ... . .. vesr.eriiav nscim-nori ii,a .i.i,;.. . i : . v. , 1 .. e ., ... simDlv ask for a kirtnev remeilv vet director of the Bellevue Vocational I berlain's Cough Remedy. It ia al- Doan's Kidney Pills the same Mrs. Cotner had. Foster-Milbu Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y that Tra,nln5 school, at Bellevue, Ncbr.,!mcst certain to be needed before the urn.succeeoin5T John R- nyan- who re-winter is over and results are much .turns to St. Louis to take up lift 'more prompt and satisfactory when FARM FOR SALE, former duties in the district niTtrn nf ft In l.-mt nt han.l anil clvpn a KOon tho United States Veterans' bureau, las the first indication of a cold ap- ino new director has not. been r?s- neam and before-it- ha become set. sociated with the 'Veterann' 1-. Kfghty acres, well improved, about before. In- September he fln'uhVd :frr in pivini It i' rhitrir n as it con- ?rm as department com- trdns no oniufn nr other harmful of the American Leilnn in Hm? ffilfeS) Porcelain Enameled I'JnKrX VhS Inside and Out 3 SOLO BY ' WC liTiriTrUirV 4 railes soutii of Piatterr.outh.- Mrs year's te .. ' y- A.JTaylpr, PlattBhiout, Nebr.. . niander . o laffsmbuth Impiement Company Dealers in Emplements and Harness!