The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 15, 1923, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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However, Local Team Shows Im
provement Over Previous Game
and Scores on Prep.
impossible to have one appear other
wise. Thus, with the splendid co
operation that is being given by busi
ness men both along Main street and
some of the side streets as well, the
city can be uniformly and evenly dec
orated on each of the various holi
days calling for the display of the
Stars and Stripes. The Legion did
not take this up for financial gain.
but because it believes it is a worthy
decoration plan, and is solely inter- Takes Up Cudgel in Behalf of Farrn-
ested in seeing unbroken lines of
American flags on both sides of our
Main street.
.Armistice day, the next flag hcli-
eis and Laborers in Address
at Anamosa, Iowa.
! evening by Chief of Police Jones on
the streets here and was released on
his own bond to appear for trial and
can'e up this morning to appear.
The court decided that the evi
dence as to his intoxication was not
sufficient vs he found no evidence
of intoxication on the night Mr. lir.-'.t ..pp-ai vm! before him
and accordingly or J :'ed the cae d
mi :-. (1 and ths ! .-i;mn returned
to his home at Aviic.i freed of the
th:.t hud
ii preferred.
Anamosa. Iowa. Oet. It. Declar
ing that the paramount issues con-
ably before that time, so that oppor- fronting the people of Iowa at the
From Saturday s Daily
The Plattsmouth high school foot- day is near at hand, but the Sheu-dii-ball
team yesterday afternoon before dcah concern has promised to have
the heavier organization of the tin- installation completed consiuer
Creie-hton Preuaratorv sehool of Oin
aha by the score of 46 to 3 and had tunity may be had of observing how present time are a co-operative coie
the satisfaction of scoring on the really beautiful our main street can for farmers and laboring men, includ-
much vaunted representatives of the D mae to look with the new perma- mg Ins own proposed amendment ior
Omaha school. nem decorations.
The Creighton team, reputed one
of the best in the state, did not pre
sent the formidable opposition that
was felt last week when the Platts
mouth team battled the South Side
Mr. and I.Irs. John Gauer of Near
Ceiar Creek Observe Pleasant
Anniversary of Marriage
co-operative banks, a farmers mar
keting bill and the federal reserve
administration. United States Sena
tor Smith V.. Drnokhart todav made Mr. and Mrs. John Gauer had the
clear his stand on these issues in an'nhasure of celebrating their twent
address given before an American ' f.fth wedding r-nni ev-u ry at their,
home near Cedar C'eeii last Sunday,
From Saturday's Pally
due r.f tb unlprwl i.1 nets of neiirh
fcicrVi c n-l our! ffm t Vi r c Y, r or i n tr rT lmr! v titiilnuci: tKirfnrropH Hnrinfr tbp L'gion barbecue here. j
v n t,m:, 1,1 fntin-a-rc f t.nct trvipo- timnJ waa uhci. n i-nm. 1" reviewing his assault on the de- October . th
the sport are of the opinion'that the m it tee 'from the Burlington shops nation policy of the federal reserve their reli.tiv-Twa-
-m -s ti. i nrt r, ta m-t with nvfrni nf our board, summarizing briefly the status ered together
when atiout sixty-hv ot i
s and m inhbors giith-l
to enj'iy t!ie occasion j
EI Ii i i , ry.'i nnr I
SHim ililH HEM,
Porcc?lain Enameled
Inside and Out
white in their meeting next Friday, business men and presented them f legislation sponsored or supported w,th them A bo 1. 1 .1 unne , .id
The game vesterdav was one in with a purse of almost $220 to be by him in the I inted States sen:, sup -r was s er . tr A , he
which the heavy Creighton machine used in the relief work. They ex- and reterrmg to his platform m the tabic was beaut tu ,1, dec rated yuh
. , , i ? , . . x . . , ... , , - ' -na coming campaign. Senator Brookhart ; garden f lovers and pie-ented a very
said in part:
"When I first became a candidate
moved out and demolished the Platts- plained that they knew of the fine
mouth defense in the first periods of work being done up here by men
V'c - "r i", Q ,iaiVr :for tlio senate I stated mv platform
uun u I II lilt iiuiiuiu.-t v ' i uir .i i imuti i iiv.n t. . i .mu.ij, i
game and three touchdowns were but that they were always at work
made in the first quarter. The and had m chance to lend a helping
in concrete and distinct terms. Th
issues have not changed, except that
maae in ine iui uuuner. me am, uau trii-mr iu i two points in the platform have In , n ! M i,- A-na Meising-. .laughter .
Creighton backfield eomposed of hand and they wished to show their fulfilu.(1 x.wl)(rrv n,sil;ned the dav'Mr. and Mrs. John Meiinger. pi.
Quarterback Porter. Captain Johnny sympathy in some substantial man- , went to Washington and the ship neer citizens of this vicinitv. Si
"Mickey" McGuire and ner
easily outclassed the
festive appearance
As wi.s t!;eir j-ilver wedding
anniversary, they received sone fine
and useful sifts ;.pnn ipriate to tlie
occasion. Iirs. G:u! r was formerly
of i
lO- J
She J.
It would not be possible to tell all Hilirt. , '. ,1 ' ..,. 1 s.v ti v i,a'vf.' :. f'tu. fi.milv of i5
Plattsmouth team in play and with tnat lias been done oy various towns tions (f taxins; war rrotits an(. excels five daimhteis and one son. Mr. amljV
their heavy and effective line to pave and organizations, but perhaps noth- proflts to ,,av it as as;;ijnst taxing -Mrs. Gauer are counted among our ,
tlie way rippea tne l'lattsmoutn line ing mat nas come in nas oeen more the common ,,eople, in Kiles taxes, best families and have the high re
for long gains. greatly appreciated than this, com- are vet tQ hc s,ittK.d. I introduced a 'gard and ivs;,eet of all who know
The Plattsmouth team was most ing so unsolicited and with so much bn, t() repeai an the vital sections them, and their m:n:v fritnds will
effective in the aerial attacks and had good will and sympathy and the peo-!of the raiiroa,i jaw anJ amend the join the Courier in extending con
four completed passes and in this de- pie of Louisville have been greaUy,ol(1 law to pu:iip water out of th" ' gro tulaticns jnd bst wishes for a
partment of the game showed a su-j touched by this generous deed as j valuation, stop the capitalization of i continued happy life and success,
periority over the Omaha team, but J well as by the many other kind deeds junarned increment and reduce the t. resent were Mr. and Mrs.
in in 1 n i . -. . - ....... Titon A liii'iin rr Mil f-i?"i.ili AT r
bonded portion of the capital. It'and Mis. Prank Palberg r.nd family, j Umg last Sunday at Loun-v Hie. m,.k
was smothered in the committee. Six Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sprleck and fam- "'he trip in their auto
'members of that cemmittee wire de- ily. Mr. and Mrs. C.-orge Sto-hr andl. 1 1 ' ' . .' "
Plattsmouth implement Company
Dealers in Implements and Harness!
1 home in this vicinity. Mr. Hauer be- situation revealed that a five acre
ing a farmer. The best wishes of a j plat just west of the main portion
j'host of admiring friends and of the;. if the village of Murdock, and -m-
journa! are txtenued to mis nappy 1 do ;ied in tne lanus 01 .vir. Mroy,
couple. had betn selected. Practically every
one was satisfied over the result, as
they could not well be otherwise, for
of all the proposed locations, none
were bad. and this one became more
in v i.. -,ri,. .,if ooiiular and won out in the end.
.11 d 1 l 11 . ai.111 cl liujr nil maiv i ui.
Mr. T.
himself a
new Ford touring car.
the advantages gained in this kind
of play were lost in the line plung
ing. Krejci and Keil were particu
larly effective in the passes and made
some great gains for the Plattsmouth
In the opening of the third quar-
performed here. Louisville Courier.
Hurley Ilermen and wife were
visiting with friends in Louisville
last Sundav.
Mr. and Mrs. "VY. J. Rau were vis-!
Cow for Sale
T 1 . tt - Clwif tlinrti T-n 1 1 L r r w
Baker has purchased 't,oes ROt d be fresh in
2tsk, ltd.
also a HolFtein male calf.
Manley, Nehr.
Ifeated in th.e flection and I hope the family. Mr.
ter of the game the Creighton coach Stiles in the south part of the city
substituted a new team composed of , was the scene of a most delightful
the second string men and these were social gathering last evening on the
Frem Saturday's laily committee will be reorganized so mv.ard f.;niii Mr. anl
A lit: isitrcuiil iiwiui. vi ! iiuim tKin LU 11 1.1ilir U H L IV. Ll:i5 iU Vl il IIU U. i.iiv,vi uun iciuu;. .i.... ... . .v , .-.i f , - - - ... f
s isji 11 nil u iriius in jjiiip- t uii-i
, Omaha one day last week.
! Mrs. Richard Pickurd was a
Will Give Play Thursday
The Roval Neighbors of Manley
From Tiiirsilay's iJaily
Last evening the members of the
will put on a play. "Sewing for the i night police force were attracted to
Heathen" at the hall on Thursday : the Philip Thierolf store where
evening of this week, the proceeds ofj "Red" the watch dog, was heard
which will go for the relief of some ; making more or less noise, and it was
Farmers Neglected
nd family, Mr. and Mrs. Chris
I Gauer. M;
:nd Mrs. Louis Meising-
for a short time last Wednesday.
Gust and Henry Wendt of near
battled on a more equal basis by the occasion of
Plattsmouth team, securing
more touchdowns in the fourth
The Plattsmouth scoring was made
in the last quarter when Stuart
Chase, the clever fullback of the lo-
""nt!n':iir v:is done tow.-ird n
operative cods for the farmers and , I'-".' '( robehn Mr ' rd ! "''dock were looking after some
lnlioriiip- n itdf. nnd mv n m en dvien t -V1 rfc- Ll.VJlU t.Oltelmnn. .Mr. J 1.(1 I . .
Mr !'),! t- Tnli 11 ' "'" '"ess mailers 111 Jiauicj oil wsi
a supper given by Mrs. .laboring people and my amendment
two Stiles in honor of the sixty-first j for co-operative banks had no cl:;.nce .'Mrs. John P. ische.
pe-ibirthday anniversary of Mrs. L. G. j The farmers' marketing bill way Mtisinger. Mr. ant
h-noieott or Wienwoou. lowa, wno is smothered and the agricultural If pis-
. n 4t. c : i nn v . ! . ......
t . X tt ,anon Ulal ai" Pass was liia.tequate I"-'";- . V,m" j t he home of Will Rauth last Sunday
In arldmon to thp eniovnient of tnp ..mi ., moi-hio Tiwi.i ,.i... ence .Nt's-m. ll:'rrj lntiaiu. himeri
1 Mrs. Writer Heil.
Mrs. Phiiip Schaeftr and .son Elmer
nd Flovd Horn, of Piainview, Clar-
J. C. Rauth and wife with their
of the families who have suffered by
the flood at Louisville.
daughter. Miss Anna, were visiting atig, xi
Sliort Horn animals for sale, if
taken at once, including a 2.000-ll.
i very appetizing repast provided by 'with the federal reserv
cals. dropkicked for the score and the hostess the merubers of the party tion.
saved his team from being shut out enjoyed the evening in social con- jowa
admiiiistra-i v,.'tr-(it- 1!Y':Id ."'',r. Elmer Hen-
i ri. tvi-n i,,,;o- ;,i : nin.ns ana ;;is.- v io:u v. emu. lijui
! ille Courici .
in the scoring.
versation and a general good time
until the home going hour. Those
who were in attendance were: Mrs.
M. E. Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Skinner, Mrs. H. O. Dooley and three
children. Mrs. L. E. Lancaster and
three children. Mr. and Mrs. William
Falk and three children, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Dooley, Mr. and Mrs. O.
From Saturday's raily
Edward Donat of this city, who
has a very fine eighty acre cotton
plantation near Falfurris, Texas,
Vina r ori1 vfft t Ii o mnct Tiluaslrc T" e
norts of the conditions there from his ' M- Stiles and three children of St.
agent. "W. G. Schultz. formerly of Joseph. Missouri, Mrs. Clifford John-
Cass county, but who has lived in the sop and three children of St. Joseph,
south for the past ten years. Mr. i Missouri.
Schultz writes that the cotton crop
this year is excellent in Texas and TTAS HAND BTJBNED
particularly so on the plantation of
Mr. Donat. The Donat plantation is From Fri5ay.s r,aiiy
nanaieu Dy one or tne prominent res-i
, . Tl -If ... - 1 - '
The senator also referred to at
tacks upon his recent speech to t!ie
American Legion at Indianapolis:
"The press quoted me as saying
thst C. H. McNider had caused th
Muscatine State hank to call loans
upon my tenant. I made no such
statement. When Mr. Meredith
FroTn Fi idavV I'aiiy -
John Mclanie!. one of the old resi
dents of this part of the eountrv. and
who has been making his home at
t I .n w. ii n 1 in rit."niil..vo:ii(' n-t 1 11 r nvi-r
threatened to sue me for 30 cents. I , t;,ir niornlnff lo , i?it frit.niis. Mr.
onereu nun ine proceeds irom a z-n
ol ."-fid. 2sw.
Plattsmouth, Xeb.
acre farm in Muscatine county in
which I own a half interest, subject
to a J 20.000 joint stock land mort
gage, if he would pay the interest,
taxes and expenses, lie found a drain
age tax and refused the offer. Then
neighbors of mine, not in the drain
age district, offered to put in another
-10 acres on the same ti rms. Mere-
iiin men went to tiic cnamner oi
McDanb ! iias just ret-imed home
With the completion of the canvas
for uniform decorations yesterday, a
total of 1115 flag outfits for display at
the curb line had been signed for,
and with the exception of some half
home to a new roof, which hasten fronts, the entire business por-
thought that perhaps some one was
trying to gain entrance to the store
but an investigation by Officers Hein
richsen and Detlef failed to disclose
anything out of the ordinary and a
careful search was made of the vi
cinity of the store and particularly
of the alleyway but without result.
The only suspicious circumstance re
ported was that some person was seen
to leave the mouth of the alley mar
Sixth street and go toward the north
but this may have been only a belat
ed resident of the city wending his
wav homeward.
for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'F.rien were
visiting at the Parish house with
Rev. Father Uiggins and mother on
last Friday.
Joe Miller, with the auto of Mrs.
.'. Earhardt. took this lady and Mrs.
Morgan McCurdy to Witten, South
Dakota, one day last week.
Peter Vogler has been treating t
!i :i 1 tfM"."e In : Tl e IX' To
made the property more valuable andiron of main street will be filled in , jine o iecorations and favors of all
added to its appearance as well.
Hallowe'en novelties of every de
scription at the Bates Stationery and
Bock Store, Plattsmouth. Complete
Clause Breckenfeldt and wife, of
rcy hosital in Council t Elm wood, were visiting in Manley
fr-;m the
t ;i k i r. g
inz an operation. "Jack." as he is Rau.
i - l i. : 1 . . . 1 . ....... .,.,'11 .. 1 . lu.
SUZ1U, vv 1 1 1 1 e i-,l.i.lll siirri i in aisu in- , . . . . ' , .
well represented in this line. The i kinds. Drop m and look them over
contract for the placing of the metal when in the city Bargain Wednes-
' -j i - -y l. . .1 n t i i
where he spent several weeks for a short time last Wednesday and lousing lel l'f .; ' c; Clay, iney are in tne Annex.
r,.-in,i.i,t ..nri,, n .! c t. vi .o-o j-oest of Mr nn,i Mrs w tjlocal plumber, who will go ahead I
idents of Falfurris and is kept up in th; nurges at th(? Vni'versity hospital
i .i..-- , .ii i v i j ln umana. came nome last evening , comnifrce nt Davennort and descri b
in ims iiH-iny "' u..iu .,j f it uh parents. Judge ed mv farm as a du 'k no,ld Thp M.,t.
to hear from Mr. Schultz and to know d M , p.Jl anfl aiQn '".. " C P. J 1 U
hot ti! ,nHitinT,a i-n thp coth E!an(1 AIrs- Alle" J- eson and also catme State bank sent for my t-n-
" "ito recuperate irom the efiects of a.ant and told him his nntts must be
very serious accident sustained a few,paj, when due.
uays ago. .miss ueeson nan ner rigiit
hand burned in a very severe man
ner at th hospital and which oc-
The uniform street decoration plan curred in a rather peculiar manner.
to which the American Legion has A tea kettle used in one of the rooms W1 ' '..
ion its fo-nnorafion the r.nct feu- had boiled drv and Miss Eeeson tak- .
better known over the tastern part
of C;-ss county, is still feelins rath
er -,veak, bur hrpes in a sliort time
to rigain his o"ii tinu vigor.
Mioses Maggie and Katie Wolpert
and Mrs. Rose Jelly and Mrs. J. C.
with the work e.t once. These will
be set in concrete flush with the side-
jwalk and will in no way interfere
so well this year.
Say Enemies Afraid
"This tenant was a German-American
boy who had worked on the
farm as a hired hand before th" war.
ir came on. ho enlisted
in our army and served a vear and a
half in France. When he came back
I believed in him and proposed that drtssinc tabie and
chair; one walnut rocker; one ivory
dresser, one ivory boil; "-piece ma
hogany 1 i v: 11 ir room set ; glass doored i
lent its co-operation the past few nad boiled dry and iliss fceeson tak
days in a canvas of the business intr it up attempted to fill it with
houses of the citv is not conducted cold water and the heat and steam
a. 1. . . . li.. : 1. . V. f .1 . .. w frtrn iVa Vcttlo inflipfo1 i- i-tn-ni-f. 1 '
ior prom uui noiei iin me iuca ui ...v. ..v. ..v. ......v,. . .-.t . . , . k eli-Mi-e of tlo f n rm in - l,-.lf
; -,r.n . .1 i.i .,,.-no Vi o r.T , r.-r- 'c ia Ke c u a i f: e oi it. e iami in a luill-
geiling a iuu per itui uecuraieu i-umo iu n.v uufevio Ui m-i uaim inal. . v,Bif ,,.,rnt.rthin it
7. . " . 1. in-Mi moiro tt nono,,. .,.anu-nan partnersnip. it
.1 1 1 1 11 ril cri liuui Liir uuiiuifiuu piu i ----- .- . . . . . . "
tion at least to the Methodist church member in a badge for some time.
corner, and at the outset the Legion!
pledged its commission amounting to ' Trrrj'WTjTP fjrPT AT TOTTIS-
i " " -
rug. 9x12; white enamel
Eternal" c( ok stovt-; six oak dining
room chairs; Galloway cream sepa
rator. Evervthini; pvact iculi v new.
l 1 i mi. e.-st of Union.
Phone COO.T.
Rauth were visiting and looking af
ter some shopping in Louisville last
P. A. Mookenhaupt from near
Greenwood was a visitor at the home
of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
i Mockenhaupt and was accompanied
jbv the family.
t Henry Christensen and wife, of
..Weeping Water, and the sister of;
wiih pedestrians.
From Friday's I'-aiiy
At the me. ting called for tlie se
lecting of the location for a site for
the new consolidated school building
kitchen cupboard; seamless velvet' ;.,,;,.,,. ' r. iat Murdock last Monday night, the
sn. of Omaha, were all visiting last.'0 .,.
Si nday at the pleasant home of Her
in: r i: :i ii 11 ij; s ii ii n ii'v
i t in,- n Tovr-ni,..; ir ,1 o r ,1 ha 1 1 o 1 1 i a g. The plan announced for most
"v-iiter fi'Tritii "ml To'm making tlie selection was that an in-, and will make good dairy cows.
Crane went to Omaha to witness the
of the district succeeded iir
deciding on a suitable plat after sev
eral hours of spirited, yet triendly
Journal want ads v&y. Try them.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at Cullom. Neb., on the larm
known as the Falter place, ten miles
west of Plattsmouth. and five miles
east of -Cedar Creek, sale commenc
ing at 1;0 o'clock p. in. sharp, on
29 Head of Cattle
These are two-year-olds, and tho
of them are heavy springers.
formal ballot would first be taken,. Terms of Sale
ii i :.i and on each succeeding; ballot the m on1t, ,.r tin .ir.,i nn.ier nsh.
liioxiiiE man ii unu eie unumpiiiiifu .-n mi" w, ....... w....
- bv John P. Stander, who attended a!locaKOT living the fewest votes Qn gljms ov(.r j10 a (T.dit f six
J. H. Hall departed this morn- Q.",AU. !nuonH r.f ti,o hnvinr match would be dropped from the list. Af- mni,,hs will be civen. mirchaser eriv-
some capital and my brother and I 1)r
backed him at the Muscatine State '"P for Omaha, whrre he was called
George Schafer and wife of Ben-! had narrowed down to two.,jlls bankable note bearing eight per
50 cents for each installation order at
$3.85 complete, to the purchase of
fine outfits for vacant lots and to
i ..v, ninnnc . i , .n,,i tvo ' From Friday's I 'ailv
1111 111 a L cum uiovca o 1 1 "uuiu tjT i i t nnc
The "Wonder Girl." who has thril- 1
bank for ibout $3, GOO. He has re-; to look alter some prolessional busi- Pon vvcre visiting at the homes of polluS i continue unui one nan t nt interest from date. No property
duced his loan about $400 n year, bjness. , Georce Scliafer here and Theo Harms : secured two-thirds of the votes. and;to ,,e removed from the premises un-
"VTLLE TO AID IN SEARCH the hardest work and the closest sav- Mis Heise! drnarted this and later taking Uncle George and . lls was consiaere:! a most lair an.i-tjl settie( for. Anybody .lesirii to
jiner, aunou:ii our nail not paid nioniinf: for f):ii;dia to sptnd the day , Jlis Carrie Scliafer and spending the V . . , i. .n.i. m s0l anything can bring it to tins sale.
expenses and taxes in tliese McXider in that city looking after some mat-'.hiy at Ed Pankouin's last Sunday.
iters of business. Miss Marie Maher. one of the I
I "The moment has arrived when
relations as "a foreteller of events : Perhaps 1 should sa something nbo..:t.E. w.Cook were the pas
d who seems possessed of a re- ne lbs Jes, ot the coming campaign in.Per: tli iM morning for Omaha, w
irkable instinct for the foretelling;,10 to soldiers of the American ! thov v;,it for the (UlV
hannenines. is to eome to Louis- Region. I P to ..ate my enemies have '
iled Kansas City and Omaha with her
of happenings, is to come to Louis- . . , , t,je'MHS n:1'
...n . 1 i .i: . . 'chosen the issue and thev have fenc
that place and endeavor to locate the !e(1 ,t,a.,!out ith falsehood, misrep
bodies of Mrs. Lou Smith and the ; "ntation and tleceit They have
little Morgan child, who are stiu located it a long way from home be
,!; i cause there are burning questions ;.t
, o ... , , . jhome which they are afraid to face.
.,h h-h,len '" They also want to conceal the per
touch with the "onder Girl sonne, and purpose of the vicious at
she has described the location whe re tack which thev make n rh
in her vision she saw the bodies a-d ,i i.i i i.-..
, . f ij ti v 1 ia i.iit- ti r is-
Mrs. Nettie l!a'
decision by everyone.
A good attendance was present at
kvorth ..,! Mrs teachers of the Manley school, has -ietuiif. -i uai er ineuiun,; i. u,
tssen- been inuisposed for the past two
here 'weeks and her sister, Mrs. John
been completed and the useless bal-.KEX YOUNG. Auct..
lots cleared away, a check-up of the : LOU'VILLE U K COMMERCE. Clerk.
Poultry Wanted!
will come to Louisville in person, it
is stated to try and assist in recov. r
icg the bodies.
sue. 1 ti is.
not do."
I promise you, they shall
From fiatnrihiy's I;iily
Yesterday afternoon Ralph J.
Haynie and sons, lioscoe and Ken
neth departed for Glenwood where
From Friday's laily
The aftermath of tne fistic cn-
counter at Avoca Wednesday eve.i-
iircrnMFSnAY OPT 17TH , C vt the' were cal,e3 b' the iIln,'ss of
WEDNEbLJ A I , UUI. 17111 ing when the Parties involved were father of Ra, h Mr Paul ,Iavnie
Dl .mm,tTi Nhraslca aU here and the sifting process stavt- oce of the w resident8 of jIiUs
PlattsmOUtn, INebraska ,ed before Justice VUUiam Weber, to county Mrs Ra, h Havn,e haR been
A car load of live poultry wanted find le. ad wf fr.e f J there for the past few days during
VaLiverea at poultry car near i""""1"' Vi?' had the critical illness of the aged pic?
the Burlington freight house. Platts-1 e""r 'Vlfe cts of the m nr ,who is offering from a severe
mouth WEDNESDAY. Oct. 17th. one "ned tne worst enects ol the mix- attack of bronchial pneumonia. Mr.
day only, for which we -the
'Paul Haynie is seventy-four years of
age and has spent seventy-three years
x- ill
T I l.X 1J 1 X
uuipiaiiiLs w fit uieu vy vouuiy
A A A . A 1 tT! 1 1 ! .
Aiiurney a. k,. uoie against v imam in Mi,,a ,.miTlt ua .oel , . ,
Bucholz in which he was charged there as a babe' b hig fe d
with havlTii trior! t n nrnvnl-o on na : . . .....
ii, 1Q' v . T " , :ne ls one ot tne oldest resiednts of
iieavy neu, r ""V:. """.that county or in fact in anv of the
Heavy Springs, per lb 16c.guage directed against Mr. Mickle western part of the state of Iowa.
Old COX, per lb 7c and a similar charge was also laid lWhile his iUnc hag been
. v ,i. k against Clyde Bogard. After hearing vro it ic t,lollcrv. tht .
UnCKS, per lo tne evidence in the case Justice Wil-' - l'"". ,3
' iv 15e i eviuence in me case justice vii ; showing some slight improvement but
Caw -ner ID J-OC 1 am Weber assessed a finp of Sin ' . ,,, ... ..
Legborn Poultry 3c lb. less
Fanners, Notice
WFDNESDAY is our regular buy-:
ing day in Plattsmouth and we will
nnc;ivir be there on the date ad-.
vertised in this ad U prepared to take ! candies e Bates Corner Book and ?2rJiehJLrZ J,
liam Weber assessed a fine of $10
and costs which amounted to
$28.60 against Mr. Bucholz while Mr.
Bogard drew a fine of $1 and costs,
amounting to $13.90.
is still very critically ill.
From Saturday's Iiaily
Get a box of the famons Norris This morning in the court of Judge
all poultry that may be offered us at -
Th- above prices. .Stationery Store
the charge of intoxication that had I
been preferred against him. Mr. '
Journal want ads pay. Try them. Huntman was arrested Wednesday
No matter hour old no
matter how useless your
""ol d vacuum cleaner is worth
$12.50 to you toward the
purchase of the splendid
I Mockenhaupt, has been supplying
during the time. Miss Maher is re
ported as being some better.
George Stoll is working in the Bur
lington shops at Plattsmouth, and
the farm is being locked after by
Mrs. Stoll for the present. They will
not expect to continue on the farm
for the coming year, but will work
iii me Biiops aim win move 10 .fiaiis-
mourn wnen tney snail nave gotten
matters arranged on the farm.
Tlie workmen who have in hand
the maintaining of the roads, have!
just completed the grading of the
road running between Louis Kreck
low's and Ferd P.runkow's and have
gotten the road in very good condi
tion but it has not gotten settled as
yet. for we know, having taken that
road on our way home last week.
Two-deaners-in-one. Strong
ruction. And a motor-driven
brush. A combination that
gets the dirt all of it.
Ask us, today, to dsmon
strate this cleaner on your
own rugs with no obliga
tion to you.
Convenient terms.
Nebraska Gas & Electric Co.
518 Main St.
What is Your Address?
Were Married at Gretna
At Gretna, (not "Gretna Green)
last Wednesday at the home of the
bride's parents, was celebrated the
wedding of Mr. James O'Leary and !
Miss Clara Trihy. The groom is well
known here, having been born andj
grown to mannooa nere, wniie tne
bride was a teacher in the Manley
j schools for some two years. A num-
oer oi pi-opie iroui utrre were over 10
attend the wedding and among them
were Father Higgins and Edward
Kelly. They are receiving congratu
lations and best wishes from their
numerous friends here, which are
coupled with the best wishes from
the Journal for health, happiness and
Married Last Wednesday
At the home of Mr. Edward Bauer
I was celebrated the wedding of his
Ison. Edward Bauer vand Mies Elsie
. O'Brien, a foster daughter of Mr.
j Bauer, who has been raised by Mr.
and Mrs. Bauer and a most excellent
young woman. They will make their
Ghesfar Whits Hog Sale!-
W. W. Carper's Fall Sale of Choice Chester Whites
will be held in
Syracuse, Fiebraska,
Friday, October 194h, 1923,
commencing at 1:00 p. m.,
23 choice Spring boars; 7 Fall Boars; 10 open gilts; 1
sow and litter; a top lot of boars and gilts, including
many outstanding individuals. This will be one of
the best Chester White offerings to go through a ring
in Nebraska. A beginner's chance to obtain unre
lated boars and gilts.
New blood lines for old customers.
Herd Sires Spring View Wonder, Alfalfa Su
preme, Carper's Model Great and Constructor, the
1922 Jr. Champion.
All immune. Write for catalogue.
Auctioneers Price &. Guthrie.
fiS. W. O&RP&R, Owner
Dunbar, Nebraska